9 minute read
The Brow Bar Savannah

Morgan York Smith
MY MISSION: is to help women find confidence within themselves y enhancin their nat ral ea ty. e have seen a h e increase in sel care and m rate l to e a part o it
I KNEW I WANTED TO START MY OWN BUSINESS WHEN: the pandemic started. was ready to make some i chan es. wanted to e more present in my amily s li e and do somethin more meanin l. o nd that y helpin women find their confidence.
SAVANNAH: is p ttin yo rsel o t there. how p at other sinesses to s pport their events introd ce yo rsel and p t a name to a ace. akin meanin l and personal connections is partic larly important in o r comm nity. MY PERFECT DAY: is spendin time with my amily in orsyth ark a picnic and ood ook in tow chasin my little one aro nd the park and endin the ni ht with a cocktail rom avoy ociety.
Marjorie Young
CARRIAGE TRADE PUBLIC RELATIONS® INC. 912.844.9990 • carriagetradepr.com • reputationmatrix.com marjorie@carriagetradepr.com
MY MISSION: is to help businesses increase their visibility, credibility and positive word of mouth in the community and online.
INCREASE YOUR BUZZ: Studies show that 92 percent of new business and referrals come from word of mouth. Small business owners and nonprofits mi ht not reali e that there is a strate y or creatin me a positive . t starts with creatin a yearly plan sin the ep tation atri method. I AM PROUD OF: havin the opport nity to serve as president o the otary l o avannah and receivin he o ert . ot emorial ward or eritorio s ervice in ass omm nications by Savannah State University in 2021.
TAKE THIS TEST: oo le the name o yo r company. positive news stories a o t yo r siness are not showin p on the first pa e sched le yo r ree discovery session to see how o r award winnin team can help.

Dogtopia of Thunderbolt
From left, back: Analysa Tribble, pet parent manager; Kelly Diamond Wolfsheimer, owner; Aubrie Groesbeck, weekend manager; kneeling: Macie Young, operations manager; Morgane Bryant, general manager
MY MISSION: is to enhance the joy of dog parenthood and enable dogs to positively change the world!
MY CLIENTS DO BUSINESS WITH ME BECAUSE I AM: trustworthy. I am in my business every day and work hard to provide a place that pet parents can absolutely trust to provide the best pet care.
I STAY INVOLVED IN THE COMMUNITY BY: working with rescue organizations. Two of my three dogs came from Coastal Pet Rescue.
MY LOCAL ROLE MODEL: is Salita Hill, manager of the United Community Bank on Victory Drive. Salita and I used to work together at Trust Company Bank of Savannah. As a strong pillar in the community, she was an early female role model. When I started my business, Salita was my banking and loan connection by coincidence.
–Answers provided by Kelly Diamond Wolfsheimer, owner
Amanda Everard
912.231.1376 • everard.com
MY MISSION: is to help people handle the sale o their fine art and antiques in a professional manner. Whether you are the executor of a large estate or are downsizing, I try to make the process as simple as possible and achieve the highest value for you through our online auction house with global reach.
THE SECRET TO GOOD BUSINESS IN SAVANNAH: is to do a great job for people, because word of mouth goes a long way. Most of our business comes through client referrals.
I’M PROUD OF: my involvement with “Antiques Roadshow.” It is a great experience traveling to different cities throughout the country and appraising interesting objects. It also gives me access to a distinguished network of appraisers who are helpful throughout the year in my business.

Jamie Pleta & Rebecca Matthews
912.509.8053 • 2600 Mechanics Ave., Thunderbolt fi c e a d ic e . o e i g .com
WE ENJOY: our customers. Their loyalty is so heartwarming. We couldn’t be thriving like we are during such tough times without our little community of Finches followers. We don’t take a single bit of their support for granted.
WE OPENED A SANDWICH SHOP BECAUSE: who doesn’t love a sandwich? There’s a casualness about lunch. Generally, people’s expectations are higher at dinner, and we wanted something that was low-key but still offered a wow factor. Dinner service is stressful; server nightmares are a real thing. So far, we’ve never had a sandwich nightmare.
BEYOND SANDWICHES, WE LOVE: animals. A big perk of our outdoor dining is all of the dogs – and sometimes cats – who join us. We bring every pooch a bowl of water and treats from Oliver Bentleys. We also host Coastal Pet Rescue adoption events when they bring adoptable dogs to Finches for a meet-and-greet. Just being honest, we’re not very productive on those days!
Dr. Erika Morrow MS, OD
912.483.6600 • 350 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. forsighteye.net
I’M PROUD TO: offer the highest quality products and elite customer service. Your eyes deserve the best. Seeing well is essential for all aspects of life, and I believe that starts with a thorough eye exam and eye wear that provides the best vision and comfort.
MY TOOLS OF THE TRADE: include an exceptional team and unique eye wear. ForSight features a collection of eye wear that has grown over time, and each pair of specs can complement an o tfit. ye lasses are my ewelry. co ld not provide the est eye care without seeing and looking my best. Lastly, a clean and or ani ed o fice is essential to my mental well ein .
THE SECRET TO GOOD BUSINESS IN SAVANNAH: is being genuine. My team and I would never grow our business if we looked at others as st an opport nity. e see everyone as a potential relationship a relationship that is eneficial to oth parties, whether that’s mentally, physically or monetarily.

Ismary De Castro, MD
MY MISSION: is to expand access of endocrinology health services in the Lowcountry area, improve health and well-being in our community and provide chronic disease management for longterm health conditions affecting the endocrine system.
I LEAD BY: providing vision and direction, given my extensive knowledge in clinical chemistry and distinguishing human variation from disease and training in hormone interpretation. We empower our patients through education and providing individualized care.
I LOVE WHAT I DO BECAUSE: I help my patients gain a better nderstandin o their health and find ways to improve their ality of life. Endocrinology involves caring for the person as well as the disease, which oftentimes is a lifelong condition. I value the longterm relationships with my patients and their families.
I’M THANKFUL FOR: my life journey, my loving and supportive family, my caring staff and our patients who entrust us with their care.
Samantha Byrd
912.421.9271 samanthabyrdphotography.com
MY MISSION: is to help women find their fire and love themselves as they are. help women stop seein o r v lnera ility and emininity as a weakness and rin o t the nat ral and ni e ea ty and power inside o them so they can see and eel how ama in they are.
WOMEN ARE SURPRISED TO LEARN THAT: ein v lnera le is really power l. t s common to e nervo s d rin the first ew min tes o a o doir session. However once clients are five min tes into the photo shoot their inner spirit takes over and helps showcase the phenomenal woman inside. I HOPE MORE WOMEN WILL: stop waitin or the per ect time to e ready. here s no per ect wei ht per ect relationship or per ect milestone that s ddenly makes yo reali e yo re worthy eno h to p ll the tri er and do somethin to cele rate yo rsel . o deserve to eel confident ea ti l and power l today

Heather Murphy
OUR MISSION: is to exceed the expectations of our clients by providing a luxury experience using innovative techniques and niche marketing throughout the buying and selling process. Additionally, we ensure our collaborative work environment empowers each team member to grow professionally and personally so that, ultimately, they can make a difference in our community.
WE STAY INVOLVED IN THE COMMUNITY BY: making a difference. We kicked off 2022 with a group resolution to make a positive impact in the Coastal Empire every month. By engaging different organizations, we are taking the opportunity to serve our community while cultivating new relationships. Whether it’s providing needed supplies to an animal shelter or showing thanks to locally owned and operated businesses, we are fi ercely dedicated to s pportin o r Hostess ity.
Urshita Bhagat
478.420.0253 ubhennaco.com
HENNA IS: a paste made from the ground-up leaves of the henna tree. It is a natural, temporary dye used on hair and skin aro nd the world or its health enefits artistic e pression and in cele ration o special occasions. speciali e in ridal henna which is m ch more ela orate and detailed enerally coverin oth forearms, hands, legs and feet.
WHEN I’M NOT IN THE OFFICE: have a child in one hand and a c p o can t e othered to warm it p a ain co ee in the other.
ONLY EXPERIENCE COULD TEACH ME: that in order to be respected and taken serio sly first needed to respect mysel and take my business seriously.
THE SECRET TO HAVING A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS: is networking. Get in front of other business owners who have tangent businesses to yo rs. ltho h may e a socially awkward introvert do my est to connect with and s pport local weddin vendors.