Best Practices When Using Outsourced Solutions for QA Quality assurance outsourced solutions are important for your software applications and products. Read about some best practices in this regard.
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Quality assurance outsourced solutions are important for your software applications and products. Today’s business world is driven by technology and your software applications must be tested for functionality, applicability, scalability and security to make sure that they meet your expectations and the best quality standards. This QA testing must be rigorous and unprejudiced as well to ensure competence and performance. Reliable testing also provides optimum user experience and protects them from hacker interventions. When inhouse staff cannot find the time or resources required for comprehensive QA testing, companies choose to outsource this important function to reliable provider. Here are four reasons to utilize outsourced QA services: •
Quality assurance requires experience and expertise. Professional QA service providers will have the latest equipment, software and strategies with a good understanding of emerging technologies like IoT (Internet of Things). A competent testing partner can provide the top human resources for your project.
Outsourcing QA allows your team to focus on other core activities that will increase the value of your organization.
One of the most important reasons for outsourcing is to have the right resources with the right skill sets readily available with sufficient flexibility required for your business. QA outsourcing providers have skilled teams that stay updated with the latest technology that can be set up even at short notice.
Another major reason for outsourcing quality assurance is its cost-effectiveness. However, do not hire a cheap outsourcing provider because it could later turn out to be an expensive affair due to poor quality of service and related costs. So, partner only with a reputable and specialist quality assurance company.
How to successfully outsource quality assurance •
Conduct a thorough research: Most organizations consider cost as the primary factor when choosing a service provider. But this is a wrong move. The first and foremost thing to do is to conduct a thorough research about all potential service providers. Keep in mind the time differences, how it will affect the scheduling, language barriers etc. Find out whether the service provider has enough experience, if so then ask for reviews and testimonials from other clients. You can also look for more reviews on social media platforms. This will provide more transparency, help you understand more about their strengths and weaknesses and also know what to expect from the vendor.
(800) 670 2809
Maintain a detailed service level agreement: A service level agreement that mentions all the conditions on the part of both parties is essential to prevent any misunderstanding or disputes in the future. A service level agreement is a detailed agreement that outlines the specifications and deadlines of the project. Vagueness in the agreement can lead to miscommunication. Ensure therefore that all wording in the agreement is clear and accurate.
Keep motivating the outsourced team and in-house staff: For optimum quality assurance, contribution of both outsourced solutions and in-house staffs are important. Both the teams should be valued equally and this will keep them motivated. The following things will help them stay motivated:
Listen to employees’ needs and their inputs
Appreciate everyone’s work
Provide the latest tools and keep them up to date to ensure productivity
Effective communication is necessary: Sometimes outsourcing to other countries can cause problems, especially when it comes to communication. Today, there are many apps such as Skype, Whatsapp, Slack etc that keep you connected with the service provider. This will also let you provide feedback and gain more control on the service provider.
Keep the team focused on QA: When a service provider is hired for quality assurance, they should be assigned only for QA. Assigning various other activities to the QA service provider could lead to inconsistencies and poor productivity.
Expert quality assurance services are important for all business processes. When it comes to software applications, QA becomes highly relevant to ensure robustness of these applications, good quality and speed. By using outsourced solutions for QA, businesses can focus on core activities and business innovation. These valuable solutions protect users and the company’s reputation by ensuring minimal software malfunction or security threats to users. When done correctly, QA outsourcing can bring businesses efficiency, productivity, and excellent ROI.
(800) 670 2809