Launch of continuous professional development programme by the ministry of education, science and te

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Fig.1 : School administrators, MUBS lecturers and other Stakeholders at the Launching ceremony

INTRODUCTION The Minister of Education and Sports, Rt. Hon. Retired Major Jessica Alupo on December 4, 2012 launched the Continuous Professional Development Training course for Headteachers of Secondary and Primary Schools. The 5 month course that will commence on March 4, 2013 took place at Makerere University Business School (Bugolobi Annex). Training will start with orientation and face to face hands on training in the computer labs of prominent Schools all over the country.

RT. HON. RETIRED MAJOR JESSICA ALUPO, Minister of Education and Sports, speaking to the representatives of the Headteacher at MUBS.

A blended learning approach will be used to assist headteachers in effectively covering all the Seven Modules namely: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Basics of ICT and Using a computer ICT in Education School Electronic document preparation and management using Microsoft Word. Using MS Excel to manage school Records Presentations and Lesson delivery using PowerPoint School Database management using MS Access and Communication and Research using the internet.


After the face to face training, the school administrators will continue with self study modules and videos as well as making use of the online CPD portal till their examination in August 2013.

Minister of education and sports handing over the CPD Modules to Ms. Nakatte Kikomeko, the Headteacher Trinity College Nabbingo and Chairperson of National Headteachers’ association. Next to the Minister is Prof. Wasswa Balunywa. The function was organised on a cost sharing model between MUBS ICT Centre ( ), Kisubi Associated Writers Agency –KAWA ( ) and the Ministry of Education and Sports ( ). MUBS provided Venue, lecturers, IT services and the technical staff. KAWA catered for the refreshments, press coverage, transport and accommodation of the participants who came from up country while the MoES mobilized the Regional Chairpersons of the Headteachers’ Association through Radio announcements to attend. Only 25 key participants were invited from the Ministry of Education and Sports; Ministry of ICT; Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT); 11 regional representatives of the National Association of Secondary School Headteachers of Uganda –NASSHU (the regions are Central, Masaka, Kigezi, Bunyoro Kitara, Rwenzori, West Nile, Lango, Acholi, North Eastern, Mbale and Busoga region); the District Education Officer- Busia, the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC), UCC, Busitema University, Kumi University. Of the invited parties, only NCDC, Ministry of ICT and UCC did not turn up due to other commitments in their respective institutions.


It was not only the launching ceremony but there was also a school administrators’ ICT4E capacity building workshop aimed at building the technical and pedagogical capacities of the schools to use ICT to enhance teaching and learning. WORKSHOP LEARNING OUTCOMES The workshop was conducted in such a way as to achieve the following learning outcomes: •

To enhance participants’ positive attitude towards the use of ICT in teaching and learning.

To improve participants’ awareness of the potential of ICT to enhance teaching and learning across the curriculum.

To build participants’ knowledge and skills of integrating ICT in different subjects across the curriculum.

To improve on the strategy and approach of the implementation of the CPD project after getting the views of other stakeholders.

To improve participants’ awareness of the challenges of implementing ICT4E projects and how these challenges can be addressed.

• To build participants’ capacity to implement project-based learning in their schools. • To examine the role of higher institutions of learning in promotion of skills for secondary and primary schools.


Programme TIME 8:30-9:00 am 9:00-9:20 am

9:20-10:00 am

ACTIVITY Arrival and registration Examining the role of Higher Education Institutions of Learning in ICT skills development for Secondary schools by the Director MUBS ICT centre KAWA programmes for Secondary schools and implementation of CPD Programme.

10:00-10:15 am 10:15-10:45 Am

Questions and answers

10:45-11:00 am

Twinning training institutions in Uganda with those in elsewhere to enhance skills transfer. ICT Programmes in Secondary Schools

11:00-11:15 am 11:15-11:30 am

11:30-12:00 pm 12:00-


RESPONSIBILITY PERSON (S) Monica Mr. Olupot Charles, Director ICT centre, Makerere University Business school Mr. Wamanga Moses, National Chairman, KAWA and Mr. Wamboka Richard, Computer Science lecturer, Busitema University. Mr. Wamanga Moses and Participants Sunrise Catering services Ltd/Isaac Kharende

Mrs. Valerie Wood Gaiger MBE, KAWA Patron and Founder of learn With Grandma - Based in Wales. Mr. John Agaba, Commissioner Secondary education. Remarks and invitation of the Chief Professor Wasswa Balunywa, Guest by the Principal, Makerere Principal, MUBS University Business School Address and Launch of the Programme Rt. Hon. Jessica Alupo, Minister of Education and Sports DEPARTURE

PROGRESS Mr. Matsanga Peter, the Headteacher Grace High School, Gayaza and a member of the Headteachers association welcomed the participants. He explained that there are good educational reasons for using ICT. • •

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Young people are often attracted to ICT and teachers report that using ICT helps with motivation. Computers provide the opportunities for students to redraft and edit their work, and so encourage them to produce better quality work and to develop good writing skills.

When the computers have access to the Internet students have access to the largest library in the world with endless resources for learning. These are only some of the benefits which have been demonstrated for ICT in repeated projects in many countries. He went through the programme to raise confidence of the members about time management and the possibility of covering everything in time. Prayer was led by Mr. Wamboka Richard and the National and Buganda Anthems were sung. He also asked for self introduction of the participants (see registration list at the end)


Peter called upon the first presenter who was non other than the director of MUBS ICT centre Mr. Olupot Charles.

THE ROLE OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING IN ICT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES BY THE DIRECTOR MUBS ICT CENTRE-CHARLES OLUPOT Charles welcomed the participants. He gave the vision and Mission statement of MUBS as an institution and the ICT centre. He gave the history of the ICT centre that was formed May 2011 as an outreach centre to take ICT to the communities at the grass root so that ordinary people can benefit. The centre has formed a partnership with Southern University Louisiana in the US. “ICT is one the key enabler of development and Uganda is not an exception. Countries that have adopted IT have advanced and we feel our country should not be left behind. As a country we need to adopt in some of these ICT if we are to move at the pace” He said. As business school we want to be part of the initiators of this progress. We have done a couple of projects such as dissemination of researches among others. This year we held an international conference that was attended by 21 countries worldwide. Next year in May there will be a similar conference in Zimbabwe. (See the video attached for full presentation) He mentioned the partnership between KAWA and the MUBS ICT Centre whose purpose was to formalize the relationship between Kisubi Associated Writers Agency (KAWA) and MUBS ICT Centre and to enable MUBS ICT Centre to supervise the development of course content, training and to award certificates. The responsibilities between the two parties: MUBS ICT Centre a) Provision of Admission Forms b) Provision of some facilitators (lecturers) c) Ensure Academic Quality Assurance by: i) Moderating the setting and marking of exams and issuing results where required ii) Censoring academic materials iii) Issuing of Certificates of completion iv) Vetting and approving facilitators d) Review study materials e) Provide guidance on online portal management


Kisubi Associated Writers Agency (KAWA) a) Mobilization of trainees through radio adverts, leaflets etc b) Registration of potential trainees c) Train participants d) Develop content and study materials e) Coordinate with schools determine training and exam centres f) Ensure successful implementation of the programmes g) Receive money and pay for all expenses of agreed training programmes h) Online portal management and maintenance. Joint team of KAWA and MUBS ICT Centre: a) Source for funds/grants to support the programme. b) Determine financial gains on Examination fees charged for each entity: He concluded that “in the longer term, as e-government and e-commerce initiative take hold and Uganda moves towards an information society, ICT skills will be a necessary prerequisite for full participation in society. ICT is often described as literacy, and is seen as a universal right. In this context there is concern about a growing “digital divide” between the people with ICT skills and those without, which could place those without at an increasing social and economic disadvantage as ICT becomes more pervasive”.


KAWA PROGRAMMES FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CPD PROGRAMME. Mr. Wamanga Moses, the National Chairman, KAWA Uganda was invited to make his presentation. The presentation he made has been summarized on the slides below:





Moses later invited Mr. Wamboka Richard to talk about the implementation of the CPD programme.



Mr. Wamboka Richard, senior lecturer of Mathematics and Computer science- Busitema University and KAWA training director: Computers and computer skills are an essential part of our life.

Richard introduced CPD- Continuous Professional Development as a Course for teachers of Primary and Secondary schools in Uganda aimed at Building eCompetency for Knowledge Society Development in Schools. The course we are launching today begins with Headteachers because they are the supervisors of the teaching and Learning process. Getting the benefit of ICT in education requires skilled teachers. Simply providing computer and Internet access will not ensure learning, and in some cases can result in inappropriate use. Teachers familiar with more traditional teaching methods often find it difficult to find good uses for the technology, often leading to underused equipment. The situation is further complicated by a widespread lack of understanding of the potential of ICT.


Course Vision Work with teachers and leaders in schools, ministries and organisations to advance knowledge society development across Uganda. Course Objectives • Equip education administrators and leaders with a commanding understanding of the key elements in the development of knowledge societies. • Build future leaders’ capacities to be agents of change in their schools, ministries, organisations and regions for the development of knowledge societies. Course Details • 5 months • Online, Offline, and Applied Learning • First intake of participants starts Monday March 4, 2013. The project involves use of CDs/DVDs modules that will be given to all Headteachers and teachers taking up the course. There will be testing centres in prominent secondary schools and colleges all over the country. The training takes five months, and after taking an examination one will be issued a valid certificate from MUBs. The introduction of ICT Continuous Professional Development in the education curriculum is in accordance with the Vision 2035 which emphasis rapid economic growth based on maximum utilization of Information Technology. Though some officials have undergone some training in ICT, covering different packages, there are variations from institution to institution in terms of scope and depth, content delivery, timing, use of reference materials and deployment of technologies and resources. This CPD Training harmonises the approach for training. By the end of the course, each participant will have covered the following:

• • • • • • •

Module 1 – Basics ICT, Using the Computer and Managing Files. Module 2 – ICT in Education Module 3 – Word Processing Module 4 – Spreadsheets Module 5 – Presentation Module 6 – Using Databases Module 7 – Research and Communication using the internet.


C Some of CPD digital Modules launched by the minister Assessments Assessments can be as simple as a multiple choice questions and a practical exam in the school Computer lab supervised by the area co-ordinator as well as the presentation of the school ICT project developed by the learner. Innovative formative and summative assessments are integrated into the PC Hardware and Software curriculum and supported by an advanced online delivery system. Immediate, rich feedback supports instructor and student evaluation of acquired knowledge and skills. Features Our training provides a comprehensive introduction to the ICT industry and interactive, hands-on exposure to personal computers, hardware, software, and operating systems and Microsoft computer Applications. The curriculum offers the following features and benefits: • • • • • •

Students develop working knowledge of how computers operate, how to use computers in the work place and financial management. The course emphasizes the practical application of skills and procedures needed for MS power point, Excel, hardware and software installations, upgrades, and troubleshooting systems Know about the main concepts of file management and be able to efficiently organize files and folders so that they are easy to identify and find. It also serves to leverage the use of software through suggesting solutions that can be achieved with use of more than one type of software. Encourage a lot of practical work and hands-on practice and with much accommodation of changing and emerging technologies in ICT. It serves to promote scientific, technical and cultural knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for development.

Impact Students who complete this course will be able to display competence in electronic document preparation and management, describe the internal components of a computer.


Teachers will also be able to connect to the Internet and share resources in a network environment. Teachers will confidently develop and manage school databases, websites and blogs, create electronic transmission of information, newsletters, magazines, digital content for their classrooms and high quality presentations using power point. Additional topics covered include laptops and portable devices, wireless connectivity and basic implementation skills, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and communication skills. Orientation The training begins with a workshop at which participants will be presented with and will discuss the key elements of policy and implementation for knowledge society development, an overview of the syllabus, training mode, introduction of tutors, familiarization with the modules and to answer any questions concerning the course. Leadership and future thinking tools, which underpin the course, will be presented to allow participants to reflect on and to prepare for their fuller analysis, interrogation and application in later modules and throughout the course. Time allocation The training takes five (5) months. The time allocation given provides adequate time for hands-on practice. Therefore it is the duty of the trainer to make better use of this time by providing enough resources for practice to the learners. Course Delivery • Blended learning approach whereby participants learn both online and in face-to-face settings: • Through the KAWA virtual workspace participants will access learning materials, engage in discussion, and complete group assignments with the support of e-tutors. • Key elements of the course will be delivered in face-to-face workshops Assignments All module assignments undertaken individually and in groups of the school administrators throughout the course will culminate in the development of a school project that will be presented for award of certificate to the participants Certification Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a professional certificate in Continuous Professional Development in ICT from Makerere University Business School. Course Benefits • Strengthened career- advancement opportunities. • 21st Century skills for the development of Knowledge Societies. • Membership to a continent-wide professional network of KAWA alumni. • Expected accumulated credits for post-graduate qualifications. • Working knowledge of Futures Thinking Tools and web 2.0 tools. • Appreciation for the importance of innovation and creativity in strategy formulation. • Improved project management, policy planning and implementation skills.


Mastery of Leadership Toolkit for Knowledge Societies.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWER SESSION During the time for questions and open Discussion, the House listened to the following:

A lecturer from MUBS brought to the attention of the participants that we are paying attention to secondary schools but universities in Uganda still have a big problem of making huge investment in ICT facilities which the officials don’t use. He wondered why the computers are in offices yet the traditional means of doing things continues thus making two resources run equally at the same time. He discouraged institutions from issuing admission letters and at the same time ask for them during registration. They should take ICT as a solution. REMARKS BY THE CHAIRPERSON NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL HEADTEACHERS OF UGANDA (NASSHU) Ms. Nakatte, the Headteacher of Trinity College Nabbingo and chairperson of NASSHU thanked the MoES, MUBS and KAWA for coming up with the programme for training of Headteachers first before other groups. She assured the Minister and the participants that she will do her best in her capacity as chairperson to support all the efforts that will go to the demystification of IT among school administrators. “I will do all the best it takes to ensure that every one is brought on board and when the programme for individual schools is initiate, it must start with Trinity College Nabbingo.” She emphasized. She assured of her believe in staff professional development.



DR. KITOOGO FREDRICK EDWARD, NITA’s Director for Planning, Research & Development explaining the Vision and Mission of NITA-U in developing knowledge society in Uganda. In reacting to the presentation made by all the speakers, the Doctor made the following remarks on behalf of NITA. NITA’s Capacity Building & Skills Development Department has its Mission as to create, implement and maintain an IT capacity building, training and awareness framework, Policy and Strategy in line with the NITA-U mandate. Since NITA has a mandate to identify and engage IT Capacity Building Stakeholders; it is therefore possible to partner with KAWA and MUBS ICT centre in this area. NITA will also work with you to undertake the organizing of regular ICT Workshops, Training Programmes, Seminar and Conferences to raise ICT awareness nationally and to address other National ICT issues identified for attention; It is also the duty of NITA-U to develop and promote the monitoring of IT professional training certifications programs as well as development and monitoring of IT education standards for teaching ICTs; He promised to work with the Ministry of education, MUBS and KAWA in the development and monitoring of localized E-learning content for both formal and informal education; and to contribute to the development of the national human resource capacity to meet the changing demands of the economy. He brought it to the attention of the participants that the electronic law was passed, courts of law can now recognize digital signatures.


He commented on the course content especially Module 7 concerning web browsing and Communication. He suggested that it would be good to interest the Headteachers that the internet can be used for research instead of just talking of web browsing. Research is what leads to development. REMARKS FROM MR. KIKOMEKO JOSEPH, DIRECTORATE OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING




Your co presenter emphasized general education which I take us general academia. My question is when are you catering for vocational education and training Uganda? You are launching this, we launched skilling Uganda, so when are you taking these services to technical and vocational education? I assure you that without bringing BTVET on board it will be difficult achieve what we have launched. The presentation by Mrs. Valerie Wood Gaiger MBE from Wales, UK, the Patron of KAWA and founder of Learn with Grandma did not take place since there was a problem with online connection using Skype. The KAWA National Chairman told the participants that Valerie cannot be there to talk to them because the infrastructure is not yet perfect - but is improving all the time. He briefed them about how he met her at the May 2011eLearning Africa Conference in Dar es salaam, Tanzania where she was a conference speaker about E-book clubs and Learn With Grandma. She automatically became his mentor and supporter of KAWA programmes with a vision of extending the programme to all East African countries. Using email & Facebook – she encouraged Moses to hold the first 2 seminars for Headteachers in Tororo and Mbale which were successful. He stressed that, “although we met face to face at the conference - all that has happened since then because of the internet - via IT”. Because of limited time, Moses referred the Headteachers to - Grandma talks to teachers in Uganda, to watch during their free time.


He told them about how the message of Intergenerational Learning is spreading round the world from my little cottage in Wales to the rest of the world!! And how KAWA in partnership with MUBS and the Ministry of education will help to spread the word in East Africa. He talked about how Valerie is achieving much in using technology to bridge the technological gap between the young and the old parents and grandparents. It was all smiles when the Principle of MUBS said he uses facebook all the time to communicate with his lecturers and the students. The minister of Education also announced that she also on facebook and invited to Principal to be a friend. Guests who were on facebook were invited to share and join with Valerie Wood Gaiger online. SPEECH BY PROFESSOR WASSWA BALUNYWA, PRINCIPAL –MUBS AT THE LAUNCH OF THE CPD IN ICT FOR HEADTEACHERS AT MUBS ICT CENTRE ON DECEMBER 4, 2012. I received some information I think from one of the members which said, “let us keep a bit of the manual system along with the digital system” and am saying you are making a mistake. It’s best to find a solution in the electronic system itself other done trying to keep both. Honourable minister, first of all we would like to thank the ministry for giving us the opportunity to partner in this endeavor. This is what I call popularizing teaching of ICT in schools. ICT has come and will not go back. Technology has been the prime enabler of change, it always has, it will always be and if you don’t embrace it you will become not only obsolete yourself but irrelevant to the conditions you are in. So its very important for us to find strategies of adopting ICT in the way we work, live and in the way we do all things. Of course ICT has got two sides of it, there is the demand side and the supply side. On the supply side Honourable minister, we are looking for infrastructure, this institution is paying about 30million shillings per month to get just broadband and its not enough, we wish we could have more with our 12,000 students. That means that if you are going down into the secondary schools you can see the amount of bandwidth that you need for the country. So in our planning, if we don’t plan for bandwidth in those schools definitely what we are talking about will not be realized. So there is need for a national strategy (NITA is here) on how we can get bandwidth and get it at lower rates. That’s one. Two of course, the equipment, Honourable minister I must report that MUBS has never got one shilling from government to buy computers, how about these schools. It may be useful Honourable minister for you to link up with producers of computers DELL, COMPAQ and even apple then look actively to institutions to see if they can give them the donations of these computers. Now they do so because they know that once they grow up, they will buy their products.


MUBS ICT staff posing the minister and their Principal. So its important that the ministry tries to look out for some of these donations so that we can have the equipment on which our young people can start learning. Of course there is a great difference today between the student in Kampala Schools and one in one of those schools in Iganga where they don’t even have electricity. Honourable minister, the other challenge in the nation is that only 10% have access to electricity, so I think Rwanda if am not mistaken has attempted to have small computers which are solar powered. I think Uganda needs to explore all these possibilities and I think with you here this morning, we are talking to the right person. We should be able to initiate and explore these possibilities. How can Uganda take advantage of those possibilities that are there? Having said that, I want to tell my colleagues the teachers and Headteachers that technology is something that you must get onto with but you must keep in mind that many of the children who a coming to class have never seen a computer and therefore in a way we shall keep the traditional system along with the computerized system and I think its important to put to this government to see that we have more equipment to help us overcome this problem. This morning honourable minister we have got 50,000 ebooks in our library which you remember you opened early this year. I must also report that in this year’s budget the money the president promised was not availed so we hope that next year we shall have the money.


But 50,000 is a lot of books in our condition and this is information we can explore and share with people as we train them. How do you look for ebooks? For instance the books that I read in secondary schools, the classical books are available freely if you know where to get them. So if we have laid good strategies in the school we can overcome these challenges and make sure that our children have got something to read. You will be pleased to learn that the Principal of MUBS communicates with his staff through facebook which is something people don’t do and I hope that this is something you can also try so that you can also get in touch with your people. I now take the honour to invite the Rt. Hounarable minister of education and Sports to address the participants and thereafter launch the CPD programme for Headteachers.


ADDRESS BY HON. JESSICA ALUPO, M.P. & MINISTER OF EDUCATION & SPORTS - UGANDA ON THE LAUNCHING OF NATIONAL CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR HEADTEACHERS IN UGANDA ON 4TH DECEMBER 2012 The Principal Makerere University Business School The Permanent Secretary Ministry of ICT Executive Secretary NITA Executive Secretary Uganda Communication Commission The Chairman National Association of Schools Headteachers’ Association Regional Representative of Schools Headteachers’ Association Representatives of Universities, NCDC and KAWA Uganda Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen It gives me great honour to be here at the launch of Continuous Professional Development Training programme (CPD) for Headteachers of Secondary and Primary Schools in Uganda. I would like to thank the Makerere University Business School and Kisubi Associated Writers Agency (KAWA) for working together with the Ministry of Education and Sports in Training headteachers in using ICT in their schools. I am happy to note that this training will take place in all districts of Uganda following the structure of Headteachers’ associations. The Ministry of Education, MUBS and KAWA team will provide E-learning Modules, and the training will take place during school holidays in the Schools’ Computer labs. I am reliably informed that the Headteachers will do an examination in ICT in Education at the end of this training to assess if you have acquired the skills. I wish to inform you that the Ministry will recognize those who will successfully complete the course and receive Certificates. In an era where government is divesting itself from direct involvement in the provision of goods and services, the role of the private sector through Private Public partnership will remain a driving force in the development and investment in the information economy, with full support from government. The Government is fully committed to the deployment and exploitation of ICTs to facilitate teaching and learning at all levels within the educational system and also improve efficiency in management and service delivery to the public through the use of ICTs. To that effect, the Government has provided ICT infrastructure in about 820 government institutions to enable student’s access computers for their use in research and acquisition of sustainable practical and employable skills. According to the National Policy for ICT in the Education Sector, all Headteachers MUST be trained in ICT for the sake of improving Service delivery to the public. It is important that the training has begun with Headteachers for the following reasons: • The Headteacher is a chief supervisor in whatever takes place at school, especially financial management • Teaching and learning process will be improved because ICT makes monitoring and evaluation very easy. • UNEB registration of candidates will be made easy;


• •

There will be easy communication between Ministry of Education, parents, student, Board of Governors and other stakeholders through emails and online conferencing. Electronic document preparation and management will be much faster and easier.

At secondary level the aim is to equip secondary school teachers to make use of ICT in their lesson preparation, and to use ICT in their teaching where the equipment is available. In addition, computer studies will be examinable subjects in schools that have sufficient equipment. The introduction of ICT in the curriculum has the following implications for infrastructure:-


teachers, and

1. The Secondary School ICT curriculum should focus on higher end computer studies skills including Programming, hardware maintenance and repair etc 2. The secondary teachers should be equipped to make use of ICT in their lesson preparation, and to use ICT in their teaching. All students completing this sector should have tested working knowledge of computer applications. 3. All teachers in this sector will be facilitated to undertake special skills training to enable them provide support to the curriculum developed for ICT appreciation for the secondary students. 4. All students in each institution for which ICT integration program is completed will have an e-mail address, access to the internet and access to ICT curriculum material for each subject in the secondary school curriculum. 5. All secondary school institutions will ensure that the ICT service delivery and support unit at the institution utilize a significant population of the ICT skilled student population to participate in providing these services. Given the magnitude of the task ahead of us, the government of Uganda enjoins both the public and private sectors institutions like KAWA to join hands to ensure that our children receive high quality teaching and learning by: • Promoting and expanding equitable access to education; • Promoting the development and use of ICTs to enhance teaching and learning and information management; • Promoting ICT initiatives that will transform the culture and practices of traditional memory based learning to education that stimulates thinking, innovation and creativity; • Initiating and promoting educational practices that cater for individual differences to serve the needs of inclusive education and learning styles based on equitable access. • Providing competent ICT literate graduates to meet the demands of the national and international labour markets. • Creating smart partnerships for a sustainable ICT programme through collaboration with the public, private and community sectors. With these few remarks it is my honour and privilege to launch the Modules for this Training.



No. 1

NAME Dr Kitogo Fredrick


PHONE +2567722-709517


Kampala Tororo/Mbale Kampala

+256772-692578 +256779-297999 +256712-2230026




Kampala Tororo Kampala Kampala Kampala

+256774875562 +256712807484, +256779380357 0701043154 0752696569 0772860756

Kenneth Bwire Kiwanuka Stephen George Serugunda

DESIGNATION Director Of Planning And Development IT Professional Development Officer Lecturer It/Computer Science Principal Qualifications Officer Directorate of Industrial Training Ht-Trinity College Nabbingo Chair-NASSHU Office Assistant –ICT Centre Headteacher Tororo District Headteachers Assn. Wbs Tv Journalist Senior Administrator

2 3 4

Christine M Sempanyi Wamboka Richard Kikomeko Joseph


Nakate Kikomeko

6 7

Kenneth Emotu Edridu John Okiring

8 9 10 11 12

Ahigika Duncan Bosco Ament

Elohim Development Assistant Manager Grant

Luwero Kampala

0776526716 0772695115


Salim Kinyiri

A One Institute Media & Business Studies



14 15

Regis Namuddu Tony Smith Kigunda

Director Lc Mubs Admin Lc Mubs

Kampala Kampala

0712836007 0751699777


Nansubuga Amina

Grc Mubs




Olivia Balungi N

L/C Mubs




Namulondo Zainab

ICT Mubs





Agatha Nakakembo

ICT Mubs




Sumaia Namuyinja





Olive Kyogere(Mrs)

Headteacher Luzira SS Kampala Secretary Headteachers Association

071630841/070163084 0


Nkote Isaac

General Secretary NASSHU




Kharende Isaac

SDA Church




Joseph Ntayi





Muhamed Ngoma





Charles Olupot




26 27

Martha Abeja Matsanga Peter

Kampala Mbale

0772695424 0704150849


Wamboka Richard

Manager Strategy & Projects MUBS Grace High School Member of the National Headteachers Association Lecturer



29 30 31 32 33

Wananda Job Masette YB Wamanga Moses Prof. Wasswa Balunywa Rt. Hon Jessica Alupo

Director KAWA DEO’s office Busia National Chairman- KAWA Principal MUBS Minister of education and Sports

Mbale Busia Bududa Kampala Kampala

0772408866 0772412800 0714889804


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