Spring 2023 Commencement Program

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School of Graduate Studies Commencement Exercises

Spring 2023

The Eighteenth of May

Two Thousand and Twenty-Three

Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning

James H. and Louise Hayley Gilliam Concert Hall

Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center

Undergraduate Commencement Exercises

Spring 2023

The Twentieth of May

Two Thousand and Twenty-Three

Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning

W. A. C. Hughes Memorial Stadium

Morgan State University

1700 E. Cold Spring Lane

Baltimore, Maryland 21251



Welcome to the 146th Spring Commencement Exercises of Morgan State University. The University solicits your cooperation in helping to sustain the dignity and solemnity of this happy occasion. We respectfully request that you refrain from engaging in conversation as well as moving about while the Commencement Exercises are in progress. Once the exercises have begun, only members of the authorized working press and authorized photographers will be permitted on the arena floor.

We ask our guests to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of the Hymn.

Thank you.

The list of graduates that appears in this booklet is tentative and contingent upon satisfactory completion of all requirements for graduation, and participation in these Commencement Exercises cannot be interpreted as having completed all requirements for graduation from Morgan State University.


Lift ev’ry voice and sing

Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of liberty; Let our rejoicing rise

High as the list’ning skies.

Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us.

Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;

Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won.



Stony the road we trod, Bitter the chast’ning rod, Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, Have not our weary feet, Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?

We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered, Out from the gloomy past Till now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

The Alma Mater


Fair Morgan, we love thee, so tried and so true, Our hearts at thy name thrill with pride; We owe thee allegiance, we pledge thee our faith, A faith which shall ever abide.


We pledge thee our love, we pledge thee our faith, Whatever the future may bring, And thus our devotion, fidelity too, And homage we pay as we sing.


Fair Morgan, as onward the years quickly fly, And thou livest in memory sweet. We bring thee our laurels whatever they be, And lay them with joy at thy feet.


God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who has brought us thus far on the way. Thou who has by Thy might, Led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, Our God, where we met Thee. Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand, True to our God, True to our Native land.

Alumni OathofAllegiance

I hereby solemnly pledge unbroken allegiance to Alma Mater in appreciation for opportunities for development afforded me as a student at Morgan State University.

I pledge active membership in the National Alumni Association wherever I may be. Through association with fellow alumni, I shall ever do my best to uphold the ideals and traditions of Alma Mater.

I pledge as a citizen to exemplify the high ideals thus implied, rendering positive service to community, state and nation, and so to live as ever to bring honor and respect to Alma Mater.


Officers ofthe University


The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Chair

Gen. (Ret.) Larry R. Ellis, Vice Chair

The Honorable Tracey L. Parker-Warren, Secretary

Mr. Martin Adu-Boahene, Student Regent

The Rev. Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr.

Dr. Linda J. Gilliam

Dr. Burney J. Hollis

Ms. Emily M. Hunter

Dr. Shirley M. Malcom

Mr. Wayne Resnick

Mr. William A. Sherman II

Ms. Shelonda D. Stokes

Mr. Carl W. Turnipseed

Mr. Winston A. Wilkinson


Dr. David K. Wilson, President

Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Kevin M. Banks, Vice President for Student Affairs

Mr. Sidney H. Evans, Jr., Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration

Ms. Armada Grant, Special Assistant to the President

Dr. Willie E. May, Vice President for Research and Economic Development

Dr. Adebisi Oladipupo, Vice President/Chief Information Officer for Division of Information Technology

Ms. Dena Freeman-Patton, Vice President and Director for Intercollegiate Athletics

Dr. Kara Miles Turner, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success

Ms. Tara Turner, Interim Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Dr. Don-Terry Veal, Vice President for State and Federal Relations and Chief of Staff to the President

Sen. Joan Carter-Conway, Deputy Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs

Ms. Julie D. Goodwin, General Counsel


Dr. Oscar Barton, Jr., Dean of the Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering

Dr. Fikru Boghossian, Dean of the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management

Dr. Mark D. Garrison, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Prof. Jacqueline Jones, Dean of the School of Global Journalism and Communication

Dr. Bernard Keels, Dean of the University Memorial Chapel

Dr. Anna McPhatter, Dean of the School of Social Work

Dr. M’bare N’gom, Dean of the James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

Dr. Glenda Prime, Dean of the School of Education and Urban Studies

Dr. Siddhartha Sen, Interim Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning

Dr. Kim Dobson Sydnor, Dean of the School of Community Health and Policy

Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou, Dean of the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Dr. Nicole M. Westrick, Dean of the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies


Dr. Sharon Oliver-Whitehurst, Chair

Dr. Kimberly Warren, Vice Chair

Prof. Welma Redd, Secretary

Dr. Terra Bowen-Reid, Parliamentarian


Ms. Jaden Dawson, Student Government Association President

Ms. Sydney Beatty, Student Government Association Vice President

Omolade Ola, Graduate Student Association President

Rosalind Fleming, Graduate Student Association

Vice President

Mr. James Morgan, Graduate Student Association

Vice President



he Morgan State University Presidential Chain of Office is bestowed upon each President of the University at an official inauguration ceremony and is worn by the President at Commencement and all official occasions requiring the wearing of academic regalia. It is a permanent insignia of office and is passed down to each succeeding president of the University.

The Morgan State University Presidential Chain of Office is cast in bronze with an antique patina and consists of a chain of 1 ½-inch medallions engraved with the names of the presidents of the institution and the four periods and dates in its evolution: Centenary Biblical Institute, Morgan College, Morgan State College and Morgan State University. The medallions for the current and past presidents drape around the front, and the medallions noting the periods in the history of the institution drape around the back of the academic regalia. Near the bottom of the Chain are two banners with laurel leaves, attached to two round medallions bearing the official logo of the University. At the bottom of the Chain is a banner, crested with laurel leaves, bearing the inscription President, below which sits the official Presidential Medallion, a 3-inch round medal with a double-faced design embossed relief with the Seal of the University and its colors on the front and engraved with the University logo on the verso plane. Below the Presidential Medallion is a banner inscribed with the name of the current President.

The Presidential Chain was designed by the Inauguration Committee for Morgan’s Tenth Inaugurated President, Dr. David Wilson, in collaboration with the Office of Public Relations and Strategic Communications, and crafted by Medallic Art Company of Northwest Territorial Mint in Dayton, Nevada, in 2010. It was donated by Dr. Clara I. Adams, Morgan State University Class of 1954, former Special Assistant to the President, and Mr. Wilbert L. Walker, Morgan State University Class of 1950.


The mace (Arabic, amūd; Latin, mascea) was originally a weapon: a short handle topped with a metal ball, its bludgeoning force eclipsed that of a club. A common sight in medieval armies, the mace also served as a symbol of authority, appearing on the seals of such monarchs as Edward the Confessor, Philip Augustus and Frederick Barbarossa. In academic settings, a bedellus (lay church official) processed with the mace during commencement; hence, it was adopted by colleges and universities throughout the West and, in the United States, is usually borne by the Chief Faculty Marshal in academic processions.

During its Sesquicentennial Celebration December 2016 through December 2017 Morgan State University retired its sixty-year-old mace and replaced it with a longer mace that can accommodate the names of additional Presidents over the years and that displays more prominently the insignia of the four major periods of its development: Centenary Biblical Institute, Morgan College, Morgan State College and Morgan State University.

The new mace, crafted by the Medallic Art Company in Dayton, Nevada, has a 36-inch-tall fluted mahogany staff with 14 antique brass banners encircling it, the first 10 engraved with the names and terms of the inaugurated Presidents of the University. The mace head is a four-sided mahogany crown that bears images of three iconic Morgan structures and, on one side, the seal of the University, all in bronze, and, at its top the traditional flame of knowledge. The base of the mace is adorned with a tiered brass foot. The new mace was designed by the Sesquicentennial Celebration Coordinating Committee, and it is a Sesquicentennial Gift to the University from the MSU Alumni Association.


Dr. Milton L. Calloway 1974–2009 Dr. Clayton C. Stansbury 1948–1966 Dr. George H. Spaulding 2009– Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah 1966–1974 Dr. Nathaniel K. Proctor


Some colleagues and community friends of the late Dr. Iva Gwendolyn Jones, Professor Emerita of the Morgan State University Department of English, honored her as a scholar, leader and teacher, by extending as a gift to Morgan State University the Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem, which is the conception of the late Assistant Professor Emeritus Samuel L. Green, who was one of the two designers of the symbol. The second co-designer, and medallion silversmith, was retired Associate Professor Kenneth Royster.

The Emblem fabric approximates in width the border of the master’s hood, is velvet and employs the University colors blue and orange. The detachable chain, which surmounts the emblem and helps to drape the wearer’s front and shoulders, bears silver mounts that hold the medallions in

Appraisers have assessed each silver medallion at more than ten times the value of the United States silver dollar, which the one emblem medallions which the Philadelphia Mint created exclusively for the Negro Commemorative Society (Membership Number 1043) display the images of African-American notables such as Crispus Attucks, Benjamin Banneker, Henry O. Tanner, Lorraine Hansberry, Mary Church Terrell, Alaine Locke and Ralph Bunche.

Annually, colleagues, employing University-approved criteria, select an individual to wear the Emblem. Those honored by this selection are persons who reflect vividly in their professional lives the qualities distinguishing the individual whose name the Emblem bears.






Dr. Christine Hohmann, Full Professor of Biology, School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Dr. Celeste Chavis, Associate Professor of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies

Dr. Leah Hollis, Associate Professor, Advanced Studies Leadership and Policy, School of Education and Urban Studies

Dr. Golshan Javadian, Associate Professor, Business Administration, Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management

For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards

TheDr.SandyeJeanMcIntyreII InternationalAward

The Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II International Award, a sash designed and tailored specifically for this award, is inspired by the diplomatic sash customarily worn for formal occasions by ambassadors, consuls and other dignitaries. It is red satin accented with a traditional rosette and blue, white, yellow and green ribbons, representing the flags of the United States of America, France, Senegal and other countries with which Dr. McIntyre had contact in his diplomatic and academic careers. In the center front of the sash, a specially commissioned gold medal (struck by Charles Nusinov and Sons) features a world map enclosed by laurel wreaths and the name of the award.

The Award was established in 1997 and conferred upon Dr. McIntyre at the annual Founders Day Convocation in 1997. It is given to that member of the Morgan faculty who demonstrates extraordinary commitment to global learning and international understanding and who promotes international programs at Morgan.


2019 Dr. Mingchao Cai, Associate Professor of Mathematics, School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

2021 Dr. Kimberly Warren, Associate Professor of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts

For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards



The traditional black caps and gowns worn by students and faculty in the academic procession have been the historic regalia of scholars since medieval times. Because many scholars of that period were members of monastic orders, the academic regalia probably represents an adaptation of ecclesiastical dress.

A uniform code for academic regalia was drafted by an intercollegiate commission in 1893 and has since been adopted by the majority of colleges and universities in the United States. Each of the three academic degrees bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral has its own distinctive gown and hood. The gown representing the bachelor’s degree is distinguished by its long pointed sleeve. The master’s gown has a longer, narrow, closed sleeve, extending below the knee. The arm is passed through a slit at the elbow. In contrast, the doctor’s gown is faced with wide velvet bands, which may be black or a color indicating the general field of learning of the wearer for example, dark blue for philosophy, green for medicine and purple for law.

The most colorful and distinctive item of the academic regalia is the hood, which passes around the neck and extends down the back. The doctor’s hood is the largest, and the bachelor’s hood is the smallest. Often the use of a bachelor’s hood is omitted. The wearer’s field of learning is indicated by the color of the hood and the tassel. Among the colors of hoods are:


Blue Violet

Arts, Letters, Humanities White

City Planning

Blue Violet

Commerce, Accountancy, Business ............. Drab

Education ............................................. Light Blue

Engineering ................................................ Orange

Fine Arts ...................................................... Brown

Human Ecology


Journalism Crimson

Library Science .......................................... Lemon

Medicine ..................................................... Green

Music Pink

Nursing Apricot

Philosophy Dark Blue

Physical Education ................................. Sage Green

Public Administration ........................ Peacock Blue

Public Health ....................................... Salmon Pink

Science ............................................... Golden Yellow

Social Science Citron

Social Work Citron

Speech (Oratory) .............................................. Silver

Theology and Divinity ................................... Scarlet

The colors of the silk lining exposed in the center of the hood are those of the college or university which conferred the degree. The tassel may be either black or the color of the field of learning. The tassel of the doctor’s cap is usually gold.



The first known degree was a doctorate conferred by the University of Bologna in the middle of the 12th century. Originally, the doctor’s and master’s degrees were used interchangeably, each indicating that the holder was qualified to give instruction to students. The bachelor’s or baccalaureate degree indicated only entrance upon a course of study preparatory to the doctorate or mastership. Gradually, however, the bachelor’s degree came to mean successful completion of one level of study preparatory to the higher degrees.

Today, there are more than 1,600 different academic degrees conferred by colleges and universities in the United States. The advanced degrees granted by Morgan State University are the Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Science, Master of Business Administration, Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of City and Regional Planning, Master of Engineering, Master of Public Health, Master of Social Work, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Public Health and Doctor of Business Administration.


The doctoral degree or doctorate represents the most advanced degree conferred at institutions of higher education in the United States. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a doctor in the academic sense as “one who, in any faculty or branch of learning, has attained to the highest degree conferred by a university.”

There are two major types of doctoral degrees: earned doctorates and honorary doctorates. Earned doctorates are further divided into two distinct types: the research degree and the professional or practitioner degree. The distinguishing feature of the research degree is that it normally requires a lengthy scholarly dissertation, which is usually designed to constitute a substantial contribution to the existing body of knowledge in its field. The most important doctorate of the research type at institutions of higher education in the United States is the Doctor of Philosophy. The only other earned doctorate of the research type which has secured wide recognition and use by a large number of leading United States universities is the Doctor of Education.


The master’s degree is an academic honor conferred upon students who have successfully completed one or two years’ work beyond the baccalaureate. A thesis and an oral examination are usually required. The word magister connected with a qualifying phrase was used among the Romans as the title of honor, but its present meaning must be traced to the time of the establishment of the oldest universities. Regularly organized faculties were not then known as they now exist in the universities. The whole circle of academic activity was limited to seven liberal arts. Those who received public honors in the completed studies, and who had already received the degree of baccalaureus (bachelor), were called magistri artium (masters of the liberal arts).


The bachelor’s degree represents completion of a four-year course of study of collegiate grade and is the oldest academic degree used at institutions of higher learning in the United States. The degree of Bachelor of Arts was the first conferred in the United States in 1642 on nine young men, comprising the first graduating class of Harvard College. Yale conferred its first Bachelor of Arts in 1702; Princeton in 1748; William and Mary in 1753; Pennsylvania in 1757; Columbia in 1758; and Morgan State to George W. F. McMechen in 1895.

* Eells, Walter Crosby. Degrees in Higher Education. New York: The Center for Applied Research in Education, 1967.

** Sometimes designated as the baccalaureate degree, from the Latin baccalaris, “under the influence of,” and lauris, “laurel,” used as a designation of honor, distinction or fame.


SchoolofGraduateStudies CommencementExercises

School of Graduate Studies Commencement Exercises

Spring 2023

The Eighteenth of May

Two Thousand and Twenty-Three

Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning

James H. and Louise Hayley Gilliam Concert Hall

Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center

Morgan State University

1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, Maryland 21251




Chief Faculty Marshal of the University

Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah

Associate Marshals

Ms. Heidi A. Bruce

Dr. Edwin T. Johnson

Mrs. Natasha Lewis-Williams

Dr. Tiffany B. Mfume

Marshals for the Faculty

Dr. Ernest Brevard, Jr.

Dr. Nilajah Nyasuma Sims

Dr. Tyrone Stanley

Marshals for the School of Graduate Studies

Dr. Sharlene Allen-Milton

Dr. Virginia L. Byrne

Mrs. Carol-Ann Francis-Hendricks

Dr. Carla Jackson

Dr. Donghee Kang

Dr. Monica Poindexter


Academic Administrators

Faculty Emeriti

Graduate Faculty of the University

Graduate Candidates




President of the University Council

President of the MSU Alumni Association


University Registrar

Master’s Degree Representative

Doctoral Degree Representative

Special Guests

Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Awardee

Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II Sash Awardee

Assistants to the President

University Counsel

Chief of Staff to the President

Chair of the Commencement Committee

Deans of the University

Vice Presidents of the University

University Board of Regents

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Chairman of the Board of Regents

President of the University


OrderofExercises GraduateSchoolCeremony

PROCESSIONAL “Pomp and Circumstance” ...................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar

Dr. Samuel Springer, University Organist

The audience is requested to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.”

WELCOME ............................................................................................................................. Dr. David K. Wilson, President

INVOCATION Minister Clarence A. Wayman, Methodist Chaplain, University Memorial Chapel


“Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” Led by Jaron Darden, Baritone


Gen. Larry R. Ellis, U.S. Army (Ret.), Vice Chair, Board of Regents

SALUTE TO THE GRADUATES………………………………………………………………………Kernysha Rowe, Doctoral Candidate Temitope Ajibola, Master’s Degree Candidate

PRESENTING OF DEGREES IN COURSE ............................................................................................ Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

CONFERRING OF DOCTORATES ....................................................................................

Dr. David K. Wilson, President Names Read by Dr. Darryl Peterkin, Assistant Dean for Student Success, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

CONFERRING OF MASTER’S DEGREES..........................................................................

Dr. David K. Wilson, President Names Read by Dr. Darryl L. Peterkin, Assistant Dean for Student Success, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

INDUCTION INTO THE MSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION............................................................ Mrs. Phyllis C. Davis, President of the MSU Alumni Association

ALMA MATER ....................................................................................................................... Led by Jaron Darden, Baritone

BENEDICTION Minister Clarence A. Wayman, Methodist Chaplain, University Memorial Chapel

RECESSIONAL “Pomp and Circumstance” ...................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar

Dr. Samuel Springer, University Organist


Candidatesfor Degrees

SchoolofGraduate Studies


Doctor of Philosophy Degrees

Munirah Alnefaie

B.S., King Saud University, 2005

M.S., King Saud University, 2011

Business Administration

Dissertation: “Goodwill Impairment after M&A: The Associations with Target Firms’ Earnings Quality and Accounting Experts on Acquiring Firms’ Audit Committees”

Advisor: Dr. Phyllis Keys

Paul Bikoi .................................................................................................................................................................................

B.S., University of Maryland at Baltimore County, 2011

M.S., Bowie State University, 2015

Dissertation: “Asymptotic Behavior of Mild Solutions to Certain Linear Evolution Equations in Banach Spaces”

Advisor: Dr. Gaston N'Guérékata


Busola Eniola History

B.A., University of Lagos, 1988

M.S., University of Lagos, 1990

Dissertation: “The Making of a New African Diaspora: Nigerian Immigrants in the United States, 1986 to 2013”

Advisor: Dr. Jeremiah Dibua

Romario Gildas Foko Tiomela ................................................................................................................................................

B.S., University of Dschang, 2015

M.S., University of Dschang, 2017

M.S., African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 2018

Dissertation: “On the Asymptotic Behavior and Optimal Control of Some Classes of Evolution Equations”

Advisor: Drs. Gaston N'Guérékata and Gisèle Mophou



Paige Harvey ...................................................................................................................................................... Secure Embedded Systems

B.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Dissertation: “Tackling the Class Imbalance Problem for Medical Datasets and Undergraduate Student Mentorship”

Advisor: Dr. Kevin Kornegay

Jesse Kane Higher Education

B.S., Bowie State University, 1996

M.A., Bowie State University, 1999

Dissertation: “How Word Choice Influences Understanding: A Hermeneutic Analysis of the National Survey of Student Engagement”

Advisor: Dr. Benjamin Welsh

Serwaa Karikari .................................................................................................................................................... Business Administration

B.S., University of Ghana, 2011

M.S., University of Ghana, 2016

Dissertation: “Riding the Brand Activism Wave: Three Essays on Responses to Incongruence in Brand Activism”

Advisor: Dr. Michael Callow

Nikelene McLean Bioenvironmental Science

B.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Dissertation: “Characterizing the Interannual Spatiotemporal Population Dynamics of the Atlantic Bay Nettle (Chrysaora Chesapeakei) in the Patuxent River, MD”

Advisor: Dr. Chunlei Fan

Yetunde Orimoloye Business Administration

B.S., Morgan State University, 2010

M.B.A., Morgan State University, 2012

Dissertation: “Essays on Audit Committee Interlocks and Financial Reporting Quality”

Advisor: Dr. Sheela Thiruvadi

Lisa Parlade ..................................................................................................................................................................... Higher Education

B.A., Temple University, 2009

M.Ed., Widener University, 2014

Dissertation: “Exploring the Narratives of Latinas in Latin Greek Letter Organizations and the Journey to Successful Baccalaureate Degree Attainment”

Advisor: Dr. Sean Robinson

Rodney Rector ................................................................................................................................................................................ Nursing

B.S., Coppin State University, 1991

M.S., Coppin State University, 1998

M.S., Morgan State University, 2011

Dissertation: “The Effects of Perioperative Simulation on Nursing Students in Medical-Surgical Nursing Education Courses”

Advisor: Dr. Malliga Jambulingam

Sean Richardson Secure Embedded Systems

B.S., Morgan State University, 2000

M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2004

Dissertation: “LoRaWAN Sensor Network Jamming Detection and Mitigation Using Machine Learning in the Cloud”

Advisor: Dr. Michel Kornegay


Kernysha Rowe ............................................................................................................................................................... Higher Education

B.S., Florida International University, 2006

M.B.A., University of Phoenix, 2009

M.A., The George Washington University, 2012

Dissertation: “Crowning Glory: Exploring the Narratives of Black Women with Natural Hair and Hair Texture During the Construction of Professional Identities as Medical and Law Professionals”

Advisor: Dr. Sean Robinson

Edmund Smith ................................................................................................................................................. Secure Embedded Systems

B.S., Morgan State University, 2017

Dissertation: “AES in Counter Mode (AES-CTR) Analysis Using Enhanced Jaffe Method”

Advisor: Dr. Michel Kornegay

Marcial Tienteu Secure Embedded Systems

B.S., Morgan State University, 2015

Dissertation: “AES Counter Mode Electromagnetic Analysis Using Template Attack”

Advisor: Dr. Michel Kornegay

Angel Wazin Higher Education

B.S., Cuttington University, 2008

M.B.A., Webber International University, 2011

Dissertation: “Exploring Senior Black Leaders’ Interpersonal Relationships with Their White Counterparts at Predominantly White Institutions and the Impacts on Their Roles”

Advisor: Dr. Sean Robinson

Doctor of Education Degrees

Maryam Alharbi ......................................................................................................................................... Urban Educational Leadership

M.S., Shenandoah University, 2015

Dissertation: “Remote Schooling in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspective of Graduate Student-Parents”

Advisor: Dr. Benjamin Welsh

Anissa K. Brown Dennis ............................................................................................................................

B.S., Bloomsburg University, 1993

M.Ed., Loyola University Maryland, 1999

Dissertation: “The Principal as Social Justice Leader: A Phenomenological Study” Advisor: Drs. Gretchen Rudham and Warren Hayman

Urban Educational Leadership

Samala Lewis ..................................................................................................................................................................

B.S., Morgan State University, 1999

M.S., Morgan State Univerity, 2003

Science Education

Dissertation: “Examining the Multicultural Teaching Competency and Culturally Relevant Educational Practices of Science Educators”

Advisor: Dr. Vanessa Dodo-Seriki

Ayana Malone

B.S., Virginia Commonwealth Univerity, 1996

M.A., American University, 1999

M.A.T., Southeast Louisiana University, 2001

Urban Educational Leadership

Dissertation: “Black Students and Educator Disposition: A Grounded Theory for Educator Professional Development”

Advisor: Dr. Omari Jackson


Alexander Obeahon ...................................................................................................................................

B.S., Coppin State University, 1993

M.P.A., University of Baltimore, 1996

Urban Educational Leadership

Dissertation: “A Case Study of Teachers’ Experiences With Alternative Education High Schools as Organizations in an Urban Education Setting”

Advisor: Dr. Gretchen Rudham

Loubert Senatus .......................................................................................................................................

B.A., University of Florida, 2007

M.S., Barry University, 2011

Community College Leadership

Dissertation: “The Impact of Peer Leadership on Peer Engagement & Belonging at a Two-Year Minority Serving Institution”

Advisor: Dr. Leah Hollis

Brian Singleton ........................................................................................................................................

B.A., Eastern Michigan University, 1998

M.B.A., University of Phoenix, 2004

Community College Leadership

Dissertation: “The Relationship Between Location (Urban, Suburban and Rural Community Colleges) and Student Engagement”

Advisor: Dr. Robin Spaid

Kevin Wade..............................................................................................................................................

B.A., Elizabeth City State University, 2002

M.P.A., Troy University, 2005

Community College Leadership

Dissertation: “We Shall Overcome: A Narrative Inquiry of How Recent Trio Student Support Services (SSS) Graduates Overcame Barriers to Achieve Academic Success at a Rural Community College”

Advisor: Dr. Wilbur Hicks

Wendi Wallace ..........................................................................................................................................

B.S., West Virginia University, 1996

M.A., West Virginia Univerity, 1998

Urban Educational Leadership

Dissertation: “Qualitative Study Examining the Experiences of Black Male Elementary Educators in a Suburban Public School Setting”

Advisor: Dr. Christian Anderson

Verletta White ...........................................................................................................................................

B.S., Towson Univerity, 1992

M.A., Notre Dame of Maryland University, 1999

Dissertation: “Millennial Teachers' Perceptions of Factors Influencing Attrition in High Poverty Schools”

Advisor: Dr. Gretchen Rudham

Doctor of Engineering Degrees

Urban Educational Leadership

Rawaa Al Tameemi ................................................................................................................................................................... Engineering

B.S., University of Baghdad, 2000

M.S., Morgan State University, 2017

Dissertation: “Wastewater Sludge Driven Biochar Characteristics and Ability to Remove Heavy Metals in Highway Stormwater Runoff”

Advisor: Dr. Dong Hee Kang

Olalekan Asaolu Engineering

B. Tech, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, 2010

M.S., Morgan State University, 2017

Dissertation: “Leveraging Deep Learning-Enabled Intrusion Detection Systems for a Cloud Environment”

Advisor: Drs. Tridip K Bardhan and LeeRoy Bronner


Kevin Johnson...........................................................................................................................................................................

B.S., Morgan State University, 2001

M.Eng , University of Maryland, College Park, 2005

Dissertation: “Crosstalk Correction Using a Capacitive Model in WR8 Band for On-Wafer Calibration and Measurement”

Advisor: Dr. Michel Kornegay

Ruel Sabellano ..........................................................................................................................................................................

B.S., Cebu Institute of Technology-University, 1997

M.S., University of Southern Philippines, 2002

Dissertation: “Development of a Decision-Making Tool for Bridge Preservation and Maintenance”

Advisor: Dr. Mehdi Shokouhian

Doctor of Public Health Degrees

Adebola Akinyemi .................................................................................................................................................................

B.S., Obafemi Awolowo University, 1992

M.A., University of Aberdeen, 2000

M.P.H., George Washington University, 2004



Public Health

Dissertation: “Precipitating Circumstances of Male Legal Intervention Deaths by Race/Ethnicity, 17 National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) States, 2012–2017”

Advisor: Dr. Mian Hossain

Chelsea Arthur.......................................................................................................................................................................

B.S., Morgan State University, 2001

M.S., University of Maryland Global Campus, 2011

Public Health

Dissertation: “The Effects of Addressing Social Determinants through Health Plan Benefit Packages on Standard Quality Measurement Program

Performance: A Retrospective Cohort Study”

Advisor: Dr. Sharon Barrett

Michael Dukes .......................................................................................................................................................................

B.A., Morgan State University, 2004

M.A., Howard University, 2010

Public Health

Dissertation: “An Exploration of Racial Differential of Alternative Mental Health Care Utilization Among Adults Before and After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)”

Advisor: Dr. Mian Hossain

Arianne Jennings ...................................................................................................................................................................

B.S., Coppin State University, 2006

M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2012

Public Health

Dissertation: “Mixed-Method Research Approach for Examining the Factors Affecting the Choice of Different Treatment Pathways by Homeless People in Baltimore, Maryland”

Advisor: Dr. Mian Hossain

Akilah Muhammad Public Health

B.S.W., Coppin State University, 2013

M.S.W., Morgan State University, 2014

Dissertation: “An Exploration of How Black Women Experience Support Around Mental Health from Prenatal Care Providers”

Advisor: Dr. Anita Hawkins

Kimberly Ross ........................................................................................................................................................................

B.S., University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1995

M.P.H., Morgan State University, 2003

Dissertation: “Susceptibility to E-Cigarette Use Among U.S. Middle School Students”

Advisor: Dr. Ian Lindong

Public Health


Ashley Spells ..........................................................................................................................................................................

B.S.P.H., East Carolina University, 2014

M.P.H., George Mason University, 2017

Dissertation: “An Interpretive Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Housing Policies in Select Gentrifying Cities in the United States”

Advisor: Dr. Anita Hawkins

Public Health

Master ’ s Degrees SchoolofGraduate Studies

Master of Architecture Degrees

Graclyn Anomnachi .................................................

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020


Harold Antoine Architecture

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Jasmyn Caffey ............................................................ Architecture

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Danyel Chisley

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022


Pau Cin ..................................................................... Architecture

B.S., University of Maryland, 2018

Aniya Darby ..............................................................

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Jonathan Gerdes .......................................................

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Eric Johnson .............................................................




Durmon Jones Architecture

B.S, Morgan State University, 2021

Christopher Klinefelter.............................................

B.A., Loyola University Maryland, 1998


Liam McGinn Architecture

B.B.A., Loyola University Maryland, 2015

M.S., Loyola University Maryland, 2016

Rosemary Mezu ......................................................... Architecture

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Oyedeji Oyebisi

B.S., The Federal Polytechnic, 2003

Najuane Phillpotts ....................................................

Claire Purvis ..............................................................




Jamie Solomon Architecture

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Kevin Ufua ................................................................ Architecture

Jenny Umana-Lemus ................................................ Architecture

B.A., University of Maryland, College Park, 2018

Stephanie Walker Architecture

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Victoria Williams...................................................... Architecture

B.S., North Carolina A&T State University, 2021

Master of Arts Degrees

Mynks Balewa Museum Studies and Historical Preservation

B.S., Morgan State University, 2016

M.S., Morgan State University, 2019

Thesis: “Curating Hate: Collecting and Interpreting Figures of Derision from the Jim Crow Era” Advisor: Dr. David Terry

Amanda Chambers English

Aiyana Dancy ................................................... Higher Education

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Jaron Darden ....................................................................... Music

B.S., Towson University, 2017

Janina Garris .................................................... Higher Education

B.S., University of Maryland, 2015

Sterling Harlston ................................................................. Music

Lana Harper Music

B.A., Eastern University, 2021

Kimari Jackson ...... Museum Studies and Historical Preservation

Horatio Kitwala ................................... African American Studies

Marcus McLaurin Mathematics

Malan Moody ...................................................................... Music

James Morgan III ................................. African American Studies

B.A., Howard University, 2011


Otha Nash ......................................................................... History

B.A., University of Maryland Global Campus, 2018

Thesis: “Retracing The Path: West African Muslims’ Co-Construction of British Cartographic Knowledge, 1780–1840”

Advisor: Dr. Lawrence Peskin

Nala Price .......................................................................... History

B.A., Morgan State University, Thesis: “City of Gods: African American Catholic in NineTeenth Century Baltimore”

Advisor: Dr. Brett Berliner

Stanley Price II .................................................................. History

Thesis: “Culture Built by Smoke: The Historical Impact that Barbecue had on African American Culture and Society from 1920–1945”

Advisor: Dr. Brett Berliner

Catrina Sally ...................................................................... English

GeBrai Spiller...................................... African American Studies

B.A., Stephen F. Austin State University, 2019

Thesis: “Musical Expressions: Representations of Identity in Black American Music, 1970–1999”

Advisor: Dr. Brett Berliner

Anthony Stanton ................................................................ Music

B.A., Morgan State University, 2021

Tenesha Talley African American Studies

B.A., Agnes Scott College, 2017

Thesis: “Two Silent Wars: African American Media and Military Desegregation During the Korean War, 1950–1953”

Advisor: Dr. Brett Berliner

Edward Torres Lopez Museum Studies and Historical Preservation

Destiny Ward .............................................................. Journalism

B.S., University of Maryland, 2021

M.A., University of Maryland, 2022

Ma' Wright English

Master of Arts in Teaching Degrees

Joshua O’Neal ................................................................ Teaching

B.A., Morgan State University, 2022

Master of Business Administration Degrees

Joyce Achaw .......................................... Business Administration

B.S., University of Winneba, Kumasi Campus, 2017

Temitope Ajibola .................................. Business Administration

B.S., University of Ibadan, 2015

Christopher Blackwell-Vines ................ Business Administration

B.S., University of Baltimore, 2019

Sophia Burris ........................................ Business Administration

B.S., Wayne State University, 2001

Shimano Dendoe Business Administration

Trevon Ellis........................................... Business Administration

B.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Emmanuel Eppie Business Administration

B.S., Lehman College, 2007

M.A., Towson University, 2014

Ronee Howard...................................... Business Administration

B.A., Georgia State University, 2021

Gregory Jones, Jr

B.S., 2011

Business Administration

Kendal Jones ......................................... Business Administration

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Joseph Kerkulah Business Administration

B.B.A., University of Liberia, 2009

M.P.A., Cuttington University, 2018

Baindu Kiadii ....................................... Business Administration

B.P.A., United Methodist University, 2013

Kourtnei Langley Business Administration

B.B.A., Howard University, 2015

Whitney Marsh ..................................... Business Administration

B.B.A., University of Technology, 2015

Sidney McLeod-Whitener .................... Business Administration

B.S., Rowan University, 2021

Bashirah Moore .................................... Business Administration

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park, 2010

M.S., Towson University, 2013

William Moore Business Administration

B.S., University of Connecticut, 2018

M.A., University of Connecticut, 2020

Chidozie Nnamene............................... Business Administration

B.S., Mount St Mary’s University, 2021


Nazah Nova Nur ................................... Business Administration

B.A., University of Rajshahi, 2019

Sade Parker ........................................... Business Administration

B.S., Morgan State University, 2017

Avà Roberts ........................................... Business Administration

B.S., Wesley College, 2003

B.S., University of Maryland, 2006

Tayven Rousseau ................................... Business Administration

B.S., Saint Francis University, 2021

Mosopefoluwa Williams ....................... Business Administration

Master of City and Regional Planning Degrees

Bria Burke City and Regional Planning

Brendan Cassidy .............................. City and Regional Planning

B.A., Rutgers College, 2009

Nicholas Chupein ............................ City and Regional Planning

B.A., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2005

Gregory Friedman ............................ City and Regional Planning

B.A., Earlham College, 2012

Morgan Gillard ................................ City and Regional Planning

B.S., Hampton University, 2014

Micah Modesto City and Regional Planning

Lucas Rogers .................................... City and Regional Planning

Khadija Smith .................................. City and Regional Planning

Master of Engineering Degrees

Nurudeen Adeyemoh Engineering

B.S., Ladoke Akintola University Of Technology, 2018

Iseunifeoluwa Akinkugbe ......................................... Engineering

B.S., Penn State University, 2018

Alusine Barrie Engineering

B.S., Islamic University of Technology, 2013

Katrina Canlas .......................................................... Engineering

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Jose Dominguez Cortez ............................................. Engineering

Oladele Kuyoro.......................................................... Engineering

B.S., Yaba College of Technology, 1989

M.S., Federal University of Technology, 2006

Sebastian Lopez ......................................................... Engineering

B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

Reda Mansouri .......................................................... Engineering

B.S., Morgan State University, 2016

Olufemi Oluwatobi-Ikusika ....................................... Engineering

B.Eng., University of Agriculture, Makurdi, 1998

Abdulazeez Oudah..................................................... Engineering

B.Eng., Federal University of Technology, 2011

Adeola Salaudeen Engineering

B.S., Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, 2018

Master of Landscape Architecture Degrees

Kaila Blevins ........................................... Landscape Architecture

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park, 2020

Curtis Cherry Landscape Architecture

B.A., Morgan State University, 2019

Azade Diykan-Hubbell ............................ Landscape Architecture

Nicholas Huff ......................................... Landscape Architecture

Britney Jackson Landscape Architecture

B.S., Morgan State University, 2012

Deepa Sapkota ........................................ Landscape Architecture

B.S., Tribhuvan University, 2017

Ebram H Boss Victoria Landscape Architecture

B.S., University of Baltimore, 2014


Master of Public Health Degrees

Cameron Brown ..................................................... Public Health

B.S., Morgan State University,

Tabria Cephas Public Health

B.S., Coppin State University, 2020

Najah Hameed ........................................................ Public Health

B.S., Coppin State University, 2017

Imani Jackson Public Health

B.S., Syracuse University, 2013

Tiffani Young Smith ............................................... Public Health

B.F.A., George Mason University, 2012

Master of Science Degrees

Abdullah Abdul .................................................... Bioinformatics

B.S., Morgan State University, 2018

Thesis: “Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Find Novel Biomarkers for Breast Cancer using RNA-Seq Dataset”

Advisor: Dr. Roshan Paudel

Faramade Adediran .................................. Advanced Computing

B.A., American Military University, 2021

Tsegaye Arficho Bioinformatics

Gehendra Baral ......................................... Urban Transportation

Hazera Begum ........................................... Urban Transportation

B.S., University of Dhaka, 2017

Bryan Beverly ................................................................. Sociology

B.A., Morgan State University, 1980

M.A.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1992

Monyet Bynoe Project Management

B.S., University of Mary Washington, 2007

Tiffani Cooper ...................................... Hospitality Management

B.S., Morgan State University, 2017

Lamont Cox, Jr. ........................................ Advanced Computing

B.S., Capitol Technology University, 2020

Jose Dixon ................................................. Advanced Computing

B.S., Morgan State University, 2019

Thesis: “Machine Learning for Identifying Trends and Topics from Research Papers and Proceedings”

Advisor: Dr. Md Rahman

Tiana Faulcon .................................................. Science Education

B.S., Coppin State University, 2016

Rachel Field Advanced Computing

B.S., Morgan State University, 2021

Steven Fuller ..............................................Advanced Computing

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Chelsea Hartwell Interdisciplinary Health & Human Services

Delia Hatten .................................................................. Sociology

B.A., Morgan State University, 2021

Rosa Hayes ..................................................................... Sociology

B.A., SUNY Buffalo State University,

Akinbobola Ibosiola .................................... Project Management

B.S., University of Ilorin, 2001

Kehinde Ibosiola.......................................... Project Management

B.S., Enugu State University of Science & Technology, 2000

Akinbami John-Paul Bioinformatics

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Siwar Khasawneh ...................................................Bioinformatics

B.S., Yarmouk University, 2018

Thesis: “New Therapeutic Compounds Against SARS-COV-2 Through Chemical Similarity Analysis”

Advisor: Dr. Roshan Paudel

Zaynah Lundy ................................................................ Sociology

B.A., Morgan State University, 2020

Taylor Madden Educational Administration and Supervision

B.S., Rosemont College, 2015

M.S., Rosemont College, 2018

David McCullough ....................................Advanced Computing

B.S., Bowie State University, 2022

Barisi Nuka Advanced Computing

B.B.A., Delta State University, 2018

Thesis: “Proving the Randomness of a Quantum Random Number Generator”

Advisor: Dr. Guobin Xu


Chinedu Nwokeafor .................................... Project Management

B.A., Morgan State University, 2017

Ikenna Oguledo ........................................... Project Management

B.S., University of Nigeria, 1995

M.B.A., University of Nigeria, 2003

Sidney Okiye ..................................... Construction Management

B.Eng., University of Benin, 2015

Omolade Ola ............................................ Advanced Computing

B.S., Morgan State University, 2019

Teresa Onduso ............................................. Project Management

Godswill Otono Advanced Computing

B.S., Morgan State University, 2017

Raynard Pinckney ..................................... Urban Transportation

B.S., University of Baltimore, 2008

Samuel Sawyer Interdisciplinary Organizational Policy, Governance, and Administration

B.S., Washington Adventist University, 1989

Trent Washington .................................... Electrical Engineering

Joy Williams Secure Embedded Systems

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Master of Science in Integrated Science Degrees

Georgia-Annicette Banga-Bothy..................... Integrated Sciences

B.S., Bloomfield College, 2017

Mattlyn Young ............................................... Integrated Sciences

Thesis: “The Differential Proteomic Characterization Underlying the Neurobiology of PTSD in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex”

Advisor: Dr. Christine Hohmann

Master of Social Work Degrees

Geneviva Akwanga .................................................... Social Work

B.S., Bowie State University, 2019

Shayla Arrington Social Work

Breyona Ballard ......................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Timothy Bartley ........................................................ Social Work

B.S., Bowie State University, 2019

Tashara Branch ......................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Steven Brooks ........................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Western Connecticut State University, 2021

Erica Brown .............................................................. Social Work

B.S., Northern Caribbean University, 2011

Sherika Brown Social Work

B.S., Morgan State University, 2019

Makeba Cameron ..................................................... Social Work

Hannah Cangco Social Work

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Keshon Carr ............................................................. Social Work

B.S., Morgan State University, 2019

Samantha Cornelius ................................................. Social Work

B.S., Slippery Rock University, 2018

M.A., Slippery Rock University, 2019

Detra Craig ............................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Danielle Crawford Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Shannelle Day ........................................................... Social Work

B.A., Shaw University, 2017

Charde De Lestre ..................................................... Social Work

B.A., West Virginia University, 2022

Falkner Discher ........................................................ Social Work

B.A., St. Joseph’s College of Maine, 2015

B.F.A., Towson University, 2019

Maniya Dockins ........................................................ Social Work

B.S.W., Bowie State University, 2022

Audacious Douglas ................................................... Social Work

B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 2022

B.A., Salisbury University, 2022

Hope Duvall Social Work

B.S., Southern New Hampshire University, 2019

Dominique Felder .................................................... Social Work

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Marcella Felder ......................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2014


Quamira Fogler ......................................................... Social Work

Adriana Foster Social Work

B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 2013

Shianna Fray ............................................................. Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2020

Tatiana Gibson Social Work

B.S.W., Frostburg State University, 2022

Alexandra Denise Green .......................................... Social Work

B.S., Morgan State University, 1996

Kevin Green Social Work

Rebecca Green Social Work

B.A., Delaware State University, 2021

Kathryn Harris .......................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Bowie State University, 2021

Sierra Henson Social Work

B.A., University of Baltimore, 2020

Monique Hill ............................................................ Social Work

B.S., Coppin State University, 2015

M.S., University of Baltimore, 2019

Raniya Holmes Social Work

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Ophelia Jackson ........................................................ Social Work

B.S., Morgan State University, 2020

Sophonie Jacques Social Work

Paris Johnson ............................................................ Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2019

Kadiah Kamara ......................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2018

Johnay Kibler ............................................................ Social Work

B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 2022

B.A., Salisbury University, 2022

Amanda Kilgore Social Work

B.S., University of Nevada, 2020

India Kutcherman ..................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Rakiatu Labay-Kamara .............................................. Social Work

B.S., Bowie State University,

Julia Le Gendre......................................................... Social Work

B.S., Colorado Technical University, 2019

Brittany Lee .............................................................. Social Work

B.S., Purdue Global University, 2017

Symone Lee............................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Bowie State University, 2021

Isaac Loyal Social Work

Aroosa Maqsood ....................................................... Social Work

B.S., University of Maryland Global Campus, 2018

Tiffany Mathis Social Work

Brea Matthews Social Work

B.S., Morgan State University, 2022

Jasmine Mayo............................................................ Social Work

B.S., University of Baltimore, 2016

Brandon McKoy Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Sydni McMillan ........................................................ Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2020

Alicia Michel Social Work

B.A., West Virginia University, 2021

Jocelyn Morton-Elzie ................................................ Social Work

B.S., Towson University, 2021

Jae’Nae Murray Social Work

B.S., Morgan State University, 2014

Keyaunta Murray ...................................................... Social Work

B.A., University of Baltimore, 2020

Courtney Nickens ..................................................... Social Work

Tomas Norman Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Ange Noubissie ......................................................... Social Work

B.A., Morgan State University, 2021

Keeshawna Nutt Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2020


Ifeanyi Odinma ......................................................... Social Work

B.A., University of Jos, 1992

M.S., Sojourner Douglas College, 2009

Adedamola Oladokun .............................................. Social Work

Jayla Oliver ................................................................ Social Work

Grace Parente Social Work

B.A., University of California, 2014

Diamond Patrick ....................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Aysha Peterson Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Natasha Pettway ........................................................ Social Work

B.S., Sojourner Douglass College, 2015

Devika Petty .............................................................. Social Work

B.A., University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2018

Aziza Saafir-Johnson .................................................. Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2021

Noah Sann ................................................................ Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Shapreice Shears Social Work

Alexandria Smith ...................................................... Social Work

B.F.A., Pratt Institute, 2014

Danyell Thompson Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Rayne Turnage .......................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Tara Walker .............................................................. Social Work

B.S., University of Maryland Global Campus, 2021

Courtney West ......................................................... Social Work

B.S.W., Clark Atlanta University, 2020

Tamara Whittleton Social Work

B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 2013

Elizabeth Williams .................................................... Social Work

Markeisha Williams Social Work

B.S.W., Morgan State University, 2022

Andrea Woodard...................................................... Social Work

B.S., Bowie State University, 2022

Maya Wright ............................................................. Social Work


Adekunle Adetipe .................................................. Cyber Security

M.Eng., Morgan State University, 2019

25 Undergraduate Commencement Exercises Undergraduate Commencement Exercises Spring 2023 The Twentieth of May Two Thousand and Twenty-Three Nine-thirty O’clock in the Morning W. A. C. Hughes Memorial Stadium Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, Maryland 21251

Order ofProcession


Chief Faculty Marshal of the University

Dr. Milford A. Jeremiah

Associate Marshals

Ms. Heidi A. Bruce

Dr. Edwin T. Johnson

Dr. Ernest Brevard, Jr.

Mr. A. Barrington Burke

Marshals for the Faculty

Mrs. Natasha Lewis-Williams

Dr. Tiffany B. Mfume

Dr. Nilajah Nyasuma Sims

Dr. Tyrone Stanley

Marshals for the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies

Dr. Carla R. Jackson

Dr. Dionne D. Thorne

Marshals for the James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

Dr. Inte’a A. DeShields

Dr. Amber Hodges

Mr. Tavon McLaughlin-Steele

Marshals for the School of Architecture and Planning

Dr. Samia Kirchner

Dr. Lewis Waller

Marshals for the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management

Dr. Tamera Farrar

Dr. Julaine Rigg

Marshal for the School of Community Health and Policy

Mrs. Michelle Gross

Marshals for the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Ms. Rolicia Martin

Dr. Ernest Steele

Marshal for the School of Education and Urban Studies

Dr. Thurman L. Bridges

Marshals for the Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering

Dr. Dong Hee Kang

Dr. Dennis Glover

Dr. James Hunter

Dr. Monica Poindexter

Marshals for the School of Global Journalism and Communication

Mrs. Angela Gaither-Scott

Dr. Darryl Greene

Dr. Janice Smith

Marshals for the School of Social Work

Dr. Dawn Thurman

Dr. Georgia Jenning-Dorsey

Marshals for the 50th Anniversary Class

Dr. Dana Burdnell Wilson

Ms. Airuel Singletary










College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies

Bachelors of Science

James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

Bachelors of Arts

Bachelors of Fine Arts

Bachelors of Science

School of Architecture and Planning

Bachelors of Science

Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management

Bachelors of Science

School of Community Health and Policy

Bachelors of Science

School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Bachelors of Science

School of Education and Urban Studies

Bachelors of Science

Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering

Bachelors of Science

School of Global Journalism and Communication

Bachelors of Science

School of Social Work

Bachelors of Science























Commencement Speaker&HonoraryDegreeRecipient


Through a steadfast dedication to justice and service, renowned civil rights and personal injury attorney Benjamin Crump, founder and principal owner of Ben Crump Law, has established himself as one of the nation’s foremost lawyers and advocates for social justice. His legal acumen has ensured that those marginalized in American society are protected by their nation’s contract with its constituency.

Attorney Crump’s tireless advocacy has led to legislation preventing excessive force and developing implicit bias training and policies within organizations. He has represented families in several high-profile civil rights cases, including Trayvon Martin, who was killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Sanford, Florida, in 2012; Michael Brown, who was by a law enforcement officer in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; and Stephon Clark, who was killed by police officers in Sacramento, California, in 2018. Crump represented nine of the 13 Black women who were victims in the Holtzclaw Oklahoma City Police rape case in 2015 and worked on the precedentsetting U.S. Supreme Court case involving excessive police force against Robbie Tolan in 2008. Most recently, Attorney Crump has represented the families of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd; the residents of Flint, Michigan, who were affected by the poisoned water of the Flint River; and the family of Henrietta Lacks in a landmark reparations case. Among the histori c settlements and verdicts he has helped reach, Crump won a $411-million verdict for Duane Washington, who was horribly injured in a truck accident; a $641-million settlement for the children of Flint, Michigan; a $27-million settlement for the family of George Floyd, a $12-million settlement for the family of Breonna Taylor; and more than $200 million in settlements in “banking while Black” cases.

Attorney Crump is the President of the National Civil Rights Trial Lawyers Association and previously served as President of the National Bar Association. He was the first African American to chair the Florida State University College of Law Board of Directors and is the founder and director of the Benjamin Crump Social Justice Institute. In 2021, St. Thomas University College of Law, one of the most diverse law schools in the nation, announced the Benjamin L. Crump Center for Social Justice in his honor, which will open doors for minority students pursuing law degrees.

Among dozens of accomplishments, Attorney Crump has been recognized with the NAACP Thurgood Marshall Award, the SCLC Martin Luther King Servant Leader Award, the American Association for Justice Johnnie Cochran Award, and the Alpha Kappa Alpha Eleanor Roosevelt Medallion for Service. His book, “Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People,” published in October 2019, reflects on the landmark cases he has battled and how discrimination in the courthouse devastates families and communities. Attorney Crump is a frequent contributor to MSNBC, CNN and USA Today and has hosted or served as executive producer and writer for several documentaries.

Attorney Crump graduated from Florida State University (FSU) and received his law degree from FSU College of Law. He is married to Dr. Genae Angelique Crump.


Honorary Degree Recipient

During her more than half-century career on the faculty of Morgan State University, Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey became the standard bearer for Morgan’s Department of English and Language Arts, establishing its benchmark for excellence in teaching, in scholarship and in service to the profession and the community.

With a 1947 Bachelor of Arts in English from Morgan to her credit, Dr. Sheffey went on to earn a Master of Arts from Howard University and a Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania. She also did postdoctoral study at Johns Hopkins University. After a brief period as a teacher of English and French at Claflin College in Orangeburg, South Carolina, she returned to her alma mater as an Instructor of English in 1949.

A master teacher, curriculum innovator and curriculum builder, academic leader, brilliant, nationally known scholar and unwavering supporter of Morgan, Dr. Sheffey served the University for 62 years, becoming the second-longest-serving member of the faculty. Dr. Sheffey gained renown for lighting up the eyes of her students and filling classrooms with the joy of learning and growing and becoming increasingly better, whether in classes for Freshman English or Humanities or Advanced Composition or Shakespeare or Women’s Literature in the African Diaspora. As Chair of the Department of English in the 1970s, she established a new and visionary trajectory for the already highly praised Humanities Curriculum, aiming it clearly toward the 21st century by spearheading a revision to make it not only interdisciplinary but also multicultural. Dr. Sheffey has also been a generous contributor to the Morgan Capital Campaign over the years and led the Morgan State University Press for more than two decades.

Among her many honors: in 1992–94 and 1994–95, Morgan awarded Dr. Sheffey the Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem, which goes to faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, research and service. In 1998, the Department of English and Language Arts established the Ruthe T. Sheffey Award for Scholarship, Service and Teaching in her honor and bestowed it upon her in 2000. Dr. Sheffey was also inducted as a Charter Member of the Morgan State University Hall of Fame in 1998 and was presented a diamond Hall of Fame watch in her honor in 2000. In 2007, the University presented her with the Outstanding Morgan Woman Award, and in August 2009, she won the Award for Outstanding Teaching from Morgan’s Division of Academic Affairs. On June 17, 2010, Morgan dedicated the Lecture Hall of the University’s new, $22-million Communications Center to Dr. Sheffey and honored her for being at the center of the intellectual life of Morgan during her long tenure.

In 2014, Dr. Sheffey went the second mile once again, by endowing the Ruthe T. Sheffey Annual Lecture in African-American Female Studies. In 2017, President David K. Wilson appointed her Sesquicentennial Poet Laureate and charged her with writing the Sesquicentennial Poem for Morgan’s 150th anniversary celebration.

Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey remains symbol and substance of the Great Morgan Tradition of distinguished graduates who return to the University to renew the pursuit of excellence that was their passion as students and to carry on the standard of excellence that was their yardstick for achievement.


Order ofExercises UndergraduateCeremony

PROCESSIONAL “Pomp and Circumstance” ..................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar

The Morgan State University Band Dr. Jorim E. Reid, Sr., Conductor

The audience is requested to stand as the academic procession moves into the arena and to remain standing until after the singing of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.”


Dr. David K. Wilson, President

INVOCATION ........................................................................................................................... Dr. Jacqueline M. Holland, Chaplain, Navigators Ministry, University Memorial Chapel


“Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” ............................................................................................ Julien Johnson, Baritone

GREETINGS ........................................................................................................................

The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Chair, University Board of Regents

INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER ........................................................................................

Dr. David K. Wilson, President

COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS ......................................................................................... Attorney Benjamin L. Crump, Nationally Recognized Civil Rights Attorney and Social Justice Advocate

CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES .......................................................

The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Chair, University Board of Regents

Dr. David K. Wilson, President

Citation Read by Dr. Darryl L. Peterkin, Assistant Dean for Student Success, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

Attorney Benjamin L. Crump, Doctor of Laws

Dr. Ruthe T. Sheffey, Doctor of Humane Letters

RECOGNITION OF SENIOR HONOR GRADUATES ........................................................................ Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude

PRESENTATION OF SPECIAL AWARDS .........................................................................

Dr. David K. Wilson, President

Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

President’s Second Mile Award

President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement


RECOGNITION OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS .................................................................. Captain Debora Nelson, Chair, Department of Military Science

PRESENTING OF UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES IN COURSE.......................................................

Dr. Hongtao Yu, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE ..................................................................... Dr. David K. Wilson, President



Candidates presented by Dr. Nicole M. Westrick, Dean

Candidates presented by Dr. M’bare N’gom, Dean

SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING Candidates presented by Dr. Siddhartha Sen, Interim Dean


SCHOOL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH AND POLICY . ............................................................


Candidates presented by Dr. Fikru Boghossian, Dean

Candidates presented by Dr. Kim Dobson Sydnor, Dean

Candidates presented by Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou, Dean

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND URBAN STUDIES ..............................................................

CLARENCE M. MITCHELL, JR., SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ............................................

Candidates presented by Dr. Glenda Prime, Dean

Candidates presented by Dr. Oscar Barton, Dean

SCHOOL OF GLOBAL JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION ....................................... Candidates presented by Prof. Jacqueline Jones, Dean

SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK ..................................................................................................... Candidates presented by Dr. Anna McPhatter, Dean

AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS ...............................................................................................

By College/Schools (as above)

Names Read by Dr. Darryl L. Peterkin, Assistant Dean for Student Success, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

SALUTE TO THE GRADUATES .......................................................................................................

Ms. Izahné Williams, President of the Senior Class

INDUCTION INTO THE MSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION........................................................... Mrs. Phyllis C. Davis, President of the MSU Alumni Association

THE ALMA MATER ........................................................................................................................ Ashlyn Wilson, Soprano BENEDICTION .......................................................................................................................... Dr. Jacqueline M. Holland, Chaplain, Navigators Ministry, University Memorial Chapel RECESSIONAL “Pomp and Circumstance” ..................................................................................................... Sir Edward Elgar

The Morgan State University Band

Dr. Jorim E. Reid, Sr., Conductor


Candidatesfor Degrees

Bachelor ’ s Degrees


B.S., Interdisciplinary Engineering, Information, and Computational Sciences

Joel Anthony Murray

Desiree Vanderloop

B.S., Interdisciplinary Global Perspectives and Practices

Raven V. Freeman

The James H . Gilliam, Jr., College ofLiberalArts

B.S., Applied Liberal Studies

Sidikat Oluwakemi Adeyemi

Brenda Ethel Alvarez

Lameak Amir Barrett

Kayeria Jewel Beale-Jackson

Nadiyah Andrea Bell

Marcia Lynn Bowyer-Barron

Mykeira Brechae Campbell

Kenedi E. Canteen

Whitley Cargill

Demetri Mayberry Clark

Natalie Monique Comas

Daiquan I. Copeland

Sydni M. Darden

Kacia Monet Davis

Caleb Jeremiah Drummer

Gabrielle Jasmine Ford

Alfonzo Graham

Catherine Geneva Gyebi

Essence Heard

Ty Horner

Josephus D. Hughes

Stacy K. Ince

Brandon Christopher Rudolph Johnson

Devinity Johnson

Jabriel Leon Johnson

Anissa E. Jones

Jasmine LeGal Jordan

Ariane N. Lacy

Robert Mack III

Anthony Chima Madu II

Benjamin Andrew Mahone

Francesca Mbah

Joseph K. McLean

Kiyea Milledge

Dashawn Miller

Diamond Moore

Jovetta Moore

Charlotte Morris

Jae’Veyon Delcarlos Morton

Taylor Vaughn Nelson

Isioma Vanessa Oduah

Oselumese Okojie

Monsurat Titilayo Omolekan

Alisha Vanessa Ovide

Micah A. Peters

Ahmeen Cleveland Reese

Isaiah Robinson

Jason R. Roche

Juwariyah Amatullah Saboor

Lynn Michele Simpson

Miles Thomas Smithers

Karizma Chanel Sorto

Samiya Taylor

Marquise Troy Thorns

Ferima Toure

Antwoine Dante Tyler II

Nicole Michele Wallace

James Sanford Wharton

Carleethea C. Wilkes

Enrika Williams

Jessika Ashleigh Williams

Tawana C. Wilson

Nicole J. Wynn

Akira J. Young

B.A., Economics

Yasmine Cequoia Baldwin

Isatou Jeng


B.A., English

Naima B. DeBrest

Alesha M. Johnson

Jalayna A. Mancini

B.A., Fine Art

Darrin Bailey

Brieanna Kira Cromwell

Ennis Ryan Hodgson, Jr.

Destinie Darlene Antionette Howard

Elijah Anthony Kumi

James Damon Reed II

Tevin Montai Taylor

Darian Trusty

Alexandria L. Wingate

B.A., History

Mackenzie Roi Hansard

Jessica Michelle Shelton

B.A., Music

Arthur R. Crowner

Arthur Herbert-Alexander Green II

Lena K. Jackson

Jaylin L. Jennings

Quamir Payton

Arte Steven William Warren

Kevin M. Webb

B.A., Philosophy

Nehemiah D. Boone

Shania Lotoya Davidson

Marcus A. Eades

Imam Allaadeen Shabazz

Yamiinah K. Triniwell

B.A., Political Science

Ahmed Almaari

Cybil C. Bailey

Iyanna Brown

Aaliyah M. Forrest

Alicia Alexandria Frazer

Ji’Na D'amber Gary

Ka’nya Grace

Robersha D. Harlan

Jamia N. Hill

Nia Hyndman

Kayla Jewel Jackson

Aminata Kaba

Michelle M. Kamara

Oluwadamilola A Latona

Kirsten Lewis

Roje Linton

Ashley Brianna Moore

Neemah Zakiya Naazir

Liam Pietrowski

Givanni Michele Smith

Sade Nicole Smith

Winter Jae Ward

Keyshon Treasure Williams

Pashioune L. Wilson

B.S., Psychology

Lolade Teslimot Ajose

Nyah S. Anthony

Imani Battle

Diamond Bond

Shemaiah Parisa Brackett

Eric Orlando Brooks, Jr.

TyKira L. Brown-Fenton

Alycia Burnham

Tylar Rashawn Chappell-Johnson

Anthony Xavier Nicolas Clark

Michelle Crawford

Grace E. Dumas

Nevaeh N. Enmore

Jermelle Lauren Footman

Yasmeen Nicole Giggetts

Jadyn Ayanna Giles

Christopher Norman Green, Jr.

Angel Lanette Harrington

Tyrisha A. Haskins

Zanaya L. Hollis

Faith Tyler Hudnall

Christian Jackson

Taylor Nicole Jackson

DeAnna James

Danielle Ann Jason

Jaelyn L. Jesse-Herder

Nijaya M. Jones

Alexia Ingrid Lilly

Jaia Renee Lloyd

Kayla Ti’Anna Mack-Easley

Nascia R. McClain

Iyona Amari McFadden

Secret Meres

Valerie Cherelle Mitchell

Jaziah M. Moore

Victoria O. Ogbimi-Aiyemomi

Pamela Delali Osseyi

Jordan L. Parsons

Niquana Daria Penny

Tyrae Lanise Russell

Sowsan Salaam

Taylor Dannille Shaw

Laila Devine Smith

Marcus Devon Smith

Sandra D. Taylor

Ishanna Nicole Thomas

Jessica Jeanna Truss

Maia C. Washington

Siarra S. Washington

B.A., Screenwriting and Animation

Sevon Johnson

Cameron Nicole Minor

B.F.A., Screenwriting and Animation

Aliza Mae Anthanio

Daniel Adedokun Ariyibi

Bernard Arnold III

Camryn Lee Brown

Maxy Keithran Dale Brown, Jr.

Andre David Felton

Samara Maureen Flowers

Tiger D. Hannah

Nathaniel Isaac King

Rashad Jamal Kitchen, Jr.

Niajea Yvette Randolph

Sunil J. Saldano

Jannah Sharpe

Khiari I. Speaks

B.A., Sociology

Raphaela Marie Antoinette Andre

Yaasmiyn J. Brown

Jasmine E. Bryant

Kennedy Tanae Corley

Tojanelle Sincere Grable

Deonna Hightower

Iris Ibegbulem

Natacha P. Kamsu

De'Marie Daydawn Lattie-Chisholm

Aniyah Kyesha Parham

Shaniah Monet Price

Dejahnae T. Smith

Taylor Sheridan Thomas

Kobe A. Tuitele


B.A., Theater Arts

Preston Coleman

Jade Jones

Necol Floreda Scott

Brittney Najadah Thurston

B.S., Architecture and Environmental Design

Uyiosa Aimufua

Hamdi Alotaibi

I'man J'mere Brooks

Ricard Wilson Charles

Atira M. Forrest

Laurielle Mishelle Johnson

Malia S. Johnson


Ian Ross

Danyl Carrington Smith

Maya Kristina Toland

Matthew Anthony Watkins

Raelyne Ceirra Wiggins

Kaijah Marie Wilson

B.S., Construction Management

Jerrod Baker

Naeemah Melek Simone Merchant

Mary Joy N. Mulumba

Chidera Yemalin-Huessinon Ndubueze

Renee M. Relf

Shamar Henry Roberts

B.S., Accounting

Kyran K. Brandon

Jeffrey Brown

Genesis Gabrielle Dorsey

Marcus Andrew Hall

Chad Brandon Innerarity

Gianna Ericka Johnson

Yongwoo Kim

LaNia Janelle Mitchell

Mariano Franco Quipuscoa

DeAndros O. Ratliff

B.S., Interior Design

Aubrey Jae Marie Espanta

Celeste D. Laine

Maia Tamico Pittman

Kimberly Wade

Torie Monique Young


Ariana Monet Caulker

Tiffany M. Coleman

Oluwatofunmi Tolulope Akinniranye

Omar A. Alselily

Duane J. Boyd

Rodn’y J. English

Doreen Esi Gyanwa Forson

Jenai Jiles

Madison L. Nunez

Carl L. Patterson III

Morgan A. Savage

Janay Anaya Thomas

B.S., Business Administration

Michael O. Adebayo

Na'Quasia I-Janae Anderson

Bria De’Anna Bailey

Jared Austin Bankett I

Jordan Bankett

Bianca Benjamin

Charnell Nicole Boone

Johvante Brown

Malcolm Xavier Brown

Russell J. Bullock, Jr.

Taqeeyah Cason

Marc E Dancy, Jr.

Kamaule Quacey Defreitas

Tevin Dugger

Destiny C. Enwerem

Shaun B. Fayson

Haliyat Adebambo Fowoshere

Deborah Joanne Hamilton

Kaylah Zandra Hamilton

Michael Anthony Hanson, Jr.

Tamia I. Haynie

Kaila M. Hill

Chandler Adam Hines

Kaitlyn A. Hodge

Rita Ihediohamma

Nadiya Raegene Jackson

Omaira James

Ryan Sherwayne Jones, Jr.

Jalyn Imani Lagman

Alexis Tenerra Lawrence

Branden Dajuan Lowe

David Elias Lyons

Ky’rah Latrice Martin

Jeline McDuffie

Indiah Athena Mitchell

Renhard M. Mukira

Nadege Nahngwa Musong

Felicia C. Odie

Uyiosa R. Okoro

Oluwafunso George Onifade

Chloe O’Elizabeth Pearson

Jayden Derrick Pierson

Burnell Wallace Pulley III

Omari I. Ranson

Kaira Rantan

Tavon Dameon Rone

Selah Salome Scott

Samone O. Scriber

Shayla Angelique Smith

Timothy D. Smith, Jr.

Donald Spencer III

Kristen Michelle Sweets

Messiah Zaire Thigpen

Kennedy Alexis Walker

London Sierra Wood

B.S., Entrepreneurship

Bey-Shana Clark

Diamenté Rae-Kwon Hall


B.S., Finance

Ashia Nini Abdullah

Sade Monet Bagley

Evan C. Benberry

Elan Emani Jones

Savon Joseph Jones

Kennedy Showell

Egypt Sade Smith

Audrey Sarah Tchoumi Feunou

Aniyah D. Townsend

Dimitri N. Watat

Chara D. Woods

B.S., Hospitality Management

Sade Trinitey Charles

Gabriel Karl Harris

Courtney Antoinette Jackson

Brianna Christina Robinson

B.S., Information Systems

Martin Awuku Adu-Boahene

Justin L. Alston

B.S., Health Education

Ajia Shynae Adams

David Ajiboye

Abdulraheem Alshaneqiti

Tyler Ivy Bryant

Kamille Senai Campbell

Dexter Cornelius Carr, Jr.

Keion Tyler Carter

Cynthia W. Gathunguri

Jon Lakiya Glass

Ayomikun M. Ijiwole

Nyah Christina Jackson

Valencia Lauryn Jenkins

Oriana LaChaé King

Kennedy Mitchell

Kiara M. Moore

Regina Oyeson

Deizah L. Parker

Hawa K. Sylla

Shamya A. Williams

Devereau L. Winchester II

Kahla Jordyn Young

Dagmawi Abebe Zewdu

Victor A. Esene

Ryan I. Freeman

Ja’Niah M. Henson

Kiam J. Johnson

Bria Jones

India Alexia Mason

Bruce Mattox III

Langmia Mbebwo Annan

Abongnwi L. Neba

Emma I. Ologohe

David Omo-Taiga

I-win I. Osawe

Marc Andy Pierre

Basith Akinola Salami

Casey B. Shelton

B.S., Management

Aniya Angelinne Cullings

Jayla M. Pope

B.S., Marketing

Claude-Flora O. Alle

Madison Milan Badham

Nia Ayanna Cowling

Jordan Jaser Eversley

Nicole Caroline Ffrench

Amari S. Jangha

Kaia Johnson

Alayna Elizabeth Jordan

Chardonnay A. Lee

Kayla E. Mackey

Chase H. Powell

Torrey Cheval Rogers

Kennedy A. Sampson

Kennedy L. Sims

Brianna Nicole Tanner

B.S., Services and Supply Chain Management

Emani A. Byrd

Monica A. Kpedenou

Aaron Al-Fahteem Peterson


B.S., Nursing

Ayooluwa Love Adewumi

Morayo S. Adewumi

Shanell C. Blaise

Tre Rayfield Briscoe

Nicholas Michael Brown

Lauryn R. Bufford

Londyn R. Bufford

Amparo Elizabeth Campos Dixon

Rikkiya Virginia Duncan

Favour Chiamaka Ifeanyichukwu

Crystal Nicole Lancelin

Alana M. Lassiter

Ivie Erika Obayuwana

Adauzoma Queenehelen Onyewuchi

Sydney S. Smith

Tayah Janei Smith

Daedra Sabrina Spaulding

B.S., Nutritional Sciences

Kelly Benny

Shauna Dwyer

Natasha Myeka Few

Emma Grace Gudmundsson

Kailyn Marie Harris

Khylah V. Harris

Ryellcha Irene Mack



B.S., Actuarial Science

Ledriss Brice Ndouma Kemajou

B.S., Biology

Aliya Kalani Adams

Deanna A. Adams

Annaeh O. Akinselure

Jessica S. Anderson

Fopefoluwa A. Atanda

Nakia A. Bailey

Katelyn R. Canlas

Brooklyne S. Chaney

Brea Chew

Maleel David Christopher Coble

Selena K. Covington

Franzontra Cromartie

Ajaynae I. Davis

Jaden Michelle Dawson

Simin Z. Deveauxbray

Jazmine M. Dodson

Gbemisola D. Esho

Keyra N. Hall

Dashanae Patricia Harper

Michaela G. Harris

Brandon Hatley I

Chiemela Ibeachi

Johnelle Jae Johnson

Ana-Lei Racquel Kalawe-Edwards

Destinee Manning

Oluwafunmike Ibukunoluwa Odunaiya

Adalberto B. Prins, Jr.

Sydney Alexandra Rawlings Bowie

Rahmeir Calvin Rhodes-Jacobs

Kadira D. Richardson

Lawrence H. Richardson III

Amalia Robinson

Tyvonta Rayshon Servance

Eniola Abiodun Shofolawe-Bakare

Mariame Soumah

Te’Ona Spriggs

A'nia Valerie Stevenson

Deja Simone Thomas

Nyla B. Thompson

Makaia A. Turkes

Monday Jude Udosen

Randi Nichole Vereen

Senita D. Watson

Reana Andrea Wilkins

Izahné L'kyah Williams

B.S., Chemistry

Liana Chanel Alston

MaryAgnes Oladayo Balogun

Kristen Bazemore

Aalliyeh Clinton

Bree Kiarian Hart

Himsheela Karki

B.S., Computer Science

Rayan Ahmed S. Alahmari

Chelsea Amihere

Soleil Amber Atterberry

Darius Vashon Baugh

Carson Leroi Brown

Lauren India Brown

Tyré T. Brunson

Donald Sahid Conteh

Tyare J Daniels

Joshua DeVille

Abigail Dina

Noah Christian Frazier

Mardokai Habtemariam Hintsa

Kameryn A. Hondras

Olasubomi Isaac Ishola

Efosa Oluwanifemi Isujeh

Monteray Melva Jackson

Fiyinfoluwa Ayodeji Jesutimi

Da’shawn Larry

Ra’Mel A. Manley, Jr.

Zion McFadden

Saad Nadeem

Mohammed Ayomide Nafiu

Anta Ndiaye

Ryan J. Olden

Marion Mandi Onyanyi

Chauncey Nahshon Rogers

Jaelen Esai Talbert

Mercelis Vaughan

Joshua Emmanuel Walker

Cameron DaShaun Wilson

B.S., Mathematics

Amazing C. Chibueze

Shakila Ayonna Duncan

Christina Monique Young

B.S., Medical Laboratory Science

Abolanle O. Ajanaku

Emmanuela A. Kodjo

B.S., Physics

Kurt K. Kennedy, Jr.

Stanley M. McCombs III

Sarai Maria Edell Rankin


B.S., Elementary Education

Thrina Ojotemishi Akpala

Jailyn Rebekah Bridgeforth

Bri’Ann S. Byrd

Johnai Nicole Davis-Brown

D’vanya J. Hammond

Kendall Alexis Lee

Kaylee C. Pinson

Avenn B. Scrivner

John L. Sheen III

Kamryn Thomas

Ayanna A. Williams


B.S., Family and Consumer Sciences

Takara M. Bennett

Daneika Bowrin

Diamonae J. Boyce

Joy Ekanem Ekanem

Laureen Cassandra Gboukrou

Duane Elijah-Ali Kizer

Tiara Rosilla

Christian Sturdivant

B.S., Physical Education

Kamran Craig

Ja’Michael L. Godwin

Dillan Vanne McGilberry

Jihad Moore-Muhammad


B.S., Civil Engineering

Justin Coelho

Victoria Olukemi Dada

Dante Carnezz Daniels, Jr.

Perri Helena Davis

Natalia Nicole De Jesus Torres

Jahmali Antoine Francis

Yair A. Garcia Cardenas

Kidus A. Habte

Devon Lamont Hardy, Jr.

Lazarus Howard James

Sydney Gabrielle Jones

Andrew Shawn Lemon

Kaylen Loreal Lifter

Robert Eugene Long, Jr.

Brandon A. Malone

Peerayut Maneewan

Nigel Kwabena Marboah

Camryn Alexis Mason

Augustine C. Ndukwe

Russell Price

Erjon Rembeci

Kushal Sangroula

Brianna Simpson

Messiah Alexis Stanley

Shinaya N. Todd

Janiya R. Woodlon

B.S., Electrical Engineering

Sean Claude Anderson, Jr.

Micah Agen-Davis

Lawrence Eugene Alderton

Bassel Alotaibi

Mamadou Bhoydho Bah

LaMonique M. Berrios

Ali I. Bowens

Naeem A. Brown

Marc A. Countiss, Jr.

Eshet Fenta Dires

Khalid Rahsaan Hill

Jonathan Olumide Ibironke

Jeremiah Succanu Kargbo

Dennis Kiberenge Karumba

Taie Curtis Leverett

Jaavon T. Matthews

Victor I. Olekanma

Joshua Ojurere Orelaja

Kobina Robert Orleans-Pobee

Shaun Mikel Phillips

Ebielose Michael Richard-Ikediashi

Fatou Sarr

Leon Christopher Scott

Saliah A. Sirleaf II

Rodney O. Stringer, Jr.

Tiffini L. Suber

Anthony Michael Terry

Naomi U. Turner

Nasir T. Willis

Jared Guy Wine

B.S., Industrial Engineering

Anderson A. Atabongakeng

Emanuel Allen Brown

Nigel Nasir Campbell-Christie

Jabril K. Clark

Michael Anthony Goldsmith II

Carlene Kamga Goode

Jacob Heinlein

Danielle Y. Howell

Travis T. Salmon

Dajon Wiafe

Abdullah Olanrewaju Yesuf

B.S., Transportation Systems

Emile Alfred Palmer

B.S., Transportation Systems


Asanat Ajoke Animashaun

Javon Barrett



B.S., Multi-Platform Production

Troy Lee Adams II

Tyra Noel Bristol

CharNae Nubian-Rose Brown

T’Shawna C. Brown

Jazmin Y. Bullock

Isaiah Charles Burke

Jewel Champbell

Kenya DeZhané Chase-Mercer

Raven Cheyanne Fernandes

Cole Garret Hite

India Adreona Hudson

Lena K. Jackson

Dakaree Kofi Kondo-Banks

Nyana A. Martin

Tobechi Ashley Mezu

D’Andre Steven Miller

Tajiah Simya Mott

Kelsee Elise Perry

De’Avian D. Powell

Kristian A. Reynolds

Angel Smith

Isiah Nicholas Solomon

Kajah Mor’Shaelan Watkins

Eva Ernestine Wise

B.S., Multimedia Journalism

Melanie Rae Battle

Rebecca Anneliese Beavers

Cheyenne M. Briggs

Jordan Brown

Cayla Loren Cade

Micah A. Caldwell

Dreema Kayleen Carrington I

Serena Elizabeth Chapple

De’Auntae Corry

Leah Seann Davis

Jordan M. Dorsey

Remington J Ford

Ishara K. Hall

Kysha K. Hancock

Khaliah Hines

Julien Immanuel Johnson

David Hezekiah Lance

Jaime Nicole Lyons

Jordan Martinez

Lauryn McBroom

Isaiah McLin

Trae Jada Mitchell

Jaina Nebraska Mosely-Lawson

Ryan N. Murphy

De’Janee L. Ross

Ashlyn Jayla Wilson


B.S., Social Work

Elizabeth Kemi Akinsanya

Linette Alcantara

Ana Isabel Isabel Aran Torrente

Niamya Arzu

Courtney C. Bowman

Naiiwones Brown

Jada Kelis Brunson

Asher Logan Caro

Tara Corrine Centino

Amari Reece Clark

Aimiyah Coleman

Rebecca Marie Cooper

Nyrea’ N. Cross

Joy Payton Douglas

Ty-Tiana Nadine Dozier

Akira Deasia Edwards

Tamarra S. Francis

Brittany Lashawn Frazier

Chania S. Giles

Arrington K. Gutrick

Deja Monet Hammett

Zakira A. Harris

Chanel J. Harrison

Gianna Heyward

Adriana Hill

Angela Holmes

Makiyah Nydia Howell-Bey

Jade Lorin Jackson

Monica E. Joseph

Diamond Latreis Knight

Aliyah Lee

K’dian Grace Levy

Thomas Jackson Liggett-Creel

Angelica Jasmine Mathews

Ronan Patrick Mcelveny

B.S., Strategic Communication

Leanna Victoria Billups

Telia M. Conway-Kenner

Mya Renea Croxton

Victoria Ann Fletcher

Ronald D. Hall, Jr.

Mecca A. Hussein

Yasmin A. Madmoune

Ezinne Princess Onyedum

Hannah Brooke Powell

Gregory Alan Robertson, Jr.

Kiara Jaquaya Smith

Destiny Stinnie

Jabari Thompson

Cidney Mikayla Metts

Ka’Shyrha Iaisa Mingo

Orlando Noel Neris Ferrer

Kristin Owens

Zonnie Peterson II

Malcolm David Richards

Staci N. Scoggin

Brianna N. Smith

Olivia Irene Smith

Kaila Denise Thomas

Marcus Thomas

Morgyn Thomas

India S. Thompson

Candice L. Treen

Kendra Watkins

Yasmeen Ruth Yancey


Latin Honors Graduates

These students will be recognized at Commencement. Summa Cum Laude graduates will wear the gold Honors Stole. Magna Cum Laude graduates will wear the silver Honors Stole. Cum Laude graduates will wear the bronze Honors Stole

Clara I . Adams Honors College Graduates

These students will wear the blue Clara I. Adams Honors College Stole.


The following students were commissioned into the United States Army as 2nd Lieutenants:

Name Branch

Deshanae Harper .............................................................................. Maryland National Guard, Medical Corps

Brandon Johnson ............................................................................. Active Duty, Field Artillery

Sydney Jones ..................................................................................... Maryland National Guard, Adjutant General

Kayla Mack-Easley Active Duty, Quartermaster

Peerayut Maneewan Active Duty, Field Artillery

Mariano Quiposcoa .......................................................................... Active Duty, Engineer Corps

Te’Ona Spriggs .................................................................................. Maryland National Guard, Adjutant General

Jaelen Talbert .................................................................................... Active Duty, Cyber Corps

Ishana Thomas .................................................................................. Illinois National Guard, Adjutant General

Liam Pietrowski Active Duty, Chemical Corps


Mr. Paul Voos

Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Dr. Darryl L. Peterkin ....................................................................... Assistant Dean for Student Success, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts

Degree Candidate Reader

Dr. Darryl L. Peterkin Assistant Dean for Student Success, James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts



The President’s Second Mile Award was established in 1953 by Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, President of what was then Morgan State College, and the tradition has been continued to encourage and give recognition to outstanding leadership and participation in student affairs. It is intended that this award will go to that member of the graduating class who has made the most outstanding contribution to the campus community during his or her undergraduate days.

“Going the Second Mile” means doing more in any given task or activity than can reasonably be expected. It is hoped that "Going the Second Mile" will be characteristic of every Morgan State University student and graduate and that it will become one of the firmly established traditions of the university community. The winner of the Second Mile Award is selected by a committee consisting of the president of the Junior Class and Junior Class representatives in the Student Government. Organizations and individuals are invited to submit nominations for the award. Nominations are supported by a description of the individual’s achievement.

For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards.

ThePresident’sAwardfor ExceptionalCreativeAchievement

The President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement was established in 1953 by Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, President of what was then Morgan State College, and the tradition has been continued to encourage and give recognition to the expression of worthwhile original ideas among the students of the university. It is intended that this award will go to that member of the graduating class who has made an exceptional contribution of a creative nature.

One of the most important functions of an institution of higher education is to stimulate the development of original ideas. Although major contributions are hardly to be expected, certainly the techniques of creative thought and the habit of expressing original ideas should be developed during the undergraduate days. The budding techniques and habits so developed, it is hoped, will come to fruition in post-university years.

The Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement may go to a student who makes a creative contribution in any field or area. The winner of the President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement is selected by a faculty committee. Departments and individual faculty members are invited to submit nominations for the award through the appropriate department chairperson. Nominations are supported by adequate description of the nominee’s achievement.

For the full list of past awardees, please visit the following web page: https://commencement.morgan.edu/awards



On August 28, 1963, more than 250,000 people from all over the nation descended upon Washington, D.C., to illuminate the challenges faced by African Americans in their attempts to fully realize the American Dream. The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom ushered multitudes to the Lincoln Memorial, where peaceful protestors were encouraged by a myriad of speakers, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who delivered his now historic “I Have a Dream” speech.

While the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was taking place in Washington, D.C., Morgan State College students, members of the Congress for Racial Equality, were celebrating a victory in Baltimore. For almost a decade, the members of CORE had been involved in a campaign to end the white-only admission policy at Gwynn Oak Amusement Park.

The 64-acre park was the only large amusement park in Baltimore County.

After the courageous and unwavering efforts of the non-violent protest campaign, a settlement was finally negotiated with the park owners, and on August 28, 1963, Gwynn Oak Amusement Park ended its segregation policy and admitted African Americans for the first time since opening in 1893.

As we observe and celebrate the achievements of our Spring 2023 graduates, we are reminded of the unwavering commitment of our forebearers, who endeavored to prepare for us a better world in which to dwell. We cannot disregard that our education is attained while we are tethered to a call to a life of service. A collegiate education equips us, and implores us to labor diligently in our lifetimes, so generations yet unborn will one day enjoy the fruits of our labors and inherit a better world.

42 INDEX Academic Degrees 8 Academic Regalia 7 Alma Mater 3 Alumni Oath of Allegiance 3 Anthem 3 Board of Regents 4 Chief Administrative Officers ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Chief Faculty Marshals of the University ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Dr. Iva G. Jones Medallion Emblem ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Dr. Sandye Jean McIntyre II International Award ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Graduate Commencement Exercises, Spring 2023 9 Candidates for Degrees 12 Doctor of Education 14 Doctor of Engineering 15 Doctor of Philosophy 12 Doctor of Public Health 16 Master of Architecture 18 Master of Arts 18 Master of Arts in Teaching .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Master of Business Administration ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Master of City and Regional Planning ........................................................................................................................................................................ 20 Master of Engineering .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Master of Landscape Architecture 20 Master of Public Health 21 Master of Science 21 Master of Science in Integrated Science 22 Master of Social Work 22 Order of Exercises 11 Order of Procession ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Historic Anniversaries .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Index ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Morgan State University Mace ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Officers of the University 4 Presidential Chain of Office 5 Student Government Association Officers 4 To Our Guests 2 Undergraduate Commencement Exercises, Spring 2023 25 Announcer 39 Candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree 32 The College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies 32 The James H. Gilliam, Jr., College of Liberal Arts ....................................................................................................................................................... 32 School of Architecture and Planning .......................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management ................................................................................................................................................. 34 School of Community Health and Policy ................................................................................................................................................................... 35 School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences 36 School of Education and Urban Studies 37 Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., School of Engineering 37 The School of Global Journalism and Communication 38 School of Social Work 38 Clara I. Adams Honors College Graduates 39 Commencement Speaker .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
43 Degree Candidate Reader ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Honorary Degree Recipients ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Latin Honors Graduates 39 Order of Exercises 30 Order of Procession 27 President’s Award for Exceptional Creative Achievement 40 President’s Second Mile Award 40 Reserve Officers' Training Corps Commissions 39
44 Produced by the Morgan State University Office of Public Relations & Strategic Communications (OPRSC) Printed by the Morgan State University Print Shop
MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 1700 East Cold Spring Lane • Baltimore, Maryland 21251 www.morgan.edu

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