If yo u are w orri ed abo ut m ak i n g f ri en d s at yo u r t i m e at u n i vers i t y, t h ere i s n o re aso n t o b e. Doi n g a cre at i ve cou rse su ch as grap h i cs i s a g reat op p ort u n i t y to su rrou n d you rs e lf wi th s i m i l ar, op en m i n ded an d creat i v e i n di vi d u al s . Th e f i r s t few week s m ay b e awk ward b u t on ce the i ce i s b rok en y o u wi l l h ave n o t rou b l e m ak i n g f ri en d s f or
lif e . T h e s o c ia l s ide o f u n iv e r s ity is a la r g e a s p e c t h o wev er if d r in k in g is n ’t y o ur th in g - d o n ’t p a n ic ! Yo u c a n s till h a v e a s o c ia l lif e a n d g o o u t with f r ie n ds with o u t h a v in g to put y o u r s e lf o u t o f y o ur c o mf o r t z o n e .
When you’re doing a course in graphics it’s easy to compare your skills to other people, as it is with any creative subject. It’s unhealthy to compare yourself constantly to your peers as they are different person to you. All that is important is your own progress and your own way of working. You will only damage your self confidence if you get so hung
up on what everyone else in the class is doing, or how far they’ve got into the new brief. Focus on yourself, your own improvements and you’ll be much happier and thank yourself down the line.
Coming to university after doing fine art at A Level had me feeling quite nervous about the way that I work. I personally didn’t fit in with the modern, swiss-style graphic design, even though I do appreciate that style, it just wasn’t me. If you feel nervous about how you go about your design work, don’t be. It’s completely okay to have your own style
and individual process. If you like modernist graphic design, go for it. If you’re more interested in the post modern side of design then don’t hold yourself back because you’re worried you won’t ‘fit’ in with the rest. It’s not about fitting in, it’s about completing briefs in the way you see the most appropriate. Have fun with it while you can.
This can apply to graphics and everyday situations whilst at university. In my opinion this is the most important advice I can give anyone who’s moving away to uni in September. In relation to graphics, I feel it’s always crucial to go with how you feel about a brief, and of course, taking on criticism is a vital part of the process, too. However, if you want
to take the idea you think works the best forward, you definitely should. Secondly, in general terms if you feel like something in your life is not right, you should always go with your gut because it could be the best decision you’ve ever made. Life is too short to feel miserable about any aspect of your life.
Wh en sta rtin g thi s co urs e, I kn ew the blo gg ing as pe ct wa s im po rta nt. .. bu t it’s ea sil y pu sh ed to the sid e. It’s ea sy to tak e a ‘i’l l jus t do it lat er’ sta nc e on blo gg ing bu t thi s wo uld be de trim en tal in the lon g run . At firs t, blo gg ing ma y se em lik e a ted iou s ch ore , es pe cia lly if it’s no t so me thi ng yo u are us ed to. Th e tric k is to try an d ma ke it mo re int ere sti ng to yo u, pe rso na lly. Fo r ex am ple wh en res ea rch ing , try to fin d pie ce s of wo rk yo u ge nu ine ly lik e the loo k of ins tea d of res ea rch ing be ca us e yo u ha ve to. It ma ke s the pro ce ss a wh ole lot les s pa inf ul. Ke ep on top of it an d do n’t let it bu ild up , tha t wa y yo u’l l ha ve mo re tim e for a so cia l life wit ho ut the tho ug ht of yo ur sp ars e blo g lin ge rin g ov er yo ur he ad .
As I have previously said in the content of this booklet, I came to graphics from doing art in my previous years in education. Because of the exposure to a lot of different creative treatments and techniques, I am more inclined to use them and it has become a crucial part of my design. If you’re sick at drawing or you
love to paint, don’t worry, just incorporate your other interests. Graphics is such a broad course that you can use a bunch of techniques along side digital elements.
If you think something looks good, go for it. Don’t worry too much about grids. If it suits your style of working forget about sticking to a structure. Researching grids can be an important part of your studies, but try not to worry about them too much unless it’s a crucial part of a brief.
Try not to worry about presenting your work to your classmates. Everyone is in the same position. No one’s work is superior to yours, so be confident in what you’ve created and explain your design decisions elaborately. At first, it might be a little daunting to talk about your designs especially if you’ve never really had the
opportunity or had to do this previously, but as the term progresses you will relax into it. It will be beneficial to your design progress as you can pick up improvements and useful analytical comments about the work you have produced.
You might be feeling anxious before moving to university, and even in the first few weeks of starting your course. I certainly went through a time when I wondered if this was the right path for me, or whether I should have taken illustration. Reflecting back, this was evidently because I had never done graphics as a subject
before, and I was not used to just focusing on type which was part of our first module. As the briefs went on, and after talking to my friends about it, I stuck it out and before I knew it, I was completely in love with this course and graphics in general. If the stress of university and moving away from home gets too much for you, try not to
panic. You can always talk to someone about your worries if it is hindering your experience at uni. Everyone feels anxious especially when there’s a big change in life. Talk to your friends, your tutors, your parents or anyone who you can confide in. Feeling nervous during the first term is extremely normal. If you doubt that you’re
doing the right thing, stick it out, see if your mind changes, but always trust your instincts too. It’s normal to be doubtful if you’re entering new territory. Relax, and enjoy your first year at university! You’re going to have the best time of your life.