The crystal Magazine 2015 of Trinity College Nabbingo

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LUCKY LOAF BAKERY PRODUCTS The Management and Staff of Lucky Loaf Bakery Products wish to extend hearty congratulations to Trinity College Nabbingo upon the 73 years of educating the girl child in Uganda. Lucky Loaf Bakery Products include Family buns, Blocks, Coils, doughnuts, weetrolls, cakes, buns and rockets. We pledge to continue working with Trinity College Nabbingo. Happy celebrations as you educate girls on a balanced harvest. Located at: Kyengera Trading Centre 10km Masaka Road. Tel: 0776322060 / 0774823598 / 0785034516

Vol-16 - 2015

A publication of Trinity College Nabbingo

CONGRATULATIONS The Board of Governors, PTA and Staff of Trinity College Nabbingo congratulate Bishop Emeritus Ssekamanya for the wonderful service rendered to both Kampala Archdiocese, where he served as Auxiliary Bishop and Lugazi Diocese, which he personally initiated and nurtured into the great Diocese it is today.

Bishop Emeritus Ssekamanya 1








PATRON’S MESSAGE The Crystal; The Crystal has become an epic journey with no end. The young writers constantly modify, refine and perfect. And this is how all of us continue with this adventure. And with each step on that adventure, we learn more about ourselves, our society and the world we live in. We live in a world where there is still so much to be discovered. This year’s edition highlights the BINGOS in fashion, sports, social graces of life and the cultural diversity of our country. This year’s ‘sosh’ saw the F6 candidates visit SMACK in a function dubbed The Rebirth. You will witness the Red Carpet walks and the poses in a wonderful social milieu. I sincerely thank colleagues and all the stakeholders who gave support to see this project come this far. The spirit of creative writing has run wild here and every year we leave behind more than 150 articles that cannot get space in the magazine. We are optimistic the young writers have begun the journey of crafting the much needed poems, plays and novels for the new generation in our country. Many years from now, people will say, there was a time when emphasis on the need to have more fiction writers for our country was raised. I see a time in the future when the humanities will no longer be ignored by national leadership in preference for only sciences. Meanwhile, Uganda lags in areas of numeracy and reading at primary school level in East Africa. Uganda is ranked number 123 out of 144 countries writing books in the world. What is saddening is the fact that the few writers we have, have not gone into fiction writing. They are mostly in non-fiction books. The question is how will our cherished cultural values and good attitudes as a country be preserved? A nation that does not read and write cannot transform quickly. Entrepreneurs have to write portfolios of their potential customers; business plans, reports, speeches and other functional letters. Our vision therefore is to skill our learners for gainful authorship. With the new curriculum in the offing, the country will need many writers. If we do not plan this now, probably we shall contend with feeding our learners on materials written by foreigners only.



Chairperson Board of Governors. On the Occasion of Trinity College Nabbingo Day

“May I?”, “Thank you”, and Pardon me”. FR CORNELIUS SSEMPALA Dear distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, allow me on behalf of the Board of Governors, and indeed on my own behalf, to welcome you here today as we celebrate Trinity College Nabbingo Day. In a special way, the Board of Governors congratulate Bishop Emeritus Ssekamanya for the wonderful service rendered to both Kampala Archdiocese, where he served as Auxiliary bishop and Lugazi Diocese, which he personally initiated and nurtured into the great diocese it is today. Bishop Ssekamanya has always been a hard-working and, like Pope Francis, a personally engaging and humorous pastor of souls. We wish him a happy retirement, and many years of grace and thankfulness to God. We have embarked on a new project of staff houses since the teaching staff is at the centre of whatever one can celebrate about Trinity College Nabbingo. We also thank the non-teaching staff for the various forms of dedicated service. We wish to thank the Administration, especially Owekitiibwa Cotilda Kikomeko for her unique dedication to the maintaenance of a quality-all- round education for the students here. She, together with the teaching staff, has made possible the widening of students’ perspectives in many useful ways. I point out for example, the cooperation with a secondary school in York (UK) where students from both parts of the world can learn from one another. I hope that such challenges will contribute to a change in mindset for all involved. POPE FRANCIS has reminded us of the “magic words”. He says: “Even our Lord knocks and asks for permission to come in. Let’s not forget, before doing something with your family, ask: May I? Can I do this? Do you agree with this? They are educated words but even more they are filled with love.” They are words that unite and foster respect, making the foundation of the family stronger. Part of that is not only being thankful, but actually showing it, “Listen, a Christian that doesn’t thank others is someone who has forgotten God’s language. This is something ugly.” The pope also added that when a person is stubborn and doesn’t ask for forgiveness, quite seldom can that person forgive others. When spouses or even siblings get into disagreements or fights, the Pope says forgiveness must follow.

peace in your family .How should this be done? Do I have to get on my knees? No. A minor gesture will do. A little something. That’s when harmony returns to the family,” Today I would like to continue our catechesis on the family by reflecting on three phrases: “May I?”. “Thank you”’ and pardon me”, These simple phrases are not so easy to say or to put into practice. But when they are ignored, their absence can cause cracks in the foundation of the family, which will lead into collapse. I f these words are part of our daily lives, not just as formal expression of good manners, but as a sign of deep love for one another, they strengthen a happy family life . May I?” even if we think we have the right to something, when we speak to our spouse or family member with kindness we create space for a true spirit of marital and familial common life. We renew trust and respect, revealing our love for others, and we follow them to open the door of their hearts to us. “Thank you” – our society has great need for gratitude, which makes us more sensitive to the dignity of the human person and the demands of social justice. Thankfulness is also the language of God, to whom above all we must express our gratitude. “Pardon me” Without these words, hurt can develop in our relationships, and weaken our life as a family. But when we ask for forgiveness, we show our desire to restore what was lost – respect, honesty, love and healing between family members is made possible. “May I?”, “Thank you”, “Pardon me” - Let us ask the Lord to keep these three phrases in our hearts, our homes and our communities.

We thank the Old Girls for initiating a new project of “Trinity Junior School”. Am sure the project will contribute to building the kind of Christian culture and character (humility and empathy) the figure of Pope Francis stands for.

God Bless !

“The problem comes when this feeling lingers the following day. If you’ve fought, never go to sleep without making 6


MESSAGE Dear Stakeholders and esteemed readers,

I welcome you to yet another volume of “The Crystal”. This is our mouth piece through which we reach the family members of TRICONA. It is count down to the platinum jubilee! We are only (75-73=2) years away from that handsome age of Trinity College Nabbingo! If it is countdown then you are counted in all the activities to make the occasion memorable. The Head teacher is also counting on you to make things happen ( the way we would like them to happen). Are you motivated as Iam with the Chinese saying “If you want wealth of one year plant cereals; if you want wealth of ten years, plant trees but if you want wealth of hundred years, invest in people”. This is what Bishop Edward Michaud with co-founders aimed at. Their visionary thought of Educating the girl child has brought Trinity College Nabbingo this far! So then dear Old Girls, if we are counting on you, we shall also take the initiative to count you. Let all the alumni ensure that they are not counted out the “who is who” book project. Nobody on planet earth who went through the College that produces women of substance must find themselves counted out during the compilation of who is who through the 75 years! Stand up and be counted that Trinity College Nabbingo continues to “Produce upright, academically sound, socially balanced and physically capable women to serve God and their Country”. The current students and staff must work to defend the existence of the institution. Perhaps a polite reminder of the college core values will energize every stakeholder to deliver as expected. We must live to cherish Love, Integrity, excellence, justice and peace. Let us keep count of all benefits TRICONA has provided us individually and as a family. May the Most Holy Trinity be praised. BE TRUE. Nakate – Kikomeko C.B HEADTEACHER


Message from PTA Chairperson

I congratulate you all on reaching Trinity Sunday 2015, our college day. As we celebrate this Trinity Sunday I would like to bring a message of appreciation from the parents to Board of Governors and the school administration on their tireless efforts to remain True in everything they do. The trinity of the teacher, parent and student to bring about change in the world is another one that we should always celebrate. This year’s Trinity Sunday is a celebration that coincides with the epitome of the major infrastructure developments phase in the school. The school has in the past prioritised the infrastructure development that are fundamental to attend to the students’ need for learning and development. As such the school completed a new science block and renovated several classroom blocks. The focus has now shifted to infrastructure projects and initiatives that appeal directly to teacher motivation with a hope and full believe that this will translate into better performance. We will today handover ten self-contained staff houses that are intended to address accommodation needs of the staff. I am personally grateful to my fellow parents for the continued funding of such projects for the good of our girls. I can never thank enough the Board of Governors for the magnificent infrastructure and ethical emphasis that has laid a very solid foundation for the school and our girls. From this year, the focus is on academic excellence of our girls guided by the school vison; To be a highly sought-after secondary school for moulding all-round persons. I would like to pledge the support of all parents to this vison and the thirst for academic excellence. As we celebrate this Trinity Sunday let us pray that all stakeholders’ efforts are appropriately funnelled to this cause guided by the Holy Trinity. As God is three Persons in one Nature (the Holy Trinity), May the Trinity of Parent, teacher and Student keep us as one in purpose. I remain True Edgar Isingoma PTA Chairperson


MESSAGE FROM THE DEPUTY HEADTEACHER- ADMINISTRATION academic performance of their daughters. The Board of Governors and school management should provide an environment that is conducive for the teaching – learning process. They are appreciated for facilitating the extra lessons taught in school and constructing the teachers’ staff houses. We hope that with more resident staff, the teachers’ availability to students for consultation will be enhanced. The students are a central focus in a school. Their behavior, academic performance, and relevance in the working world speaks volumes about the school. Dear students remain focused and work hard to become women of substance. I am proud to say that we are providing all round education to our students and I am highly convinced that if all the stakeholders unite for quality education TRICONA will have excellent school performance. We are indebted to the stakeholders who have supported the existence of the entire College. We pledge smart work and commitment so that we continue contributing to producing women who are upright, academically sound, socially balanced and physically capable women to serve God and their nation. Dear Esteemed readers, As we celebrate 73 years of the College existence. I would like to appreciate the continuous support of our stakeholders.This year’s College Theme is “Excellent School performance, stakeholders unite for quality education.” My message is to reflect more on this theme. What is EXCELLENCE? This is possessing good qualities in high degree. The stakeholders are therefore called upon to play their respective roles to enable the College produce an excellent wholesome person. The teachers are central in this endeavor of providing quality education and have a high impact on the product of a school. Therefore, as teachers we should follow our professional code of conduct and become role models to our students. As we unite for quality education, let us respect each person’s contribution. It might not be feasible to pay teachers a salary commensurable to their efforts but the need to explore the non- monetary incentives to motivate them like free housing and recognition of excellence among others is very vital. We appreciate the parents who have contributed towards the construction of the new staff house. The parents play a big role in the stability of a student in school. They have a big influence on the psychosocial development and well being of a student. This is through prompt payment of schoolfees to avoid students missing lessons, good home environment and relationship to avoid diversion of student’s mind while at school to mention but a few. We appreciate those parents who have given parental guidance and have actively followed the




Greetings to you all dear readers of this edition of The Crystal magazine. My heartfelt congratulations go to the patron of the writers’ club and the entire editorial team for putting together this piece of work that is so informative, educative and entertaining.

name and keeping the ‘Tricona’ spirit alive!

I deeply thank the Board of Governors and the headteacher for the amazing wonderful welcome they have extended to me ever since I arrived at the school.

God bless you all.

The two deputy headteachers and the top administrators, I am grateful for the kind guidance you accord me everyday. I cannot forget the dedicated and committed team of teachers who ensure that our girls receive knowledge and develop their God given talents in this inspiring value system.

To you the beloved students currently in school, the onus is on you to prove that this great school has stood the test of time by harnessing all the opportunities that lie here within.


I appreciate the support staff,who ensure that this campus remains magnificent and a beauty to behold every single day. Over and above everything, I give glory to God almighty for having granted me this opportunity to come back and serve in my school, having left in 1994 after my A ‘levels. I commend the parents of Trinity College Nabbingo for uplifting the quality of the girl child through education. The Old Girls’ Association, I thank you for sounding our


TCNOGA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I salute all the old girls of TCN present and past. As we celebrate Trinity Sunday on the 31st May 2015. Let’s take time to think about the great contribution of Bishop Edward Michaud of the White Fathers the Founder of this great College. His main objectives were; 1. To educate young girls well-grounded with Christian values .

support the project in terms of time, money, material for construction, land, information, prayers, labor, services etc. Let’s emulate the White Fathers and sisters. Let’s think a little more;” If the great College was not there,where would we have gone for secondary education, would we be what we are today?

2. Provide knowledge and skills to contribute effectively to society:

Let’s pick a leaf from the White Fathers and Sisters and emulate them. Let’s be what they were 60 years ago. Let’s all support the junior school project and we will also be remembered 50 years to come that.

Let’s not forget the white sisters who administered the College up to 1960 and the Canoness’s sisters who pioneered the ‘A’ level school. The College to date has educated over 140,000 girls. Many of us have acquired the knowledge and skills with well-grounded Christian values. We are contributing effectively to society. But I know we can do a little more than that.

TCNOGA founded the junior school to give back to the College and in appreciation to what the College nurtured them to be today. We will be appreciated and recognized for hatching the idea of the great junior school.

Therefore I call upon you all to support TRINITY JUNIOR SCHOOL PROJECT which is going to be a milestone of the platinum celebrations. The founders of the great College in 1942 sacrificed everything. They were selfless. My humble request is for you all to

Christine IkiriaSepuya 1982-1988 President TCNOGA


DIRECTOR OF STUDIES S.3 AND S.4 MESSAGE I want to thank God who has given me this opportunity to greet you in this magazine. I would like to thank the parents who have entrusted us with their daughters. In the same way I would like to thank students for the good discipline exhibited while at school and the willingness to learn. I commend the determination and readiness of the teachers who are there for the students full time. Of late, we have introduced a special programme which runs from 5:00 - 6:00am and again at 7:00 – 900pm. This shows that teachers are in school most of the time. Therefore, this is the very reason why I thank them so much for a job well done. I call upon parents to seriously cooperate with teachers to shape and mould these girls. Teaching - learning exercise requires the effort of both teachers and parents. Parents should always encourage teachers whenever they visit the school. The work of handling students is not easy. Parents should also be aware that a student at home is different from a student at school. While at home she is a baby but at school we expect her to follow the daily routine and show high level of seriousness. The office of the Director of Studies has helped the students to be focused to education that brought them to Trinity College Nabbingo. To that effect therefore, our students are always focused and ready to harvest what they sow. Parents and teachers bravo! Katabarwa Perez

DIRECTOR OF STUDIES S.1 AND S.2 MESSAGE Praise and gratitude to God are really befitting on this auspicious occasion when TRICONA is celebrating 73 years of educating the Girl – Child. The Mustard seed which was planted by the White Fathers 73 years ago has indeed blossomed and yielded fruits. The Academic performance in the school has kept on. Since academic excellence is one of our core values, we always call upon the students to double their efforts in order to excel. Our students benefit a lot from the rich school program which includes academics, sports, music, dance and drama, spiritual guidance and many more. All these have the cardinal aim of producing an all – round citizen. On the academic front, coordination has played a very important role. The academic office has been charged with the responsibility of coordinating all academic programs in the school. Iam happy to note that this has been effectively done. In liaison with the school administration and other stakeholders, academics have been closely monitored and supervised. This has been a success recipe in regard to academic excellence both in the school and in the nation. In addition to the time tabled programs, our students are encouraged to make a personal action (PAP) in order to use their time profitably. This plan includes time for revision, research,assignments etc. The library and computer labs have further enhanced their research work. Since the sky is no longer the limit, we encourage our students to strive for success. We thank all stakeholders who have exhibited a high sense of team work in as far as achieving academic excellence of our dear daughters is concerned. The students are also appreciated for upholding the good name of Trinity College Nabbingo. I wish you all very fruitful celebrations.

Anne Neumbe Magomu.


MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF STUDIES S.5 & S.6 Another Trinity Sunday again in seventy three years of dedicated teaching and learning process. For sure, old enough to be identified with many generations of ladies proudly moulded in this great institution.This year adds another lot onto that pool of academia. Congratulations to young old girls of 2014. What keeps us ticking on is our rich curriculum which is aimed at providing the young and dynamic ladies with skills so as to exploit their talents and potentials.Our academic menu is rich enough to occupy the learners adequately in preparation for their end of course assessment at national level. We are proud to boast of being pioneers of holiday work for the learners. Comprehensive special programme, intensive teaching and learning process, academic tours, elaborate assessment, and facilitation by resource persons are but some of the ingredients of academic menu in place.Definitely, hard work by teachers and students pays off. Our last year’s UACE results were impressive. I salute the administration, parents, teachers and students for being supportive in this endeavour. The table below gives summary of the results.











10 3PPS


2 PP
















Only two candidates failed to get the subsidiary points from ICT and Submath, the rest did well. One great thinker once said that; “Control of WILL POWER requires persistence, faith and definiteness of purpose. The will power of the candidates was simply strong. Congratulations dear candidates of 2014.The heat is still on. The energy is high, the will power stronger. The President of United States of America, Mr. Obama, once said “yes we can,” and indeed, yes he did.My dear candidates of 2015 and parents together with teachers, we can do it again, even better this time. Let everyone do his /her part, the rest will come automatically. Do not just sit there, do something to make a difference.Spiritual and social menus can be found elsewhere within other articles. These all make a wholesome person that defines our college.Allow me to wish you a good stay in the college as we together celebrate 73 years of purposeful existence. May the good Lord grand you journey mercies back home.

By Abima A.

(Fr. Charles Lwanga Ssekabira)

Chaplain’s Message Dear brothers and sisters may we together with the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God and Mother of the Church magnify the Lord once again. The Lord has done great things for the TRICONA family. At 70, we started celebrating the phase of perfection but we still move on to greater heights. We continue to aim at perfection in the moral, academic, physical and social spheres. We are grateful to the most Holy Trinity for the Great Men and women who have served our family so selflessly. The list is endless. Be counted among them. Today is therefore a great day when we reunite the generations that have gone through the gates of this institution. We continue to glorify the Trinity- the undivided unity, the father, the son and the Holy spirit who enables life and all goodness in the universe. May the Almighty God bless you as we celebrate 73 years of vivid existence? 13

MESSAGE FROM BURSARS OFFICE IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER SYSTEM FOR FEES PAYMENTS IN SCHOOLS AND TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS The case study was carried out by bank of Uganda staff to investigate the problems faced by education institutions when implementing EFT for fees collection from parents or guardians.. What is electronic funds transfer (EFT)? Generally speaking, due to technological developments all over the world, there are reforms which make the banking industry dynamic. Today, it is common to hear terminologies like, (e-banking-payments, e-shopping, e-commerce, e- government, e-learning and so on). Everything seems to rotate around automation and application of computer systems. Therefore, electronic funds transfer (EFT) is a form of transferring money electronically by using computer programs. The other form of transferring money electronically is the real time gross settlement (RTGS)System, which is not discussed in this study.EFT is supposed to provide fast ,convenient, reliable and secure domestic payment and collection. It is either an EFT credit mainly used by corporate customers for paying salaries, interests, dividends and so onor EFT debit for payment of utility bills, (water, electricity or telephone bills, rent, fees/tuition).This study is focused on EFT Debit for fees collection in schools, universities and other tertiary institutions. EFT system is faster because the benchmark for EFT clearing cycle is shorter than that of cheques. EFT credit payments should be credited to the beneficiary’s a/c within 24 hours after the completion of the clearing process.EFT Debit payments should be credited to the beneficiary’s a/c within 48 hours. It is efficient because processing is automated. Human errors through manual processes are greatly minimized. It is reliable because EFT instructions rarely bounce for trivial reasons like irregular signatures or incomplete endorsement which easily make a cheque to be returned unpaid. Compared to cheques, EFT instructions are safer because fewer members of staff handle data entry and processing. Data is secured by use of passwords and encryption. Implementation of EFT for fees payment In 2006, bank of Uganda in collaboration with the ministry of education and sports and commercial banks came up with a new method of paying fees. The new method uses EFT Direct debit requiring the parent to give his or her bank authority/mandate to transfer money from the account to the school account. Trinity college with about 1,200 students took a bold step and embraced the use of the new method of paying school fees. At the end of 2007, the school did not issue bank slips for payment of fees for 1st term 2008, the school started sensitizing parents as early as November 2007.Therefore ,by the end of 3rd term 2007 a decision had been reached by the school not to use bankslips for fees payment. Instead parents were given direct debit

agreement (DDA) forms, which they completed. The DDAs were to be used by parents when paying fees for 1st term 2008.Therefore,payment of fees for 1st term was through the EFT System.(After the parent has signed the DDA ,the school prepares an MS-Excel spreadsheet,which is sent back to the bank. The school pays shs.2500 to the bank per instruction and the money is recovered from the parent). PETER MUTUMWA, MUYANJA DAN PAUL,NABUKEERA JOSEPHINE AND NAIZULI JULIET SENIOR ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT.


ICT DEPARTMENT We take this opportunity to thank the management of TRINITY COLLEGE NABBINGO (TRICONA) for embracing ICT in the school. It has influenced the general learning of TRICONA students. The staff members use ICT to make reports and the associated examinations activities. Over 90% of the staff members are computer literate. They have undergone different sessions of e-learning programme facilitated by KAWA. Currently, students are well catered. There are enough computers with internet for research purposes. Other programmes like Cyber School, School Africa have improved the general performance of work in the different departments. The school has well equipped computer laboratories for both staff and students which avail them with experience and hand on skills. The department believes anybody who joins TRICONA will never remain the same due to these modern educational materials. The school matches with the current ICT world. It is seriously addressing the virtual learning and teaching since technology is the way forward. Waninda Nicholas Machine Operator (Computer Technician) e-mail Nakasiita Angel DOS’ Secretary

Message from the Front desk staff. Dear our esteemed readers; We are privileged to welcome you to THE CRYSTAL 2015/2016. We want to thank the Almighty Lord who has enables us reach this far. Great thanks go to our beloved Head teacher, Editorial team and students who combined efforts to make this year’s magazine come out succesfully. As everybody knows that in everything we do customer care is the key, we are assuring you that we are doing all that it takes to give you the best care and trust. In a special way we thank our parents, students, old girls, Board of Governors, PTA, management and staff members who have been kind and friendly. We pledge to continue giving you the good customer care you deserve. We acknowledge and appreciate our mother Nakate – Kikomeko C.B for the immeasurable input and high degree of motherhood which has contributed to focused, disciplined and hardworking women who are ready to serve God and their Country. May you have an enjoyable and educative reading of The Crystal magazine. Happy Trinity day celebrations. We remain true, Akello Jurriet and Nabakaawa Annet


BASIC PROCUREMENT AND DISPOSAL PRINCIPLES. as possible; the procurement officer should ensure that there is comparison between different providers as regards quality, price, location of a provider, financial status of the provider among others. Such competition will help an organization achieve value for money. Ethics: Just like in any profession, procurement officers are supposed to follow procurement ethics. They should always avoid fraud because such misinterpretation of facts will affect decision making, they should be careful when accepting gifts since gifts of a high value influence decision making and they should always declare any conflict of interest if it exists in any procurement process.

In the course of performing their duties , practicing procurement professionals are expected to observe a high level of professionalism and ethics so as to realize both their departmental and organizational goals and objectives efficiently and effectively. The basic principles they are supposed to follow include; Non discrimination: No potential service provider or supplier shall be discriminated on grounds of gender, religion, nationality, tribe or political affiliation. The procurement process will be open to all eligible providers without any form of discrimination. Transparency: All the stages of a given procurement process shall be as transparent as possible, any necessary information shall be given to all the concerned stakeholders but a few selected ones. Stages like bid opening should be done in public so that all the parties will be contented. Competition: Competition in any procurement process should be maximized as much

Fairness: This is a very fundamental procurement principle, fairness is very important in our day to day life. A contract should be awarded to the best evaluated bidder after evaluation. Facts should be handled with fairness and should not be changed. Decisions should also be made fairly without any form of discrimination. Confidentiality: Confidential information ought to remain confidential; information that should not be given out to the concerned stakeholders should never be given out anybody since such leaked information can limit competition. In conclusion, if practicing procurement professionals adhere to the above listed principles; many organizations will greatly achieve value for money while executing their procurement and disposal activities. Tuhaise Patrick and Kyewalyanga Moses Procurement and Disposal Unit.

ANGER MANAGEMENT Each person when annoyed reacts differently…..How do you manage your anger? Remember it’s not right that you throw your frustrations to other people for each has their own to deal with!! The question remains “how best would you manage your anger?” A friend of mine shared, this; “ The first thing I do is to take some time without reacting lest I do something I would regret. Just like the saying goes “Time is a healer!” It sure reduces the pain that comes with anger. I also take time to talk to trusted peers. A problem shared is half solved. This helps avoid the source of anger as being around it could re-awaken it and keep you too angry. Most importantly, praying to God is key. To handle anger one needs to forgive and to forgive is divine…it comes from God. Many young people would cry hard about it. This is very helpful especially if it is done in secret because if the anger source notices their impact of their actions on you, they feel trumpled upon and the hurt partly belittled. Crying lifts off a big burden. You are a new person after crying. Others put it down on paper especially when one can not find someone to confide in. The written literature must be kept safely lest it falls into the wrong hands, the damage could be even bigger. Dealing with one’s emotions generally whether anger, happiness or sadness is a sensitive issue which at a great extent is a personal war. It runs with in an individual and whichever way one chooses to deal with their emotions must be one which doesn’t involve violence to the to her party, or even stressing to the people around you because everyone has their own to deal with !! Written by AGNES NAMIIRO (Ms)


lieve in God. Only a few doubters with tortured minds are ever heard to deny the existence of God. Psalm 13:1 Religion means recognising God as God and carrying out those duties which make him the

Without religion men can only grope uncer- supreme goal of our lives. tainly towards some such understanding. Man needs religion for correct answers. Genuine happiness will be found ONLY in the practice of religion. It takes religion to make men good. For despite all the laws that society enacts, there is still crime. Despite all the covenants nations enter into, there are still wars. Religion unites us with God. No nation ever has been free from all be

LETTER TO CURRENT STUDENT. What does it mean to join Trinity College Nabbingo? Happiness? Anxiety? Pride? You are lucky to join one of the best girls’ school in the country.You have your own expectations, Your parents have their own, the college expects your toshine,how will you balance the three. Education is hard work,whoever thinks it’s a joke will get a rude awakening. Where do you want to be in the future?If you want to matter in this world you must keep matter in your 3 head.Start right now to follow every lesson, revise regularlyand look for new knowledge.Gone are the days when a student sat alone in a corner to cram essays and principles or theories. If you want to go far, learn to move with others. Why do you fail Physics when majority of your classmates are scoring distinctions?Team up with the more gifted and able students share each other’s strengths, together you will excel, in modern language,


“synergise.” Burden Powel the founder of the scouts movement had a slogan which called on all his followers to leave the world a little better than they found it.Work not just to pass but to change your country and the world. NgugiwaThiongo in his novel “Devil on the Cross” wrote about a time when the rich would store oxygen to sell to the poor. The whole concept seemed strange at the time, buttoday we are busy buying air-time, mega bites internet bundles name it.Time to embracemodernisation is now,you have access to new learning technology use it profitably. The college has many co-curricular activities join them.Balance your education. The chaplaincy offers you great spiritual guidance, benefit from it.Be at peace with God and love your neighbor as you love yourself .Be part of a generation that respects life and property. This article was a result of a request from the chief Editor who I met on International Women’sDay. The theme for the year 2015 is ‘WOMEN EMPOWERMENT,MAKE IT HAPPEN’,you are in the right place to make it happen. Do your best. LAETITIA DDAMBA{MRS} OLD GIRL.

Dear readers, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for being ardent supporters of The Crystal magazine. As the head prefect of Trinity College Nabbingo 2014-2015 nothing makes me happier than telling you that I have had the best of moments of my life. The administration has shown us motherly support and guidance and I could never wish for more. If there were more days left to stay on, I would forever stay. I have worked with very understanding people. For the times we failed as a prefectorial cabinet, we are sincerely sorry. For the times we let you down, we beg your pardon but never has it been done on purpose. We will always serve you to the best of our ability. My dear family members, I believe we are still destined for greater heights. We need to be patient and calm. The elevator of success is out of order.We have to learn to take the steps. One step at a time and I believe we shall achieve beyond what we dream.

Valerie WoodGaiger’s EASTER MESSAGE TO TCN. Easter Message 2015 from Valerie Wood-Gaiger to Trinity College Nabbingo. Last Easter I was with you in Uganda in my ‘home’ Trinity College Nabbingo. On Easter Sunday I went to All Saints Cathedral & recorded this message watch?v=TwehUVSuFEY.

It took ages to record because there were SO many people leaving—we had to keep stopping. Poor Nicholas must have had a terrible job putting all the clips together you can hardly see a single join! This Easter I will be in my little church here in Myddfai with our tiny congregation but I will be remembering sharing worship with a huge congregation in that great Cathedral and with you girls on Good Friday sitting in the garden near the big tree where your beautiful school started with just a few nuns. Look how it has grown — one step forward at a time. I will always remember the two months I spent in your country and the many friends I made there. We can still be friends. We live in the same village - global village! Do join LEARN WITH GRANDMA UGANDA so that as you girls grow and become the leaders that you are being trained to be we can all still keep in touch. I will always be pleased to rejoice in your achievements and sympathise when things don’t go as you planned or hoped. I really had no idea that — with so much help from your headmistress and many other people — we would achieve so much by my going to Uganda. So much to tell you - but you were there see the achievement I am most proud of. The seminar held in TCN. I went to Uganda to speak at the big e-learning Africa conference and had thought that would be the highlight of the trip but as I talked about it to your headmistress I realised that most Ugandan teachers would not be able to afford to attend. What could we do?? I wondered if we could hold a seminar after the conference so that those teachers could also learn about the advantages of using ICT in school and so that I could tell them about how we could use technology as a bridge to reunite the generations. I had never heard of a seminar following a conference but we decided to try! We send out hundreds of invitations but on the morning of the conference only 8 head teachers had replied. I was devastated! So much effort had gone into planning; Speakers and caterers were booked. The school had even cooked cakes —they were very good! I went into the hall to help put out the chairs ‘No’ I

cried ‘not so close - these are adults they will have bigger bottoms!! And `No don’t bring those orange chairs forward — we can if we need them’ I did not want it to look as if we were expecting lots of people. Then I looked out of the windows —people were arriving!! More and more came - 293 Head Teachers travelled from all over Uganda!! One man told me that he had been travelling for 24 hours. Here is the report of a very successful seminar. http://issuu. com/moseswamangaidocs/elearning tcn report 2014 The seminar was called — Taking Action — and they did take action My granny used to say —Great things are achieved by DOING a little thing TODAY. I had never initiated a seminar that was not only so well attended but also achieved so much. I really do believe that the seminar in Trinity College Nabbingo achieved as much — if not more - lasting improvement in the usage of ICT in schools in Uganda as the big conference. To help you remember what my granny taught me I left a stone for the school with that message and — If you don’t ask the answer is NO! Have the stones been erected now?? I would love to see a photo of them in situ. As you go out into the world remember those sayings my Grandma gave to me. Have BIG dreams but remember they will stay as dreams unless you work to turn them into reality. And never be afraid to ask. You have a 50/50 chance of the answer being yes!! I am asking for something now. I am going to Ethiopia to speak at I need your prayers because I am now asking for a venue in Ethiopia to host a seminar based on the one held in your school. It might not happen but — If I don’t ask the answer is already NO! God Bless Jjajja Val

WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT Nabiryo Christine Rodhar

Welcome to yet another brand new edition of the Crystal magazine. This year has been quite a task for the writer’s club, coming up with great ideas and summing them all into just one small book. We have had to make so many sacrifices but what can I say? I can only thank everyone with whom we have worked with for this outrageous achievement. Ever wondered what runs through a reader’s mind? Who is a reader anyway? You and Me, one would say. Perharps, but not quite. A reader in my perspective is one who has the power to judge, comment, criticize, like or dislike the content meeting their eyes after a critical analysis and understanding of writings. You have to be highly emotionally intelligent; able to balance the two parties without offending any. Being a good reader is like being a leader, you have the power to make financial judgment on whether the content is worth the time spent by your eye inspection and mind work to understand it or it is as good as rubbish that needs to be disposed off with immediate effect. Fairly good readers often make good writers because in their case, they know when the eye sees and when the pen writes what is right. A good reader is he/she that is still on the same page with me. Do not stop flipping the pages then, for just land your eyes on what is termed “Intellectual Readers Feed” Not for all but good for all. Enjoy this magazine just as I have enjoyed being its loyal slave with love. A philosopher once said “If you are able to listen to the noise in the silent content of your written piece of work, you must be a good reader to. BE TRUE Nabiryo Christine Rodhar S.6 R PEM/ICT- PRESIDENT WRITER’S CLUB

WORD FROM THE EDITOR IN CHIEF Kwemala Kimberly Valeria

I welcome you yet again to another lovely new issue of The Crystal magazine. In this edition your eyes will feast on the other side of Trinity College Nabbingo. Both the students and teachers have something to share with us. This is where we experience the creativity and beauty of words written by a student,something the outside world does not know. There’s poetry and prose, humour, inspiration, Religion, health, name it!! Laugh, cry and feel the stroke of the written word. This is the beauty of writing, reading and sharing. Nelson Mandela once said “Greatness is not achieved by never failing but by rising every time we fall.” So never give up. Keep going. We are what we believe we are. I think Maya Angela [RIP] would have been Proud. Therefore, feast your brain on the knowledge and fun to be dug out of this magazine. To my fellows students, read hard and always trust in God. REMAINING TRUE, Kwemala Kimberly Valeria F.6B HENTFA/ICT


‘’No day off for heroes!

family, finance and firm and to put others first and to

‘One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in liv-

honestly serve them, cultivating character and spirit as

ing it. But to defy what you are and to live without belief,

I steadily tread this journey in being that EXCELLENT

is fate more terrible than dying.’ In vivid memory of what

LEADER I have always dreamt of.

life had been, mine has wholly rotated around it….lead-

Accolades for you all whose support has made it pos-

ership! Unless a variety of options is put before us, we

sible for us all who have shared in this world of leader-

have no opportunity of selection, but I have been bound

ship, you made our days brighter, and for those who

by necessity to adopt this particular sector.

have practically been part of this world; that you a

I am proud to call it my world, and God has given me

bunch , we have been a team in our world. The ambi-

that courage because a world like mine demands strong

tion is so natural like the blood that flows in my veins

minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands, to ably

and a cat’s claws which are designed to climb upwards

take charge to make a difference, to love a life with an

and not downwards’.

extra sense of dignity, embracing problems as positive

I am never ever everquitting my world, ‘’THE LEADER IN

opportunities centering life on universal principles as I


passionately pursue mu mission to be the great leader I am destined to be.


Amidst the tight commitment, there is always the ne-


cessity to keep vital areas of life balance; faith, fitness,



She is the one of the most cherished and

Mizuki; Students in Japan come from their homes at

latest acquaintances of the college and alas, with ease

8:30 am and lessons run from 8:50am to 3:30/4:00pm

she captivated the curiosity of The Crystal. Pen in hand.

with 10 minutes break every after a lesson and there

Mind alert, we decided to have a little chat with her,one

after sports, music lessons etc


Crystal; So far, how is Nabbingo?

Crystal; Good evening,Mizuki

Mizuki; I like it a lot, the students are active, they like ‘to

Mizuki; Good evening,girls (smiles broadly)

play’ very much. I liked the Inter-house competitions a

(she directs us to a more discreet place from the field

lot, the girls were excited, everyone was happy. I liked

after excusing herself off a game she has been playing

the school dining.

with the girls).

Crystal; House?

Crystal; we come to learn more about you, for a start,

Mizuki; (shakes her head) I am neutral since I am a

who are you?

sports teacher.

Mizuki; My name is Shindate Mizuki. I am Japanese

Crystal; Favourite food?

and I am one year and three months old in Uganda.

Mizuki; I like Gonja, it’s my best snack. I also like cas-

I was born on 11th April. I am 24 years old and in the

sava and beef

college I am known as Sanyu. (she elaborates)

Crystal; Most memorable event since you arrived?

Crystal; Where did the name Sanyu originate from?

Mizuki; That is challenging. (She looks up, thinking for a

Mizuki; It was given to me by the Deputy Head teacher

while). The first time I addressed the school, when I was

Mrs. Mwesigwa Betty.

introduced as a sports teacher, I was scared because

Crystal; Describe your first day in Uganda

everyone was looking at me.

Mizuki; I was excited on arrival and notice that Uganda

Crystal; Anything you don’t like about the school

was less hotter than I expected since I left Japan in July

Mizuki; Nothing, everything is good, though the girls

in summer.

should learn to be early for my lessons and they should

Crystal;How did you get to come to Uganda?

be more disciplined.

Mizuki; I guess it was luck. I had never been to Africa

Crystal; Advice to the girls

and when I heard about an offer by an Agency called

Mizuki; Hmmm…….Keep time for my lesson hahaha

‘The Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA)’

Crystal; Thank you, for your attention Mizuki

I applied and won myself a two year contract in Uganda.

Mizuki; It’s been a great pleasure

Crystal;How is school in Japan?


Through an education exchange programme called ‘’Päddagogische Austuuschdienst’’ (P.A.D), four Ugandan students are given an opportunity to travel to Germany for a month. They learn more and appreciate the German language and cultures using the language and the best part, have fun! On the 16th of August 2014, four students; two from Mengo Senior School, one from King’s college Budo and I from TRICONA, were privileged to travel to Germany for the above purpose. Our long journey started at 3:30am from Entebbe airport to Istanbul (Turkey) then another flight to Dusseldorf in Germany. We were welcomed by our group leader at Düsseldorf Airport. We separated in pairs as we belonged to different groups. We were introduced to our groupmates who were anxiously waiting for us at the first hotel of residence in Bonn. All of them came from different countries; Egypt, Bulgaria, Thailand, Senegal, and others. All of them could speak Germany. We began our journey to learn about each other and our countries, share our experiences and bring together a friendship that would last for ages. We got to visit some of the most amazing German states of Bonn, Berlin, Humburg, München, Köln, Lübeck, and others. We also visited the great Alps, River Rhine, the Easter sea, great museums, car industries not to mention but a few. Every after 5 days, we had to switch hotels as we travelled East, South, West, and North Germany. We were also introduced and spent two weeks with guest families where we had to live a typical German life; go to school, take trains up and down, and exchange with different students across Germany. We also had cultural evenings to introduce our countries. What I learned is that the Germans are very social and friendly, very clean and most of all punctual people. They use underground trains a lot. Euros are used as currency and German is the national language. Rarely is any other language spoken. We really enjoyed our stay because we had fun, snow skiing, at the top of the Alps, sea and river rides, musical evenings, walks and not to forget the delicious food we ate! Little did we know that time was out and we had to return to our respective countries on the 15th of September, 2014. Now I have millions of people to stay in contact with! I take this opportunity to thank this mighty college for having given me such a wonderful opportunity to travel and learn a lot. I will for ever remain grateful. I also encourage all those studying languages to take them as seriously as never before for there are so many opportunities waiting for you. Don’t take it for granted, grab the chance while you still can! NABADDA CATHY MAXENSIA S.6. B (Die Deutsche Klasse)

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EARTH QUAKE!!!!!! On April 18 1906, the earthquake shook down in San Francisco, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of walls and chimneys. The conflagration that followed burned up hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property. There is no estimating within hundreds of millions the actual damage wrought. Not in history has a modern imperial city been so completely destroyed. San Francisco is gone. Nothing remains of it but memories and fringe of dwelling houses on its outskirts. Its industrial section is wiped out. Its social and residential section, houses and warehouses, the great stores and news paper buildings, the hostels and palaces of the nobobs, are all GONE. Remains only the fringe of dwelling houses on the out skirts of what was once San Francisco. With an hour after the earth quake shock, the smoke of San Francisco’s burning was a lurid tower visible a hundred miles away. And for 3 days and nights, this lurid tower swayed in the sky, reddening the sun, darkening the day and filling the land with smoke. A similar earthquake happened in 1989. Is it a misfortune or does the town sit on an earthquake line? Fortunately, the government had the situation in hand, and, thanks to the immediate relief given by the whole United States, there was no possibility of famine. The bankers and builders together with the help of everybody, they have re built San Francisco as it once was, elegant, imperial and among the beautiful cities of the United States of America!


It is a tool under Mozilla web maker. Popcorn is designed just for you and remix your videos to suit you and your friends. To get to popcorn: Simply type You will see the four tools. Under popcorn double click “ start from scratch” to start. Once popcorn has opened, it should be under Open another tab or window for your browser. Search for the music video you want such as, “ the world’s fastest cheetah” on you tube. Copy the video Unk from the URL box eg, “” Open popcorn and paste in the space. Click “Get media” and wait for the video to lord. It will lord automatically on layer 0. Once your video is done loading, click events to add effects to your videos. NAKAGGWA JUSTINE 6R.

INSPIRATION & RELIGION THE A – Z OF ENJOYING YOUR STUDIES. Your attitude towards what you do determines how much you will succeed. If you have a negative attitude towards work, then that is total failure, but if it is positive, that is automatic success. BLESSINGS All you do in your studies has to be blessed, for this gives us the courage to continue working hard, having one thing in mind that, with God everything is possible. CREATIVITY New ideas all the time encourage you to work hardest all the time. Think hard until you come out with something creative of your won, automatically your studies will be enjoyed. DETERMINATION/DISCIPLINE Our greatest glory is not in never falling but rising every time we fall. How often have we fallen and failed to rise and how many great things have we missed out because of our not being determined. EFFORT Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Your efforts towards something show what you will earn out of it. FAITH I know this now, every man gives his life to what he believes, and every woman gives her life towhat she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing and so they give their lives to little or nothing. So have faith in your books and give your lives to your books. GOD God, you have created us for yourself and our hearts are restless till they

rest in you oh God.

you are capable of becoming.

HOPE If you don’t hope, you won’t find what is beyond your ho…those who hope for better grades, find what is beyond those better grades and if you hope for worse ones …then I don’t know.

PURPOSE Nothing contributes so much to tranquilise the mind as a steady mind… .a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye…

INTERESTS An object in itself is one which possesses some spontaneous attractiveness to the senses, the mind, sensitive appetites/ the will. If you have interests in something, trust me that will clearly be fun….even as studies. JOY Joy accompanies every perfect act. So for whatever is prefect, just expect joy after it, but for every imperfect act, misery awaits you. KEEN It’s amazing how you never run short of ideas if you are critically keen in everything that happens before you. But if you are not keen, trust me you will never have any idea before you. LOVE A wise lover values not so much the gift of the love as the love of the giver. MOTIVATION Motivation is an external temporary high that pushes you forward, inspiration is a sustainable internal glow which pulls you forward. NEATNESS Can you imagine getting to the end of your lie, looking back only to discover that you only used 10% of what was given to you? Yet you needed like 90% of that …Likewise, you have to be neat throughout and that is when you will use the 90%. ORGANISE To be what we are and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only reason for life. Just be organised and you will become what

QUIET The most important thing is not where you were or where you are, but where you want to get. Just keep quiet, and aim to where you want to get. READING Seek the lofty by reading and seeing great work at some moment every day. Read hardest and you will truly enjoy your studies. SUMMARISE Real power lies in taking action. So when you have already made a decision on something, go out of your way to start implementing. TIME Do you love life? then do not squander time, for that the stuff life is made of. UNDERSTANDING First seek to understand, then to be understood. For those who don’t want to understand other, yet they want to be understood are to the road of failure. VALUES Try not to become a man/woman of success but a man/woman of value. For its useless to be successful but of no value. Be of value, and enjoy your studies. WISDOM Wisdom teaches us to respect all people, to celebrate their differences to be guided by a single ethic, service above self. BY NAMPALA JOYCE M F.6. SCIENCES

FIGHTERS WE ARE Though gently, Steady but not fast, We do not panic. Our lives, Our minds, Our hearts, All to it, we love what we do No fancy adverts To recruit members to the army Our actions and words Are the way to go Always fighting, Unceasingly, to bring harmony, To bring peace, to bringjoy The deepest wounds we get But we do not stop We still fight We are the Legionaries, We fight, Fight like no one has ever done in this world Our weapon, the Rosary We are soldiers of the Blessed Virgin Mary Our mother and our mediator The LEGION OF MARY, we call ourselves sisters and brothers NAMIREMBER DIVINE 6R LEGION OF MARY


She is our mother, given to us by her son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, we can run to her whenever in distress. We can ask her to intercede for us or pray for us. Her son will listen to her and intervene into your request. She is the most affectionate and easiest way to go talk to Jesus. She can assist you in anything you ask for from her son. Do this with faith. Her mere presence in your life gives you grace from Heaven.She is Lady of the most Holy Rosary which is a prayer to defeat the devil.She also provides for us the Holy Scapular that saves us from eternal death. The devil said, ‘’there are two things that prevent us from stealing souls, the Rosary and Scapular, these two when said and worn steal many souls from our grasp!’’She is the mother of our salvation i.e. Jesus.When asked she can appeal to God and keep you a seat in Heaven. KWEMALA KIMBERLY, F.6B

A TRAVELLERS GUIDE TO HEAVEN Immigration All passengers are classified as immigrants, since they are taking up permanent residence in a new country. The quota is unlimited. ‘’They desire a better country, that is, heavenly…..for he has prepared for them a city.’’ Hebrews 11:16

Reservations Booking is now open. Apply at once. ‘’Now is the accepted time; behold,now is the day of salvation.’’ 2 Corinthians 6:2 Air passage Travellers going directly by air are advised to watch for daily indications of imminent departure. ‘’we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.’’ 1 Thessalonians 4:17 Vaccination and inoculation Infections are not needed as diseases are unknown at the destination. ‘’God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.’’ Revelation 21:4 Currency Supplies of currency may be forwarded ahead to await the passenger’s arrival. Deposits should be as large as possible. ‘’Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal.’’ Mathew 6:20 Clothing A complete and appropriate new wardrobe is provided for each traveller. ‘’He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness.’’ Isaiah 61:10 Passport Parsons seeking entry will not be permitted past the gates without having proper credential and having their names registered with the ruling authority.’’ There shall in no wise enter into it any that defiles….but they which are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.’’ Revelation 21:27 Tickets Your ticket is a written pledge that guarantees your journey. It should be claimed and its promises kept firmly in hand. ‘’He that hears Myword, and believes Him that sent Me, has everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from de….life.’’ John 5:24 Departure time The exact date of departure has not been announced. The travellers are advised to be prepared to leave at short notice.’’ It is nor for you to know the times orthe seasons, which the Father has put in His own power.’’ Acts 1:7 Luggage No luggage whatsoever can be taken. ‘’We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.’’1 Timothy 6:7 Time changes Resetting of watches will not be necessary, now will the watches. ‘’ The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to chine I in it; for the glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof. There shall be no night there.’’ Revelation 21:23 Accommodation Arrangements for first class accommodation have been made in advance. ‘’In my Father’s house are many mansions….I got to prepare a place for you.’’ John 14:2

CORONATION CEREMONY The highlight of the journey is the welcoming reception and coronation which awaits each new arrival. ‘’There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.’’ 2 Timothy 4:8 Customs Only one declaration is required while going through customs. ‘’I declare unto you the gospel…that Christ died for our sins…..and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day.’’ 1 Corinthians 15:1,3,4 PEARL NATUKUNDA AND KISAKYE STELLA 4R


I’m a vessel, created shaped and branded by God. I’m unique in nature and I follow the culture of God. Everything that I am was made by Him. Everything that I do is done for him. When I lift my hands….I lift my hands in surrender. My surrender is all inclusive, Every Pain, every hurt, every distraction. I surrender to my father. My design, the uniqueness of who I am was only meant to carry the reflection of who he is. Therefore my reflection is one of Joy, ne of PEACE, one of LOVE and FAITH. All that my father is he in me. The power that works in him also works in me. Because he dwells on the inside of me. Therefore, I walk victorious knowing that my God, my Father, my King has already worked out every situation for my good. I rest inthis word. I have peace because I love him and I’m called according to his purpose. I’M GOD’S GIRL By Mukoda – Mary 6R

THE COMMANDMENTS OF BECOMING THE BEST 1. The best know that good is the enemy off best. In fact good is bad because it keeps you from becoming the best. 2. The Best have a Vision. They don’t have their eyes locked in today. Whatever they do they begin with the end in mind. 3. The Best are optimistic. They believe that things can get better. They see the best every situation. You know the analogy of a ‘’glass being half full or half empty’’ well, and the Best see it as ‘’half full, half water and half air. 4. The Best have a life long habit of personal growth. They do not want to stay at the same level for a long time. They are always learning and changing. 5. The Best have a quest for leadership. They help others develop in order to achieve greater things. They want to make a difference in the community they work or live.

6. The Best relentlessly pursue Excellence. They set high standards for everything they do and they do not settle for mediocrity. Thy do not make excuses or blame others. 7. The Best prioritise and Execute. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is ‘’they both know what to do, but only the successful people do it.’’ 8. The Best focus on building relationships. They treat others right, they appreciate the magic o difference and embrace them with fairness and integrity. 9. The Best know that there is always competition in every part of their life. Competition helps them to develop and improve in order to be ahead of the rest. 10. The Best leave a legacy. Whatever they do, they ….it beyond themselves. In business or family, their name lives beyond the and their words become quotations. 11. The Best make no excuses. They don’t blame others for any failures. When things go wrong they won up, take responsibility and get a solution. 12. The best dare to dream. They don’t settle for less than they deserve. They go out to look for opportunities to better their lives.

By Nampala Joyce Margret 6R, Sciences


I will fear nobody, no evil and no darkness, For He is by my side He is always with me, everywhere I go He guides me, watched over me and protects me fromall evil Even in the dark night while I am asleep, He is always there by my side, giving me protection He comforts me while I am hurt, He listens to all my problems and finds for me a solution. He gives me company when I feel lonely since He is there for me as my Best friend He never leaves me alone He shares with me Joys and Sorrows He always keeps me smiling the WHY BE AFRAID BY: LARIA JOAN


Whenever we obtain what we never thought of getting, we always blame God. But you should understand that whatever happens is God’s plan. Don’t be weakened by your poor grades, and misfortune in life. Just be proud of those crosses you are carrying and always ask God to accompany you in carrying them. Learn to carry your crosses happily with faith that you will one day overcome them. Kawuma M Innocent, S2R

either follow Him or not. You may read great books like ‘Power Of A Praying Teen’, ‘Purpose Driven Life’, or watch movies like ‘Fighting Your Giants’, ‘Grace Card’ among others. You can also listen to the greatest gospel hits from various artists like Mag44, Benjamin Chungu, Holy Keane Amooti among others. You cannot serve two masters at once i.e. God and the world. Remember, attending church frequently deos not mean you know God unless you build on your spiritual life now. No one knows when the Lord is coming so be prepared. Stand alone, refuse to be shaped by the world. By Gloria Hazel Andezu


WHO AM I IN CHRIST? I am Christ’s friend (John 15:15) I am the salt for the earth (Mathew 5:13) I am a slave to righteousness (Romans 6:18) I have been set free from the power of sin (Romans 6:1-6) I am a child of God (John 1:12 Rom. 8:14-15) I am chosen by Christ to bear His fruit (John 15:16) I am a citizen of heaven (Phil. 3:20, Ephesians 2:6) I am chosen of God, holy and beloved (Col. 3:12, 1 Thess 1:4) I am a temple, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16, 6:19) I am born of God. The devil doesn’t have authority to touch me (1 John 5:18) Christ Himself dwells in me (Col. 1:27) And By Grace of God I am what I am (1 Corinthians 15:10) BY: MUZAKI RUTH MARY (S.2R) REFUSE TO BE SHAPED BY THE WORLD Many people are taken up by the new legacy that secular music and movies are what make up entertainment in the world. Others are also taken up by the opinions of others but, be yourself and do not go with the crowd. When Nebuchadnezzar commanded all the Babylonians to bow down before the gold image he made, Daniel and his friends stood for God who rescued them from the furnace they were thrown in (Daniel 3). You can also stand out of the rest and follow Jesus if you would like to since God gave us a choice to

To pagans it’s luck – but to Christians it’s God. Without God,nothing is possible that’s why one will have such a sad life if they do not allow God into their lives to take control. Otherwise, if at any one time we went out of his sight , we’re likely to face; Monday as Mownday Tuesday as Tearsday Wednesday as Wasteday Thursday as Tiredday Friday as Frightday Saturday as Satanday Sunday as Sufferday Therefore brethren, for a happy life, we need God to be with us and guide us every day. God bless you COMPILED BY LAURYN MARGARET NATUNGA 3.G 2014 A FATHER’S CREDIT Some say, ‘I have the best father ever.’ Others say, ‘’I wish he hadn’t been my dad.’’ Others say, ‘I’ll isolate him on my graduation day for he hasn’t paid any single penny for my studies!’’ First and foremost, I’d like to request all for you to thank God for the provision of fathers. Why do I say so! There’s one thing that fathers gave to us in general, that’s LIFE (God inclusive). At least they loved us while we were still babies and tried to give support to our mothers. If it were not for that cell, we would never have existed. Secondly, let’s appreciate the tremendous work our responsible fathers do to make us comfortable. These fathers wake up very early in the morning to go and hunt for money wherever it is, they provide work all the love we need and support our mothers in every way to make us live, we really need to appreciate. Lastly, let’s forgive our fathers who have not done what they are supposed to do. Let us be happy and love them for the fact that they gave us life. Let us pray for them to change and realise their mission for every father deserves the credit. Remember, God is our topmost father, LOVE HIM.



Who of you in this world would want to switch places with Helen Keller? When Helen Keller was born in 1880, she was normal as any child could possibly be. But when she was nineteen months old, she was struck with a disease that left her blind, deaf and mute. When Keller was seven years old, Anne Sullivan became her teacher and taught her how to communicate by means of the manual alphabet. With Sullivan’s help Keller pursued her education and eventually graduated from RadoliffeCollege with a degree in English. Thereafter, she wrote many poems, essays, and books, including her stirring autobiography, The Story of My Life. She was dedicated to helping others and said, ‘’I will always as long as I have breath work for the handicapped. Use what God has given you well and always follow Keller’s advice ‘’I who is blind can give one hint to those who see;…use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. Elsea Joy S1G


Between the devil and the deep sea – I choose between two equally bad alternatives in a serious dilemma. A burnt child dreads fire – A bad experience or a horrifying incident may scare one’s attitude or thinking for a life time. A friend in need is a friend indeed – A friend who helps when one is in trouble is a real friend. Discretion is the better part of valor – means that avoiding a dangerous or unpleasant situation is sometimes the most sensible thing to do. A hungry man is an angry man – A person who doesn’t get what he wants or needs is a frustrated person and will be easily provoked to rage. Empty vessels make the most noise – those people who have a little knowledge usually talk the most and make the greatest fuss. A man is as old as he feels – A person’s age is immaterial it is only when he thinks and feels that he is aging that he actually becomes old. Anidle brain is the devil’s workshop – One who has nothing to do will be tempted to do many mischievous acts. An ounce of discretion is worthy a pound of wit – It is better to be careful and discrete than to be clever. BALUNZI LINDA

F.4 R

CHILD SACRIFICE Child sacrifice! Day in, day out Morning and Evening All year round Screaming and mourning Crying and wailing No mercy is shown Mr. Mukasa wants to build, He must sacrifice I want to get rich, I must sacrifice I worship small god, He wants a sacrifice Numbers keep going up Why not build your house On a strong foundation? It won’t collapse Even without my head. Work hard and become rich Without my head Worship God the creator He doesn’t ask for sacrifice Stop child sacrifice and make This world a better place AYOO FAITH MER F.2.R ACCEPTING THE FACT I thought my job would be an easy one as the Bible says that the Lord blesses the works of our hands.Whenever I reached my classI found a heap of books eagerly waiting for me to open them and read but because I loved my jobI also eagerly opened them and started to read. My wage at the end of the month was an amazing one. I had achieved my goals. My heart filled with confidence that my wage (performance) will continue being an exciting one. I felt that there was no more need for me to open my books and readtirelessly hard. As I had proved to be a good student I started arriving at my place of work (class) very late, doing contrary to what I was supposed to do. And besides indiscipline became part of me. As the saying goes, we are what we repeatedly do. I became visionless and very ‘unserious’.When it was time to receive my wage, I could not bear presenting such to my employers (parents). I burst into tears and cursed the day Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit as others were jubilating. Better late than never I sat back and reflected on what would have caused this andonly to realise, it was pride and indiscipline. Just as John Wooden said, Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be, I re-made up myself, set new goals and objectives, disconnected myself from time thieves and now with my trust in God and my focus on books, I am getting back to what and where I am supposed to be. AkothPatricia 4.G

THE HOLY ALPHABET ABC- DE- F- G- H- I- J- K- L- M- N- O- P- Q- R- S- T- U- V- W- X- Y- Z-

Although things are not perfect Because of trial or pain Continue in thanksgiving Do not begin to blame Even when the times are hard Fierce winds are bound to blow God is forever able Hold on to what you know Imagine life without his LOVE Joy would cease to be Keep thanking Him for all the things Love imparts to thee Move out of ‘’Camp Complaining’’ No weapon that is known On earth can yield the power Praise can do alone Quit looking at the future Redeem the time at hand Start everyday with worship To ‘’thanks’’ is a command Until we see Him coming Victorious in the sky We’ll run the race with gratitude Xalting God most high Yes, there’ll be good times and yes Zion waits in glory where none are ever sad

Siya Sitenda Catherine AA-


When I look around the world, I feel lonely and like am the worst, Because of what I see in it, Nowhere to turn to, Cursing myself and life. But when I go deep, I feel there is a person right for me, Who understands everything about me, Though sometimes it feels he ain’t around, To be there for me, But I still try to stand with the little faith left. So life ain’t easy But you have got to try hard And strive further So in the end you can win. Because with him we are never loosers Let’s keep striving. SARAH TRINIDAD NAMISI F.4.G

MY TRUE RELIGION This lies just beneath my deeds The deed of my heart, my eyes and my mind. Not for the desired earthly pride but for the spiritual glorification drawing me down to my knees, a perfect place of worship. At such a tender time of the day, it’s not a Sunday but still can feel my presence in the heavenly church. Such silence, peace and serenity circulates, giving me a sweet embrace from such a wonderful congregation amidst the never ending silence, only broken by hope, comfort, happiness, and encouragement to the last sheep. To my conviction, it’s a congregation with the true religion meant for eternity. NAMWABIRA IMMACULATE MAJORINE S.6 SCIENCES

THE SOLID ROCK The same world that will love you Is the same world that will hate you The world will recognise you The same world will neglect you

The same world in which you will laugh Is the same world in which you will weep The world in which you will bloom Is the same in which you will wither It will offer comfort when it suites the situation the same way it will offer misfortune when need arises it will be your lover and your hater it will be your friend and your enemy do not rely on that the world has to offer it changes colour with the change of time rely on only on Rock and that is Christ Jesus for he never changes Mugume Leah Shykie 6B

Sometimes in life, I wonder who I really I am! That specific time when you can’t tell What you feel like, How things are meant to be done, And which direction to follow, The moment when you just can’t control The things that happen in your life. Who am I? Why am I here? It really does tire, to live, With no possible cause or aim, Not because you want it that way, But because you understand not, WHO YOU REALLY ARE!

Nana JojoLuzige, 5B


cause he is the one who brings about the fear. But all that Christ Jesus brings is LOVE. Profess that Jesus Christ A poll of college students confirmed that over 50 percent suffered from low self acceptance, with the major- is the LORD AND SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD. ity citing their looks as a source of their unhappiness. Patience Yashaba ‘My nose is too long. My eyes are too small. I’m too fat 5R here – too thin there. To short-too tall.’ And the beauty industry is more that ready to darken it, lighten it, ac- JESUS LOVES YOU centuate it, lift it, tuck it, and cover it up in an attemptto I love you. sell as a self image we can accept. A little improvement I know you will be shocked. might indeed be beneficial but not as a basis of self- But you mean so much to me. worth. Here’s how God sees the issue; ‘Does the day I try to get close to you, dispute the one who shapes it, saying , ‘Stop, you are But you seem to be looking elsewhere, doing it wrong!’ does the pot exclaim, ‘How clumsy can The more I give you my attention, you be?’ Isaiah 45:9. You are God’s personal creating. You think about someone else, He makes no mistake, over looks no details and leaves My heart pains when I call, nothing unfinished. You need to accept yourself be- And no one answers. I try to give myself to you, cause He created, redeemed and accepts you. The God who made you who you are has a plan for per- But you seem not to be ready, fecting you. You are perfectly acceptable, if not yet ac- Please, let me love you. It is me ‘’JESUS’’ ceptably perfect. ‘You are predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son.’ So you are a work in progress. ONDIRI MOUREENANYAKA Psalms 139 S.5.R CLARE IMELDA 4G and JANICE A 4G


1. The bible states that God created man while science states that man evolved from a creature called an Ape. 2. The Bible states that God told man to eat anything in the Garden of Eden apart from the forbidden fruit while History states that in some cultures some foods are prohibited. 3. The Bible states that the first man was Adam and his wife Eve while History states that the first man was Kintu and his wife Nambi. 4. The Bible states that God said – let there be water whereas History states that the lakes are formed by depression, faulting and downwarping. Nankya Racheal Adeline 2.Y


‘’I AM THE PROTECTOR OF MY SHEEP’’ says Jesus Christ our saviour. When you are in love with Christ everything happens right. Just show Him that you have complete trust in his love. Many at times we pray the wrong way and are waiting for our prayers to be fulfilled. But we pray the wrong way. First thank God for all he has given you in life, then tell God all your troubles and burdens for He said He will take the burdens away. Always read the Bible and as you pray show God that you understand the word of God by quoting for example like you said in Psalms 6:11. God also becomes proud of his servant, son or daughter. God has prepared a miracle for everyone. So why fear if you know how to pray and you are so sure of God’s love. Satan has no place in our hearts be-


Be patient when you are praying to God and you will receive all that you want. See how patient the farmer is as he waits for his land to produce crops and he also waits patiently for the autumn and spring rains. You have all heard of Job’s patience and how the Lord rewarded him in the end for He is full of mercy and compassion. Keep your hopes high and do not complain against one another. You should always pray when in trouble and sing praises to God when you are HAPPY. James 5:7-14 Christine Kobusingye 5R


P- Praise God. Praise Him for all his goodness and his knowledge and thank Him for all He has done for you. R – Repent. Ask the Almighty Father to pardon you for all the sins you committed. A - Ask. Humbly request Yahweh for your earthly needs and that He may grant you your wishes. Y – Yield. Lastly, you can surrender yourself to the Heavenly King and let Him know that you are His forever. With all this, comes finally an AMEN which means ‘it is so’ or ‘may it be so’ in Hebrews. Charlotte A5R

School Clubs

Girl Guides

Debate Club

Legion of Mary

Interact Club

Nkoba nzabongo

Havens Club


HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THE BIBLE? FIND THIRTY BOOKS OF THE BIBLE IN THIS PARAGRAPH There are 30 books of the bible in this paragraph. Can you find them? This is a most remarkable puzzle. It was found by a gentlemanin an airplane seat pocket, on a flight from Los Angles to Honolulu, keeping him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much, he passed it on to some friends. One friend from Illinoisworked on this while fishing from his john boat. Another friend studied it while playing his banjo, Elaine Taylor, a columnist friend was so intrigued by it she mentioned it in her weekly newspaper column. Another friend judges the job of solving this puzzle so involving. She brews a cup of tea to help her nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot. That’s a fact. Some peoplehowever will soon find themselves in a jam, especially since the back names are not necessarily capitalised. Truthfully, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister to a scholar to see some of them at the worst. Research has shown that something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have in seeing the books in this paragraph. During a recent fund raising even, which featured this puzzle, the Alpha Delta Phi lemonade booth set a newrecord. The local paper , the Chronicle, surveyed over 200 patrons who reposted that this puzzle was one of the most difficult they had

ever seen. As Daniel Humanu humbly put it, ‘’the books are all right here in plain view hidden from sight;’’ Those able to find all of them will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation that may help is that books like Timothy and Samuel may occur without their numbers. Also, keep in mind, that punctuation and spaces in the middle are normal. A chipper attitude will help you complete really well against those who claim to know the answers. Remember, there is no need for a mad exodus, there are 30 books of the Bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found. God Bless Amara pleasure, Nalwoga Diana Angella, Naava Gloria 6R


This is just a little hint of what you pretended not to know. The devil really exists, and there s no use arguing about it anyway. The deil lives within us, it lives and loiters around us and more so even dwells in some of us hhmm….. But the only weapon that we’ve got to fight it is FAITH in CHRIST. We should all carry faith as a shield in order to save and defend ourselves from the devil. Faith does away with the devil but again have it in mind that the devil loves those with faith and always tries best to disorganise them. The devil is a liar byt the good thing is that one can still stick to God for He alone is might, and with Him, the devil also runs away! Just by FAITH and TRUST in him, the devil is NO MORE!! Try it out. BYANTUYO JACKLINE JOVIA 4R



BENEFITS OF READING Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy, so the phrase ‘’use it or lose it’’ is particularly apt when it comes to your mind. Reading is a helpful work out for your brain. No matter how stressed you are, it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story. A well written novel can transport you to other realms, while an engaging article will distract you and keep you in the present moment, letting tension drain away and allow you to relax. There are books for every literate person on the planet depending on your tastes. Be it classical literature, poetry, fashion, biographies, self-help guides or romance novels, there is something out there that will entertain you. So open a book, and replenish your soul. Vocabulary expansion is realised through reading The more you read, the more words you gain exposure to, and they will inevitably make their way into your everyday vocabulary. Being articulate and well-spoken is of great help in any profession. Better writing skills is possible when you read This goes hand-in-hand with the expansion of your vocabulary: exposure to well written work has a noted effect on one’s own writing. ‘’it’s no use filling your head with lots of stuff you cannot apply , to get you somewhere. The mine isn’t a vessel to be filled, but rather a fire to be ignited. Read to learn something and not just to know.’’

We went to school Yes! We went to acquire education Our parents gave us no choice ‘Go and pass your examinations, You must go to the university.’ In their hast, they forgot to Tell us to learn and not cram We dreamt and visualised and Build a future Yeh! A bright colourful future. A position in the elite We thought after acquiring Education, it would be quite obvious Graduation day come and Oh! You wouldn’t believe it. The jubilation, cheers, The happiness, the grandeur It all lasted for a week For the graduation, the dreams were near, at last that is what they thought The happiness, the joy was shortened weeks of job seeking turned to months months to years and Oh! God the dream the bright future all crumbled away the end had come, who could believe it, it had really come Aber Christine Marchmella



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LETTER FROM THE FATHER! THE CHEMISTRY PRAYER Our molecules Hallowed be your ions May your atoms come, Give us today our daily equation And forgive us our wrong calculations, As we forgive molarity, Lead us not into mole concept, But deliver us from ionisation, For thy is the sulphates The chloride and oxides Are your now and forever Amen By; Nnakiwala Teddy


It is easy to make goals in life, you either choose the long term goals or the short term goals. But the most important thing is ask yourself why am I setting these goals? Am I going to achieve them? Wanting toachieve the goals you set requires hard work. Some people set goals to achieve what they want in life, but they actually do not follow their objectives of put in any effort to achieve those goals. For example, you cannot just say, ‘I am going to be the first female president of Uganda by 2020.’ It is easy to speak, but ‘action speaks louder than words.’ What are you doing to achieve that goal? As you set your goal, think about this ‘SMART’. Are your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, or Timely? Think smart before you set your goals, set small goal and it will soon turn to a larger one. ALAL RUTH S.2.R


Have something to say and say it as clearly as you can. Be the monster of you own destiny Have self esteem Stand for what you think is right Break down your own fears. Be a person to your own Destiny Control your thoughts, Control your mind, Control your mind, Control your life Control your life, control your destiny If you compare yourself with someone, It means undermining yourself. Whenever you think you can’t, say NO ONE CAN’T Remember being successful starts with your ability to master your innerself. NANZIRI MILLICENT 2R

Dear my child, I chose you before I gave your life, Before you were born I selected you to be a prophet of nations. Don’t be afraid, I the Lord I am with you. Even if you go through the deepest darkness, my rod and staff will protect you. The world will make you suffer. But be brave! I have defeated the world. Even if the seas roar and rage, the hills Shaken by the violence. The Lord God almighty is with you. You are not a loss because I created You for a purpose Don’t give the devil a chance, I am your home of rest. I will prepare for you a table In the presence of your enemies I send my Angels to be with You because you are my son And I am you Father! NANZIRI MILLICENT 2R

Forget the mistakes of the past

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your piece of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make you optimism come true. Think of only the best, work only for the best and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on for greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side as long as you are true to the best that is in you. Bring out the best that is in you. MUKODA MARY SNR EDITOR


EVER BEEN TOLD THIS? Life has five stars, ‘Mother’ is a top star ‘Father’ is a king star ‘Teacher’ is an ultimate star ‘Love’ is an action star But a good person like you, Is always a ‘Superstar’ ONDIRIMOUREENANYAKA S.5.R

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I deliver on the floor AND YET I pay for their treatment abroad I walk miles on foot for water AND YET I pay for their piped water I work under the worst conditions AND YET I pay for their air conditioned offices I live a peasant’s lifestyle AND YET I pay for their luxurious lives I educate my children in the worst schools YET I pay for theirs in first class schools I eat one meal a day AND YET I pay for their four meals a day The world calls me a zero AND YET Calls them heroes This hurts me more, I die lamenting I know deep down, I am the hero AND them zeroes They are because of me I am the silent hero. AKWATUM JOLLY LINUS 6R AND NAMIREMBER LILLIAN 6R


We should love our parent for many reasons. First, they are the reason why we came on earth. Secondly, they pay our school fees. They sweat a lot to make our future

bright. In return, we should pass exams, go to the university, get married and give them all the social services they need. Thirdly, they take care of us, they provide us with basic needs and social services. For all those reasons we should always respect them and love them. We should always listen to what they tell us because it is for our own benefit. Ndegge Manuella Regina S.1Y


Do they correct your where you have gone wrong or just look on and laugh at you continuously? Do they comfort you when you are sad or just feel sympathy but not with a real heart? Do they always try to understand you when you have wronged them or just give you a title of ‘BAD FRIEND’ right away? Do they be the motivation behind your success or just unmotivated you the more? Therefore; try as much as possible to find out if the person next to you is really your friend. (The above piece of advice is from ‘I’ your best friend) AMPUMUZABRIDGET 2.R



Success is the fact that you have achieved something that you want and have been trying to do or get. Success is built on four major principles; preparation, hard work, perseverance, discipline. Preparation is the key to success. Good plans shape good decisions and that is why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true. A good plan is like a road map for it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there. However, preparation should be done as early as possible for time waits for no man and the time to prepare the roof is when the sun is shining. Luck is what happens when preparations meet opportunity. Therefore, I would say that failure to plan is indirect declaration of failure in one’s life for the power to shape it. Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you seat the luckier you get. Besides, success is not build on success but rather on failure, frustration and sometimes catastrophe. Therefore, great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance for Heroism consists of hanging on one minute longer and one many have to fight a battle more than once to win it. Success in life is a matter not so much of talent or opportunity but of concentration and perseverance and for that reason, we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit. Lastly, success is built on discipline, for discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment and for every disciplined effort, there is a multiple reward. To sum it all up,it’s not the will to succeed that matters, everyone has that, it’s the will to prepare, persevere and work hard to win that matters.

From the traditional format, Karl Popper format, the less know gift of tongues and the world wide renowned World school Debate style, it all brings us to one meaning. A formal discussion between a group of people, or individuals on opposing sides with various range of issues to air out and express, though judgement is left to the guided opinion of a judge.Rarely thought about by many, though important to all of us. If it weren’t for debate, you wouldn’t know why your country’s parliament stands.What is a parliament anyway, with no point to debate upon? If it were not for debate, you possibly wouldn’t have the freedom of expression that ‘debators’had to fight for, even possibly before you were born. Debate is only normal. A discussion to come or not to come to even side, but, a platform over different issues. Perhaps, you exist because you were once debated upon. It is actually not the art of speech but the art, style of bringing out what you to say. Many people’s role models are in the bracket of Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Christine Lagarde, Mahatma Ghandi, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, Rebecca Kadaga, but come to think about it, the difference between them is the similarity! They are all reknown debators! I think that’s the first step you should take to be like them. Want to be a ground shaker like Nelson Madiba? Mahatma? You are reading the right material. Don’t think twice about joining the nearest debate platform, I can clearly say , the results of debate, not worldwide but a serious example on ground is, the Katikiro/prime minister of Buganda and his already successful project; ‘Toffalli’. Martin Luther King, and his ever noticed and recommended job of struggling for the ‘black’ rights. That is only a sample of what debate could do for you. You could either be remembered in history, get yourself connections, a good job, powerful communication skills and confidence. Debate, is more than a need and a necessity. It has evolved to a ‘must have’skill. Grab the chance. Go for it. No regrets



YOU CAN, IF YOU WANT TO BE THE BEST It seems hard for you to sit in class, with someone you are comfortable with. The first time, in a new class and you come out with nothing to tell. Trying to give up, thinking about another alternative that may be simpler, but there is none. Advised by the person you are uncomfortable with, to make a resolution, that helps you out and at once you remember that one time before you sat in that class you had a goal. And now you are living by your goal. And at oneother time you will be seated at your locker, making sure that you achieve the Best. But that cannot come unless you Persevere and become the best you want to be then. Christen Jade N F.5B HEL/IT

Nana JojoLuzige HEF/SM 5B

TEN LOSER LAWS OF LIFE You just make it up as yougo along. It’s written in the star The devil made you do it Denial really is a river in Egypt Be patient life will eventually deliver Life is what it us Get it right one and you are home free People are what they are Get even through grudges Live lucky BY; MUGYENYI CYNTHIA 5B

DO ANYTHING WITH LIFE Life in many ways is a series of games that have rules and skills just like any other game. You may find that the person who is truly holding you back is not a parent, or a teacher, or the world in general. What is holding you back is YOU. But you can influence your life more than you can think. Get more freedom and more control over what happens to you. You can live with the kind of confidence and enthusiasm that will make you stand out compared to everyone. You can set your life in a way that your parent won’t control you like a kit. You can command respect of others. You can set up your life so you will quit worrying about the future and start creating it. It’s okay to live in the moment but the choices you are making now are the building blocks for where you will be in the future. And never forget that life can never give you what you deserve but what you fight for. STELLA KISAKYE 4R

CONSISTENCY What characterises those who are habitually successful in all aspects of life, like in sports, sales, and other skills? What brings security in relationships? The above questions have been raised differently but share the same answer; consistence. This is comprehensively true for it will be there tomorrow just like it was yesterday, free from silly mood and sudden changes, so you can count on it. Early in the day or late in the night, consistence stands firm when pain or hardship bites, consistence does not bleed, when the majority is angered and irritated, consistence is stable and faithful. A living mode of patience, determination and strength regardless of hard times is Abraham. He was consistent when it came to believing God’s promise. ‘Never Give Up.’ This statement suggests that we should not give in and be able to feed our ambitions up to the eleventh hour. Dear brothers and sisters, be consistent in whatever you do, for consistence is the jewel and thread worth wearing, and a battle worth fighting. NAKIRANDA DOROTHY S.1G

DREAMS Never be afraid of dreaming. It adds value to life. You can only achieve success through dreaming and persistently taking action. You are next in the line of greatness. Play your cards now and play them to the best of your ability. The time for it is now. Take action because you might not get a second chance. Know however, that not all dreams are achievable just because you dream them. The one and only dream a human can be successful at achieving is a dream believe in. without belief in the dream you never take action. And action without faith in it is useless. The dream will only become ral and have impact if the dream is actually achieved and becomes a reality. To achieve big things you need nothing but a strong desire for them. So always commit yourself to great dreams. By Christine Kwagalakwe 4R


Avoid extravagance even if you are financially sound. It is common to find young people buying very expensive things and frequently not because they really need them but just because they can afford them. It is virtues to be moderate with what we do with our time, money, leisure and even without bodies. Extravagance does not earn you any respect, rather people see you as irresponsible, careless and proud. By Kwagalakwe 4R

THE PRIDE OF THE LEFT HANDED Throughout the centuries, the left handed have always been undermined in various societies.It’s also believe that they are a sing of curses (bad luck). This has brought about more confusion other than the truth. Well, the journey of being left handed start from birth whereby a child may prefer the left side of its body to the right; and over 90% of people in the world dislike this. Despite this, whether left handed or not; those like us deserve equal care love, education and an ear that is always open to hear out our cries. We too eat, study, respire and do any other thing that the right handed can. About 15% of successful people out there use the left hand. It is unique and so rare; that’s why the left handed are talented in various sports and other activities. They are highly brilliant and always sought after. All in all, be calm and move on. Remember that it’s not the hand that matters but the brains.



The 10 laws of life


The power of positive thinking

It takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving. Sometimes we get into arguments and quarrels and fail to solve them because we lack those two ‘characters’. Everyone craves to be understood, so be unique and first understand the other person’s view, and later on bring out your view. That can be supported by the saying; first listen and do the talking later. So be a great listener and you will win many hearts. Finally, the royal road to a person’s heart is to talk about the things he or she treasures most. With those, you will be the best person everyone would like to share company with.



I compiled these wise quotes from our teachers and; decided not the benefit alone The IQ of a child is determined by the mother. If the child is dull, look at the mother. Environment only increases IQ by 10% Mr. Apalokwang Members, members, members, the world is competing seriously. If you are notready todo the same, you are finished! And remember you are girls. Mr. Katabarwa Reading books without any sense and form of religion, is a plan so inefficient. Ms. Cosy Try your level best not to shake hands with failure. Failure comes with a lot of things; poverty, bad luck, shame…. Mr. Lutaaya Kenneth to S4Y 2014 Failure to meet your responsibility is an inconvenience to others. Mr. Muweesi Charles A lot of good things are going to happen to those who search for them, work for them, and struggle to achieve them. So read hard. Mrs Edna Byabagambi to 4Y 2014 Everything is easy unless you look at it as difficult. Mr. Semakula Gregory What you do right now, will determine whether you will lead a good or miserable life in the years to come. So it is totally up to you to mould your life. Mrs Mwesigwa Betty You cannot have both leisure and academics at the same time. With leisure, your adacemics suffers a great loss. When you increase the output of one of them, you reduce the output of the other. Mr Nandala We teach to not only see the academic success but an all-round figure in society. Ms. NanyonjoTeopista Nana JojoLuzige 5B

1. You either get it or you don’t 2. You create your own experience 3. People do what works 4. You cannot change what you do not acknowledge 5. Life rewards action 6. There is no reality but only perception 7. Life is managed, it is not cured 8. We teach people how to treat us 9. There’s power in forgiveness 10. You have to name it before you can claim it MUGYENYI CYNTHIA 5B

It is the greatest treasure you can ever build in yourself. This is because negativity attracts negative thoughts which can destroy your life. Negative thoughts like ‘This subject has failed me’. Forget about all that now, don’t give negativity a chance any more. This is because with such a negative thought you will never develop love for math and practise it. Therefore, that is failure already. This power can change your life brightly if you understandits real meaning. Individuals tend to misunderstand the whole concept. They tend to enrich themselves psychologically and stop at that. But it is not all about enriching oneself with positive thoughts, it takes more than that. You need to start right away to conquer your goals with hard work along with the positivity. Then finally you will feel the light and success from all that. Kasewa Sarah 5R

BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOU Live your life and be real. Do not live a pretentious life. Have a value system and this will surely see you through life. Don’t get involved in short time pleasures or happiness when dealing with academic issues because they always pay at the last minute after series of endurance. Always build castles in the air, plan on how to achieve those castles and turn them into achievable goals. Always find free time to read new things like uncovered topics, newspapers, attend discussion and build on your scope of knowledge. Ask God to help you have a life vision and to work wisely towards it Put your whole heart to whatever you do. Do something that makes you say ‘I am glad I did that’. Mukoda Mary 6R


So jolly, so happy, but all that ended Those times when you headed a school It would always be among the best The best in music, sports, academics And many others All that ended when Field Marshal Amin So called, came to power Killed people mercilessly, like man Slaughtering animals for a feast You got concerned And composed a song about Amin’s Merciless killings to be ended. The song ended the happiness, when You were instead killed of composing The song leaving my beloved dad an Orphan; and dumped your body in bushes Where no one knows. I just wish you were Given a proper burial not being buried with nature. But all the same, I know that you are happy wherever you are and I know that also one day we shall be together again.


I thought I had it all Until I looked beyond And noticed that there was, Much I had not got yet I thought I had nothing Until I looked back And realised how little I had then And how much I have now I thought you hated me Until I looked at how much You had sacrificed for me sake Then I realise how Much you adored me I have learn to appreciate I learnt to look forward in hope Back in appreciation And to live my today In fullness and gratitude I love life and It’s high time you too did CHARITY D S.6

Aber Christine F.2.R


AAccepts who you are BBelieves in you CCalls you just to say ‘Hi’ DDoesn’t give up on you EEncourages you FForgives you mistakes GGlorifies God for you HHelps you IInnovates your ideas JJokes to bring a smile KKeeps you close at heart LLoves you for who you are MMakes a difference in your life NNever feels jealous about your achievements OOpens up to you PPicks you up after you have fallen QQuits your tears RRaises your spirit SStrengthens your relationship TTells you the truth UUnites you with your friends VValues every moment with you WWishes the best for you XX-outs the negative art in you YYells when you don’t listen ZZips you back to reality A friend who has all those qualities then he/she is a perfect friend for you and is a gift from God. Naherya Liznile Muyanga F.2.R


A person who calls every petrol station Shell A person who calls every type of toothpaste Colgate A person who calls every washing powder Omo A person who calls every white person a Muzungu A person who calls every magarine Blue band A person who calls every supergettee Macron Nabimanya I


Mother is a very meaningful word M- Million things she has given me O-Only love and care she can give T-Tears she shed to give birth H-Heart of purest gold E-Eyes with love shining R-Right she will always be ANGELLANAMAATO S.1.Y


I don’t know where I am going but I am on my way. I am so clever that sometimes, I don’t click even a single word of what I am saying. But I don’t really care because those who care never go anywhere. I don’t worry about the world coming to an end because it is already tomorrow in Australia. I never fail tests, I just find 100 ways to do them wrong. That’s when I realise that along the extra mole, there is no traffic jam. If I hear somebody say ‘life is hard’ I am always tempted to ask ‘Compared to what?’ no matter how I feel, I get up, dress up and show up. My pain is inevitable and to me, suffering is optional. That’s why my happiness never decreases by being shared. When I say I’ve cleaned my room, I just mean that I made a path from the doorway to my bed. My success is never ending because my failure is never final. When I want to look thin, I hand out with fat friends. I consider myself a crayon, I might not be your favourite colour but one day, you will need me to complete your picture. Don’t compare your life to mine. You have no idea what my journey is all about. You may not be able to do all the good the world needs but the world needs all the good you can do. However, in whatever you do, just remember that someday you must DIE!!! Najjuma Diana 4R

My Seven Beliefs 1) 2) 3)

I believe in pink I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner I believe in being strong when everything seems wrong

4) 5) 6) 7)

I believe that happy girls are the prettiest I believe that tomorrow is another day I believe in dreams and miracles I believe that someday, we shall all make it there



If you can keep your head when all about you losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but allow their doubting too, If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, or being hated, don’t hate and yet you don’t look so good nor talk too good, If you can dream and make none of your dreams your master, If you can think and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet triumph and disaster and treat them the same, If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings nor lose the common touch, If neither enemies nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men or women count with you, but none touch much, if you can fill the unforgiving minute, with 60’s worth of distance run, Yours is the faith and everything that’s in it, And which is more, you will be a lady os substance. Pearl Natukunda 4 R



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I AM AN AMBASSADOR Growing up like any other child, I knew that I was something Something that represented and stood, For my background. This, I still know today, I stand out for somebody, One who is a somebody, And that is my family. When I do right, they ask, Whose child is that? Where does she come from? What tribe is she? Oh! I am an ambassador, One who stands for my parents. One who stands for my home One who stands for my tribe. Namata Brenda, HEL/SM


you live your life in fear. You may not make the scars in your life disappear but you can simple change the way you see them. You can start seeing your scars as a sign og strength and not pain. Pick up the broken pieces and move on. BE BRAVE!! It does not matter who you used to be, what matters is who you decided to be today. You are not your mistakes. You are not your mishaps. You are not your wounds. You can decide differently today and at every moment remember that yo are offered a new opportunity with each breath to think, choose, decide and act differently in a way that supports you in being all that you are capable of being. You are not less than, you are ENOUGH. MUKODA – MARY 6R

THE IMPERFECT ME!!! I know I am not beautiful And when you call me ugly I take it in I know I do not have a figure of a model And when I am called fat I take it in I am not intelligent And when you scream daft, I swallow I am not rich But when you criticise the poor I take that in I am not good at a lot of things And I know I may be so imperfect Call me ugly, daft or all you want But I’ll not let anyone step on my esteem Because in the imperfect me is where my perfect lies. So keep all your opinions to you

I thank God for being at Trinity College Nabbingo. It is a very nice school that is religious and hardworking. It is the school I’ve been dreaming to join ever since I was in P.5 at Wobulenzi Parents’ school. I’ve liked Trinity College Nabbingo because of many reasons. Some of the reasons are the sports, debating clubs, chapel services and interact clubs. We eat very well delicious food and our meals are great. Our sisters encourage us to be smart, religious, dis- YASHABAPATIENCE 5R ciplined and helpful to each other. All in all, Trinity College Nabbingo is the school I wish everyone can join. ZalwangoAminah (S1G)


Read from up downwards and again downwards going upwards Wife; Do you love me? Husband; Why are you even asking, you know I do. Wife; Will you ever beat me? Husband; Of course no. Wife; Will you buy me a valentine card? Husband; You know I will, my love. Wife; Will you ever cheat on me? Don’t ever be ashamed of the scars life has left you with. Husband; Don’t even think about it; A scar means that hurt is over and the wound is closed. It Wife; Will you always kiss me? means you conquered the pain, learned the lesson, grew Husbanda; Tsup honey. You are nagging me. stronger and moved forward. Wife; Will you buy me a car? A scar is the tattoo of a trumph to be proud of. Don’t allow your scars to hold you down. Don’t allow them to make AGUTI DAPHINE GRACE F2B

Don’t let the past hold you hostage

FASHION Ok! Here we are, just dropping into the world, falling into a tub of fashion and trends of clothes! Just a small tip a word from me about dressing, no matter what people say.FIRST ….Be comfortable. SECOND….Look good, atleast presentable. THIRD…Do not molest! So my fashion tips can be pulled off by anyone! Small, big, XXXS or XXXL. Just know your size and be comfortable. Dungarees Or what many know as overalls. In this case I don’t mean the ones used when building or painting the nice Dungarees are the jean ones. They vary in colour blue, black, white etc. I used to have an orange one….They could be full trouser dungarees or short dungarees. Be simple, pair them off with a simple white or any plain coloured top and nice sneakers. Flat and boots can work too. Demin Tops and Jackets These are usually shirts and blouses, you can wear them in any way possible. Just don’t combine them with rare accessories. Pair them with jeans, or even tuck them into a nice pencil skirt. Simple, classy, and cool! Those who prefer the jackets, they look cool too and give you this edgy look. Wear them on a plain or colourful dress. Sweet just! Sharp Shoes Yes! I love these! The sharp shoes! These have a wide variety. We have the pumps and the heels. Oh maybe by sharp may not seem so clear, you knowthose shoes with a painty end? Yeah, those. The heels make our feet look long and sleek. Worn on anything, they give you a sophisticated look. The pumps look really cool especially the ones which slightly turn up like Aladdin’s shoes.

The Bow Tie These were probably meant to be for guys only but for real, girls wear see for yourself how classy you look. At least have one bow tie for that one outfit. Guys are not the only ones who can pull this look. Bow ties come in a variety of colours and fashions, patterned, African print, neon colours, plain, name it. You can also clip them into your hair. Oxfords These are shoes with shoe laces, at first sight they seem to be boyish but actually, a trending fashion for the ladies. They have shoe laces and look like the school shoes for those days!!! They can also be in form of ankle boots. The shoes are all round, I mean look nice on pants or turnups, dresses, skirts and shorts. Also conducive for the rainy season. Sneakers/Baseball boots As old and stale as you may think sneakers are; they are still awesome shoes. Many of you know them as ‘’old schools’’, ‘’all-stars’’ and etc.They are comfortable, suitable for any weather and go well on almost any outfit. I repeat almost. Own a pair or two of these lovely shoes. Of course unique from the common plain area and rock your day. Kimberly and Daisy S.6B


If I must define it, it is a miniature clock worn on the wrist. A watch may not have such a big deal in the olden days as it is now. A watch signifies and tell a lot about a person. Looking for a job? Trying to make an impression? A watch can help you here. It shows that you’re a time conscious person. The types also matter for example the digital watch in not really recommended. It is best left for the children or the phone. The clock watch is the plot .There’s a way it portrays confidence,strength, and SWAGG. The guys!!! Please! Please! Wear a watch! A guy without a watch leaves a less nice impression especially if the girl you approach is wearing one. Wear a nice watch. It’s not all about labels, but about telling time. Big watches and Swiss watches are cool. Girls don’t restrict yourselves to those tiny strips of watches. Am not saying theyare bad but ….try something new. And boys at least ensure to have a cooler watch than your girl. Because mine is cooler than most of y’all! WORD! Kimberly and Daisy S.6B

FASHION AND BEAUTY ROCK IT WITH BLACK AND WHITE STRIPES ‘’BLACK AND White has become a trend that makes people look smart.’’ We know it’s not the most revolutionary of trends, but black and white, is one of a dinner’s best. So far, we have seen black and white just about everywhere on the runways, on celebrities. With this classic colour combination, there’s a variety of styles available, whether you chose to go 60s inspired mode (think MadMen) with a bold graphic print or simple sophisticated with easy separates. However, thanks to comfortable and creative designs, theseoppositecolours are chosen by many teens more and more. Dress When searching for a prefect dress, sometimes the answer is as simple as black and white. From paintery prints to captivating color block designs, find tons of fresh frocks to conquer the weekend in undeniable style. Black and white also looks good when someone has matched it appropriately and it looks stunning in photos. It has complexion that keeps the eyes glued to it.

Best fashion statement choice Match colors, not prints. If the colors look good together, more often than not the prints will look good together too. You will never go wrong with black and white, they go with everything. A super cool jacket matched with black and white pattern will clearly bring out the statement. It will definitely make you smarter that you actually thought. And those stripes will look super cool. Accessories You accompany stripped ballonlike dress with a well matched belt; whether thin or wide. A one colored shoes will clear way for the smartness; this can be worn at a dinner, on a date with friends. (Wink, you know how we do these things.) Planecolored necklaces like gold, silver or diamond of agreatcolor will add more beauty to a stripped outfit. Since the stripes have two boldcolors, it will be wise to avoid accompaniments that are brightly multi-colored. Again too much of something that is to say colorswill kill the impression created by black and white. Rock the black and white with confidence.


HOW TO ROCK A DASHIKI PRINT DRESS SHIRT Originally the Dashiki was a loose shirt worn by men in West Africa from cloth with brightly coloured patterns. A Dashiki can be worn almost anywhere. The dress shirt colour has to march your skin colour. It must be a perfect fir, not too tight or loose, just enough. Must not be too high above the knees or below the knees. Be simple with makeup. Pale pink or coral lipstick, lip glass, light shades of eye shadow are advisable. For accessories, try a masculine watch or bracelet, studs and to make your look better, you can add a Fedora hat in a pastel colour and an envelope clutch. Killer heels are a must to give you a chic look. Try ankle strap

heels or buckled heels. Avoid platforms. Have the confidence to rock it and smile. Lastly, be a sucker for comfort, you have to be smart and comfortable. Pearl Natukunda 4R


The wrapped skort hasn’t really caught up, as a trend here in Uganda, but if you are the dressy girl and want to make a fashion statement this 2015, try it out. The skort is a mix between a skirt and shorts but mainly a pair of shorts with a front wrapped skirt, a precise explanation for the name ‘skort’ Like many stylish and cool pieces, the skort can be blended in most looks one wants to achieve but you have to be careful to avoid liking trashy or tacky as it is short. To nail this look, don’t forget to team it up with heels so that you give a good sophisticated touch. Buckled heels and ankle straps would be the perfect match. Anything from a croptop, a turtle neck or even asimple vest paired with a blazer will work. to add fun and chic touch to it, have it printed of in fun detail, like tribal prints, or even switch it up with the fabric. But bold colours like colous in yellow and pastel colours can do. Add some accessories like an envelope clutch. Pearl Natukunda 4R

FASHION YESTERDAY AND TODAY Fashion keeps on altering accordingly. Look at the fashions of the days past. Do you remember the fish skirts, dresses, bell-bottomed pants among others? They were trendy. They could bring out someone’s curvy body. I liked them anyway. Though they vanished with those days’ trend. Now we look at the current trend and fashion which is apparently booming. They are actually cool because if you see leather clothes, Chicago Bull clothes, high waste pants, baseball jackets! They are indeed awesome! When we look at the way we dress up, it’s not enticing at all. Most of us do not follow our body shapes and sizes as we dress up. Some clothes deserve certain bodies for example small people deserve those scatter dresses and skirts with very small wastes and ‘yaa’ they look gorgeous on more so the skirts. Damn it! We have those peplum dresses, which are absolutely awesome to those that fit in them perfectly well. Here comes the shirt dresses. ‘ Hmm,’ actually these are simply for slim people. There are many hair styles which are so good and these include; the Brazilian, Blond bing girls, Half flat iron piece, kinki though its trendous time is vanishing. And to be honest,I preferred the dressing of the past because it was descent and people liked fabulous. But these days’ trendy outfits, are just so indecent on everyone. Most of them are body hugging types of dresses. It’s important to look marvellous in your outfit because it’s the beginningof seeking respect and ‘’Bingos girls rock it’’. Get to know how to design yourself with your wardrobe. Pick it from us ‘’TRICONA BABES.’’ AINEAMANI CHARITY - PMENT/IT S.6


HOW TO NATURALLY DEAL WITH PIMPLES PIMPLES CAN ruin a lovely pretty face, more so when the person is touchy. Pimples can be genetic or caused by a reaction from some oils or Vaseline. Pimples (spots) affect the skin of the majority of teenagers. Some individuals are lucky and have occasional breakants while others may experience ongoing (unending) problems. DIET A diet high in dairy products and high glycemic index foods increase the risk of developing pimples. The scientists suggest that using medical nutrition therapy may help reduce the number and severity of acne out brakes. Drinking a lot of water like two liters a day will help to control pimples or even reduce them. GLASSES (SPECTACLES) Glasses collect dirt and skin residue so you are advised to clean them regularly. Opticians always encourage their patients to do thorough cleaning of their spectacles at least once a month. LOOSE CLOTHING. If the pimples are on parts of your body covered by clothing, such as your back, shoulders and a scarf. If you have to wear them, wash them regularly, thus allowing the skin to breathe. HAIR Sebum and skin collects in hair. Keep your hair clean. Try to keep your hair away from your face. (You know when you plaint, those very long braids during the holidays, try to keep that hair away from your face). Some people’s skins are so sensitive that each hair touch brings about a pimple. SUN EXPOSURE. Over exposure to sunlight may sometimes result in the production of more sebum. Some medications used by people with acne may make your skin more prone to sun burn. MARTHA AINOMUGISHA 6R

CITY HANGOUTS Eateries are establishments that serve food. And in cities they come in any number of form, size, location, menus and whatever other descriptions you can think of. Such varied choice is good. Almost any budget can be catered for, meaning most town dwellers will not go hungry regardless of their pockets. But a cursory look at Nairobi and Kampala eateries raises some health concerns for the suspicious patron. You will find many establishments on road sides and on busy streets, most are temporary entrapments with noiota of health and safety cater mainly for lower income groups. In middle ground, you will find establishments catering mainly for middle class; these so called “NYAMA CHOMA” joints have all grades of quality, foods are prepared in make shift kitchens and in all manner of standards. So what’s the fuss about eateries! There is plenty to worry about, not at least food borne illness which is theoretically 100% preventable so your health is paramount, and there is always another eatery round the corner.

By Namuddu Nancy Nana.



Ingredients; 2 level cups of wheat flour ¼ cup of butter 2 large eggs 1/3cup. Plain yoghurt 11/3cups, mashed very ripe bananas 1 cup of sugar ½ level tea spoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla essence. A little oil for greasing. STEP 1: Grease a 21cm by 11cm loaf tin with a little cooking oil and pre heat the oven to 180c/350f/ gas mark 4. STEP 2: Sift the flour with the salt and baking soda, mix well and put aside. STEP 3: Put the sugar and butter in a large bowl and beat until light and fluffy. STEP 4: Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. STEP 5: Add the bananas, yoghurt and vanilla and beat until well blended. STEP 6: Add the flour mixture a little at a time and beat until moist. STEP 7: Spoon the butter into the greased 20cm by 10cm loaf pan and bake for one hour. Or until a wooden toothpick inserted in the centre comes out deem. Allow the bread to cool in the pan for 15minutes. Turn the tin upside- down on a wire rack and cool the bread completely before serving. Nalwoga Diana Angella and Nyonyozi Maria Lisa Loyce, S.6.R


DID SOME ONE MENTION CERVICAL CANCER? Contrary to popular belief, 90% of all cancers are caused by environmental and not hereditary factors. The modern world is awash with environmental cancer causing agents like chemicals, viruses, bacteria and UV light. This is leading to highly inactive and unhealthy life styles. CERVICAL CANCER In Uganda cervical cancer is the leading cancer and Sub- Saharan Africa has the highest incidence in the world. Every year, nearly 3500 Ugandan women are diagnosed, with close to 70% losing their fight due to late detection. Cervical cancer develops in the cervix. This is the narrow portion of the uterus, where it joins the top of the vagina. What’s tricky about cervical cancer is that there aren’t always obvious signs. Symptoms include; bleeding between monthly periods, unusually heavy periods, pain during intercourse, and pain after pelvic examination and bleeding after menopause. If you have any of these symptoms, please see your doctor. Remember there are consequences for every decision you make. Ignoring what you put into your body is irresponsible and can be dangerous. You only have one life so cherish it!

• If you smoke, stop immediately. • Eat a balanced diet, i.e.; increase your fruit and vegetable intake. • Maintain a healthy weight by exercising at least four times a week. • If you are out in the sun, cover your skin and wear a hat. • Immunize yourself from Hepatitis B and HPV. • Do regular screening for both cervical and breast cancers. • Practice safe sex at all times. STELLA KISAKYE 4R

WORK OUT SQUATS Do you have a weight problem? Of course you do be-

cause you are reading this. YES, your weight really is the problem. You may stop eating, jog two km forgetting how much you need a timer and to make it worse, you end up having five diets in a year! But thou shall not suffer any more because l introduce you to Squats can be done at home or even at school so you can stop a lot of gym and spending dimes on workout shoes. Squats differ depending on what you want to achieve. You can do a body weight squat, a pistol squat or jumping squats. Squats help you tone your entire body, though they are presumed to work on lower body. If you want toned legs, bum lifting and shaping, thigh toning and increase flexibility of your body. So, if you want to look good without working so hard, for it, try squats.



This is a condition in which a female irregular menstruation. Amenorrhea is in two types, that is to say; primary and secondary amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea is common in adolescent girls ranging from the age of 10-16 years. It can be treated by hormone therapy where the girl is injected with a syringe containing Oestrogen in order to activate her hormones hence leading to regular menstrual flow. Secondary amenorrhea is common in women who have used family planning such as pill plans, coils etcetera. This type can be treated by surgery. Not that amenorrhea is at times in herited from very close relatives and if not treated early enough, it can lead to infertility. Stress reduction and a proper diet can often restore the normal or regular menstrual flow in cases of amenorrhea. AOJA ESSY CAROLINE


HOW TO DO A SQUAT 1. Stand with your feet apart. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Lower your body as if you were to sit in a chair. Do this in a very slow motion. Stop when your legs are parallel to the floor Stay in this position for a few seconds. Press down on to your heels and slowly rise back up to standing position. 7. Repeat the exercise for a total of 2to3 sets of 8 to 12 reps. 8. Be sure to rest for 60 to 90 seconds between sets. 9. For good results, l suggest you keep this routine consistent. PEARL NATUKUNDA 4R.


My heart beats for you Ever since I saw you in my childhood I fell in love, but I would not call it that Because you became my obsession I never thought about anything or anyone again. When I finished school, I thought I would Forget you, but that was a lie Because my heart beats for you When I saw you again, I felt heaven on earth, Because it was you, my love Who my heart beats for. When you were blamed for a crime by mother, I had to side with her But my heart did not, Because it beats for you When yo tried to make me jealous And you succeeded, it almost killed me, But I had hope, because I knew that Your heart beats for mine Now that I have you I will not let you go because My heart will only stop beating for you when I die. By Kaine Tracy and Elsie Nabude.

GOSPEL REALM. Headsets on , music booming in your ears that even a passerby can “tap” what you’re listening to. Your head moves to the beat of Jessie J’s BANG BANG. Its not such a bad song I agree but have you listened to real gospel music that inspires you spiritually and just makes you want to jump off that chair and shout ALLELLUIA to the Lord Almighty!? Yeah Dancehall and Jamaican music may be the official dancing music but what about the lyrics of the songs and the messages they give? You know how you sing along as you dance, right? Yeah, have you bothered to listen and think about what comes out of your mouth? There are a number of gospel hits that are capable of provoking your inner groove! They tickle your feet and next thing you know you’re praising and proclaiming God’s name without even knowing it! Listen to Myko Ouma, Ejong Daisy, Seku Martin, Abel Chungu and others, their songs enable you to analyse and re-shape your fatith. This music and lifestyle should be an inspiration to many because music is a form of praise, worship and thanksgiving to God. Lwenge , a prominent Kenyan Gospel artiste says in one of his songs, “ if your life was a book written in chapters, would you let anyone read it?”…or would some of you first pluck out some chapters?? Reflect on that and for those who prefer rap there’s Lecrae, Tommy Grammz , Royonga. Internationally Chris Tam-

lin, Toby Mac, Britt Nicole, Jamie Grace, etc. Secular music by the way is not bad and according to me, it refers to music that doesn’t include bible/gospel teachings. But this music can inspire because people sing about life challenges, experiences, love etc. Listen to productive music like Maurice Kirya, Kadongo Kamu etc. This music has good beats that will provoke you into dancing. Note that the Devil and his demons do exist! They are real!! And they will do and use anything to make you stray from the light or right path including music !!! So soothe your soul and relief your stress with songs like Nunganwya Impela by chord 14, No rent Pampi and others. This is your chance to heal your soul, preach His word and reflect upon your actions, share with each other ie the songs and their messages. Remember, you are what you listen to. GOD BLESS YOU ALL !

Kwemala Kimberly. V. F.6 Arts

LIFE AS A FORM FOUR! In most cases everybody is looking forward to being a candidate, but as you all know it is not easy to get there with all the chopping and when you get there, it’s swag being among the oldest people in school, but it isn’t easy either. And this is what it takes to be a F.4 in Bingos !!! Get ready to leave your sweet bed and sleep at around 4:00am while the rest of the school is sound asleep waiting for it to clock five and they wake up. At 5:00am, you have lessons whereby Teacher A who enters is really a sleeping pill, on addition to the inadequate sleep but you have to focus and focusing I mean pouring water on your face each and every second of the lesson so that you don’t dare off because if you do, the teacher will call you “sleeping beauty” and believe me that isn’t a compliment but a very big embarrassment. Finally, the lesson ends and at 7:00am you have to go for breakfast and comeback to class at 7:30pm to prepare for lessons. At 8:00am, lessons begin and teachers start flocking in class each leaving an assignment when the hooter for end of the lesson goes. Then you wonder when you will do it yet every teacher does the same thing until the day ends. At 4:40pm, lessons end you go back to the dormitory, you shower , go teens and then at 5:00pm you are back in class because you have assignments from each and every teacher that came in that day, and remember you have to squeeze time to crack, yet if you don’t do the assignments, the teacher will forward you to the DOS’ office which is just on the block and you will be given some “kiboko” as in wagging. At 6:00pm, you go for supper and immediately come back to class and wait for another teacher to come in at 7:00pm. The teacher pops in and teaches non-stop, when you dose off, she will wake you up and after tells you “anyway, Auntie it’s a free world!” Hm….obviously you will have to wake up. The teacher leaves at 9:00pm and we have prayers then discussions. At 10:00pm, you slope dormitory area, books in hand so that you can “extend”, finish the notes and assignments. As you

are still there cracking or copying notes, electricity sudd-

dently chucks and you realize that it’s 11:00pm (time for lights out) and Matron X is the one who switched off using the main switch !! BS!! Kyokka teacher needs the assignment first thing tomorrow morning, it’s the same teacher coming in but you have no other option but to enter your comfortable bed and wait for the same routine to go on each and every day of your candidate life in Bingos !!!

ME It started like a fantasy world just being born to this world all seemed good but it was like my eyes had mist on them. I couldn’t see the evil around me. I was held by loving hands, I knew only happiness then. One day it all disappeared and you left me in this world all alone at a tender age. I didn’t know whom to hold close or whom to trust. You left me so lonely and fragile. I had barely begun to live and then your departure almost took life out of me. Lonely and scared, l tried to find myself. Life taught me the hard way. I almost forgot what it felt like to be happy. Whenever l looked, I saw resentment but still l couldn’t give up because someone found me. Someone loved me, nurtured me and took up your duties. He saw me , make my steps to a new life. He smiled when l needed someone to smile at me. He held me up and made me believe in myself. He gave me strength to find the hero in me. He helped me accomplish what l thought l would never accomplish. Now l know that God was never wrong. My life has been on his choosing. I am not there yet but trying to find the woman in me. I see my road clearer and my dreams nearer. I will not give up. I will not rest. I will sweat till my last breath, until I become what you would have wanted me to become. Mom and Dad, if memories could make a lane, and tears a flight of steps, I would come and take you home, but since they can’t, all l have got to say is thanks for the love you shared with me. Your daughter, Ndagire Moreen Maria 6.R

A MYSTERY DATE In case you get a chance to go out for a mystery date, NEVER kiss a lawyer. He will tell you come for another trial. A doctor will call that exchange of germs. A chemist will think you are adding chemicals to him. A chapati seller will kiss you till you get to the size of his chapat. BUT A teacher will give you more training and tell you to go for extra work. Naluyinda Cissy. 2G

NO ONE CAN EVER REPLACE YOU Mother, no one understands the pain you go through For all those nine months you carried me in your womb. You bare a lot of pain but still you decided to bring me in this new world. You nurtured me after all the pain you went through. I still ask myself why you did not give me away because of the pain l brought to you. You have instead continued to take good care of me, you have advised me whenever l go astray now that am 16, l tend to think you just don’t want me to have fun but in the end you just want the best for me. Even if the ocean was to dry up, I don’t think my love for you would end. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH MY DEAR MOTHER. Mary Brenda (4R)


DREAM **!! It just happened, right from nowhere He was standing right in front of me Just inches away from me Staring at me with eyes that had love painted in them I could not tell if they were blue, green, and brown But they pieced right through me He looked like the god of love in my dream I froze, staring back at him With need to memorize every inch of him He was made of a magic fiber The skin, just too amazing to put in writing Then he did it…….. He smiled at me, his red rosy lips escaping with my breath The sight of his deep dimples caused havoc to my understanding He was beginning to torture me inwardly My angle of elevation increasing to keep up with his height I could tell that he wanted me and the same song rang in my head. Ooopps!!! Time suddenly stopped I stretched out my rugged sheets



Which teacher lacks a nickname in high school because we might arrange for the baptism soon. High school would be boring if you never called your teacher any funny names like Daga, Backy (Bacteria), Qwakwakwa etc, even when he’s your look alike.

2. Jazz of a funk. So when the boys or girls happen to visit some other school, it’s like a celebration. They’ll take a week jazzing about the funk; who rubbed, who was embarrassed, who stared at a boy and fell down etc ( people in single schools know this better) 3. . The l know it all. This person is definitely a loose mouth and will walk miles to find out everything that happens in school ( even staff room) They don’t even mind if it will cost them their studies 4.

The cliques. This is when you get to think , “All animals are equal but some are more equal” is the definition of these cliques like the Rich-gang, Hotties, Wild Kats…If only they were not the opposite of the real people, we would be fine.

ONE SCHOOL, TEN GIRLS 1. Holy girl This is the girl who l look at and believes she could have been Jesus’ mum if not Mary. Disciplined is the brim but not perfect, she is good to everyone and people don’t mind her though she makes you feel like your some evil queen in the Old Testament. 2. Gossip girl Now this babe is hated as much as she’s needed. I mean, she will ruin every one’s reputation with her loose mouth but you will want to listen to her when she’s telling you the last thing you expect about a teacher. For a moment, l thought she is trying to be Luswata but there is a difference, Luswata is paid but you don’t have to pay this gal. She is a hypocrite with a certificate for hypocrisy. 3. Blossom queen She believes in all fairy tales and sees her life as one she is the kind that always says “ It will one day get better “ coz her fairy godparents will do something for her, life is a harsh fantasy and all she can do is imagine it. 4. Queen bee This is the high maintenance babe at school, she is pretty and she damn well knows it or at least she believes. She will pretend to know all boys but shakes when a dude is next to her. Actually her life is forgery. She thinks her dad is Bill Gates so she can form a Rich gang at school; she is one you hate with a passion. 5. Tease If you see this girl moving, you will think she is H/M’s gal. She is so bossy, arrogant and rude plus a bully. But a few things like being last in class shake her to the bones so you have a way to handle her.


That babe with a prince charming that the whole school knows about. Trust me it’s not what she wants but she tells one person, then that one tells the other and then like that till we all know and the best we can do is baptize her Mrs.………….and laugh with a beat. This is “HIGH SKUL”

6. Goody-Goody Gash! too neat, too holy, too quiet, but too pretentious. Now she is infuriating, she sits in front, sleeps at the door way in dorm…… She is the teacher’s gal nanti hand is always up. But believe me she is not good, never. She is the type that you find and will tell you she is busy if you consult her even when she’s sleeping. She pretends to be good.


The mail fellows. These ones aint so pretty (honestly) but have something that makes them receive mail every week. It would take years of research and study to find out why. They won’t tell you the secret, l mean they want the record themselves…….dah!!!

7. Drama Queen She does not even need to join MDD for you to know how good she is. She won’t spare you the drama even if you you wore a shirt that says “l doesn’t do DRAMA!!!” She screams too much even at a mosquito bite, loves screen (soaps) it’s her inspiration and is weirdly confident.


Complaints about meals. This is for the girls, even when its pork for lunch, you’ll her one say,”Bannange, it had some hair,” but you wonder why she didn’t pour any and when its posho, all they say is the school is broke.

8. Brainy She is not this most nagging person. She reads too much, l swear she could sleep on her trunk at 12:00Am and wake up at 2:00Am just to read. l bet she would read an Abbott in French or Greek. This gal can even read work that she should read two years after. With her in class, you might think your IQ is 0.8


I don’t know who introduced slang but he either did something or bad for high schoolers. It is surely nice coz you can insult anyone with a smile and still make your book last for more months.


Rumour. Hmm..!! This thing travels faster than light and sound. Yes, that’s how fast and its always half true, half wrong, but it gets you all excited and jumpy cause you want to know more.

9. Gamma gal Bambi this, babe and her motto must be work hard, play hard because she sure does know how to balance her Books and Fun. She reads at the right time and if its danke time, you will find her there. She is fun to be with and very open and honest. She is a mother’s dream daughter.

10. Stello and Pearl. Certainly high schools without anyone called Stello or Pearl should be closed down. It is

10. Slacker I love this person. She knows what life is. If she helps by waking up early, it will be 5:00am. She does not fear any one apart from God. Lives a care free life. Novels, series, soaps, music, and little of her books make her life but she still beats all of of you. She’s a true friend. When you see her, all you say is “Na wow” PEARL NATUKUNDA & KISAKYE STELLA 4R.

THE MEANING OF BEST FRIEND Iam selfish, impatient and a little insecure I make mistakes, am out of control At times hard to handle and understand Being too reserved and coward But even at my worst, she is always there.

She loves me not because lam perfect It is in my endless flows that she finds my worth Worth that nobody found in me and that wasn’t believed by any She cares about who lam, not what l have. Through the rough and smooth times She always stands by me Although a breed a part She never leaves my side She never leaves my side She gave me reason to call someone my best friend And l call her my BEST FRIEND. THERESA PATRICIA NABYONGA & NATUKUNDA. 4R.


F - Fooling E - Element A - Along the R - Road to success Fear will easily fool you and lead you into the full trap of failure preventing you from getting to your final destination. Therefore, when you feel afraid of tomorrow, try to remember what you overcame yesterday, and remember you have today as the best & only chance for you to achieve your dreams. The only option is to face and handle what we are afraid of. Just focus on the best thing you can do a midst having fear. Even if you have never done it, try because without this you will lose yourself. Do not mind about what people say. Every mountain has its own peak. That is what you need to keep in mind. By: Kwagalakwe Christine. 4R


Never be afraid of dreaming. It adds value to life. You can only achieve success through dreaming and persistently taking action. You are next in the line of greatness. Play your cards now and play them on the best of your ability. The time for it is now. Take action because you might not get a second chance; know however that not all dreams are achievable just because you dream them.

The one and only dream a human can be successful at achieving is a dream believed in. Without belief in the dream, you can never take action. And action without faith in it is useless, the dream will only become real & have impact if the dream is actually achieved & becomes a reality. To achieve big things, you need nothing but a strong desire for them. So, Always commit yourself to great dreams. BY: Kwagalakwe. Christine. F.4 BINGOS!!


1. There are 195 countries in the world. 2. Vanatu is the poorest country in the world. 3. Thar is the second largest hot desert in the world 4. The Sahara region begun to dry up in 2500BC 5. Nauru is the smallest country in the world 6. R.Chang Jiang in Asia is the second longest river in the world 7. Mountain Aconcagna in South America is the highest mountain in the world. 8. Yuri Gangarin was the first man to travel in space ( April 1969) 9. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. ( July 1969) 10. John William Draper was the first person to take a successful photograph of a human face. 11. Empire State Building in U.S.A in New York City is the tallest building in the world. 12. Saint Peter’s in Rome is the largest church in the world 13. An Ostrich is the largest bird. 14. Rubber was first planted in Liberia ( 1910) 15. Africa is the warmest continent 16. The name SENEGAL is from the word ZENEGAR 17. The first alphabet in the world was found in the ancient Syrian City of Ugarit. 18. The first woman prime minister was in Sri Lanka in 1920 19. Benazir Bhuto in Pakistan was the first woman to lead a Muslim country ( 1988) 20. The Komodo dragon in Indonesia is the largest lizard in the world. 21. The Tor (Mound) at Glastonburg in England is the resting place of the holy Grail, the cup Christ drank from at the last supper. 22. The first Bible was printed in 1455 by Johannes Gutenberg. 23. The first money coins were made in the Kingdom of Lydia present day Turkey. 24. The first paper money began in China. 25. The first musician was Pa-Pab-Bi-gagir-gal of U.S in Mesopotamia. 26. The founder of church music was Pope Gregory in Rome. 27. The first printed book was Diamond Sutra by the Chinese. 28. The first movie with sound was the Jazz singer. 29. The great pyramid was built in 2590 30. Jesus was crucified in C.33 31. The rise of mathematics and invention of decimal number system was in India in 520 AD 32. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb 33. Coca cola was first introduced in U.S.A 34. The first airplane was built by Orville and Wilber Wright. 35. The titanic sunk in 1912 and 1513 people died. By Nansamba Viola Bridgette F.1.G 2014.

Entertainment my WORLD One wonders this world without music, dance, comedies name it. Oh my! I guess we wouldn’t be physically fit. Have you ever wondered that (ABCD), Any Body can Dance, even your pen try it out. As for the inspirational hits keeping my soul calm and relaxed next to my father God. Come to dancehall l guess I shouldn’t even waste my ink and time, every micro second on upcoming artists is bought up. Who would even know strokes like B- boy, Saba, “kokodde” etc. Some songs that never let go of our minds like New New Flame, Turn down for what and also the Ugandan and African favorites. Eeeh, thank God because we would be sick of boredom any way find out your talents and make my world grow rapidly. Ooops Nasasira Denise Leuden 4R.

POSITIVE THINKING Have you seen that girl? The apple of every one’s eye With flawless skin, Silky black hair That falls along her neck Like jewels.

Have you seen that girl? With deep brown eyes That shine like the pools of Heshbon And her teeth, Stunning and white teeth Oh! How they grace you with That beautiful smile Yes, her smile That lights up her face Her well toned dark face That reminds me The mysterious night sky Her voice, that sounds like the Buddhist’s chant Her long neck, like the tower of David Her lips like a scarlet ribbon Oh! How she delights many With her beauty. Come every one, Come let me show you There she is, there she stands In the mirror Copying every move l make. Abaasa Eunia 3G.


Green in our colour The colour of nature and beauty Our ambition for the best Keep us standing tall The power of truth Has kept us together as one The respect of God Has kept us from all woes And we are proud to sing That we are Alix House BANGISIBANNO ALLEN ALIX HOUSE MINISTER


We dazzle like stars In cleanliness, The relief of this Feels like Watching the flower at dawn, The red colour shows The love we share as one, The green compound reveals The secrete of the beauty of Nature we treasure, The Almighty God made Tricona And in it He made The mighty Monica House ‘The SPIRIT REIGHS’ NANSUMBA JOSEPHINE 4R MONICA HOUSE CAPTAIN


The home of the bright shining sun We light up Nabbingo like no other With our heads held high, promoting Team work and unity We stand together through thick and thin Letting our faith carry us through We go through every trying moment Knowing there’s always a shoulder to lean on Whether we win or lose, we never lose determination We give the sweet angelic melodies And with our soft waists Promoting the art of dance and music We are and will always be Theresa House The center of all houses Theresa House Captain

Father teach me PEACE

Father, teach me peace Everyone is making war, and we hardly ever see peace At school, I learn these things… I’ve had enough father, I’ve had enough war stones It’s terrible, all the destroyed territories, The men, women and children who have perished It’s despicable, all those machines Made for the purpose of killing people The whole land is mined and ready to explode Father, teach me peace I know all about war and nothing about peace All I know is how to hate war and love peace We meet at Starbucks and I can almost pretend nothing changed Until I feel The distance in your voice Calm and quiet. I am expecting this choice Yet here I am still sitting in front of you as you explain how you feel And you and I are a like in more ways that I realised before Kemigisa Maria and KakuruMartha S4


Who doesn’t know you in school and though many pretend to beef you yet obviously you rock their lives. Ok fine, you may become a celeb because you want to be called ‘ON’ as in you go around commenting about every tiny thing that crosses your alert eyes anyway it is a culture in schools especially babe schools where babes dis those who they know are for better than them. But some (of us) become celebs because of our talents like dancing as in of course if you are a good dancer (you know T.B.D.C says it all) people will know you though fools will hate you and exaggerate the cool dance moves yet they are stiff like Stone Agepangas. But did you know haters make us famous so keep it up before you lose your itchy tongues. Others become celebs because of talents like professions in ‘luggie flow’. Ok we all know east, west home is best but you needn’t carry your home to school for some cheap popularity. As in what I mean I what if we were all to talk our ancestral languages at school then some of us would have to go back to our villages which are deep in the remote areas at the end of the world to learn some complex accent and words made up of only vowel letters. Anyway I said east, west home is best. So we have to be celebs for better reasons like fashion, dancing, singing and ‘probably’ sports and academics. Yah, the main thins here is that , you all know without school celebs the school is like so impossible I mean we can’t just all be silent in school, there got to be some BOLD people. Though people will hate you but all CELEBS in school should know that the only reason someone can hate you is because they want to be like you so keep rocking their lives. Haters look for your won status. Anyway let me stop here before I over inspire you. ‘BUT CELEBRITY IS NOT FOR EVERYONE – DON’T HUSTLE’ O’LEVEL representative LISA F.4R

THRILLING FACTS • Do you know that they are equally15 questions because we are in 2015? Wow right? • Do youknow that icing is very interesting but tremendously bugging? • Did you know that Safi drinks were banned in the country but I don’t know why they are still being sold? • Do you know that actually mobile apps are the most selling business where clean money is earned? • Did you know that when God says he is the lord of lords, king of kings you’re actually those lords his saying? • Do you know that women speak 2050 words in 24 hours and 1050 are creative ideas? • Did you know that JESUS obviously broke the laws of physics, chemistry and biology so why study them? • Do you know that he used no special effects or camera tricks while breaking those laws? • Do you know that attitude is our trade mark that makes news in other schools? Our pride is headlines right? • Do you know that boys in all schools call us misers yet we are the true definition of wife material? • Do you know that whoever has fallen a victim is actually offended but they should just suck it up? • Do you know that I have obviously motivated and enlightened you? • Do you know that you have pronounced the word enlightened wrongly it’s ‘in laitnd’? • WHY ARE YOU READING THIS??? Compiled by Nalubwama Brenda Ann Majorina 4R

Self-discovery The point of self-discovery is the greatest point in the life of every person. Because it is the point at which scales fall from the eges and one can see clearly enough and shift their focus from personal ambitions to issues that benefit the larger society. Self-discovery is however a point many people never arrive at even when they are successful financially. It explains why one can have a lot of property, a great career and fame and yet remain unfulfilled. True self-discovery is what leads to satisfaction in life. And it starts when a person realised that they have value regardless of their looks, social, economic or academic backgrounds. It’s the discovery of inner value that leads even the uneducated to make great contributions to their world and lead inspirational lives whole some professor and gifted people throw their lives away in liquor bottles. The greater task then is for those who know the truth to lead other on the path to self-discovery. Then they will no longer grope about in the dark of poor esteemwhich is the greatest obstacle to any form of progress. They will discovereach oneof us is an influencer. And according to sociologists, even the most introverted individual will influence at least 10,000 other people in his lifetime. It’s staggering when you think about it. It means that whoever you are, somebody looks up to you; somebody is watching you – the things you say or do even the way you dress, all converge to influence somebody positively or negatively. And just as you influence other, you are being influenced too by the people you interact with, by the places in which you hang out, by the movies you watch and the books you read. In this, one has to make wise choices not to be influenced unwisely and not to become a wrong influence. This is what self-discovery is all about. NADDUMBASHADIA 6R MEG/ICT

SENIOR SIX MESSAGES We just had to write something before we go….

Started from the bottom now I am here. Six years in the great college, truly I have learnt a lot and I am now a step closer to the life I want to live. #Successful Joan Nyinamugisha Bingos! Woowww!!! Indeed the great College, producing ladies of substance. A place that trains you for a tougher tomorrow, not with sears but with solutions. Jean K (PCM/IT) Hmnmmm…!!! What can I say! Who doesn’t know that the ladies of substance are from this Great College!!! Here I am after the 6 years, ready to show the world what Nabbingo taught me. Joyce (METD/IT) Mmmm…almost finalising the six years, down the road. Not an easy journey but it has been worth the risk. So many un-erasable memories made in theGreat College. It will forever remain inmy heart. LONG LIVE TRICONA Eyereen (METD) Oohh yeah!!! ‘Six avians’’ …hurray!!! That’s who we are, true borns of the college of greatness, a lot has happened right from 2010, and now 2015. With love, peace, justice, integrity and excellence Valerie. The Great and Mighty College, nurturing many of us into the people we are and probably those we shall become. Like they say. An all-round lady is truly born in this school. Mary Lilliane Saturday 13th February, 2010, 8:56am, my life changed. The beginning of my growth to a lady of virtue. Olivia Norah Even after the six years have come to a close, I would much prefer to stay here because that is how great our College is. Justine I can now make better decisions in life. All the love and thanks go to the Great College. Violette We came and must now leave. It’s been a pleasure being part of this school. Long live friends, long live Nabbingo. Roseline Wooww!! The Great College, producing great survivors of academic and social wars. I mean, we really fought and still are. Thank you Nabbingo Patsy. (Patricia) Hmmm…proud to be a sixerian, the six years do hold a great portion of me…six year of hustling, six years of fun, six years of academic excellence, six years of wholesome treasured memories. NamasopoROBINAH S6R It’s at this home that I’ve learnt a lot about life and myself both through thegood and bad time. In future I’ll be able to hold my head high and say Trinity College Nabbingo is my second home. Karungi Catherine S.6.R Nabbingo has groomed me to be who I am today and I am grateful to God for this great College. FOREVER A SIXERIAN MirembeEsther S.6R

Having had the opportunity to be a part of this Great College has created a real huge impact on me. From the spiritual nourishment, to the academic progress, functions, name it…the memories of the six years will forever stay in my mind. AchomCynthia S.6.R


The nightmare starts when your parents tell you they have no money to buy you a dress and shoes, yet you don’t just need a dress, but glamorous dresses and multiple designer shoes “Nogoma”. With your little savings. You search for something simple down town, Owino, OLX, huh! these things. Okay, you come to school and the air you breathe is sosh- concentrated. “What’s your theme colour?” “Me? Umm, white, and you?” “Oh! Me, hmm, not sure.” By the way, the trend is to keep your attire mysterious and unleash on the close of the day.

Trinity College Nabbingo has moulded me into a strong young lady. Life hasn’t been so easy for there have been ups and downs especially in the academic sector. But since we are groomed into all-round girls these have done no harm to me but instead just made me smile. Great thanks As you patiently wait for the day, some F.3 or F.2 girl to all our teachers and all those who have made our lives wears your “vube”for a mere Sunday mass. “Shit!!” you curse, possible. and as you think of sending for another, oh! You remember Nakayita Patricia Kitala 6R how broke your parents are. You swallow the pain. Before you know it, the day is here. Excitement and It has been a wonderful experience watching all the renovations and changes which sometimes just leave a person confusion in the air, nail polish, make up; fake lashes are all completely perplexed. May He bless all the Stakeholders. on the toss, accompanied by compliments.” Chick, the dress!” “You are smart” “someone help with my zip” blaa blah blah. I remain True The magic hour ticks, you make your way to the bus but your NabaggalaSherinah 6.R anxiety turns to worry when Frau Neumbe signals for you Six years of moulding an all-round lady academically, up- to show her your back because the dress is shorter than her eye-meter rule. Because you have only one, you plead and right, socially balanced and physically capable. cry (Oh my God! You rain your make- up) until you are alNaddumbaShadia 6R lowed only because you are delaying others. You finally get It’s been a wonderful experience. Surely, all that I’ve into the bus, but you are messed up, and bad mood builds learned here has made me be and will still make me be the up. You reach the venue and you are selected against!! best I can be in all aspects….obviously!!! I love my school (Aargh, it hurts) because you look scary. Your day is further ruined because “gentlemen are not yet born.” (Further details and will forever be grateful. with held) Abiyinza B Sonia M 6.R You were thinking about the “big” day, and since it is a Truly, being part of this ‘GREAT COLLEGE’ for six years is the day you will always look- back on, you live the rest of your life best thing that has ever happened to me. I have got all that in horror, the horror of sosh. I need; the spiritual nourishment, academic excellence, the BY KEKIRUNGA JEAN. physical and social life which have all groomed me into a P C M, 6R. ‘LADY OF SUBSTANCE’. Forever I will rejoice. MORE THAN PROUD TO BE A SIXERIAN NamuyanjaAngella S.6R The silent atmosphere became noisy and a jolly mood It gives me the feeling of an Olympic medallist when I look dawned upon the students as they excitedly watched the back at my Form 1 and I begin to wonder how I gave made form six ladies elegantly walk out of Cardinal Wamala Hostel it this far so many changes and now as I leave, I cannot towards the assembly ground. There, the ladies were welhelp but feel the pain of departing from my second home, comed by three gentlemen from St. Mary’s College Kisubi as they were ushered into their respective buses. The journey I will always belong here. to Entebbe seemed the shortest as the buses were already Tino Esther F.6 assembled before the gates of SMACK in twinkle of an eye. excitement and a sense of numbness as we embraced ‘Bingos’, my ‘bingos’ I defend and love down the memory Wild a new atmosphere. lane F1, (ha ha ha…) blues all over, F.4 (stuff was tight but The boys immediately stepped out to take position so as we managed). Back to our home that was F.5, (ehhh), com- to get the most gorgeous girls as the early bird catches the binations, red skirts, hostel…Strong solid six years, ‘I will worm. Surprisingly, their feet steadily kept on advancing tocome,’ I used to say, ‘I will one day, go’ I said and now ‘I am wards the bus, with eagerness marked in their eyes, yet not going,’ I sadly say Nabbingo thank you for everything. Re- about to heal it. They gladly walked the girls down the red member, out of sight is not out of mind. Always at heart # carpet, among the various and varied tones of black and red, to set the day ablaze. proud ‘Sixerian!!’ We got into the hall and woooo! The decorations, the Doreen Destiny F.6 Arts smoke effect, the lights oh the DJ, filled the room with the mood of Rebirth. The gents got to the dance floor with their The challenges we went through could not hinder our vic- ladies and before long; we had to head for lunch to tend our tory till the last time that we actually have to part. Despite stomachs with that luxurious meal. The Serene appearance the small hardships, we love you we will always love you gave us the first satisfaction whose charm strongly worked and we will remain yours in love for you modelled us to our appetites. We all were served to our treat and taste. Feeling more at home than usual, the ladies and the guys what we are today. had to change outfit, to get the meaning of rock and band, Amara Grace F.6 Arts dance and Bingos, snaps, and guys, snacks and drinks, cakes and gifts. Then the sun was dawning. Before l could see more of the boys, hugs were exchanged, contacts like fliers, more of the dresses and less of the trousers, screams of oooow at the departure of the ladies, day well spent, a good history no regrets, 28th February 2015 to be remembered. NAKIWALA JOY K 6B JEAN K 6R.0



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Mr Twesigye - Patron of the Debate Club


The Might of a father, Even when the distance seems further, He’s always there to have, And forever knows to love


They are a gift from God Once so good but now vindictive They pretend to love and care for you. Yet lies inside lurk Some love you for things you have The might of a father When all that goes, He treats his children with equality, They go away like antelopes running To ensure all they, is of good quality from a lion. Where there is revenge and wrangles, But of all friends, l have one friend. He is always around to make a change. The true friend who is always there He doesn’t care what you have or how The might of a father, you talk The first man a girl learns to learns to love, Always there in all conditions Always there to calm her nerve, He takes care when sickness strikes In him, she finds protection He feeds you when hungry When frightened by anything. He’s the one true friend l have. And his name is “Jesus” The might of a father, Firstfriend of his son, Lydia Abu. Always available like the sun. To encourage and teach him. What its like to be a man. The environments we are raised in deterBy, Ankunda Mellisa Praise, 1B mine our character. Having been raised in a family where the only artist one knows of is Beyonce, Chris Brown, l mean secular artists, leaves them ignorant of the fascinating Gospel music and also a mentality that Gospel music ain’t cool. But just secular music, Gospel music is in various types, RnB, Hiphop, Dubstep, Slows, name it. Those who love dancing, drop the secu-


lar music , and dance to songs like; church rock, dumdum, My beat bung, Gaint killer, 100* by artists like: Lecrea, Pompi, Black knight, The truth , Tedashii, MC-Jin ( list is endless) . Listen to soul building songs by the Hill songs, Cece Winans, Chris Tomlin, Mondisa, Costing crown that will fill you with spirit. Preacher Deg howard-mill in his book back sliding wrote “ what are you filling your spirit with?” fill your spirit with a word of God, with good Christian music, not nonchristian music which fills your mind wit junk” Truly, what you listen to determines your thoughts, and your thoughts determine your character and your character determines your stance in Christ. If you are Christian, know that we are temples of God and we should feed our spirits with the right kind of music. So, you don’t have to listen to secular music because you don’t know any other or your friends are, choose gospel music. I have given you a list and you can google more. STAY BLESSED Mirembe Esther 6R


If you re-arrange the letters in the name Besigye, you end up with “Big Eyes” We all have a black shadow, whether black or white. 80% of jazz in single schools is about the opposite sex. It is easier to listen to dirty songs than gospel ones. Girls mature faster than boys and some are said to be older than their actual age just because of their appearance. Girls like losing weight but like eating. Face book is a medium of telling lies. Compiled by; Irene Hyuha. 2G


Woman’s heart is her prized possession If she gives it to you, You become her beloved, You break it, yes she will cry, But she will also gather her wits, Pick up the pieces, Put them back together, And enclose it with a film of stone. A woman’s heart is no joke, Her eyes are the road to her heart, her soul. Don’t look into them if you intend to heart her. She takes pride upon her self Injure that pride, And she will psychologically haunt you forever. Trust………………………………women never really move on. There’s this thing …………….revenge………….. Revenge is sweet……………………. Careful Hun………………………… MWAHAHAHAHA! SNAPPED! Women who kill! ................. Kwemala Kimberly 6B


True love never dies for it is lust that fades. Love bonds for a life time but life just pushes away. Love gives but lust gets Love is a feeling but lust is a desire. Love is unlimited but lust is limited Love is not selfish but lust is self serving. Love inspires but lust expires Love confuses but lust has focus It’s a choice you make to toil with lust now on to love latter. NAAVA GLORIA, 6R


They say they want guys with packs, huge muscles and wide chests but they end up with those that have nothing to show. They say they love cute dudes (hunks) but then fall for horrors. They say they love you but in most cases they love what they see. They never want to admit that they have fallen for some guy. They say that they hate you instead they are dying to tell you how much you mean to them. AMPUMUZA BRIDGET.

I DON’T CARE Love me, Great! Hate me? Even better! Think lam ugly? Don’t look at me! Think lam so unholy? Meet you in hell! Don’t like my personality? Raise up your standards! Think am too proud? Daah………l ain’t low class! Think l’m rather so serious? Look around for lazy fellows Hate who lam? Sorry, you can’t change me because I DON’T CARE! Nana Jojo Luzige HEF/SM 5B


You are always there for us To guide us whenever we need help Always on the look out to see us successful Working day and night for us The future of the nation. We love you to the fullest, because we owe you a lot However short, small, fat, light skinned, You will always be our parents We are proud of you. We always treasure you to our fullest Love your parents and obey them Do some work at home to please them? Tell them that you love them Try to do something that will make a smile on their faces. Most of the above are considered little, but it is what parents need “Our love for them” Therefore, try to treasure your parents when time is still on your side because one day, You may not be in position t treasure them when they are gone. KAWUMA MARY INNOCENT F.2R


A temptation you can’t resist. Because you want others to know you exist But when the pressure persists You ask God to show you the beginning Pride comes before a fall Says a very wise man So be careful when you walk Life has its limits And so should you. Lydia Abu


People love to be told that they are grown, but to you live by its meaning Go to God in prayer daily Read God’s word daily Obey God moment by moment Witness for Christ Trust God to change you Have faith in God NABWIRE KETURAH F.2G


I sat there quietly en staring Thinking, imagining, meditating and contemplating But l couldn’t come up with the rights and wrongs It’s all about her, the sweetest thing of all As l kept staring at her, all the memories came flooding to me All the nice time we have shared As two people who can’t live apart Her love for me is too blinding and suffocating at times But the sweetest of all As a co creator, her embrace warns my heart, Her advice gets me thinking straight How much l realize l love her!!! But as l sat there staring at her, l realized How much my “l think am grownup” behaviors has hurt her Then my heart broke into my measurable pieces. But one thing am sure of is how much l love her!!! KALUNDA VANESSA F.4R


You say lam the only one n your heart yet there is blood that lows through it. You say lam the apple f your eye yet there is no fruit in your eye You say lam your strength yet you eat and do exercises You say you are confident when with me yet you go for HIV testing You say lam the only flower that brightens your thoughts yet you plant flowers around your house You say am the love of your life yet you have written letters to your parents telling them how much you love and miss them. You say you can’t live without me yet you grew up from your childhood to your adult hood without me! You say lam the one that supports your life yet you visit

the doctor every month You say you live because of me yet you pray every day OH! HAS GOD TURNED USELESS????? Naluyinda Cissy Gloria 2G

GENERAL TRAITS Parents Parents care but do not listen Parents say no Parents love controlling you Parents would rather ignore you than dealing with you


Teachers have too much authority Teachers do much as little to get by Teachers do not care about you as an individual Teachers are arrogant Teachers have knowledge and share it with others which makes them good people


Girls are two faced Girls gossip a lot constantly Girls are too emotional Girls will take you away from your friends and interests Girls are like bottomless pits, they never get satisfied You cannot live with them and you cannot live without them Girls are high maintenance


Guys are jerks All guys care about is sex Guys do not want to talk about feelings Guys are winners Guys are a lot of fun if you can trust them If you cannot bounce it, hit it or throw it, guys are not interested in it Guys are macho and insecure MUGYENYI CYNTHIA 5B


It’s what you make of it the choices Spice or dice it up that is your life It twists and dangles you but always remember to keep head up Life is what you make of it Play with it or take a step forward It is your right ( Peggy Kyomuhangi) 3G


I know many of us have been watching a lot of these series and movies, e.g., Originals, true blood, Twig light. Of course………….. The Vampires!!! This has got us to wish to be the Bella (breaking down) or Catherine (vampire dairies). I mean who doesn’t want to be beautiful, Super hot and have mega powers including controlling people’s minds like (originals) be fast in movement, and all these The most interesting and tempting part is biting into a live body of flesh to suck blood with those carnivorous teeth Ewww……………. But we are all motivated to keep this dream real and standing because of the hot vampire boys like Edward, Taylor, Stephen, Demon, etc. Hmmmm!!! But the worst part is that we all eventually wake up from our dreams and realize that vampires ain’t Real ………………….! Ha ha ha. It hurts to know the truth.

8. The maker doesn’t need it, the owner doesn’t want it, and the user doesn’t know he is using it. What is it? 9. If a man was trapped in a room. There are no doors, no windows, how did he get out? 10. There is grand dad, a dad and two sons. They all go hunting and they all shoot a bird each, but only 3 fall to the ground. Why? 11. What happens when you throw a green rock in a red sea? 12. A farmer had 17 sheep and all but 9 die? How many were left? 13. A dad 100kg, mum 100kg and two sons 50kg@ to cross a river. How did they do it? NB: A boat carried 100kg @ time. 14. A mother had 3 sons and wanted to cross a river. One son saw the water and stepped in it. The second son saw the water but didn’t step in it. The 3rd son didn’t see the water and didn’t step in it. Where was the second and the third sons located? By Bamwagala Carol. B Gorreti H’se PEM/IT

Cynthia Yasheba F1B


CUTE PICK UP LINES AND THEIR REJECTIONS #1. Man: I think we must have gone on a date. Was it once or twice? Woman: It must be once. I don’t make the same mistake twice. #2. Man: Where have you been all my life? Woman: For the half of it, l wasn’t born yet #3. Man: Are we going to your place or mine? Woman: Both, l will go to mine and you will go to yours #4. Man: Is that seat occupied? Woman: Yes, this one will be too if you sit down #5.Man: So, are we ending up at my place? Woman: I don’t know, will two people fit under a rock? #6. Man: I think l met you somewhere in some club Woman: Yeah and that’s why l don’t go there any more #7. Man: You are so good looking, what’s your job? Woman: A female impersonator. # Charlotte .A


CHECK OUT THIS!! Let’s see how far your “Common Sense” Can take you.


1. There is a room with no doors, no windows, nothing and a man is hung from the ceiling and a puddle of water is on the floor. How did he die? 2. Which word when pronounced right is wrong and when pronounced wrong is right? 3. A boy and a doctor went fishing. The boy is the doctor’s son but the doctor is not the boy’s father. Who is the doctor? 4. Deogratious went to town on Friday, spent there one week and returned back to the village. On what day did he return? 5. What goes up but never goes down? 6. What book in the Bible does not mention the word God? 7. Why is it against the law for a man living in Kenya to be buried in Uganda?

1. He was standing on a block of ice and it melted. 2. Wrong 3. The boy’s mother 4. Friday 5. Your age 6. Esther 7. Because he is still living 8. A coffin 9. Through the door way, there are no doors but a door window 10. The grand dad is the dad of the dad, l son, then the dad also has a son too (2ndson) 11. It gets wet 12. Nine 13. Two sons cross the river to the other side, one son stays that side and the other comes back with the boat. The two sons again cross the river to the other side. One son brings the boat back. The mum crosses the river to the other side. The other son brings back the boat. Finally, all the two sons enter the boat and cross the river to the other side. 14. The second son was on her back and the third son in the womb. BY, BAMWAGALA CAROL.B GORRET HOUSE PEM/IT


1. CHECK OUT THIS AND TRY IT OUT!! Did you that your shoe size can tell your Age…………. Get a calculator and try this; 1. Take your shoe sizes. 2. Multiply by five 3. Add 50 4. Multiply by 20 5. Add 1014 6. Minus the year you were born You will get *FOUR DIGIT NUMBERS. The last two Digit numbers is your shoe size and the last two Digit Numbers is your Age. TRUE OR FALSE? BY, BAMWAGALA CAROL. B GORRET H’SE PEM/IT


As a girl is seated in the compound concentrating on her novel and the dad writing his agenda for the next day’s meeting, here comes the boyfriend of the daughter. For the dad not to know and understand, here the girl starts off the stubborn conversation. Girl: Have you come to pick your novel l entitled “Dad is home?” by Allan Boy: Ummmmmh… by the way l forgot the one you lent me, “missing you so much” Girl: I forgot the one the teacher read for us entitled “when shall we meet again?” at school. Boy: Ok!!!! That one; l remember he also told us to read “weekend the best” Girl: But the last one on your syllabus is “Call you later”. Boy: l forgot to tell you about that one of “can’t wait” Thinking that the dad was absent minded, he suddenly asked the daughter; Father: Daughter don’t tell me that on your syllabus you have novels entitled “No permission” and “Am not a fool” Girl: They are not there but the teacher told us to read “l will go when you are off Father: Okay, then try we shall see” Girls why teach an old dog new tricks. Think before you act please. By TUMUHAIRE I LLUMINATE (S2) MALINGA BELINDA (5R)

INTERNATIONAL INSPIRATION CLUB This is a club that was a result of the international inspirations programme. It came up when London bid to host the 2012 Olympics. London pledged to use the power of sports to enrich the liver of millions of children and young people of all abilities in schools and communities. This would be through providing high quality and inclusive physical education, sport and play. The international inspirations club therefore comes in to fulfil the intentions of the programme through young leaders in the club. They move to communities and schools to deliver physical education lessons. This sew fits mostly our neighbouring primary schools. We have successfully delivered a number of lessons and got involved in other activities for example in school where we organise competitions like inter-class competitions and help in the organisation of the sports day and Tuesday sports. As a club, we have a link school, York High School where we have a number of penpals for the club members who usually communicate to each other through letters under the programme ‘Linking Classes’ and also had some of their students and two teachers come over early last year to visit the school and get to learn more about how the school operates and the students. This year, we shall have two students and two teachers go to the link school. They will know how York High School runs. We wish them a safe journey. NAMASOPOROBINAH S6R CLUB PRESIDENT

The worst thriller

Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of you friends If they are stable, thank God. A disease of hypocrites is too much As they say trust one but allow many Watch out because you can never Know the true friend in your life because it is difficult. Nasasira Denise Leuden 4R


I live in the town on a street It is crowded with traffic and feet There are buses and motor cars I wish there were trains too The houses all wait in row There is smoke everywhere that I go I don’t like the noises I hear I wish there were woods very near There is only thing That I love And that is the sky Far above There is plenty of room In the blue For castles of cloud And me too. BY NAKIRANDA DOROTHY S.1.G

CORRUPTION Corruption an act that, Threatens humanity all Over the world thus Being by many

It even makes the, Power of prayer be Devalued by the money One gets from different People for materialistic Purposes It’s the source of misfortune, To the poor and needy and The centre of pleasure and Enjoyment to the rich and Ambitious people By Balungi Linda and NakittoEseri F.4R

I BELIEVE IN YOU UGANDA It just has not been as easy as many may think. Gone are the days when we theUgandans lived in fear and terror of the white man. Waking up before cock crow! Forced to grow coffee, cotton and the likes. Brutality and pain was the order of the day. Remember those days….When our forefathers worked tooth and nail to transport raw material from our very own soils to the land of the white man, the BENEFACTOR. God, it’s been too long. Recalling how some of our very own ancestors (the collaborators) gave us away to the boiling eyes of that man. Working day and night from dawn to dusk under the scorching sun, heat, sweat, tears… But then, slowly by slowly our fathers grew tired of growing tea or coffee without pay! They became aggressive and knew that it was time, time to fight for freedom. Hail! Our forefathers made it! Our great land became free from that man. Then smiles featured on all faces, for the freedom attained. It’s been long, lots of developments, towers rising so high have been put up, cars, roads, schools, hospitals so mighty…the list is endless. Black regimes came about not to forget our very own Idi Amin Dada and the likes, our current president ‘His Excellency the president of the Republic of Uganda, president YoweriKagutta Museveni.’ Bringing about UPE, USE, PIASCY programmes.. Trying tooth and nail to bring about the change to all in this great nation. It has not been easy, but as the days go by, I see a bright future, I smell prosperity in all corners. I hope and trust in you my Uganda. FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY NABADDA CATHY MAXENSIA

SIGNS THAT YOU ARE BEING USED 1. Endless Errands. She always has something she needs you to do for her It is good for your girl friend to depend on you, But if all you seem to do are run errands for her, Then you need to review the relationship. 2. You are last option. When she has plans you are not the first person she invites to accompany her but when everyone else fails to show up, then she calls you. You are the last option. If she truly loves you, you will have a reserved place on her list of special people, not simply filler who holds forte when others are no-show. 3. Always Asking. If all your conversations are about her problems And how she really needs money to do this and that, then she might be using you. Plus the only times she is nice to you and calls you sweet names, Is when she wants something. As soon as she gets it, the beautiful smile and sweet words disappear. 4. All about her. The relationship runs on her terms and You are rarely introduced to any one important. She only calls you BOYFRIEND When there is no one else around. Nakkazi Leticia Genevieve F.4 G


Why do you have to leave me even when you said You would never leave me, l have been awake all night Waiting for you to walk into sight. Oh dear friend why do you lie to me even when you lie next to me. I don’t want to give up because our friendship Is not up. I thought we would be the best but I thought From a nest. I left so you find another best but that was also in a nest. Whatever pleases you my friend you may do because lam ready to put my love for you on the line. The only thing l want from you is a smile, do not mind my tears but mind my fears that one day l will lose you. ANKUNDA PROMISE HELENA 4.G

INTERVIEW WITH UNCLE TOM. Years have passed with everyone seeing and appreciating the work of this incredibly tall man, and thus the Editorial board considered an interview with him. Through the rain and cold, we hustle our way to his office which is within the dinning. Crystal: Good evening Uncle Tom, you are commonly known as that (Uncle Tom) but we would like to know your full name…. Uncle Tom: My full name is Tom Olweny. Crystal: what we exactly can we say is your occupation or job? Uncle Tom: I am the school’s store manager in charge of food and beverages. We are actually two managers just that the other, my colleague Ms. Namirimu works upon uniforms, academics and other things that don’t include food/welfare. I personally major in the kitchen where a lot of teamwork is involved. Crystal: How do you handle the challenges in your job? Uncle Tom: We do face a number of challenges such as weevils in the seeds, rejection of foods by students and of course price fluctuation. How do we deal with these? Well, we make budgets and create or keep provisions in case there is rise in prices. We consult our superiors on what to do. Crystal: The students rejecting…….? Uncle Tom: For the students we try to captivate them by giving them foods that will leave them looking forward to the next meal. We also try to give the best we can manage. Crystal: What is it about TRICONA that clicks for you? That makes you fi t in? Uncle Tom: Nabbingo first of all is a small portion of the whole globe. It has exposed me to many things such as learning and engaging in many different activities. I am employed and accommodated here and so far, there is nothing to complain about. So far so good.TRICONA has helped me to develop my career in Accountancy and Management. I am definitely not the same as I was. Crystal: How long have you been working here? Uncle Tom: I have been here 6 years. I have begun my 7th

year in this school. Crystal: What is your best moment is school? Uncle Tom: (Ponders for a while) Haaa! I can’t say. Because they are so many but I think the best could be when students have performed well. It’s the best because it is a reward for the input I have put. It’s another form of thank you. And a genuine Thank you is the best reward. Crystal: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Uncle Tom: Uhuum…. I will still be employed or better yet self employed and nurturing a happy family. Crystal: Ok so how do you spend your leisure? Uncle Tom: Spending time with some of my friends, watching TV, probably listening to music, news and comedy and soaps. Crystal: What sort of music do you listen to? Uncle Tom: I like layback music, a little bit of RNB and some jumpy/dancing music. Crystal: Oh! So you can dance? What do you think of this generations dancehall music? Uncle Tom: Ha haha No I can’t, but dance is not about knowing but just moving to the beat, I can dance to yours. It’s a bit weird and crazy. Too much. Crystal: He he….So a word to the students? Uncle Tom: Girls, mind, heart and Soul must be coordinated. You should optimise your time and whatever you are building now means you are shaping your future. Maximise your opportunities and use them. Your time between high school and what you want to be is short. Finally, be humble for it will open doors for you. Crystal: Thank you so much, uncle Tom. It was lovely talking with you. Uncle Tom. You are most welcome. Compiled by Kim and Christine


SPORTS AND SOCIETY Sport is sport when it is filled with good sportsmanship and it goes without saying that discipline is rife in sport. Many thanks go to the ladies of the great college who have participated in the different games around……, such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, Tennis (both) Netball, to mention but a few. All these have been a success for the last years I have been in this school and have made me what I am today. Thanks to all the coaches, for the great work done, and to the students, still, thanks a lot. Your active participation, cooperation and team work has made you people make it up to National level, and above all, even East Africa……ha haha don’t ask for which game, but just find out from table tennis girls…..!!!! for those who think they are useless, sorry because above all of it, there are 4 points expected to be awarded to whoever made it to National level #ONLY F.6’s are advantaged….the rest just consult us…..!!! All in all, thanks for not letting down the teams, but as compared to the last years, am wondering where some games are ending up to….yet they used to boom, at least 2 years back…hmmm…just asking…!!! Joyce F.6 (Editor Sports)


At first I thought it was impossible for me to play this sport, I actually thought it was another type of golf. Scared as I were, I took my time to observe the equipment used. After some inquiries, I came to the conclusion that it was not golf but WOODBALL. I tried hitting the ball with a mallet to the gates. I found no success. I was discouraged! But on seeing others play it, I gained hope and strength that I can play Woodball. It was not easy for a senior one student to play among senior four students as mu cowardice mixed up with my anxiety for the sport. In senior two, I deliberately practiced along with other students. It became a BLAST for me each and everyday because the more I played Woodball, the more I fell in love with it. I kept on practicing, going for competitions. Winning some of these competitions had given me courage that I will achieve my dream of ‘Becoming the world’s best Woodballer.’ With further practice and exposure, I look forward to achieving my precious dream because I believe ‘it’s through winning many small battles that one can win bigger battles.’ I also look forward to representing this country, Uganda, East Africa, and the AFRICAN continent at the world level. Join the sport and discover the secret behind greatness. I believe anyone can beat the Chinese, the founders, legs-up! Nakitende Lillian F.4y Woodball Team Captain.


Chess is not just a game. It’s a culture, a thousand-year-old game played all over the world that incorporates a mass of knowledge and experience which has become the heritage of mankind. What gets into your mind when one talks about chess? Unlike other games, many often thin it is enigmatic; for extremely intelligent people but as a matter of fact, when one has an intrinsic capacity of attention, discipline and ability to accept rules, one can play it. You can only get to love it and develop passion for it if you try it. Chess not only has a mathematical basis which is a tool of science, language of technology and organised thought but also develops cognitive ability: attention, memory, intelligence and analysis which are all fundamentals of personal growth applicable in everyday life. It requires team work which presents its players with an ethical model on which moral values and maximum cooperation can be constructed. Though chess encourages competition, it’s not all about winning but using each loss of a game as an opportunity to learn something new about it that’s why it’s evident to always have a plan when on board and to have a reason behind each move you make. So can you play chess? Sonia Abiyinea

THE INTER-CLASS COMPETITIONS These are competitions set up by the school admin-

istration indifferent sports activities for all classes except the candidate classes. The classes that take part are F.1, F.2, F.3 and F.5 classes. The competitions are meant to unite the students in different classes, to identify good players to train and represent the school in regionals, district and national competitions. They are also meant to improve one’s physical fitness, talent, and encourage relaxation after a long day. The 2014 inter-class sports competitions began well and ended well. The participants kept good discipline while some of the spectators in other words the supports ran out of control especially when a class lost a game to another class. The following were the results of the competitions. 1st position – F.5 2nd position – F3 3rd position – F2 4th position – F1

We encourage students to participate in sports especially the external competitions as these can earn you some points in UNEB. Remember that having a sports talent can take you places; other activities may not. We look forward to having a successful inter-class sports competition in 2015 and we encourage players to participate. ‘’Aim at the Best’’ Courtesy of the I.I club WALUSIMBI DAISY SECRETARY


VOLLEY BALL Volleyball is such an interesting game and is valued by many people because it required one to think and observe critically before making a final move. It comes in two varieties; beach and court volleyball. It also aims at developing one’s skills, to relax one’s mind from the long day, and at most to develop one’s health and physical fitness. It also improves emotional development through various ways and that is why most people who partake and value the game emerge victorious.

What a competition! The whole school had waited. Preparations were made and prophets arose to predict the winning house. Some games were completed before the sports day. These included Basketball, Volleyball, Netball, chess, Football, and the long legs tried out their flexibility in high jump, long jump, and triple jump. Tension increased as sports day approached. House mistresses were restless and moved from end to end looking for participants as hot arguments arose due to the already accumulated points. On sports day, people had different aims. While some wanted to the bull, the goat, gifts, others wanted to see their parents. But in the end, the winner always comes out. This year, as usual, Margaret House, the defending champion for six consecutive years won again with other houses following. Congratulations to them! Let’s wait for next year. Atimango Lorna S4 Y

Captain Volley Ball AtiangEverlyn. S.4G

TABLE TENNIS Table tennis ‘(TT)’ is a sport that anyone can

enjoy no matter the age or physical attributes. Whether Young orold, bodied or disabled, everyone can enjoy playing the sport at some level. When you play TT at a basic beginners level, it is a simple sport to play. But, if you want to play at the highest level, you find out that it is the hardest and most physically demanding sport ever. Playing TT promotes quick thinking and also improves hand-eye coordination. It is also a low injury Risk sport and it keeps one fit and flexible.

TCN Football Team

By NabakaakiJoviaThereza S.6R

TCN Basketball Team


At 45 yrs of age and exactly one year ago death drew the curtains on the life of Mr. Nyanzi Frederick Batale; leaving his family and friends heartbroken. “He had such a lively spirit and he always made us feel at home safe and confidenteven if you thought you had the biggest problem i.e. ”DON’T WORRY” as he loved to comfort others and immediately providing solution to the problem. Mr. NYANZI was a man of peace and he wanted everybody to be happy and as a matter of fact he was the patron of the “Peaceclub’’ he love guiding students and that is how exceptional he was. Mr Nyanzi friends hold him in high regard because he was true to them, he was such a rare friend who besides watching your back, was bold enough to tell you where you had gone wrong and many of you can bear me witness. Mr. Nyanzi was a friend a father, a brother and actually he is my former teacher @ SHACK; he would tell me my mistakes and most times I would feel betrayed that my own friend and parents criticized me, butlater realized he was just being helpful. He was known for being easy to talk to and easily made friends. He was a people person; friendly even to people who weren’t that close to him. Mr. Nyanzi believed in treating every one with respect. We shall live to remember you Mr. Nyanzi and we shall miss you forever. By MIIRO R E

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