1 minute read

Dorothy Westbrook / Angel McFadden / Tammara Westbrook


One thing I have always admired about my Mom is that despite anything and everything, she always made sure that for every holiday there was a celebration and Christmas is no exception. It’s really hard to pick just one memorable Christmas. Every year up to the age of 13, our living room would be filled of presents and decorations for my sister and I. Even now, as we are older, my mom still goes above and beyond to make us feel special. More importantly, the love and time together is always the best and the most I look forward to each year.


This Christmas will be intimate, and only immediate family will get together briefly to exchange gifts and dinner. I will miss my tradition of driving around and visiting other family members and friends this year.

To put Joy in my Christmas, I plan to decorate as normal, sing Christmas songs loudly and watch all my favorite Christmas movies and shows.

I am most thankful that I get to celebrate Jesus, the reason for the season. I get to thank Him for my health, my home, my family, my job and all I have despite how the year has been around me.

Although this year is different, it doesn’t have to be bad. Look at it from a fresh perspective. You are alive and well. Your family is alive and well. This pandemic is temporarily. We will get through this and be better and stronger. Start new traditions. Love from a distance and celebrate in your own space.

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