Necessary Conditions for Making Aliyah According to the Law of Return: •
Must be able to provide documentation that you are the descendant of Jews. Meaning that at least one of your parents or grandparents is Jewish.
These documents fall in two categories religious and official. The religious documents may include: o Rabbinical letter stating that one of your grandparents is Jewish. Some Rabbis will write a letter stating this if you have sufficient evidence, and for a fee. o Bar or Bat Mitzvah Certificate o Brit Milah Certificate o Letter from a Jewish Graveyard, o Picture of a Jewish Tombstone o Jewish Marriage Certificate, etc.
The official documents must be procured from the authorities in order to certify to the Interior Ministry that you are in fact who you say you are. Official documents must pertain both to you and to whomever your religious documents pertain. They may include: o Birth and Death Certificates o Civil Marriage Certificates
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Additionally, you must submit an official document from your local police authorities testifying to an absence of criminal record. All official documents obtained outside of Israel must be stamped by a Notary and an Apostille.