2012 Annual Report

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The Power of Science Morris Animal Foundation Annual Report July 1, 2011—June 30, 2012



3 Behind the scenes 7 Working together to advance animal health 4 Research that benefits animals 10 Our commitment to fiscal responsibility 5 Committed to training new scientists 11 Help change the world for animals 6 Invested in research to change the future

BOARD OF TRUSTEES July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012 officers Mark J. Carter, PhD, Chair (Evergreen, CO)

D e a r Anim a l L o v ers ,

When you take the helm of an organization, as I did 17 days before the start of fiscal year 2012, you face many challenges and opportunities. The challenges we faced last year led to positive changes and increased opportunities for the organization, and I’m confident that we are now poised to make an even bigger impact than ever before on the world of animal health.

Stanley M. Teeter, DVM, Vice Chair (Topeka, KS) Roger H. Bohart, Treasurer (Boulder, CO) Amy Hunkeler, DVM, DACVO, Corporate Secretary (Lee’s Summit, MO) Deborah Davenport, DVM, MS, DACVIM, Scientific Liaison (Lecompton, KS) board members Prema Arasu, DVM, PhD, MBA (Pullman, WA) Jim Dickie (Boulder, CO) Robin A. Downing, DVM, DAAPM (Windsor, CO) Colin J. Giles, BVetMed, PhD, MRCVS (Galesburg, MI) Susan Giovengo, DVM, PhD (Phoenix, AZ) James A. Kutsch Jr., PhD (Morristown, NJ) Hugh B. Lewis, BVMS, MRCVS, DACVP (Vancouver, WA) Lon D. Lewis, DVM, PhD, DACVN (Topeka, KS) Patrick O. Long, DVM (Corvallis, OR) Bette M. Morris, PhD (Topeka, KS)

My primary goal last year was to ensure that Morris Animal Foundation was structurally and organizationally sound. In January, we went through a significant reorganization that allowed us to create new positions and more specialized teams. By organizing around distinct audiences for our message, we are bringing in new energy and talent, and we can now better communicate the depth and breadth of the science that we fund to our partners, our donors and the veterinary community. We also undertook a comprehensive look at how we represent our brand. This included updating our logo and our overall look, and developing new ways of communicating with our donors. We hope these changes will help clarify who we are as an organization, will attract new supporters who wish to advance animal health and will help us better tell you about our successes. During this time of change, we have continued to focus on supporting science that will deliver new treatments, cures and preventions. We maintained our four-star rating from Charity Navigator. Morris Animal Foundation raised about $9.4 million in total revenue, including restricted funds, while keeping expenses below budget. While the financial markets weren’t as kind to us as they have been in years past, we are fortunate to be in a strong financial position overall, and the change in our investment pool’s value has not affected the programs and studies we fund. We managed more than 300 studies in 2012, each addressing the health needs of companion animals or wildlife, and we do not see a need to reduce that scope in the near future. In fact, we hope to expand it. In addition, the Foundation launched the Canine Lifetime Health Project, under which the first study is the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. This study marks the first time Morris Animal Foundation will internally manage a study. It is a huge step for our organization and may well be the most important study ever run in veterinary medicine. We have spent a great deal of time during the past year determining directions that Morris Animal Foundation should go in the future and identifying how we can best advance animal health. With the changes that have occurred in fiscal year 2012 and the support of thousands of people who believe that animals deserve the very best veterinary care, the Foundation is well positioned for growth over the next five years. We are excited and confident about this next phase of the Foundation’s journey—and we ask you to join us.

Judith Needham (Hunt Valley, MD)

This is truly one of the most exciting times in Morris Animal Foundation’s history. I couldn’t be happier to be working with such great teams of staff, trustees, scientists and volunteers who are committed to making a difference in the lives of animals. On behalf of all of us, I thank you for supporting our vision of a world in which all animals are healthy.

Janice Peterson (Ocean Park, WA)


Cynthia Morris (Eugene, OR) David R. Morris (Shawnee, KS)

David Petrie (Wilton, CT) Dominic Travis, DVM, MS (St. Paul, MN) Cheryl A. Wagner (Roswell, GA) Betty White (Los Angeles, CA)

David Haworth, DVM, PhD President/CEO Morris Animal Foundation

Orion’s (above) life was extended thanks to a clinical trial run by Dr. Stuart Helfand at Oregon State University. His study is evaluating a chemotherapy combination that may improve survival for dogs with hemangiosarcoma.

Researchers at the Smithsonian developed the first sperm-freezing technologies for Baird’s tapirs and used the samples to establish a gene bank. This information will help scientists develop assisted reproductive techniques to better manage captive populations of this nearly extinct species.

Dr. Stephen Hines (middle in blue shirt) and his team at Washington State University discovered that immunizing mares may be the most beneficial way to protect foals from fatal pneumonia.

Behind the scenes

Thanks to Dr. Leslie Smith (above) at the University of Wisconsin, veterinarians can provide dogs with more immediate and longer-lasting pain management after surgery.

At Morris Animal Foundation, we believe science has the power to change the world for animals. That’s why we’re so proud to be the global leader in animal health. Day in and day out, we know that our work will make a difference in the lives of animals—today and tomorrow. Captive pandas suffer from gastrointestinal problems and stunted growth, which can lead to premature death. Dr. Andrew Kouba from the Memphis Zoological Society identified the best diet for promoting optimal health in captive pandas.

Cats brought into shelters are often so stressed that they become sick and may be euthanized because of illness or aggressiveness. Thanks to gentling techniques developed in a study by Dr. Clive Phillips and his team at the University of Queensland, Jack (above) and many other cats were adopted into loving homes.


Last year, we had 80 studies come to completion. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at some of the successes that came from those studies.

Research that benefits animals

Yes, 300. Morris Animal Foundation manages at least that many studies each year. With so many highquality studies, we couldn’t possibly tell you about all of the successes that have come from them, but here are three areas where our investments are making a big difference for animals.

Canine cancer

Feline genetics

In fiscal year 2012 alone, Morris Animal Foundation invested more than $1.1 million toward 16 studies that looked at prevention and treatment of cancer in dogs, including bone cancer, lymphoma, hemangiosarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma and bladder cancer. One of the biggest highlights for the year was the opening of a tumor tissue bank that now houses 2,000 samples of seven different cancers. Sample collection began in 2007 with a lead gift from Pfizer Animal Health and donations from Morris Animal Foundation and the AKC-Canine Health Foundation. These samples are now available for cancer researchers worldwide to use to study cancer. Other studies that were completed last year brought researchers closer to identifying potential new treatments and moving toward cures for lymphoma, bone cancer, hemangiosarcoma and leukemia.

Information about genetic diseases in cats lags far behind that available for dogs. That’s why we’ve worked to provide new tools for researchers studying feline genomics. Previously, Morris Animal Foundation helped further develop a genetic tool, called a SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) chip, that scientists could use to discover genetic mutations and predispositions to feline diseases. Last year, the Foundation provided these chips, and in some cases funding, to 29 researchers who are using them to further develop the feline genome and to study a host of feline diseases. Diseases being looked at include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, polycystic kidney disease, feline infectious peritonitis, cancer and various muscle and eye disorders. All of these diseases may have a genetic component, and we aim to help scientists figure out the triggers so they can be prevented.

Infectious diseases in wildlife We may not think about the smaller species that have a huge impact on our world, such as bats and frogs, but these animals play critical roles in our ecosystems, and their populations are being devastated by fungal diseases. Chytridiomycosis, which is caused by a fungus, has caused the decline or extinction of hundreds of frog species worldwide since its emergence in the 1960s. Foundationfunded teams hope to identify resistant genes, which would help researchers select immune frogs for captive breeding and successful reintroduction, screen populations to predict their risk of decline and develop targeted vaccines. Another team hopes to determine whether beneficial bacteria that live

on amphibian skin might be used as a probiotic treatment to prevent fungal infections. White-nose syndrome is an emerging disease that has rapidly killed millions of bats in the northeastern United States. Whitenose syndrome is linked to a cold-loving fungus and is thought to be transmitted from bat to bat. Researchers are surveying the genetic diversity of little brown myotis populations at swarming sites and near hibernation locations used in fall and winter to learn how these bats disperse. They will then use the data to predict the bats’ migration routes and identify other bat populations at risk for the disease.

FY12 funding by species HORSE




Training veterinary students to become animal health scientists has been a critical component of Morris

He once said, “The most important element in veterinary research is people, and the foundation can make its greatest contribution to veterinary medicine by providing opportunities for students to become skilled in veterinary research.”

“The canine stem cell project afforded me the opportunity to get involved in cutting-edge research that had exceptional translational potential,” Dr. Frantz says. “These exciting results, in combination with my evolving knowledge of veterinary medicine, motivated me to continue in translational research.”

Over the years, hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of veterinary students have received research training by working on a Morris Animal Foundation grant. In 2005, the Foundation launched three programs—Veterinary Student Scholars (VSS), Fellowship Training and First Award—specifically designed to help aspiring researchers build a career path in animal health. In 2009, we partnered to create the Pfizer Animal Health–Morris Animal Foundation Veterinary Fellowships, which provide four years of living expenses and tuition for recipients wishing to pursue advanced veterinary study.

Dr. Frantz is now completing a dual-degree DVM/PhD program at the University of Minnesota. Thanks to his successful VSS project, he received one of Morris Animal Foundation’s Fellowship Training Grants. The grant paid for two years of his PhD research and gave him the opportunity to work with two of the top cancer researchers in the country.

T r a i n i n g at a g l a n c e

Dr. Frantz has presented portions of his research at national conferences, and his initial successes led to a doctoral dissertation fellowship through a university-wide competition that supports only the most promising and outstanding graduate fellows.

Grants receiving funding in fiscal year 2012


No. of Veterinary Student Scholars

“The training I have received has challenged me and improved my ability to critically think about, write about and conduct veterinary science research,” he says. “In addition, I have been able to participate in research that has been met with success.”


“We strongly believe that Aric shows great promise to develop into a world-renowned scientist who will contribute to the advancement of veterinary medicine and comparative biology,” state his mentors, Dr. Timothy O’Brien and Dr. Jaime Modiano.


Dr. Frantz is one of many promising veterinary scientists who have received training from a Morris Animal Foundation grant. Two additional VSS grant recipients have received Fellowship Training Grants, and seven Fellowship Training Grant recipients have gone on to receive First Award Grants and Established Investigator Grants.

No. of Pfizer ANIMAL HEALTH— Morris Animal Foundation Veterinary Fellowships No. of Fellowship Training Grants


No. of First Award Grants

There is no doubt that these promising researchers will change the course of veterinary medicine— and Morris Animal Foundation is proud to have played a part in getting them started.

Committed to training new scientists

Animal Foundation’s mission from the outset. Dr. Mark Morris Sr. believed that veterinary medicine can be no better than the research available and that qualified researchers are essential.

These programs help students and veterinarians to further their careers in research. One such student is Dr. Aric Frantz, one of the first recipients of a VSS grant. His project encouraged him to continue a career in animal health research.

Morris Animal Foundation’s training programs have allowed Aric Frantz (middle) to work with two renowned cancer researchers, Timothy O’Brien (left) and Jaime Modiano (right).


Invested in research to change the future

Hannah Rose was a remarkable Golden Retriever who was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma at the age of 12. The tumor on her spleen was so large that doctors at the University of Illinois gave her little chance of surviving surgery, yet somehow she did and lived an additional three years.

“Hannah was lucky in that we had access to the great staff at the University of Illinois and that we were able to afford to give her the chance at defeating her cancer,” says owner Jan DeBoeuf-Borders. “She was given new treatments that were just beginning to be tried on dogs.” Hannah and Lily-Bee, the family’s second Golden Retriever, who died of a sudden acute cardiac arrhythmia, are the reasons Jan enrolled Pippa-Lily and Gertie-Bee in Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. The study, part of the Foundation’s Canine Lifetime Health Project, is the largest and longest observational study ever conducted in veterinary medicine. “When I learned of the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, I really wanted our little girls to be a part of it,” Jan says. “Maybe Gertie and Pippa’s participation could contribute to finding a cure for cancer in Goldens. I am hopeful that someday there will be a way of preventing what happened to our Lily-Bee, too.” The Canine Lifetime Health Project is a new path toward fulfilling Morris Animal Foundation’s mission. It marks the first time Morris Animal Foundation is doing more than providing funding for a study; we have a team of people dedicated to managing the study and analyzing the data.

The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is a huge step for our organization. The data from this study will significantly change veterinary medicine for dogs. David Haworth, DVM, PhD Foundation president and CEO

We invited 51 dogs to participate in the pilot phase of the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, which launched last May. The application process opened up in August, and recruitment has been steady. The goal is to enroll 3,000 Golden Retrievers under the age of 2 within the next two years. Dogs will participate in the study their entire lives, and their owners and veterinarians will provide observational data and biological samples that will help scientists identify risk factors for cancer and other canine diseases. Jan DeBoeuf-Borders, Jeff Borders and Emma-Rose (middle) enjoy the beach with Gertie-Bee (left) and Pippa-Lily (right), whose participation in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study will help Morris Animal Foundation identify risk factors for canine cancer.


Learn more and register for the Canine Lifetime Health Project at www.CanineLifetimeHealth.org.

Friends of the foundation: $50,000+ Anonymous, Doreen Jakubcak & Michael Malchow, Betty White Ludden $10,000–$49,999 Anonymous (2), Greg & Lin Battaglia, Ms. Ann Campbell, Stephen & Megan Cote, Robert & Ginger Detterman, Joanne & David Dickson, Pam & Joe Donner, Wendy Knudsen Farrell & George Farrell, Terry & Jill Ferrera, Paul & Heather Haaga, Ann R. Hardy, Karin Heine, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Johnson, Lewis Family Fund—Topeka Community Foundation, Richard & Margrit Lichter, Eloise Monsarrat, Sandra Poindexter, Jean & Martin Shafiroff, Teeter Family Fund— Topeka Community Foundation, The Van Sloun Foundation $3,000–$9,999 Susan K. Allen, Cat Anderson, Anonymous (3), Jessica Armer, Hettie & Bill Ballweber, Mark Barner, Danny & Diana Beck, Lynne Berardini, Roger & Laura Bohart, Courtney Borntraeger, Penny & Bill Carlson, Donald & Doris Clopper, Condon Family Foundation, Miss Edith W. Corning, Deborah J. Davenport, DVM, MS, DACVIM, Mrs. Gray S. Davis, Jen & Peter deHaan, Jim & Wendy Dickie, Belinda Donner, Vicki Downey, Debby & Terry Fitch, Judy Fridono, Susan Gardner, Mrs. Sara A. Grover, Stephanie Hardaway, Dr. & Mrs. Martin V. Haspel, Rosemary Hastings, Brenda Heaster & Keith Ritter, Dr. Linda Hime, Linda & Gary Howington, Hugh & Mair Lewis Charitable Fund, Hunkeler Family Fund, Karen Iacovelli, Tesla Johnson, Kenneth S. Kail & Ivy Hwang, Daniel & Sally Kennedy, Lila M. Kommerstad, Miss Gertrude Lanman, Carol Lattimer, Renee Lauthers, Daniel A. Marsh Jr., Carol S. Martin, Dolores McCall, Sally Rau McIntosh, C. Merendino, Douglas & Kathy Miller, Charlotte Mitchell, Rebecca Moyle & Tyler Lange, Carolyn S. Norgren, Richard Peck, Ms. Janice K. Peterson, Courtney M. Reich, Gay Rogers, JoAnn S. Ruppert, Sam & Victoria Reed Family Foundation, Sandra Scully, Cheryl A. Sedestrom, Mary A. Strange, Susan & Thomas Stretch, Janet & John Swanson, Kathy Trybus, Barbara Washkowitz, Linda Watkins, Pamela Whitener, Pamela Winter $1,000–$2,999 Jeff & Pam Agnew, Miss Helen T. Andrews, Anonymous (3), William Bachschmidt, Susi Beatty, Terry Lynn Belzer, Lois Berggren, Lauren Bouton & Mark Weinrott, Jean Braun, Molly Butler & Robin Manning, Caring Pathways, Dick Cavedo, Dr. Elizabeth L. Conrad, Laura A. Cook, Ruth Cove, Bob Davidek, Dr. Mary Amanda Dew, Nancy Dickenson, Judith W. Ditfurth, Lisa & Brian Dossey, Maud B. Duke, Cathy Eastham, Melissa Eastham, Joseph A. Egrie, Corky Elliott, Taylor Fator, Lauri & Scott Ferraro, Dianne Finney, John & Diane Fiore, Lester E. Fisher, DVM, Eileen Fitzmaurice, Howard W. Fortner Jr., Kevin Gordon, Mary & John Grossi, Judy Guyer, Jim Hagar & Sharon Cohen-Hagar, Lucy Hamilton, Kathleen Harper, DVM, Christine Harter, Lola & Ed Hatter, Linn & Mia Heaton, Sandi Lee Heffner, Mr. & Mrs. Don T. Hibner Jr., Kennon Hudson, Liz & Tom Hughston, Nancy Hunter, Katharine Irwin, Mr. Peter F. Jackson, Renee & Robbie Janosch, Eric Johnson & Laura Williams, Sara Carlen Kable, Jacqueline Karch & “Netop”, Carol L. Karlin, Karen Knutson, Gabriele Koecher, Steven Koenig & Anastasia Condron, Paula Krauss, Ray LaJeunesse & Jade West, Pamela Laudenslager, Guy B. Lawrence, Douglas & Joni Lehman, David Levy, Philip Lindenbaum, Carolynn Loacker, Patricia Thompson Longtin, Diane & Owen Lynch, Jo Elizabeth MacNair & Ann Dupuis, Marion Malarkey, Dr. & Mrs. Peter L. Malnati, Jeannie & Chuck McBride, Lee & Sara McKinley, Charlie & Virginia Meyer, Deborah J. Meyer, Alison Minton, Cristie Mosites, Sandra Nava, Judith Needham, Nan Newton & Dave Grusin, Kevin & Trish Nixon, Mary Pat Parkhill, Virginia Partridge, Jere & Sarah Patterson, E. Alan Phillips & Audrey Buyrn, Heather Pigman, Linda J. Porter, DVM, David & Erlene Price, Kathy Reese, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Regna, Helen & Lawrence Remmel, Patricia & Robert Rich, Dr. Ann L. Riebe, Florence & Joseph Ritorto, Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose, Sheryl Rosenfield, Mrs. Miriam K. Rothenberg, Richard C. Rubinstein, Anne Ruddy & Nancy Bertino, Gregg & Terry Runyen, Constance & James Rutland, Ramona Santiagovega, Linda Schneider, Bruce Schwartz, Karen & Thomas Shopmier, Emery & Mary Lee Smiser, Kenneth & Sandra Smith, Yolanda Smith, Linda & Paul Spangler, Mark Steele, Fran Sunseri, Challis Surles, Chuck & Wendy Sweet, Nicole Tanguy, Dr. Larissa J. Taylor, Shirley & Danny Thomas, Amber Tracy, Betsy and Wally Turner, H.B. “Tony” Turner, Ann Van Ness, Sandy & George Vilahu, Barbara J. Wahl, Craig Watt, Elizabeth & Eric Webb, Tammy White, Martha Woodruff, Woofs ‘N Whiskers, Eunice & John Yost $500–$999 Josephine Abercrombie, Larry & Denise Achram, Dorothea Allee, Nancy S. Amling, Ann & Peter Anderson, Cass Anderson, Anonymous (8), Ms. Gertrude B. Ansell, Gail Nussbaum Anzulovic, Juliana Attwood, Cindy Balch, Dale & Linda Barbee, Joanna Barnish, Sabrina Bass, John E. Bauer, PhD, Nicole & Ryan Birdsall, Michael & Pamela Bless, Mrs. Verna Bodig, Russ & Tonia Bomhoff, Steven & Komala Bowden, Susan J. Bradley, Carolyn Bregard, James & Loretta Brill, Zsuzsa & Jeffrey Brown, Melanie Brueni, Stephanie Buchanan & Jeff Berkin, Lisa & Derek Buffitt, Mary Catherine Bunting, Steven & JoAnn Burkiewicz, Lori Lynn Calcaterra, Jordon Caroll, Hui Chau, Linda Chen, Lauren Christ, Poly & Bruce Cline, Harvey Coleman, Edward & Doris Condel, Patsy Corrigan, Elizabeth & Erik Delfosse, James Derr, Minori Deura, Valerie Diker, Joan Dobbs, Christine Duerson, Dana Marie Duramte, Carolyn Edwards, Edna B. Ellingson, Kaete Elliott, Lt. Col.(Ret.) & Mrs. William Elmer, Whitney Engstrom, Dr. Eugene Evans, Heidi Farrance & Ursula Brenner, Edward Farrell, Lisa & Bob Fast, Jack Faul & Debbie Davis, William & Linda Flaherty, John Flanagan, Rochelle Foland, Cassie Folk, Deanna Franklin, Marilyn Gagen, Joseph & Elizabeth Garner, R. S. Gates, Edward & Jan Gilroy, Barbara Gooding, Dick & Jean Gordon, Julie Gordon, Marcia E. Gortowski, DVM, Dick Graham, Joe Graviss, Kathi Guerrant, Carol Hamilton, Raymond & Sharon Hansen, Damon Key Leong Kupchak Hastert, Mark and Robin Hayes, Mary Headley, Judy Heisserman, Barbara Hendricks, Kathleen Hennegan, DVM, Reg & Shirley Hildreth, Joan Hodak, Cindy & Jerry Holditch, Peter Holser & Michelle Evans, Clark & Martha Hooper, Jon & Joanne Horton, Roger & Sue Hotelling, Melissa Jackson, Kyle Jaster, Laura Jeannerette, Jeffrey Jens & Ann Boisclair, Sheila Jensen, Katy Jett, Monette & Jeffrey Jo, Elsie Jocz, Iris A. Johansen, H. Arvid Johnson, Bill & Denise Jordan, June Jovan, Jason & Connie Kapp, John & Louise Kearns, Pamela King, Ronald King, Arlene & Ron Klein, Steve & Kathy Kloves, Thomas & Ellen Komadina, James & Ginger Kutsch, Patricia Lake & Martin Lisiecki, Gabriele A. Landolt, DVM, PhD, Craig Lenz, Brady Lesko, Susan Lewandowski, Kim Lewis, Pamela & Arnold Loeb, Jonathan Longley, Paula & Jorge Lourenco, Mark & Kathleen Lowery, Carma Luskin, Michael & Jacqueline Maddox, Leslie Mahr, Alison Maiore, Vivian Manganello, Jerry & Sandra Manne, Joy Marks, Hayden Markstein, Betty Marmino, Cindy Marple, Frank & Susan Mars, Bruce & Susan Matthews, Greta & Jimmy Maturo, Ron McAlister, DVM, Linda McCartney, Patricia McGinnis, Anne Meyer, Susan & Joe Meyer, John & Janice Mickelson, Melinda Miller, Steve & Kate Miller, Allen & Connie Millis, Theodore Mitchell, Linda Mooningham, Chappy & Melissa Morris, Margaret Mudy-Perloff, Diane Naegele, Corinne & Norman Nelson, Barbara & Donald Niemann, Mrs. Elvera Nobles, Richard & Marjorie Norstrom, Carl & Carol Obenland, Patricia L. O’Brien, Kevin Ogle, Maury & Pat Pages, Major & Judy Park, Gregory Parr & Edward Hammond, Richard Pensinger, Jeffrey Pepper, Kenneth & Vicki Pepper, Wayne & Linda Phears, Mike & Clare Phillips, Christopher Pike, Nina Poppelsdorf, Ann Porawski, David & Pam Potter, Lucy Puig, Jayant Radhakrishnan, Rick & Linda Ramin, Kathleen Ratteree, Robin Reardon & Norman Nelson, Paige & Edward Reder, Dr. Joseph Reeves, Shanna Rendon & David Smith, Alice Rhea, Chad Roberts, Gene & Martha Robinson, Doug Roble & Deborah Shands, Ron & Jill Rohde, Karl & Patricia Rohlfing, Alonzo & Laura Rosado, Joanne Rosenbluth, Kenneth Rosenthal, Joan Roudenbush, Marcia Rubenstein, Alexandra Rukeyser, Lynn Sabo, Angie Sambuco, Marion Satterthwaite, Odile de Schieter-Longchampt, Jan Scholes, Trey & Dottie Schulte, Carl & Velvet Schultz, Diane A. Scripps, Cassandra Seidenfeld, George Shapiro, Janet Shaw, Dr. Kathleen Silva, Curt Simmons, Cherie & Sean Singer, Denise Smith, Julie Smith, Dennis & Kristen Snider, Patricia Snyder & Michael Frank, Mary R. Spalding, Judith Stoddard, Elizabeth Stribling & Guy Robinson, Reva Sturm, Nancy Sullivan, Scott Tesar, Lois Thompson, Wellington Tichenor, Terrance Tosney, Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Touw, Kyle Trayner, William & Suzanne Tull, Gregory & Marla Turek, Julie Vallin & Bob Humphrey, Judy Van Till, Jules Vogel & Jay Kinn, Baldauf Catton Von Eckartsberg, Elizabeth Vooys, DVM, Joseph J. Wakshlag, DVM, PhD, Donna J. Walle, Andrew Walmsley, John & Martha Ward, Katherine Welch, P. Wilber, Chavon Wilcox, Judith Willard, Mr. & Mrs. Whitney Wilson, Kristen Winslow, Mary Wolff, Frances Woodrum, Joseph Wright & Joseph Like, Karrie Wright, Magali Wright & David Hudoba, Clara Yau, Edna Young, Susan Young, Ronald Yucas & John DeForge, Linda & James Zanetti, Linda Zavada


Working together to advance animal health

Morris Animal Foundation supporters share a common belief that science can make the world a better place for animals. We are proud to have so many pet owners, veterinarians, corporate partners, breed clubs and associations supporting our efforts to advance veterinary medicine. Strong partners have enabled us to increase our health research funding by 45 percent in just five years. While every gift is important, here we would like to acknowledge gifts made between July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012.

Working together to advance animal health

Corporate and organizational partners: $250,000+ Blue Buffalo Foundation for Cancer Research, Hadley & Marion Stuart Foundation, Hill’s Pet Nutrition Inc., Mark & Bette Morris Family Foundation, PETCO Foundation, Pfizer Inc., VCA Antech $100,000–$249,999 George Sydney & Phyllis Redmond Miller Trust, Merck Animal Health, Paul Mitchell Schools $10,000–$99,999 Alpaca Research Foundation, American Association of Feline Practitioners, American German Shepherd Dog Charitable Foundation Inc., ASPCA®, Bearded Collie Club of America Charitable Trust, Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America, Bloomingdale’s Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc., Canine Health Events & Southern Berkshire Golden Retriever, Clumber Spaniel Health Foundation, CTW Foundation, Dalmatian Club of America Foundation, Destination Funny Entertainment, Elsevier Inc., Flat-Coated Retriever Foundation, Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation, Friends of Felines Inc., Ft. Worth/Tarrant County Animal Foundation, Golden Retriever Foundation, Greater Appalachian Llama & Alpaca Association, GREYlong, IBM, International Elephant Foundation, Joan Kirkpatrick Legacy Fund, LuckyPet Inc., Maddie’s Fund, Mars PetCare U.S., Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, Petplan, PetSafe, PetSmart Charities, P&G PetCare, Puccini Foundation, Rex & Nelle Jackson Foundation, Samoyed Club of America Research & Education Foundation, The Seeing Eye Inc., Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, USA Equestrian Trust, William H. Donner Foundation Inc., Winn Feline Foundation, Weimaraner Club of America, ZuPreem®/Premium Nutritional Products $3,000–$9,999 American Association of Equine Practitioners Foundation, American Spaniel Club Foundation, Arabian Horse Foundation, Aura McConnell Foundation Inc., Australian Shepherd Health & Genetics Institute Inc., Bay and Paul Foundations, Bichon Frise Club of America, Borzoi Club of America, Brand Licensing Team LLC, Central Colorado Quarter Horse Association, Charles and Mildred Schnurmacher Foundation, Chow Chow Club Inc, Coastal Pet Products Inc., Colorado Horse Development Authority, Courtney Babcock Borntraeger Foundation, Coypu Foundation, Delaware County Kennel Club, Dixie Foundation Inc., Foundation for Veterinary Dentistry, Greater Swiss Mt. Dog Club of America, Greyhound Project Inc., Gumbo Foundation, Highmark, Johnson-Stillman Family Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, Labrador Retriever Club Supporters since 1992 Inc., Lauretta Boyd Charitable Trust, Lincoln State Cat Club, Inc., Lloyd J. King & Eleanor R. King Foundation, Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America, Network for Good, Oklahoma City We have been giving to Morris Community Foundation, Pug Dog Club of America, R. Harold Burton Foundation, Rainier Agility Animal Foundation for almost 20 Team, Rising Sun Foundation, Riverbanks Zoo & Garden, Ruth & Vernon Taylor Foundation, years, first finding out about the Schuylkill Area Community Foundation, Scottish Terrier Club of America Health Trust Fund, Foundation while doing research Sidney E. Frank Foundation, Society Dog, Versatility in Poodles Inc. (VIP), Virginia Horse Industry Board, Wal-Mart Foundation to help our dog, Moose, who had

Kenneth S. Kail and Ivy Hwang

hydrocephalus, and finding little in Veterinary partners: $5,000–$10,000 Crossroads Animal Hospital, PC, Londonderry, NH, North Portland Veterinary Hospital, Portland, OR $2,500–$4,999 All Creatures Animal Hospital, the way of medical research for the Lake Zurich, IL, Camden Veterinary Hospital, Camden, SC, Cortaro Farms Pet Hospital, Tucson, benefit of animals. We are proud to AZ, Gaithersburg Animal Hospital, Gaithersburg, MD, Ingleside Animal Hospital, Phoenix, AZ, contribute to this great organization Littleton Equine Medical Center, Littleton, CO, North Elm Animal Hospital, Greensboro, NC, Northgate Small Animal Hospital, Collinsville, IL, Spring Hill Veterinary Clinic, Spring Hill, to improve animal health. KS, Town & Country Animal Hospital, Normal, IL, Triangle Veterinary Hospital, Durham, NC, VCA Firehouse Animal Health Center, Denver, CO $1,000–$2,499 ABC Veterinary Hospital, San Diego, CA, Albemarle Animal Clinic, Albemarle, NC, Allentown Animal Clinic, P.C., Allentown, PA, Animal Clinic Del Rancho, Scottsdale, AZ, The Animal Hospital of Carrboro, Inc., Carrboro, NC, Animal Hospital Greenwich/Stamford, Stamford, CT, Animal Hospital of South Gorham, Gorham, ME, Animal Medical Clinic of Gulf Gate, Sarasota, FL, Animal’s Best Choice Veterinary Hospital, New Port Richey, FL, Annie’s Animal Clinic, Highlands Ranch, CO, Arlington Animal Hospital, Poughkeepsie, NY, Atrium Animal Hospital, Charlotte, NC, Bahama Road Veterinary Hospital, Bahama, NC, Bannock Animal Medical Center, LLP, Chubbuck, ID, Bogue Animal Hospital West, Wichita, KS, Bothell Pet Hospital, Bothell, WA, Boulevard Animal Hospital, Colleyville, TX, Bradley Animal Hospital, Lawrence, KS, Brandywine Valley Veterinary Hospital, Coatesville, PA, Brown Trail Animal Hospital, Bedford, TX, Carrboro Plaza Veterinary Clinic, Carrboro, NC, Casas Adobes Pet Clinic, Tucson, AZ, The Cat Doctor, Houston, TX, Cats & Dogs Animal Hospital, Long Beach, CA, Center for Veterinary Care, PC, New York, NY, Cheyenne Mountain Animal Hospital, P.C., Colorado Springs, CO, Cheyenne Pet Clinic, Cheyenne, WY, Circle L Animal Clinic, Chino Valley, AZ, Coldwater Animal Hospital, Rochester, NY, Crater Animal Clinic, Central Point, OR, Crofton Veterinary Center, Crofton, MD, Croton Animal Hospital, Croton-on-Hudson, NY, Evergreen Park Animal Hospital, Evergreen Park, IL, Falmouth Veterinary Hospital, LLC, Falmouth, ME, Fountain Hills Veterinary Hospital, Fountain Hills, AZ, Four County Animal Hospital, Damascus, MD, Four Paws Veterinary Services, Mystic, CT, Gentle Touch Animal Hospital, Denver, CO, Golf-Mil Veterinary Hospital, Niles, IL, Great Falls Animal Hospital, Great Falls, VA, Hanover Veterinary Hospital, Hanover, PA, Harvester Animal Clinic, Saint Charles, MO, Hawaii Kai Veterinary Clinic, Honolulu, HI, Heritage Animal Hospital Inc., Hilton Head Island, SC, Highway Veterinary Hospital, Bowie, MD, Hulen Hills Animal Hospital, Fort Worth, TX, Ideal Veterinary Hospital, Oak Ridge, TN, Kindness Animal Hospital, Grand Forks, ND, Kindness Family Pet Clinic, Forest Grove, OR, Kuenzi Family Pet Hospital, Waukesha, WI, Liverpool Animal Health Center, Liverpool, NY, Mahoning Valley Animal Hospital, Andreas, PA, Maplewood Animal Hospital, Bellingham, WA, McNeill Veterinary Clinic, Sudbury, MA, Milestone Veterinary Associates, Greer, SC, Mount Laurel Animal Hospital, Mount Laurel, NJ, Mountain Vista Animal Hospital, Las Vegas, NV, Neuse River Veterinary Hospital, Wendell, NC, Northwest Animal Hospital, Grapevine, TX, Park East Animal Hospital, New York, NY, Pennington Animal Hospital, P.C., Huntsville, AL, The Pet Hospital of Tierrasanta, San Diego, CA, Pet’s Friend Animal Clinic, Sunnyvale, CA, Pleasanton Veterinary Hospital, Pleasanton, CA, Plymouth Animal Hospital, Plymouth, NH, Poland Veterinary Centre, Poland, OH, Poquoson Veterinary Hospital, Poquoson, VA, Linda J. Porter, DVM, Fresno, CA, Radio Systems Prospect Park Animal Clinic, Brooklyn, NY, Pytel Veterinary Clinic, Goodrich, MI, Queen City Animal Hospital, Hooksett, NH, River Ridge Veterinary Hospital, Clemmons, NC, River Trails Corporation/PetSafe Animal Hospital, Riverwoods, IL, Rolling Hills Pet Clinic, Tucson, AZ, Dr. Wendy Simpson, Morrisville, NC, South Bay Veterinary Group, Boston, MA, South Mesa Veterinary Hospital, Morris Animal Foundation and Fort Collins, CO, Stoney Brook Veterinary Hospital, Lebanon, NH, Stony Run Veterinary Center, PetSafe share a passion for animal Thomasville, PA, Sunbury Animal Hospital, Sunbury, PA, Sunrise Pet Clinic, PC, Tucson, AZ, welfare, specifically improving the Telegraph Road Animal Hospital, Severn, MD, Three Counties Animal Hospital, Riverdale, GA, lives of dogs and cats. We also have Town & Country Animal Hospital, Miami, FL, Town & Country Veterinary Clinic, Marinette, WI, similar values, so when we co-launch VCA Brookline Animal Hospital, Brookline, MA, VCA Dakota Ridge Animal Hospital, Littleton, CO, VCA Littleton Animal Hospital, Littleton, CO, VCA Orchard Animal Hospital, Greenwood endeavors it is truly a partnership Village, CO, VCA Park Hill Animal Hospital, Denver, CO, Veterinary Associates of Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg, MS, Wellesley Animal Hospital, Wellesley, MA, Windsor Veterinary Clinic, PC, relationship and we are able to Windsor, CO, Woodhaven Veterinary Clinic, Edmonds, WA, Yarmouth Veterinary Center, capitalize on our synergies. Yarmouth, ME

Laurie S. Macnair


Lila M. Kommerstand Supporter since 1997

Brian & Kate Abrell, Ardith Neath Adams, Gaylan & Harriet Adams, Joyce E. Adams, I give because I love all animals Christopher Adlington, David & Carolyn Alexander, April Altman & Dan Prillaman, Jeff & and believe that they deserve to live Evonne Anderson, Susan Andersen-Messina & John Rocco Messina, Connie D. Angeleri, long, happy and healthy lives. For Gertrude B. Ansell, Richard J. Arabian, Dolores Arend, Betty Atwell, Mrs. Elva J. Baeslack, Karen Bagwell, Willard & Barbara Bailey, Dale & Linda Barbee, Chuck & Gloria Barrick, this reason, I support the excellent Marilu Baskin, Stewart & Elizabeth Baynes, Karen Miller Becnel, DVM, Kris Bedalov, Nancy research that Morris Animal Bellavita, H. L. Bennyhoff, Erika F. Bergishagen, Elizabeth Biddick, Col. Robert & Theresa Foundation funds in order Biersack, Russell & Judith Bird, James & Debra Bliese, Mrs. Janice Blumhof-Palmer, Mrs. Melinda Boehringer, Laura & Roger Bohart, Gene & Minnie Bourque, Carol Boyle, Nancy L. to improve the lives of animals. Braaten, Mary A. Brady, Laura Brantley, Scott & Sadie Breor, Linda M. Burger, Mrs. Alana Burkowski, Lucinda F. Burr, Jean Burt, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Caldwell, Barbara Calvo, Laurie Camp, Allan Carb, DVM, DACVS, Dr. Mary E. Carlson, Marilyn (Bomash) Carmichall & Steve Carmichall, Deborah & Mark Carter, Grace Casey, Raymond & Cherie Cassel, Betty Marie Cassin, Frances G. Cazier, Chamois Rainbow Foundation, Paula S. Channell, Sandra Chiaramonte, Georgie A. & Tom Chivington, Nancy Kay Clark, CVT, Ron & Tamara Clements, Doris & Don Clopper, Francoise Cocquet, The Collins Family, Kris Colt, Hildegarde Compton, Jean Conway, Barbara Wood Cook, C.J. Coonfield, Patsy Corrigan, Andi Cosper, Joan K. & Richard Cowlan, Nancy Craig, Ann & Dougal Crowe, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cushman, Jerome Cusker, Ms. Louise Czajkowski, Penny L. Daley, Mrs. Frank Damato, Karen S. Daniel, Alexander A. Dardas II, Deborah Davenport & G. Martin Drey, Ronald Daves, Sherry B. Davis, Mrs. Theda N. Davis, Aila G. Dawe, Michelle M. DeLisle, Theresa F. DeMaria, Iris L. Dennison, Ann Denton, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Detterman, Jim & Wendy Dickie, Joanne & David Dickson, Steven & Catherine Diener, Sebastian & Nina DiGirolamo, Judith W. Ditfurth, Tery A. Dixon, Debra Dombrowski, Denise J. Dugan, Dave Dunnet, Georgia Dupree, Ms. Letha Ehrenfelt, Edna B. Ellingson, Lt. Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. William Elmer, Jack & Sue Ane Emrek, Randy & Connie Erb, Carol & Dan Everetts, Beverly J. Ewine, Mary Ewing, Margaret H. Farley, M. Paige Farr, Mitchell Field, Kim Filson, Julia Bynum Finch, Drs. Dale & Katherine Fitting, Carole L. Fitzpatrick, Bonnie M. Fleming, Howard W. Fortner Jr., Peggy Franz, Ann M. Fritscher, Carolyn G. & Bruce C. Froh, Tara D. Froh, Dolores “Debby” Furman, Robert Gain & Alex Redman, Elisabeth Gambill-Niksich, Dr. Kathleen V. Green Gardner, ASID, Ruth & Jim Gaulke, Marc Gerber, Debra Zidich Gibbons, Janet Goetz, George & Louise Gonzalez, Dick & Jean Gordon, Sheila D. Gore, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Graham, Betty Lou Grant, Roz Grashaw, George & Donna Green, Drs. Greg & Kris Greenwood, Greta Gregg-Grulke, Patricia Grilione, PhD, Dr. & Mrs. James L. Grimes, Ray Anna Grollman, Sondra Grumbein, DVM, Drs. Toula & Mark Guilfoyle, Char Haack, Tony & Melanie Hackenberg, Peggie Hall, Nancy Hamilton, Joan Handley, Diane Baxter Hankin, Bill Hardy, Chad & Shelly Hartmann, Dr. Martin Haspel & Mrs. Linda Haspel, Sandi Lee Heffner, Judy Heisserman, Mr. & Mrs. R. Crofton Held, Dorothy T. Henderson, Gary & Joan Heymann, Robert Hilsenroth, DVM, Rose Hingeley, Mr. & Mrs. Hoagland, Suzann Holland, Marinus Hoogerhyde, Clark & Martha Hooper, Virginia W. Hopkins, Laurie Hosmer, Susan Howard, Dianne & John Howe, Peggy Hull, Patricia Lawrence Humphrey, Mrs. Cara Jeffries, Holli Jelkin, Cynthia Jeness, Annette Fox Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Johnson, Jean L. Johnston, Judy Johnston, Laura Johnston-Lorino, Bill & Nancy Jones, Carol Jones, Jean Kahl, Charles & Nancy Kail, Kenneth Kail & Ivy Hwang, Dorothy Kanehl, Eva J. Katz, Miriam Reynolds Keat, Ellen Keely, Sharon L. Keen, Ruth Keesling, Arden Keevers, Bonnie Wild Keith, Donna Kelley, Robert N. Kennedy, Barbara King, Rose M. King, B. Jean Kistle, Sally Ann Kitterman, Ron & Arlene Klein, Walter & Allene Kleweno, Gary & Susan Knudsen, Dr. V. Wensley Koch, Lila M. Kommerstad, Carla M. Koty, Alice Kovalchik, Lynette A. Kozdron & Diane F. Kozdron , Shari Krueger, Dr. Petra Lackner, Rocco LaGuardia, Patricia Lake & Martin Lisiecki, Margaret M. Lamont, Liebe Chaya Lamstein, Gertrude Lanman, William A. Laudani, Carol M. Laughlin, Casey & Cheryl Lenox, Cynthia Liebling, Ms. Dede Lipskey, Mary “Mare” Lommen, Art & Theresa Lorenzen, Betty White Ludden, Leonard & Tracey Luty, Ruth Ann MacQueen, Teresa & Donald Madak , John Major, Sylvia Markman, JoAnn Marlin, Caroline Marr, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Marsh Jr., Anita Marten, Nick & Patti Mattera, Mrs. Greta Maturo, Mr. & Mrs. Rex H. May, E. McCauley & Pepper, Kathie McCleary, Sandra E. McCrady, Ruth McGahee, John V. Meeks, Hannie Meier, Valentina de Navasques, Ginger & Roger Merkel, Mr. Wayne Millard, Gen. & Mrs. George D. Miller, Saranna B. Miller, Garth C. & Mary Ann Miner, Drs. Jaime Modiano & Michelle Ritt, Diane Mondi, Elizabeth A. Moon, Harriet Stack Moore, Cynthia Morris, Mr. David & Dr. Darlia Morris, Ross Wagner Mullican, Dennis J. Murphy, Jan Muyskens, Blanche L. Myer, Valentina de Navasques, Carl & Carmen Neu, Karen R. Neubart, Jill Norair, Rhonda & Dennis Norman, Richard F. & Marjorie S. Norstrom, Loreen A. Novak, Verna C. Noyd, Carl & Carol Obenland, JoAnne O’Fallon, Mrs. Mary B. O’Konek, Dr. Patricia N. Olson, Jerry Olson, Jerri Ortner, Linda J. Osborn, Darby Brewer Packie, Richard & Melissa Paige, Miriam Paisner, Mary Pat Parkhill, Samantha Parsons, William Patterson, Professor Constance Payne, ReJean Peeples, Jeffrey G. Pepper, Bruce & Kathy Peters, Kathryn S. Peterson, Rosemarie Haas Peterson, Christel & August Pfeiffer, Deborah Lee Pickett, VMD, A.C. Carol Plegge, Charles Powers, Mary Jo Pringle, Frances S. Rabren, Thomas & Alice Ragain, Barbara Raichle, Rick & Linda Ramin, Beverly Rankin, Scott Raymond, Mary Rutledge Reed, Gloria Reese, Dick & Eileen Richards, Dr. John & Shirley Richardson, Mary Roberson, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Robinson, Jackie & Edward Robinson, Dr. Beth Rodgers, Carl & Daisy Rogers, Peter Rosenberger, B. Douglas Roth & Jacqueline M. Roth, Darlene Roy, M. Rubenstein, Robert & Ingrid Sager, Cindy Saint Vincent, Deborah Sanders, Doris R. Satterwhite, Gaynell M. Schenck, Mrs. Carol A. Schmidt, Jill & Charlie Schmidt, Fred L. & Sandra F. Schroeder, Geralyn Schroth, Ms. Emelda Schulman, Dr. Sandee Schuster, Robert & June Schweitzer, Linda J. Scott, Linda Scribner, Diane A. Scripps, John & Judy Sears, Susan M. Seidman, John & Carla Serenko, Rick & Laura Severson, Lora Sharnoff-Tamura, Dr. Henrietta N. Shirk, Mrs. Pauline Shook, Eileen Margolin Shore, Janice K. Shreve, David P. Sickles, Dr. Donna L. Siemro, Mary M. Silkworth, Austin G. Silvester, Dr. Christine Simcik, Dolores Y. Sink, Elinor J. Smith, Linda Smith, Sharyn Snook, Mary E. Snow, Kurt & Ruth Sorensen, Sylvia D. Stalnaker, Adrienne Statfeld, Monica Faye Steidele, Dick & Kathy W. Stephenson, Evelyn L. Stewart, Hilde Stewart, Dorothy H. Stimpson, Nancy J. Stitley, Beverly E. Stouky, Leslie Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Tom J. Sullivan, Fran Sunseri, Stanley & Dawn Sutherland, John & Janet Swanson, Richard J. & Katheryn A. Swanson, Sarah (Sally) W. Sweatt, Wendy Sweet, Elizabeth & Patsy Swendson, Sarah M. Talbot, Diane Elizabeth Tanner, Shirley Z. Thomas, Ralph W. Thompson, Joe & Pat Toth, Susan Tracy, Jane E. Trauger, Lee Traven, William A. Treat Jr., Pam Troutman, Mark E. Turley, Greg & Jeannie Valdez, Jean & Rich Van Camp, Neil & Sylvia Van Sloun, Mrs. Edward Vincent, Mary Voight, Cheryl Wagner, Barbara J. Wahl, Jeanne Wahrenbrock, Ms. Pamela L. Wainscott, Jean Wallace, Sally-Jo Walters, LeNoir Wareing, Linda Watkins, Chuck Weir, Dr. Glen C. & Nancy J. Weiser, Laurie Lynn Weitzel, James & Barbara White, Karen Wiberg, Linda Dake Wilford, Charis K. Williams, Jeanne Williams, Lisa & Paul Williams, T. Cole & Susan Williams, Lynn O. Wilmoth, Laurel Wirtanen-Siloy, Sally L. Wissel, Mary Beth Wolcott, E. Lee Yaffe-Stark, Claire Yates, Eunice & John Yost, Terry Zaslaw, Dr. Sarah E. Zimmerman, Simone Zoladz, Nadine Zumpe, Anonymous (208) Morris Animal Foundation made every effort to include all qualifying donors in this annual report. If you feel your name is missing from this donor listing, please accept our sincere apologies, accept our gratitude for your contributions and feel free to contact us with your concern.


Working together to advance animal health

Lamplighter Society As of June 30, 2012 Donors who make an estate or planned gift to Morris Animal Foundation become part of our Lamplighter Society. These donors help light the way for better animal health.


Total Lamplighters in FY12

Our commitment to fiscal responsibility

Just as Morris Animal Foundation is committed to funding only the best science, we are as committed to investing in great work resourcefully, efficiently and in a way that maximizes your gifts. We are proud of our four-star rating from Charity Navigator, which evaluates charities’ financial health, accountability and transparency. Only 28 percent of the 6,000 charities evaluated last year received the top designation. Consolidated statement of activities

Year ended June 30, 2012

Revenue Contributions Investment Income Other Income Donated Services

Year ended June 30, 2011

$9,388,226 $11,159,970 ($2,676,277) $8,563,673 $168,084 $313,335 $808,774 $963,643

Total Revenue



Program Health Study Grants Veterinary Student Scholars Program Awareness Grant Management Grant Evaluation

$7,347,402 $93,500 $631,562 $1,233,515 $800,806

$7,757,720 $273,450 $525,781 $944,083 $944,436



$871,625 $1,920,304

$844,478 $1,814,107

Total Program Support Services Management & General Fundraising Total Support Services Total Expenses





Consolidated statement of FINANCIAL POSITION Year ended June 30, 2012



Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Receivables Prepaid Expenses Investments at Market Value Fixed Assets, Net of Depreciation

$1,539,359 $50,591 $58,444 $76,591,615 $58,002

Total Assets


Liabilities $4,343,588

Fundraising Administration



Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted

$25,847,090 $9,030,407 $39,076,926

Total Net Assets


Total Liabilities and Net Assets



Monthly giving By becoming a loyal friend and enrolling in automatic monthly giving, you provide Morris Animal Foundation with ongoing, sustainable support for science that will advance veterinary medicine for animals. Even the smallest gifts add up quickly.

Workplace giving/corporate matching gifts Morris Animal Foundation is proud to be an approved charity with the Combined Federal Campaign, which includes all federal employees: civilian employees, military personnel and postal workers. Please consider directing your pledges during the September to December season by selecting Morris Animal Foundation, CFC #64353, on your pledge card. Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Check with your personnel department about your company’s program. You can designate your donations to Morris Animal Foundation by completing your giving form with our charity name and EIN number, #84-6032307.

Circle of Discovery Leadership gifts are essential to fulfilling Morris Animal Foundation’s vision of a world in which all animals are healthy. With your leadership gift of $3,000 or more in a single fiscal year, you join our Circle of Discovery, which entitles you to exclusive benefits. Make your leadership gift by June 30, 2013, and you’ll become a founding member.

Lamplighter Society Leaving a gift to Morris Animal Foundation in your estate plans is the perfect way to continue your legacy. By making a gift through your estate plans, you become a member of the Lamplighter Society, a group of committed, passionate donors who are lighting the way for the future of animal health. Some options to consider are • Bequests • Beneficiary designations • Charitable gift annuities

To learn more about these and other giving options, visit www.MorrisAnimalFoundation.org, email mailbox@MorrisAnimalFoundation.org or call 800.243.2345.


Help change the world for animals

Animals need help from people, like you, who believe that science can improve their world. Whether you make a donation, host a fundraising event or get involved in some other way, you will be supporting an ongoing quest for new discoveries and knowledge that will make a true difference in the lives of animals—today and tomorrow. You can help in a number of ways, including the following:

10200 East Girard Avenue Suite B430 Denver, CO 80231 800.243.2345 www.MorrisAnimalFoundation.org

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