Force Majeure

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First Edition July, 2018 Photographs, Text and Design by 73 Illustrations Š Moses Wong 2018 Printing and Bookbinding by Designer Print House Room 5B, 7/F, Block A Hong Kong Industrial Centre 489-491 Castle Peak Road Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon Hong Kong


First Edition July, 2018 Photographs, Text and Design by 73 Illustrations Š Moses Wong 2018 Printing and Bookbinding by Designer Print House Room 5B, 7/F, Block A Hong Kong Industrial Centre 489-491 Castle Peak Road Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon Hong Kong




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我相信大自然中幾乎所有事物都在循環,一 切在重複輪迴。這不代表我們所見所聞都是 一樣,正如翻拍一幀照片,得到的只能是原 始影像的複製品,或是說以樹的種子栽種新 苗,長成的必然不是同一棵樹;凡人無法逆 轉這循環,所以人不能逆轉年月,最終也無 法阻止任何東西衰壞。其中之於人類最真實 的是情緒,無論物質世界興衰,也無關我們 對一切的認知,人是沒有辦法否認坦誠的情 緒。最難控制的偏偏是這份無形的感覺。對 於感覺的生滅,我們只能夠順應它,逐一感 受每分每秒。既然無法抵抗,我們必須要誠 實面對自己,經歷這不可逆轉的心境變化。 近一年,我斷斷續續去了幾天旅行,直到幾 個月後才一口氣沖洗累積的底片,後來其中 許多照片都收錄在這本合集裏。這段日子而 來,我的心情數次低沉,一些聊以慰藉所相 信的念頭亦崩潰了;質疑過自己很多次;價 值被摧毀過;失去有形無形的東西;又重新 站立起來,學習如何帶着這份缺失,默然活 下去。那些洶湧的情緒,大概都宣洩了在照 片裏,透過檢視、揀選、梳理這些旅程的圖 像,我仍然在慢慢復原,尋找出口。


I believe almost every creation in the cosmos is in a cycle, that everything is in reincarnation. This does not mean that what we see and know are all the same, just as when a picture is duplicated, the outcome can only be a duplicate of the original image, or a new tree planted is not the same tree which offered the seed; mortals cannot reverse the cycle, therefore human cannot reverse time, and we cannot prevent the wilt of anything. The most realistic to human are emotions: despite everything we know, we cannot deny our sincere feelings. Yet these intangible feelings are the hardest to handle. We could only adapt to our emotions, to feel every moment of it. Since resistance is pointless, we must be honest with ourselves, and experience the irreversible transition of our state of mind. In the past year, I travelled for a few days, and did not had the film developed until another few months later; many images from the batch are included in this album. In these days, I was downhearted for a few times, some beliefs that supported me got collapsed; I doubted myself in many days; values were trampled; tangible and intangible assets lost; and I stood up again and started to learn living stoically with the loss. All those turbulent emotions are written in the photographs I created. Through viewing, selecting and sorting the photographs from the journey, I am still slowly recovering, and searching for an exit.




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