Animal News 13.2: Veterinary Science Today

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IN THIS ISSUE Special Report: Veterinary 65 years ofscience advancing today animal health



13.1 13.2



0 1 The state of veterinary medicine

unexpected way

03 Your donations at work 04 Part 2: Veterinary science comes of age


07 Donor’s support pays off in an

06 We need your help to reach our fiscal goals

08 In loving memory 10 Dog owner and veterinarian show dedication to Golden health

11 Tough competition yields broad

12 Foundation-funded consortium makes worldwide advances in equine health

12 MYTH: Estate planning is only for the wealthy

13 Add meaning to your gifts

scope of wildlife studies


Veterinary medicine is, in many aspects, at a crossroads, but many of the challenges are the same as they have always been. We don’t have easy access to the resources needed to answer all of our big questions about animal biology and medicine. Veterinary medicine has the same kind of questions as human medicine but far fewer resources with which to answer them. OUR MISSION

Morris Animal Foundation improves the health and well-being of companion animals and wildlife by funding humane health studies and disseminating information about these studies.

As a nonprofit with a mission to improve veterinary medicine, Morris Animal Foundation must continually evolve with the profession—and be at the forefront of the evolutionary process. The Foundation has played a huge, if relatively understated, role in the advancement of scientifically based medicine for companion animals and wildlife. The thousands of studies and hundreds of scientists we have supported over the past 65 years have advanced the understanding and treatment of veterinary medical disorders. The amount of information available to veterinarians today is absolutely incredible. From a scientific standpoint, big advances have been made in such fields as genetics and imaging, but significant challenges remain in many areas of animal health. We closely follow the trends, challenges and opportunities within the profession to ensure that we make the decisions that best benefit animals and advance their health. In this issue of AnimalNEWS, we share some conversations and perspectives about the current state of veterinary medicine. The future is very bright for Morris Animal Foundation, as more people become aware of the need we fill and want to support our mission. Good science requires resources, and the more resources the Foundation can direct toward the best research, the longer and healthier the lives of our animal companions will be.


Thank you for your continued commitment to a brighter future for animals, and I hope you will tell your animal-loving friends about us.

Volume 13 Issue 2 May 2013

AnimalNews is published four times a year by Morris Animal Foundation. 10200 East Girard Avenue Suite B430 Denver, Colorado 80231 TOLL-FREE




Warm wishes,

David Haworth, DVM, PhD President/CEO

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Special Report: Veterinary Science Today

The state of veterinary medicine B y H ei d i J eter

Over the past decade, veterinary medicine has seen a huge paradox. Diagnostics and treatments for animals have improved significantly, yet research budgets are being slashed, and thus the ability to study health issues that affect only animals is increasingly challenging. Pet owners are spending more on toys and food for their furry and feathered family members, but veterinary visits are declining. While the number of practicing veterinarians continues to rise, the need for veterinary scientists is stronger than ever.

Thomas M. Edling, DVM, MSpVM, MPH Vice President, Veterinary Medicine Petco Animal Supplies Inc.

It’s clear that the veterinary industry is in flux. We asked leaders in the industry for their views on the state of veterinary medicine today.

Jim Moore, DVM, PhD, DACVS Professor of Large Animal Medicine University of Georgia

Q. What have been the greatest areas of advancement in veterinary medicine/animal health over the past decade? Edling: Certainly exciting fields like stem cell therapy and new advances in cancer treatment must be mentioned. I am also excited about the increased availability and accuracy of diagnostic testing. Other advancements are the mainstream use of analgesics and an increase in the number of board-certified specialists. Lewis: Overall, we’ve seen improvement in a “total care” perspective: diagnose, treat and prevent, including dentistry for companion animals and horses, pain management for aging companion animals and genetics.

Q. Are there advances that you thought would have taken place by now? Lewis: One advance that hasn’t taken place is receptivity to developing robust treatment programs in companion animal oncology, including embracing new therapeutic approaches. Stetter: One is the utilization of medical technology that our human health colleagues use, which veterinarians have not accepted as quickly. An easy example of this would be minimally invasive surgery.

Roundtable Participants

Clint Lewis Executive Vice President & President U.S. Zoetis (formerly Pfizer Animal Health)

Mark Stetter, DVM Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Colorado State University Lauren Trepanier, DVM, PhD Professor, Department of Medical Sciences University of Wisconsin

Q. What are the greatest challenges the veterinary industry currently faces? Edling: The shrinking/struggling economy and the increased debt load of new graduates are major obstacles. The cost of new equipment, along with a reduction in clients, makes it more difficult to successfully practice. Stetter: We are doing an excellent job of training veterinarians in the domestic animal world, but as training centers we need to think about other areas that need to be served: food safety, academia, ecology, government and industry. Trepanier: The disparity between human and veterinary medicine in the amount of resources allocated to biomedical research and development. contin u e d on p a g e 2 1

Special Report: Veterinary Science Today

contin u e d f rom p a g e 1

Q. What are the greatest challenges in the area of veterinary medical research? Lewis: One challenge is the time and investment it takes to bring new innovation to market relative to confidence in commercial success. Another challenge will be the turnover in skilled individuals [due to retirement] and having limited time/interest from the next generation of scientists to focus in a specific topic area. Moore: We need to entice students and young faculty members to consider research endeavors in their careers. The dwindling funds available for research in colleges of veterinary medicine, low funding rate for research proposals submitted at the federal level and increasing dependence on private foundation support make it less likely for young people to consider moving into research. Trepanier: A major challenge is maintaining a pipeline of clinician scientists that can guide the future practice of veterinary medicine.

Q. Currently, what are the greatest threats to keeping animals healthy? Edling: Education. We have a tremendous knowledge base for common companion animals, and we’re making good progress in understanding the needs of nontraditional pets. Unfortunately, the knowledge is not being transmitted effectively to the general public, and many problems treated in veterinary clinics stem from a lack of owner education.

Trepanier: A major threat is inadequate data to develop evidence-based standard-of-care protocols for primary care practitioners and veterinary specialists. Stetter: For nondomestic animals, there’s no doubt a huge concern with ecosystem health, extinction rates, and urban development and their effects on wildlife.

Q. The level of consumer spending on pet industry expenditures has nearly doubled over the past decade. How has that changed the pet and veterinary industries? Lewis: It has continued to fuel investment to develop new products/services to best meet the growing expectations for more “human-quality” care for pets. Edling: Pet owners are spending more money on their pets, but most of the money is being spent on food, training, treats, toys and other items. The increase in spending in the pet industry does not necessarily relate directly to the veterinary industry…in many cases animals are being treated too much like family members and are now suffering from common ailments found in developed countries, such as obesity and lack of adequate exercise.

Q. What do you feel has been Morris Animal Foundation’s impact on animal health? Lewis: Morris Animal Foundation has played a major role in funding research and advancing medical understanding to provide better care for animals. Moore: Morris Animal Foundation literally has been the cornerstone of many components of animal health research, particularly for those species for which it is nearly impossible to obtain federal research support. Edling: Morris Animal Foundation has always been a leader in the research field and has exemplified how to conduct meaningful and ethical research. The Canine Lifetime Health Project is a great example of the leadership Morris Animal Foundation projects. This type of research is the future, and Morris Animal Foundation will continue to be the leader of the pack. B


Your donations at work Over the past 65 years, Morris Animal Foundation has become a global leader in animal health. We could not fulfill our mission of advancing veterinary medicine for animals without the help of generous supporters. Use the clues below to figure out how your gifts have made a difference in the lives of animals worldwide. Answers are on the inside back cover.



1. Newly launched Morris Animal Foundation giving society (3 words)

2. Morris Animal Foundation funds advances in animal health through _______________________

7. Foundation-funded researchers are studying pain management into this degenerative joint disease in cats 14. Number of Foundation-funded studies managed each year (in hundreds) 15. Breed of dog in lifetime study (2 words) 16. Common cancer of dogs 17. Bat-killing disease researchers are working to stop (2 words) 18. Number of institutions funded in fiscal year 2013

3. An ounce of this leads to early disease diagnosis 4. New “chip� focuses on this type of study of inherited traits in cats 5. Vaccine developed for puppy disease 6. Top health issue for small-animal funding 8. Hormone that may be linked to pet obesity 9. Name of the Foundation’s monthly giving program (2 words) 10. Fellow supporter and famous trustee (2 words) 11. Type of Morris Animal Foundation grant to train veterinary students to become researchers 12. Besides funding veterinary research for cats, dogs and horses, Morris Animal Foundation also funds research for this group of animals 13. African country in which chimpanzee disease-transmission study is located


Historical Series Part Two:

Veterinary science comes of age B y H ei d i J eter

With Dr. Mark Morris Sr.’s bold move to establish a nonprofit organization that would fund research solely for the benefit of animals, a new age of veterinary science emerged. Growth of the Foundation was initially slow, but the stage was set for Morris Animal Foundation to become the global leader in animal health. In the fall of 1948, Dr. Morris laid out detailed plans for an animal health foundation to a small group of friends, describing it as a lovely dream that could come true if they worked together. He also credited Morris Frank, an ambassador for the Seeing Eye organization, for his inspiration. Dr. Morris told the group: “It was Morris Frank who never missed an opportunity to remind me that nobody was doing anything positive about the critical shortage of scientific data for the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of dogs and other companion animals.”

Challenges continued. In 1955, Dr. Morris headed to Colorado State University to inquire about another grant after phone calls and letters were left unanswered. He and Claude Ramsey, who had been recently appointed the Foundation’s first executive director, went to visit the dean. They learned that one of the professors on the project had transferred to another department and another had left the university. The dean appointed a graduate student to the project, and the university president assured Dr. Morris that the project would be completed, which it was.

A system to ensure high-quality science On the ride back to Denver, Dr. Morris and Ramsey discussed the need for experienced scientists to evaluate requests for grants, monitor study progress and help ensure that funds were spent on the best science. When the trustees met in December 1955, they approved seven grants for dogs

The plan provided a framework that would require only minor changes through the years to allow for modernization and growth. It was adopted unanimously, and the Buddy Foundation, named for Frank’s guide dog, was born. Within a few weeks, on Oct. 22, 1948, the royalty agreement with Hill Packing Company, which would fund the Foundation’s efforts until 1968, was signed.

A foundation in its infancy As the Foundation began to increase the number of studies it funded, challenges taught the board members valuable lessons. The four founding trustees—Dr. Mark Morris Sr.; his wife, Louise Morris; Agnes Fowler, a board member/trustee of the Seeing Eye Inc.; and Dr. James B. Allison, director of the Bureau of Biological Research at Rutgers University— evaluated the grant proposals. They quickly realized that a formal process was necessary. The first grant, for $1,000 to Iowa State College, was to study canine nutrition. Records indicate that the check cleared Feb. 20, 1950, but are vague about how the money was spent. A final report mentioned personnel difficulties and conflicts. 4

Since the creation of the scientific advisory board, the looks have changed but the goals remain the same.

If you missed part one of our historical series, you can view it at

volunteered hours per year per member

number of years served

Scientific Advisory Boards By the Numbers

total in-kind contribution per year

and cats. They also voted to require progress reports every six months plus a complete final report for submission to various scientific journals. These requirements remain relatively unchanged today. The decision that would solidify Morris Animal Foundation’s status as a leader in animal health, however, was the board’s authorization for the president to appoint six or more qualified persons to serve as the initial members of what would become the Foundation’s keystone: the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). Today, members of three SABs are nominated by their peers based on their expertise and professional reputation and are approved by the Foundation’s board of trustees. Since its formation, the SAB’s mission has been to evaluate all requests for research grants and to monitor the resulting Foundation-financed research. Initially, investigators had to appear in person to explain their work to the SAB.

This is no longer the case, in part, because of the large volume of proposals submitted each year. In fact, Morris Animal Foundation receives so many grant requests each year that in the past decade the SAB was split into three different boards, each with specialized members: small companion animal, large animal and wildlife. The SAB members serve four-year terms, and each contributes, on average, more than 100 volunteer hours per year, which equates to a board total of $800,000 to $950,000 in-kind gifts to the Foundation each year. “The voluntary service that SAB members provide is invaluable,” says Dr. Wayne Jensen, the Foundation’s chief scientific officer. “The Foundation could not fulfill its mission without the support and contribution of its SAB members.”

A commitment to humane research Another decision that would make the Foundation stand out came in 1959, when the board of trustees unanimously agreed that the Foundation would fund only humane studies. That stance was bolstered in 2004, when the Foundation established humane guidelines that became policy in 2008. The Health Policy for Animals Involved in Research is considered the strongest in the industry, and it has helped change the face of animal research to one that reflects collaboration and compassion. This policy specifically outlines the organization’s study-selection process and helps ensure the physical health and emotional well-being of all animals affected by the work the Foundation funds. The establishment of a scientific board and a policy that demands humane research were groundbreaking efforts that put Morris Animal Foundation on a path from which it has never wavered. B Stay tuned as our historical series continues in the August issue. Information was taken from the Foundation archives as well as Mark Morris Veterinarian and Of Their Own Free Will, both written by Willard C. Haselbush.


Special Report: 65 years of advancing animal health

We need your help to reach our fiscal goals J O I N


Most people don’t associate the start of summer with the end of the year, but at Morris Animal Foundation we do. That’s because June 30 marks the end of our fiscal year. It’s a time when we need to secure any remaining funding we have allocated for health studies for dogs, cats, horses and wildlife and set ourselves up to begin funding the companion animal studies that will be approved at our annual meeting in Denver this June. As of March 31, the Foundation had achieved 68 percent of our revenue goals for the year, which means your continued support is appreciated and needed to continue to grow and fulfill our mission in the next year. To help us meet our goals, Morris Animal Foundation has received an incredible 65th anniversary gift from an anonymous donor.


This animal-loving donor has agreed to match every dollar Morris Animal Foundation receives between now and June 30, 2013, up to $65,000. It is generosity such as this that will ensure that Morris Animal Foundation can continue to make a significant difference in the lives of animals. We hope you will join us in this exciting opportunity to celebrate 65 years of advancing animal health. Any gift amount is appreciated and will be matched, but we also have an additional exclusive opportunity. With any gift of $3,000 or more before June 30, you will become a founding member of our new Circle of Discovery. This distinction offers you exclusive benefits and in-depth insight into the Foundation’s work. Both the matching gift and founding membership are limited-time opportunities, so please make sure your gift is made online or postmarked before June 30, 2013. B

Donor’s support pays off in an unexpected way B y K imber l y S mith

As a lifelong animal lover, Linda Stone, of Scottsdale, Arizona, has experienced the deaths of her dog (kidney failure), skunk (hemophilia) and trap-neuter-release cat (transmittable venereal tumor). When her veterinarian made a donation in memory of her cat Darth Vader, Linda assumed that Morris Animal Foundation was named after Morris the Cat from the famous 9 Lives commercials. She quickly discovered that our namesake was really Dr. Mark Morris Sr., a forward-thinking veterinarian who believed there was a need for a foundation to advance animal health. Linda shares, “A steep learning curve followed, and the more I read the more impressed I became with the broad scope of the Foundation’s research, its groundbreaking results and the expertise of the researchers involved.” Linda’s dedication to animal health comes in all forms, not only as financial support of animal health science. She has traveled the world to observe animals in their native habitats. Currently, she volunteers with a local nonprofit group, Empty Bowl Pet Food Pantry, which works to keep pets with their owners when their “people” are homeless, veterans, seniors, disabled or financially struggling. “As a single woman, I know personally what good companions all kinds of animals can be,” she says. Over the years, Linda has generously supported many Morris Animal Foundation–funded studies, and this year something special happened when one of her own cats benefited from a study she is supporting. The study is being conducted by Dr. Craig Webb, of Colorado State University, who is exploring the use of probiotics in felines to improve treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Linda had adopted Kahlie, a rescue cat, in 2009, and shortly thereafter the cat underwent a total ear canal ablation with lateral tympanic bulla osteotomy. After surgery, Kahlie started slowly losing weight. Although lab tests showed no identifiable problems, nothing changed this downward trend. Out of desperation, and even though Kahlie had no IBD symptoms, Linda decided, with her veterinarian’s approval, to start Kahlie on probiotics in December 2012. No other lifestyle modifications were made, and within two months the lovable cat had gained back all the weight she had lost. “If I had not known about this Morris Animal Foundation study, who knows what would have eventually happened to my girl,” Linda says. “There is an old saying that what goes around comes around, and for me this has been especially true. It makes me feel good to donate to such a worthy organization, and thanks to Morris Animal Foundation, my own cat has directly benefited from its research.” What a powerful example of how science improves the lives of animals—even our own when we least expect it. B After experiencing unexplainable health issues, Linda Stone’s beloved cat, Kahlie, finally benefited from a Foundation-funded study on probiotics.

We recently held a webinar in which Dr. Craig Webb shared findings from his probiotics study—the same one that yielded information that helped Kahlie. To watch the webinar, visit the Animal Lovers section of our website and click on “Pet Health Resources.”


In loving memory At Morris Animal Foundation, we understand the love between people and their pets and the significance of losing these wonderful companions. Pets are part of our families, and this section honors the special animals that have touched their families’ lives. The pets in this section were honored through qualifying donations made between Dec. 16, 2012, and March 15, 2013. These gifts will be used to invest in science that creates a brighter world for animals. With your gift of $200 or more per pet, you can include a special pet in the “In loving memory” section of AnimalNEWS.

For donations of $500 or more, a brass plate engraved with the pet’s name and his or her family’s name will also be added to the Pet Memorial Wall located in Morris Animal Foundation’s headquarters. We will also engrave a special commemorative keepsake with the pet’s name and send it to the family. For more information about tribute options, or to make your gift, visit the “Donate” section of our website and click on Memorial and Honor Gifts, or use the prepaid envelope included in AnimalNEWS.










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We will do our best to include the pet’s photo when you send it along with your donation.



Cinnamin (8)



Beloved Pet DO NO R : Janet Thornton FAMI LY: Janet Thornton Beloved Cat DO NO R : The Northeast Region of VCA & The Brookline Animal Hospital FAMI LY: The Snyder Family

Bailey & Mirage

Beloved Horses DO NO R : Alicia Beller FAMI LY: Wade & Eriko Waldok

Baron (1)

Beloved Dog DO NO R : Stacy Susman FAMI LY: The Susman Family

Barrister (2)

Beloved Friend & Teacher DO NO R : Diane & Owen Lynch FAMI LY: Diane & Owen Lynch

Betsy (3)

Beloved Golden Retriever DO NO R : Carolyn Jackson FAMI LY: The Bottinelli Family

Bo Cuervo & Baby

Beloved Pets DO NO R : Corky Elliott FAMI LY: Corky Elliott

Bodie (4)

Beloved German Shepherd & Family Member DO NO R : Kimberly Johnson FAMI LY: Kimberly & Keith Johnson

Boomer (5)

Beloved Golden Retriever DO NO R : Lois & Frank Finkel FAMI LY: Lois & Frank Finkel


Beloved Pet DO NO R : Gail Daughtry FAMI LY: Kelly Daughtry

Candi & Heather

Beloved Smooth Collies DO NO R : Carol S. Martin FAMI LY: Carol S. Martin


Beloved Cat DO NO R : H. Jesse & Betty Smith FAMI LY: H. Jesse & Betty Smith

Ch. PACH2 Rustine CD HSAs (6) Beloved Dog DO NO R : Kathy Stabler FAMI LY: Joni Freshman & David Morris

Ch. Kollage’s Doin It With Class Beloved Pet DO NO R : Kathleen Harper, DVM FAMI LY: Kathleen Harper, DVM

Ch. Rockens When Time Began (aka Rolex) Beloved Pet DO NO R : Marleen Greif FAMI LY: Ms. Patricia Rogers

Chloe (7)

Beloved Pet DO NO R : Lisa & James Dash FAMI LY: Lisa & James Dash


Beloved Pet DO NO R : Jane Wallace FAMI LY: James Flieller

Beloved Cat D ON OR : Judith W. Ditfurth FAMI LY: Judith W. Ditfurth Beloved Pet D ON OR : Ann Campbell FAMI LY: Virginia Palmieri


Beloved Dog D ON OR : Katherine Preston FAMI LY: The Cacciari Family

Daisy (9)

Beloved Dog & Companion D ON OR : Phyllis Vitale & Family FAMI LY: Christina & Christopher Seeber


Beloved Pet DO NO R: The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation FAM ILY: Charlotte Cantrell



Beloved Pet DO NO R: Christopher McGovern FAM ILY: The McGovern Family

Logan (13)


Beloved Pet DO NO R: Laurie & John Jelinek FAM ILY: Laurie & John Jelinek


Beloved Greyhound DO NO R: John & Martha Ward FAM ILY: John & Martha Ward


Beloved Border Collie DO NO R: Ann & Dennis Silvis FAM ILY: The Silvis Family

Beloved Golden Retriever D ON OR : Victoria Kratohwil FAMI LY: The Kratohwil Family Beloved Pet D ON OR : Douglas & Kathy Miller FAMI LY: Douglas & Kathy Miller

Gracie (10)

Beloved Cat D ON OR : Edward Hammond FAMI LY: Edward Hammond & Greg Parr

Lucky (14)

Lucy Lu (15)

Mac (16)

MACH2 PACH2 Dream Chaser’s Katie

Beloved Pet DO NO R: Diana Quinn FAM ILY: The Quinn Family


Harley & Spencer

Beloved Dog DO NO R: Debbie Pepe FAM ILY: Debbie Pepe


Beloved Pet DO NO R: Juliet Clarke FAM ILY: Juliet Clarke

Beloved Pets D ON OR : Linda J. Radcliff FAMI LY: Linda Wisker Beloved Pet D ON OR : Katharine Irwin FAMI LY: Kathleen Colvig

Honcho (11)

Beloved Dog D ON OR : Judith W. Ditfurth FAMI LY: Judith W. Ditfurth

Jack (12)

Beloved Dog D ON OR : Dana Bloomberg FAMI LY: The Rowell Family


Beloved Cat D ON OR : Carol S. Martin FAMI LY: Clifford Martin

Phoenix (20)

Beloved Dog DO NO R: The Hosmer Family FAM ILY: The Hosmer Family

Daisy Mae

Beloved Dog D ON OR : Anne Ruddy FAMI LY: Lori Brooke

Beloved Pet DO NO R: Ed & Anne Henne FAM ILY: Ed & Anne Henne Beloved Pet DO NO R: Jo Elizabeth MacNair & Ann Dupuis FAM ILY: Jo Elizabeth MacNair & Ann Dupuis


Beloved Dog DO NO R: Megan Biller FAM ILY: Josh & Megan Biller

Beloved Cat D ON OR : Alisa & Darlene Wilder FAMI LY: Alisa & Darlene Wilder



Maya (17)

Beloved Dog DO NO R: Mary Lou Carson & Melissa Fike FAM ILY: Mary Lou Carson & Melissa Fike

Beloved Dog DO NO R: George Zweibel & Brenda Johnson FAM ILY: George Zweibel & Brenda Johnson


Beloved Pet DO NO R: Douglas & Kathy Miller FAM ILY: Douglas & Kathy Miller


Beloved Greyhound DO NO R: Sally Rau McIntosh FAM ILY: Chuck Renshaw


Beloved Pet DO NO R: Steven & Diane Witthoeft FAM ILY: Steven & Diane Witthoeft

Scout (21)

Beloved Friend, Companion & Beautiful Soul DO NO R: Animal Eye Care, Inc. FAM ILY: Arlene & Ron Klein

Sebec (22)

Beloved Pet DO NO R: Ann Bitting FAM ILY: Ann Bitting


Beloved Pet DO NO R: David Cameron FAM ILY: The Cameron Family

Sprout (23)

Beloved Cat DO NO R: Michael Seymour FAM ILY: The Seymour Family


Beloved Pet DO NO R: Sean Gilbert FAM ILY: The Gilbert Family

Molly (18)

Toby (24)


Truman (25)

Beloved Dog DO NO R: Ronald Niemzyk FAM ILY: The Niemzyk Family Beloved Dog DO NO R: Barbara LeDuc FAM ILY: Barbara Gutowski & Rusty Russell

Beloved Dog DO NO R: Mary Kremer FAM ILY: Nanette Niece Beloved Friend & Companion DO NO R: The Truman Collar Website FAM ILY: Debby & Terry Fitch

Wiley (26)




Oliver Thomas

Beloved Beagle DO NO R: Brenda Heaster & Keith Ritter FAM ILY: Brenda Heaster & Keith Ritter

Patch (19)

Beloved Dog DO NO R: Ed & Marjorie McDowell FAM ILY: Ed & Marjorie McDowell

Beloved Bulldog D ON OR : Judith W. Ditfurth FAMI LY: Judith W. Ditfurth Beloved Horse D ON OR : Mitzi Cook FAMI LY: Lisa Klopp


Beloved Pet D ON OR : Suzanne Underwood FAMI LY: Suzanne Underwood

Beloved Pet DO NO R: Suzanne Underwood FAM ILY: The O’Boyle Family Beloved Cat DO NO R: H. Jesse & Betty Smith FAM ILY: H. Jesse & Betty Smith

Woody (27)

Beloved Greyhound DO NO R: Edward Hammond FAM ILY: Edward Hammond & Greg Parr


Dog owner and veterinarian show dedication to Golden health B y B en S no d g ress

Golden Retriever owners are as loyal to their breed as their Goldens are to them. That’s why our Golden Retriever Lifetime Study has caught the attention of veterinarians and dog owners across the country, including participants Dr. Michael Lappin and Nancy Bishop in Massachusetts. “It didn’t take any thought on my part to decide to support the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study,” says Dr. Lappin, who is participating as both an owner and a veterinarian. “For the past 25 years, I have been driven by the need to do as much as I can to help this wonderful breed enjoy a longer, healthier life.” As a veterinarian and an active member of the Golden Retriever–owning community, Dr. Lappin has seen more than his share of canine cancer. “The trend has been a decreasing life span, punctuated by sudden, untimely deaths,” he says. “It has been heartbreaking in my 40 years as a practicing veterinarian

Register Your Dog The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is part of our national Canine Lifetime Health Project. Register your dog for the Canine Lifetime Health Project at

to see young, seemingly healthy Golden Retrievers struck down in what should be the prime of their lives.” Dr. Lappin and his client Nancy Bishop share a love of Golden Retrievers and a desire to create a healthy future for the breed, which is why Nancy joined the study with her dog Journey. “I have been involved in making our beloved Golden Retrievers as healthy as we can since my first Golden Retriever back in the 1980s was diagnosed with hip dysplasia,” says Nancy, who is a breeder, a certified veterinary technician and a certified canine rehabilitation practitioner. “I would have liked to have all my dogs participate in the study, but only Journey met the age requirement.” The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is a groundbreaking effort to learn how to prevent cancer and other diseases. It is the largest and longest observational study ever undertaken to improve the health of dogs. This initiative gives hope to all dog lovers because what is learned about Golden Retrievers will likely help all breeds in the battle against cancer. “My hope is that the study can gather information that will help generations to come and alleviate some of these diseases, or at least find treatments that will improve the quality of dogs’ lives,” Nancy says. “I am so excited to be part of this groundbreaking study to help my dogs as well as many other dogs worldwide.” B

Dr. Mike Lappin (left) and client Nancy Bishop (right) are working together with their dogs to improve canine health. 10

Thank you to our platinum study sponsors: Blue Buffalo Foundation for Cancer Research, Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Mark & Bette Morris Family Foundation, Petco, VCA Antech and Zoetis.

Tough competition yields broad scope of wildlife studies B y H ei d i J eter

Wildlife veterinary scientists often refer to Morris Animal Foundation as the National Institutes of Health for wildlife health funding. The reason is that we are one of the only organizations in the world that supports health research for wild and captive-born exotic species.

current treatment. A new pilot study will use ultrasound and hormone analysis to better understand what causes this disease, develop diagnostic parameters and establish the incidence of reproductive disease in captive and wild stingrays so treatment options can be developed.

“There’s nobody else out there that provides veterinary wildlife dollars to the extent that Morris Animal Foundation does,” says Dr. Mark Stetter, dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University. “These aren’t million-dollar grants, but for wildlife folks a $20,000 grant is a huge help in understanding the problems facing wildlife.”

“We recognize that our support for research in diseases affecting wildlife is critical to the health and survival of some species,” says Dr. Wayne Jensen, chief scientific officer. “Therefore, we have committed to fund $1 million in wildlife studies each year, and we are especially excited about the quality and potential impact of this year’s new studies.” B

As a former chair of Morris Animal Foundation’s Wildlife Scientific Advisory Board (WSAB), Dr. Stetter is familiar with the tough decisions required when reviewing and recommending funding of the grant proposals submitted to Morris Animal Foundation. This year’s competition was tough, and deliberations were robust. The Foundation received 194 requests for next fiscal year’s wildlife funding. Of those, 84 were selected for full review at the WSAB meeting in March. Although 22 grants scored high enough for funding, the Foundation will only be able to fund about 12 new grants, along with 13 continuing studies. Just over $1 million will be allotted for wildlife health research in fiscal year 2014 (beginning July 1), which is about 20 percent of the overall budget for health studies. As a result of this new funding, some exciting new research will begin this summer, including Morris Animal Foundation’s first stingray study. These animals have begun developing cystic ovaries, for which there is no

Wildlife Work With our broad research scope, it’s no wonder Morris Animal Foundation is the global leader in animal health science. Here is a sampling of the health issues that will be addressed for wildlife. • Antibiotic use in red-tailed hawks • Disease transmission in African primates • Nutritional problems in rhinos • Infertility in African elephants • Infectious diseases in lions • Distemper in Siberian tigers • Pneumonia in bighorn sheep • White-nose syndrome in bats • Fatal fungal infections in amphibians • Reproductive disease in stingrays


Foundation-funded consortium makes worldwide advances in equine health B y H ei d i J eter

When Morris Animal Foundation staff brought together more than 30 experts from the equine industry for a twoday panel discussion in 2005, they didn’t know what the outcomes would be. The collective goal was to identify the major challenges facing equine health. The result was an Equine Consortium for Genetics Research (ECGR) that led to significant health advances for horses. Funded by the Foundation and led by University of Minnesota professors Dr. Jim Mickelson and Dr. Stephanie Valberg, the ECGR was developed through a collaboration of 32 scientists in nine countries. Initial funding helped the research team develop an equine SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) chip, which scientists then used to look for genetic differences among

horses. Several ECGR members developed tools to map chromosomal locations that appear to harbor genes for various equine heritable diseases and conditions. Use of these tools led to the discovery of specific mutations that cause lavender foal syndrome and dwarfism. A diagnostic test is now available for the former, and one is being developed for the latter. Genetic information was also learned about a multitude of other health issues. “This funding helped to start the group into the modern era of equine genome analysis,” Dr. Mickelson says. “Influence of this project clearly extended beyond the five U.S. institutions to the entire equine research community, and that worldwide impact is hard to quantify.” B

MYTH: Estate planning is only for the wealthy FACT: Morris Animal Foundation’s Lamplighter Society is for all animal lovers The word “estate” conjures up images of wealth, such as an expensive car rolling up a long driveway to a large mansion. Those of us without these means, therefore, may think estate planning doesn’t apply. The truth is, though, if you are 18 or older, you already have an estate plan. It was drafted by your state legislature. If you die without a will or a trust, your state’s laws govern who will inherit your assets. If you have minor children, these laws also govern who will be chosen as their guardian and the trustee of their inheritance until they reach the age of 18. Left without an estate plan, your family might endure a lengthy, public and possibly costly probate to administer your estate. 12

If you want to create a plan that reflects your choices and wishes, not the state’s, then regardless of your net worth or age, estate planning is appropriate for you. Creating a basic estate plan is neither expensive nor time consuming, and with the assistance of Morris Animal Foundation’s team of development professionals, it is much easier than you might think. B

We are grateful for the nearly 700 Lamplighters who have included Morris Animal Foundation in their estate plans. Officially designating the Foundation as a beneficiary is as easy as completing and returning a brief Lamplighter Enrollment Form, available by calling 800.243.2345 or downloading a PDF from the “Ways to Donate” section on our website.

Add meaning to your gifts Life is full of moments to celebrate and times to remember. Over the years, Morris Animal Foundation has offered a variety of ways to give a gift in memory or honor of special pets and people.

Morris Animal Foundation’s most meaningful gift guide

Give the gift of HOPE

The Morris Animal Foundation Meaningful Gift Guide is now available to download at, or call us at 800.243.2345 to request a printed copy.

www. Morris Anima lFound a tion. org / ways -to-d ona te

UPCOMING EVENTS Knoxville Gala Knoxville, TN

August 10

PetSafe K9 Cancer Walk Knoxville, TN September 22 65th Anniversary Celebration Gala Los Angeles, CA

With our expanding selections, we have created a special booklet that details all of the memorial and honor gift-giving options. Our new guide features one-of-a-kind tributes for any occasion.


trustees emeriti


Eve Anderson Patty Barnard G. Marvin Beeman Erik Bergishagen Lewis Berman R. Anthony Chamberlin Mrs. Robert V. Clark Jr. Robert Detterman Sue Ane Langdon Emrek Lester Fisher

Stanley M. Teeter, DVM, Chair (Topeka, KS) Hugh Lewis, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVP, Vice Chair (Vancouver, WA) Colin J. Giles, BVetMed, PhD, MRCVS, Treasurer (Richmond, VA) Amy Hunkeler, DVM, DACVO, Corporate Secretary (Lee’s Summit, MO)

board members

Heidi Jeter, Director of Communications

Prema Arasu, PhD, DVM, MBA (Pullman, WA) Roger H. Bohart (Boulder, CO) Mark Carter, PhD (Evergreen, CO) Deborah Davenport, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Lecompton, KS) Jim Dickie (Boulder, CO) Robin A. Downing, DVM, DAAPM (Windsor, CO) Susan Giovengo, DVM, PhD, MA (Cave Creek, AZ) James A. Kutsch Jr., PhD (Morristown, NJ) Lon Lewis, DVM, PhD, DACVN (Topeka, KS) Patrick O. Long, DVM (Corvallis, OR) Betty White Ludden (Los Angeles, CA) Bette M. Morris, PhD (Topeka, KS) Cynthia Morris (Eugene, OR) David R. Morris (Kansas City, MO) Janice Peterson (Ocean Park, WA) David Petrie (Wilton, CT) Dominic Travis, DVM, MS (St. Paul, MN) Cheryl A. Wagner (Roswell, GA)

animalnews contributors

presidents emeriti

October 19

For more information or to register, visit

or call 800.243.2345. S TA F F

executive David Haworth, DVM, PhD, President/CEO Wayne A. Jensen, DVM, PhD, MBA, Chief Scientific Officer Dan Reed, Executive Development Officer John Taylor, Chief Operating Officer

animalnews editor

Kimberly Smith Ben Snodgrass

Printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks.

Crossword Solution

Betty White Ludden Tom Sullivan


Morris Animal Foundation has received the highest charity rating.

Murray Fowler Richard Gebhardt Alan Kalter Arlene Klein Daniel Marsh Jr. Dayle Marsh Dennis Murphy Peter Rhulen Ken Rosenthal Mary Silkworth

Our staff is unable to provide veterinary medical advice. The opinions of study investigators may not necessarily be those of your companion animal’s veterinarian.

Materials, including photographs and artwork, in this publication may be reprinted only with the permission of Morris Animal Foundation. Please write or call to receive financial information or permission to reprint materials: Morris Animal Foundation, 10200 E. Girard Ave., Suite B430, Denver, Colorado 80231, or call us at 800.243.2345.

Morris Animal Foundation is a nonprofit organization and is tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Service w (c)(3). Our audited financial statement and state registration information are available upon request.

To remove your name from Morris Animal Foundation’s mailing list, send an email to or call us at 800.243.2345. ©2013 Morris Animal Foundation. All rights reserved.


10200 East Girard Avenue Suite B430 Denver, Colorado 80231



Double Your Donation— Only Through June 30

In honor of Morris Animal Foundation’s 65th anniversary, an anonymous donor J O I N


will match every donation made, dollar for dollar, up to $65,000. Your gifts help us work toward a brighter future for animals.

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