Savannah Women in Business 2022

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912.312.0829 • 2424 Drayton St. MY MISSION: is to help women find confidence within themselves

y enhancin their nat ral ea ty. e have seen a h in sel care and m rate l to e a part o it

e increase

I KNEW I WANTED TO START MY OWN BUSINESS WHEN: the pandemic started. was ready to make some i chan es. wanted to e more present in my amily s li e and do somethin more meanin l. o nd that y helpin women find their confidence. THE SECRET TO HAVING A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS IN SAVANNAH: is p ttin yo rsel o t there. how p at other

sinesses to s pport their events introd ce yo rsel and p t a name to a ace. akin meanin l and personal connections is partic larly important in o r comm nity. MY PERFECT DAY: is spendin time with my amily in orsyth ark

a picnic and ood ook in tow chasin my little one aro nd the park and endin the ni ht with a cocktail rom avoy ociety.


912.844.9990 • • MY MISSION: is to help businesses increase their visibility, credibility and positive word of mouth in the community and online. INCREASE YOUR BUZZ: Studies show that 92 percent of new business and referrals come from word of mouth. Small business owners and nonprofits mi ht not reali e that there is a strate y or creatin me a positive . t starts with creatin a yearly plan sin the ep tation atri method. I AM PROUD OF: havin the opport nity to serve as president o the otary l o avannah and receivin he o ert . ot emorial ward or eritorio s ervice in ass omm nications by Savannah State University in 2021. TAKE THIS TEST:

oo le the name o yo r company. positive news stories a o t yo r siness are not showin p on the first pa e sched le yo r ree discovery session to see how o r award winnin team can help.


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