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Weight Loss Goals: You Got This

Setting goals is important to your weight loss journey, daily lifestyle and overall well being. Goals help you to be focused, committed, determined, empowered, strong, happy and motivated. How good do you feel when you create that goals list? Think about it.

Now, think about this: what feelings do you experience when you work hard to achieve those goals and make them a reality?

You don’t need to overwhelm yourself with reaching each goal immediately or quickly. Weight loss can happen over time, gradually and progressively. Begin with a daily goal to reach, then a weekly, then a monthly and then a yearly. Each goal has meaning to you. Plus, YOU know how much time you need to fulfill each goal.

Get yourself a nice journal, one you will write in daily to track your growth with reaching your goals. Goals can come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it’s fun and motivating to set a simple, weight-loss related goal each week.

How about… More quiet time (did you know that self care helps us return to a healthy weight simply by reducing stress?).

Read a chapter in a book about how to get healthy.

Learn something new about healthy eating or a new kind of exercise, from an audio book.

Schedule in daily stretching to reduce anxiety.

Make better food choices.

Stock your fridge with healthy snacks.

Lose 5 pounds Lose 200 pounds! Make time for more activity… the list goes on. your goals, write them down. This will help you make a plan on how you’ll go about achieving your goals.

Questions to ask about goals: • Is my weight loss goal reasonable, safe and attainable?

• What steps will I take to reach my weight loss goal?

• Who can I rely on to support me in my weight loss goals?

• What is my deadline for setting my weight loss goal?

• What shortcuts can I take to make it easier to reach my weight loss goal?

• What will I do if I miss my weight loss goal?

• What is my plan to celebrate when I hit my weight loss goal?

Goals matter, especially if you’re trying to lose weight and get healthy!

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