E-Pub Conversions from Various Formats

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You know that the digital books are more popular these days than printed books. Online websites such as Amazon.com are selling more digital books than the printed book copies. This is why printed books are increasingly being converted into eBooks. One of the highly versatile digital file formats is the ePub format which is becoming very popular these days. Most of the popular books are undergoing ePub conversion because of the many advantages ensured.

EPub is the short form of Electronic Publication. There are many advantages if a book is converted into ePub format. EPub document conversion is ideal to optimize the appearance of a book on a particular eBook reader.

On the electronic readers, ePub files are displayed very well. Different readers have different shapes and sizes and other characteristics, and there are several types of eBook readers at present. Publishers want to have their books made available on all popular electronic readers.

Many of the leading publishers now go for the ePub format because it can be read on almost all electronic book readers such as Apple iPad, Sony eReader, Nook eReader, Kobo eReader and iRiver eReader. Except for Amazon’s Kindle eReader, ePub format can be read by almost all other devices.

Convert into ePub Files from a Range of Other Formats

It is possible to convert any format documents into the ePub format, and this is what authors and publishers are doing now. E-Pub conversions possible include:       

Word to ePub PDF to ePub HTML to ePub Printed document/printed book to ePub Scanned document to ePub Text to ePub Adobe InDesign to ePub

Include Multimedia in eBooks

This is an amazing feature of ePub format files. It allows you to include multimedia files in your eBook. So you will be able to include exciting audio and video files in the book. This feature is very useful in the case of children’s books. Let’s say a book is on the story of a monkey, you can display the monkey as moving and talking. It will be really attractive to the readers. In the case of educational eBooks, you can include quizzes related to specific topics. Everyone will prefer the eBook with moving images and audio rather than plain text. Readers are likely to form a lasting impression about such innovative books.

Suitable for Technical Books

EPub files are capable of giving you almost practical knowledge on particular topics with videos, audios and interactive contents. This ensures more ease of understanding of concepts that otherwise appear more complex.

EPub conversion from various formats is therefore advantageous in many ways. Rather than attempting to do the conversion yourself, the better alternative is to go for the services of a reliable document conversion company that will complete the job in a thoroughly professional manner.

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