The vineyard march 2014

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Isaiah 5:7 “for the vineyard of the Lord of Hosts is the House of Israel”.


Glimpses of Israel Western Wall plaza, Jewish quarter, Jerusalem Shop, Jewish quarter, Jerusalem 2 The Destruction of Jericho s 6 LeaksStop Takes the Pressure Off 10 No Cords, No Fuss – Charging Your Gadgets Without Wires s 12 Mutineer Avoided Published by David House Fellowship Inc.

The Vineyard March 2014

!"#$%#&'()*'+,-$,.$/#(+*", MY DEAR FRIENDS, it may come as a surprise to many to learn that originally I chose a military career as my life’s vocation, and I first stepped into uniform at the tender age of fourteen! My military studies were intensive and I was granted commissioned rank so young as age seventeen. World War I accelerated my ambitions and my opportunities and, indeed, I was still actively engaged in military pursuits when the God of Israel graciously granted me enlistment in the army of the King of kings. I have given you this peep into my personal background for a very good reason. During my military career I had the privilege of qualification at a Military College where, among numerous other warlike subjects, I studied the art of military strategy. The element of surprise is a very important feature in martial tactics, and I recall the successful exploitation of this element by that great Australian Jewish military genius, General Sir John Monash, whose Australian Corps, on 8th August 1918, launched the great sixty-day


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counteroffensive which hastened the enemy’s ultimate capitulation. The most surprising military plan of the campaign, however, extant in human history is to be found, I believe, in the sixth chapter of the Book of Joshua. Moreover, it originated from the most unlooked-for source and possessed objectives of far greater moment than would be suggested by the local and immediate. It is these last two factors that account for the unusual character of the first. The source of the strategy is not to be traced to the mind of General Joshua, but to the mysterious Being Who confronted him just over Jordan. My last message was wholly devoted to a reverent inquiry into the nature and person of this Being Who is referred to variously as the Prince of the Host of YaHaVeH and also as YaHaVeH, the Ineffable Name. (E.g. Cf. Joshua 5:14; 6:2. Verse 6:1 is parenthetical and so agrees Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman.) The source of the strategy, then, is to be found in the counsel of Deity. The ultimate objectives were spiritual in character and coterminous with human

destiny in extent so that their urgency and importance cannot be exaggerated. The strangeness of the strategy, then, is to be explained by the fact that it was saturated in symbolism. We must carry these determinative factors with us as we now accompany General Joshua in the attack and conquest of Jericho (Joshua 5:13 – 6:27).

some five yards there was a screen wall six feet thick. Moreover, these walls were carefully situated on the brink of the ground’s natural steep slopes. Corner bastions, twenty feet in thickness, added to the problem of prospective attackers. The two walls were connected in parts by houses built on the top.

We are indebted to modern archaeology for material evidence – for those who feel they need it, of course — of the accuracy of the Holy Scriptures. The archaeological excavation of Jericho began in 1908, was resumed by Professor John Garstang in 1929, and its debris probed to a depth of some eighty feet penetrating through seventeen settlements. Jericho was a fortress city and part of an elaborate defence system maintained throughout the land. Situated on a commanding elevation the stronghold of Jericho was circular in shape, its formidable walls enclosing some seven and one-half acres.

The name Jericho ( ɥɧɩɸɩ from ɧɥɸ ) means “Place of Fragrance” but the moral condition of its Canaanite inhabitants was far from fragrant, even though its physical environment fully justified the appellation (Genesis 13:10). The Canaanites were Hamitic in origin and more nearly related to the Egyptians than to the Semitic Hebrews. They worshipped a lunar deity. So much for the first of these formidable fortresses that had to be subjugated by Joshua.

The walls were double, the inner wall was twelve feet thick and, as if to make assurance doubly sure, at an interval of

Now for the remarkable plan of campaign. Instead of battering rams the Israelites’ amazing armament was the Ark! The Ark of the Covenant, the Ark of the Eternal God of Israel, the first precisely described piece of furniture for the Mishkan, the Tabernacle. (Exodus 25) It was an oblong chest

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containing the two tablets of the Law and was also probably a reliquary for the pot of manna and Aaron’s rod. It was the visible reminder of God’s invisible Presence and Power, a Presence and Power entrusted to the Messianic Being Who had earlier appeared to Joshua and assured him of victory if obedient to the plan of campaign vouchsafed him. Not only the Jericho strategy, but the direction of the entire Tenach (Old Testament) economy I believe to have been conducted by Messiah.

ram they bear a box of some kind. A box they esteem and value, and its gold can be seen glistening in the sunlight. What new weapon is this?

Now let us leave Joshua and his hosts and stand upon the walls of Jericho in an attempt to absorb something of the condition of the Canaanites as they first beheld Joshua’s advance.

But what is this? Having encircled the city, this strange army, still in solemn procession, is returning to its camp! The notes of the horns fade out gradually. The hosts have gone. Not an offensive finger lifted. Can we now relax? I’m not so sure; the very strangeness of the proceeding leaves us tense and nerve-wracked.

Already the terror of the Eternal had seized them and the massive gates were fast shut (Joshua 6:1). What if the waters of Jordan had split asunder for Israel; the walls of Jericho were more solid than the waters of Jordan! Ah! Stand by! Here they come towards the fortress! Make sure the archers are ready with their hail of arrows! Take heed that the boiling oil is mobile to hurl upon the heads of the bearers of the battering rams! Now the advance guard of the armed men of Israel can be clearly seen (Joshua 6:9). It would appear that they only have one battering ram for there is a central group bearing some instrument with them, followed by an impressive rearguard. Yet how silent they are! But, hold! There is a strange sound, now growing increasingly loud. It comes from the small central group. They are blowing on large horns (Exodus 19:16, 19; 20:15, English tr. 20:18; Leviticus 23:24; 25:9) and apart from the tramp of feet no other sound can be heard. How weird; how unlike the many other attacks that had been made upon this fortress. Now this central horn-blowing group is clearly visible. They are priests, and are seven in number and instead of a mighty battering


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They are beginning to encircle the fortress, the tramp of their feet can be heard even over the maddeningly loud sound of the horns. But have they no tongues? It is peculiar beyond anything experienced. See! The fortress is now encircled. The attack is imminent. Be ready!

Six times on six successive days this weird spectacle was witnessed. Was it drama; or was it comedy? The answer came on the seventh day. At an earlier hour “about the dawning of the day,” and in exactly the same strange sequence, came the hosts of Israel, but this time they encompassed the city seven times.

spiritual key-signature. Seven horns, seven priests, seven days, seven times on the seventh day. Thirteen encirclements. Just as seven is the number of spiritual perfection so thirteen is the number of sin and rebellion. The thirteen encirclements of the sinful city and its capitulation before the Ark of the Eternal under unseen Messianic leadership accompanied by the blast of the jubileehorns, even the Scripture herald sounding the promise of God’s kingdom on earth (cf. New Testament, I Corinthians 15:52; I Thessalonians 4:16: Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach 20 and 21), was a symbolism too significant to escape the attention of the spiritually alert. One further great lesson. Joshua’s command to his hosts was “Shout; for the Eternal has given you the city.” Without risk or adverse consequence and quite apart from

their own humanly-devised plan and effort, God gave ... It is ever so. The ultimate victory over sin’s citadel in the soul is entirely the planning and work of God Who bestows upon His people the free gift of salvation through the Divinely-appointed leadership and atonement of the Messianic Being, the King-Messiah-Redeemer of Israel. Dr Lawrence Duff-Forbes (1900–1964) Founding Director of David House Fellowship Inc. This article is an extract from the very popular radio series, “Treasures From Tenach”, which are also transcribed. Both audio (click MP3 tab, then “163DestructionJericho.mp3”, and transcriptions are available for free download at .

Suddenly, upon the completion of that seventh day seven-fold encirclement, a people hitherto mute, at the command of their Godappointed leader, uttered a great shout, with a result as singular as the proceedings that preceded it. The wall at Jericho collapsed! That a miracle had occurred is obvious, and I do not propose to join the ranks of those who rush to rationalize, for I believe the reasons for the miracle are equally obvious. Professor Garstang himself declares: “The power that could dislodge hundreds of tons of masonry in the way described must have been superhuman.” (John and J.B.E. Garstang, The Story of Jericho, London, 1940, p. 135) I have already spoken on the significance of seven and here we have an unmistakable

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The unit drops the pressure on pipes when the taps are closed.

LeaksStop Takes the Pressure Off A smart unit from an Israeli water-tech company modulates water pressure to prevent leakage, and alerts users to leaks already present. Turning off the main water line is one of the must-do checklist items for anyone going away on holiday. A pinhole leak could result in thousands of dollars in damages if a pipe suddenly bursts before you return home. But your water system is constantly under pressure. A leak behind the walls or under the floorboards could go undetected for years, causing costly damage, wasted water, fungus and mold. An estimated one in 10 US homes has leaky pipes — a problem that could be plugged by the Israeli company LeaksStop (

Inside the LeaksStop system are algorithms intended to modulate water pressure and detect leaks. You get an SMS alert should something look wrong.

pressure on your pipes. This is what we are doing — lowering the pressure during non-consumption hours. During consumption, the pressure is increased in the line.”

“If there are small leaks in the system, the LeaksStop will reduce them by 90 percent,” says Gil Senesh, head of business development. And this isn’t complicated science: “Low pressure means lower flow.”

He notes that LeaksStop can also help avoid the formation of new leaks, because if there is less pressure on your pipes, there will be less wear and tear.

The home unit is expected to cost about $200, and the company is also delivering products for larger water systems – at the office, museum or hotel.

Same water pressure for the end user ISRAEL21c found LeaksStop at WATEC, the annual water technologies conference and expo in Tel Aviv.

LeaksStop is attempting to put its finger in the dike, like a figurative Hans Brinker, with a new box solution fitted on the main water line. LeaksStop modulates your home’s water pressure when your taps are not in use.

Senesh demonstrated that when the tap is open, the water pressure is the same as it was without the LeaksStop system in place. When the tap is closed, the pressure is markedly decreased.

This means:

“Network pressure at your home is about five to seven atmospheres [the weight of 170 to 237 feet of water],” he says.

No more post-holiday floods, even if out just for the weekend. Check. No more high water bills because of leaky pipes. Check. An early-warning system to avoid black mold and mildew. Check.


The Vineyard

“When you think about how often you use your water in washing machines, toilets and showers, it’s about three hours altogether in a day. So 90 percent of the time you are not using the water and are putting

In case of catastrophe, such as a burst pipe, LeaksStop will shut down the system, potentially saving homeowners from irreparable harm and headaches.

Scientist in Israel, a body that helps budding technologies like this one get on their feet. The company employs four people and is currently running a pilot study in northern Israeli homes and offices. A strategic partner is actively being sought. “We want to go to the next stage,” says Senesh. Karin Kloosterman (19 November 2013) Courtesy Israel 21C (

Making a big deal out of little leaks According to the United States Environment Protection Agency, even those little leaks at home are a big deal. Leaks, they say, can account for 10,000 gallons of water wasted in the home every year, which is enough to fill a backyard swimming pool. Ten percent of all homes have leaks that waste 90 gallons of water a day. That amounts to 1 trillion gallons of wasted water per year in the United States, equivalent to the annual water use of Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami combined. If LeaksStop gets off the ground, it could be a one-stop solution for the major problem. LeaksStop is based in a northern town in Israel called Adi. The company was funded with financing from the Office of the Chief

A chronic leak can cause this kind of damage.

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glimpses of ISRAEL glimpses of ISRAEL glimpses of ISRAEL glimpses of ISRAEL

Photo left to right: from the Southern Gate to the Jewish quarter; cafe Jewish quarter; Western Wall plaza Jerusalem. Background photo: Western Wall plaza Jerusalem.


The Vineyard

March 2014


NO CORDS, NO FUSS – CHARGING YOUR GADGETS WITHOUT WIRES Israel’s PowerMat is building a world free of worry over finding plugs, outlets and wires to recharge all the gadgets in your life. One does not usually associate high-tech with the alleviation of anxiety, but PowerMat Technologies co-founder Ran Poliakine claims that his venture does just that. “Imagine a world in which you didn’t have to worry about how and where to charge your mobile phones, laptops and tablets every time you left home,” says the 46-year-old innovator with a degree in industrial design from Jerusalem’s Bezalel Academy of Art and Design. It is a world that is fast upon us, according to Poliakine and his business partner, Amir Ben-Shalom, 52, the scientist behind the technology that is already taking swaths of the United States by storm.

“Within a few short years, there will no longer be plugs, outlets and wires,” says Poliakine, during an interview with ISRAEL21C at his offices in the Neve Ilan communications complex in Abu Gosh, just west of Jerusalem. “You’ll simply place your electronic devices on a table, and it will receive electricity from an embedded surface.” Poliakine, whose workplace and home are both completely set up for this not-sofuturistic scenario, demonstrates on the spot. He puts his iPhone on one of many small round “plates” flush with the desktop, and it begins charging automatically. No cords, no fuss. The “inevitable” shift to wireless electricity, he asserts, “will become just as intuitive as Wi-Fi. As soon as we stopped having to use a cable between our computers and a telephone jack, we took it for granted that we can receive data from the air. We will soon expect the same from our power.” In GM cars by 2015 The idea to launch PowerMat was sparked by a 2006 conversation between Poliakine and Ben-Shalom in the parking lot of the building where the two innovators were already collaborating on a series of startups.

Amir Ben-Shalom is the brains behind PowerMat.


The Vineyard

Laptops had become smaller and lighter, but the accompanying plugs and cords were – and still are — as cumbersome as ever.

Poliakine said to Ben-Shalom: “Come on, we have to solve this problem.” Ben-Shalom, a leading Israeli expert and teacher in the field of electricity, pointed out that it had been tried before, without success. But his momentary skepticism was replaced by a drive to make it work. By 2009, the pair had brought their prototype to technological giants, such as Nokia. “All of them said it was great, but nobody was willing to fire the first shot — to ‘cut the cables’ in favor of wireless,” says Poliakine. Such a sea change necessitates the creation of an entire infrastructure, he explains, “like when the electrical grid had to be created.” So they decided to go directly to consumers in the United States, through a series of partnerships. One such partnership was forged with Procter & Gamble, the largest consumer product company in the world. This was crucial for taking PowerMat to the retailers, among them Duracell, which is owned by P&G. It was thus that Duracell PowerMat – a series of wireless charging solutions for iPhones and other smartphones and rechargeable backup batteries for carrying power on-the-go – came into being. Next came partnerships with AT&T and Best Buy, among other leading retailers like General Motors . Not only did GM invest in the company, but announced that it will

This Duracell PowerMat can charge three devices at once.

begin embedding its cars with PowerMat technology by 2015. Powering consumers everywhere During the Christmas season of 2009, PowerMat sold 750,000 units right out of the gate. “The experience opened doors for us,” says Poliakine. “By 2010, there we were, a small Israeli company in Abu Gosh, using the technology invented by Amir [Ben-Shalom], manufacturing millions of pieces in China and selling to retailers in America.” It was then, he says, that “we understood that for this revolution to take hold, we would have to create an entire ecosystem. We have to surround consumers 360 degrees, based on where they spend their time away from home, such as airports, train stations, concert halls, universities and restaurants.” The first two chains he approached were Starbucks and McDonalds, both of which are now involved in pilot testing of PowerMat technology. To date, 26 Starbucks branches in Boston and San Jose — and McDonalds in Manhattan — are fully wired and equipped. Patrons simply place Duracell PowerMatenabled mobile devices on the table in any of those locations and it will charge automatically. Those whose devices are not equipped with PowerMat technology receive a small key ring that hooks into their devices.

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NO CORDS, NO FUSS This ring, called PowerKiss, was invented by a Finnish company that PowerMat purchased. Still, says Poliakine, “To bridge the gap between technology and consumers, mass education is as crucial as it is challenging.” Rapper and record producer Jay-Z not only invested in the company, but made a jazzy TV commercial promoting it. This is part of PowerMat’s holistic approach to high-tech and overall aim to “redefine the language” of how everyone views the use of electricity. “We didn’t invent the idea of wireless electricity. Over the last century, there have been at least 10,000 patents registered in this area. But up until about a decade ago, there wasn’t a real need for it. The two things that have altered this situation are the ability to generate much larger amounts of electricity at a far lower cost, and the fact that people have become mobile.”

But mobility creates anxiety, says Poliakine. At Rihanna’s recent outdoor concert in Tel Aviv, he heard fans complaining about their phones running out of juice while posting on Twitter and Facebook and videotaping the event. He is aiming to eliminate this difficulty when whole regions are powered by the cloud – possibly by 2015. “This is a shift on a par with that of moving from horses to cars as a method of transportation. It is what we will be remembered for.” Ruthie Blum (14 January 2014) Courtesy Israel 21C (


The Vineyard


ɭɩɸɡɲɠɚɤɬ ɺɸɢɠ Mutineer Avoided MY FRIENDS, there are three letters of the Hebrew alphabet buried deep down beneath the rich soil of signification from whose roots there sprouts, above the surface of meaning and into the light of our understanding, a tree of import the fruit of which is somewhat bitter to our taste. The three consonants are ɭ, ɹ, ɠ, and together they constitute the skin, the flesh, and the seed of that very nasty word — GUILTY! Between the twin ejaculations “GUILTY” and “NOT GUILTY” there stretches a vast ocean of opposite emotions. Like the dark, purpling clouds of wreckful storm, the descending anguishes of fear and alarm eclipse the sunny landscape when the dread word, “GUILTY,” sounds its soul-reverberating doom. But, like silver-wanded fairies dancing in the sun-soaked glade, “NOT GUILTY” straps wings upon our heels and bids us join the dance!

astonished voice of an innocence sincerely felt. Oh! yes, it is possible to incur guilt without intending it, or knowing it, or even feeling it. For instance, by way of illustration, you might park your car in a prohibited area quite naturally you would feel no sense of guilt about it – well, until the law came on the scene and enlightened you! Then there would be marked change both in outlook and in hip-pocket! The fact of the mistake doesn’t alter the fact of the offense. “Guilty” must be the legal decision, and the penalty usually follows in courts of human jurisprudence.

Strange too, is it not, that the word “GUILTY” acts like a psychological push-button which, if pressed, immediately releases a defensemechanism within us which instantly produces the familiar response — “Who? Me?”

Why am I telling you all this? In order that you may know, my friends, that with God there is a difference. He graciously allows weight to circumstances. His justice demands a forfeit and, in the case of the Trespass-Offering in our Levitical offerings, a restitution; but, these having been willingly performed, His grace bestows forgiveness. This welcome Divine attitude is revealed in the two offerings described in the early chapters of Vayikra, Leviticus, known respectively as the SinOffering and the Guilt-Offering, the former of which, I hope you will remember, I described in my last message to you.

Of course, in some cases — indeed, possibly in many cases — the disavowal of guilt is understandable. The “Who? Me?” mechanism may be touched off by the

Whilst the Sin-Offering and the TrespassOffering are closely related, nevertheless, there is a distinction between the two which it is not always possible to formulate with


precision. Both were expiatory sacrifices for sin. The ideas of PROPITIATION and ATONEMENT were indelibly stamped upon each, yet the Sin-Offering seemed more especially to symbolize the acknowledgement of sinfulness as something inherent in mankind generally; whereas the TrespassOffering, being always presented for individual failure, seemed more to point to the specific personal expressions of that ghastly malady we call sin. EXPIATION through the sacrifice of a sinless life seems to be the dominant connotation of the Sin-Offering. (You will remember, won’t you, that animals are sinless? I pointed this out to you in my previous messages.) The Trespass-Offering, on the other hand, seemed more to connote the idea of SATISFACTION for a wrong for which a special ransom was to be given. For an easy grasp of the distinction could we put it this way — that the Sin-Offering is in respect of sin, and the Trespass-Offering in respect of sins? I feel sure that some of you will ask me the difference between the terms “EXPIATION” and “PROPITIATION” so here let me anticipate your query by saying that in the Scripture itself I can detect no difference whatever. Theology, however, is obliged to separate the terms, and by the expression

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“expiation” to denote the relationship of the sacrifice to the SINNER, and by the expression “propitiation” to denote the effect of the sacrifice allaying the displeasure of the Godhead. I think that’s rather well put, too.

ɭɩɸɡɲɠɚɤɬ ɺɸɢɠ !

Now, can we step back into that prohibited parking area just for a moment? The Scripture word which would describe what happens is the Hebrew word ɤɢɢɹ and you’ll find it, among other places of course, at Vayikra, that is Leviticus, chapter four, beginning at verse twenty-seven. Let me quote it — “And if any of the common people sin through ignorance, ɤɢɢɹ … then he shall bring his offering … and it shall be forgiven him.” So far so good. But don’t let us leave that parking area for a moment. I want to show you something else about the Divine attitude under the Levitical Law. Suppose, instead of through error, that automobile had been deliberately and defiantly parked in that prohibited area in full knowledge of the legal prohibition, but in contemptuous regard of it. What then? Well, where law on the purely human plane is concerned, there would appear to be little or no difference whether our offence had been committed in ignorance or in insubordination. But where Law on the Divine plane is concerned, what is God’s attitude to Insubordination? The Scripture uses one of those graphic expressions to describe the rebellious attitude. In Hebrew it is called ɤɮɸ ɣɩɮ, “with a high


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hand.” Interesting, isn’t it? We use this same figure of speech in English. Highhandedness. But the English meaning seems more to indicate an overbearing attitude, whereas the Hebrew connotation introduces more the performance of a rebellious action. How, then, does God view deliberate rebelliousness? We have seen that, where ignorance is concerned, there is Divine provision for it; but, where insubordination is concerned, it will come as a surprise to many to discover that there is neither Sin-Offering nor Guilt-Offering for it in the Mosaic Law.

In my opinion this deepens our interest in the petition of the Psalmist recorded in Psalm 19. Let me give you the Hebrew words followed by a very close English translation. ɩɰɷɰ ɺɥɸɺɱɰɮ ɯɩɡɩɚɩɮ ɺɥɠɩɢɹ ɭɺɩɠ ɦɠ ɩɡɚɥɬɹɮɩɚɬɠ ɪɣɡɲ ɪɹɧ ɭɩɣɦɮ ɭɢ ɡɸ ɲɹɴɮ ɩɺɩɷɰɥ “Who shall discern errors? From secrets cleanse me. Also from insolence restrain Your servant that they may not rule me; and I shall be clean from great rebellion.” (Psalm 19:13, 14; English tr. 19:12, 13) Do you notice that the Psalmist indicates that a knowledge for offenses of inadvertence and offenses of which he is yet unaware there is a Divine provision; but, as Rabbi Dr. A. Cohen, M.A., Ph.D., D.H.L, so very aptly puts it — When the baser side of his nature prompts him to do what he knows is wrong, he begs God to restrain him. Yes, my friends, from inadvertence the

Psalmist sought cleansing; but from presumptuous sins he sought only restraint.

A word of caution and, no doubt, I think a word of comfort is necessary here. As I have already indicated, there were five classes of offerings, and it is the total symbolism of all five marshalled together that gives us the complete view of the Divine outlook, attitude and provision. Indeed, I will go a step further I believe there exists a Jewish writing which throws a flood of light upon the Levitical economy. I also believe this Jewish writing to be as much a product of Divine inspiration as the book of Vayikra, Leviticus, itself; indeed I regard it as an integral part of our God-given Jewish Scriptures. I would like to introduce it to you, but before I do so, may we call to mind the words of Cicero — “The rabble estimate few things according to their real value, most things according to their prejudices.” (Oratio Pro Quinto Roscio Comoedo, X.29) Beloved friends, don’t let us join the rabble! If blinding prejudice springs up within us like some released jack-in-the-box, let the unbiased hand of willingness slam the lid on him. So shall our eyes be opened to behold wondrous things out of God’s Law. (Psalm 119:18) The Jewish writing to which I refer is known in Hebrew as ɭɩɸɡɲɠɚɤɬ ɺɸɢɠ, and in English as the Epistle to the Hebrews. The great composer Schubert wrote a magnificent piece of grand and glorious music which, because uncompleted, is now known

as “The Unfinished Symphony.” My friends, I am fully persuaded that our magnificent and glorious Tenach — Old Testament — is an unfinished symphony of the Divine redemptive purpose and can have no intelligible completion until linked with and reunited with that equally God-given body of Jewish Scripture known popularly as the New Testament, but to which I prefer to apply the title “New Covenant” because our Jewish prophet Jeremiah so refers to it in his 30th chapter. Within the pages of ɭɩɸɡɲɠɚɤɬ ɺɸɢɠ, the Epistle to the Hebrews, you will find this very beautiful teaching which throws a flood of light upon the Levitical offerings. In my next message I shall quote from ɭɩɸɡɲɠɚɤɬ ɺɸɢɠ, so you will keep listening, won’t you? Dr Lawrence Duff-Forbes (1900–1964) Founding Director of David House Fellowship Inc. This article is an extract from the very popular radio series, “Treasures From Tenach”, which are also transcribed. Both audio (click MP3 tab, then “091MutinyAvoided.mp3”, and transcriptions are available for free download at .

! March 2014


The Vineyard Vol 56, No 2 March 2014

David House Fellowship Inc. publishers of THE VINEYARD magazine. AIM: to express Christian Love to the house of Israel and to spread universally Messianic truth.

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