MOSTWA 最西澳 9月刊 Vol.70

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New Zealand | Discover a land of unique experiences, people and 独特的体验与人文之旅探访新西兰,places 14

Slide into Hanmer Springs for the ultimate soak and relaxation. With a range of pools, including relaxing rock pools, soothing sulphur pools, an array of water jets and bubbles - at a range of temperatures. The Spa is one of New Zealand's premier day spas nestled at the heart of one of the country's most sensa tional settings, Hanmer Springs. A place dedicated to relaxation; a luxurious oasis from the fast pace of everyday life.

进入Hanmer 豪华绿洲。于让所有人都能感到放松的地方,是远离日常生活快节奏的也有着新西兰首屈一指的天然温泉疗养区域。这是一个致力坐落在新西兰最迷人的环境之一Hanmer的硫磺池、气泡水疗池——各个池子的温度也不尽相同。区里有各种各样温泉池可供选择:包括放松的岩石池、舒缓Springs,在这里可以享受到极致的放松。度假Springs的中心,HOTPOOLS&SPA|HANMERSPRINGSTHERMALPOOLSANDSPA|CANTERBURYREGION 温泉小镇的度假之旅 15


Savour the stillness, peace and calm of the infinite night sky in the heart of New Zealand’s South Island at the Aoraki Dark Sky Reserve. Unique to the Mackenzie Region, the clear skies found in this part of the world are like nothing else in New Zealand. In 2012, the 4300 square kilometre area was declared the Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve, with light pollution strictly controlled in the area. Home to New Zealand’s premier astronomical research centre, the reserve is one of only eight in the world. And as the largest of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, is sought out by both curious visitors and astronomers 在新西兰南岛中心地带的Aorakialike.Dark Sky 的此类保护区,这里也吸引了无数的游客和天文学家。是世界上仅有的八个黑暗星空保护区之一。作为南半球最大同时,该保护区是新西兰最重要的天文研究中心的所在地,得到严格控制。International4300平方公里的黑暗星空保护区——Aoraki美丽天空,即使在新西兰也是独一无二的。2012年,这个Mackenzie地区独有的无边夜空的静谧与平静。这一地区的Reserve,品味MackenzieDarkSkyReserve,这也使得该地区的光污染STARGAZING|DARKSKYPROJECT|MACKENZIEREGION

Sit back, relax and experience the beauty of New Zealand’s striking alpine landscape by train. The journey which traverses the mighty Southern Alps from Christchurch to Greymouth (West Coast) totals just under 5 hours, [224 kilometres one-way] the perfect activity after a day of exploring the glory of the South Island’s east coast wonders. Glide through the heart of New Zealand's beautiful scenery on board the Scenic Class carriages, with landscape views filling your window while you relax in your seat. Along this journey you’ll see epic vistas, travel the edges of the ice-fed Waimakariri River, cross the world-famous Southern Alps, and see miles of native beech forest. All from the comfort of your seat.

趟旅途中看到。有机会看到数英里的原生山毛榉森林。所有的这些美景都能在这Waimakariri沿着这段旅程,你将看到史诗般的美景——穿越冰雪覆盖的风景。滑行在新西兰美丽的风景中心,在座位上尽情享受窗外史诗般的探索南岛东海岸美景一天后的完美活动。 越高耸的南阿尔卑斯山,全程还不到5小时(单程139英里),是的南阿尔卑斯山景观的美丽。从Christchurch到Greymouth,穿是时候坐下来放松一下了——乘坐火车去体验新西兰闻名世界乘坐我们的观光车厢River的边缘,穿越世界闻名的南阿尔卑斯山,还能 SCENIC TRAIN JOURNEY | WEST COAST & CANTERBURY REGION 横贯高原的火车观光之旅 IF YOU SEEK | PEACE AND 的放松之地找寻和平和宁静RELAXATION 16

单乐趣。沉浸在Underhill火闪着柔和的光芒,再来上一杯当地人自制的葡萄酒,让自己在星空下,坐在池塘边的座位上,享受老式煤炉带来的温暖,烛为人知的“世外桃源”Underhill材和铁制品建造的,可以说是创造了一个可持续的生活空间。喧嚣,直接进入童话世界。这家民宿建在山坡上,用的是本地木入住迷人的UnderhillWaikato平缓起伏的山丘,等待着那些寻求逃离喧嚣的人们。Valley,让人瞬间感到走出现实生活的Valley创建于15年前,直到现在,一直都是一个鲜。Valley的静谧与和平中,充分享受生活的简 GLAMPING | UNDERHILL VALLEY | WAIKATO REGION 寂静山谷露营 17

Set in the gentle rolling hills of the Waikato, waiting for those seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle. Step out straight into a fairy-tale, with a stay at the enchanting Underhill Valley. Built into the hillside, this accommodation has been beautifully hand-crafted with rustic native timbers and ironwork, to create a sustainable and authentic space. Created over 15 years ago, Underhill Valley has remained a closely guard ed family secret...until now. Enjoy the warmth and ambience of an old coal range, the soft glow of candlelight and a glass of wine on a seat by the pond under the stars. Immerse yourself in the stillness and peace of Underhill Valley and take some time to fully enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

The world’s smallest penguins – the Blue Penguin, New Zealand sea lions (Hooker’s Sea Lion or Whakahao), giant elephant seals and Hector’s dolphins can all be seen along the sprawling and remote Catlins coast. The Hector’s porpoises hold record as the world’s smallest dolphins at around 1.5 metres in length and up to 60 kilograms in weight – although these little porpoises appear grey from a distance, they are far more colourful up close and a must-see for any animal lover.

Venture deep into Aotearoa's wild south to discover real peace and wonder. It is here where some of New Zealand's most rare and remarkable locals reside.

就会发现它们彩色的,这是所有动物爱好者的必不可错过的。60公斤——虽然这些小海豚从远处看是灰色的,但只要走进Hector海豚则是世界上最小的海豚,长约1.5米,体重最高为同时,新西兰海狮也是世界上最濒危和受威胁的动物,而和巨型象海豹以及Hector海豚。鹅-——蓝企鹅、新西兰海狮(胡克海狮或者称为Whakahao)在广阔而遥远的迹——这里是新西兰最有名的动物栖息地。在Aotearoa新西兰的荒野南部,有着世界上真正的和平与奇Catlins海岸,你可以看到拍世界上最小的企 WILDLIFE AND WILDERNESS | CLUTHA REGION 荒野中探寻野生动物

Unwind your way through one of Aotearoa’s most awarded wine regions with Tākaro Trails Cycle Tours. With over 12 years’ experi ence providing individuals, groups, and families everything they need to see, explore and experience. The team are well-versed to deliver you the best of the Hawke’s Bay by bike.

Discover the powerful serenity of Doubtful Sound, sometimes dubbed the Sound of Silence.

在新西兰Aotearoa最著名的葡萄酒产区之一来一场Tākarobay! |E.BIKE可以骑行在高高的堤岸小道上,眺望果园、葡萄园和农田等等划穿过7个酒庄,并在整整16公里的范围内举行品酒活动。你TheHawke’s体验。他们的团队也熟知如何通过自行车之旅为游客提供12年的经验,为个人、团体和家庭提供他们所需的一切探索和车之旅也是非常不错的放松身心的选择。这家运营商拥有超过单Bay的最佳体验。CapeCoastWineryRide(最受欢迎的旅游项目)路程规TOUR|TĀKAROTRAILSCYCLETOURSHAWKE’SBAYREGION 自由奔放都自行车之旅 18

这个峡湾是由James寂静之声"。 (40公里)的地方。鲜明对比,是新西兰南岛神秘峡湾中最深(421米)和第二长因此船长并没有贸然进入。这里与附近的MilfordCook船长命名的,它看起来十分狭窄,Sound形成SOUNDSOFSILENCE|DOUBTFULSOUND|FIORDLANDSOUTHLANDREGION

The fiord was named Doubtful Harbour by Captain James Cook, with the expanse of nearby Milford Sound, the deepest (421 metres) and second longest (40 kilometres) of the South Island's mystical fiords.  Like other fiords in the area, Doubtful Sound contains two distinct layers of water. The top few meters is fresh water, fed by runoff from the surrounding mountains. Below this is a layer of salt water from the sea. The difference in refractive index between these two layers makes it difficult for light to penetrate. As a result, many deep-sea species - such as black coral grow in comparatively shallow 神秘峡湾Doubtfuldepths. " 沉默的寂静之地


The Cape Coast Winery Ride meanders its way through 7 wineries and tastings across 16 kilometres. The views are stunning as you cycle the raised stop-bank trail and look out over orchards, vineyards and farmlands.  From beginners to experienced riders, Tākaro Trails makes it easy for all visitors to enjoy this leisurely way to see the













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本 月 推 荐 博 文 北区CoffVicPark黄金地段餐厅珀斯前10咖啡厅珀斯最大禽肉加工场eeClub 司,超市等。政府,上市矿业公司,博彩公业拥有出口资质,目前客户有厚,业绩仍在稳步增长中。企过十多年的经营,企业利润丰珀斯最大禽肉加工场之一,经 $7,900,000 培训。验,总公司会提供全方位的简单,收入稳定,无需任何经上非常抢手的投资机会。操作锁品牌,Coff作为澳洲最大的咖啡加盟连冷库和冻库,无需额外花费。明亮,全新设备,拥有步入式厅。餐厅全新装修,厨房宽敞人流量大,附近多家知名餐位于VicPark上不可多得的机会。理,老板不在店里经营,市面仅$622每周!现在有经理打有知名口碑!租金极为便宜,珀斯排名前10的咖啡厅,拥黄金位置,周围eeClub是市面 $300,000 $90,000 $550,000 金牌 项目 金牌 项目 金牌 项目 金牌 项目

买卖生意大家都首选博文 工厂区Lunch Bar ($65,000 ) 位于Bayswater工业区的Lunch Bar, 域,深深的吸引着周围的工人和住户。内厨房大,设备齐全,室外优美的用餐区室 Victoria Park 日料店 ($90,000 ) 餐厅位于East Vic 市场上稀缺的机会!可同时容纳��人左右,装修和设备新,是Highway主街上,拥有�个榻榻米包间,Park繁忙的Albany 金矿小镇按摩店 ($250,000 ) 益大。于小镇的主街上,位置优越,口碑好,收作劳累,有大量的按摩服务需求。此店位金矿小镇常住人口�万人,矿工们日常工 北桥优越位置餐厅 ($110,000) 任何形式的餐饮。老板经营��年准备退休。低租金,可改成厅,甜品店,是北桥公认的最佳餐饮地段。周围拥有数十家网红知名亚洲餐厅,咖啡 邮局Post Office ($390,000) 可多得的好机会。险,利润每年高达$���,���。是市场上不可独立运营。极低的租金意味着低运营风邮局是澳洲公认的稳定生意,仅需一人就 Vic Park 理发店 ($140,000 ) 额高达$���,���每年,利润丰厚。历史��多年之久,积累下大量客户,销售位于地段优质的购物中心内,这家店经营 甜品工厂 ($1,300,000 ) 的口碑。务。拥有近��年的历史,在珀斯有非常好珀斯超过���多家餐厅和咖啡厅提供服制作曲奇饼干,麦芬,蛋糕等甜品工厂,为 快剪美发店 ($90,000 ) 便宜。流。这家二合一的快剪美发店租金极为客人络绎不绝,是这个生意的稳定现金美发店的客人消费高,利润高。快剪店的 East VicPark 餐厅 ($280,000 ) 位于East Victoria Park 租约也是一大亮点。碑。销售额高,利润丰厚。新装修,稳定的经营历史长达��年之久,拥有非常好的口最繁华的地段, 商场退税店 ($35,000 ) 想多一份兼职收入的买家。的培训,所有设备都包括在售价内,适合销售收入高达$�����多。总公司提供系统每年仅做�-�个月的大品牌商场退税店, 珀斯知名麻辣烫 ($680,000 ) $���,���家,北桥店售价$��万。VicPark店售价善的运营体系,非常适合没有经验的买珀斯目前最火爆的麻辣烫品牌,拥有完(已售) Utopia奶茶店 ($185,000 ) 售额和利润都在稳步提升。口处,人流量大,位置极佳。装修新颖,销碑好等优势。此店位于大型购物中心的入Utopia在西澳门店数多,品牌受众广,口 优美社区咖啡厅 ($290,000 ) 润丰厚。咖啡厅。租金仅$���每周,销售额高,利有肉店,有干洗店,当然还有着唯一一家位于环境优美的社区小商圈内,有超市, 博文—您的生意顾问 邮箱 地址:9/125 Melville Parade, Como 欢迎致电:0451 125 567 北珀斯咖啡厅 ($89,000 ) 置可经营澳式咖啡厅,亚洲餐等。地段。装修氛围温馨,厨房设备齐全。此位租金仅$���每周,位于北珀斯的餐饮繁华 Coogee海边咖啡厅 ($299,000 ) 位于西澳很受欢迎的Coogee 饮品和咖啡居多,不需要厨师。众多。低租金,高销售,经营模式简单,以旁,周围除了公寓和别墅的居民,游客也海滩港口 Applecross区咖啡厅 ($120,000 ) 厅。力大,可以经营任何亚洲餐饮或者咖啡厨房设备齐全,用餐区域高品质装修,潜富人区的咖啡厅,门前大量免费停车位。 美容美甲店 ($85,000 ) 的买家接手。美容美甲店的标配。适合有美容美甲经验专业美甲位,�个豪华按摩足浴椅,是这家专业美容美甲店,�个私密美容房间,�个 Maylands 咖啡馆 ($380,000 ) 定增长,年利润客观。区很受顾客欢迎。业绩在过去的�年里稳密房间和后院的家庭式咖啡厅,后院用餐位于Maylands著名的咖啡街上,多个私 东珀斯咖啡厅 ($165,000 ) 位于East 租金低,每周仅营业五天,环境非常优美。����年开始经营,准备退休不得已出售。Perth的酒店式公寓内,老板从 富人区餐厅 ($55,000 ) 餐饮。厨房设备齐全,开门即可营业,适合各类是这家餐厅的主要消费群体。位置优越,装修高档,拥有酒牌,周围的高收入人群 大学旁亚餐 ($190,000 ) 新主人。名和菜单,卖家将把所有配方都传授给修,厨房设备齐全。买家可以继续沿用店位于大学附近,����年营业至今,新装 NEW! 军工厂食堂& Lunch Bar ($650,000 ) 重工业区的Lunch Bar, 回报高。独一无二的生意机会,竞争小,风险低,舰厂的员工餐厅和炼油厂的员工餐厅。同时还经营军 火车站咖啡厅 ($350,000 ) $���,���每年,租金仅$���每周。营��年,现在完全由团队托管,净利润大约位于Perth火车站的黄金地段,老板在此经 顶尖的 Muffin Break ($499,000 ) 及其简易,提供全套培训。度极高的客人是这家咖啡厅的亮点。操作售额超过百万,持续增长的销售额和忠诚西澳��多家排名连续前�名!����财年销 南区童装店 ($69,000 ) 购或者添加儿童玩具来增加更多的利润。无重活累活,对英文要求低。可以增加代的喜爱。经营简单,一人即可轻松打理,当地区域知名儿童服饰店,深受周围顾客 北区小咖啡厅 ($85,000) 的为业主带来不错的收入。低了经验的风险,而且可以让这家咖啡厅教包会。每月仅$�,���的便宜租金不仅降北区小型咖啡厅,操作非常简单,老板包 包赚钱除草服务 业务,让你赚钱无忧!可试做体验,购买后包培训。西区富人区承诺每周至少$�,���收入的业务!购买前澳洲第一大的除草服务服务品牌,总公司 NEW! NEW! NEW! 时尚饮品店 金低,拥有超过�年的口碑。著名剧院旁,主街位置,步行人流量大,租澳洲主流的时尚奶昔,饮品咖啡店,位于 ($50,000 ) Cockburn 奶茶店 低,适合各种奶茶或甜品店。形成了特有的美食商圈。人流量大,租金位于Cockburn候车站旁,和周围的餐厅 ($80,000 ) ($55,000 ) 已售

VISIT THE SALES OFFICE OPEN DAILY: 10 am -2 pm Corner of Hay St & DeVlamingh Ave, East Perth Your sanctuary awaits at Garden Towers, a resort style oasis in the heart of East Perth, rising above the lush greenery, manicured lawns and Secure at today’s price with completion end of 2025 1 Bed $435,000* | 2 Bed $645,000* | 3 Bed $920,000* from from from *Prices, figures and availability accurate as of 21.06.2022, subject to change. Terms, conditions and eligibili WA’S LARGEST AND MOST TRUSTED APARTMENT DEVELOPER 西澳最大最值得信任的公寓开发商25年悠久历史 澳洲证券交易所500强 西澳最大最值得信任的 公寓开发商 会员优享俱乐部6527户公寓已100%交付 已动工 Applecross学区房开始预售 75%印花税减免最高可达$50,000 预约看房请联系 内部销售主管 详情请联系:开发商 符合条件者 可获得 Open Daily 12 - 2pm 1 Mends Street, South Perth Lilly Wong王丽丽 0427 776 601 Artist impression Podium & Platinum Apartments STARTING FROM 1 Bed $400,000 | 2 Bed $670,000 | 3 Bed $1,310,000 Open Daily 12 - 2pm 1 Mends Street, South Perth Lilly Wong王丽丽 0427 776 601 Artist impression Podium & Platinum Apartments STARTING FROM 1 Bed $400,000 | 2 Bed $670,000 | 3 Bed $1,310,000 2房 $560,000 起 VISIT THE SALES OFFICE OPEN DAILY: 10 am -2 pm Corner of Hay St & DeVlamingh Ave, East Perth ( Opposite Queens Gardens ) gardentowers Your sanctuary awaits at Garden Towers, a resort style oasis in the heart of East Perth, rising above the lush greenery, manicured lawns and water lily lakes of Queens Gardens. Secure at today’s price with completion end of 2025 1 Bed $435,000* | 2 Bed $645,000* | 3 Bed $920,000* from from from *Prices, figures and availability accurate as of 21.06.2022, subject to change. Terms, conditions and eligibili ty requirements apply. WA’S LARGEST AND MOST TRUSTED APARTMENT DEVELOPER 31 Rowe Avenue, Rivervale Only $500 Completiondeposit*estearly 2024 1, 2 & 3 Beds from $415,000* 238 Adelaide Terrace, Perth Only $5,000 deposit* Completion est early 2023 Studio, 1, 2 & 3 Beds from $340,000* • Selling Fast • Only $5,000 deposit* • 1, 2 & 3 Beds + Sub-Penthouses and Penthouses from $485,000* 3 Kintail Road, Applecross 1 Mends Street, South Perth $175M 70% UNDER CONSTRUCTION VISIT THE SALES OFFICE Open Wed-Sun: 10 am -2 pm Corner of Hay St & DeVlamingh Ave, East Perth ( Opposite Queens Gardens ) gardentowers Your sanctuary awaits at Garden Towers, a resort style oasis in the heart of East Perth, rising above the lush greenery, manicured lawns and water lily lakes of Queens Gardens. Secure at today’s price with completion end of 2025 1 Bed $435,000* | 2 Bed $645,000* | 3 Bed $920,000* from from from *Prices, figures and availability accurate as of 26.08.2022, subject to change. Terms, conditions and eligibili ty requirements apply. Fastest selling development for Q2 period according to URBIS. WA’S LARGEST AND MOST TRUSTED APARTMENT DEVELOPER 31 Rowe Avenue, Rivervale Limited CompletionRemaining!estearly 2024 1, 2 & 3 Beds from $415,000* INVEST WITH LESS STRESS SPEAK TO OUR LICENSEE/DIRECTOR Joanne Davies +61 8 6211 3388 238 Adelaide Terrace, Perth Only $5,000 deposit* Completion est early 2023 Studio, 1, 2 & 3 Beds from $340,000* Completion est late 2023 • Selling Fast • Only $5,000 deposit* • 1, 2 & 3 Beds + Sub-Penthouses and Penthouses from $485,000* 3 Kintail Road, Applecross 1 Mends Street, South Perth $180M 70%OVERSOLD UNDER CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION Invest in a Finbar apartment and receive access to our exclusive, low-cost property management service, Finbar to Rent. Naturally, being the original developer of your property, we have a deep knowledge of the property, the market in which it is positioned, and have access to the building prior to other external agencies. VISIT Open Wed-Sun: 10 am -2 pm of St & Ave, East ( Opposite Queens Gardens ) BUY NOW WITH ONLY $5,000 DEPOSIT * and pay nothing more until completion! PERTH’S FASTEST SELLING DEVELOPMENT!* 100 NOW SOLD! gardentowers Your sanctuary a oasis of East rising the lush lawns and water lily lakes of Queens Gardens. Secure today’s price completion end 100% REBATE $500K BELOW& 100-50% REBATE $500K - $600K 50% REBATE $600K PLUS (CAPPED AT $50K) STAMP DUTY REBATE* 1 Bed $435,000* | 2 Bed $645,000* 3 Bed $920,000* *Prices, figures and availability accurate as of 26.08.2022, subject to change. Terms, conditions and eligibili ty requirements apply. Fastest selling development for Q2 period according to URBIS. WA’S LARGEST AND MOST TRUSTED APARTMENT DEVELOPER 31 Rowe Avenue, Rivervale Limited CompletionRemaining!estearly 2024 1, 2 & 3 Beds from $415,000* INVEST WITH LESS STRESS SPEAK TO OUR LICENSEE/DIRECTOR Joanne Davies +61 8 6211 3388 238 Adelaide Terrace, Perth Only $5,000 deposit* Completion est early 2023 Studio, 1, 2 & 3 Beds from $340,000* Completion est late 2023 • Selling Fast • Only $5,000 deposit* • 1, 2 & 3 Beds + Sub-Penthouses and Penthouses from $485,000* 3 Kintail Road, Applecross 1 Mends Street, South Perth $180M 70%OVERSOLD UNDER CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION Invest in a Finbar apartment and receive access to our exclusive, low-cost property management service, Finbar to Rent. Naturally, being the original developer of your property, we have a deep knowledge of the property, the market in which it is positioned, and have access to the building prior to other external agencies.

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