2021-2022 Gratitude Report

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Gratitude Report 2021



Carol Martinelli Bartucci ’81, Chair

Former Vice President, Exelon Corporation

Timothy Doody

Attorney, Weis, DuBrock, Doody & Maher

Elizabeth Marchese Harn ‘82

Senior Vice President, Marquette Bank

Beth Hart

Former School Administrator, Professor and Teacher

Patrick Hurless Investment Professional

Dr. Emelie Ilarde ‘87 Family Physician, Lawn Medical Center

Mary Acker Klingenberger ‘75 President, Mother McAuley

Sister Kathleen McClelland, RSM

Former Vocation Minister for the Sisters of Mercy

Laurel Azzarello McGrath ‘72 Retired IT Strategist

Robert Millerick

CRSB Examiner, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Ellen Napleton Roche ‘68 Attorney

Jil Simpson Ross ‘82 Screenwriter and Producer

Dr. Daniel Rowan Cardiologist, Palos Health

Ellie Brett Ryan ‘82 RN, Northwestern University Medical Center

Vania Montero Wit ’86

Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, United Airlines


Dear Friends and Supporters,

As I sit in my office to write this opening letter of our gratitude report, I am interrupted by the end of the school day filled with joyful noise, affection, and warmth. Our young women are transitioning from their learning to the next phase of their daypractice, club meetings, work, and homework. This joyful noise happens often throughout the school day and it reminds me to celebrate the gift of McAuley and recognize those who help us bring mission to life.

Celebrating the legacy of 176 years of Mercy education in Chicagoland and a return to relative normalcy, our students, faculty, and staff continue to demonstrate their resiliency, commitment to Mercy, and care for each other. I am incredibly grateful and blessed to have returned home to 99th Street as Mother McAuley’s president. Our school is in a wonderful position to continue educating future generations of young women in the Mercy tradition thanks to our wonderful supporters, strategic fiscal oversight, and our families who choose Mother McAuley for their daughters’ education.

Generosity strengthens a community. With a grateful heart, I am inspired by the outpouring of generous support to Mother McAuley from our parents, alumnae, friends, community, and business partners. Your continued investment in our school affords us the opportunity to provide young women the lifetime advantage of a McAuley education. This lifetime advantage includes a commitment to the highest of intellectual and moral standards where critical thinking and reasoning are emphasized, social responsibility is compulsory, diversity is celebrated, creative expression is embraced, athletic prowess is honed, and faith in God is the foundation.

All gifts to McAuley - annual, capital, and scholarship - serve to advance the education of talented, spirited students whose competence, confidence, and intellect will be called upon to make a difference in the world.

I am pleased to highlight and celebrate the names of our treasured benefactors who believe in this lifetime advantage and whose generosity secures its future.

As we look toward the future, we remain steadfast in our commitment to educate our young women to be problem solvers, leaders, faith-filled, kind, and compassionate in all that they do.

For all of your support during our last school year, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

In Mercy, Carey Temple Harrington ‘86 President

2021 - 2022 GRATITUDE REPORT | 3

Grant Update

Following is a listing of the private foundations that respond to specific requests for financial aid, for scholarships, for increasing the success of our programming, and for the projects targeted by our Future Ready Campaign to update our campus.


$98,500 total

As in other years, scholarship assistance continues to be McAuley’s most pressing need. During the 2021-22 school year, we distributed $1,562,390 in financial aid. Of that amount, $367,538 was received from external sources. Scholarship awards generally range from $500 to $2,000 per student. Some of the consistent scholarships are from long-established donors of McAuley. We are grateful for the support given to our students and for the enhancement of our programs.

The Helen Brach Foundation has a long-standing partnership with Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School dating back to the 1994-95 school year and the expansion of the school’s technology program. Since that time, the Brach Board members have consistently affirmed the mission of Mother McAuley by providing funds for Science education, improving the security and surveillance system in the school, student scholarships, leadership training for students, and professional development in technology education. This year’s award was $25,000.

The W.P. & H.B. White Foundation partners with Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School to aid financially at-risk students predominately from the inner city of Chicago and the south suburbs. Steve White, the president of the foundation, takes a vital interest in the academic achievements of the recipients of the White scholarship funds. The award for this year is $16,000.

The Mazza Family Foundation continues to support five members of the class of 2023 with scholarships of $2,000 each. The Mazza Scholars are diligent in expressing their appreciation for the family members. The interest of the members of the Board of Directors is ongoing throughout the years. The total award is $10,000.

The Owens Foundation provides scholarship support to students from Chicago’s inner city. This foundation’s history goes back to the late 1990s. Several family members are McAuley alumnae. Their support is vital to the academic achievements of the recipients.

Mercy Fund for Ministry Grant Program (Sisters of Mercy) After a year of reorganization, the Board of Directors of Mercy Ministry Corporation awarded a grant of $40,000 in support of scholarships for our young women and the newly organized Admissions and Recruitment Program. As a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Mercy, our school enjoys the many blessings of this partnership. The Sisters are active on our school’s board. They volunteer tirelessly on our campus, teach in our English Department, and support us with prayers, and whatever financial resources that they are able.



$85,000 total

Museum of Science and Industry/Exelon coordinated funds and expertise to offer a grant award of $50,000 in support of our effort to achieve a Green STEM Lab. This grant allowed members of the Science Department to host junior high students in the pilot program, STEM Saturdays. The goal of STEM Saturdays is to promote awareness of local environmental concerns and careers that address these concerns. The pilot program was held during the spring semester involving both McAuley seniors and junior high students from nearby schools.

Dr. Scholl Foundation is a consistent supporter of Mother McAuley. A grant award of $5,000 was received in support of Professional ABCs (Advice Beyond the Classroom), a student-led club that helps students construct the foundation of their future professional success by focusing on the “soft skills” needed for a job seeker in a professional setting. The club is moderated by two faculty members and a consultant from the local Professional ABCs organization.

The Fred J. Brunner Foundation has over the past years supported various programs and building improvements on our 76-year-old campus. This past year the Board of Directors awarded a grant of $30,000 for our Future Ready improvements targeting the Learning Resource Center and the Green STEM Lab. We appreciate the partnership of the Brunner Foundation in carrying forward the work of the ministry of educating young women for leadership roles.

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Big Shoulders Fund

Big Sisters of Chicago

Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund

Daniel P. Haerther Charitable Trust Scholarship

Empower Illinois

HFS Chicago Scholars Highsight

Joseph E. Nolan Beverly Caddy Scholarship Foundation

Link Unlimited Scholars

Madonna Foundation

Mazza Foundation Scholarship

Metro Achievement/Midtown Educational Foundation

Owens Foundation Scholarship

Sister Carmen de Barros Scholarship

W. P. & H. B. White Foundation

Mary Clare Lynch Scholarship

Sheffieck Family Scholarship

Susan Morrissey Memorial Award for Service

Bautista Memorial Scholarship

Betty and Sister Therese Windham Science Scholarship

Bigane Family Scholarship

Board of Trustees Scholarship

Bridget Anne Cullen Memorial Scholarship

Catherine McAuley Service Scholarship

Christie (Gallagher ‘72) and Mark Sever Scholarship

Cronin Real Family Scholarship

Diana L. Morrissey Memorial Scholarship

Eileen O’Brien Scholarship

Hank and Virginia Murphy Scholarship

Haynes Family Legacy Theatre Scholarship

Helen M. and Richard B. Carey Scholarship

Hometown Heroes Scholarship

John V. and Mary Anne Robinson Scholarship

Katherine Patrick (O’Toole) Scholarship

Leonard Wehrmeister Mathematics Scholarship

Lombard Family Scholarship

Magee Family Scholarship

Maggie Guilfoyle Cheerleader Scholarship

Maggie Guilfoyle Memorial Scholarship

Marie C. Bromark Memorial Scholarship

Mary Kean Coffey ‘63 “Pay it Forward” Scholarship

Mary Wurst Scholarship

Maureen Breen Putnam ’65 Memorial Scholarship

McAuley Fathers’ Club Scholarship

Moe Mac/Maureen McIntyre Memorial Scholarship

Monica Dunne Fudacz ‘75 Memorial Scholarship

Saint Therese, the Little Flower Scholarship

Sister Agatha O’Brien Scholarship

Sister Brian Costello Scholarship

Sister Corinne Raven Scholarship


Betty Grimes Memorial Scholarship

Charles and Bette Gordon Art and Science Scholarship

Gertrude and George Gallagher Family Scholarship

Marsillo Family Memorial Scholarship

Irish Fellowship and Cultural Foundation Scholarship

Jan Malloy Scholarship for Spirit and McAuley Community Involvement

Jean Morman Unsworth Scholarship

Joanne McNealy Kampton Scholarship

John L. Keeley, Jr. Scholarship

Sister Ellen Marie Ryan Music Scholarship

Sister Lois Bromark Scholarship

Sister Maura Mighty Mac Spirit Scholarship

Stephen and Winifred (Gardner ’59) Ligda Scholarship for Service

Tradition of Excellence Scholarship


Financial Statements

The Statement of Financial Position of Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School summarizes the school’s assets, corresponding liabilities, and net asset classifications as of June 30, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Individual program accounting is maintained in-house in accordance with relevant Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as promulgated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB).


Fiscal years ended June 30 2022 2021

Current Assets Cash and Equivalents $ 608,502 1,114,815

Accounts Receivables 357,728 320,703 Contributions Receivable, Current Portion 241,072 543,351 Prepaid Expense and Other 101,814 8,314

Investments 20,226,056 23,510,594 Property and Equipment 13,057,699 12,930,092

Total Assets $ 34,592,871 38,427,869


Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses $ 1,040,389 1,161,049 Deferred Revenue 1,234,681 1,020,222 Line of Credit 0 0

Net Assets

Undesignated $ 10,230,198 13,064,767 Board Designated 4,924,842 6,414,266 Temporarily Restricted 7,183,746 7,083,320 Permanently Restricted 9,979,015 9,684,245

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 34,592,871 38,427,869



Fiscal years ended June 30 2022 2021

Operating Revenue

Tuition $ 9,803,296 $ 10,095,974 Fees 923,369 773,305

Books and Merchandising Sales 289,312 73,581

Commissions 119,522 69,636

Donations 1,492,282 1,784,401 Other Revenue 556,712 422,919

Investment Income (3,284,222) 4,994,327

Total Operating Revenues $ 9,900,271 $ 18,214,143


• Through a comprehensive budgeting process, Mother McAuley annually reviews operational costs to remain effective and efficient.

• As part of future planning, Mother McAuley meets its commitment to the policy of funding depreciation for the future replacement of assets through the established Funded Depreciation Account.

• Every year, Mother McAuley’s financial reports are audited by an independent auditing firm.

• The Board of Trustees has designated and restricted certain net assets for long-term needs.


Educational Services $ 9,165,545 $ 8,806,425 Management and Administration 1,459,708 1,417,143 Building Operations 1,268,401 1,178,796 Other Services 840,308 556,161 Development 748,812 759,275 Support Services 346,294 177,175

Total Operating Expenses $ 13,829,068 $ 12,894,975

Operating Revenue Over/(Under)

Operating Expenses $ (3,928,797) $ 5,319,168

• Financial stability is a core tenet of decision-making at Mother McAuley to ensure that appropriate fund balances are maintained to provide a quality education.

• Donors and supporters invest in Mother McAuley with their annual financial support to offset continued increases in operational costs as well as scholarship and financial aid needs.

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Celebration 2022

Thanks to the overwhelming support of our sponsors and donors, Celebration 2022 was immensely successful. A true testament to the McAuley spirit that remains mighty throughout the years.



A Friend of McAuley


Marquette Bank


Bigane Paving

Anne Bigane Wilson ‘76

Cotter Consulting, Inc.

Anne Edwards Cotter ‘73

A Friend of McAuley

A Friend of McAuley

A Friend of McAuley

A Friend of McAuley

A Friend of McAuley

First Midwest Bank

The Lombard Company

PCS International Wight & Company


Kate Shannon Boyle ‘82 @properties

Country House

A Friend of McAuley

Francis J. Houlihan and Family Season Comfort

Vania Wit ‘86


Alliant Insurance

Julia Carey ‘07

James Dwyer


Beverly Bank Wintrust Community Bank

Tim and Lisa (Rooney ‘81) Doody

A Friend of McAuley

Herff Jones - Jim Cranley

William Quinn & Sons Landscaping Rytech, LLC

Service Unlimited - Paul Rossetti

Carol Groesbeck Sullivan ‘68

Mariyana Spyropoulos ‘82


A Friend of McAuley Jane Gately ‘73 Beth and Denny Hart Edward and Carol Hogan Mercy Education System of the Americas / MESA

Corsalus Financial - Jason Dobrzynski, CFP, CMFC and Maralynn Deacy Kearney ‘85 Wiedemann Insurance


Julie Hansen Burns ‘79 / Sportfuel

Laura Nietzel Caffentzis ‘73

Barb Cahill Brosnahan ‘75

Nancy Padden Barrett ‘75

A Friend of McAuley

Sallie (Wiechern ‘68) and Ken King

Denise Matthews

Lisa Goelz Messaglia ‘85

Judith Willand O’Brien ‘75

Rose (Wood ’93) and Mike Sexton

Nadine Martello Shepard ‘73

Sister Betty Smith, RSM

Robert Deiters

Mary Pat Schumacher Rohan ‘76 Nancy Lynch Ryan ‘57


Pat & Sara (Phillips ‘96) McGann

Ridge Country Club

Board of Trustees

McAuley Institutional Advancement Team

McAuley Senior Leadership

Institutional Advancement Committee

McAuley Strings and Jeremy Eberhard

McAuley Student Ambassadors

McAuley A Cappella

Proceeds from Celebration benefit tuition assistance for McAuley students. We are grateful for our general sponsors, those who donated items and services for our live and silent auction, and all those who raised a paddle!

Julie Wogan McKee ‘93

Katie McCormack

Accurate Printing / Pete Breakey

Steuber Florist / Scot Steuber

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Golf Outing 2022


Thank You...

We are grateful to our sponsors and donors who supported the Fore the Macs Golf outing, which funded the Tradition of Excellence Scholarships awarded to the legacy students in the Class of 2026.

Caring Heart Sponsors

Kavanaugh Family Foundation and U.S. Brass and Copper Marquette Bank

Hole-in-One Sponsor

Ed Napleton Honda in Oak Lawn

Master Sponsors

Country House Restaurant

A Friend of Mother McAuley Wight & Company

19th Hole Sponsor

Vulcan Materials Company

Barraco’s Ristorante, Pizzeria & Catering Bigane Paving Co.

Putting with the President Sponsor

In Loving Memory of Caroline Griffin ‘12

Driving Force Sponsors

Herff Jones

Beverly Bank

Season Comfort Corp. Heating and Air Conditioning

Front Entrance Sponsor

Barb Hamel ‘75

Golf Cart Sponsors

Steuber Florist & Greenhouses

Ann Acker

Corsalus Financial

Jason Dobrzynski and Maralynn Deacy Kearney ‘85

Proven IT

County Fair

Emelie Ilarde, MD ‘87

Joseph M. Wiederman and Sons Inc.

The Rohan Family Mary Pat (Schumacher ‘76), Mary Kate ‘03, and Clare ‘12

Tee Sponsors

The Hurless Family

Marti Wendt Doherty ‘71McAuley girls are the best of the best!

United Trust Bank

IUOE Local 399

Carol Groesbeck Sullivan ‘68

William Quinn & Sons

CORE Fitness + Physical Therapy Golf Performance and Rehab Program 19th Ward

State Senator Bill Cunningham, Alderman Matt O’Shea, State Rep Fran Hurley ‘78

Malone Residential, Kathleen Moody Malone ‘97

Chicago Pipefitters Local 597

Kate Shannon Boyle ‘82, Broker, @properties

Hole Sponsors

St. Catherine of Alexandria School

AlphaGraphics, In honor of Sheila Dougherty Moran ‘62

Thank you for changing lives forever!

Mike and Pat (Scully ‘66) Keane

Edwards Insurance

Gurgone Group, Inc

DP3 Tech, Charlie Altenbach St. Xavier University

The Bigane Girls: Anne ‘76, Katie ‘78, Sheila ‘79, Meg ‘82, Julie ‘84

Solution 3 Graphics @properties, Trisha Pomorski Konrath ‘83 Bush Family Eyecare Elizabeth Bush, OD ‘04 St. Cajetan’s Men’s Club

A Friend of McAuley

Mary Acker Klingenberger ‘75

In loving memory of our dear Caroline. Be an organ donor. Georgina Byrnes Griffin ‘76, Courtney Griffin ‘08 St. Cajetan’s Women’s Club

The Beverly Review

Anne L. Czarnecki ‘98

Betty Caveney Rocci ‘69

John P. Daley – Cook County Committeeperson, 11th Ward; Cook County Commissioner, 11th District HALO - Mary Anne Keane

IBEW Local 134

Kelly Burke, Mayor of Evergreen Park and State Rep. Kelly Burke - 36th District Ed Napleton Honda

In memory of John McCormack, Proud McAuley Dad Happy one!

Emilia Mae Rourke, Class of 2038

Additional Sponsors

Kathleen Egan Jirasek ‘79

Noreen Daly Reilly ‘73

Kristine Kiefer Hipp ‘67

Sallie Wiechern King ‘68

Joan Small Papp ‘68 Bill and Leslie Hickey

Open Outcry Brewing CompanyJohn Brand

Jim and Mary Antos

Remy - Leah Durham ‘08

Jesse White Secretary of State Organ Donor Program

Jean McNicholas Spiegelhalter ‘75

Catherine Carey ‘69

Anne Edwards Cotter ‘73

Ann Walsh Reed ‘73

Barb Hamel ‘75

James (deceased) and Ellen Napleton Roche ‘68 Mr. Swifty Cleaners

Cathy Barry Ipema ‘73

Ridge Country Club

Rachel Teresi - Golf Pro

Terry Corcoran

Simple Mills, Maddy McGannon

Virginia Eck

Susan Hansen

Laura Smith

James Kean

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Thank You...

We are grateful to these donors who have contributed since the inception of the Future Ready campaign. These donors support our commitment to be a premier school of choice for girls who will grow into confident, creative, and collaborative women in college and the workplace, and in their families and communities.

Ann Acker

Dale E. Adams

Scott and Susan Allen

Anonymous Friend of McAuley

Bank of America Matching Gift Program

Andy and Carol (Martinelli ‘81) Bartucci

Joe and Sheila (McNamara ‘83) Bettinardi

Big Shoulders Fund

Meg Bigane ‘82

Mrs. Michael Birck

Bleeker Family/Ming Bleeker Butler ‘65 BMO Charitable Foundation

Leslee Blankshain Bormet ‘62

Mark and Kate (Shannon ‘82) Boyle

Joan Bransfield SXA ‘52

Dan and Carole Burns and Family, in memory of Bill and Maureen Weis

Sister Dorothy D. Burns, RSM

Sister Cathleen M. Cahill, RSM

Dan and Mary Anne (Hennessy ‘75) Capron

Tony and Joan (Wallace ‘61) Carey

Mike and Monica Carey

Denise Cavanaugh ‘60

Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation

Bart and Mary Ellen (Carroll ‘84) Clifford

Kevin and Kelly (Doyle ‘94) Coakley

Dennis and Peggy (Culloton ‘85) Coghlan

Sister Mary Brian Costello, RSM

William J. and Anne (Edwards ‘73) Cotter

Sister Mary Joella Cunnane, RSM

Theresa (Gorman ‘78) and Robert Danko

Paul and Jayne Dederichs

Jen Rees DeJarld ‘87

Jim and Marti (Wendt ‘71) Doherty Paul and Deborah Duggan

Jane A. Ehrenstrom ‘73

Exelon Foundation/ComEd

Exelon Matching Gifts Program

Fifth Third Bank

Rob and Kim (Febel ‘72) Figliulo

Tom and Laurie (Wysocki ‘74) Fitzgerald

Sister Marie Fox, RSM

Fred J. Brunner Foundation

Gertrude Gallagher/The Gallagher Family

Patricia Garrity ‘63

Jane Gately ‘73

Richard Haggerty, in memory of Susan Walsh Haggerty ‘65

Mark and Laurie Hajduch

Barbara Hamel ‘75

Sister Mary Hanseder, RSM

Thomas and Nancy Hanson

Thomas and Carey (Temple ‘86) Harrington

Tom and Ann (Bridgman ‘82) Hartnett

Mary Cartan Hendry ‘63

Patricia A. and Francis J. Houlihan Foundation

The Hughes Family

Patrick Hurless and Megan Curran-Hurless ‘89


Emelie Ilarde, MD ‘87

Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Charities

Catherine Barry Ipema ‘73

Gregory and Terry (Magee ‘70) Jaspers

Sister Marion Johnson, RSM

Keeley Family Foundation

Kelley Family Fund/Lawrence and Carrie Kelley

Julie Moody Kemnitz ‘86

Sister Sharon Kerrigan, RSM

Mariellen O’Donnell Kill ‘74

Jerry and Mary (Acker ‘75) Klingenberger

Robert Klingenberger

Carolyn Rossi Kostelny

Joy Hansen Kuchler ‘57

Stephen and Katherine (Bigane ‘78) Larson

Raymond and Deanna Lazzara

Jennifer Lim, MD ‘80

Susan Chylla Lindquist ‘84

The Lombard Company

Michael and Maura Macander, MD

Sister Campion Maguire, RSM

Michael and Cathy (Gallagher ‘75) Maloney In memory of Jan Malloy

Dr. Terry Maltby, RSM

Mary Ann Benjamin Marks ‘64

Marquette Bank

Roxanne Martino

Andrew and Joan McKenna Foundation

Dawn J. McKenna ‘86 and Stephen McKenna

Anne Ragen McNulty ‘69

Robert and Cecily (Ahern ‘81) Millerick

Morgan Stanley Giving Program

Mary Ellen Moriarty ‘73

Sister Patricia A. Murphy, RSM (deceased)

Francie Murphy ‘73

Ed and Kathy (Roche ‘68) Napleton

Kathy Randolph Napleton ‘76

The Napleton Family Foundation

Kathleen Ragen Nolan

Robert O’Brien, Sr., in memory of Gerry McCarthy O’Brien SXA ‘37

Kate O’Malley ‘82

Joan O’Neil ‘80

Mary Ragen O’Rourke ‘65

Sheila Owens ‘77

Ozinga Bros, Inc.

Jeanne Bleeker Palmisano ‘63

Barbara Moore Pasquinelli SXA ‘57

Mariann Rebenson Piano ‘75

Jammee Post ‘93

Joan Curtin Prendergast ‘64

Jane (O’Neil ‘74) and Walter Quinlan

James M. Ragen Memorial Fund

Therese Ragen ’67, PhD

Dan and Susan (Cronin ‘ 77) Real

Rosemary Wolf Rehak ‘67

Bridget Reidy ‘80

Frances L. Robinson, Esq. ‘74 and John Donohue

James (deceased) and Ellen (Napleton ‘68) Roche

Daniel Rowan, MD and Susan (McNicholas ‘76) Rowan, DDS

Susan Rowe ‘66

Mary Jean Ryan ‘76

Mark and Maura (Clarke ‘87) Saas

Barry and Anne (McCarthy ‘66) Sabloff

Sister Susan Sanders, RSM ‘69, PhD

Marty and Susan (Scully ‘73) Schultz

The Schwaller Family

Judith Kosloskus Scully SXA ‘58, PhD

Mark and Christie (Gallagher ‘72) Sever

Laura Shallow ‘75

Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Community

Sister Betty Smith, RSM

Roe Stamps and Penny Witt Stamps ‘62 (deceased)

Dan and Carol (Groesbeck ‘68) Sullivan

Marita Carey Sullivan ‘65

Sun Capital Partners Foundation

Tellabs Foundation

Thomas and Ellen (Danaher ‘71) Tully

Jean Morman Unsworth

Molly Bridgman Vandeveld ‘84

Michael Vanier

Walsh Foundation/Dan and Patty (Reynolds ‘65) Walsh

Gaines and Carole (Intrieri ‘68) Wilson

Jim and Anne (Bigane ‘76) Wilson, in memory of Edward and Jane Bigane

John and Cheryle Wittert

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Honor Roll of Donors

2021 - 2022

Throughout its history, Mother McAuley has honored its founding commitment to providing a liberal arts, college-preparatory Catholic education – steeped in the Mercy tradition – to young women, regardless of financial ability to pay full tuition. Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022, thanks to the generosity of donors, 53 percent of students received financial assistance. We are grateful to the alumnae, parents and friends who have generously established or contributed to endowed and annual scholarship funds, ensuring that all young women benefit from the Lifetime Advantage of a McAuley education.

Every effort has been made to ensure that this report is accurate and complete. If an error has been made, please accept our apologies and notify the Institutional Advancement Office at (773) 881-6559.



McAuley Supporter

Marietta Spalo Moore


Circle of Mercy

Joan Bransfield

McAuley Supporter

Jean Geary Kennedy


McAuley Believer

Bev Horvath Giannelli

Susie Black Webb


McAuley Believer

Mary Kay Stapleton Zawaski


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Ned and Nancy (Lynch) Ryan

McAuley Supporter

Barbara Moore Pasquinelli

McAuley Believer

Joy Hansen Kuchler (deceased)


Circle of Mercy

Judith Kosloskus Scully, PhD

McAuley Supporter

Alice Lenehan Brennan

Peggy Moran Donahue

Carole Guinta Wisner

McAuley Believer

Marianne McNamara Scanlon


McAuley Supporter

Eileen Kilpatrick DeLacluyse

Karen Kent LaFond

Judith Geary McHale

McAuley Believer

Elaine Fitzpatrick Smuczynski


McAuley Supporter

Geraldine O’Callaghan Bergfeld

Lorraine Grazaske Bukowsky (deceased)

Sister Frances H. Crean, RSM, PhD

Josephine Czerwinski Fitzgerald

Patricia Zimmermann Goberville (deceased)

Ellen Gorney

JoAnn Kudia Gruca, PhD

Suzanne McKenzie Hurley

Ginny Duggan Murphy

Peggy Podesta VanZeyl

Carole Barskis Weber

McAuley Believer

Bernadette Kwak Hogan

Lynne Krueger Krause

Gladys Rigg Schuler


Circle of Mercy

Joan Caresio Grassman

McAuley Sponsor

Christine Wheeler Dowling

McAuley Supporter

Cheryl Stransky Munson Beall

Jeanne Matthews Bender

Frances Norris Casey

Maureen Shevlin Foley

Melodie Johnson Karnezis

Catherine Murray Kittridge

Fidelis Crot McFadden

Mary Louise O’Grady Tobin

Rita Casey Travers (deceased)

Celeste Konecny Turk

McAuley Believer

Joan Trilla Farrell

Cathy Brophy Feuerschwenger


Circle of Mercy

Leslee Blankshain Bormet

Marcia Diaz Schultz

McAuley Sponsor

Janet Muzik Mulderink

McAuley Supporter

Marilyn Sheriff Deming

Sharon McArdle Condon-Duffy

Sister Jean McGrath, CSJ

Jane Dowd Morrissey

Margaret Shevlin Slattery

Anne Wilson Vulich

McAuley Believer

Paul and Pat (Griffin) Greenwalt

Susan Sheridan Mack

Patricia Kilty Mehler

Michele Campbell Roedel


Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor


Circle of Mercy

Sister Marion (Dolly) Cypser, RSM

Mary Ann Flynn

Ellen Carey Nowicki

McAuley Supporter

Nancy Para Arnold

Ellen Lattyak Arundel

Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Janet Callahan Chappel

Sharon Foertsch Cottrell

Sharon Halliday

Patricia Seban Singler

Margaret Collins Zack

McAuley Believer

Rita McCurdy Bertz

Carol Beigelbeck Gapsis

Maureen Kennedy Gaughan

Sister Carlotta Oberzut, RSM

Maryann Bubness Schroder, NP, PhD

Irene Brady Thomas


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Mary Ann Benjamin Marks

Circle of Mercy

Sheila Butler King/Sheila King Marketing+Public Relations

Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 Believer up to $99

2021 - 2022 GRATITUDE REPORT | 17

McAuley Sponsor

Mary Therese Wolf

and Ignacio Larrinua

McAuley Supporter

Helen McShane Baker

Patricia August Godfrey

Barbara Farrell Goss

Mary Jane Radtke Klein

Margaret O’Connor Machon, PhD

Joan Curtin Prendergast

Karen Earner Ballard

Marilyn Hatzell Nessner

Jerri J. Olson


Frances Xavier Ward Benefactor

Ming Bleeker Butler

Dan and Patty (Reynolds) Walsh

Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Marita Carey Sullivan

Circle of Mercy

Elizabeth Cronin

Sr. Katie Norris, DC

Mary Ragen O’Rourke

McAuley Supporter

Donna Strobel Amari


Patricia J. Benjamin

Suzanne Sheridan Bocchini

Carol Donohue Christofano

Carol Fiscella Condron

Janice Warzak DeMaat

Judy Muraida DiFilippo

Mary Ann Stuber Harrison

Judy Rohan Hicks

Maureen McDermott Jucas

Mary Keeling

Susan Millerick Kelley

Maureen Diggins McSherry

Kathy Carey Moore

Barbara Kukuraitis Nowak

Kathy O’Hara

Nancy Booth Ranquist

Patricia Murphy Rios

Rita Holmes Shaughnessy

Maryann Scully Shaunnessey

Kathy Hallagan Wilson

McAuley Believer

Donna Kosell Brann

Peggy Grist

Mary Anne Pelton Hannibal

Janet Young Harms

Joan Hempstead Kearney

Bonnie Bohling Kreitler

Camille Jarasek McNamee

Mary Mullarkey Neville

Barbara Conway Pifko

Sharon Migitz Staszcuk


Circle of Mercy

Anne McCarthy Sabloff

McAuley Sponsor

Marikay Thompson Herdman

Patricia Scully Keane

Denise Norris Matthews

McAuley Supporter

Mary Fran Kleifgen Beno

Pamela Doll Brown

Mary Alice Riedle Crisler

Pat Kata Czarnecki

Mary Therese Sheahan Dunne

Marian Podolski Eckert

Maureen Hoyler

Therese Gordon Lahart

Maureen Farrell McCarthy

Kathleen McDermott

Mary McGlone

Anne Harmon Meyer

Judith Ruzich Perkins

Susan Rowe

McAuley Believer

Barbara Fryk Boyer

Linda Karleskind Grasso

Susan Kennedy Kovall

Eva Kluk Kuzmanich

Cheri Scavone Moran


McAuley Sponsor

Mary Kay Mulryan Balchunas, PhD

Kathleen Dunn Gavin

McAuley Supporter

Linda Janus Gruber

Sharon Ksiazek Lapinski

Kathy Shaughnessy Lucas

Bess-Catherine Nash McCord

Mary Stingley Nitsche

Sharon Cunnea Orawiec

Therese Ragen, PhD

Rosemary Wolf Rehak

Suzanne McCarthy Shanahan

Sharon Feeney Sodikoff

Ann McCahill Wohlberg

McAuley Believer

Patricia Cannon

Anna Racky Distel

Kristine Kiefer Hipp, PhD

Joan Murphy Kane

Lynne Jason Strutz

Joanell O’Reilly Zawaski


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Katherine Roche Napleton

James (deceased) and Ellen (Napleton) Roche

Circle of Mercy

Sallie Wiechern King

McAuley Supporter

Hon. Gloria G. Coco, ret.

Bernadette Barry Cuttone

Barbara Scully DeBerge

Maureen Moran Harrigan

Lorraine Holland McClowry

Diana Callaghan McCoy

Jackie McLean

Diane Corcoran Nielsen, PhD

Joan Small Papp

Barb Pozzi Nash

Jane F. Ryan

Maureen McGrath Sand Christine Sitko

Carole Intrieri Wilson

McAuley Believer

Laurel Rausch Brunell

Mary Alice Campaigne Catherine Daly

Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99 18 | MOTHER M c AULEY LIBERAL ARTS HIGH SCHOOL

Kathleen Flynn Dujsik

Donna Yanz Frasor

Sue Schwartz Zugenbuehler


Circle of Mercy

Nancy Acker

Anne Ragen McNulty

Linda Roche O’Reilly

McAuley Sponsor

Diane Ormsby Dempsey

Betty Caveney Rocci

McAuley Supporter

Therese Murray Bolton

Catherine Hickey Carey

Jeannie Doyle Cella

Christine Gockman-Brown, PhD

Carol Norris Kyle

Marianne Fritsch Lauer

Paula O’Brien Litman

Mary Lou Morande

Mary Ellen Madden Naliwajko

MaryLee Pakieser

Sister Susan Sanders, RSM, PhD

Elinor Schmid Sullivan

McAuley Believer

Sheila Corrigan

Maryellen Joyce

Mary Beth Schmidt Ryan

Michelle O’Connor Stasko


Circle of Mercy

Terry Magee Jaspers

Lisa Kearns Lanz

McAuley Sponsor

Elizabeth Quinlan Dougherty

McAuley Supporter


Maura Madden Collins

Patricia Feehery Driscoll

Cathy Fitzgerald

Ray Ann Kelly Wolfe

Kathleen Phelan Lipinski

Carol Noetzel, MD

Cynthia Stach-Pearman

Janine Foy Poelstra

Janice Kadlec Stanley

Betsy Sukowicz, PhD

Gaida Visockis

Deirdre M. Whalen

McAuley Believer

Ginger Sebek Andrews

Caron Coughlan Bettenhausen

Mary O’Donnell Grimm

Laurian Grady Heideman

Mary Cella McDevitt

Donna Kielty Vodraska


Frances Xavier Ward Benefactor

Ellen Danaher Tully

Circle of Mercy

Marti and Jim Doherty

Roseanne Garavan-Oskielunas

Nancy Sebek Kilmartin

Carol Collins Napleton

Brian and Kathleen (Desmond) Short

McAuley Sponsor

Kathleen Enright

McAuley Supporter

Janet Boyle

Marisue Lavery Balek

Anabel Shaughnessy Boyce

Jane Dunne Brennan

Monica Burmeister

Mary Beth Reidy Evans

Patricia Byrnes Finn

Nena Girsch

Caron Cronin Green

Eileen Hogan Heineman

Kathy LaDuke Hemmesch

Angelique O’Neal Jones

Barbara A. Koss, CTC

Rita Mau Kula

Joan Horne Leary

Susan McDermott

Janice Pawlak Neff

Sharon Andrews Niemet

Christina O’Connor

Nikki Zaglifa Phillips

Pat Connell Priestly

Sally Battaglia Quinn

Maureen O’Neil Rafa

Peggy Smith Raggio

Katherine Pakieser-Reed PhD, RN-BC

Colleen Barton Rosenbach

Barbara Rowley Scherer

Joanne Conroy Skony

Karen Weatherford Zaluzec

McAuley Believer

Arlene McKenna Adler

Jean Dempsey Allen

Carol Gavin Althoff

Terry Bragg Arundel

Colette Barajas

Anne Marie Walsh Barkus

Carol Bosack

Linda Scaramella Bosack, AuD

Eileen Brann

Sheryl Kiedrowski Braun

Katherine Reidy Brown

Gail Brockhaus Burns

Mary Scott Cady

Diane Canavan Carbone

Patricia Collins Carney

Kerry Dillon Casey

Susan Seban Chirillo

Janice Misiora Clardy

Margaret McGrath Collins

Frances Cook

Carole Cozzie

Lynn Ahnell Crammond

Sheila King Devane

Mary Velcich Dixon

Barbara Lang Dolan

Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99 2021 - 2022 GRATITUDE REPORT | 19
Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Larysa Pawlynsky Dolyniuk

Patricia Mulloy Doran

Kathy Massura Doyle

Nancy Kielty Fazy

Jane Blake Fetzer

Peggy Sauve Flisak

Cheryl Emerson Frost

Michele Gaspar, DVM

Judy Gilmartin

Patricia E. Ryan Glynn

Marilyn Hasbrouck Hauser

Sara McCarthy Hayes

Mary Sweeney Hefner

Linda Foy Heiden

Eileen Driscoll-Hensel

Toni A. Janus

Sheila Kearney

Janet McCrea Kois

Mary Deacy Lin

Patricia Meyer Lowery

Mary Madden Madsen

Stephanie Dunne Peterka

Joan Loughlin Rainis

Anita Remijas

Susan O’Connor Robin

Susan Petrick Roy

Cathy Curtin Schmeski

Maureen Conway Slater

Maureen Malee

Kathleen Jeffers Stabrawa

Marguerite Rolla Stlaske

Diane Cortez Sullivan

Kathleen O’Connor Sullivan

Kathy Sullivan

Donna Kramer Sweeney

Lorraine Cummings Symonanis

Margaret Brady Tofanelli

Margaret Tomaszek

Rita McClain Tybor

Sue Knoerzer Wharton

Rita Fitzgibbons Fox

Mary Therese McNicholas Galka

Nancy Wendt Healy

Patricia O’Donnell Hoeksema

Renata Hornick

Maryellen Schwaller Hyland and Richard Hyland

Gail Galante-Lovinelli

Eileen Burke Kronenberger

Maureen Walsh Lee

Anne Sullivan McAndrews

Sheila Gallagher McInerney

Mary Walsh Mikolajewski

Marge O’Connell Nykaza

Joan Dwyer Rojek

Deborah Klun Sharbak

Patricia Memmesheimer Singler

Marianne Rogers Trotter

Susan Doody Wade

McAuley Believer

Colleen Sullivan Brosnan

Kathy Condon Carey

Sheila Halloran Diombala

Margaret Lee Duffy

Lorraine Hall-Harder

Cathi Carlin Hogan

Cathy Heilmann Lachky

Kathryn Carey Levine

Carol Murphy McDonald

Susan Zangri Quane

Denise Rowan Van Boldrik Marianne Walsh


Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor

William J. and Anne (Edwards) Cotter

Susan Scully Schultz

Diane Metz Maher

Kimberley Murphy Mathisen

Maureen McGreal Mayer

Patricia Brannigan McEldowney

Patricia Foley McGrath

Mary Riordan McQuillan

Babette Davis Meiners

Mary Beth Glynn Mikrut

Teri Prendergast Miller

Marie Flisk Mindeman

Marie Knieps Mooney

Marie Moore (deceased)

Kathleen Doyle Murphy

Anne McNally Myers

Carole Hyland O’Brien

Carol Smith O’Grady

Joan Griffin O’Sullivan

Jo Kmieciak Pakieser

Mary Harrigan Passananti

Caryl Klees Whitney

Kathy O’Neill Winstead


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Rob and Kim (Febel) Figliulo/ SPR, Inc.

Circle of Mercy

Laurel Azzarello McGrath

Mark and Christie (Gallagher) Sever

Diane Twickler Wendel, MD

McAuley Sponsor

Cheryl Quinlan

McAuley Supporter

Marguerite Falloon Bliznik

Mary Kay Daley Briatta

Carol Sheahan Burke

Patricia M. Fishman, MD

made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Sandra Rynkar Walters

Mary Ellen Laughlin Wirtz

Agatha O’Brien Benefactor Mary Ellen Moriarty Reflects

Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99 20 | MOTHER M c AULEY LIBERAL ARTS HIGH SCHOOL

Circle of Mercy

Mary Kay Loughlin Brown

J. A. Burns

Nancy Claussen Carroll

Laura Hickey Drohan

Jane A. Ehrenstrom

Jane Gately

Janet Sokol Lombard

Nadine Martello Shepard

McAuley Sponsor

Eileen Diggins-Chapman

Cathy Cunningham

Tom and Patricia (Needham)


Francie Murphy

Sharon Nassin

Patricia McShane-Parise

Noreen Daly Reilly

Cecilia McIntosh Thunander

McAuley Supporter

Laura Nietzel Caffentzis

Margaret Coleman Cahill

Elizabeth Mallory Deering

Susan Veldman Finn

Janet Laughlin Hogan

Catherine Barry Ipema

Cindy Peecher Keller

William J. Cullen Family

Karen Kaufmann Kolovitz

McAuley Class of 1973

June Duschinsky Miller

Peggy Morrissey Murphy

Rosemary Nash

Martin and Maureen (Murphy)


Vilija Bilaisis Probst

Karen Randolph

Joan Rowan

Jeanne Tew Scanlan

Debra Westerhoff-Wlodarski

McAuley Believer

Judy Smith Benson

Marcy Ryan Dignan

Mary Beth Gallagher Flaherty

Ann Marie Walsh Reed


Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor

Frances L. Robinson, Esq. and John Donohue

Circle of Mercy

Laurie Wysocki Fitzgerald

Joanne Rose McEldowney

Jane O’Neil Quinlan

McAuley Sponsor

Therese Tunney Carberry

Donna M. Crowley, MD

Mariellen O’Donnell Kill

Gretchen Groesbeck Yearsich

McAuley Supporter

Deborah Welter Albert

Kathleen Gallagher

Maureen Linehan Howard

Maddie Singler Kelly

Laurie Waite Kokaisl

Celeste Ebers Kralovec

Bridget Mitchell

Mary Jo Calvano Valenti

McAuley Believer

Nancy Burmeister

Mary Alice Gill Flavin

Rita Browne-Kahle


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Barbara Hamel

Circle of Mercy

Nancy Padden Barrett

Jerry and Mary (Acker) Klingenberger

Judy Azzarello Millerick

Janet Caserta O’Neil and John O’Neil

Cathy Glancey Scully

John and Carla (Zepeda) Sullivan

McAuley Sponsor

Mary Campbell Carnevale

Janet Disteldorf

Kevin and Jane (Maiberger) Doherty

Laurel Sullivan Foody

Sharon Stapleton Glennon

Cathy Gallagher Maloney

Rosemary Shea Pera

Patricia Williams Seeholzer

McAuley Supporter

Barbara Cahill Brosnan

Mary Pat Caddigan Coughlin

Kathleen McKinney Donahue

Ann Joyce Eiden

Mary Leahy Fey

Nancy Cavanagh Foster

Helen Gabriel, OD

Nina Munizzi Lesch

Diane Katzenberger Malsom

Margaret Mann

Karen Kellogg Moran

Barbara Dillon Reedy

Beth Scheid

Maureen Cooke Schmidt

Jean McNicholas Spiegelhalter

Mary Kay Touhy

Mary Beth Delaplane Turek

Mary Power Ventura

McAuley Believer


Mary Morrissey Doody

Anne M. McCarthy

Linda Brockhaus McGinnis

Judith Willand O’Brien

Karen Kendrick Ortigara

Laurie Miller Stanton

Catherine A. Welfare

Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99 2021 - 2022 GRATITUDE REPORT | 21
made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.


Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor

Jim and Anne (Bigane) Wilson

Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Mark and Debbie (Morgan) Essig

Circle of Mercy

Mary Pat Schumacher Rohan

Mike and Peggy (Evans) Rourke

McAuley Sponsor

Susan McNicholas Rowan, DDS

Diane Peterson Sarther, EdD

Debra A. Horvath VanKampen

McAuley Supporter

JoAnn Foertsch Altenbach

Amy Sereda Bayer

Patricia Mea Bleck

Katie Reynolds DaLuga

Janet L. Dolan

Mary Beth Eichhorn

Judy Oldenstedt Huguelet

Patricia Tyson Johnson

Patricia Quealy Klaus

Carol Miernicki

Mary Clare Brosnan O’Grady

Jeanne Christensen Prendergast

Nancy S. Scheidt

Barbara Soltes, MD

Denise Fleming Toussaint

McAuley Believer

Mary Donna Finn Caffrey

Mary Fishman

Georgina Byrnes Griffin

Lynn Garvey Kendrick

Debbie Loffredo Koth

Mary Goggin Wolf


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Kathleen Monahan Connor

Maureen Mullarkey Miller

Sheila Owens

McAuley Sponsor

Bernadette Gniadecki, DO

Eileen Mannion Koller

Margaret Mullen Naughton

Elizabeth Brett Pufunt

McAuley Supporter

Susan Phelan Bott

Susan Nicholson Hayes

LeeAnn Curley Mazurowski

Jean Curley O’Ryan

Enza D’Amico Piech

McAuley Believer

Lisa Pawelski Rollheiser

Debbie Ryan


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Stephen and Katherine (Bigane) Larson

Circle of Mercy

Ann Connolly

Terri Gorman Danko

Mary Catherine Connelly Durkin

Kelly Hansen Gilroy

Maureen Shinners

McAuley Sponsor

State Rep. Fran Hurley Mary Gozder Musgrave

McAuley Supporter


Donna Bridgeforth

Nancy Desmond Donatelli

Carole Sands Grunauer

Tammie Finn Jones

Kathy McIntyre

Mary R. Phillips

Anne LaVoie Sammons

Mary Beth Schwaller Sanchez

Katie Stack

Jennifer Wegrzyn Usher

Mary Kay Gavin Walsh

McAuley Believer

Julie Murray Allen

Colleen Conklin Callahan

Margaret Wollenberg Delaplane

Catherine Pierce Kelly Rose Cannon Ward

Mary Lu Andrasco Wasniewski


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Sheila Nelson

Circle of Mercy

Julie Hansen Burns

Ann Michels Dell

Dianne M. Fleming

Mary J. Foley

McAuley Sponsor

Joan Martinelli

Sandra Ryan

Ellen Siegert

Patricia Eck Witte

McAuley Supporter

Sheila Bigane Bauschelt

Kathy Lombard Byars

Maribeth Blackburn Canent

Marguerite McIntyre Crane

Cathleen Cahill Ferguson

Kate Cranley Gallagher, PhD

Jacqueline Jablonski

Kathleen Egan Jirasek

Terese Gorman Krisch

Donna Cheval Modaff

Carol Murphy Moloney

Joan Durkin Morris

Karen O’Brien, PhD

Carole Griffin Ruzich

Colette Rumann Smiley, DDS

McAuley Believer

Ann Beigelbeck Engelmann

Sue Brett Enright

Maryellyn O’Keefe Friel

Benita Kurowski Hallahan

Deborah Lynch


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Bridget Reidy Ori

Circle of Mercy

Susan Slezak Ludwig

Patricia Nielsen O’Donnell

Mary Oksas

McAuley Sponsor

Katie McGovern Philpott

Pamela Ingersol Saindon

Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99 22 | MOTHER M c AULEY LIBERAL ARTS HIGH SCHOOL

McAuley Supporter

Rosellen Schwaller Brannigan

James and Janet (Gill) Kennedy

Julie Foley Loftus

Christine DiSalvo-Ost, OD

Jeanne Kowal Smith

Kathleen McDonnell Welin

McAuley Believer

Marlene Mohan Balling


Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor

Carol Martinelli Bartucci

Circle of Mercy

Tim and Lisa (Rooney) Doody

Cecily Ahern Millerick

Carole Nelson

McAuley Sponsor

Karen Hunnicutt

McAuley Supporter

Denise Reynolds Carey

Bernadette Conrad Cronin

Therese Cahill Hanigan

Carol Jercich Heffernan

Monique Lange

Julie Kerwin Lawler

Ann Corridon Maloney

Deborah Saunders Mason

Caroline Mondschean

Lorraine Johnson Nagle

Robbie Kuchler O’Shea

Patricia Freeman Rowley

Sheila Kelly Scarim

Rita Falsey Scully

Colleen Flaherty Shea

Mary Fran Perkins Stratis

McAuley Believer

Nancy Oldenstedt Angus

Maureen Nassin Hicks

Janet Garvey Krusenoski

Bridget Bailey Lipscomb

Martha Byrnes Martinez

Barb Cosgrove Zediker


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Mark and Kate (Shannon) Boyle

Karen Casey-Loftus

Circle of Mercy

Helen Flanagan

Terri Hanrahan

Betty Marchese Kosky-Harn

Ellie Brett Ryan

Mary Beth Sheehan

Mariyana Spyropoulos

Chris Lukasik Suddreth

McAuley Sponsor

Meg Bigane

Mike and Kim (Joyce) Geraghty

Susan McNally

Jil Simpson Ross

McAuley Supporter

Vicki Zarod Brennan

Veronica Burgess

Kathleen M. Burke

Nancy Huguelet Cook

Robin Rodi Creevy

Sheila Trinley Kopplin

Major Marianne Kwiatkowski


Nancy Larson Lynch

Amy Cronin Marciniak

Angela LaBarbera Mehalek

Kimberly Carlson Patton

Eileen Breske Pavlik

Geri Collins Sorrentino

McAuley Believer

Katie Cullen-Conway

Ellen Stark Schultz


Circle of Mercy

Joe and Sheila (McNamara) Bettinardi

Susan Broniarczyk, PhD

Alexandra Meneses

Nancy Schwaller

Sheila Dyra Zak

McAuley Sponsor

TC Harney Christine Federinko Lee

McAuley Supporter

Anne Michelle Brett

Liz Doody Gorman

Carol Haskins Hetzel

Sharon Morey

Elizabeth Thibeau

McAuley Believer

Terry Harney Clancy

Karen Looney Konow

Susan Mikolajczak O’Donnell

Mary Keough Sheehan

Dorie Filpovich Smith Amy Sprague Walch


Circle of Mercy

Bart and Mary Ellen (Carroll) Clifford

Nancy O’Brien Kane

Susan Chylla Lindquist

Molly Bridgman Vandeveld

McAuley Sponsor

Jodi Farrell

Julie Morrison Humphreys

Linda Balchunas Jandacek

Yvonne Landis-Martello

McAuley Supporter

Laura McGee Denlinger

Deirdre Slattery Kassay

Colleen O’Connell Lafontaine

Claudine Malik

Mary Kay Mulcahy O’Connell

Julie Bigane Pollard

McAuley Believer

Margaret Glennon Speski

Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

$10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle
$1,000-$4,999 Sponsor
2021 - 2022 GRATITUDE REPORT | 23
Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor
of Mercy
Supporter $100-$499
Believer up to $99


Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor


Circle of Mercy

Lisa Goelz Messaglia

McAuley Sponsor

Patricia Reilly

McAuley Supporter

Kimberly Welter Argires

Kelly Carmody Blizzard

Carine Towers Girardin

Maralynn Deacy Kearney

Theresa Kristopaitis, MD

Eileen Donnelly Luzin

Clare Kelly Metcalf

Patrice Ryan Philbin

Gerianne Spagnoli Tilkes

Jodi Emlund Wysocki

McAuley Believer

Betty Farrell Barry

Janice M. Mitchell

Rita Trapani

Frances Foley Wojtczak


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Dawn Jenkinson McKenna

Vania Montero Wit

Circle of Mercy

Carey Temple Harrington

Julie Moody Kemnitz

Kathryn M. Morrissey

Patty O’Connor MD

Mary Carol Witry

Mary Plockelman Young

McAuley Sponsor

Juliet Bradley, MD

McAuley Supporter

Terran Doveikis D’Andrea

Kathleen Doyle, PhD

Susan Rose Duff

Christine Canavan Duffy

Gaby Ahern Gribble

Kate A. Kelly

Kelly Shanahan McNamara

Susan Toth Morrissey

Kathleen O’Connell O’Grady

Linda Zartler Roche

Jennifer Joyce Smykowski

Clare McAuliffe Staudacher

Carolyn Walsh

Michelle Dinneen White

McAuley Believer

Catherine Browne

Julie Fenlon Delfinado

Colleen Carter LaGiglia

Peggy Dowling McKeever

Moira Scully Papp

Mary Ellen Condon Staelgraeve

Candace Lyon Taber


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Emelie Ilarde, MD

Circle of Mercy

Julie Scholvin Crumley

Mark and Maura (Clarke) Saas

McAuley Sponsor

Sheila Lombard Drda

Beth Curran Hadley

Karen Brown Kissel

McAuley Supporter

Carolyn Peterson Alifantis

Kathy Kryczka Anderson

Margaret Carey

Noreen P. Connolly

Kate Brett Coughlin

Laura Dombro

Bernadette Moore Gibson

Ann Thibeau Halleran

Christine Staszcuk Lewandowski

Cristine Marik

Lea Guinta Massaro

Judith McAuliffe

Joanne O’Malley

Meg O’Sullivan

Felicia Stanczak

McAuley Believer

Jennifer Kintner Cunnane

Anne Cook Kowal

Jeanne Weber Sommerfeld


McAuley Sponsor

Ellen Monson Navarrete

Thomas and Carrie (Amann) Wujek

McAuley Supporter

Catherine Cotter Brady

Jeanne Flanagan Connelly

Jessica Sunquist Hanson

Bridget McIlvain

Katherine O’Neill McShane

Ann Marie Kordeck Riordan, EdD

Karyn Kwiatkowski Trecek

McAuley Believer

Denise Lamphier Bossler

Kathleen Kopecky Davine Ann Marie McMillan Manos Bernadette McGuire


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Patrick Hurless and Megan Curran-Hurless

Circle of Mercy Willian and Stacy (Zawaski) Sheerin

McAuley Sponsor

Brian and Mary (McGarry) Maloney

McAuley Supporter

Miriam Carroll Alfano

Tristan N. Karnezis Angus

Jennifer Restagno Baniewicz

Maureen Leen Bevan Kathleen Cummings

Cara Kean Jilek

Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99 24 | MOTHER M c AULEY LIBERAL ARTS HIGH SCHOOL
Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.


McAuley Supporter

Coleen Temple Barkmeier

Angela Nirchi Berger

Jennifer Weick Gilhooly

Megan Wolfe-Halpern

Amy Clarkin Hannon

Nancy Tronnes Judeh

Terry McInerney Reidy

Moira McEldowney Welniak


Circle of Mercy

Kristi Flood

Isabel Wagner Hynes

McAuley Supporter

Kimberly Evans Craig

Colleen Coogan Curley

Katie Carmody Hanley

Eva Hunt, EdD

Marti A. Jatis

Molly Maloney Kelly

Nicole Levine McClain

Kelly Forde Moscicki

Amy Durkin O’Connor

Marie Parker O’Connor, MD

Peggy Christensen Rastovac

Carrie Ann Bozinovich Rizzi

Deana Evans Segreti

McAuley Believer

Eileen Wogan Durkin

Megan Sullivan Rees


McAuley Supporter

Kimberly B. Brown

Kathleen Bour Burke

Amy Durkin Celauro

Julie Corley Cosme

Barbara Faust Cramer

Sara Body Fitzpatrick

Jennifer King McClelland

Kimberly McNamara Nichols

Kelly Rees Petrowski

Margaret Duffy Radgowski

Suzy Curran Sullivan

Beth Zack Williams

Lauren McGrath Zajac

McAuley Believer

Kerry Kennedy Esselman

Stephanie Mucha

Jennifer Maniatis Piwnicki


Agatha O’Brien Benefactor

Colleen McKeever Marszalek

Circle of Mercy

Tricia Fitzgerald Halper

McAuley Sponsor

Julie Tarcak McKenna

Michelle Dennis Nitsche

Maureen Gainer Reilly

Rosemary Wood Sexton

McAuley Supporter

Kelly Brogan

Jean Riemersma Hayes

Kristin Stringham Heidorn

Jill Capuano Kotas

Kathleen Madden Maloney

Mareya Nevels Marmoll

Joanne Doherty Mastandrea

Karen Lakawitch McDonagh

Nicole Lachat Mendez

Katie Owens Mulcahy

Jennifer Sniezewski Schmitt

Susie McNicholas Schultz

Katie Walsh Stritch

Amie Biros Wharff

McAuley Believer

Kim Zerth Bumsted

Jennifer Naegele

Christine Keane Sharp


Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor

Jenny Costello Fortner

Circle of Mercy

Dan and Sarah (Curran) Sennett

McAuley Sponsor

Claire Konstant Maloney

Colleen Quinlan White

McAuley Supporter

Joy Bivins

Kellyn Doyle Coakley

Janell Brady Ekdale

Suzanne Emerson Fedea

Eileen Lynch

Tracy Folliard Olsen

Jeannie Clarkin Olson

Julie McInerney Racz

Claire Sheahan

Renee Poradzisz Spinella

Courtney O’Connor Twomey

McAuley Believer

Jeanne Delaney Colleen McGuire

Betsy Ross Ready


Circle of Mercy

Cara Koch Benes

McAuley Sponsor

Jacqueline Kwilos Griffin

Caryn Schnierle Thomas

McAuley Supporter

Heather Mullins Begley

Katie McNally Fitzmaurice Sarah Neberieza Gomez

Jamie Portal Guardi

Colleen Valenti Loughney

Catherine Negovan Nokomis

Mary McCluskey O’Leary

Beth Condron Ryan

Josie Coffey Singler

Elizabeth Brown Zakaras

McAuley Believer

Katie Osborne Harrigan

Kathleen Black Smolen


Circle of Mercy

Ellen Gergits Metz

McAuley Sponsor

Kathleen McAlinden Patrick and Sara (Phillips ‘96) McGann

Kristen King Prendergast

McAuley Supporter

Caroline Donovan Anderson Mary C. Gainer, MD Sandra Miller

Erin McGrath Mueller

contributions made between July
Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99 2021 - 2022 GRATITUDE REPORT | 25
1, 2021
June 30, 2022.

Patricia Killen O’Sullivan

Sarah Musotto Wirtz

McAuley Believer

Margaret Manzke Dwyer

Katelyn Marneris Hamilton

Debra Brown Ryan

Trish Drennan Trentz


McAuley Sponsor

Maura King Finn

Kelly O’Connell Luzzo

Kathleen Moody Malone

McAuley Supporter

Brooke Standring Ariens

Renee Nash Bizzieri

Alisia M. Eckert

Kristienne Hanna Johnson

Gina Doyle Loizzo

Gena Lanuti O’Malley

Jeanine Solinski

McAuley Believer

Nicole Chmela Game

Brigid Berry Jacobsen


Circle of Mercy

Lauren B. Mikos

McAuley Sponsor

Anne Czarnecki

McAuley Supporter

Cheryl Belcik

Alessa Altenbach Brennan

Maura Carroll

Anita Chlipala

Lauren Fitzgibbon Gute

Renata Kovacs Kusper

Julie O’Sullivan

Liz Sheridan

McAuley Believer

Mary Pat Deiters Carr

Melissa A. Gutierrez

Patti Arvesen Weinmann


McAuley Sponsor

Meg Griffin Gardner

McAuley Supporter

Sheila Gainer Flanagan

Cate Huguelet

Laura Ortega

McAuley Believer

Mirielle Craven Barker

Karalyn Manzke Smith


Circle of Mercy

Erin McDermott Goldrick

McAuley Sponsor

Christine K. Ratajczak

McAuley Supporter

Rachel Franker-Groth

Shannon Dunne Harvey

Monica M. Padilla

Sarah E. Powers

Angela Stepancic

McAuley Believer

Carlin Glennon

Moira Hughes

Emily Cunningham Miller

Laurie Riesbeck Risner

Natalie Lytell Rossi


Circle of Mercy

Mary Kate Murray Heywood

McAuley Supporter

Laura Scanlan Campbell

Kristyn Corley Carmody

Anne Walaszek Lunkes

Jennifer Germino

Kelly M. Kolton

Anne Larmon Ringrose


Circle of Mercy

Melanie Rahman Thomas, MD

McAuley Sponsor

Megan Poelstra Bacarella

McAuley Supporter

Jennifer Novosel Callahan

Caitlin M. Carroll

McAuley Believer

Sarah A. Gilligan

Meaghan Sullivan


McAuley Supporter

Kathleen Mixan

Meghan Mulryan

Eileen Boyce O’Reilly

Katie Rudolph Savage Morgan Ingersoll Winters

McAuley Believer Madeline Wirtz Allan Kacey Kelly Carey

Julia Neville


McAuley Sponsor

Elizabeth Singler Anzilotti

McAuley Supporter

Nora Behan

Jennifer Beeson Davis

Cathriona McGuire Fey

Megan O’Connell McFarlane

Meghan Nawrocki Soso, PharmD

Erin O’Brien Tapp


Circle of Mercy

Bridget Keaty Moore

McAuley Sponsor Katherine Nowicki Hall Colleen Kelly Moss

Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99 26 | MOTHER M c AULEY LIBERAL ARTS HIGH SCHOOL

McAuley Supporter

Stephanie Florence

Kate Scully Krebsbach

Cathy Moran

Mary Sue Fitzgibbons Novosel

Maura Reilly

Elizabeth Wysocki

McAuley Believer

Marcy Farrell Doheny

Mo Sullivan


McAuley Sponsor

Anne McEldowney

Carolyn Nevin

McAuley Supporter

Jennifer Riemersma Christophersen

Kathleen Lynch

Alyse Biszewski Rourke

McAuley Believer

Anne Dixon Brown

Theresa Lavelle Brainerd


Circle of Mercy

Julia Carey

McAuley Sponsor

Maura Moran Vaughan

McAuley Believer

Erin Knightly


Circle of Mercy

Erin Kennedy

McAuley Supporter

Courtney Griffin

Mary Larkin

Molly Rourke

Alicia Toussaint

Mary Youpel

McAuley Believer

Frances Kobiernicki Lauren Frost Stull


Circle of Mercy

Caitlin Gallagher

McAuley Believer Anonymous Grace Flaherty Kathleen Kelly Montag Rebecca Susmarski


Circle of Mercy Brittany Vacchiano Navin McAuley Sponsor Colleen Frost Piko

McAuley Supporter

Jacqueline Capron Buschbach

Jamie Heavey

McAuley Believer

Mary Kate Knightly


McAuley Sponsor Kathryn Casper

McAuley Supporter

Julie Chaps Katie McCasland

McAuley Believer Alyson Huguelet Katherine Kelliher

CLASS OF 2012 McAuley Sponsor Anne Best

McAuley Supporter

Bryanna Biszewski

Kara Frost

Clare Nawrocki

McAuley Believer Regina Engel Lauren Knight

Megan McCauley Andrea Morano Erin Wojcicki


Mary Kate Gorman

Maura Joyce Molly McInerney Elizabeth Nye

McAuley Believer Alexandria Brown Brigid Touhy


Circle of Mercy Jessica Pedroza

McAuley Supporter Marley Coughlin

McAuley Believer Molly O’Neill

McAuley Believer

Molly Clifford Annie Duffy Cara Murphy


McAuley Supporter Addison Smith

McAuley Believer Amelia Kennedy Yaitzell Noriega


McAuley Supporter Olivia Homel Faith Carey

Circle of Mercy Christine Schmidt


McAuley Supporter Maria McCormack


McAuley Supporter Mary Kate Duffy

CLASS OF 2022 Circle of Mercy McAuley Class of 2022 Reflects

contributions made
Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99 2021 - 2022 GRATITUDE REPORT | 27
between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Non-Alumnae Donors

Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor Anonymous

Daniel P. Haerther Charitable Trust

Fred J. Brunner Foundation

John Gordon

Helen Brach Foundation

Home Depot

David and Ginny Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh Family Foundation

Kelley Family Fund/Lawrence and Carrie Kelley

Angelo Lazzara

The Lazzara Family Foundation

The Lombard Company

Lombard Family

Macs Ltd.

Madonna Foundation Marquette Bank

Mazza Foundation

Museum of Science and Industry/Exelon

Ozinga Bros. Inc.

Mary Ellen Schwaller

Michael and Julie Sheffieck

Walsh Foundation/Dan and Patty (Reynolds ‘65) Walsh Wight & Company

WP & HB White Foundation

Agatha O’Brien Benefactor


A Friend of Mother McAuley

A Friend of Mother McAuley

Bautista Memorial Scholarship Foundation

Sister Cathleen M. Cahill, RSM Mike and Monica Carey Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation

Cotter Consulting, Inc./ Anne Edwards Cotter ‘73

Dr. Scholl Foundation

DuPage Community Foundation

Exelon Corporation Matching Gift Program

Sister Marie Fox, RSM Gerry Gainer

Michael Huguelet

Patrick Hurless and Megan Curran-Hurless ‘89

Irish Fellowship Educational and Cultural Foundation

Thomas and Tami Lange

Lawrence and Elizabeth Lannan Charitable Fund

Little Company of Mary Sisters

Owens Foundation

Personal Consulting Services Intl

Circle of Mercy AbbVie

Ann Acker

Anonymous Anonymous Laurence C. and Nancy Acker Dale E. Adams

Alliant Insurance Services

Charlie and Amy Altenbach

Beverly Bank/Wintrust Community Bank

Patrick Brett

William and Helen Brett Chris and Shay Brokemond Mary L. Burke

Bart and Mary Ellen (Carroll ‘84) Clifford

John and Rosemary (Mele ‘68) Coleman

Brendan and Terry Conroy Corsalus Financial Paul and Jayne Dederichs Bob and Bridget Deiters Tim and Lisa (Rooney ‘81) Doody Patricia Durkin

James Dwyer

David Fields and Allison Schwartz Fifth Third Bank

Lawrence and Priscilla Gallagher Thomas and Virginia Gohagan

Kathy Gordon Davis Beth and Denny Hart

Herff Jones/James A. Cranley Edward and Carol (deceased) Hogan

Patricia A. (deceased) and Francis J. Houlihan Foundation

Sister Nancy Houlihan, RSM Jerry and Jannine Joyce

Todd and Tara Justic Matthew Kamin and Diana Zamojski-Kamin, MD

Raleigh and Jackie Kean Keeley Family Foundation Sister Sharon Kerrigan, RSM Dan and Mary Lombard John G. and Janet (Sokol ‘73) Lombard

Michael Lombard and Bette Wallerstein Lombard George and Abby Lombardi

Michael Macander and Maura Macander, MD

McAuley Class of 2022

James and Carmen McNealy Mercy Education System of the Americas/MESA

Robert and Cecily (Ahern ‘81) Millerick Misericordia Home

The Napleton Family Foundation

James Norton

Fr. Paul Novak

Suzanne and Severo Pedroza

Proven Business Systems Dermot Putnam Rytech, LLC

Season Comfort Corporation Service Unlimited/Paul Rossetti

Eric and Amy Stroner Matt and Llora Sullivan

Andrea and Jim Thome

Michael Vanier

Vulcan Materials Company Michele and James Whitehead

Wiedemann Insurance

William Quinn & Sons

Robert and Laura Wise

Cheryle and John Wittert

Julia Yeager

Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99


McAuley Sponsor

Accurate Printing

Joseph and Susan Allen

Scott and Susan Allen

Sister June Anselme, RSM

Mark and Erin Antonietti

Kim Baxter/MESA

Judith Bobber

Sister Lois Bromark, SSJ/TOSF

Jack and Carole Cahill

Sister Nancy Cahill, RSM

James and Petrina Capuano

Mary and Patrick Carroll

Terry and Terri Corcoran

Core Fitness

Curley Funeral Home

Jason DeJonker

Frances Dennis Jason Dobrzynski

Paul and Debbie Duggan

Alison and Vinayand Duggirala

Ginny Eck

Diane Federle

Cornelius Griggs and Markuail Turnipseed

HALO Branded Solutions

Sister Mary Hanseder, RSM Patrick and Jennifer Hynes Asuncion Ilarde

Kean Bros LLC

Brian and Paige Keeley

Charles Klingenberger

Robert Klingenberger

Robert Kuenster

Raymond and Deanna Lazzara

Levi Strauss Foundation

Betty Lombard

Steve and Debbie Manning Martinique Banquet Complex Maureen McCluskey

Dave and Carol O’Keeffe/ Star Moulding and Trim Mary and Ed O’Connell

Don J and Catherine O’Keefe Jim and Dawn Pfeiffer

Pipefitters Local 597

Daniel Rowan, MD and Susan (McNicholas ‘76) Rowan, DDS

Sister Ellen Marie Ryan, RSM

Sister Jane Schlosser, RSM

Carolyn Sever

Michael and Erin Shannon William and June Sheerin

Laura Smith

Sister Betty Smith, RSM Sportfuel INC.

Star Moulding & Trim

United Trust Bank

William Blair & Co. LLC

Sterling and Missy Wright, Jr.

McAuley Supporter 11th Ward Chicago 19th Ward Chicago

Laurence and Anne Acker Joyce and William Albright Dennis and Geraldine Antolec Jim and Mary Antos Christa Arquilla

Paul and Martha Aubin

Bank of America Matching Gifts Program

David and Debra Bartell Brad and Donna Bauer

Jean Bauer-O’Connell and Thomas O’Connell

Jeanius Prep/Jeanne Bern Jason and Michelle Bever

The Beverly Review

Walter Bland, Jr. and Robin Mangrum-Bland

Charles and Sheila Bowman Pete and Deborah Breakey Tom and Susan Broderick

Sister Mary Ruth Broz, RSM Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP Eileen T. Buckley

Jacob and Denise Bulthuis

Kelly Burke, Mayor of Evergreen Park and State Rep. Kelly Burke36th District Mary Burns Steven Burrows

Bush Family Eye Care/ Elizabeth Bush, OD ‘05 John Byrnes Margaret Carey Mary Ellen Caron

Sister Barbara Centner, RSM Karen Chadwick

Christ the King Church Thomas and Holly Cichy Thomas and Sharon Coffey John and Rose Cranley

Kathryn Cullen

Ramiro and Elizabeth Cumpian

James and Susan Cunnea

Senator Bill Cunningham Eric Cuthbert

Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Mary Catherine DeVoto

Mark and Kathy (McKinney ‘75) Donahue

John and Jennifer Doran Lauren Dowden

William and Mary Ann Droel John and Jackie Dunn

Jacqueline Eason Erik and Donna Eastman

Jeremy Eberhard Abbie Eckland

Edwards Insurance Agency

Mark and Tania Egan James Fahey

Sister Alice Marie Feehan, RSM Tim and Sue Finger

Sister Cora Finnane, RSM Kevin and Jen Fitzpatrick Sandra Flaherty

Lisa Forde

Ryan and Shannon Foster Ginny Fowler

Friends of Fran Hurley Terry and Karen Frigo Michael Frost

Drs. Warren and Nancy Furey

G. Conte Family Charitable Fund Timothy and Adrianne Gabel Tim Gainer

Charlie and Peggy Galey

Mario and Kellye Galvan Barbara Gaynor April Greer

Steve and Pam Groszek

Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99

2021 - 2022 GRATITUDE REPORT | 29

Christopher and Amy Grzyb

Michael Gurgone

Ed and Colleen Halaburt

Mitchell Hamilton

Janet Hansen

Susan Hansen

Tom and Trish Harrington

Jamie Heavey ‘10

Michael Hein

Henry Crown And Company

Leslie Hickey

Jacob Hildner

John and Virginia Hinderaker

IBEW Local 134

Chris and Donna Marie Ivers

Bob and Mary Jacob


Ed Julliard

Marie Kennedy

Patrick and Leslie Quade Kennedy

Jennifer Kensel

Eileen and Patrick Knightly

Eileen Kochanny

Wrayanne Kolarik

Mike and Pat Kominiarek

Sister Monica Kostielney, RSM

Kevin Kurry

Thomas and Therese Kwiatkowski

Faye Lack

Jayne Laird Sorkis

Mary Ellen LaVoie


Jeffrey Levy

Sister Mary E. Loftus, RSM

Chris Lorent

James Lynch Madelyn Lynch

Nancy Lynch

Jill Mace

Daniel Mager

John M. Maloney

Adrian and Karin Mannion

Marathon Sportwear

Jill Marceille

William and Mary Martin

McAuley Fathers’ Club

McAuley Mothers’ Club

Jan McAuliffe

Donna McCauley

Sister Kathleen McClelland, RSM

Barry and Joan McClorey

Katie McCormack

Mary McCormick

Sister Mary Catherine McDonagh, RSM

Terry and Kathleen McEldowney

Patrick McEvoy

Jim and Kelly McHugh

John V. and Cabrini McInerney

Marilou McInerney

Tammy McIntyre

Daniel and Maureen McNamara

Wendy Miller

Mary Pat Monson

Ryan and Erin Moody

Erin Moore

Amy Moran

Jennifer Morgan Carol Moriarty

Motorola Foundation

Sister Carol Mucha, RSM

Timothy and Ann Mundt

Vicki Nettle

Keisha Newell

Maureen Nitsche

Mary Norris

Steve and Jackie Nye

Janice O’Brien

Elizabeth and John O’Connor

Robin O’Keeffe

Sue Olenski

Paul and Helen Kay Omastiak

Rev. William O’Shea Mary Brigid O’Toole

Patrick O’Toole

Jodiann Pacer

Sister Elizabeth Pardo, IHM

Pfizer Foundation Gifts Program

Kathryn Pitcher

Megan Poore

Brian and Judy Porch

James Prindiville

Catherine Randolph

Marge Rapp

Anthony and Debra Rappold

Rick and Lisa Ortega Rivera

Tom and Amy Rogala

Patrick and Patricia Rohan

Edward and Susan Ruff

Marilyn Rush

Sheila Ryden

Michael and Mary Kathryn Saracini

Sasser Family Companies

Robert Schaller

Dave Sever Daniel Sheahan Eileen Shue

Sig’s Heating & Air Conditioning Service

Laura Snow Gawlik

Janet Soenen

Special Children’s Charities/ Special Olympics

St Catherine of Alexandria School

St. Cajetan Church

St. Cajetan FSA

St. Cajetan Women’s Club

Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Gregory and Mariann Stupka

Brian and Kathy Sullivan

Chris and Colleen Sullivan

Joseph and Susan Sullivan

Karen Sullivan

Kevin Sullivan

Noreen Sullivan

Roz Sunquist

Marilyn Thibeau (deceased)

Rosario Villeroz

Sally Vogt

Brendan and Leanna Wall

Dorothy and Clifford Wallace Denise Ward

Sandra Ward

William Webb and Diana Brawka-Webb, DDS Kelly Wesseln

Leslie White Gillespie

Steve and Margaret Williams Mark and Jeanne Williamson Christine Williamson Witt

John and Sarah Wilson Paul and Patricia Wojcicki Fred and Laura Zeilner

Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99


McAuley Believer

Nancy Anchacles

Tamara Bailey

Baird Warner

Cynthia Bik

Ryan Blum

David and Patricia Bogdan

Maria and Massimo Braschi

Catherine and Jeffry Bross

Trena Bufe

Helen Burke

Valila Canavan

Robert and Leighann Cannon

Kristine Carbray

Tim and Peggy Carey

James (deceased) and Maryirene Clarke

Joan Claussen

Marianne Coakley

Maureen Connelly

Madeline Conover

Laura Creasap

James R. Cronin, Jr.

Kevin Doheny

Emily Donnelly

Noelle Eberle

Elizabeth Eichman

Jody A. Farrell

Joe Fightmaster

Rebecca Kujawa

Patrick and Susan Flood

Dan Flynn

Lisa Frede

Christian and Kari Gambotz

Maricela Garcia

Margaret Graham

Carolyn Grede

Michael A. Greenhalgh

Stephen Greenhalgh

Grit Clothing Company

Kathleen Haefliger

Holly Hankey-Nickels

Patrick and Cathy Hayes

Ardeen Hoke

Ed and Erin Hosty

Randall and Janet Hughes

Fr. Tom Hurley

Katherine Kampton

Colleen Kehoe

Donna Keiken

Eva S. Kelly

Mary Kenny

Sister Marise Kessler, RSM

Lisa Kil

Julie Kimball

Barbara Scott Kirby

Paula Kowalkowski

Liv Krusinski

Kathie Ksiazek

Maureen Kuriata

Tom and Jennifer LePretre

Allan Lopez and Edith Herman-Lopez

Sandy and Sheila Lufrano

Delphine Lytell

Joe and Chrissy Maher

Mary Kay Mannelli

Susan Marcinkowski

Louis and Laura Marlin

Thorn McClellan Smith

McGrail Family

Maureen McMahon

Joni Messner

Monica Mulvihill

Rodney and Audrie Mumphery

Jennifer Murzyn

Chuck and Therese Naso

Michaeleen Nutley

Daniel O’Brien, DDS

Thomas and Laura O’Connor

Deanna Pierce

JoAnne Pitcher, Caitlin and Cameron Coburn

Linda Porter

Lauren Prunckle

Maria Pudliner

Sister Corinne Raven, RSM (deceased)

Catherine Ray

Edwin and Juana Maria Carey Romanelli

JoAnn Schober

Joann Shanahan

Sister Mary Sheehan, RSM Art Sheridan

Mary Sheridan

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

Roberta Sladky

Kathryn Smith

Sharon Smith

Sister Mary Anne Smith, RSM

Tinamarie Stajura

John Stanton

Patricia Starcevich

Maureen Stritch

Laurel Swintek

Robert Thomas

Jerry and Anna Trynoha

Julianne Vanderwerf

Scott and Ada Wainwright

Shanta Wheeler Paul and Carol Williams Jan and Denny Wilson



Reflects contributions made between July
2021 and June
2022. Frances Xavier Warde Benefactor $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Benefactor $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 Sponsor $500-$999 | Supporter $100-$499 | Believer up to $99
2021 - 2022 GRATITUDE REPORT | 31


Class of 1983

Class of 1971

Dr. Juliet Bradley ’86 - McAuley Hall

Linda Brannigan Sullivan

William Brett

Helen Brett

Julie Hansen Burns ‘79 - McAuley Hall

Maura Condon ‘23

Marguerite Crane Cumpian Girls

The education of young women!

Nora Harvey ‘22

Frances Harvey

Pat Haynes

Jamie Heavey

Sarah Heidorn ‘22

Sister Nancy Houlihan, RSM

The Institutional Advancement Team at McAuley

Emelie ILarde, MD ‘87 - McAuley Hall

Nancy O’Brien Kane ‘84

Mary Acker Klingenberger ‘75

Lifelong friends found at McAuley

Brigid Lufrano ‘25

Marie Lynch Julius

Eileen Lynch ‘94

Mercy Nuns dedicated to teaching

Sr. Ellen Marie Ryan, RSM Colleen McGrath Barbra Nash Pozzi

Gigi Navarrete ‘23

Michelle Dennis Nitche ‘93 - McAuley Hall

Sr. Katie Norris ‘65, DC - McAuley Hall

Richard Pozzi

Judith Stanczak Ressinger

Ellen Napelton Roche ‘68

Mary Kay McGrath Rotsch

The Sisters of Mercy Mary Virginia Murphy

Kaitlyn Wainwright ‘25


Jamie Burgess Bentley ’83

Ed Bigane

Jane Bigane

Dorothy Rasmussen Brady ‘38

Lorraine Grzaske Bukowsky ‘60

Mary Kean Coffey ‘63

Diane Costello ‘21

Pat Somers Cronin SXA ‘44

Bridget Cullen ‘13

Kathleen Davine ‘88

Eileen Juillard Demonte ‘63

Michael DiFatta

George Eck, Sr

Carol Hargett Fitzpatrick, Former MMC Faculty

Thomas Flynn

Dorothy Flynn ’82

Monica Dunne Fudacz ‘75

Darlene Whirty Frost ‘81

Gertude Gallagher

Owen Glennon

Margaret Glennon

Geraldine Godzer

Mary Knickerbocker Greenhalgh ’67

Helen Sheridan Hart, SXA

Sister Valery Heffner, RSM

Denise Huguelet ‘72

Margaret Sloan Jennings, Former MMC Staff

Wayne Keiken

Donald Kimball

Joyce Kopeckny

Danielle Lange ‘21 Christine Lavelle

Joane Althouse Martinelli

John McCormack

Marguerite McIntyre

Valerie Migliore Cunningham ‘74

Winifred Nielsen

Mary Jo Hester Norell ‘73

Magdalen O’Toole ‘76

Reflects contributions made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Luella Pakieser

Maureen Breen Putnam ‘65

Sara Jean Quinlan ‘71

Sister Corinne Raven, RSM

Carolyn “Peanut” Ross ‘89

Sister Amy Russell

Judy Sheehan

William Sheehan

Kathleen Schumacher

James Schumacher

Marilyn Thibeau

Rita Casey Travers ‘61

Marilyn Verlinden


Planned Giving

Plan ahead to provide the Lifetime Advantage to the next generation of young women attending Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School. Join the many loyal supporters of Mother McAuley who have become members of the Catherine McAuley Legacy Society by naming our school as part of your estate planning. Your commitment to McAuley’s future allows future Mighty Macs to experience the same high-quality education.

Your planned gift is personal and unique depending upon your circumstances. Our Institutional Advancement team would be pleased to meet with you to discuss how Mother McAuley could fit within your estate plan.


BEQUESTS - Name Mother McAuley as a beneficiary for a monetary amount or percentage of your estate. These gifts plan for the long-term future success of our school.

RETIREMENT PLAN ASSETS - Mother McAuley can be named as a beneficiary of all or a portion of your retirement plan assets.

LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES - By donating some or all of your life insurance policies to a nonprofit, 100% will pass tax free.


Consider a transfer of long-term appreciated stock to receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the securities and avoid paying capital gains taxes.

If you are over the age of 70 1/2, you can donate any amount up to $100,000 to qualified nonprofit organizations, like Mother McAuley, without paying income tax.

Our organization is not qualified to provide specific legal, tax, or investment advice, and this page should not be looked to or relied upon as a source for such advice. Consult with your own legal and financial advisor(s) before making any gift.

Almost everyone has the ability to make a planned gift. Gifts of ALL sizes make an impact at McAuley.

“We can never say ‘it is enough’.”
2021 - 2022 GRATITUDE REPORT | 33

Since there is very little good that can be accomplished or evil avoided without the aid of money, we must look after it in small as well as in great matters.

Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School

is a Catholic educational community committed to providing a quality college preparatory education for young women.  In the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy and their foundress, Catherine McAuley, we prepare students to live in a complex, dynamic society by teaching them to think critically, communicate effectively, respond compassionately to the needs of their community and assume roles of Christian leadership. In partnership with parents, we empower young women to acknowledge their giftedness and to make decisions with a well-developed moral conscience.  We foster an appreciation of the diversity of the global community and a quest for knowledge and excellence as lifelong goals.

3737 W. 99th Street Chicago, IL 60655 www.mothermcauley.org Follow us!

CATHERINE M c AULEY, letter to Father James Maher, January 10, 1838

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