2019 Firearms Brochure

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fresh to the marke t

Morphy Auctions and James D. Julia, Inc. merged in December 2017 to be an international leader in multiple collecting categories. We share a common purpose of delighting collectors worldwide with aligned missions and unparalleled customer service standards. Joining forces creates a synergistic team of passionate staff members to better serve our customers and strengthen the antiques and collectibles industry. Both companies take pride in having the most talented and knowledgeable experts in the industry. One of the biggest advantages to this merger is blending both teams of leading experts to enhance processes, descriptions and valuations.

Dan Morphy President & Founder

We employ the most talented and knowledgeable experts in the industry. We pride ourselves on having the best expert for each collecting category in which we specialize. Our team of experts are available to assess your collection and oversee your consignment throughout the consignment process.

• Superior Collection Assessment

• Insurance Protection on Consigned Goods

• Prime Auction Locations

• Detail-Oriented Cataloging

• Extended Auction Preview

• Professional On-Site Photography

• Multiple Bidding Options - Live, Absentee, Phone & Internet

• In-House Graphic Design Team

• Multiple Live-Bidding Platforms • State-of-the-Art Website • Unmatched Client Service

• Full-Color Brochures & Hardbound Catalogs • Extensive Global Database of Buyers • Record-Setting Prices Realized • In-House Packing & Shipping

• Category-Specific Sales • Strategic Marketing & Public Relations Campaigns • Only Morphy Staff involved in pick-up and transport of items

• Prompt Consignor Payout within 45 business days following auction date • Unrivaled Experts

OUR FIREARMS TEAM Our team can be found at all of the top American and Canadian Gun shows plus dozens of regional and specialty collector shows. Top locations include Denver, Louisville, Cody, Ft. Worth, Tulsa, Springfield, Ohio, Reno and Calgary. We are happy to evaluate your collection and discuss our auction process during these events.

SCOT KAUFFMAN Firearms General Manager

MYLES WELSH Firearms Assistant General Manager

DAVE BUSHING Firearms Expert

Scot joined Morphy Auctions in

Myles began his career with Julia’s in

Dave Bushing joined the Morphy

November 2015 to oversee the Firearms

July of 2017 and transitioned to the

Auctions team in July, 2014. Dave is

Division. Scot has enjoyed hunting and

Morphy Auctions team during the

a veteran gun collector, dealer and

fishing since he was a young boy. He has

merger. Myles interest in Firearms &

authenticator. Renowned on the gun

been buying and trading guns since the

Militaria sparked after learning about

show circuit, both for his knowledge

age of 21. Scot decided to obtain his FFL

his Grandfather’s service in WWII. He

of out-of-production firearms and

and open a small gun shop selling new

became inspired and passionate about

his willingness to share information

and used guns and completing minor

absorbing everything he could about

with collectors at all levels. Dave will

gun repairs. Scot considers his business,

military firearms, gear, tactics, etc. Myles

represent Morphy Auctions at gun

Cedar Top Firearms, a hobby and runs

main interest is with WWI and WWII

shows, obtaining firearms consignments,

it in conjunction with his position at

firearms and militaria and he continues

and authenticating and cataloging all

Morphy Auctions. In January 2016,

to research and learn more about those

guns prior to our specialty sales. He

Scot completed his Firearms Appraisers

eras. Myles is also a collector of vintage

will also be present at all of our gun

Certification from the American

military firearms, gear and photographs.

previews and auctions, making himself

Gunsmithing Institute and continues

Myles is looking forward to developing

available to anyone who has a question

to complete ongoing gunsmithing

his career in the firearms industry!

about an auction item and evaluating


firearms brought in by collectors or potential consignors. Dave is highly respected in gun-collecting circles nationwide, and his track record as a gun appraiser is impeccable. We’re genuinely honored that he is part of our team.

TONY WILCOX Firearms Expert

DAVID GEIGER Arms & Armor Specialist

JOHN KEENE Firearms Expert, NFA Item Specialist

Tony has been prominent and active

David, a fourth generation antique

John leads our BATF compliance

in the collectible firearms industry

dealer and appraiser, has been

efforts as well as being responsible for

since the 1980’s. He attended over 40

professionally involved in the firearms

identifying, evaluating, appraising and

national firearms shows each year, is a

industry since 2000. He has been

cataloging specialty military firearms

Life Member of the NRA and owned a

collecting arms and armor since he was

for auction. He specializes in Class 3

retail establishment in the Washington

five years old and buying and selling

machine guns from the first half of the

DC suburbs. Tony developed expertise

as a dealer at shows since he was ten.

20th century. He also has expertise with

in historic firearms, particularly European

Today David has special expertise in

machine guns from the 1950’s onward,

and American small military arms from

Kentucky rifles; early French, Indian,

as well as last century military firearms.

1840-1950, Winchesters and fine Colts.

English, and American guns; and edged

Complementing this encyclopedic

Recognized for his unique knowledge,

weapons. David will be responsible

knowledge is his understanding of

Tony has frequently consulted for

for identifying and valuing fine arms

the complex rules and regulations

collectors, museums and business

and armor, cataloging, developing

associated with different machine gun

owners around the country.

and growing consignment networks,

classes as defined by the Bureau of

and representing Morphy’s at firearms

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF).

events nationwide.

As such, he is a huge asset to Class 3

Tony’s primary areas of expertise are Colts, Winchesters and 20th Century military firearms. However, with over 30 years with 200 plus days a year on the road attending gun shows, Tony has been exposed to thousands of different firearms, and with this hands-on experience has a fabulous knowledge of firearms and their market values.

buyers and sellers, able to facilitate and complete transfer forms properly, with extensive experience and expertise in handling transfers from estate situations after the registered owners have deceased, as well as making updates and corrections to the all-important BATF Class 3 registry. Mr. Keene is a retired Army combat veteran who has proudly served our country for over 28 years. Keene was a charter member and officer of the Hiram Maxim Historical Society.

RUSS WITHEM Firearms Expert

JEREMY HATCH Firearms Consultant

JOSH LOEWENSTEINER Firearms Consultant

Withem received his first gun at age 12.

A graduate of the University of Maine

A lifelong firearms enthusiast,

Today, he has more than 40 years of

system, Jeremy brings a breadth of

Josh began studying, collecting

experience collecting, appraising, and

experience to the Morphy’s team.

and shooting guns with his father and

buying and selling firearms and sporting

Coming from the James D. Julia Inc.

brother when he was just eight years

collectibles, including WW1 German

team, Jeremy has been an intricate part

old. He particularly enjoys American

militaria. Withem has deep expertise

of the Firearms Division, working with

sporting guns including the classic

with Luger pistols, Winchesters, and Colt

both consignors and buyers to achieve

American sporting guns from the

revolvers. He has contributed to several

their goals. Prior to joining Julia’s and

Golden Age. Josh is a Life member of

published books, including History Writ

the Morphy Team, he was the Senior

the Parker Gun Collectors Association,

in Steel German Police Markings 1900-

Sales and Marketing Executive for over

having served on the Board of Directors

1936 (Thai Watana Press Co., Ltd., 2009);

11 years with Shooting Sportsman

as Secretary, and events coordinator.

Simson Lugers: Simson & Co, Suhl, the

Magazine and Fly Rod & Reel and has

He is a Life Member of the NRA, A life

Weimar Years (Brad Simpson Publishing,

attended many trade and consumer

member of the L.C. Smith Collectors

2007); and Police Lugers: German Police

firearms shows around the country,

Association, a member of the Lefever

Lugers and Their Markings 1918-1958

working closely with individual clients

Arms Collectors Association, the Colt

(Golden Belt Printing Inc., 2012) and is

and companies. A lover of fine sporting

Collectors Association, the A.H. Fox

currently working on a book about the

guns and pointing dogs, Jeremy is

Gun Collectors Association, the Smith

Colt 1877 DA. Withem is a member of

“hands on” in the field as well. He

and Wesson Collectors Association, the

the Winchester Collectors Association

grew up in a sporting family and to

German Gun Collectors Association,

and the Colt Collectors Association. Prior

this day can often be found wandering

and the Winchester Arms Collectors

to Morphy’s, Withem owned and ran a

through the mountains or following a

Association. He has been a part of the

firearms store in Southern Oregon.

pointing dog through the uplands of

Julia’s and Morphy Team since 2013,

New England. He is a member of the

and represents clients throughout

NRA, Ruffed Grouse Society, American

the country counseling them on their

Woodcock Society, North American

treasured firearms and other assets.

Versatile Hunting Dogs Association,

Josh has become a trusted expert in

North American Deutsch Kurzhaar Club,

helping clients to achieve success in

and the Maine Trappers Association.

the monetization of firearms at auction.

Jeremy is a fully licensed Master Maine Guide for twenty years, a great accomplishment in and of itself.

BRIAN ESTEPP Acquisitions & Promotions

CHERYL GOYDA Acquisitions & Promotions

BRIAN MANIFOR Western Antiques & Weapons Expert

Brian Estepp joined Morphy Auctions

Brian has provided authentication,

auction industry. Brian represents

Cheryl joined Morphy Auctions in 2015 in the role of Acquisitions and Promotions. She has over 40 years’ experience in sales, antiques and auctions. Her early experience was in retail sales in the fashion industry. Cheryl worked for many years in the Antiques business, both as a selfemployed Antique dealer and most

Morphy Auctions at shows around

recently, for a major auction house.

He amassed one of the finest collections

team as its marble consultant in 2009. His primary duties are to gather consignments for the company, with his specialty being marbles. Brian has developed an extensive general knowledge of the firearms and militaria

the country and provides catalog descriptions and valuations on marbles in all Morphy sales. Brian is well known to marble and firearm collectors and has a superb reputation for quality and honesty. Morphy Auctions is pleased to have Brian as part of the team. Watch for him at shows around the country.

At Morphy Auctions Cheryl’s responsibilities include; mapping out and managing the Firearms’ show schedule, attending all major Firearms shows, providing support for the Firearms sales team, processing firearms consignments, communicating with Consigners and assisting the Marketing department with the advertising and promotional materials. Please stop and introduce yourself when you see Cheryl “on the road”!


For Canadian buyers and consignors of firearms and related items, Morphy Auctions has partnered with Borderview International Firearm Logistics. Borderview provides seamless export/import services, taking care of all paperwork required on both sides of the border with their offices in the U.S. and Canada, and other countries. All Canadian bidders on firearms auctions must have a valid Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) for the class of firearm purchased (i.e. Restricted or Non-Restricted).

appraisal, and identification services to numerous well-respected auction houses, museums, estate liquidation companies, and private collectors for the past two decades. He has served as a contributor and subject matter expert on numerous historical books, publications, and museum displays. of pre-1920 USMC artifacts in the country that was featured in numerous collector reference works on the subject. Teamed with his father, Richard, they have approximately 100 years of combined experience in dealing with artifacts related to the American westward expansion.



Once the valuation process is over and you would like to consign your item(s) to Morphy Auctions, a Morphy Auctions Representative will contact you. At this point, your Morphy Representative will coordinate all of the details of your consignments and logistics (consignment rate, special clauses, auction date, etc.) The Morphy Representative will finalize the agreement with you and arrange for shipment or pick-up of your items.

We employ the foremost experts in the industry to provide unbiased descriptions and estimates for your auction consignments. For highly specialized, niche categories, we have a bank of experts that we bring in to ensure accurate and trustworthy descriptions. We consider all of our experts to have the greatest knowledge and best reputations within their given field.

INVENTORY, INSURANCE & STORAGE From the time your items are in our possession, they will be fully insured for the amount of the median pre-sale estimate as established by Morphy Auctions, until they transfer to the buyer who purchased the item at auction. After we receive your consigned items, our consignment team will tag and inventory each item. Our state-of-the-art process ensures that each of your items is properly documented and stored prior to the items being displayed. Our system also allows us to make sure the correct expert inspects, describes and estimates your items. Prior to your items being displayed, Morphy Auctions will store them in our museum-grade storage facilities. Morphy Auctions has advanced security systems in place to keep your items safe and secure.

Our full time on-site photographers will take multiple photographs of each of your items, accurately representing your pieces with the latest graphic technology in the auction business. Well before the auction date, a member of our consignment team will provide a report of your consigned items that includes the expert’s description and estimates. It is at this time, that you can review all of the descriptions and estimates and discuss any changes you would like with us.

Through every step of the process from valuation to the auction, we will be dedicated to you and your collection.

DISPLAY In addition to your items being available to view online, they will

• Dedicated Display Rooms

also be displayed in our gallery for several weeks prior to the auction date. Our display coordinator carefully displays each of your items so it is represented properly and is accessible for previewing. Morphy displays all of your auction pieces in museum-quality glass display cases or locked gallery preview rooms, protected by full-time camera surveillance and only handled by Morphy Representatives.

• Display Cases & Professionally Lit Floor Display


• Custom-Built Storage Area

On the designated auction date, we will hold a live auction of all

• Museum-Quality Storage

items in that sale. For buyers who cannot attend our live auction, we offer multiple alternative ways to bid including telephone bidding, absentee bids, and online/internet bidding.

• In-House Shipping Department

CONSIGNOR PAYOUT Morphy Auctions prides itself in prompt payout to our consignors. Payments are made within 45 days of each auction.

• Theater-Style Seats, each with a Lap Desk and Cup Holder • Customer Service Area • Climate Controlled • 7 Fully Equipped Photography Studios • Loading/Unloading Holding Area

• Fully Stocked Packing Room • State-of-the-Art Security System • Over 100 Parking Spaces • Open 5 Days a Week • Art Racks

MARKETING and Promotions Every auction is unique, which is why we customize a marketing and promotion campaign for each auction. Our marketing campaign is crafted to elicit maximum buyer participation and worldwide exposure for your consignments. Our customer database consists of nearly 100,000 potential buyers, each identified by their areas of interest. We design a hardbound catalog for every auction that is distributed to all of our top buyers in that collecting category. In addition to the hardbound catalog, a lavish full-color brochure is mailed out to our database of collectors based on category of interest. Our extensive and creative advertising efforts target all of the popular antiques trade publications and other nationally renowned consumer magazines. In addition to print advertising, we also secure many digital and online advertising opportunities. A public relations campaign is also designed for each auction to ensure widespread publicity for the auction. In conjunction with our Public Relations firm, we develop and distribute a press release to all major media outlets, as well as carry out media outreach to our well established contacts. Our user-friendly website is another platform we use to promote your collection. With custom designed digital banners and dedicated auction pages, our website allows for advance promotion for each auction. On our website you will find a lineup of our current auctions, past auctions and prices realized, the latest Morphy Auctions news, and online catalog. Our sophisticated online catalog is available approximately 4 weeks prior to the auction date to allow for pre-bidding and contains a library of photographs for each auction item. Additionally, we have added an exceptional photo enhance feature that allows buyers to view, zoom and inspect all items in an auction. Morphy Auctions is also active on Facebook and Instagram promoting our upcoming auctions, show attendance, world record prices realized and more!

OUR MARKETING EFFORTS INCLUDE: • Extended Gallery Preview • Promotion at Over 160 Tradeshows and Conventions per year - the most in the industry!

• Targeted Email Campaigns for each Auction • In-house Full-time Photographers and Graphic Designers

OUR PROVEN APPROACH • Direct Interaction with Top Collectors • Globally Distributed Press Releases & Front-Page News Coverage • National & Regional TV Coverage

• Comprehensive Mailing List that Includes Numerous Collector Clubs’ Membership Rosters

• Digital Campaign to Include Online Banners and Featured Placements on many Trade Websites

• Promotional Posters of Featured Collections

• Web Presence & Banners • Social Media

• Custom-Designed Catalogs & Brochures

FIREARMS Fresh to the Market Collections

Colt Whitneyville-Walker Pistol “A Company #210” and Original Flask issued at Vera Cruz in 1874 to Private Sam Wilson (Texas Ranger), later obtained by Brevet Major General John Reese Kenly of Maryland and believed to be the finest example of a Martial Walker in existence SOLD $920,000

Colt Single Action Army SN 5773 Positively Proven to have been used by One of Custer’s Men during the Infamous Battle of the Little Bighorn SOLD $460,000

Likely the Finest Factory Engraved Blue & Case Colored Colt Lightning Known to Exist (1886) SOLD $186,000

MORPHY AUCTIONS offers the best customer experience in the industry. With two of the largest under-roof auction houses, both of our PA and NV facilities are customized to ensure the ideal atmosphere for housing your consignments as well as offering a pleasant buying experience in our auction room. All of our items are properly secured and professionally displayed to maximize their eye appeal. Our dedicated in-house packing and shipping department is trained to safely handle every item we sell. We offer multiple bidding options to accommodate every buyer; Live, Absentee, Phone and Internet. Our very own bidding platform, MorphyLive, allows customers to watch the current auction in real time and bid in our auctions, whether they are on the road or in the comfort of their home.

Silver and Gold Mounted Percussion Deringer by Searles for Stephen Henderson SOLD $61,200

Rare Singer MFG Model 1911 Semi-Auto Pistol SOLD $90,000

Lemat SN 8, General P.G.T. Beauregard’s Personal Revolver and Finest Known SOLD $224,250

Cased Pair of Diminutive English Tap Action Flintlock Pistols by Barton

Krieghoff 1941 Dated Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol

SOLD $7,380

SOLD $14,400

Extraordinary Walther Armee Pistole with Long Barrel, Alloy Frame, Matching Stock and Two Matching Magazines SOLD $69,000

Cased W.W. Greener (Howdah) .577 Double Barrel Pistol SOLD $18,450

The Historic Ultra Deluxe Factory Engraved Presentation Colt 1860 Army Inscribed “To Maj. Gen. W.S. Rosecrans” and Further Presented by Gen. Rosecrans to Col. Coolbaugh (1863) SOLD $156,000

An Extremely Rare and Magnificent Dutch Ivory Stock Flintlock Pistol, Maastricht Circa 1675 With Exquisitely Carved Turk’s Head Pommel SOLD $32,400

Rare and Important Volcanic Lever Action Pistol/Carbine Serial Number 1 SOLD $42,000

Possibly Conrad Ulrich’s Greatest Masterpiece and a Legendary Winchester Collector’s Icon for nearly half a Century is the Magnificent Gilded High Relief Engraved and Fully Signed Winchester Model 1866 Lever Action Rifle. SOLD $598,000

From a single gun to an entire estate, the Morphy Firearms team will travel anywhere to look at the right collection. We offer extensive evaluation services in person or electronically.

High Original Condition, 20 Bore Parker “A1 Special” having Fine Scroll Engraving and Gold Inlay, with Original Leg O’Mutton Case SOLD $253,000

Marlin Engraved 1893 Takedown Lever Action Rifle with Gold & Platinum Inlaid design presented by Marlin to Annie Oakley SOLD $258,750

Morphy Auctions is conveniently located in Lancaster County, PA as well as Las Vegas, NV. Our location in PA is central to 5 of the largest cities in the United States making it very convenient for bidders to attend our auctions in person. We are also very close to Civil War battlefields, and Revolutionary War battlefields; such as Gettysburg, and Valley Forge.

Extremely Rare Winchester Model 1876 1 of 100 Lever Action Rifle SOLD $230,000

One of the finest “One of One Thousand� Model 1873 Winchester Rifles ever offered for sale with rock solid provenance and all features verified by factory letter SOLD $230,000

Phenomenal Identified Martially Marked Henry Lever Action Repeating Rifle SOLD $60,000

Rezin Bowie’s Silver-Mounted Flintlock Rifle Made by Bartlett of New York SOLD $90,000

Magnificent and Historically Important Lorenzoni-system Flintlock Repeating Rifle by Sebastian Hauschka made for and presented to King Louis XV and bearing his personal cypher, as well as the French Royal Arms No. 464 from the Royal Cabinet D’Armes, circa 1735 SOLD $181,700

Archibald Montgomerie’s Pair of Fine English Silver Mounted Flintlock Pistols with Belt hooks, by Bailes, 1760 SOLD $57,000

4 Bore Holland & Holland Hammer Double Rifle with case and accessories SOLD $120,000

Winchester Model 1894 Lever Action Musket The Rarest of All Winchester Muskets SOLD $36,000

Matched Pair of Holland & Holland “Royal Deluxe� Sidelock Ejector Self-opening Game Guns Engraved by Geoffrey Casbard Made for the Game Conservancy in 1979 in their Motor Case with Accessories SOLD $63,000

Morphy Auctions takes pride in the personal attention we deliver to each of our consignors. The Morphy Team will keep you informed of your items throughout our partnership with you in the consignment process.

Important Identified Scottish Flintlock Pistol by Allen & Basket Hilted Backsword, Both Used by Ensign James Grant of the 77th Highlanders SOLD $90,000

Rare and Extraordinary Cased 100 Guinea Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund Presentation Sword for Hero of Battle of Trafalgar SOLD $270,250

EDGED WEAPONS Armor & Militaria Historic and Attractive French Saber Attributed to General Brooks and Presented by Lafayette SOLD $39,060

The Historic WWII Japanese Naval Officer’s Katana with Period Documentation Guaranteeing the Sword to have belonged to Rear Admiral Keizo Komura, Chief of Staff of Japanese Imperial Navy SOLD $41,205

English Napoleonic Era Officer’s Sword & Scabbard SOLD $30,750

“Slanted” Clip Point Bowie Knife by Samuel Bell, San Antonio SOLD $111,000

Third Reich 2nd Model Railway Leader Dagger SOLD $5,227

Fine Spanish Cup Hilt Rapier 17th/Early 18th Century with Fullered Blade Signed “Toledo Blade”

Fine Cased Gilt Bronze Mounted Scottish Regimental Dirk of the 74th Islanders

SOLD $9,840

SOLD $10,455

Fine Ottoman Silver Mounted Coral and Turquoise Encrusted Kilij SOLD $16,800

Third Reich Diplomatic Sword SOLD $36,000

Extremely Rare & Fine Ames 1833 Dragoon Officer’s Saber SOLD $16,800

U.S. World War II 101st Airborne Medic’s Helmet

General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Four Star General’s Helmet

SOLD $6,150

SOLD $79,950

Fine & Very Attractive Full Suit of German Armor Composed of 16th and some 19th Century Elements on Stand SOLD $21,600

Late 16th/Early 17th Century German Black & White Armor SOLD $13,530

A Navy Cap Worn By John Wayne In The Film “In Harm’s Way” SOLD $7,560

Polish/French Red Lancer Czapka SOLD $7,320

U.S. Navy Mark V Diving Helmet Dated 7-6-43 SOLD $10,455

Civil War Double Breasted Colonel’s Frock Coat SOLD $10,800

We will do what it takes to make sure your gun realizes it’s maximum potential. If minor repairs are needed, our on-site gunsmiths will attend to those. Where applicable, every firearm is cleaned and checked to enhance its value.

John Fox Engraved Forbes Road Map Powder Horn of John Cox, Dated 1764, Fort Pitt SOLD $84,000

Engraved Powder Horn of Elijah Sharp, Dated 1759, Fort Edward, “Defiance to the Proud French” SOLD $84,000

Francis Pfister’s Folding Map From of the Hudson River Corridor, Complete with Map Case, Circa 1758 SOLD $84,000

Rare Engraved North Carolina Map Powder Horn with View of Charlestown, SC and Fort Johnston, Owned by Captain Chas. Richardes SOLD $84,000

USS Arizona Life Ring Recovered after Pearl Harbor Attack

General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Staff Car Flag with Letter

SOLD $104,550

SOLD $14,760

Fine Gold-Mounted Miniature Portrait of Rezin Bowie SOLD $36,000

Captured 4th North Carolina Cavalry Confederate Battle Flag SOLD $98,400

CLASS 3/NFA Near Mint Highest Possible Condition Colt Model 21 AC Thompson Machine Gun (Curio & Relic) SOLD $57,500

Vietnam War Trophy, Chinese Type 56 Machine Gun SOLD $132,250

Outstanding Iconic Original German WWII MG-42 Machine Gun with Tripod SOLD $74,750

When you consign with Morphy Auctions, your items are displayed for preview in gallery showcases approximately 4 weeks prior to auction.

Utterly Fantastic and Rare Colt R75A Browning Automatic Rifle with Detachable Barrel SOLD $80,500

Extremely Scarce and Highly Sought Guide Lamp M3 A1 Grease Gun SOLD $34,500

Colt Model 1883 U.S. Navy Gathing Gun on Tripod

Minty & Highly Sought After Maremont M60 Machine Gun with Extras

SOLD $230,000

SOLD $63,000


Dan Morphy

Craig Womeldorf

President & Founder

Chief Executive Officer

Brian Estepp

John Morphy

Acquisitions & Promotions

Angela Stewart Customer Service Associate

Tucker Nelson Consignment Associate

Dave Pence


Acquisitions & Promotions

Emily Hamilton Customer Service Associate

Amanda Hankin

Dana Costello

Chief Financial Officer

Scot Kauffman

General Manager Firearms

Abbe Shearer

Accounting Specialist

Sarah Stoltzfus

Director of Marketing

Myles Welsh

Saliann Barber

Sierra Perkins

Becky Beatty

Chris Hince

Consignment Manager

Consignment Associate

Crystal Moyer

Eric Wagner

Kim Cinko

Mary Beth Nocera

Cory Slifka

Dana Moyer

Teri Maxwell

Josie Morgan

Daniel Cinelli

Nate Burkholder

Operations Associate

Acquisitions/ Appraisals

Jamie Griffin

Becky Stellmach

Sean Worrall

John Morphy, M.D.

Customer Service Associate

Accounting Specialist

Graphic Designer

Operations Administration

Andrew Martin

Operations Associate

Graphic Designer

Ryan Kelly

Shipping Manager

Ugo Liberti

Operations Associate

Liz Sayres

Gary Metz Consignment Assessment and Procurement

Firearms Administration

Tasha Lopez

Operations Associate

Director of Sales

Firearms Acquisitions & Promotions

Senior Graphic Designer


Cheryl Goyda

Therese Hince

Assistant General Manager Firearms

Marketing Associate


Shaye Krispine

Director of Operations

Consignment Associate

Lead Photographer

Chris Sayres

Shipping Associate

Tommy Sage, Jr.

Head of Toys & Trains

Photographer & Videographer

Brody Hoshour

Shipping Associate

Jay Lowe

Head of Doll Division

Customer Service Associate

Consignment Associate


Angel Lopez

Display Coordinator

Joel Lazarus

Train Consultant

MORPHY AUCTIONS | 2000 North Reading Road • Denver, PA 17517 | Phone: 877-968-8880 • Fax: 717-336-7115

Howard & Jan Foulke John & Nancy Smith Doll Consultants

Dave Bushing Firearms Expert

Figural Cast Iron Consultants

Tony Wilcox

Firearms Specialist

John Mihovetz

Department Head & Expert Automobilia & Petroliana

David Geiger

Arms & Armor Expert

Richard Manifor

Native American Art & Relics Expert

Don Grimmer Vice President

Chris Hall

Antiques & Advertising Expert

John Keene

Firearms Expert, NFA Specialist

Brian Manifor

Mike Fredericks

Fine & Decorative Arts Department Head

Russ Withem

Dave Conley

Justin Hoaglen

Consignment Associate

Josh Loewensteiner

Jim Maley

Krystyna Greenwell

Ronnica Pador

Jeremy Hatch

Firearms Consultant

Acquisitions & Promotions

Logisitics & Operations Lead

Leon Syfrit


Peter Thomson

Antique & Modern Silver Consultant

Firearms Expert

Western Antiques & Weapons Expert

Consignment Manager

Tony Greist

Fine Art Expert

Firearms Consultant

Ron Ciarmello

Arts & Crafts Furniture and Fine Jewelry Expert

Scott Tarbell

Western & Firearms Consultant


Gabriel Sebastian Shipping Lead

Richard Robinson Warehouse Lead

MORPHY AUCTIONS, LAS VEGAS | 4520 Arville Street #1 ∙ Las Vegas, NV 89103 | Phone: 702-382-2466 ∙ Fax: 702-382-6513

INTERESTED IN CONSIGNING? Contact Scot Kauffman to arrange an evaluation of your items. SCOT KAUFFMAN | Firearms General Manager | Scot.Kauffman@morphyauctions.com | Phone: 877-968-8880 x740

THANK YOU Morphy Auctions is thankful to our buyers for participating in our auctions. We strive to bring the freshest collections to the market and provide honest and transparent descriptions and estimates. We employ the best experts in the industry so that our buyers can make informed purchases. We are confident that our customer service is unrivaled and that you will have a pleasant buying experience. We look forward to doing business with you. Please contact us if you have any additional questions.

2000 N. Reading Road Denver, PA 17517 | 4520 Arville Street Las Vegas, NV 89103 Tel: 877-968-8880 | Fax: 717- 336 -7115 info@morphyauctions.com | www.MorphyAuctions.com

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