SOME POINTS TO GET YOU SWINGING It is never too late to pick up a club for the first time — here are some tips to get started By Scott Edwards
august 2022
Almost All of the skills and movements required to make a golf swing can be related to things we do in our everyday life. Developing your golf swing is a journey of discovery, the same process that we used to learn how to crawl, jump, throw and kick. Figuring out what is comfortable and what works for you as an individual is key for enjoying the game, there is no right and wrong. For example, many golfers that play right-handed are left-handed in all other aspects of life, and vice-versa. So how do we start? To begin with, we want to be comfortable holding the club, making sure it feels secure in our hands. We will start with a right-handed club. Hold the club in your right hand (right), in a way that