AnimalNews 13.1

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Special anniversary issue









st u d ies

1993 Celebrating 65 years

IN THIS ISSUE Special Report: 65 years of advancing animal health




0 1 PART 1: A story of discovery and chance

04 Your donations at work


07 Become a loyal friend to animals

11 Cleaner mouths, healthier pets

08 In loving memory

12 New online option helps

10 Clinical trial helps Duff beat

06 A ‘tiger’ teaches a lesson

the odds

memorialize pets

13 Join us across the country

in paying it forward


For many of us, the New Year is a time for making resolutions and renewing commitments. For me, it is a time to renew my commitment to Morris Animal Foundation.


Morris Animal Foundation improves the health and well-being of companion animals and wildlife by funding humane health studies and disseminating information about these studies. Photo credits from front cover & timeline Dog – Deborah Green • Four Feet Photos Horse – Photo courtesy of Suzanne Shaff Photography Cat – Photo courtesy of Suzanne Shaff Photography

Professionally, I am proud to play a role in the Foundation as it celebrates its 65th anniversary in 2013, and this issue of AnimalNEWS will tell you more about our history and successes. My dedication this year is personal as well. Shortly before the holidays, our Labrador Retriever, Luna, passed away at the ripe old age of 14. She was a queen among dogs, and the hole in our home won’t be filled anytime soon. A dog’s life (or that of any pet) never feels long enough—and her loss has left us aching. In talking with many of our supporters, I know that losing a beloved pet is what often leads someone to Morris Animal Foundation. There is something about pet loss that compels us to want to change things, make a difference and step up to the challenge of finding new cures, treatments and preventions for diseases. That is why so many of you choose to support Morris Animal Foundation. We are about advancing veterinary science, but more importantly, we are about hope. Morris Animal Foundation makes a difference in the lives of animals. Over the past 65 years, the Foundation has become the global leader in advancing veterinary medicine for animals. Animals certainly live longer and have a higher quality of life than they did in 1948, when our organization was founded, but there is still much work to be done. On behalf of Luna and all of the animals that have touched your lives, we will continue our vision to create a brighter future for animals and those who love them.


Thank you for your continued support.

Volume 13 Issue 1 February 2013

Kind regards,

AnimalNews is published four times a year by Morris Animal Foundation.

David Haworth, DVM, PhD President/CEO

10200 East Girard Avenue Suite B430 Denver, Colorado 80231 TOLL-FREE




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Special Report: 65 years of advancing animal health

PART 1: A story of discovery and chance

At Morris Animal Foundation, we believe scientific discoveries can change the world for animals. It’s fitting then that our Foundation grew from a revolutionary scientific discovery and a chance encounter between a visionary veterinarian, a tenacious blind man and a dog named Buddy. The story begins with Dr. Mark L. Morris Sr. Just two years after finishing veterinary school, Dr. Morris convinced a bank to loan him money to build the first hospital in the country exclusively for small animals. It was 1928, and the clinic in New Jersey was named Raritan Hospital for Animals.

A discovery that changes veterinary medicine At the time, there was almost no research into the health conditions of cats and dogs, so Dr. Morris, a scientist at heart, began his own. “We had many things affecting dogs, cats and other pets which were baffling and for which we had no answers,” he once said. “To me, it became obvious that we would be forced to work out some means of doing research ourselves if there ever were to be major breakthroughs in the

treatment of small animal ailments.” Soon he was taking blood samples and using charts from human medicine to try to draw medical conclusions in pets. Dr. Morris hired The Morrises built the first Dr. Alan Adler, one of the exclusively small animal clinic in 1928. Here Mark and first veterinary clinical Louise are pictured with their pathologists in the country, children, Ruth and Mark Jr. to help him figure out how to use analysis of blood and urine samples as a dependable method for diagnosing diseases in animals, something not even taught in veterinary schools at the time. When he presented his work, which concluded that many dogs thought to have intestinal disorders were actually suffering from kidney failure, at the 1932 convention of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the response from the crowd, primarily livestock veterinarians, was underwhelming. Fortunately, a group of small animal veterinarians saw the value of his work, and in 1933, they formed the American Animal Hospital Association with Dr. Morris as its first contin u e d on p a g e 2

Mark Morris Sr. founds the Buddy Foundation in Morristown, New Jersey, using royalties from the first animal diet developed to manage disease. The organization is named for Buddy (at left), one of the first dogs helped by the diet and one of the first guide dogs in the country.


The first canine study and first feline study are funded for $1,000 each. Both look at nutrition.


The Foundation begins funding equine studies. Overall funds top the $100,000 mark for the first time.

The Scientific Advisory Board is established. It becomes the organization’s guiding force for funding the highest-quality science.




Special Report: 65 years of advancing animal health

contin u e d f rom p a g e 1

national president. The organization was, and still remains, devoted to promoting high-quality pet care. Dr. Morris’s research expanded, and his collaboration with experts in human medicine at the Mayo Clinic and Rutgers University led to the discovery that kidney problems in dogs resulted from high consumption of poor-quality protein. During the Great Depression, a lack of table scraps had led dog owners to give their pets the inexpensive canned and dried foods that had hit grocery shelves. The foods contained low-grade meat by-products and were low in calories, and canine kidneys simply couldn’t manage the waste. Dr. Morris wrote then, “Dogs put on therapy at the Raritan Hospital and then fed a balanced diet as they felt better, quickly perked up. But when those canine patients went home, their owners would go to the store and buy more cans of dog food…so in a few days the clients would show up back at the hospital with their pets…It became a vicious and expensive cycle. It was apparent that the food was at fault.” His solution was to develop Raritan Ration B, a specially formulated dog food mix that owners could prepare at home.

After multiple name changes, the organization is renamed Morris Animal Foundation. The Foundation funds its first study at an international university: Guelph University.



The first wildlife study— a blood survey in zoo animals— is funded.

A chance encounter with a blind man The story might have ended there but for a chance encounter in 1939 when Dr. Morris was invited to a luncheon at the Seeing Eye, a pioneering organization providing guide dogs to the blind. The event was held fittingly in Morristown, New Jersey. There he met Morris Frank, the Seeing Eye’s first ambassador and the man Dr. Morris credits with prompting the series of events that would lead to the founding of Morris Animal Foundation. Over lunch, Dr. Morris learned that Frank’s guide dog, Buddy II, was in poor health. Dr. Morris offered a free exam, during which he performed one of his revolutionary blood tests. Buddy had failing kidneys and was sent home with bags of Raritan Ration B. In no time, the dog was better. But before long, Frank realized that the food, which required mixing with perishable proteins, wasn’t practical for a blind man traveling the country. Glass jars didn’t work for storage either. The solution was tin cans, but by this time World War II was under way, and Dr. Morris had no way of securing them. The determined Frank refused to give up, however, and through personal connections soon had several thousand tin cans and a canning machine delivered

1986 1971

Betty White joins the Board of Trustees.



Dr. Morris appears on the Today Show as a nutrition expert to talk about misleading claims made by a new dog food company.

At the request of primate expert Dr. Dian Fossey, the Foundation establishes the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project in Rwanda, the first program in the world to care for an endangered species in the field.

The Foundation funds research that will lead to the first parvovirus vaccine.

The Lamplighter Society is established, offering animal lovers ways to leave a legacy for animals through planned gifts.


Dr. Mark Morris Sr. dies at the age of 93, leaving a legacy that has forever changed veterinary medicine. His two children, Mark Morris Jr. and Ruth Keesling, continue to play integral roles as Foundation trustees.

Stay tuned as our historical series continues in the May issue.

to the clinic door. Dr. Morris and his wife, Louise, began canning the dog food in their kitchen. The formula worked so well and became so popular with veterinarians that in 1948 the Morrises partnered with Burton Hill, the president of Hill Packing Co. in Topeka, Kansas, which specialized in human food packaging. Under Dr. Morris’s close supervision, the company made and distributed the product, renamed k/d, and would go on to produce the many more Prescription Diets Dr. Morris would develop.

An organization solely to benefit animals Dr. Morris recognized the important role that animals play in the lives of people. He also understood that veterinary medicine couldn’t advance without quality research—and research needs financing. “Money for actual research into animal disease is very slim and very hard to come by. Federal funds, largely through the U.S. Department of Agriculture, mostly are spent on food animal research…And other federal monies handled by the National Institutes of Health are spent largely on investigations into diseases in humans,” he said. He envisioned an organization that would fund health research for animals, so his agreement with Hill stipulated

that royalties of one-half cent per tin would go directly into a separate fund. Those royalties were used to establish and fund the Buddy Foundation, Dr. Morris was one of the first a nonprofit organization veterinarians to use radiographic focused solely on research techniques in an animal hospital. into the health needs of animals. After a number of iterations, that organization became known in 1962 as Morris Animal Foundation. Though the royalty agreement ran out in 1968, Morris Animal Foundation continued to grow as a public organization, supported by dedicated animal lovers. Dr. Morris’s statements about the lack of governmental funding for pet health remain true today. Fortunately, thanks to two innovative and determined animal lovers, Morris Animal Foundation has been there to help fill the gap for 65 years. Today, the Foundation that began as merely a vision is the global leader in supporting science that advances veterinary medicine for animals. B

Morris Animal Foundation launches the Canine Cancer Campaign. This initiative invests more than $5 million in five years for research that leads to better cancer treatments and new tools for studying the disease. The Foundation launches training programs to encourage veterinary students to pursue research careers and to financially support new researchers, thereby helping to address a critical shortage of veterinary scientists.

The Foundation launches the Happy Healthy Cat Campaign to increase its research funding for feline health.

The Foundation celebrates 65 years of advancing animal health!

Dr. Mark Morris Jr. dies at age 72, having continued his father’s legacy and grown the Foundation into an organization known for funding the very best veterinary science.


Your donations at work

Special Report: Pain Management and Animal Health

Over the past 65 years, Morris Animal Foundation has become the global leader in animal health. We could not fulfill our mission of advancing veterinary medicine for animals without the help of generous supporters. Your donations through the years have truly made a difference in the lives of animals worldwide. Here’s a look at our broad scope and how we’ve grown since 1948.

Average amount per year for current grants

No. of studies funded in 1950

Total amount for the first grant funded

No. of studies managed in 2013

No. of institutions funded


No. of studies and student projects funded

No. of species helped










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Special Report: 65 years of advancing animal health

A ‘tiger’ teaches a lesson in paying it forward B y B en S no d g ress

People leave legacies in many ways and for many reasons. Dr. Mark Morris Sr. wanted his life’s work of advancing veterinary medicine to carry on, so he founded Morris Animal Foundation to continue his work. For others, a special animal prompts them to make a lasting difference. In 1991, Morris Animal Foundation established the Lamplighter Society to give our supporters the opportunity to leave a legacy of caring for animals. The society currently boasts more than 600 members—one of whom is Dr. Sandra McCrady.

My legacy will be to say

I helped defeat these diseases in my companions.

Learn more To learn more about the Lamplighter Society, contact a development officer at 800.243.2345 or ultimate vision of a world in which animals live long and healthy lives. We are grateful for Dr. McCrady, her fellow Lamplighters and all of our supporters who aid in our ongoing quest to find new discoveries and knowledge that will benefit animals today and in the future. “I can now pay it forward to find innovative and effective treatments for those diseases facing my companions—with the aid of others who also are passionate about our animal friends,” Dr. McCrady says. “My legacy will be to say I helped defeat these diseases in my companions.” B

Dr. Sandra McCrady

“It took one special canine companion to teach me how valuable funding for research really is,” Dr. McCrady says. “My dedication started when I lost my Tiger, a Great Pyrenees…to bone cancer at 14.” After Tiger’s death, Dr. McCrady’s veterinarian introduced her to Morris Animal Foundation when he made a memorial donation in Tiger’s name. She quickly saw the value in investing in science to advance animal health. She became a Foundation supporter and then a Lamplighter in 2004. “I am committed to caring, not only for my ‘house guests’ but also for their relatives, now and for generations to come,” Dr. McCrady says. “What better way to ensure they live a long, comfortable life than to be a contributor to the advancement of medical care for the future, supported by Morris Animal Foundation?” Morris Animal Foundation depends on the support of animal lovers, like Dr. McCrady, who believe in our 6

Save the Date Join our donor-exclusive webinar on complementary medicine in pets with Dr. Craig Webb, a Foundationfunded scientist from Colorado State University. DATE: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 TIME: 1:00 – 1:30 p.m. EST Learn more and register at

Become a loyal friend to animals This year marks an important occasion for all of us at Morris Animal Foundation: our 65th anniversary of supporting science that makes the world a brighter place for animals. Together with you, our loyal supporters, we’ve achieved some remarkable accomplishments over the years. At any given time, the Foundation is managing about 300 studies that are leading to breakthroughs in diagnostics, treatments, preventions and cures to benefit animals. As we start off a new year and celebrate our anniversary milestone, we encourage you to consider strengthening your support of Morris Animal Foundation through our Loyal Friends program. By becoming a Loyal Friend, you enroll in automatic monthly giving, providing the Foundation with ongoing, sustainable support for science that will advance veterinary medicine for animals. Even the smallest gift, given consistently, adds up to a substantial difference for animals. The monthly giving program makes it easy for you to budget your charitable giving, allows you to monitor your giving through our online service center and ensures that you receive our quarterly eNEWS and AnimalNEWS newsletters. With your monthly gift of $30—just $1 a day—you have the option of receiving a special Morris Animal Foundation reusable lunch tote.

Your monthly gift of $30 or more gets you a reusable lunch tote. Sorry, but the cat isn’t included.

Of course, any gift—whether a monthly or a single donation—is greatly appreciated. Only with your help can we build on our proud 65-year legacy of helping animals. Your support has made Morris Animal Foundation the global leader in animal health science. Dr. Mark Morris Sr. started something exceptional when he created Morris Animal Foundation in 1948. Together with our partners and supporters, we continue to change veterinary medicine. Thank you for being a part of our shared progress. B

Sign up today using the enclosed envelope, or log on to give through our secure website,

I chose Morris Animal Foundation because they are the people that search for and develop cures for many diseases. I can say firsthand that they are amazing people. If it weren’t for them, I would have lost my cat, Misty, when she was 10 years old and then again at 15 years old to cancer. I, too, am a two-time cancer survivor. She was the only one I had to get me through. I have chosen to give monthly donations to the Morris Animal Foundation so that they can continue to keep all animals alive.

Suzanne Finkel via Facebook


In loving memory At Morris Animal Foundation, we understand the love between people and their pets and the significance of losing these wonderful companions. Pets are part of our families, and this section honors the special animals that have touched their families’ lives. The pets in this section were honored through qualifying donations made between Sept. 16, 2012, and Dec. 15, 2012. These gifts will be used to invest in science that creates a brighter world for animals. With your gift of $200 or more per pet, you can include a special pet in the “In loving memory” section of AnimalNEWS.

We will do our best to include the pet’s photo when you send it along with your donation. For donations of $500 or more, a brass plate engraved with the pet’s name and his or her family’s name will also be added to the Pet Memorial Wall located in Morris Animal Foundation’s headquarters. We will also engrave a special commemorative keepsake with the pet’s name and send it to the family. For more information about tribute options, or to make your gift, visit the “Donate” section of our website and click on Memorial and Honor Gifts, or use the prepaid envelope included in AnimalNEWS.








8 7

































Amanda (1)

Cleo (12)

Honcho (19)

Pleasant Valley Chenoa

Athena (2)


Jeremy (20)

Poolie (30)




Robbie (31)

Beloved Dog DO NO R : Sue-Ellen & Peter Osika FAMI LY: Sue-Ellen & Peter Osika Beloved Companion & Everyone’s Friend DO NO R : Bob DeVault & Julia Watts FAMI LY: Bob DeVault & Julia Watts

Averie (3)

Beloved Norfolk Terrier DO NO R : Marleen Greif FAMI LY: Patricia Rogers

Beloved Soul Mate D ON OR : Carole Fitzpatrick FAMI LY: Carole & Ben Fitzpatrick Beloved Dog & Companion D ON OR : Phyllis Vitale & Family FAMI LY: Christina & Christopher Seeber


Bailey (4)

Beloved Pet D ON OR : Jane Wallace FAMI LY: Ann Osborn

Baxter (5)

Beloved Saint Bernard D ON OR : Clara Yau FAMI LY: Clara & Chee Hew

Beloved Dog DO NO R : Michelle Kraus FAMI LY: Michelle Kraus


Beloved Baby Boy DO NO R : David Sumner & Susan Haugen Sumner FAMI LY: David, Susan, Molly & Scrappy

Duchess (13)


Beloved Pet D ON OR : Clair Rolfs FAMI LY: The Baldus Family

Beloved Pet DO NO R : John & Alice Crichton FAMI LY: John & Alice Crichton


Beloved Pet DO NO R : Hill’s Pet Nutrition FAMI LY: The Fisher Family

Bingo Boisclair

Beloved Pet DO NO R : Jeffrey Jens & Ann Boisclair FAMI LY: Jeffrey Jens & Ann Boisclair


Beloved Pet DO NO R : Stream Valley Veterinary Hospital FAMI LY: Mr. & Mrs. McCaffrey

Boomer (6)

Beloved Dog D ON OR : Robert Denard FAMI LY: The Denard Family


Emily (14)

Beloved Cat D ON OR : Robert Denard FAMI LY: The Denard Family

Emily (15)

Beloved Pet D ON OR : Steven Diener FAMI LY: The Diener Family

Fellow (16)

Beloved Dog D ON OR : Cathy Gust FAMI LY: Zoltan Soos & Melinda Priskin

Finnigan (17)

Beloved Dog DO NO R : Pamela & Arnold Loeb FAMI LY: Pamela & Arnold Loeb

Beloved Companion & a Sweet Boy D ON OR : Sandra Toenjes & Friends of Finn FAMI LY: Sandra Toenjes

Boots (7)


Beloved Cat DO NO R : Nyle & Maria Verkist FAMI LY: Nyle & Maria Verkist

Brinkley (8)

Beloved Greyhound D ON OR : Sally Rau McIntosh FAMI LY: Melanie Guthrie & David Baker

Candi & Heather

Beloved Pet D ON OR : Nancy Dickenson FAMI LY: Nancy Dickenson

Beloved Golden Retriever DO NO R : Kimberly Fontinell FAMI LY: The Fontinell Family Beloved Smooth Collies DO NO R : Carol S. Martin FAMI LY: Carol S. Martin

CH. Ta-Jon’s (9) Whimsically Marlee

Beloved “Whimsy” DO NO R : Emery & Mary Lee Smiser FAMI LY: Emery & Mary Lee Smiser

Chicago & Beckett

Beloved Cats DO NO R : Marcia Gortowski FAMI LY: The Gortowski Family

Cisco (10)

Beloved Cat DO NO R : Dawn Horst FAMI LY: Kevin & Dawn Horst

Clark (11)

Beloved Greyhound DO NO R : Linda & Skip Flaherty FAMI LY: Linda & Skip Flaherty



Beloved Pet D ON OR : Sally Rau McIntosh FAMI LY: Donna & Kris Seago

Haiku (18)

Beloved Cat D ON OR : Robert Denard FAMI LY: The Denard Family


Beloved Cat D ON OR : Marcia Gortowski FAMI LY: The Gortowski Family

Heerman’s Ernie

Beloved Miniature Horse D ON OR : Robert Loer FAMI LY: Barbara Loer


Beloved Pet D ON OR : Thomas & Ellen Komadina FAMI LY: Thomas & Ellen Komadina

Beloved Dog DO NO R: Judith W. Ditfurth FAM ILY: Judith W. Ditfurth Beloved Bulldog DO NO R: Judith W. Ditfurth FAM ILY: Judith W. Ditfurth Beloved Horse DO NO R: Barbara G. Cannizzo FAM ILY: Diane Carlson Beloved Pet DO NO R: Beverly Parkhurst FAM ILY: The Kuslich Family

Beloved Miniature Horse DO NO R: Robert Loer FAM ILY: Barbara Loer

Beloved Cat DO NO R: Patricia Branch FAM ILY: Patricia & Bill Branch Beloved Pet DO NO R: Mary Susan Paulini FAM ILY: The Paulini Family

Lowrey’s Miss Laura Lea

Beloved Golden Retriever DO NO R: Ronald Yucas & John DeForge FAM ILY: Claire Peterson

Luna (21)

Beloved Dog DO NO R: Scott & Katherine McMullen FAM ILY: The McMullen Family

Luna (22)

Beloved Pets DO NO R: Katharine Irwin FAM ILY: Jean & Bill Choate

Maxie (23)

Beloved Black Lab DO NO R: Lee Grover FAM ILY: The Adams Family

Beloved Miniature Horse DO NO R: Robert Loer FAM ILY: Barbara Loer

Beloved Lodestar DO NO R: Kaete Elliott FAM ILY: Jelly, Moja, Tally & Kaete Beloved Friend, Babysitter & Confidante DO NO R: David & Claudia Haworth FAM ILY: The Haworth Family Beloved Pet DO NO R: Elizabeth Conrad FAM ILY: The Robert Conrad Family

Mick (24)

Beloved Pet DO NO R: Fran Sunseri FAM ILY: Fran Sunseri

Molly (25)

Beloved Yellow Lab DO NO R: Susanne F. Maloy & Louis R. Munch FAM ILY: Susanne F. Maloy & Louis R. Munch


Beloved Black Lab DO NO R: Susanne F. Maloy & Kathryn Wilderotter FAM ILY: The Wilderotter Family

Montgomery, Mr. Goose (26)

Beloved English Mastiff DO NO R: Kaitlin Haws FAM ILY: Matt, Amiee & Annabelle

Nicky (27)

Beloved Horse DO NO R: Pamela & Arnold Loeb FAM ILY: Jackie Loeb

Noel & Chandler

Beloved Pets DO NO R: John & Janice Mickelson FAM ILY: John & Janice Mickelson

Peg (28)

Beloved Dog DO NO R: James & Gillian Rose FAM ILY: James & Gillian Rose

Pepper & Madison (29)

Beloved Pets DO NO R: Bill & Denise Jordan FAM ILY: The Jordan Family


Romeo (32)

Sam & Lizzie

Sasha “Baby” Adams (33)

Scout (34)

Beloved Friend, Companion & Beautiful Soul DO NO R: Arlene & Ron Klein FAM ILY: Arlene & Ron Klein


Beloved Dog DO NO R: Cindy Trlica FAM ILY: Julia Ulmer

Toby (35)

Beloved Dog DO NO R: Debra Roe FAM ILY: Katherine Walker


Beloved Pet DO NO R: Ron McAlister FAM ILY: The McAlister Family

Truman (36)

Beloved Friend & Companion DO NO R: The Truman Collar Website FAM ILY: Debby & Terry Fitch

Twig (37)

Beloved Dog DO NO R: Your Friends & Students FAM ILY: Katy Robertson


Beloved Dog DO NO R: James L. Elston FAM ILY: James L. Elston

Whiskey (38)

Beloved Special Boy DO NO R: Kellie Herrera FAM ILY: The Herrera Family

Wiley (39)

Beloved Beagle DO NO R: Brenda Heaster & Keith Ritter FAM ILY: Brenda Heaster & Keith Ritter

Beloved Greyhound DO NO R: Sally Rau McIntosh FAM ILY: Michelle Belisle


Clinical trial helps Duff beat the odds B y Am y E ttin g er

When Charlotte Rowell learned that her beloved Scottish Terrier McDuff was suffering from bladder cancer, she immediately enrolled him in a clinical trial at the University of Missouri. Duff, as his owners called him, was diagnosed in October 2010 and was expected to live only three months. Fortunately, a week after Rowell received the grim news, Duff was in the care of Dr. Carolyn Henry and her team at the university’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Henry was in the middle of conducting a clinical trial, funded by Morris Animal Foundation, that is testing a new treatment protocol. Her treatment combines a new antitumor drug, Tavocept, with cisplatin, a chemotherapy drug, and piroxicam, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Dr. Henry says the drug combination drastically shortens the time for each cancer treatment session. The current cancer treatment protocol usually takes about nine hours to give to a dog. Adding Tavocept, which is being used for human treatments, shortens the regimen to just 90 minutes. By shortening the treatment time, veterinarians should be able to administer cancer treatments in their local clinics, rather than having to send the dog to a specialty clinic.

Duff’s tumors shrank in half after only two treatments.

Through a Foundation-funded study, Dr. Carolyn Henry (left) helped Duff live a year and a half after his bladder cancer diagnosis.

Duff made seven 14-hour trips from Houston to Missouri for treatment. After only two treatments, his tumor had decreased by 55 percent. In addition, while most dogs with bladder cancer experience bleeding in the bladder and an increased need to urinate, the blood in Duff’s urine completely disappeared. He was active and pain-free at the age of 11. He outlived his prognosis by a year and a half, finally succumbing to the disease last January. “His quality of life was really good up until about a week before he died,” Rowell says. “I really believe that the Tavocept works.” Dr. Henry was inspired to develop the clinical trial after meeting with Frederick Hausheer, founder of the pharmaceutical company that developed Tavocept. Her study has shown promising results in the 14 dogs that participated. Not only will the data help improve bladder cancer treatment but it may also help doctors who are treating human cancer patients, according to Dr. Henry. “It’s great that we’re helping animals, and it’s wonderful that we have the potential to help humans as well,” Dr. Henry says. “This clinical trial is a great example of how these partnerships are mutually beneficial.” This Foundation-funded research has the potential to greatly improve the lives of dogs suffering from a variety of cancers. Next, Dr. Henry hopes to evaluate how Tavocept affects large-breed dogs suffering from bone cancer and determine how they react to the drug protocol. B


Cleaner mouths, healthier pets B y B en S no d g ress

New device could prevent plaque buildup According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, 85 percent of dogs show some signs of gum disease (also known as gingivitis) by age 3. That’s bad news for pets because, left untreated, gum disease can lead to many health issues. At the root of oral disease is plaque, a microbial biofilm that forms on the surface of teeth and leads to tartar buildup and gingivitis. Gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, a serious infection causing inflammation of the supporting structures of the teeth. Humans can prevent plaque buildup and resulting oral disease by brushing their teeth, but dog owners have more of a difficult time brushing their pet’s teeth and often overlook their pet’s oral health.

the drinking water. The trick is that the pet wears a radiofrequency identification (RFID) transmitter on its collar, which transmits a unique signal that is recognized by the P3S water reservoir. When the pet takes a drink, the RFID signal triggers the release of a small volume of molecular iodine into the circulating water. So far, preliminary results are promising. “If we can prove that this treatment prevents the buildup of plaque, or at least helps reduce this buildup and subsequent periodontal disease, then this will have a huge impact on the lives of dogs and potentially cats, too,” Dr. Goldstein says. Cleaner mouths equal lower risk of the death, illness and suffering that result from oral disease. B

With Morris Animal Foundation funding, Dr. Gary S. Goldstein, from the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, is researching what could become an easy solution to the plaque plague in pets. “The No. 1 priority in veterinary dentistry is preventive dental care,” Dr. Goldstein says. “The biggest challenge we face is owner compliance.” Dr. Goldstein believes that adding molecular iodine, an oral antiseptic, into a dog’s drinking water twice daily may prevent the formation and accumulation of plaque, thus significantly reducing the risk of oral disease. He compares this process to humans rinsing with antiseptic mouthwash to combat plaque and bacteria buildup. To address the compliance issue, he is also investigating the reliability of an automated delivery system, the Pet Plaque Prevention System (P3S), invented by Dr. Jim Richards. “The genesis of the P3S began with our Siamese cat, Gandolf, and yellow Labrador, Shadow, in 2007. Both pets developed periodontal disease with associated halitosis,” Dr. Richards says. “Our veterinarian scolded us for not paying attention to their oral health and talked about daily tooth brushing.” Because molecular iodine doesn’t dissolve easily in water and quickly separates, Dr. Richards designed the P3S to determine the exact time when the iodine should mix with

Adding an oral antiseptic to the water dish could help dogs clean up their hygiene and dodge gum disease. 11

At Morris Animal Foundation we understand the love that people have for their pets and the significance of losing these wonderful companions. With your donation of $50 or more, you can upload an image of your choice and add a personalized sentiment. Your pet’s tribute will appear in the In Loving Memory gallery within one week of donating and will remain there for a minimum of six months. Click here to set up your tribute.

New online option helps memorialize pets At Morris Animal Foundation we understand the love people have for their pets and the significance of losing these wonderful companions. Pets are part of our families, too, and that is why we offer meaningful ways to honor the special animals that have touched their families’ lives. Our new “In Loving Memory” online memorial photo gallery offers pet owners another way to memorialize

special pets. With your donation of $50 or more, you can upload an image of your pet and add a personalized sentiment. Your pet’s tribute will appear in the In Loving Memory gallery within one week of donating and will remain there for a minimum of six months. Your donation, in addition to being a meaningful tribute, supports Morris Animal Foundation’s work to make the world a brighter place for animals. B

For information about all of our tribute options, visit the “Memorial and Honor Gifts” section of our website.

The next 65 years of DISCOVERY begin with you Our founder, Dr. Mark Morris Sr., believed science could transform the world of animal health. We’ve been building upon his legacy for more than six decades. You can help us continue. Become a FOUNDING MEMBER of the Circle of Discovery with a gift of at least $3,000 before June 30, 2013. The animals will thank you.

Contact the Development Office at 800.243.2345 or visit us online at


Join us across the country A number of events to benefit Morris Animal Foundation will take place in 2013. Thank you to the volunteers organizing these great events. For more information, visit the “Events” section at February 23

San Diego K9 Cancer Walk, San Diego, California

April 28

Elk Grove K9 Cancer Walk, Elk Grove, California

August 10

September 22

PetSafe Black Tie & Tails Gala, Knoxville, Tennessee PetSafe K9 Cancer Walk, Knoxville, Tennessee






trustees emeriti

Stanley M. Teeter, DVM, Chair (Topeka, KS) Hugh Lewis, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVP, Vice Chair (Vancouver, WA) Colin J. Giles, BVetMed, PhD, MRCVS Treasurer (Galesburg, MI) Amy Hunkeler, DVM, DACVO, Corporate Secretary (Lee’s Summit, MO)

Eve Anderson Patty Barnard G. Marvin Beeman Erik Bergishagen Lewis Berman R. Anthony Chamberlin Mrs. Robert V. Clark Jr. Robert Detterman Sue Ane Langdon Emrek Lester Fisher

David Haworth, DVM, PhD, President/CEO Wayne A. Jensen, DVM, PhD, MBA, Chief Scientific Officer Dan Reed, Executive Development Officer John Taylor, Chief Operating Officer

animalnews editor Heidi Jeter, Director of Communications

animalnews contributors Amy Ettinger Ben Snodgrass For a full listing of Morris Animal Foundation staff, please visit the About Us section at

H O U R S & C O N TA C T I N F O Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. Mountain Time TOLL-FREE





10200 East Girard Avenue Suite B430 Denver, Colorado 80231

board members Prema Arasu, PhD, DVM, MBA (Pullman, WA) Roger H. Bohart (Boulder, CO) Mark Carter, PhD (Evergreen, CO) Deborah Davenport, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Lecompton, KS) Jim Dickie (Boulder, CO) Robin A. Downing, DVM, DAAPM (Windsor, CO) Susan Giovengo, DVM, PhD, MA (Phoenix, AZ) James A. Kutsch Jr., PhD (Morristown, NJ) Lon Lewis, DVM, PhD, DACVN (Topeka, KS) Patrick O. Long, DVM (Corvallis, OR) Betty White Ludden (Los Angeles, CA) Bette M. Morris, PhD (Topeka, KS) Cynthia Morris (Shawnee, KS) David R. Morris (Shawnee, KS) Janice Peterson (Ocean Park, WA) David Petrie (Wilton, CT) Dominic Travis, DVM, MS (St. Paul, MN) Cheryl A. Wagner (Roswell, GA)

Printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks.

STUDY SPONSORS Thank you to the generous animal lovers who sponsored studies featured in this issue at a level ranging from $3,000 per year to the full cost of the project: Foundation for Veterinary Dentistry Health Trust Fund of the Scottish Terrier Club of America Westie Foundation of America Inc.

presidents emeriti Betty White Ludden Tom Sullivan

Please use the envelope inserted in this issue to provide updated information and to alert us of duplicate mailings. Thank you for helping us save postage costs.

Murray Fowler Richard Gebhardt Alan Kalter Arlene Klein Daniel Marsh Jr. Dayle Marsh Dennis Murphy Peter Rhulen Ken Rosenthal Mary Silkworth


Morris Animal Foundation has received the highest charity rating.

Our staff is unable to provide veterinary medical advice. The opinions of study investigators may not necessarily be those of your companion animal’s veterinarian.

Materials, including photographs and artwork, in this publication may be reprinted only with the permission of Morris Animal Foundation. Please write or call to receive financial information or permission to reprint materials: Morris Animal Foundation, 10200 E. Girard Ave., Suite B430, Denver, Colorado 80231, or call us at 800.243.2345.

Morris Animal Foundation is a nonprofit organization and is tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Service w (c)(3). Our audited financial statement and state registration information are available upon request.

To remove your name from Morris Animal Foundation’s mailing list, send an email to or call us at 800.243.2345. ©2013 Morris Animal Foundation. All rights reserved.


10200 East Girard Avenue Suite B430 Denver, Colorado 80231





we exceeded our match!

Your December donations will help us accomplish twice as much for animals this year. Morris Animal Foundation will use these gifts to advance veterinary medicine and create a brighter world for animals and those who love them. Thank you also to everyone who participated in our Best Matching (or mismatched) Pet Pair Photo Contest. Special thanks to Paul Mitchell Schools for their generous partnership and for sponsoring this Matching Gift Challenge. BEST MATCH WINNER

Laura Tuttle, “Best Buds”


Kathlene Lentz, “Leo cat and Mom Jada”

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