Some of the most inspirational women we know describe what the word ‘renegade’ means to them C O M P I L E D BY: O L I V I A M O R R I S
THE REN E SARA AQEL CHEF DE CUISINE AT FI’LIA @chef_sara, @filiadubai How would you define a renegade? In my opinion, a renegade is someone who breaks the mould. Having been born and raised in Jordan, I’ve come across many people who despite their circumstances have fought for success and a chance at a better life. Despite traditional patterns and obstacles, the role models in my life have adapted and created opportunities for themselves when it looked like there were none. That is what I call a true renegade; Someone who breaks barriers to create a path to success despite the odds. Who are the renegades in your life? My renegades and the women that have made the biggest impact in my life are most definitely my sisters. My sister Zeena the athlete, implements discipline in her life as a key component and has taught me that without method and practice we will remain stagnant. My sister Heba the lawyer, who from a very young age taught me the importance of having a valid and strong argument. As a woman in the Middle East, working in a male-
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dominated industry, this was a critical skill to pick up. Lastly, my oldest sister Donia, the youngest director at a multinational empire. Donia taught me to prioritize resilience. When the chips are down, walk right over them and keep moving. Collectively, my sisters have been paramount in moulding me and are my renegades.
JOUHAYNA AL MHEIRI AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL OFFICER, SHEIKH ZAYED AIR NAVIGATION CENTER How would you define a renegade? Someone who is unapologetically themselves. Someone who pursues what they believe in even if it means going against the norm of what is expected of them. Who are the renegades in your life? The renegades in my life are the women that raised me to be the woman I am today. My grandmothers, my mother and my aunty.
AMAL MURAD THE FIRST EMIRATI FEMALE PARKOUR ATHLETE @leap.of.hope How would you define a renegade? In my opinion, it’s anyone who decides to follow what is right for them and not necessarily the conventional route or path. Who are the renegades in your life? My mom has always been someone who showed me that it’s okay to want to be more than just an employee. She started her own business when she was only 20 and still works to this very day. I think we, as women, have been conditioned that we only can be mothers or work in very specific jobs that are deemed feminine. She taught me that you are the one that’s responsible for your own life and only you will end up living with your decisions.
ASMA AL JANAHI THE FIRST EMIRATI WOMAN TO FINISH THE IRONMAN 70.3 FIVE TIMES @oozyaljanahi How would you define a renegade? Doing things in a different way that is creative, innovating and enhancing. Who are the renegades in your life? The people around me who discover new ways to do things differently and follow their passion. They inspire me every day to forge my own path.
9/30/21 1:23 PM