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The Power of Giving UP

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In our busy days, it is challenging to get everything done. That is why I have created my own personal “Give Up” List!

Time is precious and we only have a set amount of time – we want to make sure we are investing our time wisely. By knowing what we can let go of, we can make room for the right things in our world, the things that will make both our business and lives better.

So, what do we Give Up? The answer is not the same for everyone, as we all show up differently. I encourage you to think about areas where you can free up time to re-invest it in more productive areas.

Here are some of the items on MY Give UP List: Television – I love to watch TV. It is an escape and a wonderful way for me to let me brain rest. But I found I was getting sucked into it and losing productive time. So now I “give up” watching tv before 7 pm. This way I can use time prior to read, listen to podcasts or engage in conversation with those close to me.

The Snooze Button – I am an early bird, so this one is easier for me. I love my mornings. I find that extra 30 minutes in the morning help me get centered and create a foundation for focus for the rest of the day.

Alcohol (on work nights) - I enjoy a good glass of wine and a cocktail. But I also know that when I drink, it is harder for me to get up in the morning. So, I have given up drinking Sunday – Thursday so I can have the energy and focus I need to compete my important tasks.

Guilt and Drama – I am not perfect, but I am a good person. Guilt no longer serves me. I work hard to do the right things and if I make a mistake, I apologize. But living in guilt and with drama steals too much time in my day…. So gave that up.

The News – for me, the news is just noise. It is not that I do not want to be informed, more than I do not need the fear and drama it brings. I find I can think more clearly, have a more positive outlook and show up happier. I can still get information, but I can control the process.

Giving up them does not mean you have to let it go forever; it simply means you are letting go so you can have more time to live the life and achieve the goals you set out to accomplish. Shift your focus away from what you are losing and connect with what you will be getting.

Give up the wrong things and make room for the right ones? What are you willing to give up?

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