Convert Architectural Drawings to CAD Format – Options Available The conventional paper drawings created by architects are subject to wear and tear in the course of time. It is also very difficult to store them for future reference and edit them to include crucial changes. To tackle this situation, most of the architects are now adopting the practice of converting architectural drawings into CAD format so that the drawings can be saved for a long time without any damage and edited easily. It is not very easy to convert paper design to CAD files if you hire trained CAD drafters. In case of large number of conversions, drafters may take considerable time to complete the job and this will in turn involve extra investment. Here are two options for CAD conversion. Automatic Conversion In-house In this type of conversion, the paper drawings are scanned into image format. The saved images are then converted into CAD format automatically using software. The software will simplify the tedious process of converting paper designs into electronic designs. You can convert the images using two types of software. Ordinary Raster to Vector Software: Accuracy of raster to vector conversion may vary according to the software. The scale and line accuracy of CAD drawings generated may get distorted at a higher rate. AutoCAD Software: AutoCAD is a computer aided design program which allows you to create precisely-scaled drawing (using ‘Scale’ option) with your computer. It can accurately trace the paper drawings, which results in complete conversion. With model space, you can choose whether you want to perform 2D drafting or 3D drafting with the software. Following are the main advantages of AutoCAD conversion.
Simplify architectural drawings Generate full scale drawings Support different drawing orientation and representation Easy-to-set printer preferences Batch plot (plot several drawings in one sheet) Annotation scaling (annotation readable in different scales)
Here is an example of 2D architectural drawing (scanned image of paper drawing) and its CAD file generated from AutoCAD software.