Mornington Peninsula Magazine NOVEMBER 2020

Page 55

We’ve heard on the ‘hollyvine’ that the big jolly man has implemented a strict hygiene regimen at the North Pole and has schooled the elves to socially distance. So why not pop on your sparkling Christmas earrings and your reindeer antlers because it’s official: Christmas is on! With a trying year somewhat behind us, we’ve got our sights set on the light at the end of the tunnel . . . oh wait, that’s the Christmas lights that our neighbours have put up early. And yes, Christmas may look a little different this year, but the gift of giving and thinking of each other stays the same. So without sounding like a broken record or like Mariah Carey’s version of All I Want For Christmas, which will no doubt start playing wherever we venture, we’re adamant that the lovin’ local train will continue to power along as we head into the silly season. In buying from a local shop or an eatery down the road, you’re not only supporting them, you’re creating a snowball effect: those precious dollars will continue to be spread – with contactless payments – throughout the community. Your community. Santa sees all and he has let us in on a little secret: for every sale a small business receives, the owner does a little dance. The jolly fellow has caught countless owners dancing enthusiastically to Chuck Berry’s Run Rudolph Run and of course Jingle Bell Rock by Bobby Helms. All we want for Christmas is a jolly community where Santa sacks are filled with locally made products, dining tables are overflowing with local produce, our nearest and dearest are delighted to receive gifts from nearby specialty stores, and everyone enjoys a rocking Christmas to help get our economy rolling again. We’ve been good, Santa, we promise. KATE SEARS

Issue 108, NOVEMBER 2020

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