Morne Patterson – Understanding the Discounted Cash Flow Model

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In business valua ons, few approaches hold as much weight as the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model. Revered by none other than Warren Buffe himself, the DCF model is a powerful tool used to determine the enterprise value of a business. Let me try to summarise the DCF and understand how it unlocks the intrinsic worth of a business.

The Essence of DCF: Valuing Future Cash Flows

At its core, the DCF model hinges on a simple yet profound concept: the value of a business today is based on the sum of its expected future cash flows, discounted back to their present value. This approach captures the essence of me value of money – the principle that money received in the future is worth less than money received today due to factors like infla on and opportunity cost.

How to Calculate Enterprise Value with DCF:

1. Forecast Future Cash Flows: Begin by es ma ng the expected cash flows that the business is an cipated to generate over a specific period (usually 5 to 10 years). These cash flows can be derived from projected revenues, opera ng expenses, taxes, and capital expenditures. Important, you must factor in working capital changes (such as debtors and creditors changes). Management of the target company will be able to assist you with this exercise.

Morne Pa erson –
Understanding the Discounted Cash Flow Model

2. Determine the Discount Rate: The discount rate, o en referred to as the "cost of capital," takes into account the risk associated with the business. This rate reflects the minimum return an investor would expect to receive for inves ng in a venture with similar risk. It's a blend of the risk-free rate (like government bond yields) and a risk premium based on the business's risk profile.

3. Calculate Present Value: Apply the discount rate to each projected cash flow to convert them into present values. The formula is: PV = CF / (1 + r)^n, where PV is the present value, CF is the cash flow for the specific period, r is the discount rate, and n is the period.

4. Sum Present Values: Sum up all the present values of the projected cash flows to arrive at the total present value of future cash flows.

5. Add Terminal Value: Since business opera ons extend beyond the projec on period, a terminal value represen ng the perpetuity of cash flows beyond the projec on period is added. This value is usually calculated using the perpetuity growth model or exit mul ple method. A lower terminal growth rate needs to be applied to this cash flow as this represents perpetual ongoing growth.

6. Calculate Enterprise Value: The sum of the present value of projected cash flows and the terminal value gives you the enterprise value of the business. Subtract any net debt or add net cash to arrive at the equity value.

7. Assess Fair Value: Compare the calculated enterprise value with the market capitalisa on (if the business is publicly traded) or other valua on benchmarks/mul ples to assess whether the business is undervalued, overvalued, or fairly priced.

Warren Buffe 's Endorsement and Prac cal Insights

Warren Buffe , the legendary investor, is a staunch advocate of the DCF model. He has consistently emphasised the importance of understanding the fundamental value of a business before inves ng. Buffe 's Berkshire Hathaway o en employs the DCF model to make informed investment decisions, underlining the significance of disciplined valua on.


The Discounted Cash Flow model is both a mathema cal framework that allows investors to gauge the intrinsic value of a business. By though ully projec ng future cash flows and discoun ng them to their present value, the DCF model provides a robust means of es ma ng enterprise value. While mastering this approach requires a solid grasp of financial analysis, risk assessment, and economic principles, it offers a strategic advantage for investors seeking to uncover hidden gems and make informed investment decisions.

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