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A Report by Chole Richard 10th August, 2018


INTRODUCTION Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has mandated Kisubi Associated Writers’ Agency (KAWA) to implement a pilot project activity of launching ICT Clubs in selected Secondary Schools. Namely: St. Mary’s College, Rushoroza; Bishop Kivengere Girls, Kabale; Mbarara High, Mary Hill High School, Mbarara; Rwenkoba Secondary School, Ibanda; Masaka Secondary School; Kasanga Seed Secondary School, Kampala, Nabisunsa Girls, Bishops Secondary School, Mukono; Dabani Girls, Busia; Mbale High; Mbale Secondary School; Nero Rock High School, Kumi; Lira Town College; Gulu High, St. Joseph, Layibi; Arua Public, Arua Senior Secondary School, Nalinya Lwantale Girls and St. John SS, Nandale. The mandate charges KAWA with responsibility of coordinating the launch, arranging for a visit by an ICT Innovator, training of enrolled members of the clubs, delivering two tablets for each of the clubs and three months internet bundles for each tablet donated by UCC, supplying each club with 100 branded T-Shirts of UCC. In planning out the launch, KAWA prepared a one-month program from 18th June to 18th July 2018 in which period each of the selected schools was visited by facilitators from KAWA and the launches were carried out. Each school was allocated at least three hours for issuing out T-Shirts, making a presentation to sensitize the club members, give them opportunity to share their expectations and accomplishments in ICT, preside over a short handover ceremony of Samsung Galaxy Tablets donated to the clubs, officially launch the project and do a video recording of feedback from some student participants. Each school was advised to select up to 100 students cutting across all classes.

BACKGROUND About 1000 secondary schools in Uganda have benefitted in a government program to equip them with computers and other items as a strategic plan to build capacity of schools in ICT in Education. It was implemented by UCC under its Rural Communications Development Fund (RCDF). The 20 schools selected for launch of the ICT Clubs are some of the beneficiaries of the RCDF program of equipping schools with computer labs. The launching of the ICT Clubs is a part of strategic plan of RCDF to ensure sustainable use of the computer labs by making the ICT Clubs pivotal in their maintenance and operations.


UCC has produced a proposed curriculum to ensure maintenance and operation of the computer lab by the club members. It covers various skills under students help desk, networking and internet basics, internet services and applications, using web authoring tools, and other recommended club activities like producing a computer club magazine, making brochures, learning to create presentation slides, blogging etcetera. UCC has further developed a proposal of linking up each of the 20 ICT Clubs with one nearby University to collaborate with and support the clubs. Table Showing Selected Universities and the ICT Clubs they are Affiliated to. UNIVERISTY DISTRICT ICT CLUBS Kabale University Kabale St. Mary’s College, Rushoroza Bishop Kivengere Girls School Mbarara University of Science and Mbarara Mbarara High School Technology Mary Hill High School Ibanda University Ibanda Rwenkoba Secondary School Muteesa I Royal University Masaka Masaka Senior Secondary School Livingstone International University Mbale Mbale Secondary School Mbale High Busitema University Busia Dabani Girls Kumi University Kumi Nyero Rock High School Ndejje University Luwero Nalinya Lwantale Girls S.S. St. John SS, Nandale Lira University Lira Lira Town College Gulu University Gulu Gulu High St. Joseph SS, Layibi Uganda Christian University Mukono Bishops Secondary School Nabisunsa Girls Kampala International University Kampala Kasanga Seed Secondary School. Through this pilot project, students are expected to gain practical skills beyond the set curriculum for secondary schools and promote innovation. It is further expected to make students gain more interest in ICT and provide opportunity and platform for outstanding students to be recognized and benefit from UCC/RCDF support. The project could be considered to be implemented in more secondary schools, depending on outcome of the pilot project.


ABOUT THE FACILITATORS Moses Wamanga: Moses is an experienced educator with a strong background in the use of technology and capacity building to improve educational outcomes. He has designed and conducted various national and international conferences and interventions on the effective application of ICT and education technology in the classroom. As an International Education and Resource Network Master teacher, he holds wide experience in student centered, collaborative learning activities. He also has vast experience in computer programming, networking and digital academic content creation. He serves as the national Chairman of KAWA, a community-based teachers’ organization that delivers digital content and Continuous Professional development courses in partnership with the Makerere University Business School and the Ugandan Ministry of Education and Sports. He is a Senior Education Specialist for Opportunity International Education Quality Department in Uganda. Prior to joining Edufinance, Moses served as Head of ICT department at St. Mary’s College Kisubi and Jinja SS, Director of Digital Learning for Dream Africa Schools, a project of GEMS Cambridge Schools and Varkey Foundation. Chole Richard is an advocate and passionate practitioner of best practices and integration of ICT in education. He is a Secondary School teacher and Master Teacher of International Education Resource Network (iEARN) where he facilitates a students’ global collaborative learning project, Envision My Ideal World. He has worked for ten years as an educator with Adobe Youth Voices, an international learner driven purposeful multimedia production program for teenagers using concepts of project-based learning under local patronage of SchoolNet Uganda. He is a Microsoft Innovative Educator, emerging one of 18 best in (MIA) Microsoft Forum for Middle East and Africa in 2012. He is very much inclined to engaging students in learning through purposeful media creation. He has participated and presented at several international conferences dedicated to promotion of ICT in Education and Development. He is a member of Kisubi Associated Writers Agency.



Ministry of Education and Sports Uganda Communications Commission Kisubi Associated Writers’ Agency 13 Affiliated Universities The 20 Secondary Schools

ABOUT KISUBI ASSOCIATED WRITERS’ AGENCY (KAWA) Kisubi Associated Writers Agency (KAWA) is a national provider of Professional development services to enhance learning outcomes for educators, schools and learners around the country. It was founded by Professional teachers as a non-profit Community Based Organization transforming the Education system through technology and capacity building. Through the MoU with the Ministry of Education and Sports, KAWA is using the computers provided by the government in 1034 government Secondary schools in supporting Primary and Secondary schools to integrate appropriate ICTs through a wide variety of education projects that cover areas such as in-service teacher training through blended learning approach, Continuous Professional Development (CPD), the creation of local Digital Educational Content and development of teaching materials, as well as use of ICT for career guidance and efficiency in administration. KAWA has an eLearning platform popularly known as elearning Uganda that provides notes, videos and presentations to make learning easy anytime anywhere. KAWA is a team of inspired and motivated professionals focusing on improving the quality of Education through proper integration of technology in the teaching and learning process. KAWA’S Vision and Mission Statement To make the greatest impact possible to the life chances of learners by working with educators across the country to ensure they are trained, empowered and supported to be the very best. www.kawa.ac.ug www.kawauganda.blogspot.com

PROJECT AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To successfully implement the pilot project, KAWA developed the aim of the project as follows: To build capacity in the participating learners to utilize ICT to leverage 21 st century learning practices to make ICT more relevant in their lives and education. The following objectives were developed to achieve the above aim:  Building in the students the skills of using ICT more effectively and responsibly.  Building communication skills and confidence in the learners


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Enabling creativity and innovation Developing critical thinking and problem-solving mentality Being able to integrate ICT in mainstream disciplines, other clubs and schools’ activities for learning purposes. Engaging learners in programs and activities that develop a sense of global citizenship Being able to purposefully network, collaborate and work as a team. Becoming peer learners that guide and support fellow students in learning and effective use of ICT in education. Empowering learners to address real issues affecting their communities and finding solutions to them through innovative learning projects. Developing a sense of ownership of and taking part in maintenance of equipment of their respective ICT department.

KEY AREAS OF FOCUS In launching the ICT Clubs, the following were the key areas of interest:  Giving a background information to the launch of the project  Exposition on the relationship between the ministry of education and sports, UCC, KAWA, the selected Universities and the 20 selected schools.  Giving opportunity for the students to share their expectations of the meetings and what they do with the ICT equipment’s in their schools, what they have been able to accomplish and how they have benefited.  Sharing of the aims and objectives of the pilot project  Sharing some of the major 21st century challenges and opportunities that a learner will have to be prepared to deal with.  Introducing learners to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)  Sharing possible avenues or platforms for innovation and local or global impact  Sharing examples of innovative learning projects by students in Uganda  Sharing tips on possible innovative projects that clubs can implement  Sharing tips for successfully running an ICT Club  Sharing KAWA’s proposed workplan 2018 for the clubs  Official hand-over of Tablets and launch of the clubs  Obtaining feedback from some learners, teachers and school administrators


PROCEEDING OF THE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES Background Information At each of the 20 schools, the students and teachers present were informed of UCC’s desire to ensure that equipment’s in the ICT departments are used effectively and sustainably through students’ active participation in use and maintenance. KAWA’s role was spelt out as the organization mandated to implement UCC’s pilot project – delivering of equipment and other items from UCC to the schools, coming up with a program for the schools, providing mentoring support for the patrons and students, monitoring and following up spelled out activities for the clubs and promoting innovative programs. Club Expectations Club members were given opportunity to share their expectations of the launch and pilot project. Various were given and varying from one school to another but they majorly revolved around the following:          

Providing more computers and other equipment’s for their school. Restoring internet connectivity (Some of the schools had no internet) Learning new things in ICT. Opportunity to promote their innovative projects that they were already doing. (Arua SS, Lira Town College, Mbarara High, Mary Hill) Equipping their labs with more modern equipment like smart boards. Opportunity to interact with students from other parts of the country and learn with them more things in ICT. Providing equal access to acquire skills in ICT so as to be self-employed. Providing learning aids for visually impaired students (Gulu High) Reviving of ICT clubs so that they become more active and excel like other clubs. Be able to do more practical things in ICT.

Students’ Accomplishments in ICT Findings show that some of the schools already had ICT clubs or their equivalents (Mbarara High, Gulu High, Lira Town College, Bishop Kivengere Girls, Arua Public, Bishops Senior Secondary School, etc) while others did not have or are defunct (Nyero Rock High School, Mbale High). Either way ICT activities had being going on, ranging from normal ICT and Computer studies lessons to carrying out activities beyond those directly provided for in the curriculum. The major activities and accomplishments that the students shared revolved around the following:


LEFT: A student of Arua SS sharing his team’s project on water and sanitation during launch of their ICT Club and RIGHT: A student of Lira Town College shares his robotic project

Many students shared their achievements as being their ability to use the basic programs on a computer. Namely: word processing, spread sheet and presentation slides. Students of Gulu High shared how ICT is helping the visually impaired students to have equal access and benefits of ICT. The students of Gulu High, Bishops Secondary School and Nabisunsa Girls have a program of doing peer learning in practical between students of upper classes and those in the lower classes. Students of Bishop Kivengere Girls, Nabisunsa Girls, Arua SS and Lira Town College shared their exploits in projects involving using apps to solve community problems. Students of Arua Secondary School have an ongoing project of an online platform addressing water and sanitation issues affecting communities. A team of students in Lira Town College are involved in robotics and other prototypes which they have exhibited at several events, and wining for them awards. Students of Mbarara High School and Arua Secondary School reported developing award wining projects and participating at ACIA Awards organized by UCC. Some have come to realize that their passion is in ICT and would like to pursue it as a career


Students of Bishops Secondary School, Mukono provided a comprehensive account of their activities, achievements and challenges. According to their club chairperson, their achievements include:  Equipping students with ICT knowledge and latest advancement.  Conducting out-reaches to different classes  Maintenance and cleaning of the computer laboratory  Organizing typing competitions  And doing website authoring. Achievements cited by Bishops Mukono SS include:  Increased interest in computer studies and the computer lab  Providing of internet connectivity for students to use on certain occasions  Acquisition of a router  Developed a website for their school The future plans of Bishops Secondary School, Mukono included:  Further promotion of ICT in their school  More active participation in ICT events in and out of the school The challenges of the ICT Club of Bishops SS as shared by one of the members included  Luck of adequate funds for the various club activities.  Delay in hosting the school’s website  Limited ICT equipment in the lab  Luck of access to internet  Limited time to run the club activities.

A Member of ICT Club of Bishops Secondary School, Mukono share his club’s challenges during the ICT Club launch there.

Expounding the Aims and Objectives of the Pilot Project A great deal of time was spent on explaining the set aims and objectives of the pilot project. The overall aim was explained as targeting the holistic development and change in a student’s interaction with ICT, attitude towards self and others. For effective use of ICT to be realized, their needs to be transformation in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude towards use and potential of ICT, value of education, valuing of human beings, attitude towards self and the surrounding and so forth. Only then does one realize the full potential of ICT and its benefits.


A student of ICT Club of Mbarara High (Left, standing) dialoging with facilitator Wamanga Moses (right) during launch of the ICT Club’s pilot project there.

Objectives Explained: 

Building in the students the skills of using ICT more effectively and responsibly. ICT may be misused or abused for destructive purposes. On the other hand, it can be used to develop and build humanity. The latter is the desired.

Building communication skills and confidence in learners. The ability to communicate effectively is a cornerstone to human survival. As information technology grows and develops the world becomes more accessible, drawing people of different races and languages into one global village. With it is an increasing dependency on information technology to communicate effectively. It therefore implies that the student of today must be prepared to communicate more effectively using ICT and master how to communicate with people of different cultures, races and languages. Confidence in one’s self is also very important to communicate effectively.

Enabling creativity and innovation. Creativity and innovation are the cornerstone for a sustainable development of a nation. Young people are dynamic and energetic. By embracing ICT, they have opportunity to accelerate their ability to create and innovate.


Developing critical thinking and problem-solving mentality. Before you can be a problem solver, you need to be a critical thinker. Entire communities are sometimes derailed because the people in it fail to critically analyze and identify the basis of their problems. The ICT learner therefore needs to be engaged in learning activities that challenge their thinking and come up with solutions to problems with aid of ICT as an invaluable enabler for critical thinking and problem solving.

Being able to integrate ICT in mainstream disciplines, other clubs and schools’ activities for learning purposes. ICT is not an end in itself. It is not used in isolation but as a tool and enabler in every aspect of human life. Therefore, the ICT clubs will be relevant only in as far as they support other programs and activities in the school. It may be supporting other clubs to embrace ICT in implementing their programs, guiding students in realizing the usefulness of ICT in their respective subjects, supporting school administration in a major event and so forth. The ICT clubs have to therefore strategically think of how they can integrate ICT in learning disciplines, clubs and schools’ programs and activities.

Engaging learners in programs and activities that develop a sense of global citizenship. It is increasingly becoming impossible to ignore what happens in the other end of the world because its effect may sooner or later be felt the other side of the globe. It therefore means that young people of today need to take global concern over issues. ICT provides an opportunity for learners to realize their potential to be global agents of impact or change. They essentially are at their best as global citizens.

Being able to purposefully network, collaborate and work as a team. In an increasingly interconnected world, the value of networking and collaborations have never been so acute. We need each other more than ever. It therefore means that the mentality and ability to work with each other need to be inculcated in the young people. ICT makes it very possible to collaborate and network. The ICT club members therefore need to get engaged in programs that propagate networking, collaboration and teamwork, locally and internationally.

Becoming peer learners that guide and support fellow students in learning and effective use of ICT in education. Sharing of knowledge and skills has a distinct benefit of helping the sharer to reinforce his or her own learning. The ICT Clubs were therefore encouraged to develop learning activities that involve sharing learning experiences with others. It may be with students in the same school, another school or else where in their community – face to face or online.



Empowering learners to address real issues affecting their communities and finding solutions to them through innovative learning projects. This is another key element of the project. Each ICT club has been encouraged to come up with at least one innovative learning activity that address real issues affecting people in their communities. Such activities do not have to be grand but within means of the students to implement. They should therefore develop keen senses to find out issues affecting their communities and plan to address at least one of them and determine how ICT can enable it.


Developing a sense of ownership of and taking part in maintenance of equipment of their respective ICT department. We explained to the students and teachers present that one of the key interests of UCC is to see the active participation of students in maintenance of labs and their equipment. They were reminded that lab maintenance is integral part of the ICT curriculum and it has to be not just minds-on but hands-on as well. They were encouraged to own the labs and be their first protectors.

21st Century Challenges and Opportunities. The ICT Club participants were further provided with an exposition of major challenges and opportunities for which they need to develop in them the necessary capacity to deal with if they are to maximize the effective use of ICT: The world is rapidly going hi-tech in almost every aspect of life. It is also increasingly possible to access almost any part of the world either physically or virtually. The level of trade and social interaction in the world has grown exponentially. There is also growing forces for freedom by all categories of societies and minorities. As the world becomes more of a global village cultural clash and amalgamation is the rising phenomena. All these above and others pose as challenges and opportunities that the 21 st century student must deal with if he or she is to use ICT to its full advantage. It calls for ability to change and adopt to new ways in order to fit, survive, have desired impact today and ultimately remain relevant.


Members of ICT Club of Rwenkoba Senior Secondary School attend to Wamanga Moses’ presentation on 21st century challenges and opportunities during launch of the club there.

Employability Skills and Soft Skills The participants were further given an exposition of skills that may not be the mainstream subject of any learning yet they remain very crucial – soft skills. So, as the learners embrace ICT, they need to be aware of and develop the soft skills in their lives to be able to relate in a healthy way with other people. Examples of soft skills share included: strong work ethics, positive attitude, good communication skills, time management skills, self-confidence, and so forth. To emphasis the importance of soft skills in todays fast changing world, employability requirements of two organizations were shared: RTI International and One Acre Fund all found in Uganda. Among other requirements the organizations require a candidate for a high paying job with them to have:


o High level of emotional intelligence, and ability to work and collaborate effectively within teams. o Humility and Personal stability. o passionate professionals who combine strong leadership skills with good humor, patience, and a humble approach to service o Excellent knowledge of MS Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel o Ability to multi-task o Ability to work well with others o Ability to listen and communicate well both verbal and written with provable conflict management skills o Ability to work independently, within and outside of normal hours sometimes Online link of One Acre Fund: https://oneacrefund.org/ Online link of RTI International – Uganda: https://rtiint.referrals.selectminds.com/international/location/uganda-opportunities-at-rtiinternational-111 Avenues for Innovation and Global Impact There are several organizations that provide platforms that support and give presence to students engaged in innovative projects. A few of these were shared with the ICT Club members and their teachers present: Technovation for Girls. (https://technovationchallenge.org/) This is an international program to which girls are invited to compete in problem solving project through creation of apps. Lira Town College and Bishop Kivengere Girls are two schools in the program that have already participated. Lira Town College was a national champion in 2017. A video report of their exploit in the program was shared with the various clubs. Youtube link of the news report of Lira Town College’s Exploits in Technovation, 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL8B4DB-jQI Testimony of the global finalists was also shared to challenge and inspire the club members. Youtube link to the global finalists’ testimony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qRzt4eLVCA


International Education Resource Network – iEARN (https://iearn.org).This is an internet based nonprofit organization that brings together teachers and students from all over the world to collaborate in learning projects. Its programs are currently spread in over 140 countries with 50,000 teachers and 2,000,000 youths involved worldwide. An iEARN project by students of PMM Girls’ School in Jinja, Envision My Ideal World was shared as an example of what students can accomplish for themselves. Link to the iEARN project Envision My Ideal World, founded by PMM Girls School: https://iearn.org/cc/space-2/group-440 Youtube links to completed media project Envision My Ideal World, 2016 - 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0URbtw0_Jo&t=645s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czoM8-M7jiw iEARN holds international conferences for educators and students annually. Images of Ugandan students from Gayaza High School and Mango SS who participated in the iEARN International Conference and Youth Summit 2018 were shared to the club members. Link to the Gayaza High School iEARN Students’ project blog, Feed The Child: https://feedthechild.wordpress.com/ Examples of Locally Founded Projects in Ugandan Schools Three projects founded by schools in Uganda were shared during the launch sessions. Dissection












Ongoing project Dissection of a Frog by students of PMM Girls’ School, Jinja. The Making of Fruit Juice and their Nutritional Benefits by Students of PMM Girls’ School https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmiOo01S_Ag&t=74s



United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) The club members were also introduced to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The members were encouraged to study the SDGs and align their club activities and objectives with it.

Chole Richard presenting the SDG’s to ICT Club learners of Kasanga Seed School, Kampala

Link to a site with useful information about the SDGs: http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals.html Link to a short video that highlights the 17 SDGs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G0ndS3uRdo Tips for Forming ICT Club This presentation varied from one school to another, depending on the existing status: some of them already had ICT Clubs with stipulated regulations in place while some did not have. However, the tips presented here are for a school that is yet to form a club: o Share your idea with other students interested in ICT and create a steering committee. o Market your idea to an interested and supportive teacher. o Document clearly the aims and objective and planed activities of the club. o Share your club idea with school administration to seek approval. o Develop a work plan/action plan of at least one year and make it available to all members. o Convince other students to join. o Dissolve the steering committee and elect officials to run the club. o Keep club records: minutes, reports, photos, etc. Tips for Successfully Running an ICT Club o Be relevant to your school, community, country and the world. Align your program to the SDGs.


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Have activities running at any one time Let all members remain active Keep good record of what you do in the club Work as a team; be supportive and have respect towards each other. Have regular meetings Have clear agenda for your meetings Be good role models in your ICT Department, school and community. Have clear ground rules; aims and objective; must be well understood by all members; stick to club rules o Strive to excel in ICT and Computer Studies Possible Club Activities o Participate in ICT lab and equipment maintenance o Hold regular study discussions in ICT and Computer studies o Regularly share your activities with the school at assembly, school notice board, etc. o Identify resourceful websites for studies in all subjects make it available to other students o Create a website, blog or word press on which to share club activities o Initiate and participate in problem-solving project(s) o Use obsolete computers and accessories by turning them into device identification platform. o Create a website, blog or a word press for a specific objective o Do pictorial display of school activities on school notice board, website, etc o Have an online conferencing with students, teachers or other resourceful persons. o Invite a resource person to talk to and inspire students on value of ICT for their career, etc. o Design certificates for clubs etc o Design brochures and pamphlets for your school. o Support other clubs with use of ICT to meet their objectives. o Record school events on video Project Ideas for Clubs o Creating digital instructional material for learning o Creating a blog, word press or website to share your learning outcomes in geography, history, etc. o Producing a skit on video for learning purposes. o Creating an anthology in literature – poetry, short stories, fables etc o Creating of apps for solving real life problems


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Present a well-researched community issue to your Member of Parliament Labeling flora in the school with their common and scientific names. Compile a well-researched study of history of the local community you live in Make a geographical study of your locality

Proposed Program of Activities for the 20 ICT Clubs A set of activities proposed by KAWA for the 20 ICT Clubs was also shared out. These include: DATE Mon. 18th June to Wed



Tue. 7th Aug. 2018 Frid. 10th Aug 2018 Mon. 13th Aug. 2018 1st to 31st Oct. 2018 Tue. 2nd Nov. 2018 10th Nov. 2018



Launching of ICT Clubs in the 20 selected The 20 schools schools Face to face knowledge sharing meeting with MUBS – Nakawa, Kampala patrons of the 20 ICT Clubs Online conferencing on a topical issue by Virtual learners of the ICT Clubs Release of bulletin about the club activities Online Support visits and club exhibitions

The 20 schools

Recognizing outstanding clubs Release of second bulletin of club activities.


The launch activities were concluded normally by holding a brief hand over ceremony of the Samsung tablets donated by UCC and an administrator officially declaring the clubs launched.

SOME STATEMENTS FROM SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS AND CLUB PATRONS ICT Teacher, Mbale SS. I would like to thank very much UCC for bringing exposure in this mighty school, Mbale SS. Innovativeness and creativity is what we need to move the country ahead and it had really taught the members of Mbale SS to reposition their minds.


Headteacher, Lira Town College, Lira - Verbatim I would like to thank Uganda Communications Commission for what they have done for Lira Town College. You are seeing these computers here. They are the ones who gave us the computers. They have also trained the rural people here two times. Now today they have come to you the students. They want us to form a club here, a club which was already existing The headteacher of Lira Town College (Standing at the but they have just come to foreground) makes her closing remarks. strengthen so I am very happy for this occasion of launching the ICT Club. We want to thank you Uganda Communications Commissions but as you may know, our population has now risen to 2300, so we are now begging for more computers. ‌. at least you can add for us like 40 more computers so that we can have 80. I want to thank the students for what thy have done, those in the club who have excelled at national level. Each year we have been taking students to the national level as far as ICT is concerned. I am also happy because even one of our teachers went to Europe because of ICT. He was able to stay for a week in Europe because of ICT. I believe these students we have here will do a great work in the future. Deputy Headteacher, Bishops Secondary School, Mukono The deputy said that where the world has reached, one either complies or becomes obsolete. He said the students therefore have a good opportunity through the ICT Club establishment program. He pointed out that he is a disciple of ICT who has never sat in class for an ICT lesson but he has learnt how to use it. He expressed the view that Ministry of Education and Sports could consider ICT and entrepreneurship going hand in hand. He further observed that though initial cost of ICT is high, in the long run it is very cheap. He appreciated ICT for digitalizing information which has saved the burden of paper form of keeping records and carrying out transactions. He therefore challenged the students and teachers to take the club of ICT to another level by converting their knowledge into product for sale. The deputy outlined expectations for the ICT Department: 1) let teachers move from use of chalk to digital work in their lessons. 2) Teachers and students should begin to access homework and


assignment online. 3) Posting of teachers’ minutes online in advance of meetings. 4) Establishment of digital library. 5) online sharing of test and examination questions. He also stressed the importance of developing attitude of problem solving. “Decision making and problem solving is a skill.” He said even if one was bright but is not innovative and can’t solve problems, the chances are that he or she won’t get a job. He further urged UCC to extend the 21st century skill and knowledge training to teachers in the various subjects they teach. The Headteacher, Arua Secondary School - Verbatim Arua Secondary School is very open to activities of UCC. To UCC and KAWA, I want to say that I am really humbled by what I have seen taking place in Arua Secondary School today. It takes the hearts of loving people, loving institutions, loving organizations to organize such things for the good of the students. My dear children from Arua Public School and Arua Secondary School, what is happening now is not something small. This is not something simple. It is not something to joke with for we are empowered by the commission…. Today, in the current world, without information, without knowledge you will go nowhere, and what UCC and KAWA are doing is to empower you in terms of knowledge, in terms of technical ways of how to handle these ICT gadgets. Really KAWA and UCC need a loud and thunderous applaud. Headteacher, Nabisunsa Girls’ School In her closing remarks, the headteacher of Nabisunsa Girls’ School observed, “when somebody thinks about you, it means they are challenging us. I saw the last bit of the presentation where one of the sister schools is already ahead of us. They have come up with a project and we have seen the advantages of the project.” She said she believes Nabisunsa can do better. She urged her students to take it up as a challenge and put their hands together to come up with something and beat other schools that are ahead of them. She remarked that as a school they are organized and the students are very disciplined and very creative. She thanked UCC for the Samsung tablets and that she was looking forward to working with KAWA and UCC. She promised that there will definitely be something great out of the ICT Club. She also cautioned the girls to make sure that they use the tablets strictly for club activities. She said their patron would guide them very well and urged them to handle the tablets with care. She further thanked UCC for computers it earlier offered to the school.


ICT Club members of Nabisunsa Girls School with their Headteacher (in long red dress), patron (right of HM) and other teachers at the end of launch of the pilot project at the school.

Deputy Headteacher, Kasanga Seed Secondary School, Kampala The deputy thanked KAWA for coming to conduct launch of the pilot project. She said they had been waiting for a long time for the day to come. She said she thought it would never come to pass since the documents for the event were signed the previous year. She said Kasanga Seed SS is blessed being the president’s school and that because of it, the president (of Uganda) donated 40 computers which many schools do not have. She said they had been conducting ICT lessons in senior five and senior six since it is compulsory at that level. But effective the beginning of 2017, the Chole Richard hands over the Samsung Galaxy Tablets donated by UCC school chose to start to the deputy headteacher of Kasanga Seeds S.S. computer studies at senior one and two. She said when the idea was sold to parents, they bought it. She said it accounted for the big number of students in O level. She thanked KAWA and UCC for the T shirts offered to the club members, the tablets and the time dedicated to sensitizing the students. She then launched the club. “In this error, if you are ICT illiterate, then you are in trouble” she said.


The Patron, ICT Club of St. Joseph’s College, Layibi – Gulu The patron thanked the facilitator, Chole Richard for his presentation. He said he listened attentively to Chole’s presentation and he got inspired by the enormous knowledge of ICT and how the world was changing. He said what Chole shared confirmed what they as a school had always told students. “There is a lot that is happening in the world that no body must be left behind from knowing”, he said. He further said that there were very many aspects of ICT which must be embraced and made use of for people to advance. “We don’t need to lag behind. There is a lot that you people are going to gain through the launch of this ICT Club”, he said. He urged the students to use what they have learnt at the launch to even explore more. “Like it or not, there is that time when teacher will use the smart phone. Then their presentations are going to be in the form of power point. That’s why no one must be left behind.”, the patron said. “So that is where the world is heading and no one should be left behind.”, he added. He urged the few who have been selected to spearhead the club to inspire others to embrace ICT. Patron, ICT Club of Gulu High School – Gulu. She thanked KAWA for enlightening the club members. She said what has been learnt during the launch will make the students more innovative. She said she believed that their school may also get well known like all the other schools whose innovative accomplishments have taken them beyond the country. She paid tribute to the special needs students of Gulu High School. She said they were greatly engaged in learning projects and she believed that they can do more together. She further observed that ICT encompass everything in our life. So, they have to embrace everything. The Headteacher, Gulu High School - Gulu The headteacher said ICT is the way to go. He thanked UCC for coming over to Gulu High School. He pledged to support UCC and maintain the ICT infrastructure. He conveyed his gratitude to the director of UCC for his innovation of the club projects. He said he would work hand in hand with the ICT department and try to benchmark other institutions. He thanked UCC and KAWA for the support given and empowering the students. LEFT PICTURE: The Headteacher of Gulu High making his remarks at launch of ICT Clubs of Gulu High and St. Joseph’s College, Layibi.


STUDENT PARTICIPANTS FEEDBACK A few participating students were asked to freely share their learning points of the presentations during the launch in one minute. Below are samples of them: Mubiru Lawrence, St. John SS, Nadera, Luwero We are very pleased that we are having the UCC members visiting us today and on this note I want to extend my sincere gratitude to the government of Uganda, UCC and KAWA because we have received a very great opportunity that we have been the first school to have the ICT club (launched). I am holding a Galaxy Tab that will aid our researches and our club operations. Byamugisha Kevin, S6 – Mbarara High School I want to first of all thank our facilitator and I want to thank everyone who has labored to participate. It has been one of a kind. I have drawn (from it) somethings that I didn’t know. It does not teach us just to become computer wizards but it teaches us some other parts of life – being creative and creating our own things instead of things created by other people. … I have also learnt that this world is being driven by technology and we are in a tech era. I am asking everyone out there who does not know about ICT to work day and night on ICT because I see now it is ruling the world. I would like to thank UCC for you have taken that golden move of reaching to the youth to help them develop that heart of being more creative. Alupo Prosovia, Nyero Rock High School, Kumi First and foremost, I would like to send my thanks to Uganda Communications Commission for considering Nyero Rock as one of the 20 schools. Now I have joined the ICT club. I am very happy and I do thank them very much. Now that I have learnt a lot, I am going to use the advice that they have given us. Since ICT is one of the clubs that rules the country, I am also going to cooperate since I have achieved from them.

Acham Brenda, Nyero Rock High School, Kumi. I have learnt how to use computer; technology, how to inspire others, to use it (technology) and how to solve other problems in the community, how to connect with other outside countries. Let me tell you my friends, this is really interesting. We have had bigtime and I would like to tell others out there that if you have got the chance, tell us use it and the technology, let us not use it wrongly but let us use it responsibly. Adyebo Mark, S2, Lira Town College We have learnt that our creativity can help us lead this world in terms of ICT. We have learnt that ICT is leading the world with creativity. And this creativity begins with you. And this creativity begins with you when you are still young. If you can create even a doll that means you are creative and you can fit in the ICT world. So, I encourage you my friends to be creative and cooperate with others. Collaborate with others because you cannot finish it alone. If you


collaborate with others, you will move and rest somewhere. If you don’t, you will not fit in the ICT world because ICT world is all about collaboration, love and working together. To solve the problems, you must be a good problem solver in your community and anywhere you fit. Naboth, S6, Bishops Secondary School, Mukono I would first of all like to thank the team from UCC for coming. We have really learnt a lot especially on … to become innovative, creative and be a problem solver. We are going to put everything we have learn into consideration and do whatever you told us. Rhoda, S6, Bishops Secondary School, Mukono I have learnt a lot of things from today and I have learned to love ICT. At first, I had some biases about ICT …. But now I have learnt to love the club and I have learnt that ICT can take us far, knowing all the innovations I can have and I have also really really learnt to love the club. Adong Priscilla, S2, Bishops Secondary School, Mukono. We have not only learnt to be computer geniuses but also learnt to be creative and innovative, to be helpful to society and how to outreach to all other students in the school. Olinga Emmanuel Benjamine Bishops Secondary School, Mukono. We have learnt different things. We have learnt about soft skills. Mainly that is what has impacted me. Soft skills are like … people don’t have to learn it in class. You have to impact them into yourself, naturally. Namanya Karugaru, S4, Nabisunsa Girls’ School. I have had such a wonderful experience. We’ve gained so much, learnt so much and I encourage everyone out there, every girl, every boy out there to take on ICT so that we use it to solve problems in this country and outside because we have been told to think out of the box, think globally… Swabra, Head Girl, S5, Nabisunsa Girls’ School. I have learnt that ICT can be used to solve so many problems and our club would like to encourage other schools to use this advantage to find solutions to problems in this country. Nakanua Sirina, S2, Kansanga Seed School, Kampala I have learnt to help other people to know about ICT. Desire, Arua Public SS. I would like to thank UCC and KAWA from bringing this program. I can say that it has widened up our minds and broadened our knowledge on ICT and we have come to realize that we can do so many things to transform our community and the surrounding using ICT. And not only in the


practical work in class but extend our ICT knowledge to transform the world outside. I believe with this ICT knowledge, if we apply it we shall change our school and the community surrounding it. Robert, S4, Arua Public School I have really learnt a lot of things today. I have always been a good computer student. When I was in my former school, before I joined Arua Public, I always thought of this dream, becoming an ICT expert, but then because of other cases the school does not have an ICT lab. Then I joined Arua Public and that is when I gained access to computer. I started computer in S3. Right now, I can call my self lucky. Right now, I have his dream that one day I will explore the world and help all those who are coming. But now today that the opportunity has come, I have to thank KAWA very much for this… UCC. I have always waned to produce an application that would help people and I really thank God for this opportunity and I have to thank KAWA and UCC. Thank you. Ochola Vincent, St. Joseph’s College, Layibi I think this program is one of its kind. We have never had such programs before and it is a very good one. I wish it could be extended to other schools so that they have the same knowledge and experiences we have heard. Nyeko George K, S5 Science, St. Joseph’s College, Layibi I feel impressed by what we have learnt today. I think it is going to make us to do more things and inventions and make us good people in the future. Amuguja Sharon, Gulu High I want to thank KAWA which is supported by UCC. Today they have launched ICT Club in our school and we know that we are going to social with other schools like in Jinja, we are going to connect with them and going to share more knowledge about ICT and we are going to develop the world to another level. Martha, S5, Dabani Girls’ School (The ICT launch) has taught me how to be confident, how to be cooperative and creative with my fellow friends … and can also help me to communicate with the other countries… Ayer Gladys, Gulu High School The think that I have learnt from the ICT (Launch) is that you can get some knowledge and that knowledge … you should not just keep quiet on it. You are supposed to even give it out to other members. You should not keep quiet on it.


Namubiru Aisha Kizito, ICT Club Chairperson, S5, Nalinya Lwantale Girls; School, Luwero I have learnt that our community or society around us can be changed or transformed to another level in a way that ICT is not only about technology but our daily life, the way we live, the way we associate with our colleagues, in a way that ICT can help us create many job opportunities or chance to the community in a way, to improve on their standards of living. Before this Club launch, I thought ICT is just for bog people, big schools like Budo (King’s College) but I ma happy for this club that also our school, far as it is from Kampala – it is in Ndejje, Bombo – we have been able to interact with big people, new things and I promise that I as the chairperson, I am going to work very hard with our patron in a way that we improve the standard of our school… I am just yearning … even I don’t know how I can explain… I am eager to perform… As for me my first project which I have targeted … I don’t know how soon it will be but that our club will soon start producing certificates … Aketch Patricia Hope, Head Girl, Dabani Girls’ School We have learnt that we are living in a global world and we shouldn’t compete according to race or religion… we can provide solutions to problems… Victoria, S1, St. John SS, Nandera, Luwero. I have learnt that ICT is important in my life. It can help me to do work in the future, when you study it, you can become an engineer of computers. I have learnt to help others so that they can learn computer. In this coming year we must fit in the dotcom era. That is why we must learn ICT. YouTube link of learners’ feedback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d43sfXnDKqU&feature=youtu.be

Thank you Chole

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