Over 55s Newsletter July Aug Sept 2014

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July, August, September 2014




2014 Volunteers’ Week ANZAC Day lunch Tax Help program Our big news! Encounters with Bali Mosman Memories Library Author Evening Mosman Care Café Where did Bingo originate? Bridge Builders At the Movies Walkers wanted

Mahin Naraghi

Volunteer for 10 years MOSMAN SQUARE SENIORS CENTRE Mosman Council Aged & Disability Services Civic Centre, Mosman Square Mosman 2088 Telephone: 9978 4128

Computer Pals Mosman Rider Winter timetable

Quick Phone List Activities

Olivier Strobel

Seniors’ Activities Co-ordinator

9978 4128

Information, Referrals & Support & social support

Lyn Kelleher

Community Support Officers

9978 4119


Dianne Gillings

Community Transport Coordinator

9978 4120


Mary Magnus

Community Restaurant Coordinator

9978 4123

Meals on Wheels

Denise Lethbridge

Client Liaison Officer

9978 4130

Meals on Wheels

Katrina Jolley

Food Services Coordinator

9978 4130

Carers & Volunteers

Liz Nagel

Volunteers/Carers Coordinator

9978 4089

Chantel Kerr

Mobile: 041978 4089 Volunteers

Ryan Mouthaan Volunteers Support Officer

9978 4126

Newsletter now available on-line at www.mosman.nsw.gov.au 2

From the Editor’s Desk Dear Readers, Welcome back to this Winter edition of the Over 55s Newsletter covering July, August and September 2014! We hope you are keeping warm - time to check your smoke alarms if you haven’t done so already. We would love you to join us for more activities, lunches and good times at the Seniors Centre. Please remember we’re here to provide you with important services such as Meals On Wheels, Community Transport and Social Support, so please contact us if you need any assistance. In this newsletter you will find details of all our contact information, activities and services offered at Mosman Council Aged and Disability Services. The Centre will again host the Tax Help Program. Our resident Tax Help specialist John will be back Friday afternoons; he can assist you to lodge your tax return depending on your situation. Bookings essential.

Our Big News: The Seniors Centre is updating! The main hall, our office and lounge area will be refurbished so we have more effective and operational surrounds for our services and activities. Our services and most activities WILL NOT stop. More information will be provided about the refurbishment soon, as it is due to start around October. Though Centre activities will be affected only minimally please keep an eye on our notice boards for updates and ask us if you have any queries. Also, Mosman Council has reviewed and adopted its Pricing Policy. Please note prices for Transport, Community Restaurant, Meals On Wheels, Saturday Respite and all activities change from 1July. Activities News; Thursday Yoga class introduced by Healthy Lifestyle on Thursday mornings is temporarily cancelled due to unfilled classes. A new option is for Pilates to replace it; same time Thursdays 10.30 –11.30am. We would love to hear from you if you’re interested in joining this new class. Contact Olivier or direct to Michele @ Healthy Lifestyle P: 8877 5300. We need approximately 10-15 participants to make this a permanent Thursday class. We wish you all a good Winter and hope to see you soon at the Centre. Remember if you are new to the Community Restaurant you can have your first meal for free! Why not come and enjoy some or all of our hearty lunches this Winter along with some great entertainment. The next theme lunch is the French Banquet on 25 July. We hope to see you there! From the ADS Team 3 To book any of the activities mentioned above please call 9978 4128.

News from the Community Restaurant Welcome back to the Community Restaurant for the Winter term. Winter! the weather as I write this, (in May) is so amazingly beautiful, that it's hard to imagine Winter is on it's way! Everyone seems to be enjoying some of the new meals on our Winter menu, although some not so well received and others a real hit, like the new dessert known as the Impossible Pie, a lemon and coconut custard concoction which has been a huge success...yum! Our three theme lunches for April, May and June were a great deal of fun and I know you've all enjoyed the students visiting us from Mosman High. Sometimes they put on a small ‘act’ of some kind, sometimes they just sit and chat to us - either way their company is very enjoyable. They will be visiting again on Friday 18 July and Friday 5 September; please try to come along and make them welcome. It is so interesting to hear about their studies and life, I’m sure they find it equally interesting to hear about yours. We have three more theme lunches coming up, so remember to book your tickets with Olivier early. Friday 25 July will be the French Banquet; easily one of our most popular lunches so reserve your seats and your friends, if you're bringing people along! Friday 29 August will be a Scottish lunch, but I promise NO Haggis! Friday 26 September is a Japanese lunch. This should be beautiful as we have a Japanese member of staff and a lovely Japanese volunteer, Akiko, who will help me organise this lunch. Unfortunately I will be away in September, in Sicily, celebrating some friends' BIG birthdays. I know you will be in good hands, as Vicki, Katrina, Olivier and Angela will be here to ensure all runs smoothly. Thank you. Cheers from the Community Restaurant, Mary the Kitchen Fairy! 4

Mary Magnus The Kitchen Fairy!


Our Community Restaurant enjoyed the ANZAC lunch. The food was delicious as usual and the room was filled with music from our regular and very talented musicians.


Are you eating enough nutritious food? Eating enough means being able to maintain a healthy weight and even having a little extra weight ‘in reserve’ for times of illness or stress. Good nutrition improves well being and wound healing Good nutrition helps to preserve bone mass and maintain muscle strength, reducing the risk of falls and fractures. Good nutrition is crucial for health, independence and quality of life. At Mosman Meals on Wheels we have a huge selection of chilled (refrigerated) or frozen meals to choose from. Unlike many of the basic frozen meals on offer in the supermarket, all our nutritiously-balanced meals include potatoes, rice or pasta and a variety of fresh vegetables on the side. We cater for special diets (e.g. gluten free) and can provide soft, chopped or pureed meals for people with chewing or swallowing difficulties. Meals are delivered to your home daily or as often as required (Monday to Friday) ready for you to heat in your oven or microwave. Salads and soups are available daily and sandwiches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please note the slight price increases indicated below: Meal

$ 5.80


$ 1.40


$ 1.40


$ 0.50


$ 4.00

(Includes Salad, Soup, Dessert and Juice)


$ 6.30

Please note price increase from 1July 2014

Meal package $ 8.50 (Includes Soup, Meal, Dessert and Juice)

Salad package $9.00

If you’re unsure of when you’ll be at home to receive deliveries, you can purchase some frozen meals from us direct. Simply bring a cooler bag to Meals on Wheels kitchen between 11am–1pm and choose from our extensive frozen selection. Have you thought about taking away some frozen meals after your activities in the Seniors’ Centre? If you, or someone you care for, would like to try our home-delivered meals please contact either Katrina or Denise on 9978 4130 or email meals@mosman.nsw.gov.au. We are a very flexible service, offering both long and short-term assistance. No referrals needed, just give us a call.


Community Support My name is Jane, and I am currently studying Certificate IV in Community Services at Ultimo TAFE. Part of the course requirement is to do 140 hours work placement in the sector. I am grateful that Liz Nagel accepted my application as I am enjoying the activities I have been involved in and the interaction with clients. The following outlines some of my experiences during the last month or so. The ‘Carer’s Group’ bus excursion to Como Hotel for lunch, was an enjoyable and relaxing day for all involved. The following week a guest speaker, Pamela Davis spoke about Alzheimer’s disease to the group, how to care for and understand those suffering from the many types of Alzheimer’s disease. I learnt so much, and now have a better understanding of people with Alzheimer’s and a better knowledge of the caring role. The ‘Out & About Trip’ a bus trip for Mosman older residents to St Andrews Cathedral enjoyed the music of the ‘Navy Orchestra’. Morning tea at ‘The Observatory Park’ in the sunshine, followed by lunch at Lord Nelson Hotel at The Rocks, once again was an enjoyable day had by all and I was able to see first hand how important this outing is to the wellbeing of the clients. The Community Restaurant Theme Lunches once a month with entertainment such as the ANZAC themed lunch had musicians playing fantastic1940s music. And the regular, inexpensive restaurant lunches Tuesdays and Fridays, 3 courses with wine and a door prize are a great place to catch up with friends and to meet new people. Helping with the Meals On Wheels volunteers I met a long-time Mosman resident originally from my hometown area in New Zealand, who I was teamed with for the delivery of meals to local residents. I have been able to experience first hand how important this service is for the health and wellbeing of older residents in Mosman. I have enjoyed doing my work placement in Mosman and have been inspired to work with the aged, those with disability and their carers, when I have completed my training. ----------------------------- ------ --------------------

Thank you Jane for providing your feedback and experiences. If you would like to know more about any of the services and activities mentioned or would like to discuss any other service needs, please contact Chantal or Lyn on 9978 4119 or call into the Centre. 7

Volunteers Afternoon Tea at Gunners Barracks 120 Volunteers were treated to a special afternoon tea hosted by Mosman Council at the Gunners’ Barracks on Thursday 15 May, to thank them for their extraordinary volunteering contribution to the Mosman community. There are 350 active Council volunteers and between them they have contributed 2,715 years of service to Mosman. Two new programs have begun in the last year; Justices of the Peace now offer their service at the Library each week, and several groups of young volunteers operate through the Youth Centre. At the tea, the Mayor presented awards to volunteers who have given 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of service. Ms Helen Violantis who received a 20 year award for her contribution in Meals on Wheels, the Community Restaurant and the Community Visitors’ Scheme said: “The afternoon tea was fabulous and it was a beautiful afternoon. It was good to talk to lots of people and to receive my award from the Mayor. I never thought I would still be here after 20 years, but I still get a lot of pleasure helping out.” 2014 was the 25th Anniversary of National Volunteers’ Week, although volunteers have been operating in the Mosman community for longer. The Week was aptly named: ‘Celebrate the Power of Volunteering’.

Lorraine Drennan has been volunteering with Mosman Council for over 11 years mainly in the Community Transport area. We would like to thank Lorraine and all our volunteers who give their time to help those who need assistance, your kindness and commitment is appreciated by all. 8

Enjoying the afternoon High Tea with some of our wonderful volunteers

Volunteer Kerry McCouat receives a certificate for 5 years involvement with Councils Bushcare program from Mayor Cr Peter Abelson.



alkers wanted…

Does leisure walking after a meal help in the digestion of food – YES! There are many benefits to walking daily, especially after a meal. Walking boosts good healthy metabolism, aids digestion and keeps your joints moving, helping with every day life. Another benefit is walking with friends provides social interaction. At present we are seeking people to join our Active walking group, we would like to get this group walking again, please register your interest with the Seniors Centre on 9978 4128. Tuesday 5 August 10.30 – 11.30am Internet Banking Participants will have an understanding of how online banking works, how to go about signing up for an account and security issues. For bookings phone Mosman Library 9978 4091.

Getting in and out of cars is so much easier with a swivel seat! Aged and Disability office loans a swivel seat to assist with transporting someone in a car. We also loan wheelchairs for two week periods. For bookings 99784128.

Have you lost something lately? Not sure who to ask… Council has accumulated a number of items such as gloves, jackets, cardigans, jumpers, glass cases etc… if you have left something behind please see one of our friendly staff in the Seniors Centre to view items and recover your belongings. Any queries please contact 9978 4128.


Caught the Rider lately? Mosman Rider is operating on the Winter timetable May – Sept Between 9am – 1pm and 2 – 4pm

Mosman Care Café The Mosman Care Café is designed for Carers and their loved ones to attend together. Care Café offers a friendly, relaxed atmosphere to meet and talk to others in a similar situation. Care Café is organised in partnership with Hammond Care and Mosman Municipal Council and run by people with expertise who are able to support participants and provide advice and information about appropriate local community support services. When 9.30am – 11.30am, third Friday of each month Where Mosman Seniors Centre, Civic Centre, Mosman Square, Spit Junction. Cost Gold coin donation. For further information about the Mosman Care Café contact Charlie Watts: 1300 250 616 or cwatts@hammond.com.au or Chantal Kerr: 9978 4056 or c.kerr@mosman.nsw.gov.au

Motivate your mind and memory whilst having fun. If you are interested but haven’t played ‘Scrabble’ before please come along, we will help you learn the game. Our Scrabble Group meets on the first and third Friday of each month at the Mosman Seniors’ Centre (upstairs, Seniors Lounge) 2-4 pm. For enquiries phone: Jean 9969 5885 or Netta 9960 3556.

Chinese Mahjong Brian, one of our most regular visitors at the Centre is still trying to start this Chinese game. We have an established European Mahjong group which meets on Mondays 9 -12.30pm but the rules are slightly different. Would you like to join Brian for the Chinese version? He would be delighted to hear from you to start a group so please register your interest with Olivier 9978 4128. 11

Community Transport Fees

For older residents who do not drive and cannot manage public transport. Door to door services in a wheelchair accessible bus. Phone 9978 4120 for enquiries & bookings

Please note some prices have increased from 1July 2014 All fees are available online in Mosman Council Pricing Policy www.mosman.nsw.gov.au INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT SHUTTLE BUS Monday - Friday Disability Accessible Bus Mosman / Neutral Bay $8 Return, $5.50 One Way Mosman / Chatswood / Manly $13 Return, $9 One Way COMMUNITY RESTAURANT BUS Tuesday and Friday $7 Return WEDNESDAY OUT & ABOUT DAY TRIPS $16 - For frail older people SATURDAY DAY TRIPS $25 - Active Over 55s INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT BY CAR Monday - Friday Mosman / Neutral Bay $10.50 Return, $6.50 One Way Mosman / St Leonards $14.50 Return, $9 One Way Out of Area $22 Return, $15 One Way + Tolls 1 July 2014 12

Mosman Carers Group Caring for Carers Mosman Carers Group meets weekly, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere every Wednesday morning from 10am-12 noon in the Harnett Rooms at Mosman Council. The group is an open one, those who attend care for family and friends with illnesses ranging from Dementia/Alzheimers disease, terminal illness and mental and physical disabilities as well as mental health issues. There are weekly guest speakers and these important and informative sessions cover subjects such as Dementia/Alzheimers disease, grief and loss, compassion fatigue, legal issues, relaxation, meditation and many, many more. There are also support group/get-togethers when Carers come together to have a chat over a cup of tea and also regular full day bus outings. Carers say they find these outings a wonderful break and valuable respite from their caring role. Feedback from the Carers has been very positive. They find the group extremely valuable, appreciating the information, guest speakers and referrals as well as the relaxed and friendly atmosphere (also the laughter which plays a big part in the meetings) and wonderful friendships have formed. A vital part of the group is the friendship and support Carers give one another, they know only too well the highs and lows, frustrations and difficulties of being a Carer and are able to listen and offer advice and understanding. One Carer said, “I value the group so much, I was never able to open up about my feelings but now find I can speak freely about how I feel; it has been an amazing help”. The weekly meetings are not only valuable for the information and support Carers receive, they also act as respite, a short break or ‘time out’ for Carers. The full day outings are also a well needed, often vital break for Carers. If you are caring for someone, or you know someone who is, please contact me on 99784089 for more information. Warm regards, Liz Nagel

Guest Speakers & events for Carers group coming up: Wednesday 09 July – Kerry McCouat, Physiotherapist; Relaxation &Meditation Wednesday 16 July – Morning tea at Café Jam, First Floor, Bridgepoint Shopping Centre, Spit Junction Wednesday 23 July – Support Group at Mosman Council, Harnett Room Wednesday 30 July – 10am – 4pm Full day bus trip

For more information about the Carers group please contact Liz on 9978 4089 13

What’s on at Mosman Art Gallery ENCOUNTERS WITH BALI: A COLLECTOR'S JOURNEY Indonesian Textiles from the Collection of Dr John Yu AC and Dr George Soutter AM

Exhibition: on now until Sunday 13 July 2014

This exhibition introduces viewers to Indonesia’s rich and diverse textile traditions. The textiles selected for this exhibition reflect the varied ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups inhabiting the Indonesian archipelago. With more than three hundred ethnic groups, Indonesian weavers and other skilled craftspeople employ many of the world’s known techniques of textile production including supplementary thread-weaving, pattern and resist dyeing, embroidery, appliqué, batik and pigment painting. While the textiles displayed in the exhibition are significant in terms of the cultures that produced them, they are also part of a shared passion for collecting and represent a tangible manifestation of the cultural and tourism exchange between Australia and Indonesia.

2014 Mosman Art Prize Saturday 26 July – Sunday 7 September 2014 Now in its 67th year, the Mosman Art Prize is one of the oldest and most prestigious municipally funded visual art prizes in Australia. It is an annual, acquisitive award for painting sponsored by Mosman Municipal Council. For entry details see our website: 14 www.mosman.nsw.gov.au

What’s on at Mosman Library Have a story to tell about a street in Mosman? Do you want to share your memories?

The Mosman Memories project aims to capture the memories of the streets of Mosman from both past and present residents. The street may be the one where you live or where you, your grandparents or a friend have lived. This is an online project but if you do not have access to a computer you may submit your story in writing and we will place it on the web. All submissions must include full name and contact details. When the story is placed on the web, you may choose to remain anonymous, or use a nickname, initials or your full name. For more information, and to submit your stories or photographs, visit www.mosmanmemories.net or contact the Local Studies Librarian by email or phone 9978 4090 / 4091.

AUTHOR EVENING: WEDNESDAY 6 august 7 –9pm @ Mosman library Pre-paid bookings are essential. Adults $10.00 Pensioners / Students $8.00 (passes must be shown) Get tickets online or phone Mosman Library 9978-4091 Introduction: Why would a man escape from prison the day before he’s due to be released?...


E X E R C I S E Healthy Lifestyle Why not join an exercise group with Healthy Lifestyle? Once you join a class, you will quickly begin to see and feel improvements in your fitness and health. It's never too late to start. Join Healthy Lifestyle classes at Mosman Seniors: Tuesday Gentle Exercise Slow Pace 9.15am-10.15am Gentle Exercise Gentle Pace 10.30am-11.30am Thursday Gentle Exercise Slow Pace 9.30am-10.30am Upright & Active 11.30am-12.30pm Term 3 begins week of Mon 14 July 2014 Bookings are essential so call 88775300 for information and a course brochure or visit our website: www.nsccahs.nealth.nsw.gov.au/healthylifestyle

Over 55s Aquacise Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise by participating in Aquacise classes. Mosman Swim Centre, located in Vista Street Mosman, offers a range of different Aquacise classes for Over 55s that are proven to increase your metabolism, build muscle tone and strength, improve balance, flexibility and relieve tension. Each class can be varied in difficulty from easy to advanced. Aquacise classes are: Adult $15.00/Pensioner $12.00. Or buy a 10 visit multi-passes: Adult $120/Pensioner $106 valid for 2 years from the date of purchase. Ph9969 3888 or visit www.mosmanswimcentre.com.au There is a Special Needs Swimming Program on Saturday afternoons catering for both children and adults of all abilities, the program offers choice of group or personal sessions. For more information please phone 1300 11 7946 or see staff at the Centre, 90 Vista Street, Mosman.

BINGO Clue: which country is shaped like a shoe... 16

(Answer - page 21)

Table Tennis With two tables and sometimes up to 16 players, the table tennis group has been growing steadily. Join us on Wednesdays at the Seniors Centre (main hall) for a great game! When: Wednesdays Time: 1.00pm – 3.30pm Just call in, or phone Olivier Strobel on 9978 4128 Please note: If you are joining the Table Tennis crew please make sure you follow the basic rules for safety, eat first to refuel before you play, drink plenty of water and wear good sneakers with grip on your soles to keep you moving safely. To get started speak with Rahj first. Table tennis is great fun and physical so stay upright and energized and follow the rules.

Bridge Builders –

a Reliant Healthcare initiative in partnership with Trumps Bridge Centre Mosman. Build your: brain power, social network, confidence, playing skills and community connections. Reliant Healthcare can bridge the gaps – enabling you to keep playing the game you’ve always enjoyed, at a manageable pace. Assistance will be provided with transport, access, scoring, larger cards and bathroom breaks if necessary. Classes are held 10am every Thursday, bookings direct to either Northern Sydney 02 9908 8044 or Eastern Suburbs 02 9362 5500 or www.relianthealthcare.com.au

Mosman Men’s Shed The shed is filled with tools in order to restore, repair, build or teach. The shed also has a kitchen, TV and computer for you to use. Open for work Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays 10am – 3pm. Contact details 0418 228 258 or email mosmanmensshed@gmail.com

Tennis Current group of twenty enthusiastic players includes both women and men, all matches are doubles and having active fun is more important than who wins or loses! Come and join in the fun and get active. Where: Mosman Seniors Tennis Club, Rosebery Street, Mosman When: Mondays and Fridays Time: 11am-2pm 17 Contact Graham Levido on 9969 5177 (Synthetic Courts)


French Theme Lunch

Friday 29 August

Scottish Theme Lunch

Friday 26 September

Japanese Theme Lunch

Tuesday 4 November

Melbourne Cup Lunch

Friday 19 December

Christmas Lunch

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Restaurant resumes

Mosman Village Art and Craft Market

Saturday 5 July Saturday 2 August Saturday 6 September 18

Mosman Historical Society The Mosman Historical Society is a community based group that aims to promote the history and heritage of Mosman as well as Australian history in general.

Topic: Mosman Musical Society – Past, Present and Future Speaker: Mr Jodi Rose, President since 2001 Venue: Date: Evening:

Mosman Library Wednesday 9 July 2014, doors open 6.45pm – 9.15pm Members of the Society will render musical interludes.

Mosman Musical Society started in 1903. Jodi will give details of the Society’s 111 year history, surviving the two World Wars, the social and cultural changes and it’s exciting future. Also make a note in your diary; the next Mosman Historical Society meeting will be held on Wednesday 10 September. Cost: Members free/Visitors $5 donation only, includes tea & coffee. For Information phone 0418 857 182.

Tax Help program We offer free help by our trained and accredited Tax Help volunteers helping people to complete tax returns at tax time. Tax Help is a network of community volunteers providing confidential and free assistance. They are not ATO staff, but receive training and support from us. Tax Help is available in all capital cities and many country centres across Australia. Tax Help is for people on low incomes including, but not restricted to: Seniors Students People from non-English speaking backgrounds People with a disability Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders Volunteers assist with fairly straightforward tax returns. Service is available Friday afternoons only at Mosman Council 15 Jul – Oct 2014. Bookings essential, Phone 9978 4128.

Have you checked your smoke alarm lately? It is important to check your smoke alarm quarterly and change batteries frequently. It only takes a few minutes and ensures your safety. Take the time to check your alarm.




Computer Pals This year Computer Pals will run in conjunction with the Mosman Library which have recently acquired some wonderful new iPads, Windows Surface Pros and laptops (HP & Macbook Pros). Our area will offer a technical helpdesk for troubleshooting and computer problems. Term 3: Monday 14 July – 17 August, 5 weeks Monday 18 August – Sunday 21 September, 5 weeks 1 week break Term 4: Monday 29 September – Sunday 2 November, 5 weeks Monday 3 November – Sunday 7 December, 5 weeks Where: Seniors' Centre Cost: New fees/charges: NOW $51.50 per person per term

Mosman University of the Third Age (U3A) U3A provides an opportunity to enjoy the stimulation of learning in a relaxed atmosphere ... no stress, no exams. Classes cover a wide range of subjects including: • history • geography • art appreciation • creative writing • discussion groups and more. Locally, U3A classes are held in the Mosman Seniors’ Centre, Mosman Art Gallery, The Manors of Mosman, The Garrison and in private homes. When you join you will receive a Membership Card and current course list with details of all classes in all regions as membership covers all regions of Sydney. Annual Membership $45.00 - Joining Fee $10. To join U3A phone the Sydney U3A office for more information and a membership form. Phone 9252 2033 between 10.00am and 1.00pm. For any further information phone 9978 4128.

Sing-along group This activity takes place at the Seniors Centre on the first and third Friday every month 2-4pm. No previous knowledge or singing experience required or expected! For more info, call Olivier on 9978 4128.

Are you up for a game of chess? The Chess Group is going strong. Join us for a challenge, every Wednesday morning between 9am–12pm. The more the merrier! For further information, contact Olivier on 9978 4128.


Knitting Group This group contributes to a charity organisation called Wrap with Love Inc. which dispatches quilts and covers to the four corners of the world. Our Mosman group has continued with their amazing efforts and produced over 40 quilts for Wrap With Love. If you would like to be involved please contact Maureen 9969 3635 or Olivier at the Seniors' Centre on 9978 4128. When: Third Friday of every month from 2-4pm Where: Volunteers Lounge (next to the Meals on Wheels kitchen).

Periodic Play Reading Group Enjoy a fun group for seniors, reading your choice of interesting and famous plays. When: First and third Wednesday of the month from 1.00-3.30pm Where: Mosman Square Seniors' Centre Lounge (upstairs). Enquiries: Call 9978 4128

Come and join us for BINGO We need more players to join the Bingo group, it’s on Thursdays in the Volunteers lounge between 1-3pm. Please come and join the ladies for afternoon Bingo and have some fun.

Fun facts about BINGO… Bingo is a fun game, for the old and young alike. It has been around since the 1500s, when it started as an Italian game that is still being played today. Through the years the game has evolved from being called 'Beano' because players would cover their numbers with beans, to now being called Bingo. Some facts bingo lovers should know: Bingo's popularity streak soared when churches used it in their fund raising events. Americans spend $90 million per week on bingo cards alone! Players named Margaret win the most. Bingo addicts are known for being superstitious; they have lucky chairs, pens, numbers and even lucky undies!

What’s your superstitious ritual?

Studies have shown that bingo is actually good for our brains! One study concluded that people who played bingo fared much better at certain mental activities than those who did not play the game. So come and exercise your mind.

Answer: Italy; it dates back to c.1530s known then as Il Giuoco del Lotto d'Italia




Afternoons at the movies Join us on the 2nd Friday of every month from 2.15pm, after the Community Restaurant lunch 12-2pm, for a free movie at the Seniors Centre, proudly sponsored by Mosman Council and Bendigo Bank.

What’s next?

Friday 11 July: North by Northwest, 1939, (136 mins) Friday 08 August: An Affair to Remember, 1957, (119 mins) Friday 12 September: Blossoms in the Dust, 1941, (99 mins)

Coming Up: 10 October: Random Harvest (126mins) 1942 14 November: The King and I (133mins) 1956 12 December: Red River (133mins) 1948 Please note that while we will do our best to stick to the above program, it might still be subject to change depending on licensing rights. 22




July 2014 Tuesday


Community Restaurant – ‘Cheap Tuesday’ Lunch $7 12 – 2pm Mosman Square Seniors Centre. Only cost $7 No booking required. Bring a friend. Information 99784128



Out & About Trip – Palm Beach, lunch at the Palm Beach RSL For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant Lunch 12 – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. Information 99784128



Mosman Markets



Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. Information 99784128



Out & About Trip – Gosford; lunch at the Gosford Art Galllery For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant Lunch 12 – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 99784128.



Classic Movie Afternoon – North by Northwest (1959) - 136mins 2.15 – 4.30 pm Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Free Event. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Bus Trip – Picton, morning tea at Thirlmere Join us and discover or re-discover Picton’s fine heritage architecture, see the Train works, newly refurbished museum, home to significant rail heritage collection. Morning tea and lunch at your own expense, or BYO. Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9am. Bus cost $25 payment with booking. Admission to the Museum $16. For more information contact 23 9978 4128.




July 2014 (cont’d) Tuesday


Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. More information 99784128.



Out & About Trip – Towradji, lunch at Towradji Park Bowls For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10 No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Brooklyn, lunch at the King Tide Cafe For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant – French Theme Lunch $12 12 – 2pm , Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $12. Booking essential. Bring a friend; to book contact Olivier 9978 4128



Community Bus Trip – Brooklyn Settlers came to this area on Sydney’s upper North shore as early as 1794 to take up a lease for salt extraction on nearby Dangar Island, yet it would not be until the 1880’s that Brooklyn would emerge as a town centre… Morning tea and lunch at your own expense or BYO. Bus leaves Council Car Park 9am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. To Book Phone 9978 4128


29 Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10 No booking required. Bring a friend.




No out and about for 5th Wednesday of the month




August 2014 Friday


Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Mosman Markets



Community Restaurant – ‘Cheap Tuesday’ Lunch $7 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $7. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Caringbah, lunch at the Camelia Gardens For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Classic Movie Afternoon – An Affair to Remember (1957) 119mins 2.15 – 4.30 pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Free Event. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Bus Trip – Tanglin Lodge Alpaca Farms Enjoy the clear country air and warm hospitality of this breeding farm east of Kurrajong. Come and cuddle a baby alpaca (have a photo taken with one), learn about the fleece and how it is used, enjoy home made Devonshire Tea; option to purchase some Alpaca goods on sale ie. gloves, cardigans, winter throws or blankets etc.. Morning Tea and Lunch own expense or BYO. Bus departs Council car park at 9am; please book and pay in advance; cost of bus trip $25 per person. Bookings call 99784128



Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128





August 2014 (cont’d) Wednesday


13 Community Bus Trip – Bobbin Head, lunch at Bobbin Inn For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. Information contact 9978 4120 15

Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. Information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. Information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Maroubra, lunch at the Maroubra Seals For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. Information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. Information 9978 4128



Community Bus Trip – Gosford Regional Gallery, morning tea Patonga. Enjoy the exhibitions on display at the Gosford Regional Gallery. Visit the Gallery shop and stroll through the beautiful Japanese Gardens. Lunch at the café or picnic in a nearby park. Morning tea & lunch own expense or BYO. Bus departs Council car park 9am; trip cost $25 payment with booking. To book call 99784128. Free Admission to the Gallery and Gardens.



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. Information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Camden, lunch at Camden Valley Inn For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. Information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant – Scottish Theme Lunch $12 12pm – 2pm. Mosman Square Seniors Centre, cost $12. Bookings essential. Information 9978 4128





September 2014 Tuesday

2 Community Restaurant – ‘Cheap Tuesday’ $7 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $7. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128


3 Out & About Trip – St Andrew’s Cathedral, lunch at the Rocks For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. Information contact 9978 4120


5 Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. Information 9978 4128


6 Mosman Markets


9 Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. Information 9978 4128


10 Out & About Trip – Davistown, lunch at the Davistown RSL For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. Information contact 9978 4120


12 Community Restaurant Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. Information 9978 4128


12 Afternoon at the Movies – Blossoms in the Dust (1941), 99mins Join us after the Community Restaurant lunch for a classic movie in the Seniors Centre. Free event. No bookings required, please bring a friend or two to enjoy with.


13 Community Bus Trip – Berry Garden Festival, morning tea at Bulli Lookout. Berry has one of the finest selections of open gardens in NSW. Join us on the day and discover this beautiful little town, stroll through the market and have morning tea at the Bulli Lookout. Morning tea and lunch own expense or BYO. Bus departs Council car park 9am. Bookings with payment essential, cost $25 pp. Contact 9978 4128. 27

D I A R Y Tuesday






16 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 17 Out & About Trip – Berowra, lunch at Berowra Fish Café For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. Information contact 9978 4120 19 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 23 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128


24 Out & About Trip – Georges River, lunch at Georges River 16ft Sailing Club. For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120


26 Community Restaurant – Japanese Theme Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $12. Booking essential. Bring a friend, to book contact 9978 4128


27 Community Bus Trip – Tulip Festival at Bowral


Spring time is Tulip time! We visit the Bowral Festival, one of Australia’s oldest and most loved events, also enjoy Tulip Time Food and Wine Street Fair. Morning tea and lunch, own expense or BYO. Bus departs Council car park 9am. Cost of Bus trip is $25 pp and Entrance fee to gardens is $5. Payment and booking required contact 9978 4128. 30 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128

October 2014 Wednesday


1 Out & About – Warragamba, lunch at Warragamba Workers Club. For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact on 9978 4120

The Flag Ceremony

On 6 May a flag giving ceremony was held in the Grand Hall of Mosman Art Gallery with local schools.

The Office of the Hon. Tony Abbott PM supplied Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island flags to be presented to the 12 campuses of the 10 local schools of Cremorne, Mosman and Neutral Bay. The hall was filled with students, teachers and the general public. Damian Stapleton, past non-Indigenous Co-Chair of Mosman Reconciliation Group was the MC. Mr. Eddie Goodall, the Indigenous Co-Chair of the same organization is an aboriginal man of the Wonnarua nation which encompasses the Singleton area of NSW and is the manager of the Gamarada Aboriginal and Education Training Unit at the North Sydney Institute which is part of TAFE. Mr Goodall performed an ‘Acknowledgement to Country’ which he explained can be done by both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. If the local clan group is unknown, one can say – “I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land on which we meet”. He also explained some of the aboriginal protocols and that many of the stories of how the world began have many layers of cultural knowledge. Eddie encouraged the pupils to research the great richness and diversities of aboriginal culture before explaining the cultural significance of the aboriginal flag which was designed by Harold Thomas and was first flown at Victoria Square, Adelaide, on National Aborigines` Day 12 July 1971. It was later used at the Tent Embassy, Canberra in 1972. Today, the flag is flown throughout Australia. The Aboriginal flag is divided in equal sections of black and red. The top half is black representing the aboriginal people – the red half is for the earth and also ochre which is used in ceremonies and the ball of yellow in the centre 29 represents the sun – the constant re-newer of life.

Ms Rasme Prior is a Merian woman from Erub and Mer Islands in the Torres Strait. Ms Prior runs her own cross-cultural training consultancy – training many educational and government organisations. She is a member of the University of Western Sydney, Indigenous Employment and Engagement Advisory board. Ms Prior spoke of how understanding our past not only helps us to comprehend the present, but enables us to build a better future together. She then went on to explain the meaning behind the Torres Strait Islander’s flag. It was designed by the late Bernard Namok, and stands for the Unity of all Torres Strait Islanders. It features three horizontal bands of colour, a strip of green on both the top and the bottom which represents the lush foliage of this land, made so from frequent rains. The blue strip in-between is for the sea as Torres Strait Islanders are salt water people; the colors are divided by black lines which represent the Torres Strait Islander people. On the blue section in the centre of the flag is a white dahri (headdress) and under this is a five pointed star. The five points are for the five major groups of Torres Strait Islanders. The star is an important symbol to a seafaring people for navigation, and its white colour is for peace. Councillor Tom Sherlock, on behalf of Mayor Peter Abelson, welcomed all present and made mention of the flags flying high at the Council’s Civic Plaza. Councillor Simon Menzies was also in attendance. Ms Prior and Mr Goodall presented their respective flags to the two ambassadors from each school. When all the flags had been distributed Alexis Moran and Jack Versace, ambassadors from Mosman High School, on behalf of all the schools present, put forward a motion of thanks to Ms Alexi Moran’s mother, who is an aboriginal woman from Northern NSW. The proceedings closed with the serving of morning tea, courtesy of Mosman Municipal Council. Mosman Reconciliation Group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 2pm in the Mosman Council Civic Centre. For more information contact Olivier on 9978 4128 or phone 9978 4091. Website mosmanreconciliation@gmail.com . Schools in attendance: Beauty Point Public, Blessed Sacrament Primary, Middle Harbour Public, Mosman High, Mosman Preparatory, Neutral Bay Public, Queenwood, Redlands and Sacred Heart Primary.


Save our Art Class! We need more attendees/artists. Cost $77 per term on Monday‘s from 2pm-4.30pm and/or Friday 9am-11.30am. Let our professional teacher support and assist you with your creations.

MOSMAN HOME GARDENER’S SOCIETY Meets every second Tuesday of the month 6.30pm – 9.00pm

DRAMA GROUP 4.30pm – 5.30pm

Civic Centre, Mosman Square, Mosman

MOSMAN ABORIGINAL RECONCILIATION GROUP Meets first Wednesday of the month 2pm – 4pm

1.00pm – 3.00pm BINGO

Table Tennis 1.00pm - 3.30 pm Seniors Centre

2.30pm – 4.30pm OLD TIME DANCE

1.00pm – 4.30pm BRIDGE (Not at the moment)

UPRIGHT & ACTIVE A falls prevention exercise 11.45am – 12.45pm $110.00 full – 10 weeks $88.00 conc – 10 weeks

Maybe now Pilates (tba) 10.30–11.30AM

1.00pm – 3.30pm PERIODIC PLAY READING GROUP Meets every first and third Wednesday of the month

ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLASSES 1.00pm – 2.30pm Coin Donation


July, August, September 2014

Knitting Group 3rd Friday of the Month 2.00 pm- 4.00 pm Volunteers Lounge Tax Help

Friday at the movies Every 2nd Friday of the month, join us for a Free classic movie afternoon 2.304.30 pm

Sing-a-long Group Meets 1 & 3rd Friday every month 2 – 4pm

Mosman Care Café 9.30 – 11.30am Third Friday monthly

12 – 2.00pm COMMUNITY RESTAURANT Every Week – $10.00 Last Friday of the month: International Themed lunches $12.00 Bookings Essential 99784128

9.15am – 10.15am GENTLE EXERCISE $88.00 conc - 10 weeks $110.00 full – 10 weeks

9.00am departure BUS TRIPS As advertised

9.00am – 1.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open


FRIDAY ART CLASS 9.00am – 11.30am (all media) $77.00 per term

9.00am – 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open

12.00pm – 2.00pm COMMUNITY RESTAURANT $10 First Tuesday each month is Cheap Tuesday $7!

9.15am – 10.15am Gentle exercise slow pace 10.30am – 11.30am Gentle exercise $88.00 conc - 10 weeks $110.00 full – 10 weeks

Mosman Municipal Council

FREE WIFI in the Seniors Lounge

Broadband for Seniors All week computer/Internet Access Bookings 99784128

ART CLASS 2.00pm – 4.30pm (all media) $77.00 per term

9.30am – 10.30am Level 1 TAI CHI 10.45am – 11.45am Beginners TAI CHI

Chess Group Every Wednesday 9.00am – 12.00pm

9.00am – 12.30pm CHINESE MAHJONG

9.00am – 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open

9.00am – 12.30pm MAHJONG

9.00am – 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open


WEDNESDAY 10.00am – 12.00pm U3A $10.00 Joining Fee $45.00 Membership


For more information phone Olivier Strobel, Seniors’ Activities Co-ordinator, on 9978 4128




MOSMAN SQUARE SENIORS CENTRE Mosman Council Aged & Disability Services Civic Centre, Mosman Square Mosman NSW 2088 Telephone: 9978 4128 www.mosman.nsw.gov.au


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