1 minute read
from Corner Vide

Sous vide cooking doesn’t generate layered degrees of doneness, like conventional methods, instead creating uniformity from the edge to the center.
Flavor Preservation
Vacuum sealing the food while it cooks traps all of the flavor and causes marinades to be absorbed deeper into the meat.
Sous Vide allows you to precisely control the temperature of your food from the center to the edges within a tolerance of half a degree.
Moisture loss and shrinkage can be reduced to as little as 5%, compared to traditional cooking methods of 30% or more.
Sous Vide has become one of the most popular cooking techniques of modern times because the process takes less skill, creates less mess, products are more tender, and the yield of the final product is much greater. That makes Sous Vide a win, win, win, win for our customers.
- Randall Emert Chief Culinary Officer

Sous Vide Mise En Place