AnimalNews 13.3

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A focus on major health areas B y H ei d i J eter

When you look into the eyes of your beloved pet who is suffering from cancer or kidney disease or another animal illness, you are often searching for answers. That’s why so many people turn to Morris Animal Foundation and our quest for discoveries that will find solutions to animal health problems. Unfortunately, the field of science can be frustratingly slow. It’s unlikely that a single study will lead to a massive breakthrough. More often than not, one project builds upon another until, eventually, something critical is discovered that changes how veterinarians and owners are able to care for pets. While the focus is often on the “big breakthrough,” every step along the research path is important to reaching the destination. Morris Animal Foundation’s role is to make certain there is funding for all of the important steps—it’s one of the reasons we manage some 300 studies each year.

Improved quality of life Foundation–funded advancements in nutrition, pain management, prevention, disease management and welfare have increased the quality of life for pets and wildlife. By supporting the development of countless diagnostic tests, treatments and cures, the Foundation has improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of animals.

Any one of these studies alone may not offer quick answers, but when you evaluate broad areas like cancer and infectious diseases, you can see that the Foundation has made significant inroads into preventing, diagnosing and treating animal illnesses. Nearly all of our studies fall within a handful of program areas: pet cancer, improved quality of life, emerging science and technology, training new scientists and global wildlife health.

Morris Animal Foundation prides itself on funding both basic and clinically applicable research. Some of the areas of cutting-edge science supported by the Foundation include stem-cell therapy research, development of genetic tests, testing of alternative medicines, and translational use of human medicines and procedures to help animals.

Pet cancer

Training new scientists

Morris Animal Foundation has supported more than 200 cancer studies to improve the health of dogs, cats and horses. These studies have led to more effective treatments, improved diagnostic tools and identification of genetic factors associated with cancer—all of which are helping owners and veterinarians prevent and treat cancer in pets.

From its earliest beginnings, the Foundation’s funding has helped train thousands of researchers. Formal programs such as the Veterinary Student Scholars Program, Fellowship Training Grants and First Award Grants have helped launched the careers of some of the veterinary research community’s most promising scientific minds.

Emerging science and technology

continued on page 3

13.2 13.3


IN THIS ISSUE 2 Your gifts at work 3 Working toward a better future for dogs with GDV

4 Historical series part 3: the golden age of foundation volunteers

Your gifts at work Over the past 65 years, Morris Animal Foundation has become a global leader in animal health. We could not fulfill our mission of advancing veterinary medicine without the help of generous supporters like you.

6 Zuma: Golden Retriever Lifetime

The right dose gets better results

6 Treating oral and nasal tumors

Chemotherapy is the go-to therapy for treating dogs with cancer. But does a Scottish Terrier need the same dose as a Golden Retriever? Factors such as age, weight, gender, temperature, body fat percentage and kidney function all make a difference. Researchers at the University of Tennessee developed a normalizing factor for the drug carboplatin that will help veterinarians tailor the dose to the specific needs of individual dogs. Meanwhile, researchers from Oklahoma State University developed dosing calculations for the drug vinca alkaloids, which will help in drug development and dose calculation. These recommendations will be particularly useful for treating the smallest and largest of our canine friends. ✢

Study participant spotlight

7 Why should you care about bats? 7 Veterinary honor fuels health research 8 Upcoming events 8 New major giving opportunities 8 Workplace giving

More than a gut feeling with probiotics


Morris Animal Foundation improves the health and well-being of companion animals and wildlife by funding humane health studies and disseminating information about these studies. AnimalNews

Volume 13 Issue 3 Fall 2013

AnimalNews is published four times a year by Morris Animal Foundation. 10200 East Girard Avenue Suite B430 Denver, Colorado 80231 T OL L- F R EE




As people become more familiar with the power of probiotics in preventing and managing intestinal problems, it comes as no surprise that these tiny organisms may also help our feline friends. Inflammatory bowel disease is a common cause of chronic vomiting and diarrhea in cats, and current treatments often fail to control symptoms. Researchers at Colorado State University showed for the first time that probiotic supplementation is safe in cats. It’s also effective—about 70 percent of cat owners participating in the study reported an improvement in their pet’s chronic diarrhea while the cat was on probiotics. Another surprising discovery? Probiotics may actually trigger the cat’s own immune system to increase production of beneficial substances. ✢

Absorbable staples connect colic surgery and success Horses with colic suffer even more if they develop surgical complications, particularly infections at the incision site. Metallic staples and suture, the standards for incision closure in horses, can lead to inflammation, bacterial infection and scarring. Absorbable staples are routinely used in human surgeries, and thanks to researchers at the University of Wyoming, horses have started benefiting, too. This pilot study was the first to determine that absorbable staples are safe for use in horses. As an extension of this study, scientists are now using them in clinical cases and having very promising results. ✢

Higher doses prevent pain in parrots Birds of a feather may flock together, but when it comes to pain management in avian species, one dose doesn’t fit all. Tramadol is routinely used to relieve moderate to severe pain in humans and other species, including birds. Researchers from the University of Tennessee and the University of California–Davis discovered, however, that the doses of tramadol recommended for other avian species don’t work in Hispanolian parrots. Based on this finding, the researchers tested higher doses until they identified one that was safe and effective for parrots. This drug holds the promise of being the first orally administered, long-acting analgesic for birds. ✢

Morris Animal Foundation has received the highest charity rating. ©2013 Morris Animal Foundation. All rights reserved.


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Working toward a better prognosis for dogs with bloat B y B en S no d g ress

Imagine walking into the kitchen to see your recently fed dog retching and in obvious pain. You may initially think he just ate a bit too much, but he could be in much more serious trouble. If his stomach looks distended and he gets weaker or collapses, chances are your canine friend may have developed gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), more commonly referred to as bloat. In more simple terms, his stomach has expanded and twisted, cutting off crucial blood supply to the stomach and resulting in severe shock to the rest of his body. In some cases, bloat is not accompanied by a twist of the stomach, or may be caused by too much food. These cases have much higher survival rates and can often be treated with aggressive medical and surgical management. However, every moment is critical to your dog’s survival when bloat with stomach twisting occurs. Left untreated, the survival rate is near zero. Large, deep-chested dogs, such as Great Danes, Weimaraners and St. Bernards, are particularly prone to GDV, though any breed can develop it. Dr. Elizabeth Rozanski, a researcher from Tufts University, hopes to improve the outcome for dogs with this disease. With Morris Animal Foundation funding, she is searching for more effective methods of evaluating the prognosis for dogs with GDV. “The goal of this study is to better evaluate why some dogs with gastric dilatation-volvulus recover uneventfully while others have severe illness and prolonged hospital stays or don’t survive this devastating disease,” Dr. Rozanski says. Her team has reviewed the cases of nearly 500 dogs with GDV and found that abnormal blood clotting could be the factor most associated with high morbidity in patients. “We have discovered that some dogs show no evidence of excessive clotting and have a rapid recovery, while other dogs show early evidence of excessive or inadequate blood clotting that leads to more severe heart problems and organ damage,” Dr. Rozanski says. Researchers also showed that when clotting abnormalities occurred early in the course of disease and then returned to normal, the dogs had positive outcomes, while worsening of the clotting abnormalities was associated with more severe

disease and higher risk of death. “This project provides us with vital information, including the potential to develop an ability to intervene in these dogs early on and prevent the small blood clots from causing complications. This could help lower the mortality rate of this devastating disease,” Dr. Rozanski says. Knowing which dogs with GDV have an increased risk for death or a prolonged hospital stay will help clinicians identify those animals in need of more aggressive care and will hopefully improve survival rates. ✢

A focus on major health areas continued from page 1

Global wildlife health As one of the only funders of wildlife health research, Morris Animal Foundation’s support has been crucial to the survival of many species. Our investments have led to greater legal protections for endangered species such as California sea otters, in-field veterinary care for animals in the wild such as mountain gorillas, advances in pain management, prevention of disease spread, and breeding techniques and tools that are helping to save species from extinction. As we move into our fiscal year 2014, we hope to make it easier for you to understand how our work affects you and the animals you love. Morris Animal Foundation’s role in advancing veterinary medicine is worth celebrating. We look forward to sharing more about how your gifts are helping us make the world a brighter place for animals. ✢ 3

Historical series part 3:

The golden age of foundation volunteers Getting Morris Animal Foundation off the ground was a true labor of love that was heavily reliant upon volunteers, including the trustees, the scientific advisory board members and thousands of animal lovers. As Morris Animal Foundation began its transition from a private family foundation to a public nonprofit organization and launched a $9.5 million fundraising campaign in 1981 during a sharp economic slowdown, even more animal lovers were needed.

Trustees Bob Barker, left, and Tish Hewitt met with Foundation founder Mark L. Morris, DVM, at the 1981 annual meeting in Chicago. Actress Mary Crosby became National Ride for Research chairman in 1985.

Executive director Claude Ramsey remarked at the time, “I think the Morris Animal Foundation has the cream in volunteers, but we need more cream. So for the next few years we’ll be constantly seeking new volunteers, properly nurturing them, as we grow. And we’ll not grow to grow, but grow to fill a vital need in animal health.” And grow we did—with the help of some very highprofile volunteers. Mary Tyler Moore became the honorary chairwoman of the four-year fundraising campaign. Betty White, the woman who would become a powerful force behind Morris Animal Foundation’s success, was elected board president in 1982. A host of other prominent figures signed on as trustees, including Penny Chenery, the owner and breeder of racehorse Secretariat; game show host Bob Barker and “Wild Kingdom’s” Marlin Perkins. Beyond the star-studded cast, animal lovers throughout the country launched fundraising events, such as the Ride for Research and the Dog-A-Thon.

Ruth Keesling and Mark L. Morris Jr., DVM, PhD, were named lifetime trustees of the Foundation created by their father. Here they are at the 1985 annual meeting in Hawaii. Marlin Perkins, host of Mutual of Omaha’s “Wild Kingdom,’’ was a Foundation trustee for many years and was named trustee emeritus.

By October 1985, the Foundation hit its revised campaign goal of $11.5 million raised in four years, to this day the Foundation’s largest fundraising campaign. Morris Animal Foundation’s future as a successful and financially stable nonprofit was secured. As the Foundation enters the years ahead, we are once again embarking on some of our biggest endeavors ever. And to echo Ramsey’s sentiments, we are once again growing not for the sake of growth itself, but to continue to fill a vital need in animal health. ✢ (Information taken from Foundation archives as well as “Mark Morris Veterinarian” and “Of Their Own Free Will,” both written by Willard C. Haselbush.)


Former Trustee Mrs. Kenyon Bevan started a memorial fund to fight colic in honor of her Arabian stallion, Kimfa. She was an ardent supporter of the Foundation’s memorial program.

Penny Chenery, right, owner and breeder of the racehorse Secretariat, served on the board of trustees. She is shown here with Mark Morris Sr. and Louise Morris in 1973.

Actress Mary Tyler Moore, left, and Foundation President Dona Singlehurst, center, joined in a tribute to outgoing President Betty White Ludden, right, at the 1985 annual meeting in Los Angeles. Karen Heiser, of Hamilton, Ohio, arranged the first Dog-A-Thon, for which participants collected pledges for each mile they and their dogs walked. Proceeds funded canine health studies.

Colic, laminitis, reproductive disorders and Potomac horse fever studies all received funds from Rides for Research. Horse club members planned a ride, marked a trail, and collected pledges for each mile ridden. For many years, the Danville Junior Horsemen’s Association of California, the first group to conduct the ride, led the nation in funds raised. Roger Caras, wildlife enthusiast and television personality, served as zoo/wildlife division vice president from 1970 to 1974.

Robert Detterman, Thousand Oaks, California, a breeder of Arabian horses and fancier of exotic birds, served as chairman of the board of trustees beginning in 1984. Dian Fossey, PhD, left the jungles of Rwanda to speak at the 1985 annual meeting and primate symposium. The Foundation began the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project at Dr. Fossey’s request.

Gala of hope Morris Animal Foundation will celebrate its 65th anniversary with an inaugural Gala of HOPE, which offers animal lovers a special evening to celebrate animals and to honor Betty White’s commitment to animal health and Morris Animal Foundation. The night will include a cocktail reception, gourmet dinner, silent and live auctions, entertainment and dancing. The event will take place Saturday, October 19, 2013, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Ritz Carlton, in Marina del Rey, California. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit



Golden Retriever Lifetime Study participant spotlight B y B en S no d g ress

Over the last 10 years, six Golden Retrievers have been part of Jerry Stark’s family. Three of those beloved dogs died of cancer— hemangiosarcoma, intestinal and bone. One died of a blood clot and another of an enlarged heart. Zuma, who turned 2 last spring, is part of what will be the most influential veterinary study to date. Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is providing hope to dog lovers everywhere. As of August 1, the Foundation had enrolled more than 600 Golden Retrievers in this landmark study with more joining in the effort every day. “For Zuma and other Golden Retrievers, I am hoping that we can gain significant insight into the excessive amounts of cancer in the breed,” Jerry says, “and hopefully this information will spill over to the other breeds with high incidences of cancer.” The sky is the limit on what this study will discover about canine health, but it requires dedicated owners to fuel this research. A total of 3,000 Golden Retrievers are needed from throughout the contiguous United States. “Joining this study is the most important thing anyone who loves Golden Retrievers can do,” Jerry says. If you or anyone you know has a Golden Retriever younger than 2 years of age, register at ✢ 6

Treating oral and nasal tumors B y H ei d i J eter

Dr. Susan LaRue has focused her entire career on preventing and treating cancer in cats. Her most recent work, funded by Morris Animal Foundation, looks at one of the most devastating cancers. Not only is oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) the third most common cancer in cats, but it is also extremely painful and spreads quickly. Once diagnosed, cats rarely live more than a few months. “We have tried numerous treatment modalities over the years, but nothing has improved the overall outcome,” says Dr. LaRue, a professor and the head of the radiation oncology service at Colorado State University. “Oncologists and clients alike are desperate for answers for this terrible disease.” More recently, Dr. La Rue has begun using stereotactic radiation therapy (SRT) to treat various feline and canine oral and nasal tumors, as well as feline acromegaly, a tumor of the pituitary gland. This technique is also being used to treat human patients with cancer. The question she wanted to answer was: Would SRT work on OSCC? “The good thing about the treatment was that all of the cats responded to it,” she says. “Within two weeks they felt better, had gained weight and had resumed normal activity. The downside was that the response didn’t last longer than current treatments.” SRT isn’t yet the silver bullet against oral cancer, though it remains promising. In addition, Dr. LaRue and her team identified multiple tumor markers that may improve veterinarians’ ability to determine the prognosis for an individual cat with OSCC. This could help owners decide whether to proceed with treatment. One of the reasons OSCC is so painful is that it invades the underlying bone in the mouth. Once there, it is impossible to treat. Dr. Thomas Rosol, a professor at the Ohio State University, wants to develop treatments that inhibit the cancer. “If we can stop the cancer from going into the bone,” he says, “we may be better able to treat it surgically.” In the lab, he tested a combination of two drugs. Zoledronic acid reduced bone loss by about 50 percent, and meloxicam reduced tumor growth by about one-third. Dr. Rosol would like to develop a drug combination that stops bone loss by 90 percent before he begins clinical trials, so he is now testing zoledronic acid with osteoprotegerin. Both researchers remain optimistic. “This is not a simple disease,” Dr. LaRue says. “We will have to be persistent and keep applying what we discover until we make a breakthrough.” ✢

Early diagnosis makes a difference Annual examinations play a critical role in identifying oral cancer, but between visits, pet owners should be alert to the following: • Mouth odor • Increased salivation • Decreased appetite • Bumps or swellings on the face • Thickening of the chin

Why should you care about bats? B y H ei d i J eter

Bats eat millions of insects per night. In fact, a lactating female bat eats nearly her entire body mass in bugs every single night. Bats spread more flower pollen and disperse more plant seeds than birds or bees. These little guys are critical to many ecosystems, yet without help, many bat species may become extinct. Alarmingly, white-nose syndrome (WNS) has wiped out a minimum of seven million bats since it was introduced to North America seven years ago. It is one of the fastest spreading, most devastating diseases to ever affect a wildlife species. But there is hope. Scientists are studying patterns of movement of little brown bats, the most common bat species in North America, in hopes that they can use the information to determine how WNS will spread. So far, researchers have shown that although little brown bat populations across eastern North America are genetically similar and highly connected, populations in western North America have much lower levels of connectivity and, as a result, much greater genetic diversity. “These findings offer some hope for a slower geographic progression of white-nose syndrome in the coming years as it reaches the western edge of the eastern population,” says Aryn

Wilder, a graduate student at Boston University and the lead researcher on a Morris Animal Foundation– funded study. “In addition, higher genetic diversity in western bats increases the potential for natural disease resistance in one or more populations of these bats.”

2007-08 n Confirmed 2008-09 n Confirmed ... ... n Suspect 2009-10 n Confirmed ... ... n Suspect 2010-11 n Confirmed ... ... n Suspect 2011-12 n Confirmed ... ... n Suspect 2012-13 n Confirmed ... ... n Suspect

The Spread of White-Nose Syndrome Since 2007

*Confirmed (Confirmed by State/Province) *Suspect (WNS symptoms reported but not confirmed by State/Province)

Recently, another research team at the University of California–Davis received funding from Morris Animal Foundation to develop a laboratory-based model for studying Geomyces destructans, the fungus responsible for WNS. Such a system would allow more scientists to participate in WNS research. Geomyces destructans affects bats when they are hibernating, so the research team is also evaluating how varying the temperature and humidity in caves affects the fungus. The data could be used by wildlife managers and conservationists to modify cave environments where bats hibernate and potentially reduce the impact of the disease. The end goal: limit the effect of WNS and increase bat survival. ✢

Veterinary honor fuels health research B y B en S no d g ress

Morris Animal Foundation’s founder, Dr. Mark Morris Sr., was a veterinarian with an unwavering love for animals and a commitment to advancing veterinary medicine. Many veterinarians have followed in his footsteps, which is why the Foundation gives its loyal supporters the opportunity to honor outstanding veterinarians through the Veterinary Award of Excellence. This special opportunity not only allows you to honor your veterinarian, but the donation supports research that will advance the future of veterinary medicine. Dr. Kirk Weicht, of Brown Trail Animal Hospital in Bedford, Texas, is one of the many veterinarians to receive this coveted award from a client. “A veterinarian is nothing without the staff around us,” Dr. Weicht says. “It is one thing to get feedback from a fellow

veterinarian, but for a client to go to the effort to acknowledge our staff through a foundation like Morris Animal Foundation is extremely rewarding.” “The veterinary profession is a rapidly changing profession because of the constant advances in veterinary medicine,” Dr. Weicht says. “A lot of these advances have come through the research efforts of Morris Animal Foundation.” We are pleased to honor veterinarians like Dr. Weicht because their love for animals is why Morris Animal Foundation exists and what continues to fuel our mission. “Morris Animal Foundation can be very proud of being a part of advancing research,” Dr. Weicht says. “I would not be the veterinarian I am today without the advancements that have been made through veterinary research, like the research funded by Morris Animal Foundation.” ✢ 7


PetSafe K9 Cancer Walk • Knoxville, TN • September 22


David Haworth, DVM, PhD, President/CEO Wayne A. Jensen, DVM, PhD, MBA, Chief Scientific Officer Dan Reed, Executive Development Officer John Taylor, Chief Operating Officer

65th Anniversary Celebration Gala • Marina del Rey, CA • October 19 For more information or to register, visit or call 800.243.2345.

animalnews contributors

Heidi Jeter, Scott Koskoski and Ben Snodgress



Stanley Teeter, DVM, Chair of the Board Colin Giles, BVetMed, PhD, MRCVS, Treasurer Amy Hunkeler, DVM, DACVO, Corporate Secretary Hugh Lewis, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVP, Vice Chair

board members

Prema Arasu, PhD, DVM, MBA Deborah Davenport, DVM, MS, DACVIM Jim Dickie Robin A. Downing, DVM, CVA, DAAPM Susan Giovengo, DVM, PhD, MA, BS James Kutsch Jr., PhD Patrick Long, DVM Jonna Mazet, DVM, MPVM, PhD Bette Morris, PhD Cynthia Morris David Morris Janice Peterson David Petrie Dominic Travis, DVM, MS Cheryl Wagner

presidents emeriti Betty White Ludden Tom Sullivan

trustees emeriti

Eve Anderson G. Marvin Beeman, DVM Erik Bergishagen Lewis Berman, DVM R. Anthony Chamberlin Mrs. Robert V. Clark, Jr. Robert Detterman Sue Ane Langdon Emrek Lester Fisher, DVM Murray Fowler, DVM

Richard Gebhardt Alan Kalter Arlene Klein Daniel Marsh, Jr. Dayle Marsh Dennis Murphy Peter Rhulen Ken Rosenthal Mary Silkworth


Our staff is unable to provide veterinary medical advice. The opinions of study investigators may not necessarily be those of your companion animal’s veterinarian. Morris Animal Foundation is a nonprofit organization and is tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Service w (c) (3). Our audited financial statement and state registration information are available upon request. Materials, including photographs and artwork, in this publication may be reprinted only with the permission of Morris Animal Foundation. Please write or call to receive financial information or permission to reprint materials: Morris Animal Foundation, 10200 E. Girard Ave., Suite B430, Denver, Colorado 80231, or call us at 800.243.2345.

Exciting new major giving opportunities B y S cott K oskoski

For years, Morris Animal Foundation defined “major donors” as those contributing $3,000 or more annually. What a generous expression of shared belief in our vision! To further recognize these leadership-level annual donors, we created an exclusive donor recognition society, the Circle of Discovery, last year. Today, we’re proud to unveil a new series of major giving opportunities for our valuable Circle of Discovery donors. We are complementing our canine, feline, equine and wildlife studies with additional program areas focused on improved quality of life, pet cancer, emerging science and technology, and the training of new scientists. Now major donors may easily access information on a multitude of studies and the program areas through the new Circle of Discovery online portal. Circle of Discovery donors can also opt to designate their giving to the Canine Lifetime Health Project, through which the Foundation manages groundbreaking studies designed to learn how to prevent and treat major diseases affecting dogs. Alternatively, Circle of Discovery donors will have a unique opportunity to fully fund the work of a specific researcher. Multiple “Morris Animal Foundation Investigators” will lead scientific initiatives at leading universities and clinics as they attempt to move the needle in a particular area of animal health. For 65 years, the loyalty and generosity of animal-loving donors like you have helped us thrive in our mission of improving animal health. With our movement to “major giving 2.0” and these exciting new giving opportunities, we are hopeful that you will continue to play a vital role in helping us create a brighter world for animals. ✢

Contribute through workplace giving Making a global impact on animal health.

CFC #64353

To remove your name from Morris Animal Foundation’s mailing list, send an email to mailbox@ or call us at 800.243.2345.



Morris Animal Foundation is proud to be an approved charity with the Combined Federal Campaign that includes all federal employees: civilian employees, military personnel and postal workers. The campaign season runs from September through December each year and raises more than $270 million annually to support local, national and international community-service needs. Please consider directing your pledges this campaign season by electing Morris Animal Foundation, CFC #64353, on your pledge card. ✢

In loving memory FALL 2013 At Morris Animal Foundation, we understand the love between people and their pets and the significance of losing these wonderful companions. Pets are part of our families, and this section honors the special animals that have touched their families’ lives.






Bo & Emme

























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Special animals that have touched their families’ lives Aspen Vail


Kidd (14)


Family: The Milner Family Donor: Stephanie Milner

Family: Ellen Morehead Donor: Steven & Catherine Diener

Family: Nicole Bessette Donor: Linda & Skip Flaherty

Family: Caroline W. Farr Donor: Ann Campbell

Beloved Companion

Baby Bamboo

Beloved Companion

Family: Elizabeth A. Biddick


Beloved Companion

Family: The Kaminer Family Donor: Heather Kaminer

Bessie Norgren (1) Beloved Companion

Family: Carolyn Norgren

Bo & Emme (2)

Beloved Berners

Beloved Companion


Beloved Dog

Family: Dave & Elaine Vennard Donor: Penny & Barry Cohorsky


Beloved Companion

Family: Amy Baranoucky Donor: Jeanne Farley

Garth (8)

Beloved Companion

Family: Cheri & Ed Cawthon Donor: Cristie Mosites

Family: The Ferguson Family Donor: Glover & Kathy Ferguson

The Goog (9)

Boomer (3)

Family: The Knudsen Farrell Family

Beloved Dog

Family: Pamela & Arnold Loeb


Beloved Dog

Family: The Giangrave Family Donor: Andrew Giangrave

Budweiser (4)

Beloved Buddy Boy

Family: Noreita Kempe

Buster (5)

Beloved Pet

Family: Kelly Daughtry Donor: Gail Daughtry


Beloved Companion

Family: The Tomblin Family Donor: Robert & Pamela Tomblin

Cassie (6)

Beloved Boxer

Family: Gregg & Terry Runyen

Cinnamin (7) Beloved Cat

Family: Judith W. Ditfurth

Beloved Dog of our Hearts

Beloved Greyhound


Pu’ukani (23)

Family: Audrey Rose

Family: George Zweibel & Brenda Johnson

Beloved Pony

Lexi (15)

Beloved Dog

Family: Dave & Mary Bolen Donor: Pet Supplies Plus Leadership Team


Beloved Jack Russel

Family: Bridget Belson Donor: Linda Bammann

Lily (16)

Beloved Dog


Beloved Companion

Family: The Asp Family Donor: Richard Robb

Skipper Erga

Beloved Companion

Family: The Erga Family Donor: Brian Erga

Beloved Cat


Lucky (17)

Family: The Tjossem Family Donor: Richard Robb

Family: Laurie & John Jelinek

Truman (24)

Family: Cindy Marple

Greta (10)

Beloved Pet

Family: Joan Handley

Merlyn (18)

Beloved Dachshund

Beloved Companion

Beloved Companion

Beloved Friend & Companion

Guenevere (11)

Beloved Australian Shepherd

Family: Karl & Tricia Rohlfing

Family: Debby & Terry Fitch Donor: The Truman Collar Website

Family: Robert & Pamela Tomblin Donor: William & Lynne Dowling

Murphy (19)

Wiley (25)

Heather & Candi

Family: Stephanie Byrnes Donor: Rich Oslon

Family: Brenda Heaster & Keith Ritter

Family: Carol S. Martin

Nebby (20)

Beloved Kitten

Beloved Smooth Collies

Beloved Golden Angel

Honcho (12)

Beloved Greyhound

Family: Judith W. Ditfurth

Noah (21)

Beloved Dog


Beloved Black Lab

Family: Linda & Skip Flaherty Beloved Greyhound

Family: Linda & Skip Flaherty

Family: The Kohring Family Donor: Robert Kohring Jr.


Katie (13)

Family: Joanne & Gary Walker Donor: Marilyn & Britt Brown

Beloved Friend & Companion

Family: Caitlin, Bob, Zack, Nico & Jullian Donor: B & Z

The pets in this section were honored through qualifying donations made between March 16–June 15, 2013. These gifts will be used to invest in science that creates a brighter world for animals. With your gift of $200 or more per pet, you can include a special pet in the “In loving memory” section of AnimalNEWS. We will do our best to include the pet’s photo when you send it along with your donation. For donations of $500 or more, a brass plate engraved with the pet’s name and his or her family’s name will also be added to

Beloved Companion

Pinky (22)

Beloved Companion

Family: David & Kathrine Park Donor: Anonymous

Beloved Beagle

Zeek (26)

Beloved Loyal Companion & Best Friend

Family: Carolyn & Kit Jackson

Ziggy (27)

CH Zigfrid’s Got’em Seeing Red TD JH

Beloved Dog

Family: The Lykowski Family Donor: Cheryl Lykowski

*About the listings above: When there is

no donor listed, the pet’s family made the tribute gift.

the Pet Memorial Wall located in Morris Animal Foundation’s headquarters. We will also send a special commemorative keepsake to the family. For more information about tribute options, or to make your gift, visit the “Donate” section of our website and click on Memorial and Honor Gifts, or use the prepaid envelope included in AnimalNEWS.

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