2 minute read

Summer of Hope: Our plans to celebrate MU founder Mary Sumner


Unite in Mary Sumner’s name - let’s make this year the best Summer of Hope campaign ever!


Hope – something most of us have called on over these last 18 months – more than ever before.

We have rallied to do all we can to keep spirits high and support those who need us. As a global movement we responded (see p22-23 for Mothers’ Union’s COVID-19 response). Now, as we turn to the next chapter of this pandemic, we are reminded of how the impacts of this virus have, in many cases, exacerbated pre-existing issues around equality, justice and poverty – from our own doorsteps to our sisters and brothers round the world, especially in some of the world’s poorest countries. Our commitment to giving families and communities hope for a better future is needed more than ever, and our 2021

Summer of Hope campaign is one page of this next chapter.

This year our Summer of Hope campaign will be bigger and better than ever. For the first time we are planning Summer of Hope to run for three months, starting in June with the launch of MU on the Move, to engage members across Britain and Ireland to take part in 145 themed walks, runs or other forms of exercise, raising funds to spread hope around the world.

In June and July, many of our branches hold wonderful events to celebrate and raise vital funds. Being optimistic, but not taking anything for granted, this year we are producing resources and providing support to compliment any in-person events you run, including virtual and at-home activities and ideas.

The Summer of Hope campaign will draw to a close with a month of fellowship and praise to mark the centenary of our founder Mary Sumner’s passing. So do look out for the service ideas and resources too.

This will all be wrapped up with wonderful stories and pictures of the difference you have made through supporting Summer of Hope over the years, as well as ideas for focusing your support and prayers in 2021.

All these campaign materials will be coming direct to your door in early May, so keep your eyes peeled. We will also be adding further ideas and resources to the website www.mothersunion.org, just click the Summer of Hope article on the home page.

Faithful service: the Diocese of North Eastern Caribbean and Aruba, Antigua, mark Mary Sumner Day in 2020

‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

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