Moringa to go english

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This E-book is a FREE GIFT To You from: Moringamama (Andrea K. Borbely)

I hope this book will change your Life ! If you need help or have more questions, feel free to contact me at Moringa Life: Like my Fanpage on Facebook: Moringa-Budapest Skype Me at: spiritoffood or email me: I am here to help you and wish you much success! WhatsApp me: +49 157 58737036

Enjoy Your Life with Moringa Life!

"I dedicate this book to my parents and my wife Stephanie as a reward for giving me a good life."


Building up a healthy business With the Superfood Moringa

Greatlife.Books Copyright Š 2015 by Sven Frank Cover design: GreatLife.Books Set & Layout: GreatLife.Books Image source: Š Slobodan Kunevski / Issued: 10.2015 Publisher: GreatLife.Books (alea active GmbH) Hauptstr. 97 | 69469 Weinheim |

ISBN: 978-3-945952-13-9 (Pocketbook) ISBN: 978-3-945952-14-6 (eBook) Printed in Germany The work, including its parts is protected by copyright. Any use is not allowed without permission of the author. This is especially valid for electronic or other reproduction, translation, dissemination and public disclosure.

MORINGA TO GO | What you can expect



Introduction How it all began


PART I: Business

Five stories - Five Fates – Five solutions


The business model


Getting started is easy


42 Steps to Success


PART II The most important answers to Moringa


PART III Moringa everyday



User Reviews


Moringa as a food in Germany


Moringa as a food in Austria


Moringa as a food in Switzerland





About the Publisher

About Sven Frank


About GreatLife.Books


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WHAT GRANDMOTHER FROM AFRICA STILL KNEW Being asked about the horseradish tree, the African miracle tree, I had to say no, I didn’t know it. I only knew this plant under the name of Moringa oleifera. And I knew it very well. Our grandmothers used the leaves, seeds, bark, everything, making tea from them, infusions and pastes and even sprinkled it on the food. Really everyone in the village was treated with it; whether the bones ached, the skin itched, the stomach pinched, the bowel tortured someone, the men were injured during field work, pregnant women with their complaints or the kids with stomachache.

In those days, they were not yet able to analyze the active ingredients of Moringa oleifera, but thanks to modern science it is proven today that our grandmothers correctly believed in the healing effect of this plant.

Our ancient African women were ridiculed with their knowledge of healing; the healing power of the plant fell into oblivion, as Western medicine was favored with the pressed tablets and capsules.

Fortunately, nowadays we can now take Moringa oleifera either in the form of a tablet, capsule or as a drink.

And now not only Africans, but people in Europe, Asia, America, all over the world appreciate the good, that nature gives us.

Togbe Cephas Bansah King of Hohoe Gbi Traditional Ghana

INTRODUCTION A bit about my history


"Why do you write a book about Moringa?" "Don´t you want to work in your clinic anymore in the future?" "I do not want a husband who sells coffee!" ...

I heard these statements and questions in recent months repeatedly and I am grateful. Every time I was faced with the critical words of my family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues, it brought me to the situation of asking myself if I really wanted to do this. And every time the answer was loud and clear just as on December 20th in 2014:

Yes I want to!

I want to even if I go through good times and bad times, in the process because that's the deal. For those who do not know me personally, I want to explain a bit why people in my environment looked at me so questioningly when I introduced my coffee with Moringa or wanted to bring the lifestyle drink "Life" to men and the women.

So far, I was a Hypnotherapy Guru. In my two clinics in Mannheim and Oppenheim my colleagues and I perform analytical hypnotherapy; together with the Bulgarian linguist Petyo Angelov I have developed a method for learning foreign languages in 100 hours with hypnosis; In 2005, I ran the Mannheim Marathon, to which I previously had prepared myself for eight months only mentally through self-hypnosis; in an experiment in 2014, I taught 25 Hypnosis workshops 100 hours at a stretch without sleeping; 2012 and 2014 I was team manager and mental coach at the Race Across America, the hardest bike race in the world; I have trained Obstetrics staff at several hospitals in Germany and Austria in medical hypnosis; my books on hypnosis are the benchmark of modern hypnotherapy - and yet there was again and again the same phenomenon in all these activities: people and companies with whom I was involved with, were struggling to survive.


My patients fill out a stress test during the introductory talk at the beginning of a hypnoanalysis; at the point "my financial situation worries me" is answered with “yes� by every second participant.


Executives who attend our language courses, can hardly take three to ten days of time for the course, without having to constantly regulate business matters during the breaks. This evaporates the effect of the training, because the head is mentally somewhere else.


Physicians, Naturopaths, physiotherapists, midwives and other health professionals are also subject to such a working pressure that they themselves increasingly suffer health damage. Members of professional groups, who are intended to show other people how to stay healthy, are becoming sicker more and more.


Athletes, who want to fulfill a dream like to participate in the Race Across America, cannot adequately focus on their training because they sleep with the worry that their project cannot be financed without sponsors.


Some hospitals are worked to the limits, so that it becomes more attractive to look after their own health.


More and more companies write red figures, even though the favorite color of the managing director is black.

This phenomenon pervades almost in all industries. The work of collection agencies is more popular than ever, and these have to admit that the creditors are missing payment deadlines not from indignation, but from inability. This means: people have simply not enough money to fund their lives.

Most people are dependent on the next salary payment to be able to ensure their survival each month, and in most cases they have no reserves.

In 2006, I came into my first contact with Network Marketing. From my childhood, I knew the legendary Tupperware parties of my mother, but I wondered again and again, why she preferred to spend her evenings with strangers than at home. Today I know that she enjoyed the time-out from her children very much and I fully understand this. So I looked at the Network Industry for several years and tested various companies. However, I quickly came to the same opinion as the majority of the population: Nothing there for me.

The turning point came in 2013, when I decided to achieve financial freedom, because:

1. I wanted to treat every client who needed my help, regardless of his or her economic situation

2. I wanted to spend more free time with my family and my friends

3. I wanted to learn to dive, get the license for sailing, take piano lessons, read more books and tend to my garden more intensively

4. I wanted to know how to do it, to ensure that interested people also can do it

5. I wanted to be known as someone who pays his bills always immediately and if possible in cash

6. I wanted to drive a nice and fast car

7. I always wanted to ensure the highest quality food and a first-class medical care for my family and I

8. I wanted to give my children the best education

9. I wanted to go on holiday with my family at the most beautiful places in the world

10. I wanted to support a hospital in Ghana

11. I wanted to be known as a punctual and reliable taxpayer

12. I wanted my family to live carefree and sleep well at night

13. I wanted to be able to buy myself anything I wanted

14. I wanted to create jobs for thousands of people

15. I always want to be in the stronger position in contract negotiations

16. I wanted to be able to purchase the necessary equipment for the home at any time

17. I wanted to be as healthy and fit as I could be in the future

18. I wanted to be able to book each seminar with any coach in individual coaching

19. I wanted to protect my family financially

20. I was looking for a secure investment opportunity

21. I wanted to set up my practices as modern and progressive at any time

22. I spontaneously wanted to spend a long weekend in a town of my choice together with my wife

23. I wanted to go on vacation, wherever I want and for how long I want

24. I was of the opinion that every human being deserves financial freedom

So that was my list - yours may look a bit different.

You probably know that there are no safe jobs. Your employer will not care about you if you want to realize your dreams. The state also will not care about your dreams. No one will take care of you if you do not do it yourself.

So next, I drew up a list of people that I thought were already there, where I wanted to be. My goal was to meet these people and to make them explain to me the ways and means to financial freedom. I was careful in my selection that my situation was comparable with the situation of my mentors. For example, I did not want to have a nicotine- dependent workaholic as a model. My mentors had to be male, spend adequate time with their family, be physically, mentally, healthy and financially independent. To my surprise, it was easier than I thought, and so I got the feedback from nine different millionaires.

Among these nine persons not a single one was an employee. Each one was autonomous and all worked by the same rule: not the benefit is paid, but the effect! The Swiss entrepreneur coach HansPeter Zimmermann presented the following formula:

Effect = Quality of work x Energy used x Mass action

I learned from my mentors that there is little sense of changing time for money, but the focus has to be directed to passive income from the beginning, if you want to be financially independent.

Here the circle was closed, because of Mass action + Residual/ Passive income = Network Marketing.

In an interview with David Letterman, Donald Trump answered the question "What would you do, if you would lose everything today and had to start from zero again?" with the following answer:

"I would look for a good Network Marketing company and start there!"

As the audience began to laugh, he said soberly:

"That's why you are sitting in the audience and I am sitting here on the stage!"

Robert T. Kiyosaki called Network Marketing the business of the 21st century and the scientist Prof. Dr. Michael M. Zacharias, states in his book "Network Marketing. Career and Vocation “that statistically only 23% perform Network Marketing full time. However in this group more than the half earns more than 2.000,- EUR and more and 18% have an annual income of more than 100,000.

These numbers also mean that 77% of all networkers will tell you that it does not work. Stay away from these people and look for full-time networker. A doctor's office, law firm, a barber shop or a garage can also not be casually operated if you want to make a living out of it. I have spent the past 15 years caring for more than 1,000 people who were self-employed. Only those who work full-time in her dream job can make their living.

However, most self-employed are not entrepreneurs, i.e. when they don´t work as they are ill or on vacation, they don´t make any money. The entrepreneur earns on the work of others. Every Networker is a potential entrepreneur. All advertising professionals, self-employed and business owners know that word of mouth propaganda is the most valuable advertising. In Network Marketing, we use precisely this word of mouth, in order to successfully build up the business.

So it turned out that Network Marketing is a subject with which I should occupy myself more intensively, because it would help me the safest to reach financial freedom. In addition, during that time I learned to know some full-time networkers who fundamentally changed my view of this type of company. Now the only question was which network would be the most attractive for me personally.

In September 2014 I met Bernhard Wßrfler in one of my language workshops, who was just about to start a Network based on Moringa. At this time I didn’t know what to do with the phrase "Moringa". But after doing some research on the internet I came to the realization that this should be a kind of lettuce that grows in Africa on trees. At least I read everywhere from the positive effects of the leaves of this miracle-tree on the health of humans and animals.

As an entrepreneur, I do not believe in miracles and so I made further research. It turned out that you could make contaminated water drinkable with Moringa seeds, and so, I immediately ordered seeds to check out this claim, live and with witnesses. My test object was Coca-Cola and it worked (Coke fans, please forgive me that I call your drink as contaminated drinking water).

My curiosity was piqued and I wrote to 60 people from my immediate environment - all reputable physicians, naturopaths, pharmacists and dietitians to ask them about their experiences with Moringa.

The results surprised me: 50% of respondents were aware of Moringa and had very positive experiences with capsules, pellets, tea etc. Now my curiosity changed into entrepreneurial interest and I asked some experts about this plant.

The result: A Network with Moringa as a product focus was the best thing that could happen to me.

So, I registered as a team partner at the firm Moringa Life and ordered directly a great package to start my business. Over the next three months, I have so far transformed my previous main job that I could spend sufficient time for my Moringa business. I’ll tell you on the following pages, how all the procedures continued. I’ll answer all the most important questions about Moringa.

But let me comment on the statements given above: -

I am not writing a book about Moringa. I am writing a book about how to build up a healthy business on the basis of products with Moringa


I will continue to work in my practice. I like this work and why should I stop something that I enjoy. The only difference will be that I'll be able to work even more relaxed and professional with my clients in the future. Would you not also prefer, for example, to be treated or operated by a doctor who can afford to work only four hours a day and thus comes to the treatment in a freshly recovered, rested, motivated condition with a good mood, rather than one that can hardly open his or her eyes due to so much overtime work?


My wife is not married to a man who sells coffee, but, a man who drinks coffee with Moringa, brings her black tea with Moringa to her bed in the morning, serves his friends the lifestyle drink "Life", consumes 15 Moringa pellets per day to maintain health and tells this to anyone. As a couple, we know that we do not need to understand each other every time but in order to love us anyway, and after I promised her that we do not baptize our daughter as “Moringa”, she could make friendship with my new business and enjoy the benefits. Last week she even ordered “”Life” in the restaurant and was quite surprised when the waiter had to admit that he had never heard of this drink. “Then when you have time give me your e-mail address," was her answer.

Now join me on a fascinating journey into the world of healthy entrepreneurship with the aim to optimize your health and your finances. It is worth it!

Sven Frank Oppenheim in August 2015





Klaus and Sabine both work at a bank and even though they are surrounded by money all day and advise their clients in questions regarding investment, they have not yet reached financial freedom. This also does not matter – they think - because due to the fact that they both work, they have a common income that allows both a beautiful life. They go on vacation three times a year, go do their hobbies in their spare time and allow themselves good food, stylish clothes and fast cars. The two have met at work and are now a couple for three years. They decided to terminate their two rental apartments and to buy a common house. Six months later, the wedding follows, and shortly thereafter Sabine is pregnant. Everything goes according to plan - a storybook life.

Since Klaus and Sabine are exemplary mastering their finances, they know exactly how much money they need to compensate in Sabine’s pregnancy and parental leave, and have calculated that their savings should be enough to survive this time without losses. Everything goes according to plan and they both enjoy their life in every respect. Sabine hears for the first time about Moringa during her pregnancy and receives this book from her midwife to read.. The content fascinates her so much that not only did she work through the book in one day, but also made Klaus read it. Both decided that they do not want to rely on their luck in the future, but also want to start a Plan B as long as Plan A is still working. They let their midwife register them, giving them a big package of the product and consume the products henceforth. Klaus is drinking the coffee in business, Sabine drinks the Vitality tea and both optimize their well-being with Moringa capsules. Sabine thus supports her nutritional needs during pregnancy and Klaus better resists the increasing pressure in the business.

In addition, they tell their friends and other pregnant women of the positive properties of the products. The Moringa business is running alongside and Sabine uses the parental leave for coffee parties with other moms, she meets at the baby swimming or PEKIP. So she manages to find an attractive balance to everyday life with the baby and to earn a little extra money by the way. After six months, she has made quite a few euros a month in this way and also has refinanced her products.

Then comes the banking crisis and Klaus loses his job. The compensation only keeps them up for a few months and Klaus has only a few prospects of finding something in his old profession. After careful consideration, the two decide that from now on Klaus shall operate the Moringa business fulltime and Sabine supports him. They write a business plan and start on their way. Now both entrepreneurs are on their way to financial freedom.


Michael manages an insurance office and has a young assistant named Maria, who takes care of the field work and part of the office work for him. Everything is going well, he's known all over the place and since his income allows him a wonderful life, he supports local clubs through generous donations. One morning Maria tells him that she is pregnant. Michael congratulates her with all his heart. In the coming weeks, the question of how he can best compensate the following months of maternity leave and parental leave always occupies him. He decides to work even a little more, during this period, because it will not be forever and his employee then will return back to the office. Michael rolls up his sleeves in the following months and actually manages - with a significant increase in weekly working hours, without significant holidays - to lift the business alone.

After two years, Maria comes to the office and tells him that she is now expecting her second child. Michael almost blacks out, but nevertheless manages to congratulate her somehow.

He spends the following nights sleepless. He wonders where he can find a competent employee embarking on a two year contract. Job advertisements are unsuccessful and applicants offered by the recruitment agency seem not very suitable. For all the misery Maria comes over from time to time, when she is happened to be nearby, to ask about how things are going. Michael tries not to whine, but you can see now that he is heading for burnout. Maria, however, seems to be dazzling and every time she brings her own tea and tells something of pills that also would support him. Inevitably, it happened - the human body is not a perpetual mobile - and Michael collapses. Maria comes to visit him at the hospital and brings him this book. More out of boredom than out of interest he reads the book and suddenly remembers that she had often told him about Moringa during her visits. So far, however, he was like a full glass of water, in which one could not pour champagne. His head was so filled with problems from his daily business, that he had no place for solutions in it. He asked Maria to register him with a large package immediately, and he began to consume Moringa.

Together they created their business plan and Michael immediately contacted 25 of his colleagues, whom he knew that like he, they walked on the gums. He used the coffee and tea as a mailing booster and after three years he operated his insurance office only because it amused him. His financial freedom was imminent.


Simone worked as a nurse, is married and is mother of two children. The marriage goes moderately up to lousy and Simone repeatedly thought about getting a divorce. Previously the main reason why she did not divorce was the fact that she did not know if she would end up alone financially. One day, her husband took this decision for her, when he told her that he had an affair for three years and that he would leave her now. During a night shift she revealed everything to a doctor who invited her for an interview in the next week. They drank coffee together and the doctor gave her this book with the request to prepare for a worst-case. Already the next day Simone called the doctor and asked for another conversation. She described her financial situation since the separation from her husband and said that she would like to get into the Moringa business, but would not even have the money for a basic package. Without answering this, the doctor created a business plan together with Simone. This plan stipulated, among other things, that Simone financed her starter package through customer orders in advance.

So she found several friends and colleagues, who ordered the coffee, tea, the lifestyle drink and capsules and paid for in advance. The amount was enough to order a large package, and Simone just had a loyal customer base. She used here the principle of OPM (Other People's Money) to start a business. The first step was done and once her motivation for this business was big enough, she also became successful.


Gerd is a third generation contractor and knows what it's like to struggle. He gets up in the morning at 6:00 clock and works six days a week usually until 22:00 clock. He sees his wife and children mainly on Sundays or during holidays, when they go to Italy for 14 days. Of course, Gerd is also available for his company for two hours a day, because one has to move with the times and furthermore, it does not work just as well at the moment. Actually, it does not go well for a very long time. Okay, it does really go bad and there is no improvement in sight. His heart has already had two infarctions and his marriage is suffering enormously under all the work. However, he does not have a choice, because only the fittest reaches out for happiness. However, one time or another he really was jealous of his neighbour. He never goes out of the house before 8:00 clock and is at home at 17:00 clock at the latest.

Sometimes he sits in the garden, where he works with the laptop or phone - at least as far as Gerd' s wife tells him. The neighbours invited them to a garden party on several occasions, but Gerd could never join them because he had to work, and his wife did not want to go alone - after all, the neighbors were still fairly new to the area; and you never know.

Sometime during the Christmas season the neighbors took to a package for Gerd and when he picked it up from them, Gerd stayed for a beer. This beer turned into a conversation among men and the evening ended with the fact that Gerd registered with a large package in our company. When he came back to his wife and told her about it, she asked him if he had lost his marbles. Just more work and a contractor who sells coffee. Gerd gave this book, which he had received from his neighbour, to his wife and after reading it, she became gentler. Today, both are sure that the Moringa business has saved both Gerd' s health as well as their marriage.


Andrea directs the marketing department of a major German automotive group and is an enthusiastic tournament rider. At least until she has a serious riding accident, which puts her in a

wheelchair. It does not take much phantasy to imagine how many levels of her life changed after such a stroke of fate - and what it all cost.

Since her previous job also included many business trips, the company saw "to many challenges" for her in the old field of activity. In addition, they wanted to "relieve her in terms of health". They displaced her internally and Andrea felt not only under-challenged but also humiliated. She often sat depressed around for hours and pondered about the future. Retraining? Accept? Giving up? Everything conceivable but none of them attractive. A friend of her gave her this book as a present for her birthday. Initially the book remained on the shelf for six months, because Andrea had no head at all for reading. One day, she followed an inner feeling and began to read the book. On the first page her friend wrote a dedication: "Dear Andrea, I would never have dared to address you personally. May this book be a light on the horizon to you! "

Two days later, Andrea was registered with a big package and started to submit press releases on the topic "Network Marketing - the business for everyone". From this day forward everything went uphill in all areas for Andrea.

The business model

Suppose that there are three gas stations in your city. The first is one belongs to one of the big four companies that can be seen daily in advertising and that offers the entire service that one is familiar with from everyday life. The second is a smaller no-name gas station with significantly lower prices, without staff, and the exclusive option of credit card payment. The third gas station consists of only one petrol pump in which you must enter a PIN to refuel. Therefore, it offers a special service for customers: The amount that is saved on personnel costs, service, rent, advertising, etc., turns out to benefit the customer the most who in turn recommends more customers.

Specifically, this means: If you fill up €100 per month at that fuel station, then you will get paid 10% of the tank turnover as a thank you, for every customer whom you have told about this petrol station and who refuels here through your referral. So, in the first month, if you tell three people about this station who also refuel €100 there, you get €30 - thus your monthly fuel costs are reduced to €70. If you continue to recommend the station to three persons every month, then when you refuel in the fourth month, not only will it be free, but you also earn a further €20.

And the best part: The number of customers who you can recommend is unlimited.

Would you fill up at this gas station?

If your answer to this question is "YES", then I have good news for you: Our business works the same way - and with us, you even earn from the customers in second, third, etc. levels.

Here is an example:

You fill up for €100 in the first month and tell your neighbour about it who also refuels at that station for €100 and recommends it to his father and his boss. Both fill up at this gas station the next month, so that this company has three new customers thanks to your activity. Thus, you get €30 (€ 10 for each of the 3 people) and only have left €70 tank expenditures.

In the second month four people come to this station (you included) and refuel amounting to €100 each (which is a prerequisite in order to be eligible for credit). Now everyone recommends this gas station to another person, so that in the third month a total of 8 people are refueling here and you'll be rewarded for 7 people, i.e. € 70 as a thank you bonus. Your fuel costs have therefore been reduced to € 30.

If we count on, then there are 16 persons in the four month (from now on your fuel is paid for and you begin to make money),

In the fifth month there are 32, in the sixth 64 – do you notice anything? Continue to calculate. What is your bonus payment in the twelfth month? This is called the power of duplication!

All you have to do is to register once as a business partner, to consume the products monthly and recommended products. Do I have your attention? Then continue to read.

Getting started is easy

One thing in advance: Keep your current job at the beginning! A common question is: What does one earn from this work? In Network Marketing, this question must be answered unlike an employee or self-employed. The "normal" salary goes static. You are trading time for money. If you earn €25 per hour at your job, then you get € 250 for say a 10-hour day. In five days a week, this makes € 1,250. Four weeks a month yields € 5,000 (gross). If you want to earn more now, then you need to increase the number of hours. As a self- employed person you also have the opportunity to increase your hourly rate. However, both are not unlimited possibilities and if the self- employed person does not work, then he does not make any money.

The merit in Network Marketing is dynamic, so you are going to invest more than you earn at the beginning and earn a lot more than you invest over the months. There are only two aspects that could stop you from this:


You do not start


You give up too soon

Responsible Network Marketing works as follows in a nutshell: -

You keep your existing job to fund your life, and start your business in Network Marketing in your spare time. It takes time to grow (as a Moringa tree). This will be going faster for one person, and a bit slower for the other. Calculate a three to five year period for yourself and consider Network Marketing as a secure investment opportunity with predictable returns.


You will reinvest in your business (in products for distribution, training, etc.) until you have reached the desired amount (see below) of the business plan. For this; you need to be disciplined and consistent. You will breed a Golden Goose. The idea of a Golden Goose is that it lays a golden egg every week and does not end as a holiday roast.


You invest your income into assets e.g. Real Estate, Moringa trees etc.


you fulfill your dreams from the assets´ cash flow

Network ´Marketing works! You need a plan, patience and perseverance. When you are ready, then welcome to the team!

The first step for a successful Moringa business is that you now contact the person who gave you this book, and ask him or her to register you as a business partner in our company. Start with a big package, because then you create the best conditions for a professional start as a network entrepreneur.

Then follow the steps and you will understand little by little, what is important in Network Marketing.

42 Steps to Success


Once you have registered, the structuring of your own Network Marketing Structure is relatively simple. With our concept, you can work from anywhere in the world, determine your working hours yourself, decide for your own with which people you want to work together, and even calculate your monthly income in advance. Now simply think about the above-mentioned formula: Effect = Quality of work x Energy used x Mass action

Our company is responsible for quality. Your task now is to bring energy in the form of labor, and to introduce the products and the business model to as many people as possible. Sounds simple? Then just do it!


Not even the dumbest farmers think to reap before seeding and caring intensely about his seeds.

So make a good plan for your network- seeds. Prepare fertile soil, good climatic conditions, adequate water and fertilizer. Remember the parable of the sower:

"Listen! Behold, the sower went out to sow his seed. As he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled down, and the fowls of the air came and ate it up. Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where it had not much earth. Whilst it sprang up because it had no deep soil; as the sun rose higher however it was singed, and as it had no root and moisture, it withered away. Again some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up with them, shot up and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. But others fell into good ground, grew and grew, and yielded fruit, one multiplied to thirty, one sixty, and another one a hundred times. "

How to prepare the seed?

Write down a business plan, as is illustrated below by way of examples.


Name of operator

: [Your Name Here]


: distribution of products of the company Moringa Life

Company name

: Free business partners of the company Moringa Life


: [date today]

Business idea

: the construction and operation of a distribution structure on the following Date is planned


: [here the date of the start].

The offer of the entrepreneur addresses three target groups: 1. People who want to eat healthily 2. People who like to use the vital substance products (supplements) 3. People or companies, which are useful as multipliers

The first group will benefit from my products by improving their own health through an effective food. The second group experiences the benefits of using a single preparation - my products - rather than a small collection of different nutrients and health benefits of Moringa. Based on our business model, the third group of potential customers can still tap into the basis of another source of income in daily business that on the one hand will cater to the growing market of veganism and on the other hand build up a residual income.

All three groups benefit equally from our network, and the resulting potential synergies and training.


Entrepreneur is [enter your name here and tell something about yourself], e.g. Sven Frank, 40 years old, married, one child. Entrepreneur, Investor, hypnoanalyst and Moringa -Expert.


The capital requirement for the distribution is limited to the Moringa Life Starter package, because the organizational work is done from home and here the necessary infrastructure (PC, printer, telephone and internet) already exists. Promotional activities are also designed so that the contractor incurs minimal costs.



In the area [please enter your catchment area and adjust the analysis to your local realities, e.g. Greater Zurich, State of Carinthia, Rhein-Main region], there are different offers for similar services,

however, so far no company has made itself stand out as an expert on Moringa and vegan products in this area yet. A single market companion sells similar products, but could not prevail on the market.

Due to the ever increasing physical and mental stress in the workplace with simultaneously increasing indebtedness of employees, innovative concepts to support start-ups and independent entrepreneurs are urgently needed. Even health-promoting products with high efficiency are needed more than ever. The theme veganism is on everyone's lips these days. Here we enter a growth market which offers enormous potential.


Reservations or fears in the population with respect to pyramid sales could lead to a denial of this service. Existing uncertainties or prejudice is counteracted through professional work and respectable public image.

Existential fears, rivalry thinking or resentment of regional networkers of other firms could lead to attempts to bring the company and its business partners into disrepute.

In order to dispel any fears or concerns, an intensive communication is realized with regional structures from the very beginning and possibilities of cooperation are discussed.


The service of the sales structure is divided into three areas, which address each of the above three groups:

1. Distribution of Moringa products

Here owners of medical practices, health food stores, etc. and their customers benefit from the combination of quality products and Moringa.

2. Recommendation of Moringa products

Friends, acquaintances, colleagues and their network benefit from the efficiency and natural quality of our products.

3. Support the development of your own structure

Interested parties are advised about the different possibilities of self-employment and are accompanied over a period of three years from the start-up to the stabilization phase.


Every day, health conscious people experience anew the positive effects in connection with Moringa’s healthy effects together with their habit of consuming food. Moreover, as a business partner, they can refinance the long-term products using the referral bonus.

People who want to develop professionally or personally benefit from the principles of passive income through Network Marketing thanks to our business model.

Depending on the personal and financial resources; people, who want to become self-employed, thanks to our network can analyze and implement the optimal form of independence for themselves.

Entrepreneurs, who want to improve their bottom line, learn the laws of effectiveness and understand the difference between being self-employed and entrepreneurs.


The target customers of the company come from: [Enter the region in which you want to work. Start locally and think globally.]

Addressed are cafĂŠ operators, gym studios, hairdressers, tanning salons, health food stores, doctors, naturopaths, physical therapists, clinics, personal trainers, midwives, sales professionals, retailers, single mothers and people who occupationally want to re-orient themselves. In addition, among others; vegans, vegetarians, and consumers of superfood- and Moringa-products.


Especially in these days, the desire for a safe workplace with free time planning and a secure income rises more and more. The number of home office users is increasing steadily. Existential fears are widespread and the desire for a long-term stable solution is significant. Many graduates have to accept inferior activities due to a lack of suitable job positions. Young parents have to rely on placing their children in care almost immediately after birth, because they are dependent on two salaries. In school, young people, learn how to make an application but not how to write their own businessplan. Any interested person may build up his or her own business without any risks and thus our business model satisfies the growing need for a secure job in the population.


Overall, we are talking about a market where so far no similar service or product range was offered. The catchment area of the distribution structure comprises [fill in your region with the corresponding numbers, e.g. Rhine-Neckar with 2.3 million inhabitants and the Technology Region Karlsruhe with 1.3 million inhabitants]. In addition, the excellent infrastructure with direct connection to several highways and public transportation allows quick accessibility. Furthermore there is the chance to be active in Europe or worldwide beyond this region at any time. The need is enormous, the number of insolvencies and bankruptcies is increasing every year. In the meantime operational health management has penetrated up to the mid-sized businesses in the region and the number of applications for early retirement for psychological reasons continues to grow. A market; that so far, in spite of regionally based companies, hardly was served.


Currently, there are no direct competitors with our experience and network, which offer a combination of veganism and Moringa products.

The market companions [Please enter eventual market companions incl. assessments] are so weak in their services that it is not recognized as existent. In addition, our company is registered in Europe and accordingly, automatically provides a recognizable advantage in the market. The field-proven network concept of Moringa Life is unique worldwide and will provide even better results with each additional location. So despite the obvious demand, the market is still far from being met and operated.


A significant advantage over the competitors is that the company is operated with a Europe-wide recognition. So relevant areas of business management, consulting, coaching and marketing are optimally coordinated and interlinked. The benefits of the different products complement each other. Through this expertise, customers can save greater financial or temporal expenditure and prevents coordination problems that may arise when claiming various less recognized or –listed companies.

Thus we see the unique selling point in our professional expertise and the successful practical testing of the holistic product concept under the focus on veganism and Moringa.

An additional advantage is moreover still the fact that the entrepreneurs in the region already have a sound network and their high reputation can be expanded, for example, through publications, lectures, etc.


[Please enter your address, for example]

Free business partner of the company. Moringa Life Sven Frank Krämerstr. 30 55276 Oppenheim

Describe your environment, e.g.: The offices are located in a central, easily accessible location in Oppenheim. Accordingly, the participation of interested people in our presentations is quickly possible with little effort. A larger training room can be rented in the immediate vicinity when needed. The training room has space for 12-50 participants, daylight, air conditioning and a flip chart. A signage is installed and parking spaces are available in sufficient numbers. Individual coaching will take place directly in the offices].

LOCAL ENVIRONMENT [Please adapt!!!] The conference rooms will be located in an area with moderate to upscale average income to allow a close connection to the core target group.

TYPE OF PREMISES [Please adapt!!!] A training room, business entertainment (hosting) options and toilets are needed. In addition, the relevant equipment, which is necessary for the implementation of training services must be available. The rooms shall ensure comfortable working and should be quiet.

COSTS [Please adapt!!!]

For the rented classrooms arise costs amounting € 150.00 excl. entertainment expenses occur per each seminar day. As already mentioned above, however, these costs are only occurring with significant growth of the sales structure.

PRICE CALCULATION [Please adapt!!!] Starter Package / franchise fee once: € 1,700.00 Monthly charges: Products for own consumption and Promotion:

€ 150,-

Telephone costs:

€ 60,-

Travel expenses in the context of acquisition:

€ 200,-

Other expenditure (office, postage et al):

€ 50,-

Reserves for additional orders:

€ 250,-


€ 150,-

Online advertising for online shop:

€ 140,-

Monthly total operating expenses:

€ 1,000.00

The profits through commission payments are used as follows: -

In the first 12 months: 100% reinvestment in products and promotion


From the 2nd year: 30% reserves for tax, etc., 25% reinvestment in sales structure (products, promotion), 45% of profits distribution


Outwardly, our goal is to build the image of a trustworthy and competent company that sets itself apart from its competitors by very professional work, reliability, effective methods and great flexibility. The outside appearance is uniform, modern and innovative. The presentation materials are stylistically matched to a professional corporate identity to give the customer a positive feeling and visualize the special alignment of the company's philosophy. Our aim is also to guarantee the customer the feeling of success and safety through individual attention at all times.

ADVERTISING [Please adapt!!!] The advertising and public relations is applied over a large area and is varied, with an emphasis on direct marketing and the use of multipliers. Here, we build up marketing gradually:


Execution of the list of names in the warm market, contacts to vegan meeting, gyms, doctors, naturopaths and others


Distributing samples as a business card to target people in the street (e.g. mothers, businessmen, etc.) and to the local business community


Internet ads with a direct link to the Web-shops


Moringa parties with friends and acquaintances, as well as with us at home and at trade shows, commercial meetings, etc.

SALES ORGANIZATION [Please adapt!!!]

All mentioned advertising and acquisition activities are first executed by the entrepreneur himself, external sales support is not used except through online advertising. In addition, we will expand our existing customer contacts from our previous work.


The target clients of the sales structure come from [Please adapt!!! E.g. the Rhine-Neckar region and

the technology region Karlsruhe] and on the one hand should be addressed by the above mentioned promotional activities. We want to focus our marketing message especially to the value added by the company "Moringa Life" as well as on the health-promoting benefits of Moringa and the opportunity to build your own sales structure through our coaching programs.

On the other hand, existing contacts should be used to perform personal customer care. By building up a sales structure or the support of start-ups, we build up a network of potential multipliers and employees, which in turn benefit from our corporate structure.


[Enter your name and describe what distinguishes you (e.g. what distinguishes him as an entrepreneur and coach, is the vision, to give everyone in Europe the opportunity to profit from advantages of a well-structured business. In addition, he wants to contribute to the optimization of

entrepreneurship in our country and through the nationwide establishment of training facilities and thereby create many new jobs)] is responsible for the management of the distribution structure.


A company's success depends largely on how reliable their services are provided; and how fit they are tailored to customer needs. [Please adapt to you – be conscious and believe in yourself! Example: Sven Frank has proven as founder and director of ICHP Germany in the past decades that he has the necessary discipline and entrepreneurial strength to permanently establish new projects and businesses within a short time].


[Please adapt to your career background - be confident and trust in your abilities!]

Example: After three years of hypnosis training at Griffith College and Marino Institute of Education (both in Dublin, Ireland) Sven Frank has been working as hypnoanalyst and the head of ICHP Germany since 2000. During this time he has chaired the Professional Association of hypnotherapists

(Berufsverband der Hypnosetherapeuten e.V.) for 10 years and made a name internationally both as an author and as a speaker at conferences in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Ireland].


In terms of my integration of new salespeople my guiding principle will be to create arrangements in order to take measures in order to uncover possible negative trends with respect to the operating results at an early stage and to be able to take appropriate countermeasures. For this purpose, I will, inter alia, perform a control and in the first two years of foundation regularly be accompanied through my up-line.


I run this business as an independent business partner of the company Moringa Life.


The sales structure is operated independently. Important steps are gradually being recognized and written down in a quality manual.


The sales structure is first operated by myself alone. Once the demand for channel partners requires an extension of employee pools, I will resort to regional resources from my team.

Parallel new employees are specifically trained to work in the sales structure, for example, for office work or the seminar organization. Currently there are [Please adapt!!!], for example, four other employees in the background available on call.


[Please adjust to your situation!!!] The private financial requirement is an average of [please adapt XXXXX €] gross amount per month. The total monthly expenses for the operation of the business to be covered by this revenue, this amount corresponds to a business turnover of [XXXXXX €] per month, according to [XXXXX] customers or business partners with a monthly sales volume of [XXXXX €].

[!!! Please adjust] SALES AND EARNINGS The values of the sales are based on the minimum sales forecast according to the marketing plan of the company, Moringa Life. The specified values serve as reference values for individuals and companies. The sales figures were then adjusted on the basis of experience with previous networks / distribution structures.

By the end I expect a profit of [XXXXXX €]. This corresponds to an average [XXXXXXXXXX €] sales per month, where the turnover is due to the dynamic development in Network Marketing / distribution system design significantly lower in the first six months than in the second half, because the focus of my work on creating passive income and not lying on the pure sale of products. Thus, the goal is to build a stable consumer network.

In [please adapt 20XX] a gain of around [XXXXXXXXXXXXX €] is planned. This corresponds to an average of [XXXXXXX €] sales per month. This would achieve the financial freedom in [31.12.20XX].

From the year [20XX] the structure is to continue to grow so that as many business partners will also be helped to achieve their financial freedom with constant rising revenues and fairly constant expenses so far.

Upwardly no limit is in accordance with the law of the Network Marketing / distribution system set, especially as a growing sales structure also stabilizes the company's financial strength per se. Here then is a matter of sensible thoughtful investments to support the company in terms of growth and creating assets outside the company. For this purpose, the acquisition of Moringa plantations can be included just as the purchase of real estate, where the company supporting companies such as Gyms, health food stores, cafés, doctors' offices etc. can operate. Here I am planning 35 hours a week to build the network, which are spread over seven days.

LIQUIDITY Revenues will remain stable over the next few years as is typical for the sector. Any bottlenecks in the establishment phase will be collected by the contractor when necessary, [please adapt to your ways].

Example: Revenue of the current main jobs, through reserves, through training and coaching, accounting activities, waiters etc.

An asset has to be created for each additional point on the fixed list, which leads within three months to a return-on-investment.


Take the time to start with a realistic business plan. This will signal to yourself and your sponsor that you are serious. Consider your network as your own company, and worry about it with the same care as you would for e.g. a barber shop, a law firm or a Moringa plantation you operate.

STEP 3 Answer the following questions for yourself: -

Which performance previously in your life are you most proud of?


How long did it take you to achieve that?


Who or what has helped you?


From who or what would you have requested additional help back then?


How do you imagine your ideal future?


What do you want to achieve with your Moringa business within the next 12 months?


Write ten things that would bring your Moringa business to the top.


What turnover and what profit are you aiming for in the next 12 months?


In which regions do you want to be active?


Which 25 private goals and dreams do you want to achieve in the next three years?

STEP 4 Checkmark now, which of the following statements can you answer with "yes": -

Do you want to bring about in this life something where other people will appreciate and respect you?


Do you want to be financially independent and able to afford everything that you want?


Would you like to drive several times a year to a place of your choice for holidays?


Do you want to be confident, to feel happiness and lead a good life?


Do you want to be able to help people in need with donations or loans?


Do you want to show the people you care a great deal for what they are worth to you?


Do you want to cherish, be filled with gratitude and enjoy what you already own?


Do you want to live a full life independent of external influences?


Do you want to be able to accept all people just as they are?


Would you like to see difficulties as opportunities?


Would you like to look to the future with confidence and joy?


Would you like to learn something every day?


Would you like to be a role model for other people?

If you answered at least nine points with "YES", then you think as most networkers do. I am glad that you are in our team.

Have you found that you need no money for some things that are important to you? Then, now we come to:


Now determine the amount you actually need first, and then head for your financial protection and, finally, your financial freedom. Please no castles in the air, but a list of very concrete points and numbers.

For the following vital things I need this amount of money in the next 12 months:

- For example,


â‚Ź 24,000.00

You can complete the list on a separate sheet if necessary and enter here the total amount:

Total demand for 12 months:, xx â‚Ź

Have you specified the minimum amounts for this calculation? Then now you know the amount of your financial protection, i.e. the sum that you need to survive a year without revenue. Covering this amount with passive income should be your first goal.


Create a list of names with people who know who you are, when they hear your name, and tell them with pride and self-confidence of your new company. -

Your family: Spouses, parents, siblings, children, uncles, aunts, cousins, in-laws, etc.


Your friends: Who are entered in your phone, who are in your e-mail database, links to Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., your best man, the godfather of your children, your best friend, your girlfriend, your partner, the parents of the friends of your children, old school friends, etc.


Your neighbours: who live in your community next to you, above you, below you, in front of, in your street, in your household, at the garden border, next to your office,


Your work colleagues: Former workmates, colleagues from other professional activities, Moringa experts in your region, doctors, psychologists, coaches, trainers, counselors, therapists, midwives, dentists, counselors, mediators, financial advisors, etc.


Your team-mate: Firefighters, athletic club, glee club, Loge, Lions Club, Horticultural Association, Medical Association, Association of Naturopaths, bowling club, golf club, gliding group, etc.


Contacts of everyday life: Mailman, hairdresser, bank advisor, tax consultant, general practitioner, pediatrician, dentist, gynecologist / urologist, teachers of children, florist, baker, butcher, innkeeper, auto mechanic, priest, lawyer, webmaster, piano teacher, garage mechanic, booksellers, paperboy, housekeeper, pet sitter, physiotherapist, beautician, pedicurist, caretaker, politesse, bailiffs, brokers, real estate brokers, retailers, riding instructors, painters, tilers, chimney sweeps, fitness trainer, travel agency employee, staff etc.


Multipliers: Managers, trainers, school leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, employees at newspapers, radio, television, networkers, writers, members of the municipal council, mayor,

MPs, politicians, members of citizens' groups, nursing managers, lecturers, lobbyists, writers, designers, advertisers, promoter, people who know everyone in town, people exercising or working out at a gym, etc.


Health professions: Doctor, medical practitioner, psychologist, educator, theologian, dietitian, coach, mediator, midwife, nurse, physiotherapist, massage therapist, healer, yoga teacher, fitness trainer, consultant, educator, NLP Master, lifeguard, pedicurist, beautician, entertainers, Life Coaches, trainers, counselors, dance teachers, social workers etc.


Potential customers: Smokers, people who want to lose weight, athletes, pregnant women, pain patients, people who are before or after surgery or have relatives who do that, police officers, soldiers, rescue service staff, firemen, people with chronic illnesses, students, entrepreneurs , people who have a very responsible job position with a lot of pressure, have the talent, but are braked, sports professionals, models, security service employees, secretaries, teachers, pilots, flight attendants, judges etc.


Reminder by name: Who do you think of when you hear this name? Achim, Adelheid, Adriane, Alexander, Alexandra, Alfred, Alois, Alwin, Andrea, Andreas, Angela, Anita, Anja, Anke, Anna, Anneliese, Annemarie, Annette, Armin, Arno, Arnold, Arthur, Astrid,

August, Axel, Barbara, Bastian, Beate, Beatrix, Benjamin, Bernd, Bernhard, Bert, Bertold, Bettina, Bianca, Birgit, Björn, Bodo, Brigitte, Brunhilde, Bruno, Carmen, Carola, Caroline, Carsten, Charlotte, Christa, Christian, Christiane, Christoph, Chiara, Clara, Claudia, Clemens, Constanze, Cordula, Cornelia, Desiree, Dagmar, Daniel, Daniela, David, Dennis, Detlef, Diana, Dieter, Dietmar, Dietrich, Dirk, Dominik, Doris, Dorothea, Eberhard, Eckehard, Edgar, Edith, Edmund, Eduard, Edwin, Egon, Eike, Eleonore, Elfriede, Elisabeth, Elke, Ellen, Elmar, Elvira, Emanuel, Emil, Erhard, Erich, Erika, Erna, Ernst, Erwin, Esther, Eugen, Eva, Evelyn, Fabian, Felix, Felizitas, Ferdinand, Florian, Frank, Franz, Franziska, Frauke, Fred, Friedrich, Fritz, Gabriel, Gabriele, Gerold, Gerald, Gerd, Gerda, Gerhard, Gerlinde, Gertrud, Gisela, Gottfried, Götz, Gregor, Gudrun, Guido, Gunnar, Günther, Gustav, Hannelore, Hanno, Hans, Harald, Hartmut, Hedwig, Heidi, Heidrun, Heike, Heino, Heinrich, Heinz, Helene, Helga, Helmut, Hendrik, Henning, Henriette, Herbert, Hermann, Hildegard, Holger, Horst, Hubert, Hugo, Ida, Ilona, Ilse, Ina, Inge, Ingeborg, Ingo, Ingrid, Irene, Irmgard, Jacqueline, Jakob, Jan, Jana, Janina, Janine, Jasmin, Jeanette, Jens, Jessica, Joachim, Jochen, Johanna, Johannes, Jonathan, Jörg, Josef, Judith, Julia, Julian, Jürgen, Jutta, Kai, Karin, Karl, Karolin, Katharina, Katja, Kerstin, Kevin, Kirsten, Klaus, Knut, Konrad, Konstantin, Korinna, Kornelius, Kuno, Kurt, Larissa, Lars, Laura, Lena, Leo, Leopold, Lieselotte, Lisa, Lorenz, Lothar, Luis, Ludwig, Luise, Lukas, Lutz, Lydia, Magdalena, Maike, Manfred, Manuel, Marcel, Marco, Margarete, Margit, Maria, Marianne, Mario, Marion, Marius, Mark, Markus, Martha, Martin, Martina, Matthias, Maximilian, Melanie, Michael, Michaela, Miriam, Monika, Moritz, Nadine, Nadja, Natalie,

Nicole, Nikolaus, Nils, Nina, Norbert, Norman, Olaf, Oliver, Oskar, Oswald, Ottmar, Otto, Pamela, Pascal, Patrick, Patrizia, Paul, Peter, Petra, Philipp, Pia, Raimund, Rainer, Ralf, Ramona, Raphael, Rebekka, Regina, Reinhard, Renate, Rene, Richard, Rita, Robert, Roland, Rolf, Roman, Roswitha, RĂźdiger, Rudolph, Ruth, Sabine, Sabrina, Sarah, Sascha, Sebastian, Sybille, Siegbert, Siegfried, Sigmund, Siegrid, Silke, Silvana, Silvia, Simon, Simone, Sonja, Sophia, Steffen, Stephan, Stephanie, Susanne, Sven, Tamara, Tanja, Theo, Thilo, Thomas, Tim, Tina, Tobias, Tom, Thorsten, Udo, Ulla, Ulrich, Ulrike, Ursula, Ute, Uwe, Vanessa, Vera, Verena, Veronika, Victor, Victoria, Viola, Volker, Waldemar, Walter, Waltraud, Werner, Wilfried, Wilhelm, Wolfgang, Yvonne, Zacharias.


Then, extract from the people described in Step 6 25 people with whom you would most like to operate the business. Contact these people first thing and tell them about your plans:

"Hi Mark, I now entered the Moringa business and want you to join my team. Let us have a coffee together this week. What suits you Monday at 9:00 clock? "

Take your sponsor to this meeting and let him take you / show her how you explain the business properly.

Ask yourself every morning after getting up: "What can I do today to get closer to my goals."


Contact multipliers, the best on a recommendation by one of your top contacts. Particularly suitable multipliers for our business are fitness studios, doctors, naturopaths, health food stores, health food stores, as well as cafes or restaurants.

"Good morning, Dr. Miller, my name is Sven Frank and I work for the company Moringa Life. Tony Rowlinson told me about you and gave me your phone number.

He said that our Moringa products are very interesting for you and your work. When can we meet for coffee, so that we can check if we are potential business partners? "


Be proud of your products!

Use the products. We drink coffee and tea with Moringa every day, use the capsules and pellets, have our own Moringa plants in our apartment and in the garden, drink a fitness drink with Moringa etc. Our business cards are small, labeled bags with coffee or tea and when we have visitors, everyone enjoys our products. Whenever we are invited, we bring i.e. our products as a welcome gift, with each coffee or at a restaurant we ask the waiter if they have our products already on the menu. Team partners of ours who operate the business only as a second job use the products in their main business and our seminar participants and patients benefit from our products also. Our family, friends, colleagues, participants and patients are just as important to us that we offer only the best

coffee, tea or a health drink. We are proud of our products and convinced of the positive effect that Moringa contains.

10. STEP


The selection of parties is countless: Plastic bowl parties, candle parties, lingerie parties - i.e. Moringa parties must not be missing. Mostly, these parties are organized by women, because in Network Marketing, there are four times more women than men who see their chance to become financially independent. Please always respect that the participants of these events (taking place mainly in the evening in the living room more or less well-known friends) are sacrificing an evening together with the family to participate in your Moringa Party. So first ask all the needs and motivation of our guests in terms of participation instead of giving a fact based awkward sober presentation of the company and their products. The sales of Moringa products, never goes through the products or the company, but always and exclusively towards the customer's needs. So check the participants needs and try to offer your products as an optimal solution. With Moringa it is a breeze. It should be noted yet in addition, that repeat customers are easily generated from one-time customers because the Moringa products are consumed and therefore ordered regularly.

Ideally, you offer products that conform to the habits of customers, for example, coffee or tea with Moringa, Moringa-powder for seasoning etc. So the customer only needs to change the type of coffee but not his habit.

A common argument is that the coffee is so expensive.

Then you should respond with the following technique:

Question: What does a cup of your coffee cost to date?

Answer: â‚Ź 0.35

Question: How many cups do you drink per day at home? Answer: On average three cups.

Question: These are then how many cups per week? Answer: About 21 cups

Question: So in a month about 84 cups x 0.35 cents yields € 29.40, correct? Answer: Correct.

Question: Is your previous coffee quality organic Arabica Coffee, easy to digest, with shares of beneficial nutrients?

Answer: Extra-nutrients are not included, otherwise it is comparable.

Question: How many coffees do you drink a day outside the home, for example, in a café, restaurant, at work, at rest at gas stops, with friends, etc.?

Answer: One to two.

Question: And what do you pay outside the home for a coffee?

Answer: In the office and with friends it is free, at the cafe or at the gas station between 1.50 € and 3.00 € or more.

Q. We agree on two cups for an average € 2.25 per day?

Answer: Okay.

Question: Results expected on the month € 126.00, okay?

Answer: Uh, yeah. Right.

Question: Let us agree also that the coffee outside your home is not always the best?

Answer: Absolutely.

Question: Great, so you have a monthly investment in coffee in the amount of € 155.40, you will agree?

Answer: Yes, that's right.

Question: Wonderful. To sum up, you drink three cups per day at home in the value of € 1.05 and two cups away from home valued at € 4.50. This results in € 5.55 per day for coffee. Our coffee costs € 0.70 per day, resulting in five cups a day, an amount amounting to € 3.50. In the week the expected average of your coffee is € 38.85 and with the same coffee consumption for me only an average of €24.50. In one month you invest € 155.40 and I only € 98.00.

This means I save in comparison with you â‚Ź 57.40 and drink coffee that is enriched with nutrients, has a high-quality and at the same time I get a recommendation bonus to every new coffee drinker that I mediate to the company. Do you want to continue to throw money out the window or sensibly invest into the coffee business?

Answer: Ooops!

With habits you have to consider which ones you use . It sounds better for the first contact, when one says: "We need time to meet for coffee or tea", compared to if one asks "Do you want to try my Moringa body wash?"

Please bear in mind, however, that the sale of products is only one way to earn money in the short term. The essence of Network Marketing has nothing to do with selling. Selling is an activity that brings money. Stop with the sales and your income stops. Business partners, who like to sell, can combine their network activity with selling techniques. Elementary, however, is that you constantly focus on building up the structure of your team and so on, investing in passive income.

Your job is to build relationships, to hold discussions to explore ways to meet people and to explain to people what is at stake in our business.

11. STEP


As the name implies, you look for a business partner who has the same target audience as you, without being a competitor. You could, for example, offer a sports club to distribute product samples to the members, or a business consultant to take over the potage for his Christmas mailing, if you can enclose a flyer of our company in return. A pizza service in the region adds with each delivery one of our flyers and an insurer shall add to each offer coffee sachets with the words: "Let us discuss the offer with a coffee in time".

The fact is that most industries have extensive customer lists; however, this potential can lie unused. You can see that business partners benefit from their customer pool.



As an author and lecturer one can quickly secure himself an expert status. Keep initially at least two presentations per month. Ways to deliver lectures, there are very many. Ask where there are regularly given lectures on specific issues in your region, and apply. You will be amazed how easy it is. Lectures will also help to better describe your product and market. Discover, which questions the public wants answered, and learn even with a competent audience sovereign act. Possible target groups for a lecture on Moringa can be: Gyms Bookstores Sports Clubs Childbirth classes Naturopath / health fairs Advanced Training for Physicians / Medical Associations

Parishes Public High Schools Lodges or club nights Clinics Yoga schools etc.

13. STEP


An online shop is standard in the distribution of goods nowadays. The easiest way to promote this advertisement is online advertisements, for example, similar to Google, eBay, Facebook. It is usually possible to define the target audience very concretely. Experiment with this type of advertising and note that each advertising campaign that does not lead within three months to a return on investment, should be reconsidered or replaced.

14. STEP


80% of your customers forget to buy from you. Our brain has a natural spam filter that defines whether certain information is important or not. Information is then judged to be important (and thus stored in the long term memory) if they either occur multiple times or are associated with strong emotions.

To this end, I like to use the following example:

Suppose that you like to experience a famous best-selling author (like me) once live. Now he comes to your own town and will give a lecture or a reading. You sit in the tram and see a billboard. You rejoice until you are at home, you had already so many impressions which have classified your brain as important that you do not think of the author lecture again.

Only after about 10 repetitions, you enter the date in your diary. In the second case you will receive an invitation to the wedding of your ex-boyfriend. They are emotionally so refreshed (positive or negative) that you send without delay a WhatsApp to your partner and inform all friends from the "girls group". These activities cause your brain to consider this information as extremely important quasi by their very own repetitions of it.

Back to Moringa: To ensure that your customers remember to buy from you, send always valuable and attractive information and samples, invitations to lectures, new products, Christmas Specials, etc. by applying a multi-level marketing concept.

15. STEP


An exhibition has a lot of potential to throw money out the window. Invite your best clients in advance of the fair and arrange appointments directly on site. Give the visitors a reason to leave their address data at your booth, for example, an attractive raffle. Let the booth look comfortable but not too noble, because quality exhibition booths increase the purchasing inhibition. Combine the stand with a lecture and arrange with the interested parties in a brief interview an appointment for a detailed consultation in the week after the show.

16. STEP


Just ask celebrities from your region or even country, if they are willing to be a figurehead for your product. You will probably be surprised at how easy it is, as many prominent people have such a big fortune, that they do not expect any monetary consideration, but are more interested in having a certain amount of revenue generated by their involvement turnover flow into one of their charities. This way you win two birds with one product.

17. STEP


Surely you have already read the Pareto Principle. Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist who noted that 80% of the turnover of an undertaking is generated by 20% of the employees. The oftencited 80/20-rule was named after him. So 80% of your Moringa products are sold by 20% of your gang (team partners/ downline).

So - lose less time with the 80% of partners who generate only 20% of turnover. Take care of your top men (and women), the so-called A-staff and create attractive incentives and reward systems that are geared to the needs of each of them.

Please also do not handle all customers equally. There are A-customers, B-customers and Ccustomers. The first group includes those customers who buy large amounts of products and order and pay reliably. A-customer should always be handled in preference, because they provide a stress free life and restful sleep for the entrepreneur. These satisfied customers will recommend other A customers to you. B customers are not as reliable as A-customers and need clear statements and structures, because otherwise they "forget" to be reliable. C customers are people who cost a lot of time, nerves and money to the entrepreneurs and in turn bring little sales and earnings. Dealing with C customers should be avoided at all costs, if word gets out about that - the better!

18. STEP


Work constantly on your contacts list and inform at least two new people about your products daily. Also stay in contact with at least two old contacts per day. Patience and consistency brings blessings.

19. STEP


Every successful entrepreneur knows to value a written fixed weekly plan with objectives. Envision always, that your time is your most valuable asset. Lost money, you can re-raise - not lost time. Also remember that even your brain is subject to spam filters. To help you remember to operate acquisitions, plan your week and summarize at the end of the day the respective achievements in writing together. This will keep your structure running and growing.

20. STEP


To this end, I remember only one sentence:

"Those who have no goals for the future anymore, have begun to die."

21. STEP


Facebook, Xing, Google Plus, LinkeIn, Youtube etc. are practical tools to keep potential customers or business partners informed. Discipline yourself, however, in terms of time spent and keep in mind that the (anti-)social networks are very fast-paced, non-binding and anonymous. In addition, they are difficult to control, so choose your records with the utmost caution. I want to advise against private entries and activities in social networks, unless they are harmless and serve a target group analysis.

22. STEP


Know the power of the third person? If your car seller raves about a new car, then you believe him less than if your neighbour does, because the latter does indeed not sell you anything. The same effect is obtained with potential customers and business partners through recommendations that you publish in written or audiovisual form on your web site or information documents.

23. STEP


Advertisements in newspapers, magazines or in the Yellow Pages are in today's perspective quite ineffective. This is mainly because most people (textwriters included) have no idea of effective advertising. Therefore, you should be very concerned with textwriting, if you think about print advertising. If you get an offer for an advertisement in this area, then go only one out if you can do it without any problems on investing the money.

Consider investing in print advertising as a donation for the publisher, and initially do not expect as many new customers as the publisher makes you believe in. Should you decide for such an action, for example, because the sales representative is having your Moringa tea, then only in connection with an editorial article – which you have of course checked before publishing or even written yourself!

24. STEP


Again, the principle of freedom from pain applies. Sponsor means to invest a donation of a beneficial amount, beneficial (for the donator). Expect neither thanks nor customer onslaught as a result. It's all about being visible and so burn yourself in the subconscious of the audience. Start small and ignite a preferably small fire that warms, rather than a large fire destroying your house. The donated amount cannot hurt, so turn all investments in assets, buy your wife flowers (valuable investment in the future), pay bills, build up reserves, and then donate. 1% of sales I think is appropriate.

25. STEP


Devote yourself 100% to your company so your customers and employees also can. This is done, inter alia, by pasting your vehicle. Visible, low, long term and permanent. From now on, park strategically when shopping so that every customer who enters the supermarket or leaves comes over to your car. Escape routes and disabled parking spaces are naturally taboo!

26. STEP


Use your products anytime, anywhere. Drink the coffee, tea, Life, etc. daily. Use the capsules, pellets, etc. visibly. Be an exemplary customer of your own products. That's the advantage for brewers, wine merchants or anesthetist: The intensive consumption of our products enhances our health.

27. STEP


In this way you develop a feel for the needs of your customers.

"If you have a minute, I'm gone in 60 seconds again."

Each participant may also take part in a raffle. "Please give me your e-mail, because the winner will be notified via email. If you want also your phone number, just in case the e-mail comes back. And in the event that we ever want to send you a small surprise, you can register below your postal address without any obligations. "

28. STEP


What benefit have other companies from your existence? Insurers, Financial Advisor, artisans, hairdressers, mechanics, wine merchant etc. have a large pool of customer information. In the worst case a customer comes once in a lifetime (Example: undertaker, midwife) or very rarely (example: insurers, financial advisers, car dealers), or it will change the service if he moves to another city

forexample: hairdresser, beautician, craftsmen). This problem has been recognized in the past and so entrepreneur tables, business brunches or the like have emerged.

But here the top referrer is not really rewarded. When the undertaker or the hairdresser, recommends the mechanics and the lawyer, these occupational groups are much more in use than he. The solution: One creates a network in which all conceivable needs of customers can be met by experts - without having to do it yourself more than is recommend. I belong to such a network of experts. The common denominator: we all drink the same coffee – the one with Moringa. Moringa products must be consumed. We are not looking for sellers, but consumers. So I reward consumers by recommending its performance or its product in my network. Voila - this makes cross-selling fun and everyone has a benefit. New customers without advertising, and more consumers, happier and healthier people. Below is a sample letter you can use for the acquisition of cross-selling partners.

29. STEP


As I write this book, I took a call from an entrepreneur who welcomed me on the phone with the question: "Are you the Moringa-Master?" Spontaneously I respond with "Of course, well, who are you?" It's always nice when you get nicknames from other people. So - use the booklet of the Moringa-Master and let the content act to the customer and the downline. You can therefore always blame me if something should not occur as promised, and then position yourself as the great savior.

Also, it is better if the contents of the book wash the partners head instead of you. Remember the power of the third person.

Why 10 pieces? Because you want to watch the magical 1,000 crack, right?

Here you will find an exemplary letter that can be used as part of your 12-level marketing concept and your cross-selling acquisition:

Sven Frank - Krämerstr. 30 - 55276 Oppenheim Vision Un Ltd. Attention Tania Farries Moringastreet 123 45678 Asset-City Oppenheim, September 4, 2015

Beware Opticians: To look relaxed into the future... Read here how to earn more money as opticians with healthier coffee and build a closer relationship with your customers

Dear Mrs. Farries,

Every client and businessman can lose their overview in no time. Do you agree with me? However, what you are reading now may surprise you: There is a simple and fast actionable opportunity while drinking coffee to benefit also from your customers if they do not buy from you. Do you believe that?

I could not believe it in the beginning either and was surprised what a man can bring about by means of customer loyalty, even though he didn’t believe it until now because he had neither the money nor the knowledge.

Why is that? Simple: In school we learn how to write an application, but not how to lead a healthy company and build a profitable customer loyalty. Do you agree with me? Learn how your company benefits from the fact that your customers drink coffee.

A book with a corresponding short-course is now available for you. Order it right now through my email: It will cost you only 20.00 â‚Ź. And should it get you nothing, just send it back with the invoice. By the way: In 2015 more than 5,000 people in Europe have successfully established a business with us.

Yours sincerely, Sven Frank

Krämerstr. 30 Tel: +49-6133-3879989 D-55276 Oppenheim

This template is a great way to send letters to businessmen with a special salutation in the subject: Beware Hairdressers - cut yourself a good future Beware insurers – this is how you stay in the future on the safe side

Beware car salesman – this is how you get on the fast track Athletes beware – this is how you reach your goal faster Doctors should pay attention - so you'll be treated better in the future Beware mothers - so you operate a successful family business

30. STEP


This proposition is self-evident. To this end, one more tip: Send out the press release on Friday afternoons. Most editors have a weekend hole, because politicians and many companies pause at the weekend and so they are often more open to "peripheral issues", which are then published on Mondays. Send the press release always by regular mail with a product sample. To speak to all the senses of the editor and so he benefits from the positive effect of Moringa.

31. STEP


Practice the principle of abundance. Fear leads to loss. There is always and everywhere enough for everyone. Think about mobile phones. A few years ago there were none and now you can find more phone stores than hairdressers. Based on the amounts of telephone services in a variety of shops can be seen that there is no market saturation. And with Moringa you are still at the very beginning. So join forces with other dealers, to support each other in the great goal. How you define the target to feel good is up to you.

32. STEP


When you think of Africa, images of riots, Ebola and refugees come to mind. As a child I looked at Heinz Sielmann "Expeditions into the animal world" and dreamt of seeing a lion, an antelope or a zebra in the wild. In youth camps of the Red Cross (!!!) we played "Who’s afraid of the “Black Man” (Boogie Man – in English)!” - What a suggestion.

When I hear statements to date (August 2015) of many co-citizens on the refugee issue, I wonder whether those people should have the right to vote. Since my first encounter with King Bansah in

2008 I understood what Africa really has to offer to the world, and the images of savannas, African art, with nature and laughing people come back. It is worthwhile to invest in African business

partners. I don’t mean here development aid as a modern form of colonialism, but fair trade partnerships characterized by rights and obligations of both business partners.

33. STEP


When creating a business plan, you have certainly well thought through investment in other projects and companies. Who does not think about the future, has begun to die? Of course, it makes sense to look for companies that use or sell your products, or space in which these companies then rent space. With what does McDonald's earn the most money?

No not with burgers, but with the real estate in which the restaurants operate. Quote of Harry J. Sun Borne, one of the founders: "Actually, we're a real estate company. The only reason we sell hamburgers, is the fact that these most turn a profit, from which our restaurant owners can pay the rent. "So make wise investment decisions and invest in training on the subject.

34. STEP


Who can train a marathon runner? A golfer or a marathon runner? Would you prefer that your child is tutored by a math genius or a classmate who has an E in math? Doctors and psychotherapists are called the professions with the highest suicide rate and the strongest drug consummation. This is surely a gross exaggeration, because otherwise it would probably make little sense to be explained by this occupational group, how to remain healthy.

The people all have the same needs:

Physical and mental health, sufficient leisure and enough capital to pay the first-mentioned three points. So ensure that you can lead the lifestyle of your products and your business, the wish for all, and you will become a magnet.

35. STEP


If you're okay, then let the world participate in it. By donating 1% of your income, you signal to your subconscious that you have more than enough money available. To avoid losing the fear of scarcity,

this in turn attracts the abundance. The universal law of attraction states that you pull in life, which one resonates. Are you afraid of having depletion resonate, that is what you drag in your life transmitter / receiver principle. Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not, the law does not care. It still works. Just as with the gravity on earth.

36. STEP


Life is too short to make all the mistakes yourself, so look around for a mentor who will show you how you can get to the goal that you want to achieve, because this mentor has already reached it. Okay, that is not enough. You must then also do what he says!

37. STEP


For this reason do not treat all people equally. Reliable, loyal and disciplined people surround themselves with their peers. Opposites attract only if you have enough in common. So if you have once had a bad experience with a man, be critical in people from his network. Conversely, it is worthwhile to be open and willing to negotiate if you continue to recommend a reliable business partner - no matter what your first impression was.

38. STEP

EDUCATE YOURSELF CONTINUALLY ESPECIALLY IN THE AREAS OF SALES, MARKETING, INTERVIEWING ARE RHETORIC You need a year to achieve 80% professionalism - and the rest of life for the remaining 20%. So it's very easy to develop in many areas of life 80% -competence. This will be versatile and to develop a greater mass action because you quickly discover similarities with other people, and then - see Step 37

39. STEP


The power of the subconscious mind is the most underrated force to success. With the right programming, you can move the proverbial mountain. How to do that is in another book.

40. STEP


In times of globalization and the Internet, you no longer come without knowledge of foreign languages among the top 100. A maximum of two to six months, you should spend time on each language. Again 80/20 rule. If you consider learning a foreign language as a project and approach accordingly, you will arrive at your destination quickly.

41. STEP


Modern medicine believes that nearly 80% of all illnesses have a mental cause or are at least partly conditioned psychosomatically. Nevertheless, most people poison their psyche with negative input,

such as Gossip from the press, level-less films, unimportant posts from (anti-)social networks, fury, rage, jealousy, envy and depressive thoughts. An often common spiritual food is fear. Fear of rejection, fear of the future, fear of impoverishment etc.

Follow the instructions in this book consistently and whenever the feeling of doubt or anxiety sets in, take a 30 minute break and think about your successes and positive messages in your life. Think about everything you are grateful about and the things that you already achieved. It is also desirable in everyday life to feed your mind with things that are good for you.

Contact with people you love, good news, good moments, motivation books, experience nature, etc.

He who brings benefits to his business partners and customers will meet open ears and motivated recommenders. So ask yourself every day:

• How can I be more useful to people than others?

Also, you should reward yourself for your successes: -

How do you want to reward yourself every day when you have reached your goal for the day?


How do you want to reward a week if you have reached your weekly target?


How do you want to reward a month, when you have reached your monthly goal?


How do you want to reward yourself when you have sponsored a new business partner?


How do you want to reward yourself if you could increase your monthly revenue?


How do you want to reward yourself when you reach the next level of qualification?


How do you want to reward yourself when you reach your financial freedom?

42. STEP


Hard work is nowhere as highly rewarded as in Network Marketing. However, the initial sacrifices that you have to bring are also nowhere as great as here. But what is true of the structure of each company, is truer in terms of Network Marketing. In the morning get up and list the weeks processing, stop time robbers and zero calls with discipline during the daytime and in the evening summarize the results and plan the next day. Everything with deep confidence in the success - no matter what comes before success; there is always success at the end. Or to put it in football terms with philosophical words: "A match lasts 90 minutes and ended when our team won!"

Now you can understand how our business works. Now we create the basis for a profound knowledge about the possibilities of our gourd.



Question: -

What is Moringa exactly?

Answer: -

Moringa oleifera is known as the Horseradish tree in Europe, because, inter alia, its leaves have a slightly pungent flavor that unfolds while eating fresh Moringa leaves or tea (after a longer brewing time). Originally this tree is from the Himalayan region. The ayurvedic medicine has been using it for a long time. It is believed that the effect has been known for about 5,000 years – by witnesses of the past, however, there are no more.


As the English began to spread their language and culture in India, this grade as a tea plant was apparently discovered by them and through them spread in other British colonies.

Since Moringa copes particularly well with hot and dry climates, the tree is now growing worldwide in the tropics and subtropics, especially in Africa, Arabia, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean islands. A Moringa tree can grow up to 30 cm per month under ideal conditions and reach a height of up to 4 meters within a year. There are regions where the tree has even reached a height of 8 meters in the first year.

The increasing popularity of Moringa is due to the fact that you can use all parts of the tree for the people stirred: -

The peeled roots serve as horseradish replacement due to the very similar smell and taste.


The fruits are very similar to using beans as a vegetable.


The leaves have a high content of proteins, vitamins and minerals, which will continue to play down an important role in the areas of indication.


From the seeds vegetable oil can be pressed, which finds a versatile application in the diet, as a lubricating oil, as a basis for the production of ointments, soap and cosmetics and as biodiesel.


The highlight of every Moringa demonstration is however - as already mentioned - the ability of the crushed seeds into powder to purify polluted water. The powder binds the water suspended solids and any contained bacteria and drops them to the ground. What remains is clear, drinkable water.

Question: -

Why don’t all people use Moringa as the people in Africa, if this plant brings so many benefits and even grows wild in the jungle?



For the same reason why people in Europe do not go in the forest and pick wild garlic, nettles to process to spinach or prepare Dandelion salad with Daisy: because they do not know that the plant brings these possibilities.

Question: -

What distinguishes the quality of products from low-cost carriers?

Answer: -

The price is calculated from the various components.


First of all, you must check whether it is, for example, in capsules or pellets and that they are 100 % Moringa powder or if it has been stretched, for example, with cellulose.


The most important point, the working conditions in the growing areas. After Moringa is cultivated mainly in low-wage countries, a higher price is mainly produced when the farmers are paid fairly locally.


Then it is important to compare how high the residual moisture is before processing it, because the higher the water content, the greater the weight and the lower the effect of each capsule.


Originally Moringa has been used as animal feed. Here, not only the leaves but also the stems are used. The harvest is more cost-effective, because the farmer can harvest by machine. Ensure that pure leaf powder is used, they are harvested by hand.


In principle, it must be ensured that the products are certified organic and are controlled by the food authorities.

Question: -

How can Moringa be used to promote health?



Moringa detoxifies the body, prevents disease, regulates imbalances in the body, protects and repairs diseased cells, thus helping with more than 300 proven diseases. In addition, Moringa is ideally suited to supporting service providers in the top businesses and for professional athletes. (For a list of specific indications with dosage recommendation, see "Moringa in everyday life".)

Question: -

After Moringa ingestion I had diarrhea. Is that normal?

Answer: -

Depending on how you have been fed and how healthy your intestinal flora is, it may initially lead to diarrhea due to the cleansing effect of Moringa. Reduce the intake of a well-tolerated dose and increase gradually to the desired amount.

Question: -

What studies are there to date about the effects of Moringa?



The number of studies is beyond the scope here. Therefore, we refer to the respective indications below as an appropriate study.

Question: -

How do you make money?

Answer: -

If you ask this question here, then you have not read the first part of the book.


In Moringa oleifera, a high proportion of antioxidants have been demonstrated. These are extremely important for a powerful body because they protect us against free radicals, which are often the cause of serious illnesses. The so-called ORAC value ("Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity"), which is a measurable quantity for the extent to which free radicals are inhibited, is higher in Moringa than other plants.

In addition, 18 of the 24 known amino acids found in the Moringa-leaves, eight essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are called organic compounds (protein building blocks) that our organism needs, but cannot produce itself. Thus, the supply of the body can take place only with the essential amino acids from the diet. The following are essential amino acids of particular importance for humans:


In the medical field an orally applicable "chemically defined diet" was developed for patients with an impaired digestive system, which contains isoleucine. It is used in infusion solutions for parenteral nutrition.


This essential amino acid plays a central role for the energy balance in the muscle tissue, which is why, among other things, leucine is recommended in weight training as a dietary supplement for building muscle.


It is a component of infusion solutions for parenteral nutrition and for the treatment of hypochloraemic alkalosis. In addition, lysine is also used for effective acceleration of analgesic agents, for example in conjunction with ibuprofen.


If excess methionine is metabolized, then the sulfur contained in the substance is oxidized to sulfuric acid and is excreted through the kidneys, so that the urine is acidified. The mechanism of urine acidity can assist the cure in some diseases. In medicine, methionine is used to prevent the formation of kidney stones, inhibition of bacterial growth in a bladder infection as well as part of infusion solutions for parenteral nutrition.


Phenylalanine is i.e. involved in the synthesis of adrenaline, noradrenaline, L-dopa, PEA and melanin. The essential amino acid used as a starting material for many other materials, e.g. for the neurotransmitter dopamine. Phenylalanine is an integral part of painkillers and is administered for depression because it acts as a mood enhancer.


It is a component of amino acid infusion solutions for parenteral nutrition and also is widely used in human medicine. For patients with impaired digestion an orally applicable "chemically defined diet" that contains threonine was developed.


This amino acid is said to enhance mood, and have soothing and weight loss effects. The mood effects of tryptophan are based on the fact that it is converted in the human body to serotonin. According to current knowledge, the elevated serotonin levels lighten and relieve depression.


Valine is required as a building block for protein synthesis and is used for energy production. So, valine is, as well as leucine and isoleucine the nutrition of the muscle.

These eight essential amino acids are contained in the Moringa leaves and that is why ipso facto, the regular consumption of Moringa for maintaining health is useful.

Moreover, Moringa also contains the amino acids alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cystine, glutamine acid, glycine, histidine, proline, serine and tyrosine (which the body can produce itself, but at this point is to dispense a further embodiment of the operation) ,

But Moringa is not only so valuable because of the amino acids, but also because of numerous vital substances which we want to look at in more detail below.


(Retinol) is a fat soluble vitamin which is required for vision as well as for the development of skin and mucosa.


(Riboflavin) is one of the water-soluble vitamins and plays an important role in fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism as well as in energy production and in the development of skin and mucous membranes.

VITAMIN B3 (niacin) and vitamin B5 (pantothen acid)

Are water-soluble vitamins, which are responsible for the construction and dismantling of carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids.


Is responsible for blood formation and protein metabolism in the human body.


(Biotin) plays an important role for the fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism as well as for the development of skin and hair.

Vitamin B9

(Folic acid) is standard prescribed in pregnant women as a dietary supplement to avoid the phenomenon of spina bifida in the embryo. This water-soluble vitamin is responsible for protein metabolism, blood formation, and the formation of new cells, the mucous membranes and in increasing the body's defenses.

Vitamin B12

Directly supports blood formation and is also important for folic acid metabolism.


Is involved in almost all vital functions of the body. Our connective tissue as well as cartilage, bones and teeth need vitamin C for growth and regeneration. Furthermore, this water-soluble vitamin is an important contribution to strengthening the immune system and for detoxification and iron utilization.


(Cholecalciferol) is responsible in connection with sunlight for bone stability. It promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the gastrointestinal tract and ensures that the body can incorporate the minerals in bone, cartilage and teeth. If vitamin D deficiency is a risk that the body cannot absorb enough calcium and phosphorus from the intestines, it then gets the minerals from the bones. This can lead to osteoporosis and is during pregnancy an important aspect, since the embryo draws its minerals from the mother's body.


Protects the cells as well as vitamin C against free radicals and thus belongs to the group of Antioxidants. Furthermore, vitamin E is important to maintain the function of nerve, muscle and blood.


Allows healthy blood clotting.

In addition to vitamins, there are also numerous minerals, which were are detected in Moringa oleifera:


Plays an important role in bone and teeth formation and in the excitability of the muscles (also of the heart muscle). Calcium is incorporated into the bone and, together with other minerals is responsible for its strength and durability. A long-term lack of calcium causes the body to resort to the calciumdepot in the bones. The result: The bones lose their stability and break easily. Therefore, an adequate supply of the mineral calcium plays a key role in the prevention of osteoporosis.

Calcium is not only important for healthy, strong bones, it is also involved in many metabolic processes in the body. Blood clotting, muscle contraction and the transmission of impulses in the nervous system is where the mineral calcium is needed. Also, Calcium has a stabilizing effect on the cell walls, which is helpful in preventing and treating an allergic reaction, particularly of the skin. Thus, allergic substances such as histamine will emerge less from the cells and thereby cause less allergic reactions.


The body needs to form hemoglobin and strengthen the immune system. Especially women often suffer from iron deficiency because of menstruation.

The consequences of iron deficiency are i.e. physical weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal discomfort, paleness and shortness of breath under strain. Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies of minerals.


Ensures the correct fabric tension and improves heart and muscle function.


Is the mineral that one thinks of at first when he has cramps. Indeed, it is responsible for the excitability of muscles and nerves. Also it supports the enzyme formation. Magnesium is one of the vital minerals. Everyone needs to maintain the performance and the smooth "functioning" of his body’s magnesium. Therefore, the body must be supplied in sufficient quantities every day with magnesium to prevent a lack. Magnesium affects more than 300 enzymes and because of this affects the cell regeneration, oxygen utilization and energy production. An adequate supply is therefore necessary for the smooth functioning of all muscles, including the heart muscle.

In addition, magnesium inhibits the release of stress hormones. In order to deal better with stress, a good supply of magnesium is helpful. Magnesium contributes to a normal function of the nervous system and the psyche.


Is heavily involved in important processes in the human body. It is essential for the function of various enzymes. Manganese is important for example for cartilage and bone tissue. Manganese is

involved in the formation of enzymes, which in turn in the development of cartilage and synovial fluid play an important role. Manganese contributes to normal formation of connective tissue and maintains normal bone. Manganese is also important for the activation of carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism processes. Manganese contributes to a normal energy metabolism. Manganese also belongs to the group of antioxidants. It intercepts free radicals.


Belongs to the antioxidant groups just as vitamins A, C and E and is a component of important enzymes. In addition to these "radicals-defenses ", Selenium has other important functions in the body: Selenium strengthens the immune system defenses particularly well in conjunction with zinc and can, for example, help the body with blood poisoning or an HIV infection is favorably influenced by the vital substance of the disease. Or rheumatism, joint problems, allergic asthma, and autoimmune diseases of the intestine. An increased requirement for selenium is in the winter due to the infection risk.

Interesting, is also the recently discovered ingredient Zeatin. This is a so-called cytokine, a plant hormone, which is responsible for the rapid growth of Moringa trees. Obviously, the Moringa leaves contain up to 1000 times more Zeatin as other plants. In the human body the Zeatin acts as a chemical messenger that ensures that all the important nutrients that are contained in Moringa, can be absorbed and utilized by the human organism. Moreover Zeatin inhibits the breakdown of leaf chlorophyll. Thus, the proteins and nutrients contained in the Moringa leaves are broken down much more slowly, which is also responsible for the further processing of the leaves to leaf powder, which is advantageous because the nutrients stay here for longer.


Supports the symptom activity and the body's defenses, and moreover promotes growth and reproduction. Men love this mineral! Zinc is an important mineral that is necessary for the functioning of more than 300 enzymes in the metabolism and therefore is involved in virtually all life processes. Especially for the defenses of the body zinc is important. An optimal supply of zinc boosts the defense, thus preventing infections beforehand. Also, in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins the mineral zinc plays an important role. Zinc contributes to normal protein synthesis and to a normal carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism and supports the body in burning fat. Zinc is

also important for cell division, growth and regeneration of cells. Therefore Zinc also plays an important role in wound healing.

Omega-3 fatty acid

Are vital and cannot be produced by the body itself.

The following effects are considered to be secured:

Bend arrhythmias before they stabilize the blood vessels to prevent heart attacks, they slow down the changes in the coronary vessels, they protect against coronary heart disease.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids promote blood circulation and show a beneficial effect in pregnancy and lactation, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, or age-related degenerative diseases, in stroke and Alzheimer's disease as well as depression.

Again - we are talking about only one plant: Moringa!





Whenever a plant is recognized and acknowledged as very healthy, you can read increasing reports on the so-called "miracle plant". The only miracle that we should take seriously is the miracle of our lives and the related, matched to the smallest detail successive processes in the human body. In Africa Moringa helps fight malnutrition, in Europe it must detoxify our bodies because we take too much pollution into us.

A body is therefore not sick because the Moringa is missing, but because many factors prevent it from staying healthy. 80% of the population operates with their health overexploited and he who ruins his health by industrial food, cheap meat, alcohol, nicotine, stress, refined sugars, etc., Moringa cannot help to change this way of living. The first miracle must take place in his mind.

Consider the following dietary recommendations, not as the sole means of recovery, but only as a highly effective support.

Moringa can help you to live a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life - but it is against human irrationality that still no such herb is grown!


Since 2014 Moringa is officially recognized in the EU as a food and should be consumed daily. (Source: Novel Food Catalogue of the European Commission)

“Moringa oleifera leaves and pods (contain the seeds) are not novel. Immature seedpods are also called drumsticks. Moringa oleifera is a fast growing, evergreen, deciduous tree. It can reach a height of 10-12 m and the trunk can reach a diameter of 45 cm. The bark has a whitish-grey color and is surrounded by thick cork. Young shoots have purplish or greenish-white hairy bark. The tree has an open crown of drooping, fragile branches and the leaves build up feathery foliage of trip innate leaves. The fruit is a hanging, three-sided brown capsule of 20-45 cm size which holds dark brown, globular seeds with a diameter of approximately 1 cm. The seeds have three whitish papery wings and are dispersed by wind and water."

The specified consumption recommendations for Moringa, in various indicating examples, originate exclusively from my highly subjective personal opinions, based on common sense.

Moringa is a food and not a drug! The consumption of Moringa - as well as in other foods such as salads, herbs or vegetables, should never replace a healthy lifestyle or in the case of illness, the treatment by a physician.

In plain English:

For a healthy diet and a healthy body there is more than just taking Moringa. The consumption of Moringa is merely a sensible measure that contributes to a healthier lifestyle as well as laughter, exercise and adequate sleep. So please do not write to me or the publisher, because you still suffer certain symptoms despite taking Moringa.. My recommendations are recommendations and not a guarantee. If you stumble with a pair of new shoes, then you cannot sue the shoe salesman. So relax, enjoy this book and follow my recommendations, thereby finding the right way for you to take Moringa.

Below we list a number of indications where Moringa can be used as a supportive food (possibly in addition to a medical treatment).


Acne refers to the world's most common skin disease. The causes are complex and affect the production of sebum and the output of the sebaceous. By taking Moringa you support your body from the inside by lowering your cholesterol, detoxifying the body and balancing the pH of the skin. Acne patients report a significant reduction in acne. Your dermatologist will advise you competently about using Moringa as a food, as part of a healthy diet and possibly enhance the recommended dose depending on the severity of symptoms.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in acne is: -

1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily


3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Alopecia areata is defined as a circular, localized hair loss. In the ayuvedic medicine Moringa is used to support anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect on hair loss. As support from the inside, it aids an operation, together with a special shampoo and acupressure head massage good experiences have been reported. A welcome side effect is also that the hair regains its natural color. Once the body has filled its storage of minerals, amino acids and vitamins again, the hair gets its share, which is reflected in the hair color.

This does not apply to chemical hair dyeing. To neutralize foreign chemicals in the body, we need minerals. The consumption of these minerals increase and the valuable Moringa substances are used for this neutralization. Only those who stop chemical dyeing are increasingly blessed with the natural hair color.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in hair loss is:

1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 6,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times a day five capsules or pellets per 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Anorexia nervosa or anorexia refers to a mentally-related eating disorder. Since Moringa is used in African countries largely to avoid under- or malnutrition, taking the treatment of anorexia has also in the context of supportive psychotherapy. Firstly Moringa helps here the physical signs of malnutrition to reduce; on the other hand it stabilizes the psyche.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in combination with psychotherapy is:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months). Depending on the severity of symptoms, the attending physician would also have a higher amount of food intake deem sensible.


An excessive fear of people, situations or objects, from which the average citizen is not afraid is called anxiety disorder. Also panic attacks or general fear for no apparent reason can be included in this symptom. We recommend all our anxious patients to take Moringa to support psychotherapy.

The nutrients contained in it have a positive effect on the mood and the nervous system. Patients report even better results compared to psychotherapy without Moringa intake.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in combination with psychotherapy is: When fear or nervous restlessness: 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets per 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

At medium anxiety symptoms: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months). For generalized anxiety or panic attacks: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


The heart rhythm disorder is defined as a disruption of the normal heartbeat sequence, caused by non-regular operations at the excitation formation and conduction in the heart muscle. Here, the magnesium contained in Moringa Leaf Powder may, inter alia, in combination with other nutrients lead to symptom improvement.

The recommended dosage for Moringa for cardiac arrhythmias (you may your doctor recommends a higher dose):

For prophylaxis: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease. The vital substances in the Moringa leaves have an antiinflammatory effect. Numerous studies demonstrate the positive effects in arthritis supportive to medical therapy (including Manaheji, Jafari, Zaringhalam, Rezazadeh and Taghizadfarid).

The Recommended dosage of Moringa for the prophylaxis and support for Arthritis: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Autoimmune disease is known in the medicine disease, as an overreaction of the immune system against the body's own tissue. Mistakenly the immune system recognizes the body´s own tissue as a foreign body to be controlled. This leads to severe inflammatory reactions that cause damage to the affected organs. A study by Galuppo, Giacoppo, De Nicola, Iori, Navarra, Lombardo, Bramanti and Mazzon shows the positive effect of Moringa in autoimmune diseases.

The ´recommended dosage of Moringa in autoimmune diseases is (perhaps your doctor recommends a higher dose): 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least twelve months).


Asthma is defined as a chronic, inflammatory disorder of the airways with permanently existing hypersensitivity. Studies such as that by Agrawal and Mehta show that Moringa in asthma can reduce the symptoms clearly and significantly improve lung function.

Thus, the intake of Moringa is recommended as supportive to medical therapy and particularly for prophylaxes during the symptom-free period.

The Recommended dosage of Moringa for the prophylaxis and support in asthma are: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily

10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


The bulimia, also bulimia addiction is one of the eating disorders. Since Moringa is used in African countries largely to avoid under- or malnutrition, taking Moringa for the treatment of bulimia can be offered as part of supportive psychotherapy. Firstly Moringa helps here to reduce the physical signs of possible malnutrition, on the other hand it stabilizes the psyche.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in combination with psychotherapy is:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months). Depending on the severity of symptoms, the attending physician would also have a higher amount of food intake deem sensible.


A burnout is a state of total emotional exhaustion with greatly reduced performance. In support of medical recovery measures, the intake of Moringa is recommended initially in a higher dose and then flanking as a food for care providers.. Your doctor can give you competent advice and will probably even recommend higher doses than we do.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in combination with medical recovery measures:

In the acute phase:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

To accompany in everyday life: For service providers: 6,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg) For normal working professionals: 4,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 2 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg) CANCER

Cancer refers to a malignant tumor in medicine.

The US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health published until today about 35 studies and research on the effectiveness of Moringa in cancer therapy.

Of course, we all very much hope that we finally found the "magic bullet against cancer" however; I want to warn against excessive euphoria and exaggerated promises - especially out of respect to the affected patients - Moringa can and should play in the therapy of cancer an important role - but only in cooperation with an oncologist, your doctor will know the studies on Moringa and tell you the amount appropriate for your situation.


Constipation is called a difficult and less than three times a week defecation. Possible causes are often malnutrition, lack of hydration, metabolic disorders or disturbances of the electrolyte balance and low physical activity. The vital substances of Moringa leaves support metabolism, regulate faulty diets partially and help in the regulation of the electrolyte balance. In chronic constipation, your doctor will advise you competently for consumption of Moringa. It can be assumed that he recommends a higher dose than we.

For prophylaxis during the symptom-free time:

• 3.6000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months), each in connection with 3 times one liter of still water.

In the acute phase:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg) in combination with 5 times 0.75 liters of still water.

The suggested support in the medial therapy diagnosed with cancer:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least 24 months). Depending on the severity of symptoms, the attending physician would also have a higher amount of food intake deem sensible.


A pain is usually a warning or signal for the protection of the body. Chronic pain is due to various causes (e.g. unprocessed emotions) in the body manifested signals that continue to exist in isolation from the normal function of pain and thus form their own symptom. The nutrients in Moringa are both suitable to assist the body in healing painful changes such as inflammation or injury, and to stabilize the psyche.

A study by Pereira, de Oliveira, Gifoni, Rocha, de Sousa and Vasconcelos shows the applications of Moringa for chronic pain.

The recommended dosage for Moringa in chronic pain (possibly recommended by your doctor, a higher dose):

As preventative treatment for occasional mild pain: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

With regular and moderate pain:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In the case of severe chronic pain:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect of Moringa Leaf Powder also the consumption of capsules or pellets is sensible. Here initially the body should be slowly accustomed to the cleansing effect of Moringa.

The recommended dosage in Crohn's disease is therefore:

• 1,200 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 1 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months. The amount can be increased to 3,600 mg without hesitation or 3 times daily three capsules or pellets while being well tolerated).


Depression is a mental disorder with psychological states, dejection as the main symptom. Here you can accomplish wonders with the mood enhancing effect of the nutrients of Moringa in conjunction with effective psychotherapy and possibly Psychopharma-Therapy. At the same time it counteracts fears and somatoform symptoms that may be associated as a secondary symptom of depression. The recommended dosage of Moringa in combination with psychotherapy or medical supervision:

In the acute phase:

• 6,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

To accompany everyday life:

• 4,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 2 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg)


Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by the excretion of glucose in the urine. Previously it was diagnosed with the taste test, today, there are blood glucose tests. Regarding the positive effect of Moringa in this disease, there are some studies, for example, of Olayaki, Irekpita, Yakubu and Ojo OO.

The recommended dosage (the doctor may recommend a larger quantity): 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Liquid stool is called diarrhoea. Diarrhoea can be a concomitant symptom of many diseases, or a sign of malnutrition. Since Moringa in the beginning in higher doses can cause diarrhoea (Morin Gas revenge), a kind of cleansing process, we maintain the recommendation to begin the dose small and increase as tolerated. The sufferers from diarrhoea want to indeed have a positive change and not a deja vu.

The recommended dosage in case of diarrhea:

• 1,200 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 1 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months. The amount can be increased to 3,600 mg without hesitation or 3 times daily three capsules or pellets while being well tolerated). Eating Disorder

Since Moringa is used in African countries largely to avoid under- or malnutrition, taking it in the treatment of anorexia or bulimia also in the context of supportive psychotherapy. Firstly Moringa helps here to reduce the physical signs of malnutrition; on the other hand it stabilizes the psyche.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in combination with psychotherapy is:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months). Depending on the severity of symptoms, the attending physician would also have a higher amount of food intake deem sensible.


Lack of energy is a state of exhaustion with reduced performance. Often there is great stress, overwork or worry associated with unbalanced diet as a cause.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in combination with stress-reducing measure:

To accompany everyday life: For providers: 1-2 cups of coffee with Moringa plus 6,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg) For normal working adults: 1-2 cups of coffee with Moringa plus 4,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 2 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg)


Epilepsy refers to a disease with at least one spontaneously occurred seizure, which was not triggered by a preceding identifiable cause. The Epilepsy Association publishes on its website a publication of Reflex Publishing House about the brain in September-2013. 3/11 / The-Gehirn.pdf In it we read:

"In addition to healthy eating, there are natural remedies that can help protect the brain and promote its performance. Ginkgo balboa, wild green oats and ginseng preparations stimulate the memory and help by their circulation-promoting effects against Alzheimer's, dementia, forgetfulness, and tinnitus. More natural panacea is Roseroot and Moringa, which are hitherto almost unknown in Europe. "

The recommended dosage of Moringa in epilepsy is: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Fibromyalgia is chronic and from the perspective of conventional medicine an incurable disease. The main symptoms include widespread pain with changing localization in the muscles around the joints and in the area of the back. In addition, accompanying symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, poor concentration and lack of energy, swelling feeling in hands, feet and face occur.

The recommended dosage for Moringa in fibromyalgia (possibly recommended by your doctor, a higher dose) reads:

As preventative treatment for occasional mild pain:

• 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

With regular and moderate pain:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In the case of severe chronic pain:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Among the most commonly related in respect to gastric disorders include an upset stomach, the gastrointestinal infection, reflux disease, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the gastric ulcer, gastric cancer and the irritable stomach.

Sufferers also find here that taking Moringa Leaf Powder for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects is meaningful in the support of medical treatment and appropriate prophylaxis to prevent gastric diseases.

The recommended dosage for Moringa in gastric disorders (possibly your doctor recommends a higher dose) reads:

For indigestion or reflux disease: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

For gastrointestinal infections, inflammation of the stomach lining or stomach irritation: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In the case of peptic ulcer or gastric cancer:

• 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is an allergic related inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The nutrients contained in Moringa Leaf Powder cause a strengthening of the immune system and inhibit the histamine exit from the cell, which reduces the allergic reaction. In addition, the nervous system is calmed itself. Thus, the intake of Moringa both prophylactically during the symptom-free time as well as supportive to medical therapy during the acute phase is recommended.

The recommended dosage of Moringa for hay fever is:

For prophylaxis during the symptom-free time:

• 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In the acute phase: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 10 000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (corresponding to 5 times daily five capsules or pellets, etc. 400 mg). HEADACHE

Headaches are pain sensations referred to the head. They are based on the likely irritation of painsensitive head organs. The calming effect of the nutrients of Moringa on the nervous system and the consequent reduction of pain ensures numerous positive reports on headaches.

The recommended dosage for Moringa in headaches (possibly recommended by your doctor, a higher dose):

As preventative treatment for incipient mild pain: 1-2 cups of coffee with Moringa, lemon juice and sugar. 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder

(equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg).

With regular and moderate pain:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg).

In the case of severe pain:

• 10 000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (corresponding to 5 times daily five capsules or pellets, etc. 400 mg).


There is a persistent circulatory disorder of parts of the heart muscle and is caused in most cases by blood clots in atherosclerotic narrowing of a coronary vessel. The nutrients contained in Moringa leaves act prophylactically against circulatory disorders and help with a healthy lifestyle to avoid a heart attack.

The recommended dosage for Moringa during a heart attack (possibly recommended by your doctor, a higher dose):

For prophylaxis:

• 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

Supportive of angina or a slight heart attack for medical treatment:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In the case of a severe heart attack supportive to medical therapy:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Hypertension is a disease in which the blood pressure in the arterial vascular system is chronically elevated. Moringa contains almost all substances that are important for hypertensive patients. Vitamin C supports the Nitric oxide production for proper functioning of blood vessels. Potash promotes vasodilation, so a dilation of blood vessels, as well as for the production of hormones that regulate the healthy blood pressure. In addition, magnesium relaxes the muscles.

The recommended dosage for Moringa in hypertension (you may your doctor recommends a higher dose):

As preventative treatment for occasional fluctuations in blood pressure:

• 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In regular high blood pressure:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In case of severe hypertension:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Impotence or erectile dysfunction refers to the inability of a man to get a sufficient penis erection for sexual intercourse or masturbation, although physical causes as well as the influence of alcohol, drugs, and etc. substances are excluded. Often stress and mineral deficiencies (especially zinc) can cause the impotence. The motivated man should take Moringa daily and adjust if desired before a

romantic evening, the dose again. The vital substances in the Moringa leaves provide the ideal basis for a healthy masculinity and also calm the nervous system. In some circles, Moringa is also called vegan Viagra because of its aphrodisiac and mood-enhancing effect.

The recommended dosage of Moringa for impotence is:

For prophylaxis in everyday life:

• 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In the performance phase: 1-2 cups of coffee with Moringa 4,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 10 capsules or pellets a 400 mg) for about an hour before the Date.

Note: In a self-experiment, we found that 4,000 mg Moringa Leaf Powder before bedtime and 4,000 mg Moringa powder after getting up in the morning does avoid a hangover after a very good party.


Concentration is the willful focusing of attention on a particular activity, the achievement of shortterm achievable goal or solving a given task.

Among other vital substances the vitamin B complex in Moringa Leaf Powder supports the performance of the brain and improves concentration.

The recommended dosage of Moringa for better concentration is:

1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


In human medicine, a couple is diagnosed as infertile if, despite existing desire for children and at least one year regular sexual intercourse without contraception no conception occurs. Now the question arises how regular sexual intercourse is defined. According to our definition, that would be at least three of the most fertile days in the month sex - upwards there is no limit. Factors, of which one assumes that they can contribute to infertility in women, ovulation difficulties, follicle maturing difficulties, blocked fallopian tubes, hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, vitamin B12 deficiency, infection by a sexually transmitted disease, stress, inter alia.

In men the main factor seems to be the quality of sperm. Our tip for heroes: no alcohol, no drugs, balanced vegetarian diet, low stress, no tight-fitting underwear and Moringa, because since the vital substances contained in Moringa leaves have conducive impact in all these areas to man and woman, the regular consumption of Moringa Leaf Powder is expressly recommended for both in the form of capsules or pellets.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in fertility is:

For prophylaxis in everyday life:

• 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In the performance phase: 1-2 cups of coffee with Moringa

4,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 10 capsules or pellets a 400 mg) for about an hour before the date.


Man is by nature a mammal. Mammals are distinguished in that they drink their mother's milk as infants. Once outgrown the infancy, a mammal does not drink any more milk and moreover not the milk of other animals. The "capacity" of some people, to be able to drink the milk of other mammals for example, from cows, is a mutation. Some sources claim that 75% of the population has lactose intolerance. For the obvious fact that it is not natural to drink the milk of another animal, often the agonizing states in animal husbandry come to mind.

We therefore recommend that you switch to vegetable milks, such as coconut milk, almond milk, soy milk or oat milk.

• Moringa capsules you can take anyway. The recommended intake for healthy people in everyday life is 6,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily or five capsules Pellets a 400 mg). MENOPAUSE

Menopause is referred to as the woman's years of hormonal changes before and after menopause with the transition from the reproductive phase to postmenopausal.

Affected women report after regular Moringa intake a significantly better wellbeing. The nutrients contained in Moringa seem to keep the organism in spite of hormonal change in a good balance.

The recommended dosage for women in menopause: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily. 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over the period of transition)


Menstrual cramps denote the occurrence of different symptoms that can occur before and during menstruation. The suspected causes are different depending on the medical direction. The nutrients contained in Moringa have shown in experience to work very well in reducing the pain and to stabilize the psyche with stress.

The recommended dosages for Moringa with menstrual cramps are:

Parallel to prevention in everyday life: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

Two days before the start of menstruation and during:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five or capsules Pellets a 400 mg).


The term mid-life crisis is used to describe a mental state of insecurity in the life section of about 40 to 50 years. The effect of nutrients in Moringa Leaf Powder stabilizes the psyche and solves any fears. In addition, the person can feel more sense in life, so become optimistic about the future by operating a Moringa business again.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in combination with the operation of the Moringa-Business is:

For mild symptoms: 1-2 cups of coffee with Moringa daily 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

At medium symptoms: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In severe midlife crisis:

1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Migraine refers to a neurological disorder with recurring, paroxysmal, pulsating and unilateral headache that may be accompanied by additional symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or noise sensitivity.

The calming effect of the nutrients of Moringa on the nervous system and the consequent reduction of pain ensures numerous positive reports of migraine sufferers.

The recommended dosage for Moringa in migraine (your doctor may recommend a higher dose):

As preventative treatment for incipient mild pain:

1-2 cups of coffee with Moringa, lemon juice and sugar.

3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg).

With regular and moderate pain:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five or capsules Pellets a 400 mg).

In the case of severe pain:

• 10 000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (corresponding to 5 times daily five capsules or pellets, etc. 400 mg).


Women who are pregnant will be offered a lot of confusing information regarding the needs of one's own body and the child's proper nutrition needs. The scientific advisory board of the network "healthy in life - network young family" has made for this reason between 2009 and 2011, a review and evaluation of relevant publications, meta-analyzes and guidelines as well as recommendations and reference values for the nutrient supply of specialized organizations and institutions, the statements about nutrition Meet the health of pregnant women.

These included, inter alia: The Professional Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Federal Centre for Health Education The German Nutrition Society German Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine German Midwives Association European Commission European Food Safety Authority Research Institute of Child Nutrition Here it turned out that during pregnancy in relation to the energy demand, the need for many vitamins and some minerals is significantly increased - usually already from the fourth month. For the nutrients folic acid, iodine and iron need to be significantly increased, supply quantity is recommended before or from the beginning of pregnancy.

In the course of the pregnancy, the woman also needs more proteins (amino acids), vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc. All these nutrients are contained in the Moringa Leaf Powder, so that the intake of Moringa pellets or capsules with fertility, pregnancy, lactation and for the prevention of postpartum depression makes sense.

The recommended dosage of Moringa during pregnancy and lactation are as follows:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg).


Parkinson's disease refers to a slowly progressive degenerative disease. In practice, reports of numerous cases in which the vital substances of Moringa leaves have a positive effect on the nervous system. Especially in the case of Parkinson's the disease can be slowed down in the initial stage the progression and symptoms are reduced.

Your neurologist will advise you on the beneficial properties of Moringa in your particular case and recommend likely a higher dose of Moringa Leaf Powder than I do. The recommended dosage in Parkinson's disease: In the initial stage: • 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily

• 6,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least twelve months).

In the advanced stage:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least twelve months).


In sports, the term power, inter alia higher speeds, greater heights and widths in the jumping and throwing disciplines, as well as higher scores in technical sports. Optimally balanced diet, absolute physical fitness, mastering the technique and game procedures and strict discipline are the foundations of competitive athletes. Without these conditions to participate in a competition is meaningless. Moringa helps in this case, to optimally supply the body with nutrients and get rid of waste products after training. The recommended intake for athletes: For feeding in everyday life: • 1-2 cups of coffee with Moringa.

• 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg).

With regular training:

• In addition, 8,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 10 capsules or pellets etc. before 400 mg about an hour and again immediately after training).

In the case of high-performance training:

• In addition to the nutrients in the daily 12,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 15 capsules or pellets a 400 mg about an hour before and again immediately after training).


Rheumatism refers to complaints on musculoskeletal apparatus with flowing, tearing and drawing pains, often with functional limitation. The pain-reducing and anti-inflammatory effects of Moringa are demonstrated in several studies (see "chronic pain" and "autoimmune disease").

As preventative treatment for occasional mild pain: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily. 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

With regular and moderate pain:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In the case of severe chronic pain:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Often stress and mineral deficiencies (especially zinc) cause a disturbance of sexuality (impotence, orgasmic disorders, frigidity, etc.). The motivated man and the happy expectant woman should take Moringa daily and adjust if desired before a romantic evening, the dose again. The vital substances in the Moringa leaves provide the ideal basis for a healthy sexuality and also calm the nervous system. In some circles, Moringa is also called vegan Viagra because of its aphrodisiac and mood-enhancing effect.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in sexual disorders is:

For prophylaxis in everyday life:

• 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

In the performance phase: 1-2 cups of coffee with Moringa 4,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 10 capsules or pellets a 400 mg) for about an hour before the Date.


By taking Moringa you support your body from the inside out by lowering your cholesterol, detoxifying the body and balancing the pH of the skin. Your dermatologist will advise you competently about using Moringa as a food as part of a healthy diet and possibly enhance the recommended dose depending on the severity of symptoms.

The recommended dosage of Moringa in skin diseases are:

• 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily • 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


A sleep disorder is defined as an impairment of sleep. Causes may be external factors such as nocturnal noise, illness, stress, or the like. During sleep the body recovers and this processes the available minerals. Should the body minerals not be supplied in sufficient amounts through the diet; one has to resource to the depot in the bones. This is counteracted by taking Moringa.

The nutrients contained in Moringa soothe the psyche, acting on expectorant fear and stress and the vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Thus, most causes of insomnia are positively influenced. In noiseinduced sleep disturbances at least the creativity in finding solutions is excited.

Development processes in the body take place during the periods of rest. A muscle does not grow during exercise, but in the resting phase. Learning processes are not saved during the switching of the substance, but during the resting phase. A healthy sleep is conducive to growth, healing, intelligence and vitality.

The recommended intake for healthy sleep: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily. 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg).


The desire to reduce his body weight in a healthy way arises either from a perceived malaise or from a medical necessity (e.g. obesity). Through the enjoyment of Moringa, you can assist your body with a healthy and sensible weight loss. The positive effect on the protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, you feel immediately positive changes. In addition, Moringa can be combined with any diet or sporting action. For medical reasons for losing weight, you will be expertly advised on the benefits of Moringa as a food and if necessary, adjust the following recommendation of the attending physician.

The recommended dosage of Moringa for weight loss is: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).


Smoking refers to the burning and inhaling of some nicotine-containing plant parts. Depending on the plant, it can lead to psychological and physical dependence. To break down the toxins caused by smoking in the body, the body needs vitamins and minerals, so that taking Moringa Leaf Powder in the form of pellets or capsules intake therefore can counteract the harmful side effects of smoking and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. To further detoxification of the body, we recommend green tea with Moringa.

The recommended dosage of Moringa Leaf Powder for smokers (who can free themselves from smoking should do):

To support the detoxification after successful smoking cessation, for example, through hypnotherapy:

• 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months).

At 10-20 cigarettes per day:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg, until you could get rid of smoking).

With more than 20 cigarettes per day:

• 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg) Your long-term goal should be to reduce to less than 20 cigarettes per day or completely break free from smoking).

Note: According to unconfirmed statements Moringa leaves can also be smoked. The effect achieved is described quite differently from "does nothing" to "you pop 15 minutes, the bulb off and then leaves the after effect". We confine ourselves here to the oral consumption.


Tinnitus is described as a symptom in which the person perceives sounds, to which no external sound sources can be assigned. Numerous ingredients in Moringa leaves improve circulation in the inner ear and calm the nervous system. This is reported by those affected by an improvement in symptoms in combination with the conventional medical therapy.

The recommended dosage for Moringa in tinnitus (your doctor may recommend a higher dose):

As preventative treatment for incipient tinnitus: 1 liter of green tea with Moringa daily. 3,600 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg).

With regular and moderate tinnitus:

• 6,000 mg - 10,000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 3 to 5 times a day five capsules or pellets a 400 mg).

In the case of severe tinnitus:

• 10 000 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (corresponding to 5 times daily five capsules or pellets, etc. 400 mg).


Ulcerative colitis refers to a chronic inflammatory infection of the colon. The anti-inflammatory effects of Moringa can support the healing process here. Your doctor will probably start the dose slightly higher than our recommendation. Since Moringa at the beginning in higher doses can cause diarrhoea (Morin Gas revenge) as a kind of cleansing process, we maintain the recommendation to begin the dose small and increase as tolerated.

The anti-inflammatory effect of Moringa has been demonstrated in numerous studies.

Therefore is the recommended dosage in ulcerative colitis:

• 1,200 mg of pure Moringa Leaf Powder (equivalent to 1 times daily three capsules or pellets a 400 mg over a period of at least six months. The amount can be increased to 3,600 mg without hesitation or 3 times daily three capsules or pellets while being well tolerated).



Below I leave some friends, acquaintances, clients and patients to speak, the report on their experiences with Moringa. The list is of course not complete because every day new reports are received.

"I've been suffering for several years from fibromyalgia and had very severe pain. For six months now I take daily Moringa capsules and can live a reasonably normal life. I do not claim that Moringa can cure fibromyalgia, but for me it means an enormous improvement to my quality of life. " (Monika G. from Mannheim)

"It impressed me that obviously cartilage can regrow with Moringa. I find that incredible. " (Raffaella R. from Ilvesheim)

"On the recommendation I drank a liter of green tea daily with Moringa and additionally took Moringa capsules. Within three months my acne from which I suffered for a long time had improved. Now I feel attractive again and go through life with confidence. " (Lars B. from Wรถrth)

"Moringa healed a shoulder injury that I had three years earlier suffered while skiing, finally completely. In addition, an annual long drag in the chest has disappeared due to tight nerves. " (Timo N. from Karlsruhe)

"I read on the internet that Moringa can help treat high blood pressure and diabetes. Patients with my symptoms are promised almost every herb of the world will help for a better wellbeing. Finally, I accepted it at the urging of my doctor and it turned out after a few weeks in fact an improvement in blood pressure and blood sugar. I would not say that it rests solely on Moringa, but it favors this development in any case. "

(Beat K. from Zurich)

"So I am excited about the Moringa pellets. Since I take them, my eyesight has improved considerably, something I notice when driving especially. Also, I have much more energy. " (Nicole B. of Schattendorf)

"As a midwife I oversee numerous women who have problems during pregnancy or lactation. I recommend for some time now all pregnant women take Moringa tea and pellets and have been able to experience a significant improvement of wellbeing as well as the milk production compared to other natural products in 90% of cases. " (Gaby S. from Vienna)

"I take before exercising seven capsules and immediately thereafter again seven pieces and have since no longer been sore. In addition, I notice an improvement of endometriosis pain. " (Claudia Z. from Mattersburg)

"My daughter told me about studies on the effects of Moringa in arthritis and so I ordered tea and pellets. After a few days I felt a significant improvement. Now I take daily 3 x 5 pellets and drink tea with Moringa. I'm doing fine and I have already recommended to many of my friends and acquaintances. " (Reiner M. from Kaiserslautern)

"I myself have less dandruff on the scalp and significantly more energy since I take Moringa. With a friend the pellets helped a torn ligament, and in another helped after pneumonia for more rapid healing. " (Renate M. from Mattersburg)

"For many years I have suffered from sleep problems for which there seemed to be no real cause. Since I take Moringa, I now have a good evenings sleep and wake up in the morning rested and refreshed. Personally I prefer the pellets over the capsules - and because you can chase me with tea, I drink my morning coffee with Moringa. " (Judith S. from Frankfurt)

"I was skeptical at first, what such pellets should cause. But then I experienced a very impressive detoxifying of my body through the skin and an acquainted beekeepers reported that allergic reactions caused by bee stings on the arm have disappeared after two days instead of seven thanks to Moringa. " (Steven B. from Mattersburg)

"A week before my menstruation I always had a lot of pain. Now I have taken for five months daily 3 x 5 pellets Moringa Leaf Powder. The symptoms are much better and I am convinced that it is to do with Moringa. In addition, I note that my husband no longer complains about my mood swings - but that may be a coincidence. " (Kerstin L. from Speyer)

"Moringa does my manhood good!" (Bernd H. from Zug)

"I lost 8 kg of weight in conjunction with the capsules by drinking every day two to three liters of green tea with Moringa.

That was not planned, but the tea tasted so delicious. Now I have realized how much fitter I feel with less weight and am happy with the side effects. " (Stefan S. from Vienna)

"With Moringa leaves the swelling of the finger joints (e.g. gout or rheumatism) fall significantly. In addition, it reduces the wrinkles in your skin - especially in the face. Both effects have been reported to me several times by friends. " (Ulrika G. from Neustadt)

"I got up yesterday at 4:00 clock in the morning, flew by plane from Zurich to Vienna for the congress, have visited during the day workshops and now it's already 2:00 clock in the morning and we sit in the bar and chat. That I could never have done as a teenager without Moringa! " (Severina M. from Salenstein)

"I had a stomach ulcer. I ate every day Moringa for three months. Now the stomach ulcer is gone. Perhaps there is a connection. " (Ali Z. of Frankfurt)

"I take every day 3 x 5 Moringa pellets and if I have extreme stress, then I increase the dose to 3 x 10 pellets. I also drink during long car trips coffee with Moringa. I realize that I need much less sleep, have more energy during the day and I can concentrate longer. Also, my kids are happy that I'm still balanced even after long working days when I am back home. " (Michael G. of Mainz)

As a qualified health consultant (training with Dr. RĂźdiger Dahlke) I'm always on the lookout for even better natural healing plants and methods. In September 2014 I found on the internet Moringa oleifera. Since this plant drew me under its spell and I started to research what is really behind this "miracle tree ".

My next step was how to get this natural product approach, to feel the described, fabulous effects on myself. Important criteria in the selection of sources for me are: From organic farming, certified organic i.e. from cultivation through to the trade fair, ethical and sustainable management of the human agents the high bioavailability. I was able to find it at a company that offers a variety of teas with Moringa, and so began to consume Moringa tea. Since I also work as a supervisor in tennis, taking the 100% Moringa Leaf Powder in capsule form has become my daily ritual.

After three months of taking, I've found the following effects on myself: My energy availability increased quite substantially, my motivation increased, my detoxification and de-acidification improved.

The increased intake of teas distributed up to 3 liters throughout the day and taking the Moringa leaf powder improved my blood and lactate levels. It was found during my last performance review in January this year that my biological age is entered 10 years younger than my birth certificate. " (Peter N. from Seekirchen am Wallersee)

"I suffer from a rare genetic neurological disease. Since only a few cases are known, there are no drugs and little experience of physicians. The effects are cramps, pain, flare-ups, fatigue (always have to sleep in the afternoon), loss of sensation, motor skills and stagnant bodies.

Sudden bursts that can lead to paralysis, for which I often was in a wheelchair up to years and again had to learn to walk.

I have tested many different dietary supplements, etc., changed the diet, to find out what is good for me. Then I discovered Moringa. I started with Coffee and Tea and noted how many symptoms improved. Also my stomach felt better, because as soon as I'm too acidic, everything hurts and I was no longer working so well.

Since I am very skeptical, I wanted to see how I was doing with no Moringa. So I did not take anything more promptly and I felt worse again. Since then I consume Moringa daily. My fatigue has become less (which I've still have on days when I'm tired), the cramps are gone, my body barely acidifies - I'm just totally happy and satisfied.

I could go on writing forever. Just one more thing: I was born in 1967! Moringa is for me the proof that nature wants us to feel good! " (Stephanie G. of Zurich)


According to a Novel Food Catalogue of the European Commission leaves and capsules (with seeds) of the plant Moringa oleifera are not considered as novel within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No. 258/97, and do not fall under the provisions of the Regulation.

Regardless of subject foods, which are placed on the market within Germany, other food regulations. The food business or distributor is responsible for compliance with applicable securities regulations.

If you have specific questions about the transport of your products, I would recommend you to turn to private experts. A list of approved facilities in Germany crosschecks experts can be found on the website of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection at the following link:

Dr. Kerstin Fuchs (Speaker)

Food not of animal origin and commodities, Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection



An inquiry regarding Moringa answered the Food Inspection Agency as follows:

"The leaves and pods of the plant Moringa oleifera are no novel food ingredients under the Novel Food Regulation. If you want to process other parts of this plant in food, you need an authorization, because these parts were not used in the EU before the 15.5.1997 as a food or food ingredient in significant quantities.

Since all foods intended for human consumption must be safe you are expressly advised of the compliance with the food regulations. In the case of public offer of a reward of named products is in particular referred to Council Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims ("Claims EC Regulation"). "

Answer of the Federal Ministry of Health:

"As you have rightly pointed out, both the leaves and the pods of the Plant Moringa oleifera were classified as ("leaves and pods") as not novel food ingredients under Regulation (EC) No. 258/1997 on novel foods ("Novel Foods Regulation"). The use of other parts of the plant or the plant itself as a food or food ingredient in significant quantities is however not known before the date of May 15, 1997and may therefore only take place after an authorization.

Basically, it should be noted that all foods intended for human consumption must be safe. In compliance with the food regulations is therefore expressly stated.

In the case of the envisaged reward products you have to refer to Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims ("Claims EC Regulation") in particular.

Yours sincerely, Mag. Lisa-Maria Urban, Ministry of Health, Radetzkystr. 2 1030 Wien


(SR 817.0 LMG) In Switzerland, the principle 23 of the Food Act applies to self-regulation in accordance with Art. The manufacturer, importer and distributor of food and basic commodities are committed to self-regulation. It is its own responsibility to ensure that the goods comply with the legal requirements.

We Moringa oleifera (Horseradish tree) have not been evaluated so far for food purposes.

In the food lexicon (Behr's Verlag) and in Crop Science from Wolfgang Franke different plant parts of Moringa oleifera are described as food. Without knowing full documentation and without the exact backgrounds, we cannot judge the application.

Moringa oleifera is also listed in Hager's Manual of pharmacy practice. Various plant parts are used as a pharmaceutical drug for therapeutic purposes both internally and externally.

Basically circumscribed foods can in accordance with article 4 of the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance (LGV; SR 817.02) be issued without authorization from our office to consumers, provided that the requirements of food law which are imposed on those products are met in full. Not circumscribed foods require pursuant to Art. 5 paragraph 1 LGV an authorization by the BLV. Vegetables are circumscribed in the Ordinance on fruit, vegetables, jam and marmalade related products (SR 817.022.107) and herbal tea in the regulation on non-alcoholic beverages (SR 817,022,111).

The provisions of the product-specific regulations must be complied with; this concerns in particular the provisions relating to hygiene (HYV; SR 817.024.1), additives (ZuV; SR 817.022.31) and debt and ingredients (FIV; SR 817.021.23).

The marking is aimed primarily under Article 26 LGV and the provisions of the food labeling ordinance (LKV; SR 817.022.21).

With regard to any health claims are in particular the provisions of 29a - 29i and Annex 8 and Article 10 AFR to note LGV (fraud protection)..

We make the reporting requirement for food businesses in accordance with attention to Art. 12 LGV. The importer and distributor of food are notifiable to the competent cantonal enforcement authority (

With regard to the distinction between medicinal products and foodstuffs and cosmetic products in the border area, we also refer to the publication of the Federal Office of Public Health and Swissmedic "demarcation criteria drugs - food or utensils" (

The food regulations are available on the Internet at the address classified compilation / 81.html (817 food and utensils).

The enforcement of food legislation is the responsibility of the cantonal food law enforcement bodies. For questions regarding the marketability of food please contact the competent cantonal enforcement authority (

If it is not possible for the company to review products for food regulatory for marketing in Switzerland, they may use the services of a specialized consulting firm to complete. This service is chargeable. A list of private laboratories is available for example at the following Internet address:

Yours sincerely Katrin Nydegger Infodesk Federal Department of Home Affairs Federal Office of Food Safety and Veterinary BLV communications



Altmann, H C.: Kunden kaufen nur von Siegern. Redline Verlag 2006 Barta, C.: Moringa oleifera: Die wichtigste Pflanze. Humble Verlag 2011 Birkenbihl, V.: Der Birkenbihl Power Tag. MVG. 1998 Birkenbihl, V.: Rhetorik: Redetraining für jeden Anlass. Ariston. 2010 Birkenbihl, V.: Psycho-logisch richtig verhandeln. MVG. 2013 Birkenbihl, V.: Signale des Körpers. MVG. 2014 Birkenbihl, V.: Der persönliche Erfolg. MVG. 1973 Birkenbihl, V.: Das Power-Lesebuch. MVG. 1999 Becker, J.: Ich kenne dein Geheimnis. Pendo Verlag. 2011 Branson, R.: Like a Virgin: Erfolgsgeheimnisse eines Multimilliardärs. Books4success. 2013 Branson, R.: The Virgin Way: Wie ich das Thema Führung sehe. Books4success. 2015 Branson, R.: Geht nicht gibt´s nicht. Books4success. 2012 Carnegie, D.: Wie man Freunde gewinnt. Fischer. 2011

Carnegie, D.: Sorge dich nicht – lebe! Fischer. 2011 Carnegie, D.: Der Erfolg ist in dir. Fischer. 2003 Carnegie, D.: Sich durchsetzen – aber richtig. Fischer. 2011 Carnegie, D.: Führen mit Persönlichkeit. Scherz Verlag. 2011 Carnegie, D.: Der Verkäufer in dir. Fischer. 2012 Carnegie, D.: Besser sprechen – überzeugend auftreten. Scherz Verlag. 2012 Carnegie, D.: Die Kunst, Vertrauen zu schaffen. Fischer. 2013 Christiani, A.: Weck den Sieger in dir. Gabler Verlag. 2000 Christiani, A.: Magnet Marketing. Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch. 2001 Enkelmann, N.: Hemmungslos: Blockaden und Ängste überwinden. Linde. 2014 Enkelmann, N.: Rhetorik Klassik: Die Kunst zu überzeugen. Gabal. 2004 Enkelmann, N.: Mehr als überzeugen. Linde. 2005 Enkelmann, N.: Die große Macht der Motivation. Linde. 2011 Enkelmann, N.: Die Macht des Vertrauens. Junfermann Verlag. 2004 Enkelmann, N.: In fünf Jahren zur Nummer 1. Institut Enkelmann. 2014

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About Sven Frank When I first saw the light of day in Hannover on 31 January 1975, it was clear to me very quickly that I had won in the parent lottery. My childhood was relaxed and I was slowly and lovingly prepared for life. I went to school and discovered early my love for things that make life more enjoyable and effective. So I worked since I was twelve with visualization techniques, relaxation techniques and rhetoric. In addition, I discovered in the summer holidays with my family, the love of foreign languages. It grew my three career aspirations: psychotherapist, lawyer or interpreter. On Friday, March 13, 1992 I was attacked at home with my family and held hostage for two hours. During these two hours, I stroke through the lawyer of my list. At the same time the desire for power and influence in order to protect my family in future grew in me. In this way everything was marked by the desire to have a solution for every problem.

That meant for me absolute physical and mental health, knowledge, networks and financial freedom, and because of the hostage situation it has taken many years I could let large sums of money in my life again. I voted towards the hypnoanalyst one of the most powerful jobs in the world, took care of my physical and mental well-being, constantly educated myself further, read up to 52 books per year and built on national and international networks, until finally in 2013 I attacked the topic financial freedom, the last on the list. Today I know that I have much happiness in my life and appreciate the support of many people. I am a happy person and enjoy with my wife a beautiful life. This book is my gratitude to society.


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In the following we would like to present you some reading tips that are a good fit to the topic of this book: "Moringa to Go!.

Enjoy browsing.


Recognizing your own patterns, understand and get to grips with that is the task that this book will help you with. A practical workbook for personal development.


Analogous to Michael Kirchhoff's statement: "You cannot not communicate", spanning the manual manipulation continues the bow: "We cannot manipulate not"


The Detox Book for home. In eight days coming back to a healthy, detoxified body - how it works? Even with Moringa? This shows Caroline Bienert in the greatly expanded new edition of your book.


Especially in negotiations in sales, with the boss or the customer, the book by Michael Kirchhoff a good guide through the jungle of communication. Profound knowledge, easy to read, accumulated knowledge from the expert.


Who has dared to talk, to lift and see the bigger picture, is the new book by Bernd Hüfner have much joy. Which prospects you can see in life and the world itself, is not the issue. Much more, how these perspectives are effective on oneself.


About the bigger picture it continues even when Heiko Rieger. As a mentalist and expert on practical hypnosis he has worked intensively with how gender can influence each other.


Even with the quality of interpersonal encounters it has taken Susanne. Your little counselor with Stink-boots and "unfriendly" deal is truly a piece of gold.

BUILDING UP A HEALTHY BUSINESS WITH MORINGA One day, dear reader, we will be old and think of all the stories that we could have told.

If you read this book, you start at the same time to write your stories. They will talk about how you and your family live healthy and happy. They will tell of wonderful people whom you have met on the journey into the world of Moringa. They will report on how to get as an employee, self-employed or as an entrepreneur to financial freedom. They will bring the dreams of your life at last out of the drawer and put to the deed. You will perceive life from scratch and tell everyone in your environment of this joie de vivre. This book shows you a plan B in order to achieve your goals in life, no matter how stable your plan A is currently. They will come to the point where you can say with conviction that you are a happy person and lead a good life. Let us show you how easy it can be if you have a bit of patience and motivation. Because then, dear reader, we will one day old and gratefully look back on the many stories that we experienced on this wonderful planet.

"I dedicate this book to my parents and my wife Stephanie as a reward for a good life."

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