(417) 532-0518 OTC Lebanon Center • Casey Hall 132 Lebanon@MissouriState.edu
Gib Adkins is the newly appointed Interim Site Coordinator. Gib is a Lebanon native and a MSU alumnus. He is co-owner of Advantage Insurance Solutions, LLC serving the Lebanon community. He is also the current president of the Lebanon Education Foundation. Gib can be reached at (417) 532-0518 or by email at Lebanon@MissouriState.edu or stop by and see him at the OTC Lebanon Center.
Glenda Johnston is from Lebanon and comes to MSU with a Masters of Education. She has experience teaching high school, middle school, and elementary education. She will be teaching the following courses: MID 400 816 • Philosophy, Curriculum and Organization of Middle School Education • T 5:30-6:50pm Blended format with online assignments MTH 320 816 • Foundations of Mathematics for Teachers • T 7-9:40pm
Jenna Uder is also from the Lebanon area and comes to MSU with a Master of Science in Education and has over nine years of experience teaching elementary education. Jenna will be teaching a face-to-face class this fall on Monday evenings. RDG 318 816 • Foundations of Literacy Instruction • M 5:30-8:20pm
Gary Iman is helping kick off the new Communications Program in Lebanon this fall. Gary is an Instructor from the main Springfield campus but has agreed to travel to Lebanon to teach COMM 332 in a blended format this fall. Students will meet with Gary face-to-face in Lebanon and have assignments to be completed online as well. COM 332 816 • Small Group Communications • M 5:30-8:20pm
George Svaranowic will be teaching an onsite business class in Lebanon this fall. He is the current Human Resources Manager at Emerson Climate Technologies and has over 20 years in Human Resources and Operations Management. He also has a Masters in Business Administration. His real-world work experience and education will make this a very informative class. MGT 340 810 • Organizational Behavior Management • W 5:30-8:20pm
(417) 532-0518 OTC Lebanon Center • Casey Hall 132 Lebanon@MissouriState.edu
We are here to help you succeed! Missouri State is providing extended student services: n Meet our new interim site coordinator, Gib Adkins, dedicated to making your MSU experience a positive one. n Take advantage of convenient office hours in Casey Hall 132 – Mon. and Wed., 9am-6pm; Tues. and Thurs., 10am-7pm and Friday by appointment. n Receive one-on-one academic advisement, registration and financial aid assistance every other Wednesday beginning August 13. Call (877) 678-2005 toll-free to reserve your appointment! n Learn about tutoring and other resources available at-a-distance from Missouri State! n Discover alternative pathways, such as online programs, for earning your undergraduate degree. n Plot your course for a smooth, worry-free transition from OTC to Missouri State!
Missouri State is providing MORE seated course options in Lebanon! n Receive real-world instruction from professionals living and working in your community. n Discover the new communication program in Lebanon and meet instructor, Gary Iman, dedicated to seeing his students succeed.
Visit us online! www.MissouriState.edu/lebanon Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/msulebanon