Bachelor of Applied Science in General Agriculture
MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY COURSE OFFERINGS (Course requirements and modalities are subject to change.)
Prior to Transfer from Crowder College • • •
Complete either an Associate of Arts Degree or Associate of Applied Science Degree. The AA will satisfy MSU General Education requirements. If the AAS is chosen, the student will need to take additional general education courses, which can be taken from Crowder College. If possible, take required lower-level Ag courses at Crowder (see other side). Complete an application for admission to MSU as a transfer student.
Common Course Offerings
Courses are usually offered fall or spring in Neosho (day or evening by live instruction or videoconference) or online. These courses only represent typical offerings available to students to complete the required 35 upper-division hours in agriculture required for the major. Additional courses are being made available to off-campus students all the time. AGB 314 AGB 334 AGB 384 AGB 584 AGP 303 AGP 353 AGP 393
Legal Aspects of Agriculture Marketing Agricultural Products Agricultural Selling Farm Business Management Suburban Horticulture Turf Science Fruit Production
AGP 403 AGP 453 AGR 300 AGR 399 AGS 306 AGS 432 AGS 446
Nursery Management Crop Physiology Food & Agricultural Chemistry Animal Welfare Veterinary Science Sheep & Goat Science Dairy Production
Earn Your
Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture in Neosho! Through a partnership between Crowder College and Missouri State University!
Internship Opportunities
Most students choose to complete internships for upper-division MSU credit. Internships are selected with the help of your advisor and may be completed at a location convenient to the individual student.
Additional Courses Available Through The Consortium of Five Universities
Missouri State has entered into an agreement with the University of Central Missouri, Northwest Missouri State University, Truman State University and Southeast Missouri State University which allows MSU students to take courses offered online by a partner institution for credit toward the MSU degree. This greatly expands the courses available to students in the Pathways Program. For more information, please visit this web site:
CONTACT Jim Bellis, MSU Darr School of Agriculture Karls Hall 201 • 901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65897 • (417) 836-5638
Associate of Arts in Agriculture
Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.
Bachelor of Applied Science in General Agriculture
Associate of Arts Degree in Agriculture
General Education Requirements
Note: This program shows the AA in Agriculture. However, the MSU program is open to students with an AA and a different concentration, such as general studies, or to students with an AAS. AAS students will require additional general education courses, so completing an AA is recommended.
(1 credit hour)
(3 credit hours)
AGRI 111 (recommended) or COLL 101
MATH 111* or MATH 150* & MATH 160*
(9 credit hours)
(2 credit hours)
Written Communications (6 hrs) ENGL 101* ENGL 102* or ENGL 104*
113, or two of the following:
102 105 114 118 204* 244*
Oral Communications (3 hrs) SPCH 101
Humanities (9 credit hours)
104 111 117 145 216*
(10 credit hours) Biological Sciences (5 hrs) BIOL 101
Literature (3 hrs) ENGL 109 ENGL 120 ENGL 125
Physical Sciences (5 hrs) CHEM 101 CHEM 104 GEOL 115 PHYS 101 101 125 102 101* 201* 205
MAJOR COURSES (17 credit hours) AGEC 223 AGRN 113 AGRN 214* ANSC 114
103 110 116 144 205* 245*
Fine Arts (3 hrs) ART 101 MUSC 101 TA 205
Additional Humanities (3 hrs) ASL 101 ASL 102* ART ENGL 109 ENGL 120 ENGL FREN 101 HIST 101* HUM HUM 103 MUSC 101 PHIL PHIL 110* PHIL 121 PHIL PHIL 202* SPAN 101 TA SWK 219
Agriculture Computer Apps (3) Crop Science (3) Fundamentals of Soil Science (3) Animal Science (3)
CROWDER COLLEGE CONTACT Jay Wilkins, Agriculture Division Chair Williams Bldg. 121 • 601 Laclede Avenue Neosho, MO 64850 • (417) 455-5648
CHEM 111* PHYS 190*
Social and Behavioral Science (9 credit hours)
Missouri Constitution (3 hrs) HIST 106 PLSC 103 PLSC 104* Additional Social Science Courses (3 hrs) ECON 201* ECON 202* GEOG 101* HIST 101* HIST 102* HIST 106* HIST 107* PHIL 110* PHIL 121 PLSC 103* PLSC 104* PLSC 205* PSYC 101 PSYC 210* PSYC 215* SOC 101 Required for Ag Majors (3 hrs) AGEC 123 Principles of Agriculture Econ
prerequisite requirement
MISSOURI STATE OUTREACH COORDINATOR Larry Nichols McDonald Hall 239 • 601 Laclede Avenue Neosho, MO 64850 • (417) 455-5757 - or 724 Illinois • Joplin, MO 64801 • (417) 629-3941
The Missouri State Pathways Agriculture Program Earn a Crowder degree, then stay in Neosho and finish a bachelor’s with Missouri State! The applied science in general agriculture program is taught through a cooperative partnership between Missouri State University, Crowder College, and other community college partners, allowing you to remain on your campus while still taking classes. As a holder of an Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Science or Associate of Science, our program allows you to complete your bachelor’s degree in about two years. Our program offers flexible scheduling through Internet, interactive television, video and intensive weekend course offerings
Degree Requirements
(see catalog for more details): A. General education (met with either an AA or Crowder coursework if student has an AAS). B. Major courses 1. Completed AA or AAS degree 2. The following specific courses (with Crowder equivalents where applicable)
MSU Course
Crowder Equivalent
AGN 115 or AGP 103 AGN 215 AGB 144 AGR 301 AGS 101
Selected with help of advisor AGRN 214 or 215, AGRO 215 AGEC 123 Waived for off-campus students ANSC 113 or 114
3. Thirty-five credit hours of upper-division courses in agriculture.
Admission To apply for and gain admittance into the Agriculture Pathways Partnership program, you must complete the steps listed below: 1. Apply for program admittance (see the Pathways website). 2. Apply to Missouri State using the Transfer Application. 3. Pay the required application fee.
More Information Complete information on this program is available on our web site: For off-campus courses and programs, see the Outreach web site: See our undergraduate catalog for complete and up-to-date degree requirements at: