Code 114 155 155 305 351 380 380 600 600 122 121 135 239 241 150 110 101 103 103 101 101 101 101
Section 750 750 751 751 750 750 751 750 751 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 701 751 751 740 751 752
Course Title Survey of Astronomy Prin of Human Development Principles of Macroeconomics Money and Banking Survey of American Lit II Financial Management Financial Management Managerial Finance Managerial Finance United States Since 1877 Classical Mythology College Algebra-iCourse Introduction to World Music The Language of Music Introduction to Ozarks Studies Introduction to Philosophy American Democracy Missouri Government Missouri Government Literature & World/Old Testmnt Intro Theatre Drama and Arts Intro Theatre Drama and Arts Intro Theatre Drama and Arts
Credit 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3
Day M M M T M T T T T T W M R T TBA M M 1/6 - 1/10 M T T T W
Time 7pm 4p 7pm 7pm 7pm 9:30am 5:30pm 9:30am 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 7pm 7pm TBA 5:30pm 5:30pm 10am 7pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm
Instructor B. Baker D. Hallgren T. Wyrick T. Wyrick J. Closser K. Ragan H. Witte K. Ragan H. Witte D. Capeci C. Shirley P. Blanton J. Prescott A. Muchnick B. Blevins M. Boyle P. Scott P. Scott G. Connor J. Strong D. Starnes C. Depriest W. Ice
Lectures found on iTUNES U at NO COST. No classroom attendance. See our website at http://Outreach.MissouriState.edu/icourses.html Lectures found on iTUNES U at NO COST. No classroom attendance. See our website at http://Outreach.MissouriState.edu/icourses.html
Spring 2014 Course Listings Missouri State Degrees in Joplin • Doctorate in Educational Leadership • Master of Arts in Teaching • Master of Business Administration • Master of Science in Educational Administration • Master of Science in Elementary Education • Master of Science in Literacy • Master of Social Work • Specialist in Educational Administration
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Graduate Degree From Degree Missouri StateMissouri State Earn a Bachelor’s or Graduate From Joplin! See See Inside for Course Offerings! Right Here in Lebanon! Inside for Course Offerings!
Larry Nichols, Outreach Coordinator 724 Illinois Avenue, Joplin, MO 64801 (417) 629-3941 LNichols@MissouriState.edu
Missouri State Outreach 901 South National Avenue Springfield, MO 65897
Courses are available leading to
Graduate Degrees Master of Business Administration
• Earn this degree attending evening classes one or two days per week. • Finish this 33-credit hour program in as little as two years with the completion of your foundation courses. Students lacking foundation requirements are able to take most of those courses online. • Begin your studies in a temporary admission status, and take up to nine hours prior to being fully admitted to the program. Tentative Course Rotation Courses offered in the fall semester of even-numbered years MKT 772 Marketing Management QBA 775 Quantitative Methods in Decision Making Courses offered in the spring semester of odd-numbered years MGT 790 Seminar in Management MGT 747 International Management Course offered in the summer semester of odd-numbered years MGT 767 Organization Strategy and Policy Courses offered in the fall semester of odd-numbered years FIN 682 International Financial Management ACC 711 Managerial Accounting Courses offered in the spring semester of even-numbered years MGT 764 Organizational Behavior FIN 780 Advanced Financial Management Course offered in the summer semester of even-numbered years MKT 774 International Marketing Course offered online every semester CIS 761 Management Information Systems Contact: Joshua Porter, MBA Coordinator Phone: (417) 836-5616, Email: MBAProgram@MissouriState.edu
Master of Science in Literacy
• Earn your master’s degree while achieving reading certification through this 37-hour program that offers classes in-person, through ITV, and in online formats. • Attend courses offered in a cohort format at various off-campus sites, including Joplin, Neosho, and Nevada. Contact: Dr. Deanne Camp, Program Coordinator Phone: (417) 836-6983, Email: DeanneCamp@MissouriState.edu
Master of Social Work
• Attend classes held in the late afternoons and evenings, Monday through Thursday. • Offered in two formats, one for advanced standing students who have completed an accredited BSW program, and one for regular standing students who have a bachelor’s degree in an area other than social work or who do not otherwise meet the requirements for advanced standing. • Advanced standing students can complete the program with 34 credit hours, while regular standing students take 62 credit hours. • Internships can be completed at approved locations in the Joplin area or near your place of residence.
Contact: Jannette Eldred, MSW LCSW, Joplin Social Work Faculty Member Phone: (417) 629-3940, Email: JEldred@MissouriState.edu
Students may transfer up to 9 hours of graduate credit from other institutions for master’s and specialist degrees.
Spring 2014
Master and Specialist in Educational Administration
For Up-to-Date Class Schedules: Check the Missouri State University website at http://www.MissouriState.edu (click on “C” for class schedule).
• • •
Earn your master’s degree (MS) and/or specialist degree (EdS) in Joplin and begin a career in school administration. Participate in this jointly developed, standards-based instructional program including district/building projects and clinical experiences extending over 24 months, and practicum and on-site experiences. Complete either the masters or specialist program in five semesters.
Contact: Dr. Kim Finch, Master’s Degree Program Coordinator Phone: (417) 836-5392, Email: KimFinch@MissouriState.edu Contact: Dr. Robert Watson, Specialist Degree Program Coordinator Phone: (417) 836-5177, Email: RobertWatson@MissouriState.edu
Doctorate in Educational Leadership
• Earn this degree in Joplin through a collaborative agreement between Missouri State and the University of Missouri. • Designed for those seeking leadership positions in P-12, higher education, or in government or industry. • Cohorts beginning every 2 years, with applications being due by December 1 of even-numbered years. Spend 12 days in July meeting on the MU campus, for two consecutive years. The remainder of the coursework is offered by MSU, with most classes accessible in the Joplin area via ITV. • Attend two years of classroom instruction (46 credit hours), which includes 12 credit hours of dissertation research. Administrator certification is available by taking a few additional courses.
Contact: Dr. Cynthia MacGregor, Program Coordinator Phone: (417) 836-6046, Email: CMacGregor@MissouriState.edu
Master of Arts in Teaching • • • •
As a holder of a bachelor’s degree in a different field, you may obtain your teaching certification in an area of secondary education while earning your master’s degree through this program. Take courses from both Missouri State and Missouri Southern State University in Joplin through this jointly offered program. Start this cohort at the beginning of any summer session. Contact the program coordinator for more information about the certification content areas available.
Suggested Course Sequence Prior to first summer Summer Year 1 SFR 797 Fall Year 1 SEC 783 MID 725 PSY 710 RDG 710 Spring Year 1 SEC 784 Summer Year 2 SEC 785 EDT 662 SPE 715 Fall Year 3 SFR 780 Spring Year 3 EDC 786
Complete content area coursework Advanced Studies in Teaching & Learning Internship in Teaching I Teaching Early Adolescents Psychology of Education Reading in the Content Fields Internship in Teaching II Internship in Teaching III Education Applications of Computers Foundations in Special Education Educational Research Methodology Seminar in Education
Contact: Dr. Fred Groves, Program Director Phone: (417) 836-4494, Email: FredGroves@MissouriState.edu
Elementary Education (Master’s with Emphasis)
• Earn your elementary education master’s degree taking MSU courses offered locally in Joplin, Neosho or Nevada, via interactive video or online. • Customize your degree by choosing your emphasis area such as middle school education, reading and conservation.
Contact: Dr. Cindy Hail, Graduate Coordinator MSED Phone: (417) 836-6065, Email: CindyWilson@MissouriState.edu
Due to early publication deadlines, it is unavoidable that there will be a few schedule changes between this printing and the beginning of the semester. We have done our best to ensure the accuracy of information at the time of printing. The most up-to-date information, including number of seats available in sections, may be found at: www.MissouriState.edu (select “C” for Class Schedule). Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.
Graduate Level Courses Quick Reference Abbreviations: M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday, ARR=Arranged, (ITV)=Interactive Video, (iCourse)=iCourse, (INET)=Internet Classes, (BLENDED)=Combination of ITV and/or face-to-face and/or online.
Spring 2014
Course Code Section Course Title
CRN Credit
Master and Specialist in Education Administration EAD 780 849 Administration of Instructional Programs 31247 3 1/13 - 3/7 EAD 788 849 Action Research 26206 3 1/13 - 5/15 EAD 858 849 School Personnel 29588 3 3/17 - 5/15 EAD 860 849 Field Study 25816 3 1/13 - 5/15 EAD 865 849 School Law 26531 3 1/13 - 3/7 EAD 882 849 Superintendent Internship 31248 2 1/13 - 5/15
8-10:50pm 5-7:50pm TBA ARR TBA ARR
K. Sachetta K. Finch TBA TBA TBA TBA
Doctorate in Educational Leadership EDD EDD
903 908
808 808
Leadership Inquiry II (ITV) Qual Tools for Applied Research Ed Leadership (ITV)
31166 31164
1 3
1/13 - 5/15 W 8-8:50pm TBA 1/13 - 5/15 W 5-7:50pm TBA
Master of Arts in Teaching EDC 786 820 Research Seminar in Education 24793 2 1/13 - 5/15 TBA
K. Pamperien
Master of Business Administration ACC CIS CIS CIS FIN LAW LAW LAW MGT MKT QBA
711 626 761 790 689 632 639 650 764 772 775
696 699 726 730 740 756 780
899 898 898 898 899 899 808 898 899 899 899
Managerial Accounting Computer Security Management Information Systems Seminar in Management Information Systems Management of Financial Institutions Legal Environment of Bus Org for Professionals Legal Regulations of International Commerce (ITV) Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration in Business Organizational Behavior Marketing Management Quantitative Methods in Business Decision Making
27794 22864 22870 24478 29106 29045 31101 30927 29613 29710 31051
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 R 7-8:15pm 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET
A. Keller S. McMurtrey S. Brahnam R. Kaula S. McDonald S. Leasure J. Black S. Leasure N. Philibert C. Simmers D. Peterson
Master of Social Work 899 899 820 899 820 820 820
Health Literacy in the Human Services Forensic SW Social Work Practice III (BLND) Perspectives in Human Diversity and Societal Systems Practicum: Social Work Field I Family Health Social Work Practice II Practicum: Social Work Field II
27205 25337 23639 25322 23640 23643 23660
3 3 3 3 10 3 10
1/13 - 5/15 INET INET S. Dollar 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET M. Marrus 1/13 - 5/15 T 6-8:50pm J. Getchell 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET TBA 1/13 - 5/15 T 2-5pm A. O’Dell 1/13 - 5/15 R 6-8:50pm J. Eldred 1/13 - 5/15 R 1-5pm J. Eldred
Master of Science in Elementary Education ELE ELE ELE ELE
711 713 720 772
899 899 899 899
Contemporary Issues in Elementary Curriculum Adv Theory & Practice in the Teaching of Comm Arts Adv Theory & Practice in Student Assessment & Eval Research Seminar in Elementary Education
24572 30306 24573 28874
3 3 3 3
1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET
M. Yu C. Hail C. Hail C. Hail
Master of Science in Literacy RDG RDG RDG RDG RDG RDG RDG RDG RDG RDG
640 700 710 770 780 781 782 791 791 795
899 899 898 899 899 898 898 896/897 898/899 899
Analysis/Correction Literacy SL Relationship of Lang to Literacy & Intellectual Devel Content Area Literacy Curriculum Design in Literacy Assessment Procedures for the Literacy Specialist Assessment of Literacy Problems Remediation of Literacy Problems Problems in Literacy Education Problems in Literacy Education Research Seminar in Literacy
21936 22083 31113 22134 23689 31267 31269 ------ ------ 22136
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3
1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET 1/13 - 5/15 INET INET
For more information contact: Larry Nichols, Outreach Coordinator MSU Joplin Campus, 724 Illinois Avenue, Joplin, MO 64801 u Phone (417) 629-3941 u LNichols@MissouriState.edu
D. Kear D. Camp B. Hurst B. Hurst D. Camp D. Kear D. Kear D. Camp B. Hurst B. Hurst