Document Scanning Improves Operational Efficiency in the Oil and Gas Industry
The article discusses how document scanning and digitization is helping oil and gas industry to increase productivity
The oil and gas industry is subject to laws of various regulatory bodies and restrictive measures. Companies need to automate their document processes to minimize risks, manage project value chains, organize deliverables from numerous contractors, and present records that can be readily audited. Document scanning and conversion of documents to digital format helping them do all of this and is transforming the way in which oil and gas firms manage critical data.
Data security is another major concern of the industry, especially when dealing with documents on litigation, auditing, and other confidential matters. By scanning hard copy documents and maintaining them in digital format, it is possible to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches to a great extent. Digital documents enable organizations in the energy sector to successfully streamline and gain tighter control over mission-critical processes.
Importance of Scanning Oil and Gas Records
The departmentalized nature of the work, the rate at which wells are drilled, and the unhurried pace at which prospects are evaluated are all processes that leave no time to manage the data, which is crucial for ensuring success in this sector. Other factors that makes scanning and digitization important for oil and gas records are:
Rich in geological data, oil and gas records have a high cash value that can help the company reach new heights
It is necessary to preserve oil and gas records for a long time. The geological records, mineral rights, royalty agreements, and maintenance records are voluntarily stored for very long retention periods.
Long term storage
demands the conversion of documents to digital format.
Oil and gas companies have hundreds of technicians, geologists, land men and other employees in the field in countries spread across globe. They are constantly in need to access and share documents, files and records. Scanned documents can be easily transmitted and shared over long distances in real time, without any hassles.
Documents in electronic format can stored inexpensively and easily protected for disaster recovery purposes. The value of the documents can be enhanced by making them searchable using OCR technology.
Scanning Oil and Gas Records Improves Efficiency
With computerized records, it is possible to:
installation, refineries and other assets is critical as far as oil and gas companies are concerned. Intelligent capture of information via scanning and digitization helps optimize processes, reduces costs for storage and transfer, and helps the company achieve a competitive edge.
Regulatory compliance and reduced risks: Digitizing documents helps oil and gas companies adhere to industry regulations by facilitating consistent and timely management of data, easier audits, and compliance. This helps avoids costly legal battles.
Paperless office: Digitization helps in reducing the number of paper documents in the office, allowing quicker access to and easier retrieval of records.
Addresses complex communication needs: Digitization allows easy communication between geographically separated employees, suppliers, contractors and other groups.
Organizations are constantly seeking effective ways to reduce costs and improve their processes and intelligent capture of data via scanning and digitization offers real benefits for the oil and gas industry. Paper-based information connected into electronic processes and systems can be processed and manipulated in a variety of ways to extract useful insights and enhance efficiency and productivity.