Inscape - Summer 2021

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News from Mother McAuley High School


The more things change, the more they stay the same!

Feature Story........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Alumnae News. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Advancement Update. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 School News.. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ways to Give......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Peggy Evans Rourke ‘76 Director of Alumnae Relations and Development Maria McCormack ‘16 Alumnae Coordinator JoAnn Foertsch Altenbach ‘76 Annual Fund/Database Specialist Inscape is a publication of Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alumnae Relations, Mother McAuley High School, 3737 W. 99th Street, Chicago, IL 60655 Copyright 2021 Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without written permission.

Design and layout by Karen Culloden Hoey ‘84 | Printing by Accurate Printing


To our Mother McAuley CommunityI trust as you are paging through our Inscape, the city of Chicago has fully moved to Phase 5 and we have all arrived at our new normal. As we reflect on the past year and a half, we feel truly blessed on 99th Street. Mother McAuley stayed true to our mission, demonstrating an unwavering dedication to the careful instruction of young women and remaining a leader in education. Special thanks and acknowledgement goes out to our administration, faculty, staff and our dedicated building crew for making a daily commitment to the education and well-being of our students and families. Though our students were socially distanced, they remained deeply connected with the issues facing all of us as a community, city and country. In the spirit of the Mercy Critical Concerns, our young women formed two very important clubs to address social justice and equality through education, discussion and proactive inclusion. These clubs, I am confident, will benefit our students as they advance to higher education and their careers. Macs LEAD is a club committed to teaching students about individuals with disabilities, the organizations that serve them, and the need to foster student consciousness and connectedness. Its goal is inclusivity through education, awareness, and interaction. Kerry Ryan Lynch ‘98, 2014 McAuley Hall Inductee and 2021 alumnae graduation speaker, spoke to the club to inspire the students. Kerry has been a champion of the Choose Kind movement since the birth of her daughter, Mary Cate, in 2011. The Black Student Union’s primary objective is to empower and support our Black students. One of the most important hallmarks of the club is inclusion, inviting all students to join in promoting positive racial relations and enhancing cultural awareness. With the ongoing commitment to the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy, the McAuley community continues to make positive strides in discussions on diversity, acceptance, and inclusion of our students and communities of color. Melody Spann-Cooper ‘82, 2021 McAuley Hall Inductee, shared her inspirational words with the club during Black History Month. Our story would not be complete without acknowledging our alumnae and donor community who rallied in support of our school’s successful year. Your encouraging calls and emails of support, the gift of your time and energy, and your extraordinary financial commitment have allowed us to focus on our mission. We are grateful to you and are eager to continue making improvements in education and our facility in order to enhance our students experiences as they return to campus in the fall and beyond. Help us begin the new school year strong. I encourage you to visit to view all of the ways you can give. Thank you to all who have shared your vote of confidence in us throughout the past year and a half. None of these wonderful accomplishments could be realized without your kindness, a true example of our Mercy Mission. In Mercy,

Mary Acker Klingenberger ‘75 President





The Write Stuff: The Power of Your Voice

At Mother McAuley, we are proud of our traditions and core values: the white dresses at graduation; the standard of excellence that can be found in academics, athletics, fine arts; the dedication to educating young women in the Mercy tradition; and the mission of teaching young women to communicate effectively and respond compassionately to the needs of their community. This last piece can be found in our school’s mission statement and is one of the most important core values we have fostered since Catherine McAuley first founded the Sisters of Mercy in 1831. We have always been committed to empowering young women - helping them find their voice, educating them to use and recognize the power of that voice, and encouraging them to wield it succinctly in their written and verbal communication. This lesson is not limited to our English classes - through our dedication to a liberal arts curriculum, our students are taught how critical these skills are across all subject matters. Alumnae frequently tell us that they are actively involved in discussions in the classroom and workplace, write well-formed thoughts and ideas, and are comfortable speaking up and providing their viewpoint. They are unafraid to ask tough questions, appreciate multiple perspectives and explain their ideas effectively. While the past year and a half may have looked different and caused us to adapt in unexpected ways, the core values remain. The alumnae in this issue are just a small sampling of those whose stories demonstrate just how the emphasis on effective communication opens up a whole world of opportunity allowing McAuley alumnae to pursue any number of professions.


Jamie Burgess Bentley ‘83 and Tyler Bentley ‘17 Jamie did not know the legacy she would leave behind when entering the doors of McAuley her freshman year. Following in the footsteps of her older sister, Veronica Burgess ‘82, Jamie was actively involved in the McAuley community. She was a member of the chorus, usherettes, and student council, and served as the manager for the basketball team. During this time, she created strong bonds with friends, which continued into her adult life. Her father, George Burgess, was an active member of the Fathers’ Club and showed his daughters the importance of giving back to their community. Jamie continued on to Loyola University Chicago, where she received her Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. From there, she pursued a career in business, working for Harris Bank, Sam’s Club, and UST Global, as well as earning her Master of Science in Administration and Security from the University of Phoenix. Not long after graduating from Loyola, Jamie married the love of her life, Tony Bentley, and together, they welcomed a daughter, future Mighty Mac Tyler ‘17. When Tony passed away in 2006, Jamie put on a brave face while taking on the hard role of a single mother. Luckily, she was not alone; along with her sister and mother, she surrounded Tyler with love and support - a true village of strong McAuley women. When it was time for Tyler to choose a high school, Jamie and her sister, Veronica, were a driving force in her decision to become a Mighty Mac. Although she was nervous to start at an all-girls school, she quickly found comfort in the welcoming environment at McAuley. In addition, Jamie and Veronica continued to give back to McAuley while Tyler was a student, both as members of the alumnae board and Jamie, inspired by her father before her, as a member of the Mothers’ Club. Having her mom and aunt involved at McAuley made Tyler feel even more at home - as did the chance to introduce herself to her mother’s teachers!

There were a handful of teachers who taught both Jamie and Tyler, including Nina Munizzi Lesch ‘75. Nina shared, “Tyler is very much like her mom, with the same great smile and hearty laugh! Same huge and giving heart and kind soul.”

That’s not where the similarities end. One important part of Tyler and Jamie’s relationship was their shared love of music. When Tyler was growing up, she was told, “when you sing, you pray twice.” Tyler was in both chorus and a cappella at McAuley. At the Christmas Chorus concert, there is a special tradition that takes place during the “Hallelujah” Chorus. Past members of the McAuley chorus are invited to sing along from their seats or to join the chorus on the stage. Tyler recalls her mom joining her on stage for the first time at her Christmas concert senior year - a beautiful moment between mother and daughter that will be treasured forever. While Tyler and Jamie shared a love for music, Tyler was also encouraged by her mother to pursue other passions. She was involved in the school plays, Catherine McAuley Honors Scholars, and Mock Trial Club. Tyler’s mother was especially proud of the latter - she loved seeing Tyler shine when preparing for a case or giving a cross-examination. After graduating from McAuley, Tyler went on to study political science and psychology at the University of Michigan and planned to go to law school after graduation. She felt that her McAuley education prepared her greatly for her time at Michigan, both through the academic rigor and her experience in extracurriculars. She continued to be involved in activities which she was passionate about while at Michigan, joining the Women’s Glee Club and Michigan Gospel Chorale. The most impactful experience for her was serving as both the president and undergraduate cluster coordinator of her sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha. She was even awarded the Best President in her region. On June 28, 2020, Tyler’s mother, Jamie, passed away. Entering into her senior year at Michigan, it was an emotional and uncertain time for Tyler. But inspired by Jamie’s resiliency and ability to face the difficult times in her life with a brave,



smiling face, Tyler continued to persevere in her LSAT studies and work toward her dreams of helping people as a lawyer. Despite a more competitive cycle, Tyler was accepted or waitlisted at every law school for which she applied. With her sights set on staying in Chicago, Tyler accepted a place at the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, where she will start in the fall of 2021. Jamie would be so proud of Tyler’s accomplishments and the woman she is today. Although Jamie is no longer with us, her spirit continues to give strength and guidance to her daughter Tyler and the entire Mother McAuley community. We are grateful for her service and dedication to McAuley. She will be forever missed. In loving memory of Jamie Marie Burgess-Bentley ‘83, dedicated daughter, mother, sister, and friend.

Kate Shannon Boyle ‘82

Real Estate Broker at @properties Member of the McAuley Board of Trustees 2013-2019, Board Chair 2018-2019

To call Kate Shannon Boyle ‘82 a “people person” is an understatement. A few short minutes into a conversation with her, it’s obvious there is an energy that drives Kate. Not only does she like to share stories, but she has found success in helping others write their own. “My McAuley education made me aware that being a good writer and communicator were essential. I took Sister Corinne Raven’s AP English course, which provided some of the most practical and useful learning. I know I have exercised that knowledge throughout college and my career.”

Fresh out of the University of Notre Dame, Kate began her career as a television news reporter. She then transitioned into



managing video work for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which allowed her to marry her verbal and written communication expertise, honed through TV news, with video production. Family matters prompted another professional change for Kate. Her inherent desire to help write happier endings led her to become a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). CASA volunteers are appointed by the Family Court Judge to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children. “It was one of the most meaningful things I ever did. I learned so much about an undercurrent of society that I never really had a window into. I learned about people’s strengths, about poverty and tenacity, about abuse and neglect. I learned what it meant to live a life of desperation. I met a lot of villains, but I also met a lot of heroes.” After 12 years as a CASA, Kate transitioned again to a career in real estate. Kate says it’s been a great career that lends itself to other things she enjoys, but that the best part of her job remains the ability to help people. “My work is less transactional than it is human. It’s a privilege to intercede in people’s lives when it’s either a very joyful time or very difficult time. I see the spectrum of humanity in a way I never expected. I am humbled by some of the things that they have walked with through life. It is hard not to be inspired by what is difficult and multi-layered and humbling. My team and I were able to help a single mom move into a modest home. We were able to help a family who needed to quickly clear out and sell a home because they were faced with significant medical circumstances. It brought me such joy to help them when they most needed it, and that is what filled me up.” In essence, she’s still helping clients write happy endings. Whether reporting hard, breaking news, channeling compassion into her interactions with child victims, or building relationships through her real estate work, she believes that the foundation that McAuley provided her was invaluable.


Therese Bueno ‘14

Incoming Medical Student at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Therese’s love for music and science was fostered in the halls of Mother McAuley and ultimately inspired her to minor in both Music and Chemistry in college. If there was an activity at McAuley that involved music, she was an active member. Whether it was a cappella choir, advanced chorus, playing piano in the pit for the musicals and the Sisters of Mercy, or assisting with the liturgical music, she was there. Therese joked that she would have been in the band, too, if time allowed. Along with her love of music, she had a passion for STEM. She really enjoyed her time in AP chemistry with Kim Turnbull, a teacher who constantly encouraged her to keep trying, even when chemistry was challenging. One of the best parts of receiving a liberal arts education was this opportunity to strengthen her love for music and science while also learning about important historical events or how to write a paper. In 2013, Therese won the Catherine McAuley Award, a prestigious award given to students and faculty members who exhibit the qualities and characteristics of Catherine McAuley. In her acceptance speech, she said, “It is a true honor to receive this award and know that there are people who see the spirit of Catherine McAuley within me. Catherine was a true advocate for justice, education, and peace - someone I aspire to be.” Therese kept her word and continued to embody the spirit of Catherine McAuley in her daily life, whether it was in service, education, or relationships. “Therese was an inspiring student. She possessed an amazing, creative musical talent as well as the logical, analytical ability to problem solve. She gave 100% of herself no matter if it was in arranging a musical piece or completing complex Chemistry titration problems. What I remember most about Therese was her ability to take difficulties in stride and not give up when all the chips seemed against her. After a difficult day in class, she would come in the very next day with a smile and a positive attitude, ready to tackle the next day.” - KIM TURNBULL

After her graduation in 2014, Therese continued on her Mercy education at Saint Xavier University (SXU) and studied Biology (Pre-Health). With the support and guidance of her former teacher Julie Wogan McKee ’93, she was able to receive a music minor scholarship at SXU to continue to advance her great love of music.

The most impactful experience she had was participating in Service Club, an organization that uplifts SXU neighboring communities by hosting clothing drives and feeding underprivileged families. Therese wasn’t sure what she wanted to do upon graduating from SXU. She ended up taking a position as a medical scribe in the emergency department at Silver Cross Hospital in New Lenox, IL. The health care team and physicians’ dedication to medicine and patient care inspired her greatly. At the same time, she was working as a volunteer research assistant at University of Chicago Medical Center, where she assisted with the Hospitalist Project. This project was aimed at improving the hospital’s accessibility and quality of care for it’s community. In this role, Therese interviewed patients and asked questions about topics such as their access to health care resources or medications. These experiences not only pushed her into pursuing a career in medicine, but also ignited an interest in health equity of underserved communities. It became clear to Therese that this was a big issue in the healthcare system. With this in mind, she started to apply for research assistant positions and came across an opening at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. With the support of her research coordinator, she applied and was offered a job in the emergency department with an influenza surveillance and research project. However, as the pandemic spread, the job quickly transitioned into a Covid-19 Research Project. “It was hard deciding to take this job because I knew I wouldn’t be able to see my family until a vaccine came out,” Therese shared. Then, she thought to herself, “When would be the next time you could ever be a part of something like this? If you have the opportunity you might as well go for it.” So she took a leap of faith, packed up her life, and moved to Baltimore, MD to become an emergency department research coordinator. Applying to medical school amidst the pandemic was a challenge, but one Therese was willing to take. She interviewed with four medical schools, including her dream school,



the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Science (GWU) in Washington, D.C. “[GWU] really aligned with my experiences in service and would give me the most learn about public health and how it connects with our health care, and also how to improve health equities in our communities.” While she was accepted into two schools, she was waitlisted by GWU. For Therese, however, a waitlist did not mean an automatic “no.” She persevered and sent letter after letter to the admissions office, but knew that her words, although great on paper, could not be fully grasped in the way she intended. She wanted to find a way to show who she was. “I thought back to what had been my glue all my life, and it was music. At McAuley, I was in the choir and a cappella, and part of an all-girl rock band called Sugar Rush. I would write songs and perform them during competitions, and I have continued to do that since high school. So I thought, ‘that’s it, that is the way I can show them who I am’. It was kind of risky.” But everything came together very quickly. Within a week, she wrote a song with lyrics detailing all the reasons why she wanted to attend GWU and why she would be a good fit. The song was titled, “Give Me a Chance.” While visiting her family in Chicago (for the first time in over six months!), she contacted the music school where her high school band had been formed and was able to book a recording session. With the help of her family and friend, Cara, she recorded and videotaped the song, and sent it off to the admissions office. Her tenacity paid off: after a week and a half, she was officially accepted to GWU’s School of Medicine! Therese plans to move to D.C. in the fall. When asked what type of practice or discipline Therese wants to pursue, she shared that she’s deciding between two routes: emergency medicine, inspired by her experience in the ER; or an ear, nose, and throat specialist in order to assist musicians with their vocal chords and hearing. “When Therese was a student at Mother McAuley, it was clear that music was her true passion, but she also clearly had a heart for service and was a top student in many academic areas. She is such a shining example of how the arts can enrich our lives for the long term, and continue to be a source of joy, even if our career paths lead elsewhere. I could not be more proud of Therese, and I know she will impact countless lives as a doctor and with her music.” - JULIE WOGAN McKEE ‘93



Therese’s journey has truly come full circle from receiving the Catherine McAuley Award to following in Catherine McAuley’s footsteps by pursuing a career in which she can make a difference. It’s a wonderful example of how having the “write stuff” in the pursuit of your dreams can lead to a mighty outcome. If you would like to listen to her song, scan the QR Code.

Cathy Gallagher Maloney ‘75

Author and Senior Editor at Chicagoland Gardening magazine

Cathy says the key to finding success as an author begins simply: start by writing about topics that are of interest and allow you to write comfortably and knowledgeably. This was truly the case for her, as her path to success was anything but direct. For more than 20 years, Cathy worked for a management consulting firm. It wasn’t until she and her husband, Mike, purchased their first residence in Riverside, and became captivated by the village’s National Historic Landmark landscape, that she found herself at the start of her journey. Her early writings were the manifestation of hours and hours spent researching historic landscapes in national and local library archives. As her grasp of the subject matter increased, so did the time she spent visiting properties. Cathy has visited and reviewed hundreds of gardens nationwide from small to large, public to private. “When I had a firm grasp of a topic area I would pitch freelance assignments. Soon I became a regular contributor for Chicagoland Gardening magazine, and I later became an editor, writing a column titled, ‘Chicago By Design.’” That experience set Cathy on a trajectory to become a writer and editor for national and regional magazines and newspapers, as well as a lecturer on garden design and garden history. Her articles have appeared in publications including Better Homes and Gardens, The American Gardener, Gardens Illustrated, The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, the Daily Herald, Public Garden, and


Landscape Architecture. She also has taught at The Morton Arboretum, the Chicago Botanic Garden, and the University of Chicago’s Graham School. In her 20 plus years in the publishing industry, Cathy has authored several books. Among them are The Prairie Club of Chicago; Chicago and Its Botanic Garden: The Chicago Horticultural Society at 125; The Gardener’s Cottage in Riverside, Illinois; World’s Fair Gardens, Shaping American Landscapes; and Chicago Gardens: The Early History - the latter of which won national and local awards.

Kate O’Malley ‘82

Founder and CEO of K.O. Strategies Member of the McAuley Board of Trustees 2009-2012

Kate O’Malley has built her career advocating for others - as an attorney, lobbyist, or for the past 15 years, as founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of K.O. Strategies, an award-winning strategic communications and advocacy firm. One of Kate’s most recent projects was a public advocacy campaign, Partnering with Citizens for a Healthy Community. Kate’s firm led strategy and communications for the “1/2 Cent for Mental Health Sales Tax Campaign” in Winnebago County, Illinois. The referendum, listed on the March 2020 General Primary ballot, won by a commanding 24-point margin, 62 percent to 38 percent. The sales tax will generate $12-13 million in local funding for mental health and substance abuse services. For its work on the campaign, K.O. Strategies won four prestigious industry awards in 2020. Two awards were bestowed by the Publicity Club of Chicago: a Golden Trumpet Award for excellence in planning, creativity, execution, and results measurement, and the Edwin J. O’Shaughnessy Quality of Life Award, recognizing the foremost contribution to improving quality of life in society through public relations. The team also captured an award in the category of “Excellence in a State Issue Campaign” given by the professional organization, Women in Government Relations. This

award celebrates advocates who represent their issue, cause or organization in the public policy arena. In addition, K.O. Strategies has been selected as a finalist for the Silver Anvil Award from the Public Relations Society of America. Each year, the Society honors the best public relations programs that were planned and executed that year in the U.S. and recognizes the highest standards of performance in public relations. Using the power of the written and spoken word to champion others has always driven Kate’s professional and personal aspirations. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame, Kate worked at Aetna insurance company for four years. She then earned a juris doctorate from the University of Illinois College of Law and attended Harvard Law School for her third year. Kate was awarded a Skadden public interest law fellowship to provide domestic violence advocacy, and afterwards moved to Washington, D.C., where she led advocacy initiatives for a nonprofit and served as policy advisor and speechwriter for a U.S. Senator. A few years later, home beckoned Kate, so she returned to Chicago and began practicing law. She saw an opportunity to transition into public affairs, and then she decided to start her own company. Nearly all of Kate’s work is “for the greater good” and she believes words are key to opening people’s minds. “It’s important to use words in a powerful, positive way. That’s what I love about what I do -- helping clients connect with their audiences, tell their stories, and inspire people to take action.”

Christie Gallagher Sever ‘72

Author, Founder, and Consultant for Speaker’s Edge Member of the McAuley Board of Trustees 2015-2021, Board Chair 2020-2021

Chris Sever discovered that her love of travel and history provided the perfect impetus for a line of children’s books she’s authored, though she admits her creative side took a while to fully emerge. After graduation from the University of Notre Dame, Chris completed her MBA from Northwestern University and earned her Certified Public Accountant designation. She began her career in corporate finance and later took time off for the most important career



- mother to the three children she shared with her husband, Mark. Chris became a volunteer at her children’s school, coaching children in sixth through eighth grade for speech competitions by helping them memorize a piece and teaching them on how best to deliver it. “One of the parents said to me, ‘You should be doing this for adults.’ So then I started my business called Speaker’s Edge, where I would go back into corporate America and facilitate seminars on public speaking for the employees of mainly accounting firms, because that’s what I related to.” As Chris began offering seminars, workshops on public speaking, and individual coaching, through Speaker’s Edge, she also began to dabble in writing feature stories for newspapers and magazines. This led to an idea bubbling up in the back of her brain, inspired by her daughter and her involvement in Irish dance. “What would it be like for an American Irish dancer to go to Ireland back in the time when dancing was forbidden, where you could be thrown into jail for doing just that?” And with that, in 2015, Chris penned her first book in the Children of the World series, Sound the Warning. It tells of the adventures of twins Izzy and Joe as they travel to 18th century Ireland. The books are targeted toward fourth through eighth grade readers. Two more books followed, each with the same protagonists and plots inspired by Chris’ travels to Poland and South Africa, respectively. Chris believes that the writing seed was sowed at McAuley. In her freshman year, she had Sister Brian Costello, RSM as her English teacher. This class had a segment on logic and how to construct a logical argument. One night, Chris and her classmates’ homework assignment required them to write a response to a specific question - and Sr. Brian gave her homework a C. “Afterward I remember saying to her, ‘I’m really surprised that you gave me a C - isn’t this the correct answer to the question?’ And she said ‘Oh yes, it’s a correct answer, but you didn’t really sell it to me. You needed to present it better. You need to communicate it better.’ That advice stuck with me.”



Mary Kay Wall ‘75

Executive Producer of Leonard-Wall Films

Mary Kay’s career reflects multiple interests and passions. While a junior at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, she secured a Washington, D.C. internship with Sen. Ted Kennedy that later resulted in being hired as a Chicago regional director of his 1980 presidential campaign. She went on to spend several years working for Sen. Jeremiah Joyce and Mayor Richard M. Daley. Then Mary Kay took a divergent turn away from politics when her brother, Fr. Jack Wall, asked if she would partner with him to revitalize Old St. Patrick’s Church as a center for young adults. At the time, Old St. Pat’s surrounding neighborhood was known as “Skid Row” and the church counted only four members. To most, it did not seem to be a wise or promising career move. But the invitation sparked something inside Mary Kay. “I knew I could do it, and I wanted to do it. The challenge was to tell the story of the church’s possibility before it was an actuality, but my marketing and political organizing skills made me eager for the job.” She conceived and communicated an unprecedented outreach and marketing strategy, a small part of which included the well-known World’s Largest Block Party. Today, Old St. Pat’s counts thousands as registered members, and many more as patrons of its innovative programs. In 2014, Mary Kay was honored when WTTW asked her to tell the story of the church’s renaissance by producing a documentary that aired in 2014. One of Mary Kay’s favorite teachers was Sister Christian Molidor, RSM. “She was a dynamo. If she was anything other than a sister, she would have been a Chief Executive Officer or a celebrated artist. She was a terrific leader, writer, speaker and photographer.”

Mary Kay took a hiatus from the full-time workforce to raise her five children, but she always kept one foot in the


journalism arena by freelance writing and creating a few short films. When her children moved toward upper grades, she re-entered the work world, serving nonprofits. That led to an opportunity to collaborate on a Catholic-related project with NBC-TV’s Mike Leonard, a national network correspondent, filmmaker and author. Their initial collaboration led to more TV ideas and a film production partnership that creates the inCommon public television series, long-form documentaries and other stories. It has launched Mary Kay into an award-winning creative career. She won her first Emmy in 2015 for “Nothing Special” and her second Emmy in 2017 for “Newton Minow: An American Story” - a one-hour documentary about President John F. Kennedy’s Federal Communications Director who famously criticized television as “a vast wasteland” and later went on to launch “Sesame Street”, lead the development of satellite communication and much more. Coincidentally, Mary Kay remembers writing a paper about Minow while a student at McAuley. She credits the success in her creative path to three important McAuley influences: immersion in the liberal arts; an emphasis on strong writing; and Sister Sue Sanders ‘69, RSM who believed in her dreams - and backed them up with generous letters of recommendation.

Megan Washburn ‘99 Executive Director, Communications at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

Megan Washburn ‘99 recalls the moment she quit a fulltime job with benefits at the age of 23 to start a career as a public relations intern at Weber Shandwick. Until that point, she had been focused on a field and a passion that was first curated in the halls of Mother McAuley - art history. Thanks to Diane Tyska, a long-time art teacher and department chair, Megan majored in art history at Northwestern University and scored an internship at Sotheby’s, which turned into a full-time position after graduation. However, it soon became clear there weren’t a lot of opportunities for mobility or career growth, so she decided to make the bold move to accept a temporary, hourly internship in PR.

From that point, the “writing was on the wall,” Megan shares, “no pun intended.” She was drawn to the idea of deconstructing a story down to its facts and putting it back together piece by piece in a new or different way. “That’s really what PR is. You’re given information and it’s your job to distill this information and position it. Analyzing how I might write a press release and the different angles I could pursue is not too different from analyzing a piece of art.” The world of public relations, which she refers to as a “big amorphous field”, proved to be a great fit for Megan. She spent the next decade working in different industries within PR and honing in on the work that was most interesting to her. This led her down the path of corporate PR: heading up media relations and communications for the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern; leading branding and communications for Chicago Cares, the city’s premier nonprofit service organization; and finally landing in her current role as Executive Director of Communications at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (formerly the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago). Her position has certainly given her the opportunity to put her skills to the test. Every day is different - one day she might be helping execute an event, the next she might be working on a video shoot or developing a media pitch around a patient success story. The change of pace is one thing Megan loves about her job. It’s clear that another aspect she loves is the opportunity to be there to experience and share patient stories. “It’s an enormous privilege to be able to bear witness as our patients hit milestones that they never thought possible,” Megan shares. “Maybe they’re taking their first step or sharing their first words following an injury... It’s incredible that I happened to find this path and it happened to be a really great fit.”





ALUMNAE INDUCTION & BREAKFAST On May 12, 213 members of the senior class were inducted into the Mother McAuley Alumnae Association. Before the induction, the girls celebrated with a breakfast hosted by the Institutional Advancement Team! Each inductee was gifted a laundry bag with the slogan Remain Mighty, so they are reminded of their home at McAuley when they are away at college.

1980 VIRTUAL CLASS REUNION The Class of 1980 had a great time during their TWO virtual reunions! The evening was filled with trivia, sharing memories and lots of laughs!

Over 40%



CLASS OF 2021 ALUMNAE MOTHERS & GRANDMOTHERS Our alumnae are proud to send their daughters to McAuley!



graduates with an alumna


graduates with an alumna



graduate with an alumna


(left to right) Katherine Costello Duignan ‘99, Brianna Fitzgerald ‘21, Ellen Hart Costello ‘71

MERCY DAY OF GIVING Save the Date! September 24, 2021 is Mercy Day and our annual day of giving that celebrates Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy. Please remember to keep their legacy strong with a gift to McAuley. Last year was our most successful giving day ever, due in large part to ambassadors, alumnae and friends who helped share the story of Mercy Day. Please contact or 773-881-6547 to become a Mercy Day ambassador.

McAULEY HALL Established in 2013, McAuley Hall is a permanent installation of our McAuley Hall Inductees at the school, serving to inspire and educate current and future students. Do you know of someone who would be an ideal candidate for McAuley Hall? An outstanding member of the McAuley family who lives the McAuley values and deserves recognition for their contributions to the community or the world? Nominate that person to be considered for McAuley Hall!

McAuley Hall

To submit a nomination please complete a nomination form by August 15, 2021. Once submitted, a member of the McAuley Institutional Advancement Team may contact you for additional information if needed for the McAuley Hall Selection Committee. For more information about McAuley Hall or to enter a nomination, visit the McAuley Hall webpage at, scan the QR code, or contact the Institutional Advancement Office at, 773-881-6559. INSCAPE MAGAZINE


HATS OFF TO THE CLASS OF 2017 Congratulations to these Mighty Macs - Class of 2017 - who recently graduated from college. 1 Alyssa La Bella University of Notre Dame Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry; Graduating with honors She submitted her thesis on Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections Future Plans Going back to Notre Dame to get PhD in Microbiology & Immunology 2 Amanda Graney Northern Illinois University Bachelor’s degree in Communications Future Plans Applying to marketing communications jobs in Chicago 3 Amelia Kennedy Xavier University Bachelor’s degree in Actuarial Sciences, minor in Gender & Diversity Studies and Environmental Studies Future Plans Moving to Nashville, TN to work for Select Actuarial Services 4 Ariyana Davis Alcorn State University Bachelor’s degree in Accounting Future Plans Enrolling in the Master’s of Accounting Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5 Brigid Rakow Indiana University Bachelor’s degree in Secondary English Education Future Plans Start her teaching career at the middle school level 6 Bridie Carroll The University of Alabama Bachelor’s degree in Commerce and Business Administration, majored in Finance and Economics with a Mathematical Statistics minor Future Plans Moving back to Chicago to work as a consultant at Guidehouse in the Energy, Sustainability, and Infrastructure sector 7 Courtney Malinowski Loyola University Chicago Bachelor’s degree in Behavioral/Cognitive Neuroscience Future Plans Applying to Physician Assistant School 8 Emily Gildea Roger Williams University Bachelor’s degrees in both Finance and Economics with minor in Spanish; Sailing team for all four years Future Plans Returning to Roger Williams as a graduate student to pursue her MBA 9 Erin Donovan University of Kansas Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Applied Behavioral Science. Also, she received a Mind & Brain Certificate upon graduation. Future Plans Attending graduate school at Adler University in



Chicago to purse a Masters Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 10 Jessica Bugayong Illinois Wesleyan University Bachelor’s degree in History Future Plans Graduate school or law school after a gap year 11 Kelly Calcagno Lewis University Bachelor’s degree in Nursing Future Plans To pursue her dream as a ICU/Pediatric ICU nurse 12 Khadijah Olowu University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Psychology on a Pre-Med track; Evans Scholar, Dean’s list three semesters in a row Future Plans Receiving Master’s from the SIU School of Medicine MEDPREP program and taking MCAT next spring 13 Maeve Fitzgerald University of Minnesota Bachelor’s degree in Nursing Future Plans She is moving back home and job hunting in Chicago while she studies for the NCLEX. She is hoping to find an ICU position in Chicago and work there for a couple years before becoming a travel nurse with fellow McAuley alumnae Molly Corcoran ‘17 and Bridie Schmalz ‘17. 14 Molly Corcoran Saint Louis University Bachelor’s degree in Nursing Future Plans Taking the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) and starting to work at a local hospital. Eventually, she wants to move on to travel nursing. 15 Tyler Bentley University of Michigan Bachelor’s degrees in both Political Science and Psychology Future Plans Starting law school in the fall at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law 16 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Pictured left to right) Rebecca Stepanek Bachelor’s degree in Nursing Annie Gleason Bachelor’s degree in Human Development & Family Studies Catherine Webber Bachelor’s degree in English Lydia Fleming Bachelor’s degree in Speech and Hearing Science Caroline Wallace Bachelor’s degree in Advertising

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OLIVIA HOMEL ‘18 IT Enterprise Intern at Nintendo STUDYING


Computer Science at St. Xavier University

Marketing and Information Systems with minors in Public Relations and Peace Studies at Marquette University

“I learned so many valuable lessons at McAuley, but one of my biggest influences had to be the performing arts program. Throughout my four years, I participated in the fall musical, spring play, One Acts, Mac Melody Show Choir, and Chorus, all of which taught me how to work as a team to put on something incredible. One of the best things about McAuley is how well-rounded the education is that the students receive. Although theatre was my passion, I excelled in subjects like French, language arts, and the sciences, which inspired me to choose my current major. McAuley showed me that anything is possible if you try your best and put in the effort required. This mindset has led me all the way to my first internship this summer with NASA. I am truly grateful for my time at McAuley, and I couldn’t imagine going anywhere else.”

During her time at McAuley, Olivia was actively involved in Student Government, Varsity Club, Cross Country, Soccer, and Mac Melody. She gained so much knowledge in and out of the classroom, allowing her to be the confident leader she is today. In her junior year at McAuley, she took Media Literacy with Sister Nancy Houlihan, RSM. This class taught her valuable skills in research, networking, and communication. These learned skills, along with her confidence and eloquence, helped her land her summer internship with Nintendo.

Jenny is an inspiration to young women who have passions in both STEM and performing arts. Her example shows if you pursue your goals confidently and with conviction, you can accomplish anything.

Carrie Peterson Alifantis ’87 Performing Arts Department Faculty Member “Jenny Mulvey was a student you could always depend on to do absolutely top notch work. She was diligent and always had a positive attitude. What many teachers may not have had a chance to see was how much sparkle and pizazz she had as soon as she got on stage! She was so fierce as she sang and danced in Mac Melody, whether it was in our choral room, at an open house, or on the road at one of our competitions.”



Olivia proudly stated, “You walk in as a McAuley girl and walk out as a McAuley woman.” As Olivia left the halls of McAuley and walked into the world, she has made her mark by embodying the spirit of Catherine McAuley in all that she does. Most notably at Marquette, she is involved in Mardi Gras, a student-run service organization that aids communities affected by disasters. Whether she is giving her time to service or making meaningful connections with her peers, Olivia lives out her values instilled at McAuley and continues to make us proud.

Meg Griffin Gardner ’99 Dean of Upperclasswomen and Assistant Principal “As a student, Olivia, and several of her fellow classmates were instrumental in the creation of our well-known McAuley Varsity Club. Their contagious excitement, powerful leadership, creative themes, and legendary school spirit led our school to be named the 2018 IHSA Student Section State Champions, an award that recognizes and celebrates exemplary school connectedness and culture. Olivia’s leadership and contributions to our community were unmatched during her four years, where she was named the 2017 Catherine McAuley Award winner, the most prestigious honor that can be earned within the McAuley community. Olivia epitomizes the very best of the true Mighty Mac spirit.”


Whether you are in college or established in your career, add Mother McAuley to the education section of your LinkedIn profile to connect with fellow alumnae Follow McAuley on LinkedIn to stay up to date on alumnae and school events.

CASEY MACANDER ’18 Research and Development Intern at Exact Sciences STUDYING

BETSY SHERIDAN ‘19 Intern at Cage Civil Engineering STUDYING

Biology with minors in Spanish and Rural Community Health at the University of Alabama

Civil Engineering at the University of Notre Dame

Casey is a dynamic student and leader who discovered her passions and interests through a liberal arts education. She is deeply inspired by the STEM field, while also advocating for people with health disparities and issues involving diversity, equity, and inclusion. She is able to excel in her science classes while also standing out in her other general studies classes because of the well-rounded foundation she gained at McAuley.

During her time at McAuley, Betsy was actively encouraged in all her classes, especially Physics and Engineering Principles, which led her into her current major.

In her sophomore year English class at the University of Alabama, Casey said, “I was raising my hand left and right and it didn’t seem different for me because that was what we were encouraged to do at McAuley. It was also the class where you can embarrass yourself if you get a wrong answer, and it never phased me. I know it’s cliche, but McAuley always says there are no boys around to judge you, and that’s how I felt, even in a setting where there were boys.” Casey will continue to positively influence her peers wherever she goes, whether it is in her position as Director at the Student Health Center, chairwoman of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee in her sorority, or her internship at Exact Sciences.

“To me, McAuley means a second family of encouragement and support that will help you find the person you want to be.” Betsy’s foundation in leadership and support at McAuley led her to join the Society of Women Engineers at Notre Dame, an organization that focuses on community building and advancement for women in this field. She is also an active member of the Engineering Leadership Council and serves as the Supporting Chair. Betsy continues to lead by example by making impactful strides as a woman in engineering.

Melissa Scholl Science Department Faculty Member

Jan Wilson Science Department Faculty Member “Casey was a unique student and full of energy (not a student to forget). Casey’s vivacious, curious nature led her to question phenomena studied in Biology. This curiosity guided her to dig deeper into topics so she fully understood all areas of a challenging concept. She frequently shared her new found knowledge in an animated discussion with the rest of the class.”

“From the moment I met her, Betsy stood out from the crowd. Even in high school, she had a maturity about her that was rare. She was selfmotivated and was not afraid to take risks. I knew that I could always count on her to volunteer to do a problem on the board or help with a demonstration. She also worked well with her peers. She communicated effectively, even with those students she barely knew. Other students wanted to work with her because she was an excellent team player and kept everyone focused. She not only wanted herself to succeed, but she also wanted those around her to succeed.”






Mary Riedle Crisler ‘66 is a psychiatric nurse practitioner with HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital in Decatur, IL, and has been in this position for seven years. She also is a clinical instructor in psychiatric nursing for nursing students at the University of Illinois. She made a huge leap in 2003 and went back to school for nursing, after receiving a Bachelor of Science in History from Western Illinois University in 1970. Mary says, “This was one of the best decisions I have ever made! I am so grateful for the education I received at Mother McAuley. I am proud (after 55 years) to tell people where I attended high school and share what some of the McAuley traditions were. Mother McAuley is with me in spirit every day!”

Melody Spann-Cooper ‘82, Chairman and CEO of Midway Broadcasting Corporation, was interviewed by ABC 7 for the new series “Black and Powerful.” Scan the QR Code to watch the full interview.

Joy Bivins ‘94 was appointed as the Director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem. Scan the QR Code to read the full article.


Patricia Bisinger Austin ‘70 works at Publicis Re:Sources as the Vice President of Financial Operations & Change!

Dana Simaitis Armagno ‘85 was elected as Operating Shareholder at Vedder Price, as well as a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2021. In her role as Operating Shareholder, Dana oversees the firm’s day-to-day management and operations teams. She also helps implement the strategy, vision and direction set by the firm’s CEO and Executive Committee.




Anne Edwards Cotter ‘72, CEO of Cotter Consulting, Inc. is a recipient of Enterprising Women magazine’s “Enterprising Women of the Year Award” in the “over $10 million and up to $25 million in annual revenues” category. She will be presented with the award at their celebration and conference in November.

1981 Barbara Barron Kelly ‘81 has been promoted to Vice President of North America Account Management for Corsearch. She says, “I couldn’t have done it without the foundation that Mother McAuley bestowed upon me.”



Dawn Jenkinson McKenna ‘86 was featured in the Hinsdale Magazine article “Is it luck or is it something else?” speaking about her real estate career and family life. Scan the QR Code to read the full article.

1990 Kimberly Chmura ‘90 was honored as one of Crain’s Chicago Business 2021 Notable General Counsels for her work as the Vice President of Administration at St. Anthony Hospital. Scan the QR Code to read the full article.

Jennifer “Sis” Phelan Killen ‘94 was appointed as the first female superintendent of Cook County’s Department of Transportation and Highways.

1995 Sofia Hernandez ‘95, Head of US Business Marketing at TikTok, was featured in the Footwear News article “Six Women in Power in the Technology Sector & How They’re Creating Corporate Change.” Scan the QR Code to read the full article. Bethany Matulis Crispin ‘95 was named one of Crain’s Chicago Business 2021 Notable Women in Construction and Design.




Cathriona McGuire Fey ‘04 is a personal trainer specializing in pre & postnatal fitness at CORE Fitness & Physical Therapy in Evergreen Park. Due to the pandemic, CORE made the responsible decision to move all pre & postnatal classes online for the time being in order to keep their moms and moms to-be safe, yet able to stay active. With its women’s health physical therapy + fitness combination, CORE has become a true resource for women in our community and beyond. She is happy to be a part of the amazing team of women (many McAuley alumnae as well).

Sarah Dynia ‘15 has been named Cook County’s 2021 Unsung Heroine Award winner for her work with Stuffed Love, a non-profit organization (founded by Sarah in 2010), that shares hope with her community.


2016 Advocate Christ Medical Center Registered Nurses Bridget Fahy ‘16 and Brenna Burke ‘16, were on their way to celebrate their graduation from Spring Hill College in Mobile, AL on May 7, 2021, when their Southwest Airlines flight attendants called out for medical help for a woman who was having health complications. Immediately, Bridget, Brenna and three other nurses on the flight attended to the woman and heroically saved her life. We are so grateful to our frontline workers for their service to the community!

Caitlin McElroy ‘05 and fellow alumna Gina Micelli Chigaros ‘90 recently opened a private practice counseling office, Victress Wellness, in Palos Heights. Their practice is specifically for girls and women, thanks in part to their McAuley education.

2009 Nedaa Sweiss ‘09, producer and writer for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, wrote the musical number “Broadway is Back” featuring Jimmy Fallon and several Broadway actors. This was the first show with a full studio audience since the pandemic began. Scan the QR code to watch the full video.

2021 Lindsey Vidmar ’21 completed this mural for the Hinsdale Humane Society.

Maria McCormack ‘16 recently joined the Mother McAuley Institutional Advancement Department as the new Alumnae Coordinator. In her role, she will strive to make impactful connections with the community of over 28,600 McAuley alumnae women. “I am honored and overjoyed to be back working at the school that is so close to my heart and has shaped me into the woman I am today. I have so much pride and belief in the Lifetime Advantage received at McAuley and see its positive outcomes every day. In my few short months in this position, I have been greatly moved by the stories of our strong, confident, insightful alumnae women. It will be my highest priority to listen, learn, and share your valuable lessons and stories with our entire community and continue to bring each other together in and outside of the halls of McAuley.”

SEND US YOUR UPDATES VISIT alumnaeupdates TO SHARE YOUR NEWS! All news submitted after June 1, 2021 will be included in the next issue of Inscape.



McAULEY LEGACY Mother McAuley has a long history of tradition and legacy. To honor members of the graduation class who follow in the footsteps of grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, or cousins, the alumnae office offered a complimentary generational family portrait. Look at those smiles bursting with Mighty Mac pride!








In order from left to right… 1 Mother Beth Carroll Anoshenko ‘94, Sasha Anoshenko ‘21, and aunt Colleen Carroll ‘97 2 Sister Emma Mendez ‘19, Sophia Mendez ‘21, and mother Nicole Lachat Mendez ‘93 3 Dina Murray ‘21 wore her mother’s dress, Judith Murray ‘81 4 Maeve O’Leary ‘21, mother Mary Kay McCluskey O’Leary ‘95, and sister Tess O’Leary ‘23 5 Mother Colleen Flaherty Shea ‘81, sister Nora Shea ‘18, Annie Shea ‘21, and sister Maggie Shea Pranckus ‘10 6 Mother Celia Osborne ‘01 and Nylah Reed ‘21 7 Aunt Julie McInerney Racz ‘94, mother Terry McInerney Reidy ‘90, Lauren Reidy ‘21, and aunt Jodie McInerney Berry ‘94




MARRIAGES Pictured: 1 Megan McKenna ‘99 married Bruce Cornfoot on September 26, 2020 in Antigua 2 Sara Sabadosa ‘11 married Andrew

Pieczynski on September 26, 2020 at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. Sara’s flower girl was the daughter of alumna, Alyssa Wallace Haitt ‘11 3 Aileen Reilly ‘10 married Ryan Martin on December 12, 2020 at St. Cajetan 4 Yasmeen Rodriguez ‘14 married Marco Barron on March 13, 2020 5 Sarah Berglind ‘08 married Alex Reed on May 16, 2020 and celebrated their one year vow renewal and reception with family 6 Victoria Martello ‘10 married Dr Robert Look Jr on November 9, 2019 at Holy Name Cathedral in Downtown Chicago after graduating with her masters from Northwestern University. Her Matron of Honor and Bridesmaids (fellow McAuley alumnae) stood by her side on her special day: Genevieve Ruddy Johnson ‘10, Marikate McCann Haver ‘11, Kaitlyn Kopchik Rafferty ‘10, Brittany Vacchiano Navin ‘10, and Andrea DeMoss ‘10 7 Carli Weiler ‘08 married Jack Rowan on April 17, 2021 at St. Rita Shrine Chapel Not pictured: Maura Farrell ‘07 married Eric Seper on July 25, 2020

Kelly Bartusiak ‘09 married Ruben Gilbert at the Cathedral of Our Lady

of Walsingham in Houston, TX on January 9, 2021. Their wedding reception was held at the Museum of Natural Science, Sugar Land, TX










BIRTHS & ADOPTIONS Pictured: 1 Lauren Frost Stull ‘08 and husband Sam welcomed

Lyla Darlene on February 21, 2020 2 Noell Sisk Wiora ‘04, husband Dan and older brother Maverick welcomed Paxton Edward Wiora on February 27, 2020 3 Colleen RobertsErickson ‘02, husband Patrick and older siblings William and Evelyn, welcomed Flynn Alexander on March 23, 2020 4 Colleen Frost Piko ‘10 and husband Dan welcomed Daniel


John on April 20, 2020 5 Jessica Lehocky Beasland ‘06 and


husband William welcomed Reed Thomas on July 3, 2020 6 Erin Kalisz Meyers ‘06 and husband Thomas welcomed Connor Joseph on July 5, 2020 7 Cassidy Patton Newman ‘05 and husband Bill welcomed William “Liam” Michael Newman on July 23, 2020 8 Annie Hurley Eisses ‘09 and husband Cole welcomed Charlie on July 18, 2020 9 Nora Bryar Levine ‘05 and husband Matthew celebrated the arrival of Olivia Jane on September 18, 2020 10 Maura Moran Vaughan ‘07 and husband David welcomed baby girl Joan “Joanie” Moran Vaughan on September 30, 2020 11 Maggie Black Daniels ‘08 and husband Richie welcomed baby girl Lucy Therese Daniels on October 21, 2020 12 Pam McLeod Capouch ‘05 and her



husband Max welcomed baby boy John William on November 17, 2020. The new parents are over the moon! 13 Kathleen Mixan ‘03, husband Eric Vari, and big brothers Charlie and George welcomed baby Teddy on November 19, 2020 14 Karen Biros Cano ‘05, husband Mike, and older brother Noah welcomed Kylie June Cano on December 17, 2020 15 Eileen Boyce O’Reilly ‘03, husband Ryan, big brother Jack, and big sister Molly welcomed Brendan Matthew O’Reilly on December 29, 2020 16 Katie Clemens McCarthy ‘05, husband Kevin, big sister Shannon, and big brother Emmett welcomed Nolan Patrick McCarthy on December 30, 2020 17 Kate Scully Krebsbach ‘05 and husband John welcomed baby girl Emma



Scully Krebsbach on March 4, 2021 18 Julianne Sheehy O’Neill ‘08 welcomed baby girl Ciara Marie O’Neill on March 17, 2021 19 Meggan Sterk LaRocco ‘09 and husband Joe welcomed Dominic Joseph on April 15, 2021 20 Colleen Kelly Moss ‘05, husband Jim Moss, and older sister Mary June welcomed Jack Clooney Moss on April 16, 2021 21 Faculty member, Lauren Prunckle and her husband Matt welcomed Giovanna Noelle on May 7, 2021 Not pictured: Leslie McLeod Fuller ‘04 and husband Corey Fuller

welcomed James Dennis Fuller on December 23, 2020






















Reported from September 16, 2020-June 1, 2021

Sally Zemke Carpinella ‘61, March 27, 2016 Sister of Carol Zemke Savard ‘65 and the late Bobbie Zemke Cwiklin ‘63 Francis Circo, July 3, 2016 Father of Judy Circo Waldron ‘75 and Jean Circo Rollo ‘79 Anne Scibor Smith ‘72, December 13, 2018 Cousin of Yvonne Scibor ‘77


Roger R. Niznik, February 21, 2020 Husband of Marilyn Speedwell Niznik ‘66

MARCH 2020

Thomas Trinley, March 7, 2020 Husband of the late Maureen Doyle Trinley ‘57; father of Catherine Trinley McElroy ‘78, Elizabeth Trinley ‘81, and Sheila Trinley Kopplin ‘82; grandfather of Caitlan Docherty ‘08 and Tara Kopplin ‘21

APRIL 2020

Agnes Jofre Banton ‘49, April 17, 2020 Mother of Margaret Banton Debelak ‘74, Catherine Banton Grist ‘75 and Jean Banton ‘79


Bonita Rose Landis, September 17, 2020 Mother of Yvonne Landis Martello ‘84; mother-in-law of Denise Loeber Landis ‘69 and Marianne Sullivan Landis ‘73; grandmother of Megan Landis ‘08 Philip Doran, Sr., September 18, 2020 Brother of Maryrita Doran Peters ‘61; brother-in-law of Peggy Scanlan Brown ‘70 and Jeanne Tew Scanlan ‘73; grandfather of Margaux Doran ‘22 and Mairead Doran ‘23; uncle of Laura Scanlan Campbell ‘01 and Jenna Scanlan Rogers ‘04 Margaret M. Flaherty, September 19, 2020 Mother of Colleen Flaherty Shea ‘81; motherin-law of Mary Beth Gallagher Flaherty ‘73; grandmother of Eileen Flaherty Knightly ‘01, Grace Flaherty ‘09, Maggie Shea Pranckus ‘10, Nora Shea ‘18 and Annie Shea ‘21 Jack Stapleton, September 22, 2020 Father of Ann Stapleton Voves ‘85 and Liz Stapleton DiCaro ‘88



Hazel Jakubczak, September 28, 2020 Mother of McAuley Basketball Coach, Tom Jakubczak and mother-in-law of Athletic Director, Laurie Roche Jakubczak ‘78 Margaret Callahan, September 29, 2020 Mother of Katie Callahan Donnelly ‘87, Lori Callahan Cassidy ‘88, Elizabeth Callahan Maciasz ‘93, Courtney Callahan ‘96, Jenny Callahan ‘98; mother-in-law of faculty member Jenny Novosel Callahan ‘02; sister-in-law of Katee Kristmann Callahan ‘69; aunt of Colleen Callahan Koerner ‘79, Patti Callahan Skalitsky ‘82, Molly Mikaitis Schneller ‘97, Maggie Mikaitis ‘99, Kari Callahan ‘94 and Kelly Callahan ‘03 Louise Kristin, September 30, 2020 Grandmother of faculty member Julie Alvarado; great-grandmother of Jeanette Alvarado ‘19


Barbara Sutcliffe, October 1, 2020 Mother of Mary Beth Sutcliffe Kulinski ‘87 Anthony D. Flood, October 3, 2020 Husband of Linda Wozniak Flood ‘76; brotherin-law of Virginia Wozniak Chilcutt ‘70, Alexis Wozniak ‘75, and Gina Grotto Wozniak ‘89 James R. Riley, October 3, 2020 Brother of Jean Riley O’Donnell ‘63 Janet M. Rowan, October 3, 2020 Sister of Joan Rowan ‘73; sister-in-law of Dr. Mary Ann Hyland Rowan ‘66; aunt of Colleen Rowan Connolly ‘06, Melanie Rowan ‘08, Lisa Phee ‘09, and Shannon Rowan ‘13; aunt (in-law) of Meghan O’Donnell Rowan ‘06, Christine Kaufmann Rowan ‘07 and Carli Weiler Rowan ‘08 Mary Feeley Cummings ‘62, October 7, 2020 Mother of Kathleen Cummings ‘89 Dr. Giancarlo Piano, October 8, 2020 Husband of Marianne Rebenson Piano ‘75, McAuley Hall of Honor Inductee Margaret C. Glennon, October 10, 2020 Mother of Mary Glennon Doyle ‘70 and Margaret Glennon Speski ‘84; sister of Sister Mary Fearon, RSM; mother-in-law of Lynne Savard Glennon ‘74; grandmother of Christine Doyle ‘97, Carlin Glennon ‘00, Julie Doyle Daly ‘01, Mary T. Glennon ‘08 and Sarah Speski ‘24; aunt of Dr. Maureen Fearon Lipa ‘79, Lorraine Fearon ‘80 and Margaret Fearon Vorva ’81

Michael Kennedy, October 12, 2020 Father of Pauline Kennedy ‘82 and Ann Kennedy Boyle ‘87; father-in-law of Pam Chirillo Kennedy ‘83; grandfather of Maura Kennedy Strickland ‘11, Kathleen McGrath ‘11, Clare Kennedy ‘13, Kerry Kennedy ‘13, Katherine Kennedy ‘15 and Colette Kennedy ‘17 Patrick D. Kelly, October 14, 2020 Father of Denise Kelly Metcalfe ‘75, Diane Kelly Rickert ‘80, June Kelly Gleason ‘82 and Maureen Kelly Ryan ‘85; grandfather of Kacey Kelly Carey ‘03, Colleen Kelly Moss ‘05, Kylie Kelly ‘09 and Quinlin Kelly ‘11 Henrietta Boyd McFadden, October 20, 2020 Mother of Libby McFadden Scanlan ‘67 Margaret T. Glynn, October 23, 2020 Mother of Margaret Glynn ‘70, Mary Ellen Glynn Thomas ‘71, Jean Glynn Brogan ‘76 and the late Maureen Glynn ‘78 Julia Dowdle, October 25, 2020 Sister-in-law of Sally Sayers Dowdle ‘53 Jennifer Manning ‘05, October 27, 2020 Sister of Jessica Manning Layhe ‘06 Dr. William Malone, October 28, 2020 Father of Christine Malone Hurley ‘82; grandfather of Emily McDonough ‘08, Ann Hurley Eisses ‘09 and Margaret Hurley ‘13 Bernadette H. McKee, October 28, 2020 Mother of Kathy McKee Spearing ‘86 Mary Jo Arundel Harkins ‘63, October 29, 2020 Mother of Mary Harkins Geraghty ‘89, Eileen Harkins Perry ‘91; mother -in-law of Jennifer Dunne Harkins ‘92; grandmother of Grace Harkins ‘18, Tierney Harkins ‘20, Maeve Geraghty ‘21, Ellie Geraghty ‘22, and Caroline Geraghty ‘24 Kathleen Gutrich Malone ‘86, October 29, 2020 Sister of Suzanne Gutrich ‘84; sister-in-law of Pam Wallace Gutrich ‘87 and Gina Ficaro Gutrich ‘91; aunt of Haley Gutrich ‘18


Luella Pakieser, November 2, 2020 Mother of MaryLee Pakieser ‘69, Katherine Pakieser Reed ‘71, Nancy Pakieser ‘76 and Barbara Pakieser ‘78; mother-in-law of Joanne Kmieciak Pakieser ‘71


Lyn Corbett Fitzgerald ‘70, November 3, 2020 Sister of Candy Corbett ‘65 John O’Hara, November 7, 2020 Father of Megan O’Hara Hynes ‘92; fatherin-law of Karen Rodewald O’Hara ‘86; grandfather of Elizabeth O’Hara ‘15, Patricia Hynes ‘24, Emily Boudreau Noonan ‘05 and Abigal Boudreau Gibson ‘09 Patricia M. Touhy ‘77, November 15, 2020 Sister of Mary Kay Touhy ‘75 Mark P. Burns, November 16, 2020 Father of Colleen Burns Pochylyl ‘78, Maureen Burns Bekta ‘80 and Kathy Burns Clancy ‘84 Sandra Masterson, Novermber 22, 2020 Grandmother of Jessica Pedroza ‘15 and Alena Pedroza ‘20 Janice Daley Brent ‘66, November 24, 2020

Anthony W. Willner, November 29, 2020 Father of Kathy Willner Byrne ‘77 (former McAuley faculty member) and Colleen Willner Konecki ‘84; father-in-law of Desiree Gordon Willner ‘85; grandfather of Michelle Konecki ‘13, Madeline Konecki ‘15, Isabel Willner ‘17 and Abigal Willner ‘20; uncle of Molly Shields O’Grady ‘87, uncle-in-law of Kathy Skalitzky Shields ‘88


Larry Bromley, December 5, 2020 Father of Eileen Bromley Flynn ‘87 and Maureen Bromley Eichstaedt ‘92 Thomas M. Flavin, December 5, 2020 Father-in-law of Annie Schmidt Flavin ‘97; grandfather of Katie Boyce Dunne ‘01, Bridget Boyce Schreiber ‘02, McAuley Principal Eileen Boyce O’Reilly ‘03, Annie Boyce Rysz ‘06 and Mary Kate Boyce ‘07

Trish Hamel Duffy ‘71, November 24, 2020 Sister of Barb Hamel ‘75

Phillip G. Stellmach, December 6, 2020 Father of Patricia Tremmel Schuman ‘87 and Amy Stellmach Posey ‘92

Dr. Ronald Cook, November 27, 2020 Father of Kelly Cook Sheridan ‘82

Rosalie Garibay Farkus ‘87, December 13, 2020

James Ryan Harrigan, November 27, 2020 Father of Stacy Harrigan Falls ‘91; father-inlaw of Katie Osborne Harrigan ‘95; brother of Patricia Harrigan Tierney ‘62, Mary Harrigan Passananti ‘71, Kathleen Harrigan Walsh ‘74, and Nancy Harrigan ‘78; brotherin-law of Maureen Moran Harrigan ‘68 and Karen Haberkorn Harrigan ‘77; uncle of Erin Harrigan Schober ‘88, Katie Harrigan Arundel ‘91, Bridget Harrigan Wood ‘94, Jill Harrigan McManus ‘00, Jennifer Harrigan Harper ‘00, Katie Walsh Moody ‘02, Molly Walsh ‘03, Megan Harrigan Lynch ‘07, Sarah Harrigan Ruane ‘11 and Elise Harrigan ‘12; uncle-in-law of Brigid Bax Harrigan ‘04 and Caitlin Cody Harrigan ‘10; great uncle of Elle Harrigan ‘12 and Bridie Schmalz ‘17

Irene V. Rebenson, December 19, 2020 Mother of Marianne Rebenson Piano ‘75, McAuley Hall of Honor Recipient; aunt of Mary Ellen Hoyne Sover ‘74

Lisa Oberts Dedio ‘94, November 28, 2020 Mother of Ann Dedio ‘23 and sister of Laura Oberts ‘95 Kevin M. Stehney, November 29, 2020 Husband of Susan Cortez Stehney ‘66; father of Megan Stehney ‘92 and Melissa Stehney Schumacher ‘97; brother of Meg Stehney ‘75; brother-in-law of Judy Cortez Hughes ‘61, Diane Cortez Sullivan ‘71; uncle of Courtney Sullivan ‘02 and Jennie Sullivan ‘04

Robert Wirtz, December 19, 2020 Father of Kathryn Wirtz Rugen ‘76 and Denise Wirtz Rooney ‘83; father-in-law of Cindy Grahovec Wirtz ‘76; grandfather of Jennifer Gillespie Kribs ‘96 and Meaghan Wirtz ‘07 Kathleen Doherty, December 23, 2020 Mother of Noreen Doherty Burgeson ‘70, Mary Ann Doherty Hoey ‘78; mother-in-law of Mary Fran Philbin Doherty ‘72; grandmother of Bridget Doherty ‘09 Lawrence Duffin, December 23, 2020 Father of Jenny Duffin McKee ‘95; daughter-inlaw of Sandy O’Connell Duffin ‘87; grandfather of Sara Duffin ‘14, Shannon Duffin ‘17, Julia McKee ‘21 and Riley McKee ‘23


Mike Fox, January 2, 2021 Brother of Peggy Fox Jester ‘73 and Colleen Fox Hirst ‘75; uncle of Kathleen Hirst ‘07 John Zofkie, January 5, 2021 Grandfather of Shannon Zofkie ‘13 Jack Lausch, January 13, 2021 Father-in-law of Mary McNulty Lausch ‘88; grandfather of Georgia Lausch ‘23 and Mia Lausch ‘25 Michael Flaherty, January 14, 2021 Father of Maureen Flaherty Duffy ‘79, Trish Flaherty ‘80 and Colleen Flaherty ‘90; father-in-law of Nancy Kurow Flaherty ‘83; grandfather of Siobhan Duffy ‘08, Maura Duffy ‘10, Erin Duffy ‘11, Devin Flaherty ‘16 and Tegan Flaherty ‘19 Robert L. Masterson, January 16, 2021 Grandfather of Jessica Pedroza ‘15 and Alena Pedroza ‘20 James Blackburn, January 17, 2021 Father of Linda Blackburn ‘70, Nancy Blackburn Greve ‘75 and Maribeth Blackburn Canent ‘79 Lisa Marie O’Farrell ‘77, January 18, 2021 Sister of Keri O’Farrell ‘86 William Deming, January 19, 2021 Husband of Marilyn Sheriff Deming ‘62; father of Liz Deming McDermott ‘88, Katy Deming Roche ‘90 and Susan Deming ‘96; brother-in-law of the late Karen Sheriff ‘65 Sister Ann Rena Shinkey O.P., January 22, 2021 Former McAuley Business teacher Patrick Harney, January 23, 2021 Husband of Mary Jo Gill Harney ‘75; brother of Kathy Harney Forde ‘78, Anne (TC) Harney ‘83 and Rosemary Harney ‘84; brother-in-law of Janet Gill Kennedy ‘80 James Hickey, January 23, 2021 Father of Laura Hickey Drohan ‘73 and Lynn Hickey Ciuchta ‘74

John Sheerin, December 27, 2020 Father of Jean Sheerin ‘77, Mary Clare Sheerin Hogan ‘83 and Colette Sheerin Condon ‘88; father-in-law of Monica Goedert Sheerin ‘88; grandfather of Maura Sheerin McMahon ‘07, Anne Marie Hogan ‘14, Leah Sheerin ‘18 and Clare Hogan ‘20



Owen Glennon, January 25, 2021 Father of Mary Glennon Doyle ‘70 and Margaret Glennon Speski ‘84; brother-in-law of Sister Mary Fearon, RSM; father-in-law of Lynne Savard Glennon ‘74; grandfather of Christine Doyle ‘97, Carlin Glennon ‘00, Julie Doyle Daly ‘01, Mary T. Glennon ‘08 and Sarah Speski ‘24; uncle of Dr. Maureen Fearon Lipa ‘79, Lorraine Fearon ‘80 and Margaret Fearon Vorva ‘81


Ann Marie Gonnella Santucci ‘60, February 2, 2021 Jim Buschbach, February 3, 2021 Grandfather of Jenny Buschbach ‘14, grandfather-in-law of Jackie Capron Buschbach ‘10 Barbara Rollheiser, February 5, 2021 Mother of faculty member Lisa Pawelski Rollheiser ‘77 and grandmother of Brittany Rollheiser ‘07 Carol Czubernat, February 6, 2021 Mother of Julie Czubernat Lewandowski ‘86 and Sue Czubernat Rudsinski ‘88 Michael Diana, February 6, 2021 Son of Patti Monahan Diana ‘79; brother of Carolyn Diana ‘13 and Katie Diana ‘13; nephew of Kerry Diana Winters ‘73, Mary Monahan O’Malley ‘75 and Kathy Monahan Connor ‘77; cousin of Marguerite Winters ‘08 James O’Connell, February 7, 2021 Father of Sandy O’Connell Duffin ‘87 and Kelley O’Connell Enright ‘89; grandfather of Sara Duffin ‘14, and Shannon Duffin ‘17 Patricia Glancey, February 8, 2021 Mother of Cathy Glancey Scully ‘75 and Sharon Glancey Waite ‘77; grandmother of Kathleen Scully Krebsbach ‘05 and Megan Scully ‘09 Mary Ellen Miller, February 9, 2021 Mother of Laurie Miller Stanton ‘75; daughterin-law of Trish Coyne Miller ‘74; grandmother of Maura Stanton ‘09 and Julie Stanton ‘13 Rita Smoot, February 13, 2021 Mother of faculty member, Carolyn Hart Sister Virgena Clark, RSM, February 17, 2021 Mary Ann Lepori Dapkus ‘68, February 17, 2021 Cousin of Carolyn Zangri Patitucci ‘65; Susan Zangri Quane ‘72, and Mary Lynn Zangri Boone ‘77



Brigette Ann Rubas ‘01, February 17, 2021

Lynn Pacanowski Staba ‘65, March 23, 2021

Walter McAuliffe, February 24, 2021 Husband of faculty member Janice McAuliffe; father of Clare McAuliffe Staudacher ‘86, Judy McAuliffe ‘87, and Paula McAuliffe Young ‘89; grandfather of Moira Staudacher ‘19

Danielle Lange, March 24, 2021 Former Mother McAuley faculty member

Robert Staudacher, February 24, 2021 Father-in-law of faculty member Clare McAuliffe Staudacher ‘86; grandfather of Moira Staudacher ‘19 Mary Ann Stahurski, February 26, 2021 Mother-in-law of Colleen Cahill Stahurski ‘79

MARCH 2021

Eileen Coglianese, Former McAuley faculty member, March 4, 2021 Mother of Allyson Coglianese ‘91 Jeffrey Troglia, March 5, 2021 Husband of Julie McKendry Troglia ‘99; brother of the late Joanne Troglia ‘04; brother-in-law of Erin McKendry Peel ‘03 Leo Gannon Sr., March 6, 2021 Father of Susan Gannon Lettiere ‘88 Nancy Flaherty Ham, March 9, 2021 Mother of Kate Ham Ziel ‘ 93 Margaret (Meg) Jennings, March 12, 2021 Former McAuley Faculty Member and the mother of Dr. Brigid Jennings ‘01 and Dr. Mary Terese Jennings-Blue ‘03 Katherine McNamara ‘99, March 12, 2021 Daughter of Mary Russell McNamara ‘69; niece of Carol Russell Jegerski ‘70, Jean Russell Walsh ‘72, and Dr. Patricia Russell ‘74 Robert Collins, March 17, 2021 Father of Patti Collins Morgan ‘82 and Maureen Collins ‘90; uncle of Kathy Pufunt Wolf ‘69, Joan Pufunt McCarthy ‘71, Mimi Pufunt Winklevoss ‘81, uncle (in-law) of Liz Brett Pufunt ‘77; great uncle of Erin Pufunt ‘03 Richard Landis, March 19, 2021 Father of Yvonne Landis Martello ‘84; father-in-law of Denise Loeber Landis ‘69 and Marianne Sullivan Landis ‘73; grandfather of Megan Landis ‘08 Carol Weiss ‘72, March 19, 2021 Terrence Bangs, March 20, 2021 Father of Katie Bangs ‘14 and the husband of the late Mary Kay Payne Bangs ‘75

Joanne Konrath, March 27, 2021 Mother of Karen Konrath Harris ‘94; mother-in-law of Trisha Pomorski Konrath ‘83, Kelly McPolin Konrath ‘89 and Erin Muldoon Konrath ‘94; grandmother of Maggie Konrath ‘06 and Olivia Harris ‘22 Sister Jane Farrell, IHM, March 29, 2021 Former Mother McAuley employee

APRIL 2021

George Morgan Lehman, April 6, 2021 Father of Kathleen Lehman Stern ‘84 and Marilyn Lehman Mikell ‘92 Bernard Murphy, April 6, 2021 Husband of former faculty member Ginny Duggan Murphy ‘60; father-in-law of Amy Miller Murphy ‘90; brother-in-law of Phyliss Duggan Wieher’64, Judy Duggan O’Hare ‘66, Therese Duggan McGinnis ‘68, Nancy Duggan McDermott 71, and Jean Kramer Duggan ‘76; uncle of Mary Stump O’Malley ‘72; grandfather of Hannah Murphy ‘15, Cara Murphy ‘16 and Madeline Murphy ‘23 Shannon Carroll ‘88, April 10, 2021 Kathleen Mercer McLarty ‘73, April 13, 2021 Ernestine Vanier, April 15, 2021 Grandmother of Lisa Vanier Martirena ‘01 and Kaley Vanier ‘03 Margaret Mary Stapleton, April 16, 2021 Mother of Ann Stapleton Voves ‘85 and Liz Stapleton DiCaro ‘88 Diane Kozak Flaherty ‘66, April 20, 2021 Lester Trilla, April 20, 2021 Brother of Pauline Trilla May ‘58 and Joan Trilla Farrell ‘61; uncle of Jodi Farrell ‘84, Magan Farrell ‘88 and Gina Farrell O’Connor ‘92 Edward McCarthy, April 20, 2021 Father of Mary McCarthy Danaher ‘85, Molly McCarthy Cranley ‘90, and Maureen “Beanie” McCarthy McClelland ‘98; father-in-law of Sherry Lambert McCarthy ‘86; grandfather of Megan McCarthy ‘04, Alyssa McCarthy ‘12, Maggie Cranley ‘17, MoMo Cranley ‘19 and Zuzu Cranley ‘21

ALUMNAE NEWS Carole Schumacher ‘60, April 26, 2021 Sister of Kathy Schumacher Maloney ‘65, Erin Schumacher Carlstedt ‘70, Maureen Schumacher Panetera ‘73, Mary Pat Schumacher Rohan ‘76 and Sue Schumacher Sheehan ‘80; aunt of Molly Maloney Kelly ‘91, Kelly Maloney Kachmarik ‘94, Karen Schumacher Finnin ‘95, Katie Schumacher Cawley ‘97, Mary Kate Rohan ‘03, Clare Rohan ‘12 and Maggie Sheahan ‘09

M AY 2 0 2 1

Kathleen Davis ‘66, May 2, 2021 Sister of Janet Davis Hansard ‘61, Margie Davis Gallagher ‘71 and Susan Davis Bednar ‘75 Marion Vlk Frank ‘62, May 2, 2021

Mary Morrissey Wilkans ‘80, May 3, 2021 Denny Dine, May 11, 2021 Father of Peggy Dine Sevenich ‘81, Maureen Dine Glynn ‘83, Betsy Dine Jeffers ‘86, and Patsy Dine Carrane ‘88; father-in-law of Carolyn Burns Dine ‘89; grandfather of Katie Dine ‘16 and Bridget Dine ‘18 Maryann Grund, May 11, 2021 Former McAuley faculty member and motherin-law of Suzanne Greenhill Grund ‘96 Kevin Barron, May 15, 2021 Brother of Barbara Barron Kelly ‘81 and Mary Kay Barron Gawne ‘82

Kathleen Terborg, May 18, 2021 Mother of Sarah Terborg Beirne ‘94 Jack Lyman, May 19, 2021 Father of Denise Lyman Costello ‘80 and Norie Lyman Kilroe ‘83; father-in-law of Amy Pavletic Lyman ‘87; grandfather of Amber Lyman LaRocco ‘05, Morgan Lyman Garrity ‘07, Caitlin Lyman Heaney ‘07, and Taylor Lyman ‘12; grandfather-in-law Sarah McAuliffe Lyman ‘07 Charlotte Bax, May 20, 2021 Daughter of Maggie Wood Bax ‘07; niece of Brigid Bax Harrigan ‘04

Bryan McPolin, May 16, 2021 Brother of Kelly McPolin Konrath ‘89

The Mother McAuley community was saddened by the loss of former faculty members this year. Margaret (Meg) Jennings and Danielle Lange dedicated much of their lives to educating the young women of McAuley. As teachers and friends, they believed in providing the tools for students to become critical thinkers and agents of change. The generous families of Meg and Danielle have chosen to honor their memories with gifts in support of the students at McAuley. Meg Jennings, former Theology teacher, passed away on March 12, 2021. Meg was the beloved wife of 41 years to Dr. Michael W. Jennings and mother of Dr. Brigid Jennings ‘01 and Dr. Mary Terese Jennings-Blue ‘03. As a Theology teacher, Meg believed in empowering the young women of Mother McAuley to be advocates for social justice and change. As a testament to her work at McAuley, her family has generously established a grant in her memory that will be awarded to McAuley student(s) focused on a social justice project.

Madame Danielle Lange passed away suddenly but peacefully on March 24, 2021. Born in France in 1937, Danielle survived early life in a World War II war zone. She became a U.S. citizen over 50 years ago. An accomplished teacher for over 50 years, she found her most loved position as a French teacher at Mother McAuley for nearly 30 years, where she inspired her students to be compassionate global citizens. As a fitting tribute to Danielle, her family has established a scholarship for French students at McAuley which will be awarded in the 2021-2022 school year.




VIRTUAL GALA On February 25, 2021, with the wonderful support of our Board of Trustees, our donors, and our entire McAuley community, McAuley’s annual gala went virtual this year in a fun, upbeat, successful, first-ever livestream Celebration. Normally, this event is held in person at Beverly Country Club, but we were inspired by our teachers, staff, and students who have survived and thrived throughout their experience this year as virtual instructors and learners. During the gala, emcee Carey Temple Harrington ‘86, former Vice President of Institutional Advancement, guided over 3,000 virtual viewers through a nostalgic tour of iconic McAuley places - past, present, and future-ready. The virtual gala was a joyous celebration of McAuley, filled with many videos from alumnae, friends, and family who admire the empowered McAuley women in their lives. Also featured were current McAuley students - the stars of the show - who shared their talents of singing and dancing in true McAuley excellence. Many familiar faces made a special appearance including Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Alderman Matt O’Shea, Sister Rosemary Connolly, RSM, Sister Cathleen Cahill, RSM, and comedian Pat McGann and his wife Sara (Phillips ‘96), who all shared uplifting messages for our McAuley community. Boosting the competitive spirit, this event featured a trendy, healthy raffle and a covid-friendly auction that ignited the compassion of record-breaking bidders. We are so grateful for our McAuley community who helped us raise nearly $400,000 for tuition assistance. During this year’s mission moment, viewers witnessed the powerful story of a family who was impacted by the generosity of donors. This overwhelming support is a true testament to how McAuley continues to remain “MIGHTY” throughout any obstacle.











FORE THE MACS: PLAYING IT FORWARD GOLF OUTING Save the Date! August 26, 2021 | 2:00pm | Ridge Country Club This annual fundraiser raises money for the Tradition of Excellence Scholarship at Mother McAuley. Last year, we raised $87,000, which means 87 incoming legacy freshmen received financial assistance! Check your email for more details! For further information on being a sponsor or attendee, email


Save the Date

Open House Mother McAuley welcomed more than 200 potential family members to our Spring Open House. The building was filled with faculty and staff members as well as students. Members of the Mighty Mac basketball and volleyball teams participated in drills to bring the McAuley spirit to our main gym and club members filled the small gym. Families were escorted on personal tours by our student ambassadors from the Athletic Center to our Performing Arts wing! For more information or a personal tour, contact Director of Admissions, Carli Weiler Rowan ‘08 at cweiler@mothermcauley.

OPEN HOUSE I September 26th 11:00am-1:00pm 8th GRADE SHADOW DAY October 11th OPEN HOUSE II November 4th 6:00pm-8:00pm ONE LAST LOOK OPEN HOUSE December 2nd 6:30pm-7:30pm ENTRANCE EXAM for 8th Grade Students December 4th

Class of 2025 MAC Facts












MAC Market Saturday dates: July 10th July 24th August 14th August 28th September 11th September 25th MAC Market is currently accepting vendors. Space rental cost is $40 per day. Interested in becoming a vendor or have questions about MAC Market, please contact us at:

NAME THE YEAR & WIN SOME GEAR! In honor of Father’s Day, here is a photo of McAuley girls and their fathers at the Senior Father-Daughter Dance.

Can you guess the year this photo was taken? Email by July 31 with your guess and all correct responses will be entered into a raffle for McAuley gear!



Shop the MACS Ltd. store with the QR code below!


Dear Friends, When the global COVID-19 pandemic prohibited in-person learning for Illinois schools, Mother McAuley’s faculty and staff were equipped with the “write stuff” to immediately deploy an online learning platform. Since 2013, McAuley has utilized mobile technology devices and provided or required subsequent training for faculty, staff, and students. All of our classes had already been working in Google Classrooms, which allowed us to employ eLearning days in place of traditional snow days for two years prior to the pandemic. So when COVID-19 disrupted in-person learning in the spring of 2020, we were able to easily pivot to our established eLearning platform. With a summer to plan creatively and effectively, we launched a hybrid learning program when we returned to school in August of 2020. Students learned 50% in the classroom and 50% through live, synchronous instruction with the use of web cameras deployed in every classroom. Any students or families who felt it best to eLearn completely were welcome to commit to this structure on a rolling, quarterly basis. After spring break, with vaccinations on the rise and cases beginning to drop, we were thrilled to return fully in-person without any disruption! We were also excited to see an unexpected but welcomed change in our attendance rate – the hybrid option increased daily attendance from 96% to 98.5%! Outside of the classroom, we also carried on, when allowed, to hold seasons for all twelve of our sports, our annual musical, and actively pursued club events and meetings for all our organizations. A special thanks to Mighty Mac faculty and coaches for their dedication and commitment to our students. With the McAuley way of creative and critical thinking, we also offered an incredible on-campus prom experience in which the big gym was transformed into an enchanted garden. We are incredibly grateful to our Brother Rice friends for welcoming McAuley to hold our graduation outdoors on their turf football field. Graduates lined the field donning their traditional white dresses and carrying red roses while parents, guardians, and special guests looked on from the stands. We celebrate the fact that graduates earned over $53 million dollars in college scholarships, have a 100% college acceptance rate, and that 85% of graduates were accepted to their first choice college or university. Wow, what a year! Despite it all, the Mighty Mac spirit was just as vibrant as ever. We are indebted to our students, families, faculty, staff, alumnae, donors, and community for their loyal commitment and unwavering support. Go Macs, indeed! Boldly,

Eileen Boyce O’Reilly ‘03 Principal





Academics ILLINOIS STATE SCHOLARS McAuley is proud of the 35 Illinois State Scholars, who have reached great academic achievements. These girls represent approximately the top 10% of high school seniors from the 700+ Illinois high schools.

Sarah Anderson Sasha Anoshenko Samantha Bikulcius Abigail Carroll Mary Carroll Clare Condon Catherine Cranley Ixchel Cruz Nora Cunnea

Phoebe Flannery Maeve Geraghty Alexis Golab Savannah Greybill Guiliana Islas Maeve Keeley Tara Kopplin Lauren Linzmeier Elizabeth McNicolas

Nora McShane Mary Murnane Bridget Murphy Grace Odenbach Kaitlin O’Malley Katherine Quinn Dorothy Revers Colleen Rooney Grace Rowan

Anne Shea Michelle Smith Morgan Soch Tianran Song Angelica Topor Alysse Urbaniak Fatima Vazquez Caroline Witowski

Bridget Adu-Dapaah ‘21

Grace Rowan ‘21,

was selected as a Posse Scholar! Bridget has been awarded a four-year, full-tuition scholarship to Oberlin College. Out of 2,800 students nominated for this scholarship, Bridget and 100 others received this award. All recipients were honored during a Zoom meeting in January. Congratulations Bridget!

Class of 2021 Valedictorian, was awarded the University of Chicago Fire Scholarship, a full tuition scholarship to attend the prestigious University of Chicago this fall. Congratulations, Grace!


SPRING MACS WITH MERIT These students were selected by a teacher or staff member on behalf of their honorable character, diligent work ethic and notable contributions to the McAuley community. We are very proud of these incredible young women! Maura Hosty ‘22 Learning Resource Center

Shaylee Cichy ‘22 Visual Arts & Technology

Noadiyah Jones ‘21 Social Sciences

Ellen Guinane ‘21 Administration

Caitlin McDonagh ’23 Science

Nora McShane ‘21 Counseling

Abigail Ballauer ‘21 Performing Arts

Lucy Sheilds ‘23 Administration

Tyneese Thomas ‘23 World Language

Treazure Edwards ‘23 Institutional Advancement

Brijana Labiak ‘24 Physical Education

Taylor Curran ‘23 Administration

Anne Shea ‘21 Social Sciences

Ashleigh Rybski ‘22 Student Activities

Ainé McIntyre ‘22 English

Emily Tovey ‘23 Learning Resource Center

Gabriela Martinez ‘24 Theology

Jane Hynes ‘21 Student Activities

Petra Kotas ‘24 Visual Arts & Technology

Natalie Brett ‘21 Science

Giuliana Islas ‘21 Performing Arts

Daisy Lara ‘22 Math

Madelyn Courtney ‘21 Counseling

Molly McDermott ‘21 Athletics

Lillian Claussen ‘24 Physcial Education

Leena Webb ‘23 Administration

Sarah Heidorn ‘22 Institutional Advancement

Blessings Lockwood ‘21 Administration

Marissa Mims ‘23 English

Ellen Murphy ‘21 Athletics

Isabella Hughes ‘23 Student Activities

Maeve Keeley ‘21 received the

Treazure Edwards ‘23 has been accepted

University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign (UIUC) Engineering Premier Scholarship and the CEE Visionary Scholarship, which will grant her full tuition scholarships for her four years of college. At UIUC, she will be studying Civil & Environmental Engineering. Way to go, Maeve!

as a research assistant at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She will be finding alternate energy sources for aircrafts, soft robotic actuators, electron visualization, and nuclear theory simulations. Congratulations Treazure on this amazing opportunity!




Faith + Service



Our Juniors came together for a reflection on the Mercy Critical Concerns and a special prayer service celebrating their upcoming transition into senior year. Special thanks to all the faculty, staff and students who led a reflection on each of the 5 Critical Concerns: Immigration, Racism, Women, Non-Violence and Earth. The Junior Ring Ceremony is an annual event that celebrates the tradition and legacy of McAuley. The Mother McAuley ring is a symbol of the mercy values and the sisterhood of McAuley. As these girls enter into their senior year, they will continue to carry out our Mercy values while proudly wearing their McAuley class ring.

During Christmas break, sisters Megan ‘24, Tegan ‘24 and Madison ‘22 Taff organized a food drive to benefit the Morgan Park Food Pantry. The donations filled the entire pantry with food! In March, Fire Safety Alliance presented the Above and Beyond Youth Volunteer Award to the Taff sisters for their many years of dedicated service.

In February, members of the Mighty Mac soccer team participated in the PepsiCo Showdown “Random Act of Kindness Day,” making care packages for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. McAuley AP Art & Design student Senior Lindsey Vidmar ‘21 painted custom pet portraits to raise funds to purchase supplies for local animal shelters. She donated over $600 worth of supplies to various organizations!




Music + Performing SHREK: THE MUSICAL At the end of May, a cast of 75 students, 30 orchestra members, 25 stage crew members and a student-led costume crew did what most schools, and even Broadway, thought was impossible; they produced a spring all-school musical, “Shrek: The Musical.” The four month process began with auditions and rehearsals taking place virtually, and ended with a professionally-produced streaming of our two casts performing in-person on an outdoor stage. We are so proud of our Performing Arts Department for using their creativity to seek new solutions in order to follow all CDC guidelines while making sure our Mighty Macs had the opportunity to end the school year with a production for which they can all be proud.

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE In early December, the Performing Arts Department put on its first-ever radio broadcast production, “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play!” This holiday classic was performed like never before by our talented theatre students.

AWARDS Sarah Heidorn ‘22 received the top

score in the Alto II category of the 2020 Illinois Music Education Association District 1 Festival Auditions! INSCAPE MAGAZINE


Clubs + Organizations MACS LEAD New this year, Macs LEAD (Leadership, Education and Awareness of Disabilities) is a club committed to teaching students about individuals with disabilities, the organizations that serve them, and fostering student connectedness to these populations. Their primary goal is inclusivity, through education, awareness and interaction. Thank you to Kerry Ryan Lynch ‘98 for speaking to members of our Macs LEAD Club about Apert Syndrome and how to be an ally to and advocate for people with disabilities!

BLACK STUDENT UNION To celebrate Black History Month in February, the Black Student Union (BSU) hosted a number of activities to engage the entire McAuley community. Our Alumnae Office premiered four short videos highlighting one McAuley alumna each week. During homeroom announcements, a member of the BSU made a short introduction and then students viewed the alumnae videos. Alumnae featured: Melody Spann-Cooper ‘82, President/CEO of Midway Broadcasting, 2021 McAuley Hall Inductee

The Young Alumnae Diversity Council joined the students for a virtual panel discussion! BSU hosted the event as a celebration of our alumnae during Black History Month. BSU President Noadiyah Jones ‘21 (pictured below) served as the panel moderator, asking alumnae to share their experience at McAuley, and give advice and insight to our students.

Colin Evans ‘09, Weekend Daypart Executive Producer at ABC 7 Chicago Eyewitness News (pictured below) Joy Bivins ‘94 Chief Curator/Vice President at the International African American Museum in Charleston, SC, 2018 McAuley Hall inductee De’Nye Hopkins ‘14, Cloud Pak & Data Platform DSD Representative

Above pictured left to right: (top row) Assistant Principal Meg Griffin Gardner ‘99, De’Nye Hopkins ‘14, Noadiyah Jones ‘21, (2nd row) Camryn Smith ‘19, DeJanna Newkirk ‘18, Cydney Walls ‘16, Maya Nunn ‘16 (bottom row) Olivia Shareef ‘20, Nia Russell ‘20, Casimere Street ‘18 and President Mary Acker Klingenberger ‘75




Visual Arts + Technology ARTAPALOOZA On May 6, our halls and classrooms were filled with beautiful artwork created by no other than our talented Mighty Macs! Friends and family came to view the amazing artwork, enjoyed delicious food and participated in a fun raffle. All proceeds and donations from the event were donated to the Arts for Illinois Relief Fund.

JOURNALISM AWARDS This year, the Scholastic Press Association of Chicago held their annual McCormick Foundation Awards for excellence in student journalism, and our very own Inscape team left with six awards!

Our students also received impressive results in the Illinois Journalism Association Newspaper & Digital Media Contest Awards. We are proud of their hard work and dedication to covering the (nearly) impossible.

Excellent Sport Feature Molly McDermott ‘21

Best Feature Story - 3rd Place Sofia Jasso ‘21

Excellent Sport News Story Mary Philip ‘22

Best Personality Profile - 2nd Place Mairead O’Carroll ‘22

Excellent Original Drawing or Comic Grace La Mantia ‘22

Best Humorous Commentary 3rd Place and Honorable Mention Janey Hynes ‘21

Excellent Opinion Piece or Column Janey Hynes ‘21 Superior Staff Editorial Bridget Gallagher ‘21 and Colleen Gallagher ‘21 Excellent Overall Newspaper Staff of Inscape

Best Editorial Cartoon - 1st Place Sasha Anoshenko ‘21 Best Infographic - 2nd Place Angelica Topor ‘21

Best Alternative Storytelling 2nd Place Janey Hynes ‘21 Best Front-Page Design Honorable Mention Bridget Gallagher ‘21 Best Overall Design - 3rd Place Staff of Inscape Best COVID-19 Coverage Honorable Mention Sasha Anoshenko ‘21 Best Print Publication - 3rd Place Inscape



Athletics ATHLETIC COLLEGE SIGNING DAY We are MIGHTY proud of our senior athletes who officially signed to play collegiate sports!

Congratulations to all of our athletes on successful seasons. Each team had an athlete who earned the IHSA Team Achievement Award.

Fall 2020 TENNIS Leah Zemgulys ‘22 State Qualifier













1 Hannah Gnatt Davenport University, Swimming 2 Anna Jaworowski University of San Diego, Volleyball 3 Molly McDermott Southern Utah University, Volleyball 4 Molly Boyd Flagler University, Volleyball 5 Delaney Davis South Carolina State University, Volleyball 6 Connie LeBel Ferris State University, Volleyball 7 Julia McKee Saint Xavier University, Soccer 8 Mia Roche Carthage College, Bowling 9 Ava Courtney Spring Hill College, Cross Country/Track 10 Natalie Wagner Elmhurst College, Cross Country/Track 11 Clare Murphy Loras College, Softball 12 Olivia Izaguirre Saint Xavier University, Dance 13 Morgan Soch St. Ambrose University, Dance




SWIMMING Emily Manos ‘23 State Qualifier Megan Moore ‘24 State Qualifier CROSS COUNTRY Evelyn Rowan ‘22 All-Conference Natalie Wagner ‘21 All-Conference


Mighty Mac golfers Gabi Hernandez ‘21 and Morgan Soch ‘21 advanced

to sectionals, playing at Silver Lakes. Gabi Hernandez ‘21 All-Conference Veronica Kirsch ‘23 All-Conference DIVING Abby Manos ‘22 State Qualifier


Spring 2021 SOCCER The soccer team placed in the top three for state voting in the All-Sectional Team Sportsmanship Award. Janey Hynes ‘21, midfielder All-Conference and All-Sectional Emily Grzyb ‘23, defender All-Conference Ciara Hosty ‘23, forward All-Conference and Honorable Mention All-Sectional Annemarie Clark ‘23, defender, All-Conference BOWLING Elena Fernandez ‘22 All-Conference Tamia Edwards ‘22 All-Conference

WATER POLO Gladys Contreras ‘21 Player of the Year, 1st team All-Conference, 1st team All-Sectional, and 4th team All-State Bella Morquecho ‘23 1st team All-Conference and 1st team All-Sectional Kiara Morquecho ‘21 1st team All-Conference and 2nd team All-Sectional Elizabeth McNicholas ‘21 2nd team All-Conference Becca Engquist ‘24 2nd team All-Sectional LACROSSE Alyssa Grant ‘22 All-Conference Rosie Nolan ‘22 All-Conference

TRACK & FIELD Evelyn Rowan ‘22, 3rd place finish in the 800 at Sectionals

VOLLEYBALL Volleyball won first place in GCAC!

Evelyn Rowan ‘22, Natalie Wagner ‘21, Heather Wagner ‘22, and Gianna Kmak ‘22, 3rd place finish in the 4x800 Relay at Sectionals!

Ellie White ‘24 First Team All Area Daily Southtown and GCAC All-Conference

BASKETBALL The basketball team finished their conference in 3rd place this season! Isabella Finnegan ‘22 IBCA All-State Special Mention, All-Conference SOFTBALL Fiona Crane ‘22 All-Conference Mary Charniak ‘23 All-Conference Aaliyah Walker ‘22 All-Conference

Caroline Macander ‘22 2nd team All Area Daily Southtown Molly McDermott ‘21 First Team All Area Daily Southtown and GCAC Player of the Year Abby Sarich ‘21 Most Valuable Player and GCAC All-Conference Molly Boyd ‘21 Most Improved Player and GCAC All-Conference Connie LeBel ‘21 Daily Southtown Player of the Year, GCAC All-Conference, and Jimmy Griffin Award Winner

Our Varsity Lacrosse team was the 1st all girls high school to play at Soldier Field. Our Macs played a great game and all proceeds benefit research for colon cancer!



More School News FIRST DAY FULL CAPACITY After Easter Break, we welcomed back our Mighty Macs into the halls at full capacity! We loved seeing our students reunite with one another and are proud they finished the school year together and stronger than ever.

HEART OF THE SCHOOL AWARDS The Heart of the School Award is an annual award given to one faculty member and one staff member who have made a positive impact on the environment at McAuley. Round of applause for Ms. Katie McCasland ‘11 and Mrs. Karen Frigo on being voted as this year’s Heart of the School recipients!

PRICE IS RIGHT Our Mac Nation Homeroom Game Show was back by popular demand and this time we played “The Price is Right!”



MACS GOT TALENT We have so many talented Mighty Macs! Congratulations to our 2021 McAuley’s Got Talent Winner, senior Karla Flores!




Science Department Faculty Member, Melissa Scholl, was awarded a scholarship to attend the Computer Science Teachers Association National Conference this summer with McAuley’s Director of Curriculum & Instruction/Science Department Chairperson, Kim Turnbull. The conference will be held virtually in the middle of July!

A special thank you to our Mothers’ Club for hosting a luau-themed Father-Daughter Picnic for our seniors! It was an afternoon full of fun, raffle prizes, beanbag tournaments and celebrating our seniors!

END-OF-YEAR CELEBRATION The end-of-the-year celebration for our freshmen, sophomores and juniors was a hit! From delicious tacos and snow cones to games and crafts galore, the day truly felt like paradise after a long year!

FATHER-DAUGHTER MASS Special thanks to all those who participated in the Father-Daughter Mass, Father Hyland for celebrating and the McAuley Fathers’ Club for hosting the event. The morning ended with a special blessing for the newly renovated softball dugouts, thanks to our amazing Father’s Club!



Thank You for Your Service to McAuley As the school year comes to a close, we want to recognize our outstanding faculty and staff members who are retiring after many years dedicated to providing the Lifetime Advantage for our students. Thank you for sharing your gifts with our school, community and students. We will miss you! Holly Hankey-Nickels (24 years), Vicki Kazin (41 years), Dorothy Smith (26 years), Linn Cummings (20 years), Jeanne Miller (26 years), Sheila Rave (41 years), Marie Kennedy (23 years), and Linda Porter (33 years) (from left to right)

Remember us, so young and fine, With years of teaching and working still down the line;

Competitions and concerts, service, food drives, Made McAuley the busiest of busy beehives.

Hands outstretched to every student, Always striving to be prudent.

We joined in the race, and kept up the pace, For decades and decades, helping students to face

With books and papers, schedules and bells, Walking the halls where learning dwells.

A future with confidence, pride and ability Our classes gave them a certain agility,

An endless stream of new fresh faces, For many, our classrooms were an oasis,

To learn and become their very best; Working towards this gave us little rest!

Where wisdom, order and a word so kind, Helped each girl expand her mind.

But we perservered and came out strong, Bringing thousands of girls along,

Remember the laughter in the halls Young voices joyful in their calls,

On the road to wisdom, knowledge and grace; How lucky we were to find such a place.

And all the other activities, That kept on moving like a breeze:

And how lucky we were to work with you! Our dear colleagues and friends, proven so true.

The calendar drive, the school play, Retreats in the woods, so far away,

Now, we’ll go out in the world and show you how In retirement we can still take a bow!

Tournaments for volleyball and basketball, The excitement that enveloped us all!

– Sheila Murray Rave, retiree McAuley resident poet




Celebrating Our Seniors SENIOR ACADEMY AWARDS The Class of 2021 had so much fun at our Senior Academy Awards! We certainly have an outstanding class of unique, talented students ready to take on the world!

PROM 2021 McAuley’s Main Gym was transformed into a beautiful “Enchanted Garden” with the help of dedicated McAuley faculty, staff and community. All of the students had a memorable evening of celebration. We are so grateful that our Macs were able to experience this together!

SPECIAL GRADUATION HONOR Graduation was such an incredible ceremony for all of our seniors, and it was capped off with a beautiful tribute for graduate Rebeca Marmolejo ‘21, daughter of Officer Eduardo Marmolejo, a Chicago Police officer who died in the line of duty. Dozens of Chicago police officers attended our graduation ceremony to support and congratulate Rebeca on this huge milestone in her life. Thank you to all of those who came out to surprise and honor Rebeca with this memorable salute.












CONGRATULATIONS TO THE “Tomorrow, we will still have all of the lessons, the skills, the friendships and the experiences that our McAuley years have imparted to us. None of those things will go away overnight, nor even in an entire lifetime. I have witnessed how all of you have overcome struggles in your efforts to prepare for our lives beyond McAuley. I am proud to have walked each day beside you, never being fully certain of what the day nor even the next minute would bring, but anticipating nonetheless. Our future is as soon as right now, and our time at Mother McAuley has provided all of the preparation we have ever needed. What lies ahead has never been promised to any of us, but I believe it looks very promising from here.” – Grace Rowan ‘21, Valedictorian “I know firsthand–through my family’s journey... that struggle makes us better. Challenges and hardships give us a brighter and more beautiful lens in which to see the world going forward. Because of COVID, and in spite of COVID, you are better, you are stronger and you have learned early to always lean on God and this sisterhood you have formed with your classmates to find hope in any situation.” – Kerry Ryan Lynch ‘98, Alumna Speaker, McAuley Hall Inductee





“You should also notice that the core of the McAuley community is us: the students. We are the ones who set the standard for those younger than us. We are the ones who further the McAuley traditions in our everyday lives. You can take the girl out of McAuley, but you cannot take ‘the McAuley’ out of the girl. You can take away the chocolate chip cookies and put the kilts in retirement, but you cannot take away what those represent. Though some seemingly small or insignificant, each part of our experiences here at McAuley have been formative pieces in the shaping of our characters.” – Jane Hynes ‘21, Class Speaker

“The challenge of this day for you is not to see your time at Mother McAuley as culminating so much as germinating, to know that these past four years have contributed to a process leading you to become women of mercy, women of purpose, women of action who not only hold fast to a vision of a better world but who go and make it so...In many ways, your last four years have provided you with some shelter, some sense of safety that you might find your best footing to take strong measured steps beyond the hallways of Mother McAuley. These four years have come to an end, but the shelter remains; it abides with you and with whomever you choose to share it.” – Mr. Kevin Czarnecki, Faculty Speaker



WAYS TO GIVE Unrestricted Gift to the McAuley Fund Your unrestricted gift does more than you realize! A gift to the McAuley Fund is used where it’s needed most and helps to enrich programs, including academics, arts, technology, athletics, campus ministry, financial aid and scholarship or helps with everyday operational expenses.

Scholarship and Financial Aid As McAuley strives to make tuition affordable for families, providing assistance is more important than ever. Your gift will have a direct impact on a student’s ability to attend McAuley.

Event Sponsorship and Participation Our Celebration Gala and our annual Fore the Macs: Playing It Forward Golf Outing are other ways to support McAuley students. Proceeds from these events support tuition assistance/scholarship for students.



A gift to Mother McAuley helps to advance our mission and prepare young women for lives of leadership and service. There are many opportunities to support McAuley and provide the lifetime advantage to our students.

Catherine’s Garden Leave your mark at McAuley or remember that special person with a commemorative brick in the beautiful Catherine’s Garden! Purchase a brick to honor your McAuley legacy family members, share a brick with your McAuley classmates or team, commemorate graduation, or remember a teacher, mentor or coach. Three sizes available • Standard $200 (8X7) • Large $300 (8X14) • Seating Stone $500 (14X8) For more information about Catherine’s Garden and purchasing a brick, please contact: JoAnn Foertsch Altenbach ’76 773-881-6559

Employee Giving Programs Double (or Triple) Your Donation! Did you know that thousands of companies match donations made by their employees to organizations like ours?! Check with your employer about their giving program and multiply the impact of your gift for our students!


Planned Giving Create a lasting impact – become a member of the Catherine McAuley Legacy Society A planned gift to Mother McAuley indicates a commitment to the long-term success of the school and its students. Making a planned gift confers membership in the Catherine McAuley Legacy Society. Explore these ways to plan and give back now or in the future. Your gift helps McAuley remain strong while maximizing your generosity and providing tax benefits.



DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS This option offers you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often donations are granted to qualified non-profit institutions.

A GIFT IN YOUR WILL OR TRUST Include McAuley in your will or trust today by a simple addition to your legal documents for a gift in the future.


APPRECIATED SECURITIES Donors can contribute appreciated property, like securities or real estate, receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the asset, and pay no capital gains tax on the transfer. RETIREMENT PLAN REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTRIBUTION (RMD) If you are 701/2 or older, you can give any amount up to $100,000 per year directly from your IRA to a qualified non-profit without having to pay income tax on the gift.


RETIREMENT PLAN ASSETS Name McAuley as a beneficiary of part or all of your retirement plan assets. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES Consider donating all or part of your policies which will pass tax-free to a non-profit. This information is intended to provide general gift planning information. We encourage you to consult with your own legal and financial advisors.

WHY PLAN? Planned Giving allows donors to have a much greater financial impact to organizations in which they believe! Despite that fact, fewer than 10 percent of Americans utilize planned giving. Yet there’s a wide range of options for potential gift-givers, making it much easier to fit philanthropy into their budgets and long-term plans. Planned giving offers flexibility for donors from a broad range of financial backgrounds. Additional information can be found at give/plannedgiving.

For additional questions contact Mary Acker Klingenberger ’75 at 773-881-6504 or

My parents instilled in me a sense of purpose and generosity. As part of the greatest generation, they understood the importance of being prepared for the future. They sacrificed to provide their children with a solid educational foundation that would serve them well in their lifetime. At the same time, they grew a modest estate to share with their children and others in hopes of improving the world for those to come. My parents inspired me to pay it forward. I was determined to build their gift during my working career in the non-profit sector and share these gifts with the causes I believed in. Denise Cavanaugh ’60, founder of Cavanaugh, Hagan & Pierson (now CHP Mintz) and member of the founding group of Washington, D.C. women business owners who launched the National Association of Women Business Owners in 1975.

I have great respect for the parents of Mother McAuley and the challenges they face. Like my parents, each family has made a commitment to their daughter’s success and a financial commitment to their daughter’s education. They recognize the benefit of the McAuley lifetime advantage and the short-term and long-term impact for their daughters. I am very committed to McAuley and want to help graduates who will go into the world empowered by the education they receive to become leaders in their families and their local and global communities. Armed with faith and conviction they will tackle problems like women’s issues, social justice and serving those in need. My planned gift to McAuley allows me to support future generations of young women who will make this world a better place.



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