Active, Healthy & Engaged Summer News

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summer NEWS We’re rolling into summer and a whole new decade! Let’s recap some of the highlights from the last quarter: In October, we kicked up our heels at the historic Mosman Art Gallery and did some fancy footwork to the sounds of the Third Age Rock Orchestra at the Spring Fling. Our intrepid discussion groups took a tour of the ANTSO nuclear facility at Lucas Heights. Facilitated by Joy and Catherine, these groups are always open to learning new things, challenging each other, and having some good old-fashioned healthy debate. In November the Centre was home to the travelling Art of Ageing exhibit, featuring the stories of older people across rural Australia, opened by Professor Henry Brodaty (Ageing and Mental Health expert, UNSW). What an active Spring we’ve had! Looking ahead, we’re introducing some great new programs for 2020. We’re excited to announce that the always-engaging and multi-skilled Ros Tinker is starting a Book Discussion Group. In response to popular demand we will launch Mahjong lessons in 2020. Have you ever wondered what they were up to in the Qing Dynasty? They were playing Mahjong! The 2020 Seniors Festival will run from February 12 through 28. Drop into the Centre to pick up a handy Seniors Festival Guide detailing all the festival events. Classes will be free during the festival period, so this is the perfect opportunity to try out any of our groups.

9978 4128 | Civic Centre, Mosman Square Spit Junction

FREE NEWSLETTER for older adults

2020 Social Activities

Engage and have fun with many activities on offer

Eat & Drink

Enjoy themed lunches and entertainment programs



Explore incredible destinations around Sydney

OUR IMPACT IN 2018/2019



5,000 Trips

Older Adults came to the Centre Average

2,021 101

provided for older adults

Monthly Daily


consider the Transport Service to be Critical/ Very Important and can't manage without it


2,459 248

Hours received Instances of service


2,081 Hours 520 Instances of service




21 Events

Discussion Group - Social Club - Carers Group



Meals served at the Community Restaurant


to the restaurant to 48% Came meet up with friends


13,825 Meals delivered at home Average of 1,152 Meals delivered monthly 88%

Satisfied or very satisfied with food quality



Helped older adults in our community


Young adults with a disability 18-40 yrs old

360 Hours ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLASS Countries improved their English language skills

Community Transport (5%) Restaurant (9%)


Mosman Meals (48%)

Technology for Seniors (5%)

Community Visitors Scheme (5%) Social Support (22%)


647 Hours

Assisting people with their computer literacy and comfort with technology


7,392 Instances/ Sessions

67 Adults From 19

Centre Activities (6%)


292 People Improved their health through our Wellness Programs


837 Hours 74 Carers

Mosman Community Care & Seniors Centre 9978 4128 l Civic Centre, Mosman Square Spit Junction Numbers based on 2018/2019 data

from the editor Loneliness and how to connect with others Loneliness. It is a feeling we have all experienced at one time or another. It is about the feeling, and how destructive it can be on our health if left unchecked. According to latest research across the globe, loneliness has been estimated to shorten a person’s life by 15 years, equivalent in impact to being obese or smoking 15 cigarettes per day. The effects of loneliness and social isolation on health are so dire (a possible increase in risk of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, dementia and even suicide attempts), that it has reached the level of a worldwide epidemic. The United Kingdom even has a “Minister for Loneliness”! I was fortunate to attend CityTalks: We all have a role in supporting mental health and wellbeing on 29 October. The Hon Julia Gillard AC, chair, Beyond Blue, led a discussion around the complex issues of mental health and wellbeing. The take away message was very powerful: anxiety and worry also lead to loneliness and even homelessness. Now, we all know that people can be socially isolated and not feel lonely; they just prefer to be alone more often. Likewise, people can feel lonely even when surrounded by lots of people, especially if the interactions are not emotionally rewarding.

Still, we need others, and others need us. Being connected to others socially is widely considered a fundamental human need. Yet, an increasing portion of the western world population, especially older adults in our communities now experience isolation and anxiety regularly. Countering the negative effects of loneliness is not a one-size-fits-all proposition, and we need to look at different strategies. Here at the Mosman Square Seniors Centre, we offer different ways of being with others: Our Members Lounge and newly refurbished balcony are open to all community members and are free to use Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. You can enjoy complimentary tea or coffee; access to Wi-Fi and our computers. It is also a great space to meet with friends and play games of Chess, Bridge or Mahjong. If this does not interest you, we have 19 other organised groups including Art Class, Sketch Class, Lunchtime Concerts, Discussion Groups, Gentle Exercises, Tai Chi, and highly competitive Table Tennis Club, to name just a few. We host community lunches twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays, which is a wonderful way to make friends. We coordinate many day and evening trips to interesting locations all over Sydney area, so you can visit new places and share these experiences with others. Our careful programing of cultural and lifestyle activities means there is something for everyone! We invite you to come and see what we have to offer. We guarantee you will find something that piques your interest. It will be good for you, in so many ways!

The Hon. Julia Gillard with the panel from CityTalks.

Maya Jankovic Team Leader Community Care


care programs 2


Maintaining Your Wellbeing in Later Life Wellness and Reablement are the new industry buzz words. ‘Wellness’ means maintaining your health and well-being and ‘Reablement’ means regaining day-today functional capacity and independence. The Aged Care sector is working towards a model where these two concepts are embedded in all entry-level support services. For us, this means developing a Care Plan tailored to you based on your goals and needs. A Care Plan is a written document shared between the provider and you that promotes the goals of wellness and reablement. It could be as simple as identifying that you may be feeling lonely or isolated and may like to start participating in group activities, such as lunches at the Community Restaurant and making new friends.

On Thursday, 13 February 2020 and as part of Mosman Seniors Festival, Glen Sorensen from Age Communications will give a FREE 2 hour entertaining and informative presentation on the concept of wellness and its role in supporting you and your families and friends to live fulfilling lives. Drawing on his extensive experience in the industry and his own family story, Glen will outline and discuss essential factors that provide the keys to well-being for older adults. He will also explain how aged care providers such as Mosman Community Care can support you to maintain maximum independence. We invite all members of the community, including older adults and their families, to attend this free session. Bookings essential. Please call 9978 4128 to secure your spot.

maintaining wellness in later life



Support Join Glen Sorensen, Managing Director of Age Communications and author of two books on healthy ageing, for a fun and FREE session looking at the keys to wellbeing for older adults and learn how we can support you to get the best out of life. When: Thursday 13 February 2020 Time: 11:30am – 1:30pm Cost: FREE, light lunch provided Where: Mosman Square Seniors Centre, Main Hall Bookings: Visit or call 9978 4128

EveryAGE Counts Campaign This year has been a year of cultural shifts - ‘disruptive technology’, the ‘MeToo’ movement, ‘fake news’, political and media polarisation and the list goes on. Mosman Community Care started another cultural shift by joining in the launch of the everyAGE Counts Campaign. We were honoured to have Dr Kay Pattison, Age Discrimination Commissioner at Australian Human Rights Commission and advocate for everyAGE Counts Campaign attend our Art of Ageing Exhibition Launch on 14 November. The aim of the campaign is to smash the cultural norm known as ‘ageism’ and challenge the way people view older adults in our society. Ageism means that older adults often feel invisible, undervalued and irrelevant. The aim of everyAGE Counts is to shift entrenched negative social norms about older adults. The campaign also encourages people to open their minds, redefine what it means to be an older person, and to reframe the narrative around our older years as a time of continued growth, learning and positive impact on those around us. The EveryAGE Campaign invites you to participate in this exciting initiative - spread the word or take a pledge! For more information go to We also thought you might like to view these TED talk videos about Ageing that we found very good:

How To Live Passionately, No Matter Your Age allende_how_to_live_ passionately_no_matter_your_age

Let’s End Ageism

The Secret of Living Longer applewhite_let_s_end_ageism the_secret_to_living_longer_may_ be_your_social_life

VIP MEMBERSHIP VIP MEMBERSHIP ............................. Office use only .................... HMS ID Number....... /.............. Staff: ....................... Date of entry: ............ /........... non CHSP Over 55 [ ] Carer [ ] DFYG Under 65 [ ] 65 [ ] Eligible VIP: CHSP Over

Application Form

Doctor Name: ................ ................................ ................................ ................................ Practice/Addre ..... Phone: ................ ss: ………………………… ................................ ………………………… ... ………………………… ………………………… ………................ Allergies Medication: ................


...................... Food:

................................ Other: ................ ................................ ................................ ......................... ................................ ................................ Do you have any ................................ specific dietary ................................ requirements? .......... ………………………… ……………................ ................................ ................................ Do you have any ................................ medical conditio ................................ ns we should ...... be details aware ………………………… Your of? ……………................ ........................ ................................ First Name: ....................... .......... ................ ....................... ................ ....................... ................................ A bit more about ................................ Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss Surname: ................................. you ...... (DD/MM/YYYY): ....................... .................... Date of Birth Are you register Also known as: ....................... ed with MAC (My Aged Care) .......................................................... spoken: /s *Language Yes [ ] MAC Id: *Your home: ............................... ………………………… Own Home [ ] *Country of Birth: ....................... ………. No [ ] Yes [ ] No[ ] Private Rental Torres Strait Islander? [ ] Public Rental [ *Your living arrange *Do you identify as Aboriginal/ ] Retirement ment: Alone Gender: …………………………. Village [ ] [ ] With Spouse/partner ……………….......................................... *Benefit Allowan [ ] With carer ……………………………………………………… ce/Income: Aged [ ] Address: …………………………………… [ ] Disability ……...………… [ ] Carer [ ] Post Code: ………………… Vet Affairs [ ] Other …………… Type: …………… ………………………………………….. ……………………….. ………………………… ……………………………………………………… . .. Self-funded Do you [ ] have a carer: Yes [ ] No [ .................................................................. ] (Your carer is Mobile: .............................................. ....... someon live ....................... at e home who is unpaid, and independently. Phone: ....................... .......... assists you to It can be your spouse/ .............................................. ....................... partner, child or Do you receive ..................................................................... other) any support from Email: (In Capital Letters) other organis ations? Yes If yes, please specify [ ] No …..…………………… [ ] ………………………… ………….……………… Emergency contact ………………………… ..................... Do you experi ………………… Relationship: ....................... ence any of the following? ................................................................. Name: .............................................. Memory problem s/confusion [ ] Mobility problem ……………….......................................... s[ ] Do you have a ……………………………………………………… Other [ ] …………… mobility aid? (Please ………………………… Address: …………………………………… ……...………… specify e.g. walking …….. Post Code: ………………… stick, wheelchair) ………………… ………………… ……………………….. How did you .…………… ……………………………………………………… hear about us? (Please circle) .................... ....................... .............................................. Friend/Family ....... Mobile: ....................... Website ... Phone: .............................................. Newsletter ..................................................................... Doctor ..................................................................... Hospital Another Organis Media Email: (In Capital Letters)........ ation ................................ ....................... Other ................................ Yes [ ] No [ ] ................................ you? for caring .................... this person a family member

Junction NSW 2088 Square | PO Box 211, Spit niors A Civic Centre, Mosman au | W P 9978 4128 | E community.


member registration form If you would like to use our facilities or attend any of the activities or outings offered through the Centre, please come in and ask for a Membership Form or give us a call on 9978 4119 and we will mail or email one out to you. Alternatively visit our website to complete the free, online registration form.


seniors festival advert



carers program “Caring can be such a solitary role. For me, Mosman Carers Group has allowed me to share with others in a similar position. I have been able to reduce my stress levels, improve my coping skills and generally feel better about continuing in my caring role. The Group has also helped me with referrals for legal advice and counselling services.” - Carers Group participant feedback. Carers Group can be a haven during tough times Mosman Carers Group has been a source of support, information, friendship and wonderful guest speakers for nearly 16 years. The group meets weekly to discuss topics including legal advice, compassion fatigue, understanding and supporting a person with Dementia, and looking after yourself (very important). We also take part in group activities such as seated yoga, meditation and relaxation which are so good for reducing stress. The benefits of meeting people who are experiencing similar issues and hearing the experienced guest speakers who address the group are invaluable, so if you are caring for someone with a disability, chronic illness or dementia do yourself a favour, join us on any Wednesday morning from 10am - 12pm. You don’t have to come every week. The meetings are free and you can find a full list of guest speakers on Councils website. Or you may like to join our (chat) and Sketch Class on the third Tuesday of the month from 10am - 12pm. Includes coffee, tea and a light lunch all for $10. Artist Peter Turnbull gives us valuable tips to help improve our sketching skills. All older adults are welcome including those with memory loss or mobility problems. A great opportunity for Carers and those they are caring for to have a fun morning out together. If you would like more details about either of these programs, or if you just want to have a chat, please do not hesitate to contact the Carers Program Coordinator on 9978 4089 (Tues and Wed) or contact 9978 4119 for more information.

caring for carers progam Every Wednesday 10am–12pm Harnett Room, Civic Centre, Mosman Council

Upcoming events 15 January “Services available for Carers,” Community Care Staff talk. 5 February “Medications and using them correctly,” local Pharmacist. 4 March “Dealing with Loss and Grief,” Nathan MacArthur, Accredited Mental Health Social Worker. 11 March “Carer Consultation - making Mosman Age Friendly, Dementia Friendly and Carer Friendly,” Dianne Page, Mosman Council Social Planner and Andrew Smith, Community Services Manager. 4th Wednesday every month “Seated Yoga, Relaxation and Meditation” with Jo Tauro, Yoga Instructor. Please note these programs are for carers only. If you would like to be part of this group, please call 9978 4089.


social activities Dancing for health and for fun!

Games 2


Outdoor area ready for summer We are excited to announce that our balcony area has had a make over and is now available for your use at all times during opening hours. Thanks to a generous donation from Jack’s Bequest, we have been able to invest in new comforable seating and tables, as well as all weather blinds which can be raised and lowered as desired in response to the weather. This is a great area to have your lunch, play board games with friends or just sit and have a chat. Remember, the Centre offers complimentary tea and coffee as well as free high speed Wi-Fi. You can also purchase a sandwich at any time from our service desk. Why not pop in next time you are at the Centre and take a look?


Dancing is one of the best ways to keep both the mind and the body active. It keeps us fit, builds and upholds our muscles, and helps us remain flexible and coordinated as we age. Dancing is also beneficial for our brains as it combines cardiovascular exercise with split-second decision making, taxing our neural network and helping ward off dementia. Stuart has been Sequence dancing for ten years. “A lot of people retire and don’t have a plan,” he says. “They end up sitting in front of the box or going to the pub. I decided to take part in the sequence dance classes offered here on Tuesday afternoons. We learn all sorts of ballroom rhythms such as the Quickstep, Foxtrot, Tango and Pasa Doble. It’s a wonderfully fun group, very friendly. I recommend it and encourage everyone to come and join us.” The Seniors Centre have three dance classes scheduled each week: Sequence Social Dance on Tuesday afternoons from 2.15-4.30pm, the ‘Let’s Dance’ contemporary classes with Ros Tinker on Thursday afternoons (from Term 2) and Zumba on Friday mornings from 9-10am. With all the known health advantages dancing has - from physical, through social, to mental - why not come along and give it a whirl?

challenge yourself!

new! open games afternoon

new! mahjong lessons

Come and enjoy an afternoon in our air conditioned Lounge meeting new people and playing board games of your choice. We provide a selection of games as well as free tea, coffee and light refreshments. Come on your own or bring a group of friends. Everyone is welcome! When: Fridays from 2–4.30pm Price: FREE For Information: please call 9978 4128

Ever wanted to come and play Mahjong but didn’t know how to get started? Now’s your chance! Learn European Mahjong in a relaxed and friendly environment. Mahjong is an easy and fun Chinese game of skill using picture tiles and dice. When: Thursdays from 10am–1pm Price: $20 for the 10 week term starting 30 Jan Bookings Essential: Group size limited to six. Call 9978 4128 to reserve your place

book discussion group

beginners table tennis

Join facilitator Ros Tinker and the group. We encourage reading, learning, thinking and sharing thoughts and ideas as we meet together weekly. Every term a new, thought-provoking non-fiction book is selected. Participants are asked to buy the book and read two or three chapters per week. When: Fridays 1.30pm–3pm Price: $50 for the 9 week term starting 7 Feb. Includes tea, coffee and a light lunch Bookings Essential: please call 9978 4128

In order to cater for the ever-increasing number of you wanting to play Table Tennis, we have organised a second weekly session on Friday afternoons for new players. Please note, this group is not open to people who play in the Wednesday session. Beginners are encouraged to join! When: Friday 2.30pm–4.30pm Bookings Essential: please call 9978 4128


mosman meals Eat well for Summer! It is important for your mind and your body to stay hydrated over the summer months. Drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy, high-fibre foods. Aim to drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of fluid a day This may sound like a lot, but these fluids do not have to just be water. If you are underweight, eating poorly or losing weight, nourishing fluids are best, for example milk, smoothies, fruit juice, soups, etc. Did you know that Mosman Meals include a free apple or orange juice if you buy a ‘meal package’ of soup, main meal and dessert? Choose wholemeal or wholegrain bread Mosman Meals offer a daily selection of fresh wholemeal, multigrain and rye bread sandwiches. Include plenty of vegetables and/or salad in your diet Unlike many inferior supermarket meals, all Mosman Meals home-style meals are served with a selection of fresh vegetables. Mosman Meals also has a variety of fresh salads on the menu this summer including salmon and egg, wagyu beef, roast chicken with sweet potato, spinach and ricotta, tuna nicoise, chicken and risoni pasta, smoky BBQ pork with coleslaw and potato salad, egg, ham, tuna or cheese. Include legumes Games 2 Support Several of Mosman Meals casseroles, curries and soups contain kidney or cannellini beans, chickpeas or lentils. Enjoy fibre-rich desserts Mosman Meals have a variety of delicious fibre-rich desserts such fruit crumble, baked apples, stewed fruit and fruit-filled jellies, all served with cream, custard or yoghurt. Eat well, enjoy the warm weather and increase your independence with Mosman Meals, available for home-delivery or to take away from our kitchen. We are a flexible service, offering both long and short-term assistance. New customers will need to register by contacting our CARE Team on 9978 4119. For existing customers, contact 9978 4130 or email:


Australia Day BBQ

Valentines Day High Tea with the Mayor

24 jan

Chinese Banquet

14 feb

27 mar

summer ‘themed lunches’ Join us for one of our special Community Restaurant themed lunches. Come with your friends - or come on your own and meet some new friends. Our lunches are a great way to meet new people over a delicious three course meal with a glass of wine and tea or coffee. Our themed lunches are very popular so book early to make sure you do not miss out. Price: $15, includes a delicious three course meal and a glass of wine Transport and Lunch deal: $20. Door to door transport and a 3 course lunch Bookings Essential: Please call 9978 4128 to reserve your seat

community restaurant

meals - free home delivery

The perfect place to meet friends while enjoying a delicious three-course lunch with your choice of juice, tea or coffee and a glass of wine. ‘Cheap Tuesdays’ are every 1st Tuesday of the month. Group bookings are welcomed. Why not bring your friends?

Our home-style fresh and frozen meals, soups, salads, sandwiches and desserts are well-priced and delivered directly to your home, Monday to Friday 11am-12pm. We can deliver daily, weekly or on a short term basis (following surgery or hospital stay). We deliver to Mosman and neighbouring areas of Cremorne and Neutral Bay.

When: Every Tuesday and Friday Price: ‘Cheap Tuesdays’ $10 / Normal days $12 Bookings: please call 9978 4128

Bookings: please call 9978 4130


Community Transport

Do you find it hard to get where you need to go? Do you feel isolated? Would you like to maintain your independence and improve your social life? Community Transport is a government subsidised service that supports you to live a happy, healthy and fullfilling life by making it easier to get around and stay socially connected. The service is especially designed to help to get you to medical appointments, participate in social activities, do your shopping and maintain independent living at home.

What services does Community Transport offer? A range of services are offered including: y Door to door transport to and from your destination y Flexible pick up times to suit your needs y Vehicles suitable for wheelchairs and people with specific mobility needs y Vehicles that can accomodate small groups

Who can use Community Transport? Community Transport may be available to people who have limited transport options and who meet certain eligibility criteria. You may be eligible if you are over 65 and live in Mosman or the neighbouring areas. New customers will need to register by contacting our CARE Team on 9978 4119. For existing customers, contact 9978 4120 to make a tranport booking.


Monday Shopping Bus Are you an early riser? Do you like to get groceries sorted first thing in the morning or do you prefer to make an afternoon of it, meet a friend for coffee and shop at your own pace? Mosman Community Transport offers options to suit your needs. Monday Shopping bus offers door to door transport from your home to Bridgepoint Shopping Centre and back with almost two hours to be spent shopping, dining and catching up with friends. Pickups start at 8.45am and 1.30pm every Monday.

feel important which is nice. Once they’ve dropped me off, I get to look around for a couple of hours. I might meet a friend for coffee or do a bit of shopping but I always like to get out of the house in the afternoon and see what’s happening. It’s a bit of company and I very much enjoy having the service available.” If you would like to have the bus come and pick you up from your home and take you to the Bridgepoint Shopping Centre, collect you again after two hours and then drive you home once more, please contact Mosman Community Transport on 9978 4120.

Regular Monday Shopping Buss participant Margaret has been using this service for a number of years now. “This is a wonderful service. I’ve always enjoyed shopping and I love to come up to Bridgepoint on the bus. Robert the driver is so nice and there is always a carer such as the lovely Karen on the bus to make sure I get on and off safely. I appreciate that the bus is always on time and they help me with my parcels. They chat with me and then drop me up to the shopping centre. They make me

introducing: tuesday cinema club Love going to the movies? Looking for some new friends to go with? Why not come and be a part of our new Cinema Club? Join us on the last Tuesday of each month as we venture out to some of Sydney’s most iconic independent theatres for matinee screenings of international and home-grown movies on the big screen. Details to be announced one week in advance. Share your thoughts on the movie over a meal. When: 4th Tuesday of the month, 9am–3pm Price: $22 includes door to door transport. Movie ticket and lunch at own expense. Bookings Essential: Please call 9978 4120.


walkingRevisit group Sydney. Relive memories. Join the group of enthusiastic walkers keen on revisiting and rediscovering breathtaking corners of the harbour city. Walks are held 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10.15am - 2.30pm.

jan 14

feb 11

mar 10


Narrabeen Lake Trail

Glebe Foreshore Park

Not just a start to finish walk, Barangaroo Reserve’s clever design allows you to take in spectacular views of the harbour and surrounds from multiple vantage points.

This stunning circuit track around Narrabeen Lake is popular with walkers due to the natural beauty of thriving bushland and the abundance of birdlife.

This scenic walk takes you from Bicentennial and Jubilee Parks in Glebe to the Sydney Fish Market in Pyrmont, and offers great views of the Sydney CBD and harbour.

The Walking Group requires a moderate level of fitness with a minimum of 60 minutes walking sometimes through bushland. Good walking shoes required. Cost is $22. Lunch and Ferry at own expense. Please check with your medical professional before starting any fitness activity.

Tuesdayseecinema club great films. make new friends. Join the group of like-minded movie buffs on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 9am - 3pm to see films at independent cinemas around Sydney including the Palace in Leichardt and the Dendy in Newtown. Details to be announced one week in advance. Catch a great film and stay afterwards for friendly discussion. Different venues every month. Cost is $22. Movie ticket and lunch at own expense.

jan 28


feb 25

mar 24

Out & aboutdiscover sydney’s hidden gems. Out & About on Wednesdays is a social day program for less mobile people. These excursions are a full day 9am - 4pm and are fully supervised by staff and volunteers.


Program Details

8 January

Morning tea at Bobbin Head. Lunch at Fish Cafe, Brooklyn.

15 January

Morning tea at Parramatta Lake. Lunch at Wattamogah Pub.

22 January

Morning tea at Georges River Park. Lunch at Lugarno Restaurant.

29 January


5 February

Morning tea at Bicentennial Park. Lunch at Nepean Rowing Club.

12 February

Morning tea at Palm Beach then cruise around Pittwater. Lunch at Palm Beach on our return.

19 February

Morning tea at Roseville National Park. Lunch at Anzac Village.

26 February

Morning tea at Manly Dam. Lunch at Drummoyne Sailing Club.

4 March

Morning tea at Glebe Walk Park. Lunch at Sydney Rowing Club.

11 March

Morning tea at Kurnell. Lunch at Taren Point Bowling Club.

18 March

Morning tea at Cromwell Park, Malabar. Lunch at the Union Hotel.

25 March

Morning tea at Carss Park. Lunch at the Como Hotel.

Cost of each excursion is $22 and includes door to door transport. Lunch is at your own expense. Bookings are essential.

If you are new to us you will need to register by contacting our CARE Team on 9978 4119 before coming on a Community Transport outing. Existing registered customers, please call 9978 4120 to make bookings.


tastes of sydney the best our city has to offer. We have some of the worlds’ finest cuisines right here on our doorstep - and our Tastes of Sydney group is here to help you experience some of the best this city has to offer. A monthly social dining event on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 5pm - 10pm for people who want to socialise over dinner and meet new people. Come alone or bring a friend. Everyone is welcome.

feb 20

jan 16

mar 19

Portuguese - Petersham

Modern Australian - Manly

Yum Cha - Kingsford

You’re in for a treat when it comes to Portuguese food – dishes such as salted fish, hearty stews and more. Join us for a lovely evening out.

Housed in the original boiler house building of Quarantine Station, this unique restaurant brings you the best of modern cuisine.

Let’s go east! Join us for a fun and sociable meal of pork buns, crispy prawn toast, spring rolls, dumplings and more.

Gloria’s Portuguese Cafe, 82 Audley St, Petersham.

Boilerhouse Restaurant & Bar, The Q Station, Manly.

South Juniors Club, 558A Anzac Pde, Kingsford.

Cost of each excursion is $22 which includes door-to-door transport. Dinner is at your own expense. Tickets are non refundable. Credit is given for another trip if cancellation made with five working days notice. Minimum 3 passengers required to run this trip.



....................... Office use only .................... HMS ID Number...... /.............. Staff: ....................... Date of entry: ............ /........... non CHSP Over 55 [ ] Carer [ ] DFYG Under 65 [ ] 65 [ ] Eligible VIP: CHSP Over


Application Form

Junction NSW 2088 Square | PO Box 211, Spit niors A Civic Centre, Mosman au | W P 9978 4128 | E community

Your details

........................ First Name: ....................... ........................................................ Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss Surname: ................................. (DD/MM/YYYY): ....................... .................... Date of Birth Also known as: ....................... ............ /s spoken: .............................................. ............................... *Language *Country of Birth: ....................... Yes [ ] No[ ] /Torres Strait Islander? Aboriginal as identify *Do you Gender: …………………………. ……………….......................................... ……………………………………………………… Address: …………………………………… ……...………… Post Code: ………………… …….. ………………… ………………… ……………………………………………………… .................... ..................................................................... ....... Mobile: ....................... Phone: .............................................. .......... .............................................. ....................... ..................................................................... Email: (In Capital Letters)

Emergency contact


Name: ..............................................


Relationship: .......................

……………….......................................... ……………………………………………………… ……...………… …….. Post Code: …………………

Address: ……………………………………

…………………………………… ………………………………………………………

.................... ..................................................................... ....... Mobile: ....................... ... Phone: .............................................. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... Email: (In Capital Letters)........ *Is this person a family


member caring for you?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

Doctor Name: ................ ................................ ................................ ............................... Practice/Addre ...... Phone: ................ ss: ………………………… ................................ ………………………… ... ………………………… ………………………… ………................ Allergies Medication: ............... ................................ ....................... Food: ................................ Other: ................ ................................ ................................ ......................... ................................ ................................ Do you have any ................................ specific dietary ................................ requirements? .......... ………………………… ……………................ ................................ ................................ Do you have any ................................ medical conditi ................................ ons we should ...... be aware of? ………………………… ……………................ ................................ ............................... ................................ A bit more about ................................ you ....... Are you register ed with MAC (My Aged Care) Yes [ ] MAC Id: *Your home: ………………………… Own Home [ ] ………. No [ ] Private Rental [ ] Public Rental [ *Your living arrange ] Retirement ment: Alone Village [ ] [ ] With Spouse/partner *Benefit Allowan [ ] With carer ce/Income: Aged [ ] [ ] Disability [ ] Carer [ ] Vet Affairs [ ] Other …………… Type: …………… ……………………….. ………………………… . .. Self-funded Do you have a [ ] carer: Yes [ ] No [ ] (Your carer is someon live at home indepen e who is unpaid, dently. It can be and assists you your spouse/partner, to Do you receive child or other) any support from other organis ations? Yes If yes, please specify [ ] No [ ] …..…………………… ………………………… ………….……………… ………………………… Do you experi ………………… ence any of the following? Memory problem s/confusion [ ] Mobility problem s[ ] Do you have a Other [ ] …………… mobility aid? (Please ………………………… specify e.g. walking stick, wheelchair) ……………………….. How did you .…………… hear about us? (Please circle) Friend/Family Website Newsletter Doctor Hospital Another Organis Media ation ................................ ....................... Other ................................ ................................ ....................

member registration form If you would like to use our facilities or attend any of the activities or outings offered through the Centre, please come in and ask for a Membership Form or give us a call on 9978 4119 and we will mail or email one out to you. Alternatively visit our website to complete the free, online registration form.

weekend explorer join us on vibrant excursions! Weekend Explorer is for active older adults who are interested in a day long trip in the Greater Sydney Region and surrounds. These Saturday excursions are a full day and require a high level of mobility.

jan 11

jan 25

feb 8

Mountain Wandering

Central Coast Delights

South Coast Beach Beauties

We take the scenic route to Wentworth Falls for morning tea and views over the Sydney basin. Lunch in Mt Victoria where we recommended a visit to the Mt Victoria Historical Society Museum.

Join us for a tour of beautiful Toukley. Visit the District Art Gallery before travelling past the lakes and on to the ever popular Swansea beach district.

Join us for a trip south along beautiful cliffside highways. Morning Tea at Bulli Beach before travelling on to Kiama for lunch and a look at the famous blow hole!

feb 22

mar 14

mar 28

Gardens and Lakes

Wine and Churches

Southern Highlands Escape

We think you will be pleasantly suprised by a visit to the Bamboo Buddha cafe for a stroll and morning tea. Afterwards we continue on to Terrigal for lunch.

Journey out to Ebenezer to visit Australia’s oldest church, established 1809. Afterwards, stop for a wine tasting at the boutique Tizzana Winery before lunch in Windsor.

Enjoy morning tea at the spectacular waterfall in Fitzroy Falls before travelling on to Kangaroo Valley for lunch. Enjoy spectacular views of prime dairy country.

Cost of each excursion is $40. Lunch and Ferry at own expense. Bookings Essential. Tickets non refundable. Credit is given for another trip if cancellation made with five working days notice. Passengers need to be at Council car park by 8.45am and the bus leaves at 9am sharp.

If you are new to us you will need to register by contacting our CARE Team on 9978 4119. For existing customers and all bookings contact 9978 4120.


we want to hear from you! You might be aware that recently Council has changed its phone system and this included a total upgrade of the phone system here at Mosman Community Care. As we navigated through this new system, we may have missed some of your calls, which went straight to voicemails. We want to ensure that moving forward all your customer calls and correspondences to us be answered on time. Here is our Customer Service Charter to remind you of our and your responsibilities.

Our Commitment To You y We will act with integrity while providing friendly, courteous, respectful and efficient service y We will listen carefully, identify your requirements and act on them accordingly y We will communicate openly with you and keep you informed y We will treat your personal information confidentially and according to law



y We will use your feedback to improve our service y We will help you to access our services if required

Our Service Standards y You may contact us Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 9978 4128 y We will answer your call promptly and if we are unable to take your call we will respond to your message within 1 business day y We aim to attend to your counter enquiry within 10 minutes y We will respond to your correspondence within 10 working days y If your matter is more complex we will keep you informed of progress

We Ask That You y Are courteous and respectful to our staff and volunteers y Respect the rights of other patrons attending our Centre y Allow us adequate time to address your request y Provide clear, complete and accurate information, including your relevant contact details

send your Feedback We welcome your suggestions and feedback to help us continually improve. If we should fall short in any respect in our service, we encourage you to contact us so that the matter can be resolved promptly according to our Complaints Handling Policy. For all feedback and suggestions related to Mosman Community Care, please email Maya Jankovic, Team Leader Community Care at or phone 9978 4129. Your feedback and suggestions help us get better at helping our community!


CLASSES 1.00pm – 2.30pm

1 and 3 Monday

1.30pm – 3.30pm Summer 2020 Schedule In the Lounge, Volunteers Lounge and Harnett Room In the hall

in the hall




Meets alternate Thursdays 10.30am – 12.30pm

Summer Schedule 2020




MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY TECHNOLOGY CLASSES - One on one computer tuition available 9.00amTHURSDAY – 4.00pm Call 9978 4128 for bookings. TAI CHI GENTLE EXERCISE GENTLE EXERCISE ZUMBA GOLD 9.00am – 10.00am 9.15am SKETCH - 10.15amCLASS 9.00am - 10.00am 9.00am – 10.00am MAHJONG SCRABBLE CHESS GROUP N E W ! Lounge GROUP 2.00pm - 4.00pm 9.00am – 12.00pm 3rd Tuesday LEARN MAHJONG Free WiFi, Tea 2.00pm –DANCE 4.00pmFOR 10.00am 1.00pm and Coffee BEGINNERS 10.00am GENTLE EXERCISE PARKINSON’S GENTLE EXERCISE NE W! GAMES available all dayTAI CHI 12.00pm U3A 10.30am - 11.30am – 11.15am 10.00am – 12.00pm 10.00am - 11.00am OPEN10.15am 10.15am - 11.15am SESSION 60 min class followed 2.00pmby – 4.30pm refreshments Harnett Room HALL AVAILABLE Civic Building FOR HIRE 11.30pm – 1.00pm

CARERS PROGRAM 10.00am - 12.00pm Harnett Room


Volunteers’ ART CLASS SOCIAL DANCE PERIODIC TUESDAY PLAY Lounge (all media) READING(Ballroom/Sequence) 2.15pm – 4.30pm 1st and 3rd Monday 1.30pm – 4.00pm 1.30pm – 3.30pm




HALL AVAILABLE FOR HIRE 11.15am – 12.45pm

LUNCHTIME TABLE TENNIS BOOK DISCUSSION DISCUSSION CONCERT 2.30pm – 4.30pm GROUP GROUP SERIES 4th Thursday 1.30pmNew – 3.00pm Players Only Meets alternate 1.00pm – 2.30pm Thursdays Beginners Welcome 10.30am – 12.30pm QI GONG WITH STEWART

HALL HIRE AVAILABLE In the hall 3.00pm – 4.00pm Call 9978 4128 Summer 2020 Schedule TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY InMONDAY the Lounge, Volunteers Lounge and Harnett Room inTAIthe lounge, volunteers lounge and harnett roomGENTLE EXERCISE GENTLE EXERCISE ZUMBA GOLD Out &CHI About 9.00am – 10.00am 9.15am - 10.15am 9.00am - 10.00am 9.00am – 10.00am

LOCATION MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY TECHNOLOGY CLASSES - One on one computer tuition available 9.00am – 4.00pm DANCE FOR BEGINNERS GENTLE EXERCISE Call 9978 4128 forGENTLE bookings. PARKINSON’S TASTES OF SHOPPING BUS WALKING GROUP DOOR TO DOOR SATURDAY OUT & ABOUT EXERCISE U3A TAI CHI 10.30am - 11.30am nd SYDNEY SHUTTLE TO BUS TRIPS 10.15am – 11.15am SOCIAL CLUB 2 Tuesday Weekly 10.00am – 12.00pm 10.00am 11.00am 10.15am - 11.15am GROUP MAHJONG SCRABBLE NE60 CLASSexceptCHESS WCOMMUNITY ! rd Lounge Weekly 5th 1st and 3rd Saturday min class followed of the monthSKETCH 3 Thursday rd – 12.00pm - 4.00pm LEARN MAHJONG 9.00am – 3pm RESTAURANT Wednesday of9.00am the by refreshments GROUP Free WiFi, Tea – 2.30pm3 Tuesday of the month Pick ups at2.00pm10.15am 2.00pm – 4.00pm 10.00am 1.00pm 10.00ammonth and Coffee Every Friday 8.45am and 1.30pm Dinner Night WEEKEND CINEMA CLUB 12.00pm available all day 11.30am – 2.30pm 9.00am – 4.00pm HALL AVAILABLE COMMUNITY COMMUNITY Program NE W! GAMES HALL AVAILABLE EXPLORER 4th Tuesday FOR HIRE RESTAURANT RESTAURANT 5.00pm – 10.00pm OPEN SESSION FOR HIRE 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month 12.30pm – 2.00pm 12.30pm – 2.00pm 11.30pm – 1.00pm 2.00pm 9.00am – 4.30pm 11.15am – 12.45pm – 5.00pm 9.00am – 3.00pm ARTHarnett CLASS Room TUESDAY SOCIAL DANCE Civic Building (all media) (Ballroom/Sequence) 2.15pm – 4.30pm 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Volunteers’ Lounge

PERIODIC AFTER HOURSPLAY AND READING HALL HIRE AVAILABLE 1st and 3rd Monday Call 9978 –4128 1.30pm 3.30pm

TABLE TENNIS 1.00pm-4.30pm

CARERS LUNCHTIME PROGRAM CONCERT SERIES 10.00am4-th 12.00pm Thursday Harnett Room 1.00pm – 2.30pm

TABLE TENNIS 2.30pm – 4.30pm New Players Only Beginners Welcome

QI GONG WITH ENGLISH DISCUSSION STEWART CONVERSATION GROUP CLASSES Meets alternate 3.00pm – 4.00pm 1.00pm – 2.30pm Thursdays 10.30am – 12.30pm


1.30pm – 3.00pm

Out & About Inout theand hallabout MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY TASTES OF SHOPPING BUS WALKING GROUP DOOR TO DOOR SATURDAY OUT & ABOUT SYDNEY GENTLE EXERCISE SHUTTLE TO SOCIAL CLUB Weekly 2nd GENTLE Tuesday EXERCISE BUS TRIPS TAI CHI ZUMBA GOLD rd Weekly except 5th COMMUNITY Saturday 1st and– 310.00am month- 10.15am 3rd Thursday9.00am - 10.00am 9.00am – 10.00am of the9.15am 9.00am 9.00am – 3pm RESTAURANT 10.15am – 2.30pm Wednesday of the of the month Pick ups at month Every Friday 8.45am and 1.30pm Dinner Night DANCE FOR BEGINNERS WEEKEND CINEMA CLUB GENTLE EXERCISE 11.30am – 2.30pm 9.00am – 4.00pm PARKINSON’S U3A Program GENTLE EXERCISE TAI CHI EXPLORER 10.30am - 11.30am 4th Tuesday 10.15am – 11.15am 10.00am –5.00pm 12.00pm– 10.00pm 10.00am - 11.00am 10.15am - 11.15am 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month 60 9.00am min class– followed 5.00pm 9.00am – 3.00pm by refreshments

HALL AVAILABLE FOR HIRE 11.30pm – 1.00pm


HALL AVAILABLE FOR HIRE 11.15am – 12.45pm


quick contacts


Games 2

All general enquiries Reception 9978 4128

For bookings and enquries:

Call 9978 4128

or email Website Register your email to receive event updates and news:

Team Leader Maya Jankovic 9978 4129 Intake and CARE Programs Sally Severino 9978 4056 Linda Ponce 9978 4119 Centre Activities Olivier Strobel 9978 4128


Community Transport Nitesh Gurbani 9978 4120


Restaurant (Tue/Fri) Claire Mullins 9978 4130

Games 2

Mosman Meals Katrina Jolley 9978 4130 Carers Program (Tue/Wed) Liz Nagel 9978 4089 Volunteers Cherelle Martin 9978 4126 My Aged Care Federal Government Gateway 1800 200 422 Federal Government Gateway Games 2 for Carers 1800 422 737 Mosman Council Customer Service 9978 4000


9978 4128 | Civic Centre, Mosman Square Spit Junction

Newsletter available online at community/seniors/latestnewsletter/

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