Mornington News 11th March 2025

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The Priorities of a Dutton Coalition Government

Fight cost of living pressures

By getting inflation down and alleviating household cost pressures, our standard of living can be restored and Australians can get ahead.

Build a stronger economy

A Dutton Coalition Government will build a stronger economy by delivering a back-to-basics economic agenda.

Back small business

A Dutton Coalition Government will back small business as the key driver of economic growth and security.

Deliver affordable and reliable energy

Australia needs cheap, clean and consistent power. A Dutton Coalition Government will deliver affordable and reliable energy.

Fix the housing crisis

A Dutton Coalition Government will free up more than 100,000 homes in the next five years and will unlock up to 500,000 new homes through new infrastructure funding.

Rebalance our migration program

We will rebalance our migration program to restore confidence and integrity, and to relieve pressure on housing and community services.

Keep Australians safe

A Dutton Coalition Government will get to work immediately to keep Australians safe against rising threats domestically and internationally.

Deliver quality healthcare

Our primary focus will be on delivering a world class health system, with better outcomes in the areas that are in desperate need of investment and reform.

Grow a stronger Regional Australia

We will have a strong regional perspective on all decision making, and always look for opportunities to ensure equity and fairness.

Focus on practical action for

Indigenous Australians

We will target and address the significant disadvantage and neglect within regional and remote Indigenous communities.

Build strong and sustainable communities

We will prioritise quality service delivery and invest in communities to improve the lives of all Australians.

Cut Government waste

We will cut government waste and re-align the government’s priorities to the priorities of hard-working everyday Australians.

Hopping into the Easter spirit

A BURST of colour and creativity is set to descend on Mt Eliza in time for Easter, thanks to a dedicated group of knitters.

The group Close Knit Friends have been working hard to craft dozens of pink knitted bunnies to spread joy throughout the school holidays, which are set to make their appearance on top of every village bollard on 3 April.

“It’s something is unique to our village,” said the group’s organiser Sue Manson.

“We try to do a project each school holidays to bring some joy and personalise our village.”

The project, which is being led by Robyn Helm, will see a total of 164 bollards decorated with a bunny, with a Happy Easter sign to also feature on the fence at the Village Green.

“Knitting and crafting for this project is a wonderful way to connect with others that share your enjoyment and passion,” Helm said.

Close Knit Friends is also behind the decorating of trees, bollards, and village surrounds for Christmas.

The group plans to decorate the Mt Eliza Village for every school holidays so that there is “something special to see when the children can visit”. And “there’s plenty of room” for more people to be involved in different knitting projects. To enquire, email Jade@

Peninsula’s only homeless accommodation set to close

place in the next six to 12 months.

THE only accommodation currently available for the homeless on the Mornington Peninsula, The Ranch Motel in Mornington, is set to close with no plans for its replacement.

A joint venture between Mornington Community Support Centre and Southern Peninsula Community Support, the accommodation was only made possible as the developer had allowed it to be used as crisis accommodation while he finalised plans for redevelopment of the site.

The News understands he has given notice that development will take

“Our understanding is that when the developer is ready to start work on the site, they’ll be clearing everything, including the motel,” said Jeremy Maxwell, CEO of Southern Peninsula Community Support.

“We are hoping something happens to stop the loss of the peninsula’s only crisis accommodation, but it is out of our hands.”

The crisis accommodation centre is managed jointly by Southern Peninsula Community Support who manage the clients, and Mornington Community Support Centre who manage the day-to-day operation of the accommodation.

“We do a lot of work with rough

sleepers, which is huge issue on the peninsula,” said Maxwell.

“The problem is that if The Ranch goes, with nothing to take its place, our job becomes four to five times harder.

“And when you are already stretched to absolute capacity, how do you work four to five times harder?”

Maxwell said a working group had been formed that is looking into all available options, including if there was another motel available for lease or sale.

“We’d love to talk to anyone that thinks they can help. We have a pending crisis, and we must act swiftly.”

Mornington Peninsula Shire data

indicates there are approximately 689 people sleeping rough on the peninsula on any given night.

The Ranch was originally set up by Mornington Community Support Centre’s former CEO Stuart DavisMeehan, in partnership with the developer and Southern Peninsula Community Support.

More recently Ben Smith, who is running as an independent in the upcoming federal election, has been heavily involved with The Ranch in the role of CEO of MCSC. He took leave from that role when he announced his candidacy.

Smith told The News “For three years, I’ve been calling on our Federal and State MPs – past and present

– to commit to funding a replacement for The Ranch. Yet, not one has stepped up, leaving hundreds of people without a home and in limbo.”

“Other regions have publicly funded crisis accommodation, so why don’t we? The answer is simple: a lack of political will.

“In the lead up to this federal election, I’ll be calling on all candidates to commit to funding permanent emergency accommodation and support services on the Mornington Peninsula.”

The Labor candidate for Flinders, Sarah Race, said housing and homelessness was an issue she was passionate about.

Continued Page 5

JILL McMillin, Sue Manson, Jo Newman, Yvonne Howell and Robyn Helm. Picture: Gary Sissons

Calls for drivers to slow down after roo family left to die

MOTORISTS are being urged to take care on roads across the peninsula after a mother kangaroo, her at-foot joey and pouch joey were all tragically killed in the one incident in Merricks North last week.

The incident occurred along Balnarring Rd near the Jackalope Hotel, early on the morning of 26 February when the kangaroos were struck by a passing vehicle on the 80kph stretch of road and left for dead.

Belinda Eden, vice-president of the Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation, raced to the scene after being alerted by a distressed local about 7am where she initially found an eastern grey kangaroo and her at-foot joey dead on the road.

But as she attended to the mother, she said, “I just looked at her pouch and I could see that there was a joey in there so I couldn’t move her straight away because I didn’t want to injure the joey”.

“It was so young and known as a pinky because they’re pink and hairless” she said.

“It was well and truly alive,” Eden said, as she managed to carefully cut the joey free from the pouch, which was still attached to its mother’s teat, before waiting until the nearest vet clinic to open - but sadly, the joey was unable to be saved and had to be euthanised.

Eden said it was “a really tragic situation” and urged drivers to exer-

cise more caution in areas where there was high wildlife activity.

According to the Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation group (MPKC) and Save the Kangaroos on the Mornington Peninsula (SKOMP), more than 50 eastern grey kangaroos and swamp wallabies have been killed between October and December last year – a figure they said was “extremely concerning”.

From October to February, a further 18 koalas had been killed by vehicles across the peninsula. One “incident

hot spot” was at the Westernport Hwy, near the turn off to TyabbTooradin Rd, which has seen seven koalas being struck and killed in the past 12 months, including two deaths in 24 hours last week.

Eden said the increased frequency of wildlife road fatalities had raised alarm, adding she was in disbelief that the family of kangaroos she tried to save had been “left on the road like rubbish”.

“We have to educate people to let them know we’ve got wildlife in the

BELINDA Eden, vicepresident of the Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation, at Balnarring Rd, which has seen an increase of kangaroos being struck by vehicle. Picture: Yanni

area and that between dusk and dawn is particularly a hazardous time when you’re driving, and you should drive with the expectation something will appear,” she said.

Eden encouraged all drivers to “slow down” and “if you’re involved in a vehicle strike, or come across an injured animal on the road, pull over safely and check on the animal’s welfare and always call for help, even if the animal manages to leave the scene”.

“Often kangaroos and koalas will

move away but have significant injuries. If they aren’t checked, they will die a slow and painful death. It’s also important to note that when one kangaroo crosses the road it is most likely that another, a young joey, will be following.”

Eden recommended people call Wildlife Victoria, a 24/7 wildlife emergency response service, on (03) 8400 7300 and keep local wildlife carer details in their phone.

Eden said while driver awareness was important, the rising road toll had been attributed to habitat loss due to land clearing and trees being taken down on public and private property rendering animals homeless. A situation she believed was due to “lax” planning laws and loopholes.

She said another issue was that the peninsula was currently without a dedicated wildlife hospital that operated 24/7.

The MPKC and SKOMP hope authorities would start incorporating wildlife messaging into road safety, noting that while signage in koala and kangaroo hot spots had helped, as has the successful lobbying to drop the speed on Cape Schanck Rd, more needed to be done and they intended to soon meet with the Mornington Peninsula Shire to discuss a range of measures.

“Wildlife should not be an afterthought. We will keep advocating for them, because the peninsula is their home, and they should be safe from these ongoing pressures,” the groups said.

Shire appoints new CEO

Cameron McCullough

THE Mornington Peninsula Shire Council has announced it has appointed California-born Mark Stoermer as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) following a Special Council Meeting on Tuesday 4 March 2025. The appointment ends the search for a new CEO after the resignation of John Baker in October to take up the role of CEO of Sunshine Coast Council in Queensland (Shire CEO Baker resigns, The News 29/10/24).

The new appointment will see the acting shire CEO, Bulent Oz, return to his previous role as Chief Financial Officer of the shire.

A statement from Mornington Peninsula Shire said Stoermer “brings extensive leadership experience in local government, corporate services, and financial management”.

Before accepting the role of Mornington Peninsula Shire CEO, Stoermer had been the director of corporate services for Brimbank City Council since January 2024, and before that was the director of corporate services at Wyndham City Council since February 2022.

He has also served as CEO of Douglas Shire and Nillumbik Shire Council and worked for the City of Melbourne. Outside local government he has held senior roles in the financial services and business sectors.

Mornington Peninsula Shire mayor Cr Anthony Marsh welcomed the

appointment, telling The News “The Mornington Peninsula Shire is delighted to welcome Mark Stoermer as our new Chief Executive Officer”.

“Mark is a highly respected and experienced leader, known for his strategic vision, strong financial acumen, and deep commitment to delivering high-quality community outcomes.

“We received an impressive field of applicants for the CEO role, and Mark’s appointment is a testament to his outstanding leadership, extensive experience, and proven ability to drive positive change.

“I would also like to sincerely thank our Chief Financial Officer, Bulent Oz, for his invaluable leadership as Acting CEO since November. His guidance, extraordinary work ethic, and dedication have been deeply appreciated during this transition.”

The News understands Stoermer has been employed at a total package of $395,000 per annum, an approximately ten percent reduction on the package Baker was on.

In a statement, Stoermer said “I am thrilled with this amazing opportunity to work and live in the crown jewel of Victoria and to lead the organisation in supporting council to deliver on its vision for the community.

“I look forward to bringing a community and customer focus while ensuring the long-term sustainability of council.”

Stoermer will commence his role as CEO of Mornington Peninsula Shire on 16 April 2025.

‘The Ranch’ to close

Continued from Page 1

“I will work every day to get better results for our peninsula, including more crisis accommodation which is urgently needed,” said Race.

“I recently helped secure funding for a new crisis shelter on the peninsula through the Labor government’s Crisis and Transitional Accommodation Program, which is part of the Housing Australia Future Fund.

“This is only the start of what is needed and as part of a Labor government that takes housing seriously, I will fight for more. The current lack of housing on the peninsula is the legacy of 40 years of Liberal representation”.

Current MP for Flinders and Liberal candidate, Zoe McKenzie, told The News “It will take all levels of government to build a solution which provides adequate crisis accommodation on the Mornington Peninsula”.

“The state Labor government under Dan Andrews and Jacinta Allan have comprehensively failed to meet the needs for social and public housing on the Mornington Peninsula.

“The state government recently replied to me, denying that there was an urgent need for action on the peninsula, even though the shire reports that almost one in every three public and social housing dwellings on the peninsula are not occupied.

“Demand for crisis accommodation is exacerbated by the lack of confidence within the building and construction industry on the peninsula.”

Firefighters sound alarm on fuel loads, lack of access tracks

MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire

has been accused of a “reckless disregard” for community fire safety as several concerns, including its handling of high fuel loads, continued to pose a significant danger.

Sam Norris, a concerned local resident and Red Hill CFA brigade captain, has written to the shire calling for immediate action after highlighting a myriad of “systemic failures” that they believed had created “undue risks to public safety”.

His concerns were raised in a letter last month to the shire’s former acting chief executive officer Bulent Oz, which Norris said was a shared concern among CFA brigades across the peninsula.

It included an “alarming increase” in fuel loads across council-managed public land and roadsides “due to a lack of proper maintenance”, as well as the closure and “neglect” of fire access tracks.

“The accumulation of dry vegetation, dead wood, and overgrown brush has created a severe fire hazard, particularly in high-risk areas such as Red Hill and surrounding regions,” the letter said.

“Despite the well-documented dangers of bushfires in these areas, the council has failed to implement proactive hazard reduction measures, leaving residents, visitors, and critical infrastructure vulnerable. The absence of controlled burns, mechanical clearing, and ongoing fuel load

assessments demonstrates a reckless disregard for community safety.”

Access tracks, which help with an emergency response and fire suppression efforts, have deteriorated or some removed entirely, the letter said.

The letter also accused the shire of failing to ensure that contracted fire mitigation and maintenance work was completed as required, while lack of auditing and oversight regarding the work done by contractors resulted in payments being made for services that were either “substandard, incomplete, or not performed at all”.

“With emergency response capa-

bilities hindered and fire hazards left unchecked, the council’s inaction represents a severe and ongoing threat to public safety. Immediate intervention and strict oversight are necessary to address these critical issues before a disaster unfolds.”

Western Port’s CFA Group Officer David Breadmore also shared the concerns of all brigades on the peninsula, which he said had been raised with the shire prior to the fire season.

“It’s a concern to all of the brigades across the footprint and their whole leadership team as a result of the conditions that we’re experiencing at the

Councils team up to reduce drownings

THE Mornington Peninsula Shire has teamed up with four other local councils to address high drowning rates.

Mornington Peninsula Shire and Bass Coast Shire have joined forces to form the Bass Coast and Mornington Peninsula Cross Council Working Group Water Safety Framework. Through that initiative, they are collaborating with Cardinia Shire, City of Greater Dandenong, City of Casey, and Belgravia Leisure to work on antidrowning measures.

There were more deaths in Mornington Peninsula coastal areas between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 than there were in any other Victorian municipality. Surf Life Saving Australia’s annual National Coastal Safety Report showed that eight people died on the Mornington Peninsula in that timeframe. (“Peninsula leads drowning statistics” The News 24/09/2024).

In a statement, the Mornington Peninsula Shire said the partnership would “advocate for safer beaches and better infrastructure and the

importance of community education to reduce drowning incidents on our beaches and inland waterways.

“The framework provides an overview of drowning incidents in the region over the past decade and will guide water safety and drowning prevention efforts to address key trends and risk factors.”

Life Saving Victoria has been engaged to help. LSV manager of research and evaluation Dr Hannah Calverley said the framework was “an important tool to help the local community reduce drowning.”

“This brings everyone in the community to the table so we can tackle the issue of drownings on the Mornington Peninsula and Bass Coast,” Dr Calverley said. “Water safety is everyone’s responsibility, and this framework provides policy makers, community leaders and relevant industries with options and solutions, so we can work together to keep visitors and locals safe in the water.”

moment,” he told The News, adding grassland curing (grasses which had dried out or died) was sitting at 85 to 90 per cent across the peninsula.

“We’ve been extremely lucky in the Western Port area because we’ve got a really well-educated community,” he said.

“For the residents of the peninsula area, it’s been a combination of good management in terms of fire prevention but a significant amount of it has been luck as a result of not having windy conditions.”

But he added, “I don’t believe that the shire has addressed their responsi-

bility in terms of managing fuel load in public lands, and I think that there have been examples where they have been overprotective of environmental principles on top of practical fire prevention measures.”

According to the letter, the lack of accountability and failure to enforce safety measures “have now placed the entire community at an elevated risk”.

To address the various safety concerns, Norris has also implored for the shire to establish an independent review, which would also involve undertaking a critical analysis of fire safety measures and programs, and recommendations for improvement.

Mayor Cr Anthony Marsh said the shire was committed to addressing road safety and fire management.

“We do this through effective and informed management strategies, collaboration with key stakeholders and community consultation,” he said.

CFA deputy chief officer Trevor Owen said the CFA worked with councils and other agencies on fuel reduction planning across Victoria all year round, noting that the CFA had first became aware of Norris’ letter on 6 March.

“CFA is now reviewing the matters raised by Mr Norris who is the captain of Red Hill Fire Brigade and will liaise with the appropriate shire representatives,” he said.

RED Hill brigade captain Sam Norris is concerned about a lack of fire prevention management from the shire. Picture: Gary Sissons
MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire councillors Cam Williams, Max Patton, and Andrea Allen at the Bass Coast and Mornington Peninsula Cross Council Working Group Water Safety Framework launch. Picture: Supplied

Journalists: Brodie Cowburn, Brendan Rees

Ph: 5974 9000. Email:

Photographers: Gary Sissons, Yanni

Advertising Sales: Bruce Stewart 0409 428 171

Real Estate Account Manager: Ricky Thompson 0425 867 578

Production/Graphic design: Marcus Pettifer, Dannielle Espagne

Publisher: Cameron McCullough

REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Craig MacKenzie, Peter McCullough, Stuart McCullough.

ADDRESS: Mornington Peninsula News Group PO Box 588 Hastings 3915 Email: Web:


We are the only locally

Divers recognised in seagull rescue

TWO quick-thinking divers who came to the rescue of a distressed seagull at Rye Pier after it became caught by a hook and fishing line have been recognised for their compassion.

Jules Casey and Emily May sprang into action after stumbling across the bird which had become pinned to the pier by a fishing hook which was embedded in its beak as it tried in vain to fly away.

The rescue, which was filmed by Casey in late February, unfolded as May gently managed to cradle the bird as she used scissors from her dive kit to cut the fishing line and set the seagull free.

They had no idea how long the bird had been trapped as it frantically flapped its wings, Casey said, adding it appeared the bird had swallowed a baited hook.

“It was clear that this seagull was in distress, so we acted quickly and were able to remove the hook and line,” she said.

“It was a joy to see her fly free after what must have been an agonising ordeal. Lost or discarded fishing gear is a huge danger to animals, and we’re delighted we could save this bird.”

For their heroic efforts, the pair were presented a Hero to Animals Award from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for acting “quickly and compassionately, saving a seagull’s life”.

“May their kindness inspire others to lend a hand to animals in need,” the award said.

Casey said they hoped the award would “remind everyone to take ac-


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tion when they see an animal in need - you could be their only hope”. PETA senior campaigns advisor Mimi Bekhechi applauded the rescuers.

“Aside from reminding us that birds’ lives are important, this rescue highlights how deadly fishing gear is - not only for the gentle fish it targets

but other animals who discarded fishing gear continue to harm long after the fishers have gone home. Our appetite for fish flesh kills more animals than we realise,” she said.

According to PETA, about 640,000 tonnes of discarded fishing tackle enter the world’s oceans yearly. Brendan Rees

Top honour for Red Hill scout


Nathaniel Nielsen of Red Hill Scouts has achieved the highest Commonwealth honour in scouting, the King’s Scout Award.

He said it was “one of my proudest achievements”, not only representing “the highlight of my time as a venturer but also showcases the skills I have developed throughout my ten years in scouting”.

The criterion for the honour – the highest youth award achievable in scouting – focuses on challenges from different areas such outdoor adventure skills, personal development, leadership, community service and special interest.

Nielsen joined Red Hill Scouts as a cub, aged eight, in 2015 and progressed through scouts and venturers. Usually, it takes up to three years to complete all the challenges to attain the award, but Nathaniel did it in just 12 months, one of which included a seven-day hike at Wilsons Promontory.

Other challenges included camping, survival skills, snow hiking, bushwalking, snorkelling and downhill skiing.

Skills such as leadership, planning and perseverance had been key to working towards his King’s Scout award, he said, which would “support me throughout the following years of my life”.

“The participation in personal development courses has helped me to grow as a person and as a leader, equipping me with the tools required

to be a strong and confident leader, while also allowing others to lead effectively,” he said. Nielsen, who accepted the award on 1 March during a ceremony at Government House, added achieving the award would not have been possible without the support and guidance of his leaders, peers, friends and family. He has also shown to be a high-achiever when not scouting – having successfully completed his VCE last year and is now studying mechanical engineering at RMIT University. He intends to continue with his interests in the Scouting movement by joining the Rovers for young people aged between 18 and 25.

NATHANIEL Nielsen with his parents Noami and Mike, and LieutenantGovernor of Victoria Professor James Angus at the awards ceremony. Picture: Supplied
JULES Casey was one of two divers to rescue a trapped seagull. Picture: Supplied


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New industrial park breaks ground in Mornington

WORK has begun on a new “tropical paradise” industrial business park in Mornington, which will provide a mix of warehouses, retail, and studio spaces.

Located near the racecourse at 41 Watt Rd, Mornington, the new $5 million business precinct called “Free Form” officially broke ground last week, creating a new opportunity for those who “want modern workplaces with a Mornington address”.

Once complete it will feature 32 warehouses, nine offices, a café, five storage units, car parking, and one caretaker’s residence across the half a hectare site.

A sod-turning ceremony on 5 March was celebrated by dignitaries including Flinders MP Zoe McKenzie, Mornington Peninsula Shire deputy mayor Cr Paul Pingiaro, and developer Kyle Reeve, director of Gestalt Property.

Reeve, whose usual developments range from luxury homes to medium density apartments, said Free Form was the “perfect opportunity” to create a precinct that could put “Mornington on the map”, making it not only an attractive option for businesses who wanted a space closer to home but also creating a local hub of innovation and economic growth.

“We’ve gone to great lengths in the design and architecture of the building and landscaping to attract businesses that want to be client-facing and proud of their business address.

We’re not pretending we’re in Melbourne; we want to be on the peninsula and proud to be on the peninsula,” Reeve said.


Kyle and his wife Kristiina and two small children moved from Melbourne to Mount Martha in 2019 and now feel very much part of the local community.

Reeve had been formerly working from a co-working space in Mornington but when he realised that he and other business owners were dividing their time between Mornington and Melbourne with no comparable office space in the local area, he knew something had to be done.

Free Form’s flexible offering has so far proven to be a promising venture with 60 per cent of the project having been sold to local businesses from

logistics, tech, mortgage brokers and a wine wholesaler.

“I discovered that there are smart, sophisticated, and interesting businesses on the peninsula with nowhere to go. There’s very little choice for decent businesses to put themselves somewhere,” Reeve said.

“I feel a great responsibility to deliver something remarkable for the site, as I live locally and will have my office in this development. This isn’t just about selling and disappearing; it’s about building a community and setting a new standard for industrial developments,” he said.

Free form’s design is touted to


ALTHOUGH Community Bank Mt Martha has been open since 2011, in the last three years alone, it has had a dramatic impact on the prosperity of its local community.

With many in the local community moving their banking and nearly all community groups too, the ability of the local Board, which manages the income from all banking, has increased its capacity to support local community groups and make some real additions and changes in our community.

Over the last three financial years, 2023, 2024 and the current 2025-year, total community funding has exceeded $1.0 MILLION.

Things like, Mornington Community Support Centre’s Fresh Food Program and new mobile cool room, Communication upgrade for Mt Martha CFA, four electronic scoreboards at Citation Oval (2), Ferrero Reserve and Alexandra Park, Mornington, new Side by Side vehicle for Mt Martha Life Saving Club, new tables and chairs for Mornington Bowls Club, new kitchenette at Mornington Civic Bowls Club, new water heaters and reverse cycle air conditioning units for FUSION, 35 jointly branded

marquees for our local community groups, sailing programs for Mt Martha Yacht club and Mornington Yacht Club, goal post protectors for Beleura Junior Football Club, Cricket net upgrade for mt Martha cricket Club, Rotary Club of Mt Martha Cash for Cans project, and many more.

On top of this the $600,000 funding commitment to The Bays for its Wellness Centre at The Bays Cancer Support Centre is a clear example of how moving your banking to a local Community Bank can impact its very own community prosperity.

Thank you to all shareholders of Community bank Mt Martha, who made the establishment of this possible and to every customer and community group the bank at Community bank Mt Martha congratulations on what your banking is doing for our community.

If anyone would like to find out more about how the Community Bank Model works, please contact Gary Sanford, Community Liaison Officer on 0409 194 314 or gary.sanford2@

“lift the bar for industrial spaces by bringing a residential approach to industrial development”.

The landscaping, designed by Plume Studio, will see a “tropical paradise” created with a six-metre buffer from the road, including various plants and palm trees.

“We’ve got design guidelines around signage and branding to ensure the aesthetic appeal of the development. We’re not just building warehouses; we’re creating a place where businesses can thrive and be proud of their location,” Reeve said. Brendan Rees

Call for volunteers

PENINSULA Transport Assist promotes and provides affordable and accessible transport and support options for the transport disadvantaged throughout Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.

The organisation urgently needs help to assist those in our community who can’t get out due to illness or circumstance. PTA clients are often socially isolated and very much appreciate the company of thevolunteer drivers.

The team of PTA volunteers are mostly retirees, and many receive the JobSeeker allowance. The team love that their time given is flexible, allowing them to pursue other interests.

Volunteer drivers use their own cars to mainly take people to medical appointments, but sometimes for shopping, to attend exercise classes, or just for social connection.

Some clients only need to be driven locally, but some will need to travel distances. Some volunteer drivers only wish to drive locally, but others will be happy with the distance drives. Volunteers are never asked to do anything they are not comfortable with.

Drivers are offered some reimbursement to cover petrol costs.

If you are able to assist, call Tim at the PTA office for a chat on (03) 9708-8241 or email Tim on info@

Or you can get in touch via the PTA website:


Parents: Zeb & James

Birth date: 25.02.2025

Birth weight: 3690gms

Born at: Frankston Hospital

Parents: Eliza & Jayden

Birth date: 04.03.2025

Birth weight: 4600gms

Born at: Frankston Hospital

Parents: Teighan & Josh

Birth date: 04.03.2025

Birth weight: 3360gms

Born at: Frankston Hospital

Parents: Jana & Jose

Birth date: 26.02.2025

Birth weight: 2860gms

Born at: Frankston Hospital

Parents: Ash & Max

Birth date: 03.03.2025

Birth weight: 3200gms

Born at: Frankston Hospital

Parents: Courtney

Birth date: 03.03.2025

Birth weight: 3920gms

Born at: Frankston Hospital

Parents: Ashley & Danniel

Birth date: 04.03.2025

Birth weight: 3215ms

Born at: Frankston Hospital

Parents: Shae & Damien

Birth date: 05.03.2025

Birth weight: 3231gms

Born at: Frankston Hospital

Trailblazer gears up to conquer NZ’s southern alps

MARNIE Umbers, a dedicated community leader and president of the Peninsula Belles Branch of the Country Women’s Association, is about to take on an adventure unlike any other.

Having supported her community for more than a decade, Umbers will now take on New Zealand’s mighty southern alps in a 50km hike.

It’s a feat that will not only test her physical endurance but also support the United Nations Women Australia’s Trek for Rights.

The Somerville resident and proud mum to a ten-year-old daughter is hard at training, having trekked 60km across County Kerry in Ireland over three days.

Despite the huge achievement, Umbers said it wasn’t without its challenges after an old knee injury caused her to tire around the 15km mark on the first day, which involved traversing the side of a mountain “in the pouring rain with very uneven terrain”.

Umbers and her partner Daniel, who is also participating in the NZ five-day trek, which will take place from 18-22 March, have so far raised more than $8500.

The journey aims to make a difference around the world, raising vital funds to support UN Women, in partnership with local women’s organisations, to provide critical services, hope and a lifeline to women and girls in war-torn countries and communities affected by natural disasters.

“I’m very passionate about supporting women and children and families,” Umbers said.

“It’s going to be a really great experience hiking with 18 people, predominantly women, who are all hiking in support of the same cause.”

She also hopes it will be a way of inspiring other women back home, particularly in leadership roles.

Umbers is the founding president of the Peninsula Belles Branch of the CWA and has held the position of group president for the Mornington Peninsula.

She joined the CWA 11 years ago when searching for something that focused on women in leadership and empowerment and building resilient communities.

She noted their branch had “done everything from advocate for white lines on the edges of country highways, for maternal health centres, right through to marriage equality and equitable prices for dairy farmers”.

“I think if we can always keep the ethos of Lady Mitchell and Lady Somers who brought the CWA to Victoria, which was to use their position of privilege to help people less fortunate than them, then the CWA will always be relevant.”

By day, Umbers is a senior media manager at Ambulance Victoria (AV) and recently completed her Master of Business Administration to build on her leadership skills, applicable both at the CWA and AV.

She said it was important to have a balance in leadership roles, “because people of different genders bring a different take and a different set of experiences”.

Umbers expressed her excitement for the trek and thanked all those who had donated as they worked towards their Trekfetti team goal of $6000.

The trek also celebrates International Women’s Day on 8 March with this year’s theme of “March Forward: For ALL women and girls”. To donate, visit, fundraisers/marnieumbers/marnie-umbers--trekfor-rights-2025 Brendan Rees

Photos: Yanni
MARNIE with her mum Cheryl and daughter Poppy. Picture: Supplied

Development faces review to protect swamp skinks

PLANS for a new 250-home residential estate

in Dromana could be reconsidered under federal environment laws as the Mornington Peninsula Shire pushes to protect a threatened lizard species within the site.

The shire will formally make a submission to federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek requesting that the proposed development of land at 62 Collins Rd and 170 Boundary Rd in Dromana be deemed a “controlled action” to protect the swamp skink, a nationally endangered species of lizard.

The proposal includes 250 residential lots, a new 6.99-hectare conservation reserve that would protect existing “high-value” native vegetation, additional public open space areas and associated infrastructure.

Land at the site has been identified in council’s adopted Housing and Settlement Strategy: Refresh 2020-2036 (July 2020) as an “investigation area” where more housing may be suitable.

A planning scheme amendment (known as Amendment C249morn) and a planning permit to subdivide the land, which was submitted by the developer to the shire, has been with the state government for review since September 2021.

But while a decision by Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny has yet to be announced, the request from council was made before the swamp skink was listed as endangered under the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) on 25 March 2023.

Swamp skinks grow up to 250mm in length and occupy densely vegetated wetlands both saltwater and freshwater. Land clearing, changing water regimes, and climate change have led to their habitat loss.

According to a council report, the developer had identified swamp skink habitat on site and lodged a referral with council on 13 January. Plibersek now has the power to decide how the potential impact of the “controlled action” should be assessed within a 20-business day period after the referral was released for public feedback in early February.

“Significantly, the proponents submitted that the proposed development should be a ‘controlled action’, acknowledging that the development will have a significant impact on the swamp skink because of proposed removal of the species’ habitat from the subject land,” the report, published in February, said.

The proposed site supports about 22.88 hectares of swamp skink habitat however the plan would currently seek to remove about 17.09

hectares of habitat, which the shire said, “would likely result in significant impacts to swamp skinks”.

“Shire officers note that there are opportunities for the proponent to further avoid and mitigate impacts of the proposed development within the current subdivision design (such as increasing the size of the proposed conservation reserve) which should be fully explored during the EPBC Act process,” the shire report said.

Councillors unanimously approved a recommendation from council officers to advocate for the protection of the swamp skink at the proposed site while imploring the developer to “re-consider the implications of the proposed project” under the Environment Effects Act, which has been detailed in a submission to be sent to Plibersek.

Deputy mayor Cr Paul Pingiaro said, “I think that it’s quite important that we move forward and adopt the recommendation. There’s a 6.99-hectare reserve in there and I’m all for the skinks but if we don’t act swiftly ourselves, with what the Premier said today, that might be taken out of our hands. That’s why I’ll be voting in favour.”

Pingiaro was referring to the Premier’s comments about the state’s new housing targets, in which Jacinta Allan issued a warning to all councils to “work with us to unlock space for more homes or we’ll do it for you”.

Cr David Gill said while he understood some residents opposed development, he believed the plans had sought to achieve the “best outcome” in terms of “ecological values,” but further protecting the swamp skink has “now thrown another element and maybe it’ll help further those values”.

“I’m looking forward to the outcome knowing that we started off from a very low base and we’ve improved the situation for the council’s actions in trying to have the amendment and now we might be able to perhaps improve this a little further,” he said.

“Certainly, going through this process is necessary.”

Cr Patrick Binyon, whose Brokil Ward covers Dromana, applauded the decision to seek controlled action.

Through the recommendation, a review from the developer would also have to be provided to the Victorian Planning Minister and the Federal Environment Minister.

The Federal Environment Minister will ultimately decide whether to approve the proposed development with or without conditions or refuse it outright, which cannot be appealed unless an error in law is made.

If the proposal was knocked back, the developer can redesign the project and make a new referral request.

CR Partick Binyon is supportive of the council advocating to protect swamp skinks at a proposed development site in Dromana. Picture: Gary Sissons

Awards for Justices of the Peace

JUSTICES of the Peace play an important role in the community staffing

Document Signing Stations around the Mornington Peninsula on a volunteer, no fee, bases witnessing thousands of documents for citizens of the community.

These volunteers save the police

hundreds of hours time each year and many volunteers give up many hours of their time.

In recognition of their service, Rex Griffith, Eric Sangwell and Helen Alcock were presented awards from the Rosebud police for special services rendered.

Rex for reaching his second “100 times” as a volunteer and Eric for his first “100 times” as a volunteer.

Helen is receiving an award of Special Appreciation as she has retired as a JP and was one of the original people who started the Rosebud Police Station Document Signing Station.

of appreciation

New senior exercise park opens in Mount Martha

MORNINGTON Peninsula’s first dedicated Senior Exercise Park has opened at Dunns Road Reserve, Mount Martha.

Designed specifically for older adults, this new park provides a safe and accessible space for seniors to stay active, build strength and balance, and connect with others in the community.

Delivered in partnership with the National Ageing Research Institute (NARI), this park is all about supporting healthy ageing – offering a space where seniors can improve their fitness in a safe, social, and enjoyable


This new community asset was made possible through funding from council’s Positive Ageing budget, reinforcing our commitment to active ageing across the peninsula.

It not only promotes physical health but also provides opportunities for social interaction, helping to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation among seniors.

The exercise park will complement the Hastings Foreshore seniors’ exercise equipment, which is set to open in late March.

Clinic promises quicker cancer screenings

PATIENTS will be screened for bowel cancer quicker than ever before through a new Peninsula Health-run clinic.

Peninsula Health has set up a nurse-led clinic as part of the federal government’s national bowel cancer screening program. Now the clinic has opened, patients with a positive faecal occult blood test can be seen by a nurse independently within two weeks.

Peninsula Health head of gastroenterology, associate professor Marcus Robertson, said that the new clinic would speed up the screening process. “By training and supporting our outpatient ANUMs, the establishment of this clinic means any patient who gets referred to Peninsula Health with a positive faecal occult blood test can now be seen by our nurses independently,” he said.

“The nurse will assess their patients’ results and organise a colonoscopy at Peninsula Health, giving them access to the procedure a lot sooner. Patients are able to receive all

of their procedural instructions and a date for their procedure at the one appointment.

“There is a greater than 95 percent chance of successful treatment if bowel cancer is detected early. A colonoscopy commonly detects either bowel cancer or other pre-cancerous conditions such as large polyps, which have the potential to become bowel cancer in the future. If we can pick it up before it reaches that point and remove it, then the patient has a better outcome.

“This has been a fantastic collaborative effort between our endoscopy clinic team led by Dr Kim Be, along with the outpatient and surgical booking teams. We received amazing support from Jodi Villani, the acting NUM of outpatients to implement the new clinic.”

More than 15,000 Australians were diagnosed with bowel cancer last year. Australians aged between 45 and 74 are eligible for the free bowel cancer screening test, which can be taken at home every two years.

Gallery welcomes new residents

MCCLELLAND Gallery in Langwarrin will host three artists this year for a residency.

The 2025 participants in the gallery’s residency program are William Barton, Véronique Serret, and Aleks Danko. The three artists will spend time in a self-contained cottage crafting original works.

William Barton is a composer and multi-instrumentalist, who has performed with the Philharmonic Orchestras of London and Berlin. Véronique Serret is a violinist and vocalist who has performed with the Sydney Symphony, Tasmanian Symphony, and at festivals like Four Winds and MonaFoma. Aleks Danko has practiced for more than five decades in sculpture, installation, drawing, performance, and text-based works. Danko has presented solo exhibitions across Australia.

McClelland artistic and executive director Lisa Byrne said “through this program, we strive to support art practice in a sustainable way, extending Harry and Annie May McClelland’s vision for fostering an artistic centre for the wider Frankston and Mornington Peninsula region. We are thrilled to have selected the artists for 2025 and look forward to seeing their unique work emerge from this unique natural environment.

“Join us in celebrating this exciting new initiative and the incredible talent it brings to McClelland. We acknowledge the significant support from our key philanthropic partner, The Graham Family Trusts, who make this program possible.”

ALEKS Danko will undertake a residency at McClelland Gallery. Picture: Supplied
THE new Seniors Exercise Park at Dunns Road Reserve. Picture: Supplied
PENINSULA health associate professor Marcus Robertson (center) with gastroenterologists Dr Kim Be (left), Dr Leo Pu (right), and outpatients acting nurse unit manager Jodie Villani (centre left) and nurse Jodie (centre right). Picture: Supplied
REX Griffin JP, Helen Alcock JP and Eric Sangwell JP are presented with certificates
by Acting Senior Sergeant Melanie Lean. Picture: Yanni

Equestrian facility seeks community support to raise the roof

MERRICKS Station Grounds, an equestrian facility which provides a safe sanctuary for horse riders to pursue their sport and passion, is pushing forward with plans to build a roof over one of its arenas to support year-round equestrian services on the peninsula.

The current push comes after years of delays and false starts that have seen cost overruns and bureaucracy stymie the project.

“This project was first mooted in the shire’s 2015 masterplan, and it looked like it was set to proceed before covid came along,” said Jenny Moore, chairperson of the Merricks/Red Hill Station Ground Equestrian Reserve Inc, that is spearheading the push.

“By the time the shire got back to it, the cost had escalated dramatically due to it being incorrectly classified as a ‘stadium’, and we were back at square one.

“It is not a stadium and has never been a stadium. It is merely a roof over an existing equestrian space enabling riders to enjoy their sport and passion year-round.”

Moore said the club had independently costed the project at $1.2m, substantially less than the shire’s estimates, and are looking to raise those funds from within the equestrian and general community.

“We are well on our way, having already raised around $375,000,” said Moore.

“But we really need help to get to the target and get the project finalised”.

Moore said the roofed area would

JENNY Moore is spearheading a campaign to get a roof over one of the equestrian arenas at Merricks Station Grounds. Picture: Supplied

increase the importance of publicly available, dedicated equestrian facilities on the peninsula by ensuring certainty and safety without the restraints imposed by inclement weather.

“I’d like to allay the misconception in the community that equestrian is an elitist sport. It absolutely is not,” said Moore.

“It is enjoyed by people from all works of life and, while not a cheap sport to participate in, people put every ounce of passion they have into it.

“It also needs to be remembered that

the wider horse-related community contributes tens of millions to the peninsula economy, and we believe the roof will add to the economic benefit.”

The Merricks facilities are currently shared by Merricks Saddle Club, Merricks Pony Club and Peninsula Quarter Horse Association and other individual riders. Until recently all the facilities; three sand arenas, two turf areas, a round yard, cross country training course, horse day yards, clubrooms and shedding were developed by volunteer efforts of club members.

The group is asking for anyone who can contribute to the goal to make contact.

“We are aiming at an ambitious deadline of January/February next year to have construction commenced,” said Moore.

“We are hoping others share our vision to promote the sport of equestrian, and the community get behind this wonderful initiative.”

Tax deductible donations can be made through the Australian Sports Foundation, Raise the Roof Mer-

ricks; direct debit contributions can be made to Merricks/Red Hill Station Grounds CoM Inc. BSB 633 000, A/c no. 190 527 002. All donations will be recognised on the Honour Board at the Grounds.

Substantial donations of more than $100,000 will attract special benefits. Sponsorship opportunities for businesses interested in making substantial contributions are available and should be followed up with Moore, who can be emailed on geegeejennym@gmail. com


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We buy all gold Jewellery, Antiques & Contemporary Jewellery Diamonds, Silver Jewellery, Gold Sovereign Coins and other coins, Precious Stones, Including Broken Jewellery and Watches and unusual Items.

Bespoke Coastal Luxury in Beachside Locale

SOME properties chase trends, whilst this four bedroom, two lounge showstopper creates them! Built by renowned and local builder Stelson Homes, the property sets a heightened standard for beachside living with no expense spared in this luxury town home. Its sleek facade and meticulously landscaped gardens have been a standout since day one, setting the benchmark for modern design that continues to inspire today. Step inside and the elegance only deepens as you’re welcomed with a soaring void,


crowned with statement pendant lighting, leading seamlessly to a refined fireside lounge and dining area, where engineered oak floors and lofty ceilings enhance the sense of space and sophistication.

Those who love to cook, entertain and live in style will relish the showpiece kitchen, where a stone waterfall island is complimented by a butler's pantry, surrounded by top-tier Smeg appliances, including dual ovens and an integrated dishwasher. Step outside and the bar is raised yet again, with electric cafe

blinds, an impressive cedar shiplap ceiling that adopts a high-quality touch to the covered alfresco. Fire up the Beefeater BBQ with your very own built-in outdoor kitchen, highlighting ‘Dekton Aura’ stone benchtops.

The lush, landscaped surrounds allow you to slip away into your very own oasis, whilst soaking in the north facing orientation with your favourite cocktail in hand.

The downstairs primary suite features a stunning ensuite and dressing room, perfect for easy living at all ages. Three more

ADDRESS: 15 Sunningdale Avenue, Mornington FOR SALE: $1,750,000 - $1,850,000 DESCRIPTION: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, 368m2 (approx)

AGENT: Daniel Robinson - 0435 503 185, Area Specialist Mornington, Ground Level, Suite 4/315 Main St, Mornington

spacious bedrooms reside on the top-level, centring around a quality family bathroom, separate toilet and a second light-filled lounge, perfectly poised with a wall of windows and tree-top views.

The finer detail makes all the difference and this home nails it all with a Victorian Ash stringer staircase, zoned refrigerated heating and cooling in each room, Bluetooth irrigation, garden lighting, ducted vacuum, intercom entry, a Bosch alarm system, plus a double garage with internal entry n




The Guide



ABC TV, 8.30pm



SBS, 8.30pm

This visually stunning documentary looks at the biggest moments of 2024 through satellite imagery. As seen from space, the major events of the year that was can be seen from a global, connected perspective – offering a unique outlook of moments which can often seem so distant or removed from us. The April solar eclipse, a cargo ship crashing into a Baltimore bridge and extreme weather events are examined from above. It’s an extraordinary way to see the world from a fresh point of view.

This charming series from New Zealand follows Sydney socialite Daisy (Rebecca Gibney) and British lawyer Louis (Charles Edwards, pictured) after they are thrown together as the heirs of a winery. Tonight, Daisy and Louis hatch a plan to one-up the villainous William (Mark Mitchinson) at the opening of the new tasting room. But they find themselves distracted by their duties as “heart parents” to Nic and Vic’s (Carrie Green and Allan Henry) soon-to-arrive twins.



ABC TV, 7.30pm

This serendipitous crime-solving series finds ex-detective Jack (Bryan Brown, pictured right) and widowed English nurse Joan (Greta Scacchi, pictured left) back on the road for its second season. This time, the travelling companions are on the hunt for answers about Jack’s past, hoping to clear his name and remove a dark cloud hanging over his career. As they travel through the picturesque landscapes of Queensland together, solving mysteries from town to town, the pair’s relationship is also put to the test.



“Channel 10 rejected my pitch to reboot The Golden Girls,” quips Sam Pang (pictured) about his latest project. The mind boggles when it comes to a reimagining of the iconic sitcom – would the

Thursday, March 13

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Destination Flavour. 9.20 Designing Paradise With Bill Bensley. (R) 9.50 Food Markets. (R) 10.50 Our Coast. (R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (Ma, R) 3.00 Shepherdess. (PG, R) 3.30 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. (R) 3.35 Plat Du Tour. (R) 3.45 The Cook Up. (R)

ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7) TEN (10) NINE (9) 6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R) 10.30 Back Roads. (PG, R) 11.10 The Role Of A Lifetime. (PGns, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 The Newsreader. (Final, Ml, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (R) 2.55 Nigella At My Table. (R) 3.30 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

Finding Your Roots: The

Wall Falls. (PG)

Earth: A Year In Orbit. (PGa) Looks at satellite images from space.

Boiling Point. (Mal) Carly cuts the pot-washers’ hours. 10.35 SBS World News Late.

11.05 Golden Boy. (Mal) 11.55 Britain’s Great Outdoors. (R) 12.25 Wet By Fire. (R) 12.35 Dirty Bird. (R) 12.45 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Paris-Nice Race. Stage 5. 2.45 Babies: Their Wonderful World. (R) 3.50 Bamay. (PG, R) 4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Football. AFL. Round 1. Richmond v Carlton. 10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews taking a look back at all the action from the game.

11.00 Kick Ons. A preview of the upcoming matches.

11.30 The Disappearance Of Gabby Petito. (Mav, R) A look at the disappearance of Gabby Petito.

12.50 Damnation. (MA15+asv) Creeley meets his master.

2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.

5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 9News. 7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 RBT. (PGdl, R) Follows the activities of police units.

8.30 Emergency. (Mlm, R) Doctor Glenn Harrison fears a tradie, crushed under 300kg of cement, has brain injuries.

9.30 A+E After Dark. (Mlm) A&E staff deal with a violent patient.

10.30 My Feet Are Killing Me. (Mm)

11.20 9News Late.

11.50 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

12.40 Pointless. (PG, R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00

TV for more

Friday, March 14

ABC (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7) TEN (10) NINE (9)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Planet America. (R) 10.30 The Pacific. (R) 11.00 The Newsreader. (Madl, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Miriam Margolyes In New Zealand. (Ml, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (R) 2.55 Nigella At My Table. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Destination Flavour. (R) 9.20 Designing Paradise With Bill Bensley. (R) 9.50 Food Markets. (R) 10.50 Our Coast. (PG, R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (PGa, R) 3.00 Nula. 3.30 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. (R) 3.35 The Cook Up. (R) 4.05 Hungry For More: Spain. (PG, R) 4.35 Jeopardy! 4.55 Letters And Numbers. (R) 5.25 Mastermind Aust. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 Gardening Australia.

8.30 Under The Vines. Daisy and Louis try to steal William’s thunder.

9.20 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG, R) A satirical news program.

9.50 Hard Quiz. (PGa, R)

10.20 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R)

10.50 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (PG, R)

11.35 ABC Late News. 11.55 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 12.40 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.30 Rage New Music. (MA15+adhlnsv) 5.00 Rage. (PG)

6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 James May: Our Man In Italy. (M)

8.30 Tony Robinson’s Marvellous Machines: Mechanical Menagerie. (Ma, R)

9.25 Mysteries Of The Ancient Dead: Qin Shi Tomb, Soma, Chinchorro. (PG)

10.20 SBS World News Late. 10.50 A Body That Works. (Premiere, Ma) 11.50 Sisi. (MA15+ds, R) 12.45 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Paris-Nice Race. Stage 6. 2.45 Babies: Their Wonderful World. (PGaw, R) 3.50 Bamay. (R) 4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour Scandinavia Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 6.25pm Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Gardening Australia Junior. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Teen Titans Go! 8.00 Scooby-Doo And Guess Who? 8.25 BTN Newsbreak. 8.30 Mythbusters “There’s Your Problem!”. 8.55 Robot Wars. 9.55 Merlin. 10.40 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22)

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 AFL: Friday Night Countdown. A lead-up to the Friday night AFL match.

7.30 Football. AFL. Round 1. Hawthorn v Essendon. From the MCG.

10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews taking a look back at all the action from the game.

11.15 GetOn Extra. A look at the weekend’s best racing.

11.45 Suits L.A. (Ma, R) Ted and Kevin deal with a bombshell.

12.45 We Interrupt This Broadcast. (PGa, R) Sketch comedy series. 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 5.00 NBC Today.

6am Morning Programs. 7.30 Harry’s Practice. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Medical Emergency. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. 2.30 Weekender. 3.00 DVine Living. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Better Homes. 5.00 Escape To

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 David Attenborough’s Mammals: Heat. (PG) Presented by Sir David Attenborough.

8.40 MOVIE: Four Weddings And A Funeral. (1994, Mls, R) A bachelor who is often called on to be the best man at friends’ weddings meets his ideal partner at a reception. Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell.

11.05 MOVIE: The Big Sick. (2017, Mls, R) 1.15 9Honey Hacks. (R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) 4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Fishing Australia. (R)

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 The Graham Norton Show. Graham Norton chats with celebrities. 9.50 Tom Gleeson: Lighten Up. (Mls, R) Stand-up comedy by Tom Gleeson. 11.00 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 11.25 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.20 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 1.45pm Hypothetical. 2.40 The Feed. 3.15 Over The Black Dot. 3.45 News. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.45 The Fast History Of. 6.10 If You Are The One. 7.10 Jeopardy! 7.35 NITV News Update. 7.40 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.35 I Need Sexual Healing. 9.30 Secrets Of Playboy. 11.15 Pose. 1.05am Hells Angels: Kingdom Come. 2.00 Late Programs.

6am On

The Waterfront. (1954, PG) 8.00 Flash Of Genius. (2008, PG) 10.10 All The King’s Men. (2006, M) 12.30pm Anonymous. (2011, M) 2.55 Poms. (2019, PG) 4.35 Skating To New York. (2013, PG) 6.15 Lucky You. (2007, PG) 8.30 The Last Samurai. (2003, MA15+) 11.25 We’re All Going To The World’s Fair. (2021) 12.55am Saving Private Ryan. (1998, MA15+) 3.55 French Exit. (2020, M) SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 2pm The Casketeers. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Waabiny Time. 3.25 Little J And Big Cuz. 3.35 Spartakus. 4.05 Cities Of Gold. 4.35 Motown Magic. 5.00 Harlem Globetrotters. 5.25 Black As. 5.30 Nula. 6.00 Bamay. 6.40 Africa’s Underwater Wonders. 7.30 MOVIE: Beasts Of The Southern Wild. (2012, M) 9.10 MOVIE: Made In America. (1993, M) 11.05 Late Programs. NITV (34)

Saturday, March 15

Rage Charts. (PG) 7.00 Weekend

9.00 Rage. (PG) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Death In Paradise. (PG, R) 1.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (R) 2.00 Under The Vines. (R) 2.45 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R) 3.40 The Role Of A Lifetime. (PGns, R) 4.30 Muster Dogs: Collies And Kelpies. (Final, PG, R) 5.30 Landline. (R)

6.00 Australian Story: Hooked – Dave Hughes. (R) A profile of comedian Dave Hughes.

6.30 Back Roads: Wheelbarrow Way, QLD. (PG, R) Joe O’Brien heads to Far North Queensland. 7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.

7.30 Death In Paradise. (PG) Neville investigates a crypto-related death.

8.30 Vera. (Ma, R) Vera is drawn into a mystery that brings her closer to her estranged family than she would like.

10.00 The Newsreader. (Final, Ml, R) Dale and Helen turn to each other for support. 11.00 Unforgotten. (Final, Mal, R)

11.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Cook Up Bitesize. (PG, R) 9.05 The Autistic Gardener. (R) 10.00 The World From Above. (PG, R) 11.00 Ageless Gardens. (R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Surf Life Saving. Surf Life Saving Interstates. Highlights. 4.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Strade Bianche Men. Highlights. 4.30 Plat Du Tour. (R) 4.35 Light Years: Olive Cotton. (R) 5.30 Hitler: Decoding A Dictator.

6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Wonders Of Europe: The Pantheon Of Rome.

8.30 Blenheim: The People Behind The Palace. (Premiere) The team tries to remove a pigeon. 9.25 Ray Martin: The Last Goodbye. (PGa, R) Ray Martin begins planning his own funeral.

10.25 Great Coastal Railway Journeys. (PG, R) 11.25 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Paris-Nice Race. Stage 7. Nice to Auron. From France. 1.25 All Those Things We Never Said. (Ml, R) 2.40 Love Your Garden. (PGa, R) 3.35 Babies: Their Wonderful World. (R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 5.35pm Fireman Sam. 5.45 Tish Tash. 5.50 Paddington. 6.05 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Kids BBQ Championship. 8.10 Chopped Junior. 8.55 Fresh Off The Boat. 9.35 Speechless. 10.00 Officially Amazing Goes Bunkers. 10.25 Dragon Ball Super. 10.50 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Shaolin Soccer. (2001, PG, Cantonese) 8.10 Mary And The Witch’s Flower. (2017, PG) 10.00 The Lighthorsemen. (1987, M) 12.10pm

6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 12.00 Horse Racing. Coolmore Classic and Peter Young Stakes. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R) A baby-faced bandit goes on the run.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R) A passenger has two extra passports in his bag.

7.30 MOVIE: RED. (2010, Mlv, R) A retired CIA agent is attacked by a hit squad. Bruce Willis, Mary-Louise Parker. 9.45 MOVIE: Atomic Blonde. (2017, MA15+lsv, R) An MI6 agent investigates an agent’s murder. Charlize Theron, James McAvoy. 12.05 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 2. Melbourne Supersprint. Day 1. Highlights. 1.05 We Interrupt This Broadcast. (PGa, R) 2.00 To Be Advised. 4.00 It’s Academic. (R) 5.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)

6.00 Getaway. (PG, R) 6.30 A Current Affair. (R) 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. (PG) 12.00 Destination WA. 12.30 My Way. (R) 1.00 Let’s Eat With George. 1.30 Hybrid Horizons. 2.00 The Pet Rescuers. (PG, R) 2.30 Bondi Vet. (PGm, R) 3.30 David Attenborough’s Mammals. (PG, R) 4.30 The Garden Gurus. 5.00 9News First At Five. 5.30 Getaway. (PG) 6.00 Camper Deals. (R) 6.30 Reel Action. (R)

6.00 9News Saturday. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Space Invaders. (PG) The team helps a woman.

8.30 MOVIE: San Andreas. (2015, Mlv, R) A rescue helicopter pilot searches for his daughter following a massive earthquake. Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario.

10.45 MOVIE: Volcano. (1997, Mv, R) Tommy Lee Jones. 12.40 Bondi Vet. (PGm, R)

1.30 The Pet Rescuers. (PG, R)

2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PG) 2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Helping Hands. (PG, R)

6.30 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Narrated by Mark Coles Smith. 7.30 Love It Or List It Australia. A couple disagree on whether to leave Coburg North.

8.30 Gogglebox Australia. (R) TV fanatics open up their living rooms to reveal their reactions to popular and topical TV shows.

9.30 Matlock. (PGadl, R) Olympia and Julian clash while representing opposing parties. Matty manipulates the firm’s security system for personal gain. 10.30 Elsbeth. (PGv, R) 11.30 FBI. (Mv, R) 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power. 6am Morning Programs. 1.10pm My 3D Printed Ghost Gun. 1.40 Beyond Oak Island. 2.30 Ten Year Old Tom. 3.00 Celebrity Mastermind. 4.05 News. 4.10 WorldWatch. 6.05 Our Law. 6.40 Engineering Tomorrow. (Premiere) 7.35 Impossible Engineering. 8.30 Fatboy Slim: Right Here Right Now. 10.10 Hudson & Rex. 11.50 Jurassic Cash. 12.55am Late Programs.

9GEM (92) 7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. 1.05pm Motor Racing. FIA World Endurance C’ship. Qatar 1812 km. H’lights. 2.15 Inside The Superbrands. 3.15 Ben Fogle: Starting Up Starting Over. 4.15 Young Sheldon. 5.45 MOVIE: Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel. (2009) 7.30 MOVIE:

Forbush And The Penguins. (1971, PG) 3.10 MOVIE: Fire Over Africa. (1954) 4.50 MOVIE: Kings Of The Sun. (1963, PG) 7.00 Rugby Union. Super Rugby Pacific. Round 5. Queensland Reds v NSW Waratahs. 9.30 Super Rugby Pacific PostMatch. 9.45 MOVIE: Rocky III. (1982, PG) 11.45 Late Programs.

Sunday, March 16

6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Wknd Brekky. 9.00 Insiders. 10.00 Offsiders. 10.30 World This Week. (R) 11.00 Compass. (PG, R) 11.30 Praise. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Gardening Aust. (R) 2.30 Monty Don’s Adriatic Gardens. (Final, R) 3.30 Sue Perkins’ Big Adventure: Paris To Istanbul. (PG, R) 4.15 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R) 5.05 A Dog’s World With Tony Armstrong. (R)

6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 7.00 ABC News.

7.30 Darby And Joan. (Return, PGa) Jack and Joan encounter two warring brothers. 8.20 Unforgotten. (Return, Madl) When a spine is dredged out of Whitney Marsh, a new case begins for Jess and Sunny’s team. 9.05 Boat Story. (Premiere, MA15+alv) Two strangers discover cocaine on a boat. 10.05 MOVIE: The Turning. (2013, MA15+al, R) Colin Friels. 1.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.00 Ask The Doctor. (PG, R) 3.30 Outback Ringer. (PG, R) 4.00 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.00 Insiders. (R)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 The Autistic Gardener. (R) 10.00 FIFA World Cup Classic Matches. 11.30 Ageless Gardens. (R) 12.30 PBS Washington Week. 12.55 Swan Football. (R) 1.00 Cycling. ProVelo Super League. Round 5. 4.00 Yachting. Vendee Globe. Highlights. 5.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Strade Bianche Women. Highlights. 5.30 Hitler: Decoding A Dictator. (PG)

6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Ancient Greece By Train: Cyclades To Turkey. (PG) 8.25 Alhambra: At The Crossroads Of Cultures. Looks at the city of Alhambra in Granada.

9.30 King Tut: Allies And Enemies. (PGa, R) A look at the mysteries of Tutankhamun’s life. 10.30 Death In The Tower: King Richard. (Mav, R) 11.30 Britain’s Great Outdoors. (R) 1.30 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Paris-Nice Race. Stage 8. 3.30 Love Your Garden. (PGal, R) 4.25 Bamay. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera News.

SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 5.40pm Kiri And Lou. 5.45 Tish Tash. 5.50 Paddington. 6.05 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Moominvalley. 8.00 Horrible Histories. 8.30 Fresh Off The Boat. 9.10 Abbott Elementary. 9.55 Speechless. 10.20 Merlin. 11.00 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22)

6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 12.00 Sunday Footy Feast. (Premiere) 2.30 AFL Pre-Game Show. Pre-game coverage of the match. 3.00 Football. AFL. Round 1. Melbourne v GWS Giants. 6.00 Hello SA. (PG, R) 6.30 A Current Affair. (R) 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 AFL Sunday Footy Show. (PG) 12.00 Wide World Of Sports. (PG) 1.00

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie.

8.10 The Hunters: Rentakill. (M) Adam Shand and Steve van Aperen examine notorious underworld hit man Christopher Dale Flannery.

9.40 Ivan Milat: Buried Secrets. (MA15+av, R) Takes a look at the crimes of Ivan Milat.

11.40 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 2. Melbourne Supersprint. Day 2. Highlights. 12.10 The Bay. (Malv, R) 1.10 Harry’s Practice. (R) 2.00 To Be Advised. 3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

7TWO (72)

6am Morning Programs.

6.00 9News Sunday.

7.00 Married At First Sight. (PGls) The fallout from partner swap continues.

8.40 60 Minutes. Current affairs program, investigating, analysing and uncovering the issues affecting all Australians.

9.40 Footy Furnace. (Mlv) A look at the latest round of football.

10.40 9News Late.

11.10 See No Evil: The Wrong Woman. (MA15+av)

12.05 The First 48. (Ma)

1.00 Destination WA. (PG) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 Drive TV: Drive Car Of The Year. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

9GEM (92)

The Yes Experiment. (R) 8.30 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Australian Grand Prix. Day 3. 5.00 10 News First.

6.00 The Sunday Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.00 Australian Survivor. (PGl) Presented by Jonathan LaPaglia. 8.30 Matlock. (PGad) An important class-action lawsuit leads the team to investigate a sorority. Matty brings Alfie with her to work. 9.30 FBI. (Masv) The team races to find a human trafficking victim after their sting operation goes sideways. Maggie makes a connection with a 911 operator. 11.30 The Sunday Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. 6am Morning Programs. 1.45pm Fringes. 2.45 Jeopardy! 4.50 WorldWatch. 5.20 PBS Washington Week. 5.45 Domino Masters. 6.40 Abandoned Engineering. 7.35 Abandoned Americana. 8.30 The UnXplained With William Shatner. 10.10 WWE Legends. 11.45 MOVIE: The Meaning Of Hitler. (2020, M) 1.25am Rites Of Passage. 2.20 NHK World English News. 5.00 Al Jazeera.

10.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. 10.30 DVine Living. 11.00 I Escaped To The Country. Noon Escape To The Country. 2.00 South Aussie With Cosi. 2.30 Cities Of The Underworld. 3.30 Better Homes. 4.30 I Escaped To The Country. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. 8.30 Vera. 10.30 Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railway Journeys. 11.30 Late Programs.

6am Morning Programs. 7.30 In Touch. 8.00 Beyond Today. 8.30 The Incredible Journey. 9.00 Turning Point. 9.30 TV Shop. 10.00 My Favorite Martian. 10.30 Getaway. 11.00 NRL Sunday Footy Show. 1pm MOVIE: West Of Zanzibar. (1954) 3.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 2. Parramatta Eels v Wests Tigers. 6.00 Dad’s Army. 6.30 M*A*S*H. 8.30 MOVIE: The Fugitive. (1993, M) 11.10 Late Programs.

6am The

Movie Show. 6.10 A Room With A View. (1985, PG) 8.20 Lucky You. (2007, PG) 10.35 We’re All Going To The World’s Fair. (2021, M) 12.10pm French Exit. (2020, M) 2.15 Selkie. (2000, PG) 3.55 Shaolin Soccer. (2001, PG, Cantonese) 6.00 The Natural. (1984, PG) 8.30 Million Dollar Baby. (2004, M) 10.55 So Damn Easy Going. (2022, M, Swedish) 12.35am Late Programs. SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 1.20pm Football. Big Rivers Football League. Men’s. Grand final. Ngukurr v Katherine Camels. Replay. 3.25 Stable: The Boxing Game. 4.25 Yarning Culture Through Film. 4.30 MOVIE: Amazing Grace. (2018) 6.00 Queer & Here. 6.30 News. 6.40 Waterworld Africa. 7.30 Murder In Big Horn. 8.30 MOVIE: Regard Noir. (2021) 9.55 MOVIE: The Color Purple. (1985, PG) 12.35am Late Programs. NITV (34)

6am Morning Programs. Noon The Fishing Show By AFN. 1.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. 1.30 Tackling Australia. 2.00 Step Outside. 2.30 Al McGlashan’s Fish’n With Mates. 3.00 Fishing Addiction. 4.00 Motor MythBusters. 5.00 Hustle & Tow. 6.00 The Wash Up. (Premiere) 7.00 Border Security. 8.30 MOVIE: A Good Day To Die Hard. (2013, M) 10.35 MOVIE:

6am Children’s Programs.

1.15pm MOVIE: Combat Wombat. (2020, PG) 3.00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders. 4.00 Young Sheldon. 5.30 MOVIE: The LEGO Ninjago Movie. (2017, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Shazam! Fury Of The Gods. (2023, M) 10.00 MOVIE: Fast Five. (2011, M) 12.30am Gotham. 1.30 Arrow. 2.30 Young Sheldon. 3.00 Beyblade X. 4.00 Bakugan. 4.30 Cry Babies Magic Tears. 4.50 Late Programs.

R) 3.00 Nigella At My Table. (R) 3.30 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Destination Flavour. 9.15 Designing Paradise. 10.15 Food Markets. (R) 11.15 Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip. 12.10 WorldWatch. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (Ma, R) 3.00 Where Are You Really From? (PG, R) 3.30 Primitive Medium. (R) 3.40 Plat Du Tour. (R) 3.45 The Cook Up. (R) 4.15 Secrets Of The Lost Liners. (PGav, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 7.30.

8.00 Four Corners. Investigative journalism program.

9.00 Media Watch. (PG) Presented by Linton Besser.

9.20 Q+A. Presented by Patricia Karvelas. 10.20 Planet America. (R) 10.55 ABC Late News.

11.10 The Business. (R)

11.25 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG, R)

11.55 Grand Designs. (R) 12.45 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

3.10 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.35 Lisbon With Michael Portillo: Lisbon 1. (Premiere, PGv)

8.25 Dan Snow’s Greatest Discoveries: Machu Picchu. (PGav) Dan Snow explores the lost city of the Inca.

9.20 24 Hours In Emergency: Say You’ll Be There. (Ma) Three pedestrians are rushed to hospital.

10.15 SBS World News Late. 10.45 Syndrome E. (Malv) 11.45 The Night Manager. (Malsv, R) 1.55 Elizabeth. (PGa, R) 3.40 Ancient Invisible Cities. (PG, R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 5.50pm Paddington. 6.05 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.55 Rocket Club. 7.05 Odd Squad. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Little Lunch. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 BTN Newsbreak. 8.40 The Crystal Maze. 9.25 Street Science. 9.50 Merlin. 10.35 Late Programs.

ABC FAMILY (22) 6am The Natural. Continued. (1984, PG) 7.30 Selkie. (2000, PG) 9.10 Viceroy’s House. (2017, PG) 11.10

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 Australian Idol. (PGl, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 Beat The Chasers UK. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Dean must decide whether to give Levi a real shot. 7.30 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie. 8.40 9-1-1: Lone Star. (Return, M)

A heist on an armoured truck sparks a Texas Ranger investigation led by Carlos. Owen deals with Robert’s death.

9.40 Suits L.A. (M) Ted and Erica try to save Lester’s movie.

10.40 The Agenda Setters. (R) 11.40 St. Denis Medical. (PGa) 12.10 Miniseries: Hatton Garden. (Ml, R)

2.30 To Be Advised. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Married At First Sight. (PGls, R) 1.45 Innovation Nation. 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 5.00 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 6.00 Drew Barrymore. (PGas)

6.00 9News. 7.00 A Current Affair.

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (PGl) Presented by Jonathan LaPaglia. 8.40 Sam Pang Tonight. (Premiere, Mals) Presented by Sam Pang. 9.40 Anne Edmonds: Why Is My Bag All Wet? (Mls, R) Comedian Anne Edmonds makes a long-awaited return to the stage after becoming a mother. 11.10 10’s Late News. 11.35 The Project. (R) 12.35 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. 6am Morning Programs. 1pm The Movie Show. 1.35 Devoured. 2.30 Over The Black Dot. 3.30 WorldWatch. 5.45 The Fast History Of. 6.10 Mysteries From Above. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.30 News. 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Myths: The Greatest Mysteries Of Humanity. 10.40 The Weekly Football Wrap. 11.10 Australia: An Unofficial History. 12.15am Late Programs.

7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls) The couples visit each other’s home towns.

9.00 Footy Classified. (Ml) A team of footy experts tackles the AFL’s big issues and controversies.

10.00 9News Late.

10.30 The Life And Murder Of Nicole Brown Simpson. (Ma)

11.30 First On Scene. (Ma) 12.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.00 Hello SA. (PG) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

Late Programs. 9GEM (92) 7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon Pretty Little Liars. 2.00 Bewitched. 2.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 3.00 The Golden Girls. 3.30 The Nanny. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 The Golden Girls. 6.30 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: Hot Shots! (1991, M) 10.15 Seinfeld. 11.15

Tuesday, March 18

ABC (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7) TEN (10)

NINE (9) 6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (R) 11.00 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG, R) 11.30 Space 22. (PG, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Call The Midwife. (PG, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (R) 2.55 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 7.00 ABC

7.30 7.30.

8.00 Foreign Correspondent.

8.30 The Role Of A Lifetime. (Final, PGan) A look at the topics worrying today’s teens.

9.20 The School That Tried To End Racism. (PG, R) Presented by Marc Fennell.

10.20 The ABC Of. (Ml, R) 10.50 ABC Late News. 11.05 The Business. (R) 11.20 Four Corners. (R) 12.05 Media Watch. (PG, R) 12.25 Q+A. (R) 1.25 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 2.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 3.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.10 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.55 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Cook Up Bitesize. (R) 9.05 Designing Paradise With Bill Bensley. (R) 10.05 Food Markets. (PGa, R) 11.05 Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip. (Ml, R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (PGa, R) 3.00 The Weekly Football Wrap. (R) 3.30 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw. (PG, R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: St Bees To Maryport. (PGa, R)

8.30 Insight. Presented by Kumi Taguchi. 9.30 Dateline: Britain’s Woke History Wars. Looks at the legacy of the British empire.

10.00 SBS World News Late.

10.30 Guillaume’s Paris. (R) 11.00 Prisoner. (MA15+av)

12.10 Illegals. (Malv, R) 2.10 Elizabeth: Into The Storm. (PGa, R) 3.05 Philip: Prince, Husband, Father. (PG, R) 4.00 Ancient Invisible Cities. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Dean and Levi are in hot pursuit.

7.30 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie.

8.40 The Hunting Party. (M)

9.40 The Irrational. (Mav) Renee seeks Alec’s help.

10.40 The Agenda Setters. (R)

11.40 St. Denis Medical. (PGals)

12.10 The Great Diamond Heist. (PGa, R)

1.10 Travel Oz. (PG, R)

2.00 To Be Advised.

4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls) The homestays continue. 9.00 Scrublands. (Premiere, MA15+lv) A journalist investigates a mass shooting. 10.00 Footy Classified. (Ml) 11.00 9News Late. 11.30 The Equalizer. (Mv, R) 12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.05 Next Stop. 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Building Ideas. (PG) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (PGl) Presented by Jonathan LaPaglia. 9.00 NCIS. (Mv) The NCIS probes a navy lieutenant’s death at a blood bank. McGee seeks team support for his twins’ school fundraiser. 10.50 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 11.15 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.10 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. 6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm The Story Of. 1.55 One Armed Chef. 2.50 Queer Sports. 3.45 News. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.45 The Fast History Of. 6.10 Mysteries From Above. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.30 NITV News Update. 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Travel Man. (Return) 9.30 Dark Side Of Reality TV. 10.25 Hostage Rescue. 12.15am Dark Side Of The ‘90s. 1.05 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 5.50pm Paddington. 6.05 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.55 Rocket Club. 7.05 Odd Squad. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Little Lunch. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 BTN Newsbreak. 8.40 Deadly 60. 9.10 Shark With Steve Backshall. 10.00 Merlin. 10.45 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Widows’ Peak. Continued. (1994, PG) 6.55 The Man Who Invented Christmas. (2017, PG) 8.50 Hachi: A Dog’s Tale. (2009, PG) 10.30 Nordic By Nature. (2021, M, Faroese) 11.50 Million Dollar Baby. (2004, M) 2.15pm The Natural. (1984, PG) 4.45 Walking On Sunshine. (2014, PG) 6.35 Another Mother’s Son. (2017, PG) 8.30 Michael Clayton. (2007, MA15+) 10.40 Joe Bell. (2020, M) 12.20am Late Programs. SBS

Wednesday, March 19

10.00 Four Corners. (R) 10.45 Q+A. (R) 12.00

At Noon. 12.30 National Press Club

1.35 Media Watch. (PG, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (PG, R) 2.55 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 7.30.

8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG)

8.30 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG) A satirical news program. 9.00 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (Final, PG, R) Presented by Guy Montgomery.

9.45 Planet America.

10.15 You Can’t Ask That. (Ms, R)

10.45 ABC Late News. 11.00 The Business. (R) 11.20 Gold Diggers. (Mlsv, R) 12.15 Grand Designs. (R) 1.05 Long Lost Family. (PG, R)

1.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.15 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Cook Up Bitesize. (R) 9.05 Designing Paradise With Bill Bensley. (PG, R) 10.05 Food Markets. (PGad, R) 11.05 Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip. (Mal, R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Dateline. (R) 2.30 Insight. (R) 3.30 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw. (R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Australia: An Unofficial History. (Mals) Continues to look at Australia’s history.

8.40 The Jury: Murder Trial UK. (Mal) The prosecution and defence give their closing speeches and the juries retire to decide their verdicts. 9.35 Rogue Heroes. (MA15+av) Mayne adopts a different approach. 10.40 SBS World News Late. 11.10 Blackwater. (MA15+as) 12.20 My Brilliant Friend. (Mn, R) 3.30 Ancient Invisible Cities. (R) 4.30 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning.

5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 5.50pm Paddington. 6.05 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.55 Rocket Club. 7.05 Odd Squad. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Little Lunch. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 BTN Newsbreak. 8.40 Abbott Elementary. 9.25 Doctor Who. 11.00 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Hachi: A Dog’s Tale. Continued. (2009, PG) 6.40 Another Mother’s Son. (2017, PG) 8.35 Hamlet. (1948, PG) 11.30 Nowhere Special. (2020, M) 1.15pm As Needed. (2018, M, Italian) 3.00 Widows’ Peak. (1994, PG) 4.55 The Man Who Invented Christmas. (2017, PG) 6.50

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 Australian Idol. (PGl, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 Beat The Chasers UK. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Home And Away. (PGav)

7.30 The 1% Club UK. (PG, R) Hosted by Lee Mack.

8.30 The Front Bar. (Ml) Hosts Sam Pang, Mick Molloy and Andy Maher take a lighter look at all things AFL.

9.30 Unfiltered. (Ma) Hosted by Hamish McLachlan.

10.00 Live At The Chapel: Birds Of Tokyo. (Ml) Birds Of Tokyo take to the stage. 11.00 Autopsy USA: Frank Sinatra. (Ma)

12.00 Covert Affairs. (Mv, R)

2.00 To Be Advised. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning.

Married At First Sight. (Mls, R)

My Way.

Pointless. (PG)

Tipping Point. (PG, R)

9News Afternoon. 5.00 Tipping Point Australia. (PG)

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls) The second last dinner party takes place.

9.00 Scrublands. (MA15+lv) Martin’s investigation leads to revelations that draw him deeper into the secrets of Riversend.

10.00 9News Late.

10.30 Wild Cards. (Mv)

11.30 The Equalizer. (Mv, R)

12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

1.05 My Way. (R)

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Gogglebox Australia. Opinionated viewers discuss TV shows.

8.30 Elsbeth. (Mav) After learning the DOJ investigation is close to an indictment, Elsbeth and Captain Wagner join forces to expose the real criminal. 9.30 NCIS: Hawai’i. (Mv) A high-value bioweapons expert is murdered. 10.30 10’s Late News. 10.55 The Project. (R) 12.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. 6am Morning Programs. 1.20pm Syria Prison Break. 2.15 Cryptoland. 3.15 The Weekly Football Wrap. 3.45 News. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.45 The Fast History Of. 6.10 Mysteries From Above. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.30 NITV News Update. 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 MOVIE: In Bruges. (2008) 10.30 MOVIE: Joyride. (2022, M) 12.15am Letterkenny. 1.40 Drill Rap. 2.35 Late Programs.

A Coalition government will take crime on the peninsula seriously


This past summer, everyone had a story of crime – from car theft, to home invasion and robbery.

At the start of the summer, there was a shooting in Rye; at the end of summer a woman and an 18-month-old baby were confronted with a gun in a shopping centre - although fake, it was allegedly stolen from a nearby store, and allegedly wielded against passersby at the Target in Somerville by teenagers.

At both a state and federal level the Labor government has completely dropped the ball. Data released by the Crime Statistics Agency in September of last year revealed that crime has surged by over 22% in the Mornington Peninsula Shire, in the year ending June 2024. This compares to a 10% increase in the number of criminal incidents across Victoria.

Zoe McKenzie, Federal Member for Flinders, commented that “it’s time we take offenders seriously. If they do adult crimes, they should be

given jail. If they commit serious crimes while on a visa they should be deported.”

“When Peter Dutton was Home Affairs Minister, Australia took a firm stance in protecting the community from crime. An elected Coalition government will invest $7.5 million in Crime Stoppers over the next three years to expand operations aimed at reducing crime. We will ensure tougher penalties for violent youth gangs and those who share and glorify brutal attacks online.”

Zoe McKenzie MP, Federal Member for Flinders, will be hosting a community safety forum with Jason Wood, Shadow Minister for Community Safety, in Somerville at 12pm on 17 March to discuss solutions to the crime crisis. RSVPs can be made to, or by phone to 03 5977 9082.

Jason Wood MP, Shadow Minister for Community Safety. Picture: Supplied

Fighting to get our fair share on the peninsula


INDEPENDENT for Flinders, Ben Smith, announced plans to unlock millions of funding for roads, services and hospitals if he is elected, as data shows residents in Geelong receive ten times the funding of residents on the peninsula. Due to a bizarre bureaucratic quirk, the peninsula is currently classified as metropolitan Melbourne, despite being 70% Green Wedge and having more in common with regional areas than city suburbs.

“It just doesn’t make sense. We have 40 distinct townships spread across 800 square kilometres, limited public transport, and significant agricultural areas. Yet because we’re classified as ‘metropolitan,’ we miss out on funding programs that similar coastal and rural communities across Australia can access,” Smith said.

“Frankly, it’s bewildering that our political leaders haven’t fought harder to address the discrepancy that’s harming our small businesses, schools, hospitals, and roads. Instead, they announce minor investments or write letters on our behalf, but the core issue remains unresolved.”

The impact is particularly stark when compared to other similar areas that are classified “regional”. Data from from the Committee for Frankston and Mornington Peninsula shows that over a ten-year period to 2021, Federal and State combined infrastructure commitments in Geelong and the Bellarine were $22,823 per

person, while in the Mornington Peninsula and Frankston it was only $2,317 per person. Smith’s plan to get Flinders its fair share includes:

n Demanding a new funding category for peri-regional areas like the peninsula n Fighting for our fair share of federal infrastructure spending to compensate for any funds Flinders should have been eligible for in the past.

“Our small businesses pay $150m more in payroll tax and 50% more in stamp duty compared to similar regions, and are ineligible for many funding opportunities due to our metropolitan designation.

“Our roads carry heavy tourist traffic but can’t access regional roads funding. 82% of the Mornington Peninsula Shire is not serviced by public transport, but we can’t access regional connectivity funding to solve that problem.

“When I talk to local businesses and community groups, they’re frustrated. We face many of the same challenges as regional areas - distance from services, seasonal tourism pressures, agricultural needs - but we’re locked out of the funding to address them.

“If elected, I will fight from day one to get us our fair share,” Smith said.

For more information visit:

Labor will open a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic in Somerville


People in Somerville and surrounding towns will get the free urgent care they need, fully bulk billed, without waiting hours in a busy hospital emergency department, if the Albanese Labor government is re-elected.

Foreign Minister and Leader of the Government in the Senate Penny Wong joined Labor candidate for Flinders, Sarah Race, at Tyabb Village Children’s Centre to celebrate the news with local families.

If Labor is re-elected, the Medicare Urgent Care Clinic in Somerville will begin operating in the 2025-26 financial year, providing bulk billed care for urgent but non-life-threatening conditions, seven days a week, for extended hours, and with no appointment needed.

This extends Labor’s election commitment to strengthening Medicare, with the single largest investment in Medicare since its creation over 40 years ago.

“Across the country, Labor’s Urgent Care Clinics are saving people money and lengthy waits in hospital emergency departments,” said Foreign Minister and Leader of the Government in the Senate

Penny Wong.

“Now, with a re-elected Labor government, people on the peninsula will have the chance to receive these benefits too.

“I was proud to join Sarah in sharing Labor’s plans for real and meaningful investment for local families in Somerville.”

Doctors have embraced the clinics, with a survey finding seven in ten GPs support Medicare Urgent Care Clinics, and eight in ten GPs say they have a positive impact on hospital emergency departments.

Parents and families love them: one third of patients are under the age of 15. All you will need is your Medicare card, not your credit card.

“Only Labor will deliver a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic in Somerville so you can get the free urgent care you need, fully bulk billed, without waiting hours in a busy hospital emergency department,” said Race.

FOREIGN Minister Penny Wong and Labor candidate for Flinders Sarah Race celebrate the news with staff and families at Tyabb Village Children’s Centre. Picture: Supplied

Tech park plan sparks traffic concerns

A huge high-tech industry and business park proposed for Somerville which has raised concerns of traffic impacts and being inappropriate for the area is set to go before an independent panel.

The proposed development at 79 and 83 Bungower Rd in Somerville is predicted to provide up to 1100 jobs with the aim of addressing a “critical shortage” industry land on the peninsula.

It would also act as a community hub with cafes, sports facilities, retail tenant spaces, and potential for a micro-brewery, while bringing the Brunnings homestead heritage site into an open space area to ensure its protection including any significant trees.

The site comprises two property titles totalling nearly 37 hectares, which are zoned as special use port related but deemed surplus to the Port of Hastings needs in 2018. It was declared regionally significant industrial land by the state government in 2019.

A planning scheme amendment, a privately led proposal by Procter Investments Pty Ltd, the founders of navigation technology company Sealite, was open for public feedback in 2023 with the Mornington Peninsula Shire receiving a total of 114 submissions.

The figures were presented in a report at the council’s 25 February meeting. It showed about 33 per cent of submissions supported the amendment, while 54 per cent oppose it, with the remaining submissions suggesting conditions or stated no objection.

According to the report, submissions included the Country Fire Authority, which raised bushfire concerns, and the Department of Transport and Planning in regard to potential impacts “to the safety and efficiency” of the surrounding arterial road network.

Under the plans, the proposed precinct was likely to be divided into several sub-precincts.

This included a community and heritage precinct hub, an anchor site fronting Bungower Rd, a cluster of small and medium enterprises sites, an area for larger format use, and a landscaped buffer area adjoining Bungower Rd, Lower Somerville Rd and the southern boundary. No road connection has been proposed to Lower Somerville Rd except for emergency vehicle access.

However, community members have cited concerns regarding increased traffic and heavy vehicles travelling through Somerville’s local streets, and that Bungower Rd “does not have the capacity to absorb” this, while others said there was a lack of public transport to the site.

Other submissions centred around the land being rezoned to green wedge or farming or that the precinct should be in Hastings – the preferred site in council’s Industrial Land Use and Infrastructure Assessment and Rezoning Strategy.

Others mentioned an existing supply of industrial land in Somerville, and that the proposal should wait for review of all port land.

Councillors voted last week to refer all submissions to a planning panel that is to be appointed by Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny.

Cr Kate Roper addressed the meeting saying while she understood resident concerns, the benefits of such a project were “well supported” and would be an “important driver” for employment on the peninsula.

“We definitely need more employment options for our residents … this development could create thousands of jobs directly and indirectly. The intention is to attract technical businesses to the peninsula and give more options in space for employment,” she said, adding it also opened opportunities for ag-tech industries to move to the site.

While she conceded “no doubt traffic will increase”, Department of Transport surveys “over the years have addressed this with measures to help traffic flowing in the area” and that upgrades to Bungower Rd had been planned and funded for this year.

Mayor Cr Anthony Marsh said he supported the amendment as he had been a “big advocate for trying to enable investment in innovation on the peninsula”.

“There’s obviously some concerns raised around the room at the council level, but obviously the submitters as well, around traffic and transport, but on the information put in front of me, on balance, I can’t not support this amendment,” he said.

A panel hearing will occur over a week starting 12 May. Following the hearing, the panel will prepare a report with recommendations for council to consider.

The state government will ultimately decide whether to approve the proposal or refuse it.

A RENDER of the proposed development. Picture: Supplied

Community condemns beach construction

A FRANKSTON homeowner has told media he will sell his property and move after public backlash to construction work he had undertaken by Frankston Beach.

A stop work order was issued last week to the property owner, who has allegedly been conducting illegal construction work. Observers had spotted vegetation removal and construction work taking place behind 636 Nepean Highway.

Last Monday, 2 March, Frankston Council confirmed that it had contacted the landowner to demand a stop to works on Crown land.

Frankston Council CEO Phil Cantillon said “since becoming aware of the activities two weeks ago, council has been working closely with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, while conducting multiple site visits and issuing formal notices to the landowner, demanding works cease immediately.”

“Following those directions, council today issued a planning enforcement letter and building order to stop work to the landowner. Council has no record of what vegetation has been removed or what is being constructed, however it is now apparent a significant area of vegetation has been cleared and a seawall (and potential retaining walls) are being erected,” Cantillon said. “Works in sensitive coastal environments must be informed by rigorous studies to ensure

they do not negatively impact coastal processes, marine ecosystems, or public safety.

“All works and structures undertaken on coastal and marine public (Crown) land require consent from the state government, as well as planning and building permits where required. If the stop work order is breached, council will be forced to consider further action which may include prosecution.”

After the stop work order was is-

sued the property owner told the ABC he would remove the construction, and that he planned to sell the house.

Frankston MP Paul Edbrooke has slammed the property owner. He said he had been contacted more than 50 times “regarding large scale vegetation removal and earthworks on part of Frankston Beach, allegedly with no permissions or permits.”

“Approximately 700m2 of native foreshore vegetation had been cleared across the whole front of a

property, potentially destabilising the cliff face. A massive amount of concreting work appears to be taking place on Crown land in the middle of the beach in a public conservation zone with no safety fencing protecting the public from the construction,” Edbrooke said. “I am shocked and angered that this sort of work is being undertaken without any consideration of the laws to protect our wonderful beaches and environment - it shows no respect for our community, or the

environmental impacts like erosion, sand shifting, loss of native animal habitat, and possible destruction of a reported sensitive Aboriginal heritage site in the area.

“Strict laws are in place to stop people building their own private marinas or boat ramps, protecting our Frankston economy from the potentially catastrophic effects of illegal unplanned building on our largest tourist attraction, the Frankston foreshore.”

WORKS undertaken by a resident at Frankston Beach have drawn the attention of Frankston Council and Frankston MP Paul Edbrooke. Picture: Supplied

Somerville tennis club outing to the Naval Base

Compiled by Cameron McCullough

ON Saturday the Somerville Tennis Club was entertained by the members of the Naval Base tennis team. For some time this trip had been awaited with interest by our tennis enthusiasts, twenty-five of whom were able to avail themselves of a day’s enjoyment among the Navy players.

The weather was all that could be desired, and the motor trip of thirteen miles proved a most interesting journey.

On either side of the road the blushing Jonathans on the trees spoke of a bounteous ingathering, while the undulating country, with the beautiful Westernport Bay, forming a background, made a delightful panorama.

Arriving at the Base courts, the visitors found everything set for their comfort and pleasure. Afternoon tea was a feature of the proceedings, and all paid strict attention to it.

The games of tennis also proved most enjoyable. Whilst not engaged on the courts it was interesting to note what other members of the Navy were doing around us.

At a little distance, a group of men seemed bent on the bursting of a football as it bounced past, by bumping it with their heads. These, we were told, were Soccer players.

A little further afield, another company was engaged at throwing heavy weights. Beyond those “King Willow” was holding sway, and the flannels proclaim that Collins and Co. are not the only cricketers in Australia.

Now, a solitary figure, clad in gaudy colors, intercepted our view and dashed away at high speed out of sight. In five minutes he again passed

before us. Here we had a long distance runner training for some big event.

He had scarcely disappeared when a sailor in full uniform, astride a likely looking horse, gallops by, preparing for some equestrian stunts.

In such ways the lads in the Navy blue keep themselves fit for the more serious side of their life.


High school life saving class.

The first examination for the season was conducted last Wednesday by Mr. Robbie, an examiner of the Royal Life Saving Society.

The girls who presented themselves were successful, obtaining 60 points out of 60 possible points. Hilda Wilexo obtained the Teacher’s Certificate and the Honorary Instructor’s Certificate.

Bronze Medallions were won by Bessie Rogerson, Jean Wykes and Beattie Lewis, and Proficiency and Elementary Certificates by Norah Groce, Bessie Rogerson, Mary Wilcox, Joyce Bradbury, Marcia Bradbury, Gwen Davies, Muriel Evans, and Brenda Wain. ***

Returned soldiers’ working bee.

During last weekend, the returned soldiers of Frankston, under the supervision of Lt.-Colonel Lazarus, and with the permission of the Shire Council, formed a working bee and effected several improvements around the Soldiers’ Memorial at the foot of Bay street.

The president of the local branch of the R.S.S.I.L.A. (Cr. J. L. Pratt) informed us this morning that another working bee will continue the good work next Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning as previously arranged.


Repairing the Frankston Pier. Proposed £30,000 Breakwater.

A deputation waited on the Department of Ports and Harbours, in regard to the re-construction of the Frankston Pier.

In this connection it, is pleasing to record that a favourable reply was given, also it was stated plans would be submitted for a breakwater at Frankston to cost £30,000, of which amount £10,000 would require to be supplied by Frankston.

Possibly, the deputationists will have something pungent to say on the matter at the April meeting of the Council.


Ranelagh. New country club near Frankston

Ranelagh, the new country club which is being formed near Frankston, promises to be all that it was intended to be.

The Prime Minister (Mr. Bruce) and many leading professional men, squatters, and well-known citizens have secured blocks in the vicinity.

Ranelagh is just an hour’s run from Melbourne, and is the pick of Frankston. Wherever you look there is a wonderful view. There will be tennis courts, bowling greens, croquet lawns, and a cricket oval.

The golf links are now beginning to show results from the efforts of Mr. Dick Banks, who has charge of this department. Many people are already making plans to build on their blocks. Miss Donnelland, of the Lorne Hotel, is taking over the cafeteria, and is proceeding to England to choose furnishings. The guest house will have 30 bedrooms and every modern



Record makers. A noted family. To have won over two thousand prizes at various shows in the Peninsula, and also some at the Royal Show, Melbourne, for skill in artistic needlework is a distinction of which any woman might be proud.

Such a record has been gained by Mrs. J. Lloyd during her residence at Langwarrin and most of her exhibits were fancy needlework and are a tribute to her perseverance and artistic skill.

At one time she was a successful exhibitor of roses, but at present she confines her exhibits to fancy needlework, of which she has proved herself competent to compete with the best from wherever it may come.

Her many successes at the Melbourne shows demonstrated this.

What the total money value of these prize awards amount to, I can only surmise, as they range from a small value of 7/6 up to five guineas. Assuming an average value of 7/6 each on two thousand awards, then £750 has been won. Not a bad record for a housewife to earn in spare time between household duties.

The daughter, Miss Pansy Lloyd, is also a successful exhibitor, and has gained quite a number of prizes for her needlework.



Cr. F. H. Wells is at present away on an eight days’ motor trip. Last Monday he left for Bendigo and later expects to visit Ballarat.

Mrs. C. Tait, of Frankston, who underwent an operation in Melbourne

recently, has returned to her home, “Inverkeithing”, Playne street.

Mr. F. Daley, the late and esteemed honorary secretary of the East Frankston Progress Association, accompanied by his wife, left here yesterday en-route for the Harbor City.

For a time it is Mr. Daley’s intention to make Sydney his headquarters.

Mrs. Culhane, wife of SeniorConstable Culhane, erstwhile a most popular and zealous officer of Frankston, paid a visit here yesterday, and renewed several old friendships.

We are pleased to state that Senior constable Culhane is enjoying the best of health at North Melbourne, where he is stationed.


Hastings Court Of Petty Sessions. Prosecution under the Dairy Supervision Act.

At the above Court, recently, William Barger, of Shoreham, was prosecuted for selling cream without first having applied for a licence.

Mr. Walter Beckwith, of the Department of Agriculture, was the informant.

Mr. Johnson, Government Dairy Supervisor, adduced evidence of having, during the last two years, made periodical visits to Barger’s dairy farm, and stated that on his recommendation a licence had, previously, been refused.

The offence, said witness, constituted the second lapse.

The Bench imposed a fine of £5, with costs amounting to 19/-.


From the pages of the Frankston and Somerville Standard, 11 & 13 Mar 1925

Fire Levy scam

The Mornington Peninsula Shire councillors are absolutely correct in deciding to investigate the new state government “Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund” tax.

Actually, it’s more of a scam than a tax, designed to enable the state government to look after their greedy union mates and satisfy their demands at huge cost but with minimal publicity. Ratepayers can therefore expect this new tax to escalate year after year, with no accountability.

So where will all this money go? Ever since the state government made the disastrous changes to the state’s fire services, Fire Rescue Victoria has become a massive budget black hole with costs escalating annually in spectacular fashion.

This week, The Weekly Times revealed that the cost of running FRV now exceeds $1.22b, with a wages component of $929m for their paid firefighters. FRV’s overtime bill is now $125m, a 20% increase over the previous year.

Compare this with the CFA’s meagre annual budget of about $339m in 2023-24. That figure is inadequate to fund the operations of around 1200 volunteer fire brigades, especially after the state was caught siphoning off $70m to plug funding gaps at other government organisations including 000 Victoria and FRV.

It’s an insult that this tax has the word “volunteer” in its title. FRV will rake in about $1.1b from the new tax, whereas the CFA will only receive around $264 million. The SES even less. There are only two FRV stations in the predominantly rural Mornington Peninsula Shire. However ratepayers are expected to fork out many millions of dollars to subsidise the costs of the paid city fire services.

Council should demand the state apply the “user pays” principle. City folk can then pay their fair share of the cost of their fire service, and the tax on our ratepayers would be greatly reduced.


Collier, Somerville

Hand cleaning beaches

As the past and present coordinators of The Friends of Williams Road Beach, we are delighted by the Mornington Peninsula Shire’s handcleaning trial. Our overview is that it allows for holistic removal of man-made rubbish without detriment to natural inter-active ecosystems and that it maintains the seaweed which provides nutrients for birds, crabs, fish and marine organisms.

We belief that, in front of the scout hall, the seaweed traps and builds up sand. Over recent years, we have observed the presence of a winter-annual species, endangered under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act. This species located between the high-tide mark and the foredune must be protected from the mechanical-rake.

As the Mount Eliza foreshore is a rocky headland, it is imperative that these beaches - including rock platforms and cultural heritage - are not damaged by the mechanical-rake.

The shire’s website data states that the rake picked up about 40% of rubbish and sometimes broke and buried plastics. In addition, it says that 85% of the material taken to waste disposal is organic matter, which produces unacceptable quantities of methane gas at the tip. In this time of climate change, it would be a retrograde step to return to the use of the mechanical-rake. Finally, speaking with hand cleaners on the foreshore, over the past six months, has convinced us that these people are keen to remove plastic and other man-made rubbish, often located in areas inaccessible to the rake. Viewing their positive contribution and knowing that their input avoids the problems associated with the use of the rake, leads to the conclusion that the shire’s new approach (hand-cleaning) is imperative to sustainable and environmental living.

Ann Scholes and Melinda Gustus, The Friends of Williams Road Beach

The ‘A’ is for Arthur Rupert Steiner claims renewables are one of the cheapest electricity forms available (Power failure, Letters 4/3/2025).

No it’s not and price is only one factor for

Australian industry. Reliability is essential.

The cheapest electricity is the one whose cost is best manipulated by creative accountancy and lying politicians, omission of facts, subsidised, falsified, carbon credited, costed against power generation alone without factors like remoteness, maintenance, service life. Snowy hydro 2, pumped hydro, is an example.

We’ve moved mountains and lakes and bored tunnels galore, costing eye-watering billions, to generate a modest couple of gigawatts of power using six smallish generators. Note that for every megawatt generated, it requires about 1.6 megawatts of electric power to pump all of that same water back uphill. Did you think it could be otherwise?

Rupert, devoid of sensible argument, chucks a silly slur at me, assuming that the “A” in my signature stands for “atomic”, just because I believe that nuclear has to be the way of the future – there is no other way for a larger, advanced industrial society.

The “A” in my name is for Arthur, named after uncle Arthur, if you must know.

Rupert intimates that I am a (gasp) Liberal. Again wrong. I am a democratic socialist. I can never vote Liberal after their dishonest, inhumane, illegal Robodebt tragedy; or, at state level the selling off of our taxpayer owned S.E.C.V, giving us abundant, reliable electricity 24/7, an essential service in perfect working order.

Voting for a gaggle of self-interested so called independents is not the answer. We need a very strong leader of a party that will make this country great and strong again, like we once were, and to some extent follow the leads of the American Trump.

Brian Arthur Mitchelson, Mornington

Standing on the Precipice

What a predictable election we are having. The same old cries of health, education, roads and infrastructure. All very important, but little mention of the pressing problems of massive immigration and insufficient defence spending/ training. Once again, no word or strategies to protect the only thing that collectively keeps us alive, our environment!

Climate change is real, but I can accept the sceptic’s view. However, species extinction is not debatable, it is happening! In my opinion biodiversity is a vital key to preserving the healthy functioning of our planet.

Politicians should keep in mind that all of humanity is just one species and our actions are causing a mass genocide of other species. If you think we can go it alone, just ask the farmers about our humble bee.

Preservation of old growth forests, marine reserves and National Parks are key corner and stepping stones to a healthy environment.

Some practical policies which would help biodiversity are:

n $50m could help secure the entire Daintree Lowland Forest from potential development and allow it to be attached to the Daintree World Heritage National Park.

n $50m could be allocated to independent non-profit organizations whose objective is to provide conservation to indigenous animal and plant species.

n $50m could finance feral proof fencing for roughly 85,000 hectares or 846 square kilometres within Australia’s National Parks.

n $50m could be allocated in $100,000 packages to farmers, particularly in drought prone areas, to retain, maintain and create indigenous flora reserves, thereby helping biodiversity and reducing topsoil loss.

n $50m could be provided to councils to ensure the promotion of and support for ratepayers to use indigenous plant species.

If one considers the total commitment for the (Melbourne) airport link to be $12 billion, the above expenditures are minor.

Henry Kelsall, The Sustainable Future Association

Successful appeal

The Southern Peninsula Food For All wishes to thank all individuals and businesses for their generosity whose donations and efforts helped

A cross–generation take on IWD

WHEN Southern Women’s Action Network (SWAN) member Maureen Donelly and 83-year-old Marg Madge joined ten young people to prepare for an International Women’s Day (IWD) craft activity at Mornington Peninsula Shire Youth Services “Corner Youth Hub” in Mornington, it soon emerged that an intergenerational approach was the way to go.

The two groups came together over an IWD community consultation project conducted by SWAN’s Women Against Gender-based Violence group. For the craft component of the project the young people created the letters EQUALITY in the IWD theme colours: green, purple and white.

“During this activity we exchanged ideas about equality for women and the progress, or lack of, to date,” said Donnelly.

“It was evident that inequality is a serious concern for these young people.

“They spoke about the load carried by women, both now and in the past, about equality being a right, and referred to contemporary definitions of ‘woman’.

“They expressed concern that women’s marches and protests to date still have not eliminated violence, so we know the struggle of the early suffragettes is not over.”

According to the Australian Government 2024 Status of Women Report Card, Australia is ranked poorly at 26th for gender equality internationally. The Report Card notes:

make its Christmas Appeal a great success raising a total of $54,602.

The charity was able to distribute over 380 Christmas food bags to the needy and new toys to over 460 children in our community over the festive season.

Food For All is a volunteer non-profit organisation formed in 1991 to meet the need for emergency food relief at the time.

It is administered by a committee of members from churches and community groups.

President Alan Hawkins said that the members made that extra effort at Christmas and that the Peninsula Toy Run was always a very enjoyable and successful day for all involved..

Southern Peninsula Food For All

Signage lament

I am simply going mad with the proliferation of signs in Blairgowrie. In fact I am bursting with fury!

Where there is an uninterrupted view of the water, the council erects a sign right in the middle of the view.

We have ‘Your Beach is my Beach’, with some random dude’s photo on it. What does that mean?

We have huge, brightly coloured signs, in once serene, green streets, advertising for South East Water, The Year of the Snake. Why?

The latest desecration is a long, green coloured sign on a dirty great plank of wood, giving us emergency warnings, welcome to Whitecliffs Foreshore Reserve, and announcing Adelaide Street and the Bunurong people, erected right in the middle of the view!

This same council has, truly, practically de-

n Women do three times the amount of unpaid work than men.

n Women would need to work an additional 44 days a year to earn the same as men.

n Women at retirement age have 25% less super than men.

n 1 in 5 Australian women has experienced sexual violence.

n Just 9% of CEOs are women.

The youth participants heard Madge talk about, as a woman, being refused a bank account in her own name, about feeling social scorn for being a “working mother”, and about how her husband doing her rostered duty at the school tuck shop was seen as such an anomaly.

Southern Women’s Action Network is a volunteer–led organisation that supports women to play an active role in the community. SWAN’s annual International Women’s Day Meeting will be held on Sunday 16 March at Mt Martha House. The guest speaker is Susan Murphy, managing director of “Women’s Spirit Project”, a grassroots volunteer-led community initiative based in Frankston. This community organisation aims to connect, inspire and empower women from all walks of life who are experiencing life’s challenges, through fitness, health and wellbeing activities.

Women who would like to attend this meeting can email swanwomen@outlook. com or visit

stroyed the treed beauty of Blairgowrie. The foreshore is burdened with huge stumps where there used to be shady trees. Trees have been removed or cut back along every street for ‘fire protection’. This has weakened all the trees and shrubs behind them and degraded the soil. What is this council doing to our once lush, green haven?

Susie Hall, Blairgowrie

Real-time donations

In the interest of democracy and making an informed vote, I attended one of Ben Smith’s listening events (a good opportunity to get free drinks and food by the way).

I noticed Ben says his campaign is funded primarily by small local donations from individual supporters.

Alex Dyson, independent for Wannon, also supported by Climate 200, publishes a real time list of donors with the amount donated on his website.

If Ben is concerned about transparency and integrity why is he not doing the same thing on his website? Surely he is not concerned that people will know where he is really getting his campaign funds from.

Marg D’Arcy, Rye

Become informed

As the federal election approaches it is important to look at the voting record of our current elected representative to ensure you are making an informed decision regarding the things that are important for the future of our peninsula. A good way to see how just how involved our elected representative is in supporting some of

the issues that are important to our electorate, is to visit

There you will see that Bills for such things as net zero emissions; the capping of gas prices; the criminalising of wage theft; increasing housing affordability; and increasing workplace protections have all been voted consistently against by the Member for Flinders… in accordance with Liberal Party lines.

When you vote why not make an informed vote for the person who you feel best represent the needs of this community rather than someone who will just blindly follow the “one size fits all” party mantra.

Peta Watson, Crib Point

Nuclear option?

I attended Ben Smith’s Somers meeting where he spoke of the issues that he would like to address if elected to parliament.

While this was very informative, the majority of his talk and the subsequent questions from the audience were more to do with local government and state issues.

The one question that was primarily a federal issue was, what did he think of nuclear as part of the energy requirements.

Smith’s answer was basically the same as Chris Bowen; that it is too expensive, would take too long to build and wouldn’t deliver the amount of energy needed.

Obviously it is expensive but compared to what?

When Chris Bowen is asked about the cost of renewables his stock answer is that sunlight and wind are free but no estimate of getting this free energy into homes and industry is given.

As an independent, even though Smith receives funding from Climate 200, which funds most of the Teal candidates, I wonder if he would dedicate some time to hearing the facts, separate from ideology, on the costs involved in obtaining zero emissions by the year 2050.

Two videos on YouTube which deal with sound facts on these costs are Chris Ulmanns documentary “The real cost of net zero” and Gerard Hollands talk at an ARC conference on “The cost of renewable energy”.

As an independent I look forward to hearing his personal opinion.

Looking forward to a parliament comprising men and women of honour.

Keith Davis, Somers Rosebud Hospital

I am writing in regard to an advertisement placed by Ben Smith on 26 February.

In that advertisement Ben claims “Rosebud Hospital... is at risk of closing.”

That statement as well as being a blatant lie, is causing angst amongst my elderly peers. We have enough mental health challenges in our community without fuelling them with inaccurate advertisements.

I think your newspaper has a responsibility to do better and stop lies in advertising. Please do better.

Tony Dew, Capel Sound Hospital incompetence

The Liberals have held Flinders for years, including a Health Minister in Greg Hunt, yet Rosebud Hospital is still in crisis. It’s infuriating.

I attended Ben Smith’s “Save Rosebud Hospital” event, covered in last week’s paper, and the message was clear: locals are exasperated. The government has abandoned us, letting healthcare crumble while pretending to care.

Decades of neglect, empty promises, and outright failure—it’s beyond disgraceful. While they sit on their hands, our community is left to fight for the basics. We deserve better than this incompetence.

Josh Reinecker, Rosebud

Hospital hypocrisy

I was bemused by state MP Sam Groth’s recent letter (State issues, Letters 4/3/25) which falsely claimed that the independent candidate for Flinders, Ben Smith, “continues to focus on issues of state government responsibility”.

In fact, Mr Smith has focussed on matters of great importance to the people of Flinders, including the chronic underfunding of Rosebud Hospital.

Groth might be interested to learn that public hospitals are funded by both the state and the federal government. Both Groth and Liberal MP Zoe McKenzie have been making the claim that hospitals are only a state concern, which is surprising given McKenzie wrote a letter to the Federal Health Minister in 2023 asking for the Feds to fund the state hospital. I guess she’s changed her mind since.

Smith is right to call both levels of government to account. Another long-term problem for local residents is the dearth of bulk billing options on the peninsula, which can lead to crippling costs particularly for young families and those with long–term medical conditions.

Smith been calling for this to be addressed long before the major parties decided to clamber onto the bandwagon.

Finally it is surely disingenuous of Groth to blame just one party for neglecting Rosebud Hospital. We all know that it’s been in need of help for the last 30 years, during which the coalition have been in power in Canberra for 21 years, and in Spring Street for eight. Both major parties had a chance to address the problem but have decided to sit on it.

Clearly the only way we can get Canberra’s attention is through an independent member who will put his electorate first.

Jeff Cook, Balnarring Groth’s


It was interesting to see a rare letter (State issues, Letters 4/3/25) from the member of Nepean but disappointing to see why he wrote in. Complaining that a candidate running for the federal election is running on some state issues. Is the member for Nepean afraid Ben Smith might get some traction to where he has failed?

Wouldn’t it be more beneficial having more voices in support of matters that benefit the community regardless of the tier of government or political persuasion. On appearances from the letter it would seem the Member for Nepean is more interested in making accusations about the state government failure to deliver for Nepean rather than providing the best possible representation for Nepean.

If the member for Nepean had lived in either the state or federal electorate for at least one full term before he ran for office or spent some time learning about recent historical politics of the

region he would know that former Federal MP Greg Hunt advocated for numerous campaigns, rightly or wrongly depending on your viewpoint like council having a public pool on Rosebud foreshore for example.

More than ever I believe that the member for Nepean’s letter demonstrates the need to vote for a candidate who has deep ties to our communities and a record of standing up for our communities as well as willing to speak up for our communities as opposed to those who ran on cheesy slogan from a former career.

Craig Thomson, Rye

Zoe’s newsletter

Is it a coincidence that I got Zoe McKenzie’s newsletter the same day this letter from Sam Groth was published (State issues, Letters 4/3/25)?

Lots of local stuff but not a word on Coalition policies or solutions. Of course the standard Labor bashing. Has taken credit for every local issue addressed on the peninsula. And takes a headline credit for a promise as if it were a done deal by the Coalition.

Notably McKenzie happened to weigh in on all the issues Ben Smith was criticised for by Groth.

If McKenzie is serious about being a federal MP, she should be talking more about federal issues where she can have a direct impact, rather than grandstanding on state issues where she would have no jurisdiction and stop asking questions on immigration where the Coalition wants to prevent 14,840 Australians and New Zealanders entry into Australia.

Smith has called on the state Labor government to give Mornington Peninsula residents a say in the $25 million Arthurs Seat Eagle redevelopment, and for stronger regulations around jetski usage.

The point is if you want to put an end to the political duopoly which is only interested in maintaining power and always vote the party line you must vote “independent” to make every bill a negotiation, not a shoo-in.

Just think, if we have a hung parliament every bill will be scrutinised and any party, including the opposition (should they actually have any policies to put forth), can put an issue forward that will be judged on its merits. Independents will not give up their independence in voting to become a slave to either of the political duopoly.

And don’t forget the sham donations law just passed to keep the political duopoly in power.

Joe Lenzo, Safety Beach

Zoe McKenzie

After spending almost three years wearing an invisibility cloak Flinders MP Zoe McKenzie has been a hive of activity seeking support and information from local community groups. I reckon there might be an election coming. Just guessing.

Ross Hudson, Mt Martha

Honesty box bread

Known as the Bread Box Baker, Michele Ball has sold handmade sourdough bread from her home in Mount Martha twice a week via an honesty box for over three years. She usually make around 70 loaves and they are sold within 60 to 90 minutes.

She was told in February by the Mornington

Peninsula Shire she had to get a permit, and until she got one she had to stop selling her bread. She is now selling her bread via a doorway at a wine bar.

So far the council has not acted further and it appears the only option for Michelle is a $13,000 food van handling permit.

How it appears the that shire is targeting soft targets instead targeting:

1. Nature strip parking (a by-law) which is rampant over the shire.

2. Dangerous intersections with narrow fretted pavement edges up to 150mm deep highly dangerous and against proper road engineering.

3. Cleaning up of side road Bell Mouths covered with washed down grave from the existing unmade road, highly dangerous.

Come on councillors, do your jobs and make the rate payers proud.

Gerard van de Ven, Mt Martha

Agree with Arthur

I am writing to express my total agreement with Arthur Ranken (Cat o’ nine tails, Letters 4/3/25).

No doubt the do-gooders of this world will object to his views but I suspect there are many people who will agree that we need to take much stronger action to deal with these thugs who are causing so much physical and mental harm to so many people.

Maybe we have reached the point where these people need to be identified and shamed. Nancy Pitson, Mornington

Corporal punishment

Now you’re on to something Arthur (Cat o’ nine tails, Letters 4/3/25).

What an inspiration from your perspective in Mount Eliza. But why stop there?

Taken to its logical conclusion we could borrow from earlier times, and re-introduce capital punishment. We could have public hangings, and even the delightful spectacle of “hung, drawn and quartered”.

Not only that, we could charge admission. Think of it - we could fill the MCG, solve the “crime epidemic”, and our economic problems all at the same time!

Come on Arthur, you can’t be serious! Mike Wilton, Safety Beach Chaos?

When I grow too old to dream? OMG. No Labor no Liberal, Independents with the power. Add in Trump, Vladimir and the suitless little fella, not to mention Netanyahu, and the hovering Alfred typhoon?

Time to take my bat and ball home, back (or forward?) to old memories, influences: Festival Hall, Johnny Ray, but Little Richard for mine. And Danny Kaye as Walter Mitty 1947, jump to 1956 (Tutti Fruitti) not forgetting Gene Vincent, jump to Gene Krupa (Sing Sing Sing) on drums 1971, then to my dotage 2018, Tuba Skinny. And AFL football, the mighty Magpies, season 2025, can’t wait, and so it goes...

Cliff Ellen, Rye

We have been fighting for the residents of the Mornington Peninsula for the last 17 years. We aim to bring the best coverage possible to inform and connect your community. We ask for your support to continue



1. Bordered

7. Bird’s width

8. Variety of animal

10. Moons

12. Lack of generosity

14. Bring bad luck to 16. Honey wine

17. Elongate

20. Long-standing customs 23. Baking agent 24. Rocky projections

Moving about

Preserve (corpse)

Sight organs



Powerful beam

For men or women




13. Feminine pronoun

Severe pain

Small celestial body 18. Flower syrup 19. Tempestuous 21. Little devils


Godmiddag! IKEA and I

FOUR letters. I, K, E and A; which, when put together (presumably with an Allen key) spell out the name of Sweden’s most famous exporter of flatpacks with elaborately absurd names. IKEA is not my favourite place and, as a result, we go there on a strictly ‘as needs’ basis. Sadly for me, the need arose about two weeks ago and we duly trotted off to Springvale. If I had to describe the IKEA experience in one word, I’d go with “controlling”. Unlike other retail experiences, you can’t meander as you please; it’s more a Wizard of Oz model whereby you “follow the yellow brick road” past a procession of living rooms, bedrooms and studies before you stumble into a giant warehouse.

Everything about it is bewildering - the giant metal trolleys that are the size of a Toyota Corolla and steer like the Titanic; the voyeuristic living displays that “neat shame” you, right through to the grisly display toilets that come fitted with plastic guards warning that it’s strictly for demonstration purposes only. It’s a nightmare, the very thought of which causes me to wake up screaming in Swedish.

Let’s back up – it occurs to me that some of you may not understand the concept of “neat shaming”. It’s where you’re presented with a completely unrealistic depiction of everyday life. At IKEA that comes in the form of dozens of small living and dining rooms where there’s not a thing out of place. It’s an insult. Frankly, I can’t

imagine a couch that doesn’t have a discarded two-minute noodle wrapper lying on the floor in front of it and squashed up remnants of chicken shapes rubbed into the cushions. A living room without discarded items of school uniform? Please – no such place exists.

Truth be told, it’s not that I simply

don’t like IKEA. It’s that I’m afraid of it. Specifically, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to assemble the furniture because I can’t understand the diagrams. Not that we were looking for furniture.

We’ve entered a special time of life – one where crockery and utensils inexplicably vanish. One day, you’ve

got a drawer full of plates. The next, the drawer is empty, as is the dishwasher and a surprise inspection of the bedrooms yields nothing you’d want to put your dinner on. Forks are also a problem. Clearly, someone I know hates forks and throws them out the window after use. It’s the only logical explanation.

Luckily for us, IKEA has both crockery and utensils in abundance. But they’re right at the end of the yellow brick road where, by rights, the Emerald City ought to be. It takes us twenty minutes to get to the bit we want before we realise that we need a trolley and forgot to pick one up at the entrance. Fearing the need to go back the way we came in, which would involve swimming against the tide for the first half and trying to navigate a slow-moving crowd while pushing an oversized trolley on the way back, we searched for an alternative.

After a few minutes, Katrina returned with an empty trolley that appeared to have been abandoned. Scouring the crockery section, we selected an eighteen-piece set called a “Godmiddag”. This seemed fitting as “Godmiddag” is what we say when one of the kids breaks a plate. We then filled the trolley with as many forks as we could, believing this would get us through the next fortnight or so.

After trundling through the checkouts, we loaded our bounty into the car and headed home. It was only after we unpacked that we discovered the “Klockren”. Neither of us had

See page 36 for solutions.

gone to IKEA looking for a Klockren but, somehow, we had emerged with one in our possession. Which means that the empty trolley we had assumed was abandoned was, instead, nursing someone’s Klockren. In turn, the aspirant owner of the Klockren had stepped away from their trolley for a moment only to return to find it missing. We were now trolleynappers.

The only thing worse that stealing a Klockren that doesn’t belong to you, is trying to figure out what the Klockren does. We were stumped. It was a silver contraption with metal leaves that folded over each other. Was it a peeler? An exotic European ashtray? We couldn’t tell. After several days of trying to solve the riddle that was the Klockren, Katrina pulled the metal stems to reveal some kind of steamer. Which, if I’m being honest, made me think that we’d done someone a favour by taking their trolley. A few weeks later, I’m none the wiser as to how we took someone’s trolley and deprived them of their Klockren. Yesterday I opened a drawer and found it had no plates in it, following which I raised both my fists in the air and cried “Godmiddag!” And on the subject of forks, I’ve reached something of a fork in the road and am seriously considering making a permanent shift to “woons”. How did all this happen? I don’t know. Because like so many things that come from IKEA, try as I might, I just can’t put it together.


Red Hill bowlers up to the task, Sharks smash Heatherhill


RED Hill wrapped up an important win over fellow finals contender Dromana at RM Hooper Reserve Oval on Saturday.

On day two, Red Hill was defending a total of 251. Dromana kept touch with their target all day, but fell 23 runs short.

After a decent start, Red Hill bowler Brent Martin ran through the middle order. Daniel Ianati nearly dragged Dromana over the line with a brave unbeaten 67 from 96 deliveries, but he didn’t get enough support from his teammates.

Dromana was bowled out for 228. Martin posted final figures of 5/66 for the victors.

Sorrento had a great day at home last weekend, grabbing an outright win over Heatherhill.

Heatherhill was bowled out for just 58 in their first innings, which Sorrento chased down with ease. The Sharks declared for 170, sending Heatherhill’s batters back in to face the music.

Mitchell Bench and Rhys Musgrave each scored unbeaten half-centuries in Sorrento’s opening innings.

Heatherhill fared a little better in their second innings, but was still bowled out. They finished all out for 207 after 61 overs.

Despite four ducks hampering their run chase, Sorrento reached their second innings target with three wickets to spare. Patrick Hall hit the winning runs.

A late cameo from Leigh Poholke, who smashed 45 from just 24 deliveries, was a highlight. He hit four fours and three sixes.

Langwarrin locked up another win on Saturday, beating Old Peninsula by 115 runs. Baden Powell beat Pines at Overport Park to close out the penultimate round of the home and away season.


MOOROODUC beat Long Island in a thriller at home last Saturday.

On day one of the two-day clash, Moorooduc had a tough time at the crease. They were bowled out for just 108 late on day one, meaning they would have to bowl brilliantly to get a result.

Long Island chipped away at their target on day two, and at 4/72 looked in pole position. A catastrophic middle order collapse cost them the game.

Number ten batter Harry Van Raay did his best to salvage the match, but he couldn’t drag his side over the line.

Long Island was bowled out for 107, losing by just one run.

Michael Whincup and Campbell Andersen each took four wickets on Saturday for Moorooduc.

Mt Eliza comfortably beat Seaford last weekend. Ladder leaders Rosebud beat Somerville, and Mornington defended a total of 272 against Seaford Tigers.


AN almighty run chase by Main Ridge saw them grab a stirring victory over Carrum on Saturday.

Main Ridge faced a huge task last

weekend, needing to score 325 runs to get a result. After losing opener Jacob McWilliams for just four runs, Main Ridge began to dig in.

Middle order batter Praveen Fernando proved the difference maker. He smashed 168 runs from 134 balls to keep his side in the hunt.

Some excellent bowling by Jake D’Atri, who finished with a five-wicket haul, kept Carrum in contention.

Fernando began losing batting partners, and time began to work against him too.

Eventually, with just one wicket to spare on the final ball of the day, Main Ridge hit the winning runs. Fernando and number 11 batter Samuel McWilliams guided their side over the line for a famous victory.

Fernando hit a whopping 15 fours and seven sixes during his innings.

Carrum Downs kept hold of first place with a comfortable win over Flinders on Saturday. They won by six wickets.

Balnarring and Crib Point rounded out the winner’s list with victories over Boneo and Baxter respectively.


TYABB, Frankston YCW, and Rye will each head into the final round of the home and away season level on points at the top of the ladder, with Delacombe Park just four points behind them.

Tyabb sits in first place after a win against Ballam Park last weekend. The Yabbies didn’t always look comfortable, but managed to chase down a tar-

get of 142 with five wickets to spare. Frankston YCW kept touch with the top of the table by narrowly beating Delacombe Park.

Chasing 227 to win, the Stonecats batted right until the end of the day. With 11 deliveries and four wickets to spare, Frankston YCW wrapped up the victory.

Opener Kaedyn Hodgson was awesome on day two, hitting a patient 103 from 222 deliveries before being run out late in the day.

Rye survived a scare from Tootgarook last weekend. They won by just four runs, bowling Tootgarook out in the nick of time.

Jordan Blades took a couple of vital late wickets to save Rye from defeat. Mt Martha beat Skye to close out the round.


BALNARRING have been crowned premiers of the 2024/2025 MPCA Women’s Division One season. Balnarring played Somerville at Somerville Reserve in the Grand Final last Sunday. Balnarring earned their spot in the big dance by beating ladder leaders Tooradin, while Somerville bested Rye easily in their semi-final match.

Somerville chose to bat first on their home deck. After 28 overs they were all out for 95 runs.

Julie Fearns top-scored for Somerville with 40 runs. The tail end made no contribution to the scoreboard, as the home side lost seven wickets for just six runs to close out their innings. Balnarring skipper Jemma Reynolds opened the batting, and took control of the run chase. She has been among the league’s best this season, and was in fine form again on Sunday.

Reynolds smashed an unbeaten 63 from 72 deliveries to guide her side to premiership glory. Balnarring wrapped up the win in less than 20 overs with eight wickets to spare.

In Division Two, Mt Martha Reds beat Tyabb in the Grand Final.

TRAV Campbell comes in to bowl for Langwarrin in their demolition of Old Peninsula. Picture: Paul Churcher
Mornington coach Brendan Walsh finished the day with figures of 7/34 in the team’s win against Seaford Tigers.
Picture: Alan Dillon

Simmons says Somie can do it


THIS is a year of reckoning for Somerville Eagles.

Since winning the State 5 South championship in 2019 the Eagles have clung on tenaciously to their State 4 South status but now face a challenge like never before.

As previously mentioned in this round-up State 4 and 5 clubs must finish in the top six of their respective leagues to at least maintain their status.

A major reconstruction for 2026 will create State Leagues 6 and 7 and standardise the competition into North-West and South-East divisions at every league level.

Clubs finishing from seventh to 10th positions in State 4 and 5 will be relegated to the new State 6 and 7 respectively.

Finishing in the last two positions (11th and 12th) condemns those clubs to essentially double relegation which sees them drop down into State 6 (from State 4) and State 7 (from State 5).

Somerville has only once finished in State 4’s top six – it was fifth in 2023 –so history suggests that the Eagles are in for the fight of their lives to retain their league status.

And what better man to lead their charge than midfield dynamo Nick Simmons.

He played as a junior at Peninsula Strikers, Skye United and Langwarrin before progressing to the Langy reserves then the under-20s in the club’s first NPL season in 2018.

Simmons spent his first full senior season at Frankston Pines in 2019, returned to Strikers for the pandemicinterrupted 2020 and 2021 then took a year off and travelled throughout 2022.

When he joined Somerville the following year he gave new meaning to the phrase “the family club” linking with a host of members of his extended family including brothers Josh and Lucas and cousins Tom, Joe and Ben. In what surely must be local football’s most prolific family another cousin, Ally, plays for Seaford United’s women’s team.

Partway through last season Nick Simmons took over as Somerville senior captain and it’s a role that he’s comfortable with despite the responsibility.

“I give 110 percent effort and try and lead by example and I leave it all out there,” Simmons said.

“And off the field I try and support

my teammates as much as possible.”

Sentiments endorsed by head coach

Mark Larner.

“Nick is not your old-school vocal leader, he is more of a calming and supportive leader,” Larner said.

“As a person he isn’t the type to scream and shout at a red light but he will always celebrate when getting a green light and he brings that mentality into his leadership.”

Simmons is confident that Somerville can retain its State 4 status provided it continues in the manner it finished off last season.

“I thought the second half of last season was really promising,” he said.

“Since I’ve been here we’ve had new players come in and a new coach and it really took until the second half of last season for things to settle and to have more continuity.

“I think we can carry that on into this year and continue to improve and if we do then we can finish top six.”

Continuity has been the key to the Eagles’ pre-season preparation with minimal squad disruption.

Losing Conor Mcfall to Seaford United during the off-season had the potential to be a major setback but it increasingly looks as though Max Watson will take on Mcfall’s role up front.

“We could have looked around for an experienced player but instead we wanted to reward a young, tall, quick striker that has been our reserves top scorer for the last few seasons,” Larn-

er added.

“So far Max has been excellent this pre-season and scored some great goals against good opponents.

“And Nathan Brown reached out to the club looking to come home and we welcomed him with open arms.

“Nathan is a quality keeper but even more importantly a quality bloke.

“He wants to be a part of our squad in whatever capacity we need him whether that is sharing his knowledge and experience with the group, supporting Nick Bucello with his game, back-up when needed or pushing ‘Booch’ for the number one spot.”

Other newcomers to Larner’s squad are English defender Jack Gorbert and midfielder Alexander Hall from Mount Martha.

Somerville starts its campaign by hosting Springvale City on Saturday 22 March.

It’s a tough start to a tough campaign given that the visitors are touted as one of the favourites for promotion.

We’re about to find out whether Somerville’s captain’s confidence is justified and whether the Eagles can take flight in 2025.

In other State 4 news Chelsea featured two new signings in Thursday’s 1-1 draw with Heatherton United in a friendly at the Bosnia & Herzegovina Sports Centre.

Nathan Gondelle, a right back from Elwood City and central defender Alex Namar from Nunawading City’s Under-23s made their Chelsea debuts

with Gondelle’s headed goal from a corner earning Gus Macleod’s men a 1-1 draw.

In State 5 news Seaford United had a good hit-out against State 2 outfit Bentleigh United Cobras going down 4-3 at North Seaford Reserve on Saturday.

Seaford led 3-1 at half-time before a series of changes from coach Paul Williams.

Seaford’s new players included former star striker Dylan Waugh who has been training for the past few weeks and hopes to be available for the club’s opening round home derby with Mount Martha.

In VPL1 news Langwarrin’s disappointing start to the season continued with a 3-1 away loss to Manningham United Blues on Saturday.

Iannis Georgopoulos gave Manningham the lead after 10 minutes but two minutes later Tosan Popo was unmarked at the far post and headed back across the keeper to make it 1-1.

The remainder of the half was played with Langy on top but unable to convert.

The second half started in similar fashion with the best chance falling to Luke Adams after a cross evaded everyone only for Adams to shoot wide.

In the 60th minute a deflected Popo cross hit the crossbar and from the resulting clearance and attack Charlie Fry was controversially judged to have committed a foul and was given his second yellow (match vision sup-

ports the view that it was the wrong decision).

It took Manningham three minutes to put its extra man to good use with Ben Everson scoring the first of a double.

Langy continued to press even with 10 men but in the 78th minute Everson killed off the contest after a defensive mistake.

“That was a tough loss for the group to take as they were well in control until the red card which changed the game,” Langwarrin head coach Jamie Skelly said.

Things don’t get any easier for the locals who travel to Kingston Heath Soccer Complex on Friday to take on championship contender Bentleigh Greens.

Last week’s friendly results: Skye Utd 4 (Elliott Craig, Steve Hadjikakou pen., Emmanual Scarlett, Sol Scarlett) Rowville Eagles 1; Heatherton Utd 1 Chelsea 1 (Nathan Gondelle); Frankston Pines 0 East Kew 3; Baxter 3 (Daniel Bancroft 2, Hassan Nazari) Mount Eliza 0; Mornington 0 Westgate 2; Somerville Eagles 1 (Marcus Anastasiou) Skye Utd 3 (Elliott Craig 3); Rosebud 6 (Ethan Sanderson 2, Connor Wharton, Kori Weetch, Sean Smith, Alfie Harris) Pakenham Utd 1; Seaford Utd 3 (Logan Johnston, Tristan Stass, Backy Barakzoi) Bentleigh Utd Cobras 4.

This week’s VPL1 round 6: Friday 14 March

Bentleigh Greens v Langwarrin, Kingston Heath Soccer Complex, 8.30pm

This weekend’s Australia Cup third preliminary round: Friday 14 March

Old Ivanhoe v Aspendale, Home Of The Matildas (pitch 2), 8pm Saturday 15 March

Mornington v Darebin, Dallas Brooks Park, 1pm Lalor Utd v Skye Utd, HR Uren Reserve, 3pm

This week’s local friendlies (check social media to confirm kick-off times):

Tuesday 11 March

Peninsula Strikers reserves v Mount Eliza, Centenary Park, 6.15pm Thursday 13 March

Chelsea v Sandringham, Edithvale Recreation Reserve, 6.30pm & 8pm

Rosebud v Peninsula Strikers, Olympic Park, 7.15pm Saturday 15 March

Baxter v Seaford Utd, Baxter Park, 1pm & 3pm

Contact Bruce on 0409 428 171 or to arrange a meeting and let his expertise work for you.

Leading Eagles: Somerville captain and central midfielder
Nick Simmons (left) and head coach Mark Larner. Pictures: Paul Seeley

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.