Lifetime Living - Summer 2013

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High-end rehab solutions


Best web resource for caregivers



Residents share their stories PAGE 21


Lifetime Living

Summer 2013 Issue



Blake Rapier Garden Dedication



18 Learning to Care for Those Who Once Cared for Us


St. Mark’s Episcopal Lenten Luncheon A Night of Imperial Splender

Educating Our Community


The Editor’s Message

6 7




9 10




Texercise Texas Style: Everyday Wellness Centennial Celebration on Great Day SA Texas State Senior Games Alvin Loewenberg Honored for Distinguished Service by The Patient Institute THE MEADOWS

The Randomist Return to Morningside Ministries THE MANOR

A Revolution in Rehabilitation CHANDLER ESTATE

Modern Technology Within a Turn of the Century Setting MENGER SPRINGS

Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefit Workshop Wounded in Korea RECENT DONORS

List of Recent Donors You Make All the Difference! 15 Evan Meade and Morningside Ministries AWARDS

22 Iconography




Dietary Service Award SOCIAL MEDIA

Resident Feature Series Website of the Year CHAPLAIN’S CORNER

Importance of Pastoral Interns


Our Chairman’s Thoughts

A view to the Affordable Care Act

David West, Chairman of the Board

George Linial, President & CEO of LeadingAge Texas

ith the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, the debate in Austin over funding for Medicaid and the growth of managed care, senior services is an exciting and challenging field. I can’t think of a better place to be than Morningside Ministries. With over 50 years of dedicated service to our seniors, we are well positioned to move ahead in this industry. Morningside Ministries has a talented and experienced staff, a dedicated Board committed to a faith-based mission, and an outstanding group of residents. We intend to keep moving forward. The Board is committed to helping residents and community members continue to lead productive lives. We want to continue to provide a place for residents to continue to thrive. We plan to continuously support our capable staff in offering quality care for the emotional and spiritual needs of our residents and their families. Morningside Ministries has a gem that few, if any, other service providers can This critically acclaimed web site has drawn viewers from all over the world. We want to continue to expand this service and help educate caregivers, seniors and their families about the issues related to aging and care. It is an honor to serve as the Chairman of the Morningside Ministries’ Board. I look forward to working with Alvin Loewenberg, the rest of the Morningside Ministries staff and in getting to know our residents better.


About David West: Board Certified in Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, Mr. West represents banks, trust departments, corporations, non-profits and individuals in complex business disputes involving finance and banking. With over 27 years in private practice, he also counsels clients on strategies to reduce litigation. For seven years, Mr. West was the head of the Litigation Department at Cox Smith and a management committee member as well. He served on the Board of Directors for the San Antonio Bar Association and served as the Chairman of the San Antonio Bar Association's Litigation Section.

M uch has been

said about the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As with much legislation, there are some who support the law while others feel it will wreak havoc on the country. As far as seniors go, there are some good points — for example, the “donut” hole in the Medicare Part D prescription drug program will eventually be phased out completely. But from the perspective of senior care providers, an integral piece of the bill — the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (or CLASS Act) — was repealed this past January. This Act would have created a national insurance trust with a potential cash benefit on the order of about $50 to $75 a day depending on the level of disability. Like it or hate it, the fact remains that something dramatic had to happen in our country to control healthcare costs as they are eating away at our gross domestic product (currently almost 18%). Confusion abounds surrounding the ACA mostly because it is a complex set of initiatives and regulations — not a program like Medicare or Social Security. It is also phased in over several years, so benefits and/or problems may not be seen for years to come. The failure to address long-term care financing is a significant shortcoming of the ACA. Let’s hope that future Congresses will focus on issues that truly affect much of the senior and disabled populations in this country. About LeadingAge Texas: LeadingAge Texas (formerly the Texas Association of Homes and Services for the Aging - TAHSA) was established in 1959 as a Texas not-for-profit corporation. Its purpose is to provide leadership, advocacy, and education for not-for-profit retirement housing and nursing home communities that serve the needs of Texas retirees. LeadingAge Texas is committed to assisting its members in providing the highest quality of services possible to the residents they serve.


The Editor’s Message Sandra Scott, Senior Editor







LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Morningside Ministries 700 Babcock Road San Antonio, TX 78201

Shinn our Director of Dietary Services for The Meadows who graces the cover of this edition on her prestigious award from LeadingAge of Texas! Anne’s continuous devotion to delivering great care and customer service is exhibited in her impressive accomplishment of being the only independent living retirement community in San Antonio that is ¡Por Vida! certified. Please look for our Fall edition this October in which we will continue to celebrate the lives and accomplishments of our residents as well as bring you great articles and heartwarming stories.


t is with great pleasure that we present our Summer 2013 edition of Lifetime Living Magazine. Our goal in this issue was to create a print and online magazine that would not only be fun to read, but also helpful and informative. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the new layout of our magazine. Keeping with our mission of Caring for Those Who Cared for Us, we have gathered a collection of thoughtful contents from our President’s and Chaplain’s Corner to arti- residents who graciously share their cles on healthcare reform and care- experiences and lessons with us theregiving. Our Resident Feature Series by enriching our lives. also showcases the amazing stories of We are particularly proud of Ann



Send Us Your Story: Your opinion matters! Letters to the Editor are a great way to share a remarkable story or voice your opinion on important issues you would like to see featured. Letters may respond to current issues in your community, health, and local or state government. If there is a resident whose life’s achievements you would like to see highlighted in our Resident Feature Series, please let us know. We’d like to hear from you. All letters to the editor are welcome and will be considered for feature stories, publication or posting online.

Open letters to other people are not admissible.

Letters must be signed by the writer and should have complete address and contact information.

Letters must be 400 words or less if possible.


St. Mark’s Episcopal Lenten Luncheon Sharing the spirit of “Caring for Those Who Cared for Us.”

EAGER VOLUNTEERS: (left) The Meadows Executive Director Carolyn Worthen, VP of Corporate Training Maria Wellisch and The Manor Administrator Kevin Cogan; (middle) Outside of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church; (right) Kevin Cogan, HR Benefits Specialist Leticia Salinas, CEO/President Alvin Loewenberg, Loss Control Specialist Jim Freels, Receptionist Savannah Bazan, Maria Wellisch and Carolyn Worthen.

n March, Morningside Ministries staff were pleased to volunteer for the annual Lenten Luncheon at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. For many years, Morningside Ministries supports and takes part in the Lenten Luncheon through continuing community service. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, along with its volunteers served over


2,000 people this Lent! Lenten Luncheons, a ministry of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church are located downtown at 315 E. Pecan Street across from Travis Park. St. Mark’s Lenten Luncheons were introduced to San Antonio in 1951. Approximately 60 volunteers a day from St. Mark’s and other non-profit organizations help with prepping, cooking, serving and

cleanup. All proceeds go to cooperating charities such as The San Antonio Food Bank, Good Samaritan Community Services, Christian Assistance Ministry, The Episcopal Diocese Habitat for Humanity, Haven for Hope, San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic and Ruby’s Kitchen. St. Mark’s Lenten Luncheons are open to the public each year.

A Night of Imperial Splendor A historical senior promenade.

DANCE FOR JOY: Residents from Chandler Estate enjoy themselves at the Winter Dance. (left) Light and Charlie; (middle) Bonnie and Bill; (right) Martha and Charlie.

esidents at Chandler Estate gathered to celebrate Valentine’s Day the “ol’ fashioned” way by going to the community dance! This year’s theme was from the Far East, incorporating tastes, sounds and smells from the Orient. Staff did a wonderful job assuring that all of the decorations were themed and the food was prepared to perfection! After our residents’ appetites were satisfied, the dancing began. Residents and staff gathered throughout the Chandler Mansion, all vivaciously joining in song and dance.



Texercise Texas Style: Everyday Wellness Celebrating aging well.

AGING YOUNG: (left) Tyler Wood and Larry Wilkins pose with residents Lula, Anna and Joe; (right) Tyler and Larry lead the residents in exercise.

orningside Ministries, in collaboration with the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (TDADS) and The Medical Team, hosted its first annual Texercise Texas Style event. This event featured three residents of Morningside Ministries who are 96, 99 and 100 years young. These residents participate regularly in Texercise by TDADS and eat right using our “Por


Vida ” healthy menu. UTSA’s award winning basketball team members and San Antonio natives Tyler Wood and Larry Wilkins attended the Texercise event at The Meadows. At an average height of 6’5” and a combined weight of almost 500 pounds, these NCAA basketball players are experts in staying in shape! Texercise Texas Style celebrates healthy living for all. Every day, TM

many seniors strive to eat healthy and exercise. Continual exercise keeps seniors active, inspires confidence through accomplishments and prevents muscle deterioration. Every generation can learn from these healthy practices. The Texercise program emphasizes great habits like eating right and exercising and honors those who are living their results!

Centennial Celebration on Great Day SA Sharing a century of wisdom. ur residents shared U.S. Census Bureau, there are their secrets to aging approximately 80,000 people with KENS 5 television talk 100 years of age or older in show host Bridget Smith atthe U.S. That number is estitributing their longevity to a mated to top 1 million by the central focus. year 2050. At Morningside “No stress. You cannot Ministries, we have 15 censtress over the little things,” tenarians with approximatesaid Raquel. ly 4 more residents turning Our seniors’ advice is a CENTENNIAL STARS: (left-right) Residents Phillis, Raquel, 100 in the next year! The inGlorie, and Joe alongside KENS 5 television hosts Bridget Smith gift. Amidst all the changes and Eileen Teves of Great Day SA. crease in the number of cenand challenges our residents tenarians is largely attributed encountered during their lifetime, their advice settles to access to better medical care, public health infraon life’s simple, yet important lessons. According to the structure, housing, income and nutrition.



Texas State Senior Games Never stop improving.

LET THE GAMES BEGIN: (left) Three-time Olympian Bob Nieman energizes participants during opening ceremonies; (right) Seniors participating in the opening warm-up.

orningside Ministries participated in the Sam Barshop Senior Games this April. The Games were held at the O.P. Schnabel Park on San Antonio’s Northwest side. In 1990, the Senior Games commenced in the Alamo City with 525


athletes participating, growing exponentially each year. In 1992, the Games were officially sanctioned (approved as a qualifying site) by the National Senior Games Association (NSGA) and the Texas Senior Sports Organization (TSSO), providing a

safe and fun environment for competition. In 2012, San Antonio hosted the Texas State Senior Games with over two thousand participating athletes from across the United States. Many Morningside Ministries’ residents participated in this event.

Blake Rapier Garden Dedication Planting the seeds of generosity. n conjunction with niors by providing a place Jefferson Outfor meditation, or just a rereach for Older Adults laxing place to enjoy lunch and Oasis San Antonio, and good conversation.” Morningside Ministries As we age, socializing is proud to announce the with others who share unveiling of the Blake common interests and Rapier Memorial Garopinions is very importden. The revival of the ant. There is an abungarden area at The Mandance of benefits from soor was achieved with the cializing including stress help of Kym’s Kids, Jef- GARDEN OF COOPERATION: Director of Jefferson Outreach Doris Griffin, reduction, a feeling of imPresident/CEO of Morningside Ministries Alvin Loewenberg, representatives ferson Outreach for Oldportance and a feeling of from Kym’s Kids, Councilman Cris Medina, Director of OASIS Brenda er Adults, Oasis San An- Schmachtenberger gather to cut the ceremonial ribbon. high self esteem. Moretonio and the generous over, experts say that sesupport of City Councilman Cris unwind, socialize and remember niors who enjoy an active social life Medina, District #7. loved ones. According to Jefferson often extend their lives by years. SoThe Memorial Garden serves Outreach Executive Director, Doris cializing with old and new friends as as a gathering place for seniors to Griffin, the garden is “to benefit se- we age is the best medicine.



Educating Our Community Spreading awareness of healthcare options. resident and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alvin Loewenberg works tirelessly to educate seniors, organizations, healthcare professionals, family and pastoral caregivers about retirement options and healthcare related legislation. He has spoken at many community forums, as well as state and national meetings on topics such as change, in-


CONTINUING EDUCATION: Morningside Ministries President and CEO Alvin Loewenberg presents on Long-term Care at an educational seminar.

tegrity and leadership and promoted education for caregivers that can be accessed at www.mmlearn. org. Mr. Loewenberg has also spoken with healthcare professionals on issues that impact older adults and what the future may hold for them under new regulations of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Alvin Loewenberg Honored for Distinguished Service by the Patient Institute

HONORABLE AWARDEE: Morningside Ministries President and CEO Alvin Loewenberg with his son, David.

lvin Loewenberg is this year’s recipient of The Patient Institute Distinguished Service Award. This award honors commitment and contributions by individuals who serve in the healthcare industry. The Patient Institute promotes community health by giving patients and caregivers resources to quality healthcare. This is accomplished through free educational


(L-R) David and Alvin Loewenberg, VP of Finance Joan Dixon, VP of Corporate Training Maria Wellisch and VP of Advancement Jack Rodgers.

programs and research. The Patient Institute’s leadership initiatives honor spirited healthcare providers in the community while sponsoring scholarships to nurture future medical leaders. The Institute also sponsors research with the goal of improving the quality of healthcare in our community. Mr. Loewenberg has been involved in long-term care administration

since 1979. For the past 22 years, he has served as the President and CEO of Morningside Ministries. Mr. Loewenberg currently serves on the Boards of the national LeadingAge organization, the North San Antonio Chamber of Commerce and of ARTS San Antonio. He is recognized as one of the most respected advocates of senior care throughout Texas.


The Randomist Return to Morningside Ministries Robot engineers, global innovators, 7th graders.


Carolyn Worthen THE RANDOMIST: (main) Evan, Nia, Max, Madelyne and Luke; (inset) FLL champion’s trophy.

orningside Ministries would like to recognize and congratulate our friends, The Randomist, for taking home the FIRST Lego League (FLL) Champion’s Award at the Alamo Regional Convention. For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) is an international non-profit public charity that strives to spark an interest in science and technology in young students, inspiring them to become leaders in the field. FIRST promotes “well-rounded life capabilities, including self-confidence, communication and leadership.” Morningside Ministries at The Meadows residents were able to assist The Randomist in their research for a unique and innovative technology for seniors. Charged with the energy of innovation and the will to do good for older adults, The Randomist concluded that improving mobility was a universal trend for seniors.


These brilliant young adults designed a cane that uses gyro sphere technology to stands on its own. If developed further, this device will prove to be helpful and practically useful for aging adults. In addition to winning the Champion’s Award at the Alamo Regional Convention this year, The Randomist qualified their standalone cane in a separate, but related competition, the Global Innovation Award ( Their invention was selected from hundreds of other groups across the world as a semifinalist. The Randomist, a team of San Antonio based middle school students, are 7th grade robot engineers with a vision for improvement. They have competed in the FLL tournament for the past two years. More than 20,000 teams from over 60 countries take part in the FLL competition, building and programming self-directed robots.

New Executive Director

The Meadows has experienced more than just aesthetic changes over the past year. In addition to renovations of our beauty salon, atrium and library, The Meadows has also welcomed a new Executive Director, Carolyn Worthen. Ms. Worthen has vast experience in health care administration. She is a very personable, dependable and compassionate professional with a proven record for “making a difference” in the values of the community and the lives of residents and staff. Ms. Worthen has served as Executive Director for both The Forum at Park Lane and for Legacy Senior Services. Before beginning as an Executive Administrator, she served as Director of Nursing for a number of other retirement communities including Texoma Christian Care Center, CC Young Memorial Home and The Traymore.


A Revolution in Rehabilitation


Kevin Cogan New Administrator Morningside Ministries at The Manor is pleased to welcome Mr. Kevin Cogan as the new Administrator. Mr. Cogan has a vast amount of experience in healtchare and brings over 25 years of experience in healthcare administration. After graduating from business school with an MHA, he started his career as a management intern in a 1,018bed teaching hospital located in Houston, TX. Since then, he has served for six years as a Hospital Associate Administrator/COO. Mr. Cogan also served as an Administrator of Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living facilities, as a longterm care Regional Vice President, and as a long-term care division Vice President whose company operated nearly 40 healthcare facilities in six states. Mr. Cogan is happily married to his wife Elizabeth. They met in Amarillo 16 years ago while serving as an administrator in a local nursing home. When not at work, Mr. Cogan spends time with his two stepdaughters, his four young grand children and his two furry Siberian Huskies.

REHAB REVOLUTION: Anna, a resident, is using OmniVR® for rehabilitation.

cle® facilitates therapeutic exercise in three separate motor-assisted modes as it detects varying levels of patient participation. The system is designed with special features to accommodate the complex medical needs of aging adults, including direct wheelchair access, heart rate indicator, spasticity detection, voice command emergency "stop" and interactive biofeedback. At the end of each training session, the Omnicycle® produces a "training summary" to track each patient’s progress. The Omnicycle® is also ideal for seniors recovering from hospitalization who may not be able to fully participate in therapeutic exercises due to lack of strength, coordi• Electrical Stimulation nation, partial paralysis, respirato• Patterned Electrical Neuromusry limitations and other conditions. cular Stimulation (PENS) Everyone is welcome to visit • Therapeutic Ultrasound and Morningside Ministries at The ManShortwave Diathermy or for additional information re• ACP Omnicycle® garding our rehabilitation program Of particular interest is the most and to learn more about other exadvanced therapy cycle technol- citing advancements in our rehabilogy available today. The Omnicy- itation facilities and services. or over 50 years Morningside Ministries at The Manor has provided care with a compassionate touch to seniors in the San Antonio area. Each day our staff strives to provide residents with great customer service and the best quality care. To better serve our patients at The Manor, we partnered with Accelerated Care Plus (ACP) to offer the best and latest rehabilitation technology for better outcomes and a faster return to home. The Manor offers a beautifully remodeled therapy gymnasium and state-of-theart therapy modalities which include:



Modern Technology Within a Turn of the Century Setting An Accelerated Care Plus (ACP) specialist explaining each therapy machine during the Open House.

Sally, a resident, is using the OmniCycle® to strengthen her extremities and upper body.

handler Estate, nestled within the neighborhood of Monte Vista, provides a caring and supportive community to senior adults in San Antonio. Chandler Estate offers comprehensive services such as retirement apartments, assisted living, nursing care and rehabilitation. Given the historic nature of this beautiful campus, it is only appropriate that Chandler Estate is at the forefront of providing unsurpassed care to seniors with the latest in modern rehabilitation technology. The rehabilitation team at Chandler Estate understands that becoming a part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program can make all the difference in how quickly seniors return home following an illness or injury. Chandler Estate now provides seniors requiring rehabilitation after injury, illness, or accident, with the latest in therapy technology in a beautifully remodeled gymnasium. We are proud to offer therapy modalities such as:


• • • •

OmniVR® technology is available to all of Morningside Ministries communities.

Short Wave Diathermy Electrical Stimulation Therapeutic Ultrasound OmniVR®

Although every therapy modality used as part of our patient’s rehabilitation contributes immensely to recovery, one technological advancement in therapy stands out as the latest in cutting-edge rehabilitation. The OmniVR® is the world’s first 3D “virtual rehabilitation” system custom designed for aging adults. Under the direction of our qualified therapists, our patients can use the OmniVR® to participate in a variety of therapeutic exercises. The OmniVR® uses a unique 3D camera and specialized computer software that captures a patient’s precise movements in an interactive, computer simulated environment. Once a patient enters the virtual environment, therapists use their expertise and clinical judgment to select the proper thera-

With the help of our rehabilitation staff, Anna pursues her recovery goal in the right environment using the proper equipment.

py programs that best suit the patient’s condition and treatment goals. Patients using this technology become highly engaged in virtual reality activities improving motivation, participation and endurance. They often have fun during the treatment process as well!


Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefit Workshop Benefits for our heroes. orningside Ministries is committed to supporting our veterans who are in need of senior care services. Devoted to providing the highest quality of information to our heroes who served at home and abroad, we work with several benefits administrators that can help families of eligible veterans and surviving spouses apply for benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Veterans Administration offers Aid and Attendance as part of an "improved pension" benefit that is largely unknown. This improved



Avelina del Rios

New Director of Activities at Kendall House Wellness and Rehabilitation

Wounded in Korea The blessing of life after battle.

I hope to bring my knowledge of Therapeutic Recreation to Menger Springs. I hope to bring a sense of excitement, joy and fulfillment to the residents.” Kendall House Wellness and Rehabilitation welcomes Avelina as the new Director of Activities. She was born and raised in Port Isabel, TX. After graduating from high school, Avelina attended Our Lady of the Lake University before transferring to Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. In 2009, she interned at an Alzheimer’s facility where she fell in love with the geriatric population and has worked with them ever since. Avelina graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Therapeutic Recreation and is a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist.

pension allows for veterans and surviving spouses who require the regular attendance of another person to assist in eating, bathing, dressing and medication dosing to receive additional benefits.

PORTRAIT OF AN AMERICAN HERO: John’s daughter holds up a vintage photograph.

t is a powerful and humbling experience when you are in the presence of any Veteran, let alone one who was critically injured in the service of our great nation.


Resident John D. Skirvin is a humble individual and a man of few words, but his experiences speak for themselves. On March 9, 1951, Corporal Skirvin was patrolling foxholes outside of camp with the 4th Platoon. They were to provide intel on a handful of foxholes on a hill that was the Battalions objective the following day. Shortly after commencing the mission, Skirvin found himself critically wounded and suffering multiple bullet wounds, including one to his head. Skirvin vividly describes his experience as he remained fully concious until reaching the medical facility. In Skirvin’s own words, “I know the Lord was with me in Korea and He has been every day since then.”

A New Direction in Retirement Living is coming to the Texas Hill Country!


estled in the charming Hill Country of Boerne just north of San Antonio is the site of The Overlook at Menger Springs. The Overlook offers luxury, maintenance-free retirement living in apartment homes ranging from one-bedroom to two-bedrooms with den. Our services and amenities are designed to meet your interests and serve your needs, and the financial arrangement is compelling. Join others who will be living their retirement with engaging social, cultural and educational connections.


Information Center at Menger Springs 1100 Grand Boulevard, Boerne, Texas 78006 Menger Springs is part of Morningside Ministries, a faith-based, not for profit, continuum of care senior retirement community.

Call to learn more today. 830.816.4497 SUMMER 2013 ISSUE 13 |


“For it is in giving that we receive.” ~St. Francis of Assisi COVENANT FUND Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ash Mr. and Mrs. William D. Balthrope Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Battaglia Mrs. Stella M. Brown Ms. Ellen R. Connelly Mr. Truman S. Conner Dr. Light Cummins and Mrs. Alice Cummins Mrs. Bond Davis Mr. Forrest W. Dunham Mrs. Helen Galloway Edkins Mrs. Dorothy W. Fogwell Mr. Alberto Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Gaut Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Gonzalez Ph.D. Miss Diane Haag Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Harbert Col. and Mrs. Vane Hugo Mrs. Maxine Junek Mr. Robert L. Kesl Mr. and Mrs. David G. King Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. LaCava Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg Maida Davis Turtle Charitable Trust Mrs. Joan Parr Rev. David C. Paul Luella Pliefke Memorial Endowment Fund Rev. Daniel F. Schorlemer Mrs. Heidi Schulz Ms. Nancy Schweers Rev. and Mrs. Harris Shinn Mrs. Elaine A. Shouse Mr. Fred M. Stokes Mrs. Phyllis E. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Leon E. Travis, III Mr. James Whitis Ms. Barbara K. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wiseman Mrs. Anna L. Wood Woodlawn Christian Church Rev. and Mrs. Louis H. Zbinden CAPITAL NEEDS Dr. Rollin D. Pester CHARITY CARE Ms. Ione Blanks Elizabeth and Floyd McGown Charitable Fund

The Honorable and Mrs. Patrick Heath Bishop and Mrs. Joel N. Martinez SPECIAL PROJECTS Mrs. Mary E. Chandler Genevieve and Ward Orsinger Foundation Mr. George B. Holliday Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sullivan Texas Department of Transportation MMLEARN.ORG Mr. and Mrs. William D. Balthrope Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio First Presbyterian Church Frost Bank Golden Manor Jewish Senior Services Mr. Robert L. Kesl Ms. Anne L. McClanahan Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas Moody Memorial First United Methodist Church Natalie and Gladys Dalkowitz Charitable Trust Parker Foundation Ms. Nina Rios Ms. Virginia R. Valenzuela Mrs. Maria L. Wellisch UNRESTRICTED GIFTS Ace Mart Restaurant Supply Mr. and Mrs. Clif Anderson Mrs. Stewart L. Armstrong Armstrong Family Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bingham Mr. and Mrs. David A. Blackerby Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bottenberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Boyd Harold Brannan, M.D. The Rev. Dr. John Lewis and Mrs. Patricia G. Bridwell Dr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Calgaard Campbell Commerical Ms. Margaret E. Canfield Capital Group Companies Charitable

Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cavender Mr. Truman S. Conner Dr. Gillian E. Cook Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cooper Mr. Gary L. Cram Mr. Clark Davis Bishop and Mrs. James E. Dorff Mr. Miguel P. Falcon Mr. Paul J. Fitzgerald CPA Gentry Family Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Arthur 'Butch' Gerfers Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Gosnell, Jr. Gustafson Family Foundation Hannah Foundation Dr. Marilyn S. Harrington and Mr. Michael Smith Harte Management Trust Mrs. Audrey M. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hogan Ms. Erika J. Ivanyi LTG and Mrs. Tom Jaco, USA Ret. John Herman Hasenbeck Charitable Trust Ms. Nancy D. Kalter Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Bart C. Koontz Koontz McCombs Mr. and Mrs. Edgar V. Leyendecker The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Gary Lillibridge Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg Louise L. Morrison Trust Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Lutz III Macy's Employees The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Gerald N. McAllister Mrs. Janet McNeal Mr. Frederic W. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Novak Mr. and Mrs. John C. Park Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Pickens Mr. and Mrs. John R. Presley Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Price The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. David Reed Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Roalson


Mr. Jack A. Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schoff Society for Marketing Professional Services St. Mark's Episcopal Church St. Paul's United Methodist Church Ms. Adele F. Strelchun Ms. Corinne L. Strong Mr. and Mrs. Eric Telfer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Venson Dr. and Mrs. Robert Walden Mrs. Ann D. Wells Mr. and Mrs. David B. West Mr. James Whitis Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Whitsett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vick Williams Mrs. Barbara B. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Woolley GIFTS OF GOOD & SERVICES Ballet Conservatory of South Texas Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John Reesman Mr. and Mrs. Leon E. Travis, III GIFTS IN HONOR In Honor of Daniel C. Arnold, Kathy Belk-Cook, Gene R. Calgaard, Richard O. Creamer, Patrick H. Swearingen, and Caroline Weston Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker Duncan In Honor of Harold Batiste Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg In Honor of Glenn Biggs Harold Brannan, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Calgaard In Honor of Jan Carter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hultgren In Honor of Dorothy K. Dare Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg Mr. Jack A. Rodgers In Honor of Joan Davis Mr. Clark Davis In Honor of A. Baker Duncan, Bonnie Ellison, Marc C. Raney, and John G. Willome Dr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Calgaard In Honor of Lucile Gerald Mrs. Mary Jane K. Lewis In Honor of Mary C. Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. Leon E. Travis, III In Honor of Woodrow Killion Mrs. Mary Jane K. Lewis In Honor of Alvin A. Loewenberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cook Mr. and Mrs. William A. Martin

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” ~Mother Theresa Ms. Elizabeth Morgan Mr. Jack A. Rodgers Mrs. Arthur M. Rothschild In Honor of Oliver McBryde Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Stephen In Honor of Evan Meade Ms. Bonnye Cavazos Ms. Toni Fisher Ms. Amy Fleming Mr. Srinivas Mummidi, Ph.D. Ms. Rachel Pedraza Ms. Ashlyn Roth Ms. Nancy Scheifele Jacob Schenk Ms. Jeanette Vilagi Ms. Joan Zhao In Honor of Mildred Munt Ms. Donna S. Munt In Honor of Robert Reid Parker Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Parker In Honor of Robert B. Price Harold Brannan, M.D. Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg In Honor of Madge Smith Chaplain Dennis K. Smith In Honor of Jil Utterback Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg GIFTS IN MEMORY In Memory of Angelina S. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Miele In Memory of Lindsay and Ruth Andrews Linda and James McDuff In Memory of Nadine and Harold Henry Arnold Mr. Harold Hull Arnold In Memory of Warren Baar Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Meadows In Memory of Alice Batz Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Egger Mr. and Mrs. James L. Egger In Memory of Karen Bergstral Rev. Daniel F. Schorlemer

In Memory of May H. Bergstresser Mr. and Mrs. Reyes Ramos In Memory of Geraldean Brown Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fannin Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Harral Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Harral Paula R. Larson, M.D. Ms. Kathy L. Smith In Memory of Nina Burkhart Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg In Memory of Roy R. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Carnes Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg In Memory of Marquerite Carver Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hollje In Memory of Thelma R. Church Mrs. Margaret H. Grimm In Memory of Ed Cross Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Boston In Memory of Milton Dare Miss Ertis Rothschmitt In Memory of Frank C. Davis Ms. Laura A. Davis In Memory of Stella Doman Mr. Gerald K. Doman In Memory of Amy Diane Dorsett Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mumme In Memory of Norma S. Durant Drs. Jane and Terrance Fried In Memory of Sue B. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dooley In Memory of Rowan E. Fisher Mrs. Marie Fowler Fisher In Memory of Patty Gaskins Winkler Revocable Trust Auxiliary of Morningside Manor Mr. and Mrs. Huard Eldridge Ms. Jan Longfellow In Memory of Catherine Gonzalez Mr. Robert Gonzalez In Memory of Lue Cave Grissom Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Cox Ms. Deborah Keeling Ms. Grace Schmidt In Memory of Gladys Haas Scholz, Klein & Freinds Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bettac In Memory of Ruth Joy Hanson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Johnson In Memory of Barbara Harris Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Shepard In Memory of Todd Heinrich Mr. and Mrs. Phil D. Miller


In Memory of Helen H. Herzog Ms. Leilah Powell In Memory of Juanita Hubbard Ms. Kathryn Annette Long In Memory of Robert K. Hultgren Mr. and Mrs. Craig Dixon Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg Mr. Jack A. Rodgers In Memory of Frances M. Jones Ms. Linda Briggs In Memory of Leonard Katzfey Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mumme In Memory of Mary C. Kaulbach Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg In Memory of Theresa Bess Odell Kimerling Ms. Michelle Alvarez Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg Rev. and Mrs. Carl Rohlfs In Memory of Harriet North Kutscher Seasons, Inc. Mary Alice Henry and Florence Henry Buckner Ms. Kathryn Hilbert Mr. and Mrs. Tom Long In Memory of Lillian LaOrange Ms. Brenda J. LaOrange In Memory of Thomas C. LeMessurier Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. LeMessurier Mr. and Mrs. W. Forrest Robertson In Memory of Mildred “Mini” Lennard, Jeanne Lennard, Frank P. Lennard, and Katherine Lennard Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Salles In Memory of Felix Lentz Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Lentz In Memory of Jeanne Marsh Mrs. Elizabeth J. Simpson In Memory of Elizabeth McGown Mrs. Bond Davis In Memory of Twila May McMillan Mrs. Twila May McMillan In Memory of Charles Mock Mrs. Elizabeth J. Simpson In Memory of Nancy Morgan Mrs. Lenna L. Hendrix In Memory of A.C. Mumme Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mumme In Memory of Iretta H. Neifert Mr. and Mrs. Albert O. Spencer, Jr. In Memory of Virginia Novak Mr. and Mrs. David G. King Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schneider In Memory of Eleanor and Bill O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Clark

In Memory of James E. Paine Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Meadows In Memory of Sonny and Florene Parker Mrs. Rhonda J. Dean In Memory of David C. Paul Mr. Davis Brown Mrs. Milton K. Dare Mrs. Helen Galloway Edkins Reverend and Mrs. John Fluth Rev. Malford and Mrs. Carolyn Hierholzer Ms. Billye O. Laxson Mrs. Virginia A. Laxson Mrs. Susan V. McClung Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Meadows Mrs. Lorraine B. Miller Rev. Margaret Persky Miss Ertis Rothschmitt Rev. Daniel F. Schorlemer Rev. and Mrs. Harris Shinn Ms. Julie Stenken Ms. Enid S. Wagner In Memory of Patricia Pickens Ms. Helen Ekeland In Memory of Brad Pigeon Mrs. Barbara B. Christian In Memory of Lucy Pope Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope In Memory of Carol Belle Ragland Mrs. and Mr. Mark E. Ehlers Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Hennessey Ms. Joan E. Heriford Ms. Linda Marchese In Memory of Maude D. Ramon Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Ramon In Memory of Nancy Rassiga Ms. Linda F. McDuff and Mr. James B. McDuff In Memory of Sarah K. Ratner Mr. & Mrs. James J. Mikesell In Memory of Jean W. Rutledge Col. (Ret.) Walton A. Rutledge In Memory of Marcella Schupbach and Robert L. Schupbach Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mumme In Memory of Lane Sealey Mrs. Elizabeth J. Simpson In Memory of Cyril Segall Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pisano, Jr. In Memory of Jane G. Shackelford Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Boston In Memory of Gaston F. Shipman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham In Memory of Bruce Sorenson Mr. and Mrs. Dale B. Ferebee

In Memory of Nina Speer Auxiliary of Morningside Manor Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pisano, Jr. Mrs. Carol Strode Dr. and Mrs. Robert Walden In Memory of L. D. Starr Miss Ertis Rothschmitt In Memory of Corrine Crow Stokes Mr. Clark Davis Mrs. Helen Galloway Edkins Mrs. Julie P. Little Dr. Milton Smith and Dr. Martha Smith In Memory of Bryan Strode Mr. and Mrs. Phil D. Miller In Memory of Anna Lou Swank Mrs. Laura Mae Baker In Memory of Della M. Talley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Boyd In Memory of Renee Tatum Col. and Mrs. Charles C. Tatum, II In Memory of Benton Thomason Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mumme In Memory of Theda Cook Todd Mr. Derol Todd In Memory of Lorene Travis Primo Painting Contractor, Inc. Malitz Construction Inc. Bud Cross Ford Painting & Decorating Contractors of America Dallas Chapter L.E. Travis & Sons, Inc. Mr. Narciso Cano Mr. Luis A. de la Garza and Mrs. Sherry Hatcher Mr. Rick Dubey Mr. and Mrs. Donald Enders Mrs. Margaret H. Grimm Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Haws Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kerr Mr. Alvin A. Loewenberg Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Marquardt Mrs. Lois Ann Thomas Mr. and Mrs. R. Larry Thompson Mrs. Lorene Travis Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Whitmore In Memory of Blanche S. Walton Mrs. Myrtle J. Fields In Memory of Alma Watkins Mr. Fred G. Scott, Jr., Attorney at Law In Memory of Ellen K. Wendt Chaplain Dennis K. Smith In Memory of E. H. Wetzel and Euphe Wetzel Mr. E. A. Wetzel


You Make All the Difference! What others give, we share. ince its founding in 1959, Morningside Ministries has depended on the thoughtful consideration of many donors who remembered the needs of older adults in care when they wrote their wills or completed their estate planning. In fact, over the last eight years alone, Morningside has received $7.6 million dollars in estate gifts, including wills, insurance policies, annuities and trusts. One recent donor was a retired army officer whose elderly mother had lived with Morningside in the 1970’s. After his mother passed away,


we did not hear from him until 30 years later when he himself died and left half of his estate to Morningside Ministries. It turned out that the donor remained grateful after so many years for the loving care that his mother had received while at Morningside Ministries. Many of the estate gifts we receive come from our residents themselves. One that comes to mind came from a grateful resident who at the end of her life found herself alone having outlived all of her family and friends. Finding a home at Morningside, she quickly made many new friends with

residents and staff alike. When she passed away a number of years later, this resident left us a generous donation to be used to care for older adults who found themselves alone and without funds to pay for their care. Through a charitable bequest in your will or living trust, you too can ensure that Morningside Ministries can continue to provide high-quality care to those in need in an atmosphere of compassion and spirituality. Indeed, you can trust that your estate gift will be the largest and most lasting gift of caring you will ever make.

Evan Meade and Morningside Ministries A young man’s “giving” spirit. orningside Ministries received a unique donation by an even more unique donor. The donation came on behalf of a 7th grade, middle school student named Evan Meade. Evan had requested donations to Morningside Ministries in lieu of gifts for his recent 13th birthday in order to provide solutions that can help seniors with their daily activities. “I asked all of my friends and family to donate to Morningside Ministries because I realized that there wasn’t really anything else I needed or wanted” Evan explained. “I thought it would be nice to help out some seniors.” Evan is a part of a team called


“The Randomist” in the First Lego League (FLL). This league ( is a worldwide robotics program for 9 to 14 year olds which is designed to inspire children about science and technology as well as teach them valuable employment and life skills. For staff at Morningside Ministries, it was a donation that really

stood out. “I’ve been in the industry for many years and we have a loyal stable group of people who support Morningside Ministries and most A UNIQUE of our donors have famDONOR: CEO Alvin ily members who have Loewenberg been cared for here at sharing a handshake Morningside” said Jack with the 7th Rodgers, Vice President grade donor, Evan Meade. of Development. “So, here comes Evan and for his birthday, instead of birthday presents from his friends, he wants to give gifts to Morningside which is remarkable” Rodgers said. Many young people do not have any associations with the elderly — it’s great to see more intergenerational interactions in nursing homes.

Anne Shinn delivers healthier food choices through ยกPor Vida! TM

THE MEADOWLARK ROUTINE: (main) Anne Shinn drafting another healthy set of menus; (left) Coordination with Cooks Frank Losoya and Juan Garcia ensures best quality of healthy food on a daily basis; (right) the ยกPor Vida!TM seal is found throughout The Meadowlark Restaurant.





nne Shinn is known to have “a servant’s heart!” This description of her has been repeated many times during her 24 years of service as Food Service Director at The Meadows. For that reason and many others, we are excited to announce that Ms. Anne Shinn was recognized by LeadingAge Texas (formerly known as the Texas Association of Homes and Services for the Aging or TAHSA) for her dietary service at the annual award ceremony held in Austin this May. This award honors those who have made a commitment to the field of aging services, who embody excellence in leadership and advocacy, and who are making outstanding contributions to their communities and the industry of senior living. Since arriving at The Meadows, there have been three complete renovations of the dining room under Anne Shinn’s leadership. Today, residents are seated by a hostess and given menus that list meal options, including the day’s fourcourse meal.


monthly Food Committee meetings with residents and staff to review compliments and discuss concerns about meals and dining room service. ¡POR VIDA!TM

The Meadowlark Restaurant is delighted to have ¡Por Vida! recognition by the San Antonio Healthy Restaurants Coalition (a collaboration of the S.A. Metropolitan Health Dept., the S.A. Restaurant Association, and the S.A. Dietetic Association). ¡Por Vida! (Spanish for “For Life”) is a program whereby healthy food choices are designated on restaurant menus. These designations help diners keep their intake of calories, fats, and sodium within the parameters recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for America 2010. These recommendations are based on a healthy eating pattern which focuses on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and low fat dairy while limiting the intake of sodium and solid fats. The ¡Por Vida! logo designates our menu items meeting the following RESIDENT DIETARY SERVICES Residents often ask for dietary ad- criteria: vice when they want to lose weight, reduce their salt intake, help control their diabetes or address other emerging health issues. Always concerned with every resident’s health, Anne provides residents with useful assistance in their menu selections and follows-up with them to ensure that they are making progress addressing their health concerns. Anne also welcomes residents to provide their favorite recipes and incorporates them into daily menu offerings. In addition, Anne conducts TM

FRIENDLY CONVERSATION: Anne having a jovial chat with some of the residents during lunch.



≤ 700 Calories ≤ 23 grams of Total Fat ≤ 8 grams of Saturated Fat

≤ 0.5 grams Trans-Fats ≤ 750 milligrams Sodium No fried foods Food Service Director Anne Shinn works hard to make sure The Meadows community has the opportunity to make mindful decisions on food that will ultimately affect their health. Residents can “check” (√) the “PV” line at the top of their order ticket to ensure their choices are meeting the ¡Por Vida! criteria. TM

ASK THE EXPERT: Anne is assisting Emma Lou, a resident, in choosing a healthy lunch.

isiting a nursing home to deliver Christmas cheer along with some fruit and warm socks to those who did not often get visitors was an annual tradition in our family. My four adolescent daughters didn’t always find it so rewarding. Instead, they complained that it smelled funny, or that the elders’ attempt to touch their young, fresh faces made them uncomfortable. Many of the residents didn’t seem particularly happy to see us. They sat there silently, looking vacantly, perhaps into a past that only they could enter. Undeterred and with a promise of ice cream cones after the visit, we continued this tradition for many years. One year in particular stands out for me. It was after our regular visit to the nursing home, sitting down for the much anticipated ice cream, when nine-year-old Laura asked, “Who’s going to take care of you when you get old, Mommy?” Not waiting for my response, her younger sibling, Rachel, chimed in, “I will, I will!” As the years have passed, I suspect, so has that eager sentiment! No one ever really thinks much about the eventuality of growing old; it just happens. Way beyond the sagging skin or aching bones, the time comes when someone else is needed to assist with the day-today functions of living. Until a few decades ago, caregiving was not considered a job or even a duty, but more of an unspoken promise made



A MISSION OF COMPASSION: provides caregivers with online training and education that improve the quality of care received by older adults. is a program of Morningside Ministries, a faith-based, not-forprofit continuum of care senior retirement community.




MMLEARN.ORG SERVING AND LEARNING: (below) Jama Brown, a family caregiver in Uvalde, TX – with her parents; (right) Participant in our Virtual Dementia Tour training.

to family members. With an overwhelming surge of baby boomers turning 65 since 2011 and the growing number of chronic health conditions plaguing this generation, we also can expect a huge increase in the need for caregivers. According to the American Hospital Association’s (AHA) statistics on boomers, more than 37 million —six out of 10—will be managing more than one chronic condition by 2030. What does this mean for caregivers? For one thing, caregiving will soon be a career choice that provides abundant job opportunities. For others, caring for a spouse, parent or other family member, it will represent a life-changing experience. This great quote by former First Lady Rosalyn Carter is a reminder that we must all be prepared for a caregiving role: “There are only four kinds of people in the world – those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.” A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states: “More than 34 million

unpaid caregivers provide care to someone age 18 and older who is ill or has a disability (AARP, 2008). The majority (83%) are family caregivers—unpaid persons such as family members, friends, and neighbors of all ages who are providing care for a relative.” “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson epitomizes the goal of to lead the way in training, supporting and educating caregivers and blaze a trail for others to follow. Since its inception in 2006, a web-based program of Morningside Ministries in San Antonio, Texas, has held on tightly to the core belief that all caregivers need and deserve the most up-to-date, top quality training when it comes to caring for their aging family members. It is with this conviction that the staff at works to bring caregiver instructors who are experts in the field of aging. These include geriatricians, nurses, social workers, clergy and many others who offer insightful and meaningful

information to families, church volunteers, and health professionals caring for older adults. While online training may be easily accessible for most, it can sometimes be more difficult for others, especially those living in rural areas of Texas where access to the Internet is limited. The team at understood this challenge and quickly agreed on strategies to provide a combination of onsite presentations at public venues, and DVDs of the most in-demand training programs. One of the on-site presentations that has created a tremendous amount of interest has been the Virtual Dementia Tour. Created by Second Wind Dreams, this program gives the participant a simulation of what a person with some form of dementia might be experiencing on any given day. With their senses of sight, touch and hearing altered, “tour” participants get a feel for what it’s like to have dementia and other ailments that can accompany old age. Indeed, for many individuals the tour appears to last much longer than the approximate six to seven minutes of the actual

HI-TECH LESSONS: VP of Corporate Training Maria Wellisch and Director of Community Outreach and Spirituality Virginia Valenzuela record an informational video using green screen technology.


Virginia R. Valenzuela Director of Community Outreach and Spirituality Virginia R. Valenzuela is a native from San Antonio with a Master of Social Work (MSW) from Our Lady of the Lake University and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry (MAPM) from Oblate School of Theology. Virginia works with an incredibly talented team at, a program of Morningside Ministries that supports and helps train caregivers of older adults via webbased learning. As the Director of Community Outreach and Spirituality at Morningside Ministries, Virginia’s role includes providing video recordings as well as on-site presentations both locally and in rural South Texas communities, writing blogs and the very latest – becoming the social media maven for on Facebook and @mmlearn_org on Twitter! When she’s not tweeting her heart out – you can find her running around Woodlawn Lake!

experience. During a debriefing session immediately after completing the tour, participants often shed tears and express a range of emotional and heart rendering feelings, finally understanding the severe impact of the disease on their loved ones: “I knew this was a short experience and it was easy to cope with the short time frame. The frustration is that a person with dementia must experience must be overwhelming.” “It helped me understand my grandmother, very impactful. I knew it was difficult, but nothing like this.” “I felt lost, confused. Not being able to see well made me very aware of how my mom who has mascular degeneration must feel.” Even if my now 30-something daughter, Rachel, were thrust into the role of caregiving, she would be quite ill prepared for the multitude of tasks facing her. The spirit may be willing, but for many family caregivers who unexpectedly take on this challenge, the physical, emotional and psychological demands can be overwhelming. The multi-tasking components of caregiving require a vast amount of time, patience and, most importantly, an understanding of their own need for support in this

demanding world of caregiving. Support comes in many different forms. For some it may be a day of respite, spending time relaxing without time constraints, or just catching up on much-needed sleep. Another type of support may come from the many resources now available for caregivers. This includes support groups, as well as online training classes that provide caregivers with the infor­mation and resources they need to make the best decisions possible for their loved ones and for themselves. Whether it is a discussion on depression among the elderly, a video showing how to transfer someone from a wheelchair into a car, or a short spiritual meditation and prayer, makes available more than 200 free online videos. continues to be on the move, always with an open mind and a spirit of adventure to reach caregivers and provide them with support where and when they need it. You can reach us at info@ or visit our website at The following article was originally published on The Rivard Report. You can sign up for their weekly newsletter (RR Connect), follow on twitter @RivardReport and like it.


Resident Feature Series

Website of the Year

Real people, real stories, real values. We could learn so much more about life if we all gave a little more time to listening. People in their seventies and beyond have lived through experiences many of us in the United States today can only imagine. In this acquired wisdom lies potential breakthroughs we could experience in our own lives and their advice seems especially relevant now. In our economic downturn, why wouldn't we consult people who held their families together in the much-worse Great Depression? As our country is engaged in war abroad, couldn't we learn how to cope from our World War II and Korean War veterans and their spouses?” STORYTELLERS: Social Media Coordinator Connor Ortiz with Shirley Jeffrey, one of the featured residents.

n 2013, Morningside Ministries launched the first video series for its internet audiences. The Resident Feature Series is a continuing video documentary that features actual residents from Morningside Ministries sharing significant experiences and life-lessons. This video series was organized and narrated by Morningside Ministries Social Media Coordinator Connor


Connor Ortiz Social Media Coordinator for Morningside Ministries

Ortiz. We invite you to come and take a look! The entire collection of videos can be found at: about/news/resident-feature-series. Be sure to bookmark us on your web browser so that you may follow along as we visit residents and document their life experiences at each of our San Antonio and Boerne communities.

A recognition by Leading Age Texas.

orningside Ministries is honored to receive the award for Website of the Year by LeadingAge Texas. We are very priviledged that an organization such as LeadingAge Texas would recognize us for this prestigious accolade. Our website allows Morningside Ministries to continue to carry out its mission to “Care for Those Who Cared for Us.” The goal of our website is to provide service to those in need of help or guidance. It was designed for easy navigation and includes a font adjustment tool that allows users to change the letter size on our website with just the click of a button. We’ve found this to be very helpful in making our website easier to read by all viewers.


Stay connected and be updated!





@MorningsideM morningsideministries MorningsideMinSA news/news-a-happenings


Importance of Pastoral Interns Fostering the future of chaplaincy and pastoral care.

SHEPHERD: Father Jeff Mead leads the mass at The Meadows.

he work of the Chaplains at Morningside Ministries affirms the ecumenical spirit which has always characterized our efforts to provide pastoral care for our residents, their families and our staff. This is true for everyone in the ministries, not just the Chaplains. In fact, our website defines Morningside Ministries as a “supportive environment where all employees and residents are welcome without regard to race, gender or religion.” That supportive environment is visible in the students who have done their clinical training under the supervision of Morningside Chaplains. In mentoring students in Pastoral Care we have hosted a variety of religious affiliations including Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Disciples of Christ, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, and United Methodists. Student nationality has been equally diverse with students from across the United States, as well as India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines and


Vietnam. We have supervised the clinical visitation hours required of students in Clinical Pastoral Education from four different CPE centers in San Antonio and seminarians in the Theological Field Education program of Oblate School of Theology. Ministry time for all the students requires developing listening skills so that students permit residents to tell their story comfortably. Their ministry also includes a time of supervision with one of the Morningside Chaplains where each student is encouraged to reflect theologically on their visits. Supervision also allows the students to integrate what they have learned in the classroom into their pastoral role. The response to the pastoral presence of these students has been positive from both the perspective of residents and staff. Because of the positive affirmation we have received, Morningside Ministries will continue to provide this program for students in chaplaincy and pastoral formation.

Iconography Artistry in theology. This past April, Chandler Estates hosted a six day icon writing workshop led by iconographer Irene Perez, founder of Icon Arts in Austin, Texas. Irene practices this ancient art in the Byzantine/Russian Orthodox tradition as taught by the Prosopon School of Iconology where the spirituality and theology behind the icon is foundational. It’s very important to understand that the iconographer is not just an artist, but is also a theologian through divine painted images. Thus, iconography is the process of blending art and theology together to tell the stories of significant biblical figures and events within the age old liturgical traditions of the Church. Their form, composition and colors are handed down from one generation to another in faithful obedience to these sacred traditions. So one doesn’t just sit down and start painting an icon, there is a process, a liturgy to be followed that always begins with prayer.

TOUCH OF AN ARTIST: Irene Perez working on an icon at Chandler Estate.

Providing Comfort & Quality Service to the Elderly Since 1984 2201 St Cloud St. San Antonio, TX 78228 Phone: (210) 734-5016 Fax: (210) 737-0356

My name is Terry Herrmann. I grew up in this neighborhood – the Jefferson Community. Both of my parents attended and graduated from Jefferson High School – as did my brother and I. My Dad not only attended Jefferson, he later returned to teach and coach there. Later he returned again as the Dean of Boys and eventually was promoted to be the Principal. He was also the Area Superintendent of SAISD over the Jefferson area and his office was located at Beacon Hill Elementary. I’ve always been proud of the Jefferson Co-op for the services that it provides to our elderly population – the

meals, the rides and the fellowship. The area that Jefferson Outreach for Older People now serves has grown tremendously, but it still provides the meals, the rides and the fellowship. My parents are both still living in this area in their own house. My Dad is now 88 years old. My mother, now 86 years old, enjoys attending the Thrift Shop Style Show each summer and the Style Show Luncheon at Oak Hills each fall. She has attended both for years and years – well, since the very beginning. As they have grown older, I’ve seen their opportunities for social outings diminish. These two events that my mom attends regularly are the only places that she sees many of the people that served on PTA, church committees and neighborhood activities with her. The problems the elderly face are nutrition, transpor-

tation and grocery procurement, but also isolation. Opportunities for socialization diminish as a person ages. The elderly become isolated in their homes when they can no longer drive, when their friends pass away and when their churches close (as has happened to many churches in this area). They want to stay where everything is familiar to them. Providing opportunities for these seniors to get out once in a while and to be around other people is a very important part of the ministry that is Jefferson Outreach for Older People. If anything I would encourage other churches in our service to start the same kind of lunch bunch activities in their immediate neighborhoods to provide not just a nutritious meal for seniors, but the opportunity for them to visit with their neighbors.

Health • Fitness • Arts • Humanities Computer • Volunteer Services

FREE MEMBERSHIP to all people 50 years and older

(210) 236-5954

Located in Morningside Ministries at The Manor 2201 St. Cloud, San Antonio, TX 78201


DONATE NOW AND BE SOMEBODY’S HERO. The time, effort and money you give will greatly help “those who cared for us” live a dignified, better quality of life as they continue on their journey.

700 Babcock Road, San Antonio, TX 78201

For donation by phone, please call Jack Rodgers at (210) 734-1050. For donation by email, please send to For a secured donation via our website, please visit

Caring for Those Who Cared for Us. Morningside Ministries is a not-for-profit, faith-based organization that provides a continuum of care for older adults. For 51 years, we are the proven dynamic leader in quality retirement living, assisted living, skilled nursing, rehabilitation and memory care.

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