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Create a greeting: Enter our Christmas card competition
Calling all artists, would-be artists and designers among Mothers’ Union members! Here’s your chance to create a Christmas card for our 2021 range.
What do you think makes a beautiful card to celebrate this important Christian festival? Why not have a go at producing something special?
The competition will run from 15 April until 1 June 2021. All artwork styles and themes are welcome. Please see below for further details.
We will feature the winner in our catalogue and you can have the thrill of seeing your design reaching a wide audience and becoming part of the Mothers’ Union Christmas celebration.
If you are interested in taking part, here are some pointers to help you get started with creating a card: l What attracts you to one Christmas card over another? l Do you prefer traditional images like the nativity or something more abstract such as a peace dove? l Would you choose a snowy scene, or something decorative with a verse from the Bible?
Mothers’ Union celebration cards to mark Christmas festivals are many and varied – from cards to colour in, or those showing angels, robins and Mary and the baby Jesus. The most popular Christmas cards in our catalogue last year depicted winter woodland, robins, angels and Nativity themes.
l The winning design will be turned into a greeting card to be sold online and in the Autumn/Winter Mothers’ Union mail order catalogue from July. l The artist will receive 10 free packs of cards of their design. All profits will be used to increase the impact of Mothers’ Union’s work around the world. l Please ensure the design is no bigger than A4 (29.7 x 21cms). l We are unable to return artwork, you may wish to send a copy and not the original. l Please post your entries to: Retail Team, Mothers’ Union Mary Sumner House, 24 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3RB or email to communications@mothersunion.org
Terms & Conditions l One entry per person. l Full copyright to Mothers’ Union. l Your name will be printed on the greeting card reverse and in articles relating to the winning design. l No entries will be accepted after the closing date. l Artwork may be slightly modified to fit.