Issue 59 n November 2010
Exclusive to Emirates First Class and Business Class
Travel networks Connections That Work
Bristol Cars Exclusive Wheels
A New Dimension
Richard Mille Timed to Perfection emirates.com
This issue November 2010
Exclusive to Emirates First Class and Business Class
Cover Story 30
An Innovator Par Excellence Kb\aZk] Fbee^ \k^Zm^] abl hpg pZm\a [kZg] bg +))* Zg] bg e^ll maZg Z ]^\Z]^ a^ aZl Z\\hfiebla^] bg\k^]b[e^ _^Zml bg aZnm^ ahkheh`r' A^ aZl \aZee^g`^] ik^\hg\^imbhgl% lfZla^] \hgo^gmbhg% inla^] [hng]Zkb^l Zg] [khn`am _k^la oblbhg bgmh ma^ -.)&r^Zk& he] Lpbll pZm\afZdbg` bg]nlmkr'
38 Chinese Investors Flock to London For real estate agents in London, Chinese customers are ideal as they are cash rich and eager to buy. They purchased less than one per cent of high-end properties last year, but the figure has grown to five per cent this year.
42 Eat Your Vegetables: Old Battle, New Tactics Despite two decades of public health initiatives, Americans are still refusing to eat their veggies. That’s opened the door for some innovative marketing approaches.
46 A Quirky Car, Serving Quirky Customers For a certain kind of company, recession may be beside the point. Unlike many of its luxury-car rivals, Bristol actually grew during the financial crisis.
50 A Healthy Lead Attitudes towards healthcare and environmental issues are shifting and Louis Hakim, chairman of Philips Middle East, wants to make sure he is leading the charge.
56 High Ambitions Most travel websites offer enough information to leisure travellers to make their trip a good one. But business travellers have different needs, so some are now tapping into alumni and expatriate networks.
50 46
Exclusive to Emirates First Class and Business Class
Essentials 61 Germany’s Hidden Jewel Tucked away in Brandenburg’s Spreewald is the little town of Burg, which is quickly gaining fame as the country’s most relaxed spa resort.
66 Heir Conditioning An increasing number of financial companies are starting courses to teach children how to protect their inheritance and ensure that the money stays in the family.
72 White Elephant to Urban Utopia This year Brasilia celebrates 50 years of being Brazil’s capital. Designed by Lucio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer, this futuristic-looking city is still constantly evolving.
76 A Taste of the Country in Urban Beirut Lauded for its delicious cuisine, Beirut’s culinary culture is steadily gaining the worldwide attention it deserves.
80 Climate Gauge: Greenland As it struggles to gain economic independence, Greenland’s vulnerable geographical position puts it under global pressure.
84 3D Dance Takes a Great Leap Forward The 3D revolution is coming to dance. Pioneering
filmmakers, among them Wim Wenders, tell us why the two were made for each other.
86 Attaining Perfection
11 Notebook
The Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé was built
World business in a nutshell.
to celebrate 100 years of arguably the most famous automotive brand in the world.
19 Observer Spotting and analysing business trends.
28 Column: Nicholas D. Kristof
88 Other Business Portfolio takes a light-hearted look at the latest business news.
A Boy and a Bicycle
Published for Emirates by
PO Box 2331, Dubai, UAE. Telephone: (+971 4) 2824060, fax:(+971 4) 2824436, e-mail: emirates@motivate.ae
Editor-in-Chief Obaid Humaid Al Tayer Group Editor & Managing Partner Ian Fairservice Group Senior Editor Gina Johnson Senior Editor Guido Duken Deputy Editor Nick Rice Editorial Assistant Hilda D’Souza Art Director Tarak Parekh Junior Designer Roui Francisco General Manager Production & Circulation S Sasidharan Production Manager C Sudhakar General Manager - Group Sales Anthony Milne Email: anthony@motivate.ae Business Development Manager Nicola Hudson Advertisement Manager Rameshwar Nepali
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ikh]n\ml mh ma^ fZkd^m [^_hk^ ma^ ^g] h_
Ahm^e% _hk pab\a \hglmkn\mbhg pbee [^`bg
eZk`^lm ikhi^kmr ]^o^ehif^gm%
mabl r^Zk' Mabl h__^k pbee bg\en]^ Z fbqmnk^
^Zker g^qm r^Zk' Fhk^ho^k% ma^ ]^lb`g h_ Z
aZl ib\d^] ni iZ\^ Z_m^k [^bg`
h_ obeeZl% ZiZkmf^gml Zg] mhpgahnl^l mh
?Zbkfhgm Ahm^e maZm pbee [^ [nbem g^qm mh
abm [r ma^ `eh[Ze k^\^llbhg eZlm r^Zk' Ma^
mZd^ Z]oZgmZ`^ h_ ma^ k^obo^] bgo^lmhk
ma^ *1&ahe^ @k^` GhkfZg @he_ <hnkl^ bl
ikhc^\m bl ghp [^g^_bmbg` _khf bg\k^Zl^]
\hg_b]^g\^%Ë :[]neeZ [bg DaZfbl Ze&Lab]b%
[^bg` _bgZebl^]% pabe^ Z _hnk&lmZk ahm^e _hk
ebjnb]bmr maZgdl mh ma^ `ho^kgf^gmÍl
]^inmr \ab^_ ^q^\nmbo^ h_ ma^ \hfiZgr
\hkihkZm^ \nlmhf^kl _Z\bg` ma^ -))&[^kma
\hgmkhee^] li^g]bg` bg +))2 Zg] +)*)'
lZb]' LbmnZm^] Zehg` ma^ lahk^ebg^ h_ Z lbq&
FZkbgZ bl bg ma^ ]^lb`g iaZl^' ÊP^ ieZg
Ma^ , [beebhg _k^^ahe] ]^o^ehif^gm bl
dbehf^mk^ [^Z\a bg ma^ :e :sZb[Z ]blmkb\m h_
mh ahlm fZchk `he_ mhnkgZf^gml a^k^ ln\a
chbgmer hpg^] [r ma^ @ho^kgf^gm h_ HfZg%
ma^ \ZibmZe% Ma^ PZo^ Ikhc^\m aZl Zek^Z]r
Zl ma^ I@:% ma^ >nkhi^Zg Zg] NL mhnkl%Ë
GZmbhgZe Bgo^lmf^gm ?ng]l <hfiZgr Zg]
lhe] Z[hnm *%))) ngbml Zg] aZg]^] ho^k
:e Lab]b lZrl'
=n[Zb l FZcb] :e&?nmmZbf Ikhi^kmb^l' Bg
g^Zker .)) ahf^l' Ê:[hnm .. i^k \^gm h_
+))2% HfZg aZ] li^gm Z[hnm */ [beebhg
ma^ [nr^kl h_ hnk ikhi^kmb^l Zk^ HfZgbl
aZl phg ma^ ZpZk] _hk [^lm Zk\abm^\mnk^
hg eh\Ze bg_kZlmkn\mnk^ Zg] hma^k ikhc^\ml%
Zg] -. i^k \^gm Zk^ _hk^b`g^kl% fhlmer
Zm ma^ +))2 <G;< Bgm^kgZmbhgZe Ikhi^kmr
Zg] mabl r^Zk ma^ `ho^kgf^gm aZl lb`g^]
>nkhi^Zgl Zg] Bg]bZgl%Ë :e Lab]b lmZm^]'
:pZk]l Zg] pZl ma^ k^\bib^gm h_ _bo^
\hgmkZ\ml phkma **'. [beebhg h_ bml *1'.
Ma^ PZo^ Fnl\Zm bl Zelh ieZggbg` _hnk
bgm^kgZmbhgZe Zg] gZmbhgZe ]^lb`g ZpZk]l
[beebhg ^qi^g]bmnk^ ]^lb`gZm^] _hk ma^
ahm^el h_ pab\a hger mak^^ aZo^ [^^g
_khf <G;< :kZ[bZg Ikhi^kmb^l Zg] Ahf^l
+)*) [n]`^m% Z\\hk]bg` mh ma^ gZmbhgZe
k^o^Ze^]' Ma^ ]^o^ehif^gm Zbfl mh kZbl^
Ho^kl^Zl bg +))0' Ma^ ikhc^\m bl l\a^]ne^]
^\hghfr fbgblmkr lmZmblmb\l' ÊMa^ PZo^
_ng]l g^qm fhgma _khf ikboZm^ HfZgb
_hk \hfie^mbhg bg +)*1 Zg] ^qi^\m^] mh
Fnl\Zm ieZgl mh h__^k fhk^ en\kZmbo^
bglmbmnmbhgZe bgo^lmhkl _hk ma^ D^fibgldb
bg\en]^ Z[hnm -%))) ikhi^kmb^l [r ma^g' ■
November 2010
:l Zg ho^kZee ikhc^\m% Ma^ PZo^ Fnl\Zm
Notebook Russia and China Sign Energy Agreements
Numbers Game
<ABG: :G= KNLLB: A:O> lb`g^] Z l^kb^l h_ Z`k^^f^gml mh Z]oZg\^ ^g^k`r \h&hi^kZmbhg Zg] \k^Zm^ Zg hbe ibi^ebg^ [^mp^^g ma^ mph \hngmkb^l' E^Z]^kl h_ ma^ mph gZmbhgl Z`k^^] ]^Zel hg `Zl lniieb^l%
^g^k`r ^__b\b^g\r% k^g^pZ[e^ ^g^k`r
million donation from
America’s youngest billionaire
trillion of hefty investments will be required of China by 2010 in developing its cities to accommodate
Zg] gn\e^Zk ihp^k' Ik^lb]^gm =fbmkr F^]o^]^o
Mark Zuckerberg to Newark
inflows of rural residents adopting urban lifestyles according
oblbm^] <abgZ% pa^k^ a^ Zg]
schools in the US, places the
to a projection by a Chinese government research group. The
Ik^lb]^gm An CbgmZh hi^g^] Z
chief executive of Facebook
urban population, currently 47 per cent of the total population, is
ibi^ebg^ maZm pbee lniier KnllbZg
amongst the top echelons
expected to rise to 65 per cent by 2020.
hbe ng]^k Z +)&r^Zk iZ\m' Ma^ fho^ pZl a^kZe]^] [r [hma lb]^l Zl Z Ìg^p
of American philanthropy. recently celebrated 25 years in
^kZÍ bg \h&hi^kZmbhg' F^Zgpabe^%
the business. Despite changing
KnllbZ l =^inmr Ikbf^ Fbgblm^k
playtime habits the details
B`hk L^\abg lZb] maZm KnllbZ pZl
released by the store suggest
bg ]bl\nllbhgl pbma <abgZ hg ieZgl
casual jeans and T-shirt
that youngsters still prefer the
mh lniier gZmnkZe `Zl _khf +)*.'
dress code.
wars between the Autobots and
ÊKnllbZ bl k^Z]r mh f^^m <abgZ l _nee
the Decepticons.
]^fZg] bg `Zl%Ë lZb] Fk L^\abg'
Zuckerberg is known for keeping a simple lifestyle as seen in his choice of an unremarkable home and his
The World In Figures interiors, was sold by Bonhams
Ahp^o^k% pabe^ bm Zii^Zkl maZm
billion net worth
at the Goodwood Revival racing
of assets crowns
festival 2010 and is one of only
ma^ mph lb]^l Z`k^^] m^kfl hg ma^
Bill Gates, the co-founder of
six operative Ford-powered
ohenf^ h_ `Zl mh [^ lniieb^]% ma^r
Microsoft Corp., the richest
Acecas in the world.
aZo^ r^m mh Z`k^^ hg Z ikb\^' Ê;hma lb]^l [^eb^o^ maZm ma^
man in America as per the annual ranking of Forbes
\nkk^gm lmkZm^`b\ iZkmg^klabi
magazine. Snapping at his
[^mp^^g <abgZ Zg] KnllbZ lmZg]l
heels is Berkshire Hathaway’s
Zm Z g^p lmZkmbg` ihbgm%Ë Ik^lb]^gm
Warren Buffet with a whopping
An lZb]' ÊMa^ lfhhma \hfie^mbhg h_ ma^ ibi^ebg^ ikhc^\m bl Z fh]^e
$45 billion in assets.
million is the
h_ ma^ mph \hngmkb^l fnmnZeer
huge cost for
[^g^_b\bZe pbg&pbg \hhi^kZmbhg
Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit,
Zg] Z fbe^lmhg^ _hk Lbgh&KnllbZg
top price paid at an auction in
which will make it the most
^g^k`r \h&hi^kZmbhg'Ë EZlm :n`nlm%
West Sussex for the rare sports
expensive film ever made. The
KnllbZ aZ] hi^g^] bml l^\mbhg h_
years on and Transformer
Hobbit will be shot in high-
Z *%)))&dbehf^mk^ ibi^ebg^ _khf
robots continue to
definition and 3D, however it’s
^Zlm^kg Lb[^kbZ mh <abgZ' Ma^ ibi^
car once owned by James Bond creator Ian Fleming. The
dark blue two-
reign as one of Britain’s most
still not clear whether it will be
\hgg^\ml KnllbZg hbe _b^e]l pbma
seater with
popular toys according to the
made in the Lord of the Rings
=Zjbg`% Z fZchk hbe ikh]n\mbhg [Zl^
red leather
list revealed by Toys ‘R’ Us who
hobbit town in New Zealand.
bg ghkma^Zlm^kg <abgZ' Portfolio
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Blockbuster Files for Bankruptcy =O= :G= @:F>L K>GM:E
mh f^^m ma^ ^oheobg` ik^_^k^g\^l
\hfiZgr ;eh\d[nlm^k aZl _be^] _hk
h_ hnk \nlmhf^kl%Ë Cbf D^r^l%
[Zgdknim\r ikhm^\mbhg bg ma^ NL'
;eh\d[nlm^k l \ab^_ ^q^\nmbo^
;Zl^] bg =ZeeZl% M^qZl% ;eh\d[nlm^k
h__b\^k lZb]' Bg ma^ eZlm _^p
lZb] bm aZ] fZ]^ ma^ ]^\blbhg bg
r^Zkl ;eh\d[nlm^k aZl lmkn``e^] pbma ma^ `khpbg` \hfi^mbmbhg
Zg Zmm^fim mh k^]n\^ bml ]^[ml
bg ma^ hgebg^ k^gmZe fZkd^m'
Zg] k^lmkn\mnk^ ma^ [nlbg^ll' :`k^^f^gml pbma bml \k^]bmhkl
?nkma^kfhk^% pa^g bm eZng\a^] bml
pbee a^ei ehp^k bml ]^[ml _khf
hgebg^ =O= ln[l\kbimbhg l^kob\^ bg +))-% bm pZl Zek^Z]r l^o^kZe
g^Zker * [beebhg mh Z[hnm *))
r^Zkl [^abg] G^m_ebq% ma^ NL fZkd^m
fbeebhg' Ahp^o^k% ;eh\d[nlm^k l bgm^kgZmbhgZe hi^kZmbhgl Zk^ ghm bg\en]^] bg ma^ [Zgdknim\r% Zl ma^r Zk^ e^`Zeer
e^Z]^k maZm eZng\a^] bg *222' Lbg\^ ma^g hma^k \hfi^mbmhkl aZo^
l^iZkZm^ ^gmbmb^l' Mabl bg\en]^l bml -%)))&lmkhg` g^mphkd h_
^gm^k^] ma^ fZkd^m% h__^kbg` =O=l Zg] _befl obZ hgebg^ lmk^Zfbg`%
lmhk^l makhn`ahnm ma^ ND% <ZgZ]Z% =^gfZkd% BmZer Zg] F^qb\h'
ihlmZe ]^ebo^kr Zg] o^g]bg` fZ\abg^l' =^libm^ ma^ \hfi^mbmbhg% Fk
;eh\d[nlm^k l ,%))) lmhk^l bg ma^ NL pbee k^fZbg hi^g _hk ma^ mbf^
D^r^l lZb] ;eh\d[nlm^k aZ] Z `k^Zm ]^Ze mh h__^k' Ê;eh\d[nlm^k pbee
[^bg`% Z\\hk]bg` mh Z \hfiZgr lmZm^f^gm' : g^p *+. fbeebhg ehZg
fho^ _hkpZk] [^mm^k Z[e^ mh e^o^kZ`^ bml lmkhg` lmkZm^`b\ ihlbmbhg%
pbee Zelh Zeehp bm mh \hgmbgn^ hi^kZmbg` ]nkbg` ma^ k^lmkn\mnkbg`
bg\en]bg` Z p^ee&^lmZ[ebla^] [kZg] gZf^% Zg ^q\^imbhgZe eb[kZkr h_
ikh\^ll' ÊMa^ ikh\^ll Zgghng\^] mh]Zr ikhob]^l ma^ himbfZe iZma
fhk^ maZg *+.%))) mbme^l Zg] hnk ihlbmbhg Zl ma^ hger hi^kZmhk maZm
_hk k^\ZibmZeblbg` hnk [ZeZg\^ la^^m Zg] ihlbmbhgbg` ;eh\d[nlm^k
ikhob]^l Z\\^ll Z\khll fnembie^ ]^ebo^kr \aZgg^el È lmhk^l% dbhldl%
_hk ma^ _nmnk^ Zl p^ \hgmbgn^ mh mkZgl_hkf hnk [nlbg^ll fh]^e
[r&fZbe Zg] ]b`bmZeË'
Joint Venture for Qatar’s Largest Mall : *'/ ;BEEBHG =>:E A:L ;>>G LMKN<D BG : CHBGM
-,,%))) ljnZk^ f^mk^l% ma^ ikhc^\mÍl \hglmkn\mbhg pbee [^`bg bg
o^gmnk^ [^mp^^g mak^^ iZkmg^kl mh [nbe] Z fZllbo^ fZee bg ma^
^Zker +)** Zg] ma^ _bklm k^mZbe iaZl^ bl l\a^]ne^] _hk \hfie^mbhg
JZmZkb \ZibmZe h_ =haZ' Ma^ N:>Íl :e ?nmmZbf aZl iZkmg^k^] pbma
bg ma^ _bklm jnZkm^k h_ +)*+' Ahp^o^k% ma^ mph k^fZbgbg` iaZl^l
JZmZk BleZfb\ ;Zgd Zg] JZmZkÍl :jZk K^Ze >lmZm^ mh [nbe] ma^
pbee hger [^ k^Z]r [r +)*.' FZkdl Li^g\^k% Mhrl ÌKÍ Nl% :<>%
\hngmkrÍl [b``^lm fnembinkihl^ \hfie^q' Ma^ eZk`^&l\Ze^ ikhc^\m
BD>: Zg] Bgm^klihkm È Zee h_ pab\a Zk^ \nkk^gm iZkmg^kl pbma :e
pbee [^ [Zl^] hg ma^ ghkma^kg ab`apZr maZm ebgdl ma^ Zbkihkm pbma
?nmmZbf È aZo^ Zek^Z]r \hg_bkf^] ma^r pbee [^ m^gZgml Zm ma^ g^p
ma^ ikhihl^] JZmZk&;ZakZbg \Znl^pZr% Zg] pbee bg\en]^ mph ahm^el%
lbm^' Ma^ ikhc^\m aZl ghm [^^g gZf^] lh _Zk [nm bmÍl k^ihkm^] maZm
Z \hfie^m^ k^mZbe \^gmk^ Zg] Zg ^gm^kmZbgf^gm iZkd' <ho^kbg`
ma^ phkdbg` mbme^ h_ ma^ ]^o^ehif^gm bl ;ZpZ[Zm :e LaZfZe% Z_m^k ma^ \hfiZgr maZm lniieb^] ma^ eZg] _hk ma^ \hfie^q' Bg Cng^ mabl r^Zk% hpg^kl h_ ma^ ihineZk EZg]fZkd Zg] ObeeZ`bh fZeel bg JZmZk Zgghng\^] ieZgl _hk Zghma^k lahiibg` \hfie^q% @ne_ FZee' Enqnkr _hhmp^Zk [kZg] Cbffr <ahh aZ] Zelh Zgghng\^] eZlm FZr maZm bm pbee hi^g bml _bklm JZmZk [hnmbjn^ [r ma^ ^g] h_ mabl r^Zk' JZmZk Ahe]bg`lÍ k^\^gm Z\jnblbmbhg h_ ma^ phke]&_Zfhnl ;kbmbla ]^iZkmf^gm lmhk^% AZkkh]l% [khn`am ma^ \hngmkrÍl k^mZbe l^\mhk ng]^k ma^ lihmeb`am Z`Zbg' Bg :ikbe bm pZl k^ihkm^] maZm JZmZk aZl Zfhg` ma^ ab`a^lm k^mZbe k^gmZe kZm^l bg ma^ @ne_ k^`bhg% ]n^ mh ma^ \nkk^gm `Zi [^mp^^g lniier Zg] ]^fZg]% pbma g^p \hfie^q^l jnb\der _bg]bg` m^gZgml Zl Z k^lnem h_ ma^ ^qblmbg` ]^fZg] _hk k^mZbe liZ\^' Portfolio
Notebook Resumés Rewritten
Kate Moss Despite her infamous party lifestyle, Moss has been frequently selected by major European, British and American designers to lead their campaigns, just some of these renowned designers include Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Calvin Klein, Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Burberry, Stella McCartney and Bvlgari. Today, 36-year old Moss, one of the world’s highest paid models, is looking at a slightly different industry – jam making. It started as a hobby at her Cotswolds country estate, when Moss found hoards of damsons in her garden. Soon the supermodel had perfected her homemade recipe and was receiving positive feedback from family and friends. Moss’s fruit conserving hobby is now taking a different spin as she considers launching her own range of jams, to be named ‘Kate’s Damson Jam.’ Moss is accepting help from her seven-year-old daughter Lila Grace and her friend, billionaire retailer Sir Philip Green, who has offered advice on promoting her new jam label and getting on supermarket shelves. Moss has also sent samples of her product to CORBIS
Simon Cowell, creator of the X Factor TV competition, and is
as she landed in New York’s JFK airport.
investing in expensive equipment to
and average height, Kate Moss is one
A decade and a half later, at the age of 30,
help perfect her recipes. With so much
of a few controversial models around.
Moss was declared the sexiest woman of
fruit on her estate’s land, Kate said she
It was her ‘waif’ look that grabbed the
all time according to a poll conducted by
wants to put it to good use. She has
attention of headhunters and helped the
men’s magazine Arena to mark its 150th
also shown interest in taking cooking
supermodel get worldwide recognition.
issue. The English model has appeared
lessons with celebrity chef Jamie
Moss was discovered at the age of 14 by
on more than 300 magazine covers, at
Oliver. It seems Moss might be happy
the founder of Storm Model Management
least 30 of which were with British Vogue.
swapping the catwalk for the kitchen. ■
Putting the buzz into business travel &* b^cjiZh [gdb 6Wj 9]VW^ >ciZgcVi^dcVa 6^gedgi *% b^cjiZh [gdb 9jWV^ &% ]^\]"iZX] bZZi^c\ VcY WdVgYgddbh 6 bV\c^ÉXZci *%)b' WVaagddb L^;^ >ciZgcZi VcY iZX]c^XVa XdcX^Zg\Z HeVX^djh gddbh VcY hj^iZh [gdb *)b' , ^ciZgcVi^dcVa gZhiVjgVcih VcY ' WVgh L]Zi]Zg ^iÁh Xadh^c\ i]Vi W^\ YZVa! ZciZgiV^c^c\ Xa^Zcih dg gZaVm^c\ V[iZg V higZhh[ja YVn! i]Z ^che^g^c\ hjggdjcY^c\h d[ I]Z NVh =diZa l^aa XViZg id Vaa ndjg Wjh^cZhh igVkZa cZZYh#
The world‘s most exciting hotel lll#I]ZNVh=diZa#Xdb I# .,& % ' +*+ %%%% ;# .,& % ' +*+ %%%& :# ^c[d5I]ZNVh=diZa#Xdb DeZgViZY Wn 6aYVg =diZah VcY =dhe^iVa^in
Speeding Up Expense Reports The corporate card is changing, not in ways that business travellers will see on the road but that they will notice back home when they fill out their expense forms, reports Martha C. White. <K>=BM G>MPHKD IKH<>LLHKL
Z \hff^k\bZe \Zk] ^q^\nmbo^ Zm ;Zgd h_
hg mkZo^e' Ma^ k^Z\mbhg [^`Zg Z_m^k k^ihkml
ebd^ OblZ Zg] FZlm^k<Zk] Zl p^ee Zl ma^
:f^kb\Z F^kkbee Erg\a' Ma^ g^p mhhel Zk^
maZm ma^ :f^kb\Zg Bgm^kgZmbhgZe @khni
[Zgdl maZm blln^ \Zk]l aZo^ [^^g ]^o^ehibg`
eZk`^er Zbf^] Zm a^eibg` [nlbg^ll mkZo^ee^kl
aZ] kng ni Z [bee h_ Z[hnm --)%))) hg
g^p mhhel _hk \hkihkZm^ \nlmhf^kl bg
Zg] mkZo^e fZgZ`^kl ]h Z [^mm^k ch[ h_
Z \hfiZgr k^mk^Zm bg H\mh[^k +))1 Zm Z
Zgmb\biZmbhg h_ Z k^[hng] bg [nlbg^ll mkZo^e'
mkZ\dbg` pa^k^ Zg] ahp \hfiZgr fhg^r
Lhnma^kg <Zeb_hkgbZ k^lhkm ahm^e% lahkmer
Ma^ ohenf^ h_ mkZo^e Zg] ^gm^kmZbgf^gm
bl [^bg` li^gm' Ma^ b]^Z% IaZe^g lZb]% bl mh
Z_m^k ma^ bglnkZg\^ `bZgm Z\\^im^] Zg
\aZk`^l aZl bg\k^Zl^] [r +) i^k \^gm mh ,)
h__^k fhk^ Êoblb[bebmr bgmh \Zla _ehp'Ë Ma^
1. [beebhg _^]^kZe [Zbehnm' MaZm lh&\Zee^]
i^k \^gm _khf ma^ _hnkma jnZkm^k h_ +))2%
_bgZg\bZe \kblbl bg +))1 ikhfim^] Z \Zee
:B@ ^__^\m% bg mnkg% e^] mh Z ]^fZg] _hk
pa^g k^\^llbhg&k^eZm^] ]^\ebg^l _bklm [^`Zg
_hk `k^Zm^k mkZgliZk^g\r bg ahp in[eb\
ikh`kZff^l maZm fhgbmhk [hma \Zk] nl^
mh k^o^kl^% Z\\hk]bg` mh D^obg IaZe^g%
\hfiZgb^l li^g] ma^bk fhg^r% iZkmb\neZker
Zg] ^qi^gl^ k^ihkmbg`'
A manager from EMI Yoshi uses an expense-management app on his smart phone to photograph and upload travel receipts.
November 2010
Observer “Since big corporate conferences can easily cost $100,000 or more, being able to consolidate all the expenses onto a single account gives companies a more complete picture of the total cost.”
Z]]bg` bm mh ma^bk ^qi^gl^ k^ihkml% Z i^kd h_ ma^ ikh`kZff^' Hma^k g^p mhhel Zk^ Zbf^] Zm mkZo^e fZgZ`^kl hk f^^mbg` ieZgg^kl' ;Zgdl aZo^ [^`ng h__^kbg` \hkihkZm^ \nlmhf^kl ma^ Z[bebmr mh \k^Zm^ Zg Z\\hngm gnf[^k maZm bl oZeb] hger _hk Z lbg`e^ mkZglZ\mbhg' Pabe^ lhf^ _bgZg\bZe bglmbmnmbhgl aZo^ ehg` h__^k^] mabl l^kob\^ mh ma^bk \nlmhf^kl
lfZee [nlbg^ll^l ZnmhfZm^ ma^bk ^qi^gl^
lh maZm% _hk bglmZg\^% ma^r ]h ghm aZo^ mh
fhk^ ]ZmZ Zkhng] pa^k^ ma^bk \Zk]l Zk^
fZgZ`^f^gm \nml ]hpg hg ma^ mbf^ maZm
^qihl^ ma^bk ]^[bm \Zk] gnf[^kl pa^g
nl^]%Ë lZb] An[^km C'I' Cheer% Z fZgZ`bg`
\Zk]ahe]^kl Zg] ma^bk fZgZ`^kl g^^] mh
fZdbg` Zg hgebg^ ink\aZl^% mabl mhhe `bo^l
]bk^\mhk bg ma^ `eh[Ze mkZglZ\mbhgl l^kob\^l
li^g] hg ma^ ikh\^ll'
\hkihkZm^ [nr^kl ma^ Z[bebmr mh \hgmkhe
ÊMkZo^e fZgZ`^kl Zk^ `^mmbg` fhk^ Zg]
[nlbg^ll Zm <bmb`khni' :l ma^ mhhel `bo^
Abee^e SZ_bk \Zg Zmm^lm mh mabl' :l \ab^_
fZgZ`^kl Z fhk^ \hfie^m^ ib\mnk^ h_
m^\agheh`r h__b\^k _hk >FB Rhlab% Z iZkmr
ma^ Zfhngm \aZk`^]' ÊMaZm bl ma^ ikh]n\m pa^k^ p^Ík^ l^^bg` ma^ _Zlm^lm `khpma%
ma^bk \hfiZgrÍl li^g]bg`% Êp^Ík^ l^^bg`
2) mh *)) i^k \^gm `khpma r^Zk ho^k
\hkihkZmbhgl nl^ maZm ]ZmZ mh k^g^`hmbZm^%Ë
r^Zk%Ë lZb] >]nZk]h O^k`ZkZ% Z fZgZ`bg`
a^ lZb]' G^p bfZ`bg` m^\agheh`r% _hk
]bk^\mhk Zm CIFhk`Zg <aZl^ ;nlbg^ll^l'
^qZfie^% e^ml mkZo^e fZgZ`^kl ehhd Zm Z
<hfiZgb^l ebd^ mabl himbhg% a^ lZb]%
ahm^e [bee ebg^ [r ebg^% kZma^k maZg cnlm
[^\Znl^ ma^r È ghm ma^ o^g]hk È
l^^bg` Z lbg`e^ \aZk`^ pbma Z mhmZe ]heeZk
lmbineZm^ ma^ Zfhngm \aZk`^]% Zg]
Zfhngm' Mabl pZr% ma^r \Zg l^^ b_ ma^
[^\Znl^ bm lbfieb_b^l [beebg` [r l^g]bg`
mkZo^ee^k mhhd [hmme^] pZm^k _khf ma^
bm [Z\d mh Zg bgm^kgZe \hlm \^gmk^' Ahm^el
fbgb[Zk hk iZb] _hk bgm^kg^m l^kob\^%
Zg] hma^k o^g]hkl ebd^ bm [^\Znl^ bm f^Zgl
[hma \aZk`^l maZm \Zg [^ [ng]e^] bgmh Z
ma^r pbee [^ iZb] ikhfimer' MkZ]bmbhgZeer%
\hkihkZm^ kZm^ pa^g \hfiZgb^l [Zk`Zbg
o^g]hkl phne] [bee ma^ \hfiZgr Zg] h_m^g
pbma ahm^el' FZgr h_ ma^ g^p ikh`kZff^l
k^\^bo^ Z \a^\d Z fhgma hk fhk^ Z_m^k
\Zm^k mh lfZee [nlbg^ll^l% mkZ]bmbhgZeer ma^
ma^ _Z\m' :elh `khpbg` bg ihineZkbmr Zk^
hg^l maZm _bklm ^qi^kb^g\^ Z k^[hng] bg Zg
f^^mbg`l \Zk]l' Ê:l p^Ío^ l^^g Zg nimb\d bg \hkihkZm^
^\hghfb\ k^\ho^kr' ÊPaZm p^ _bg] bg lfZee^k \hfiZgb^l bl maZm \nkk^gm i^g^mkZmbhg h_ ^qi^gl^ fZgZ`^f^gm mhhel bl o^kr ehp%Ë lZb] CZr
The process of reporting and filing travel expenses can be significantly streamlined with new expense report apps.
mkZo^e% p^Ík^ l^^bg` Z ehm fhk^ ]^fZg] _hk ma^ f^^mbg` \Zk]%Ë lZb] Cbf F\<Zkmar% `eh[Ze a^Z] h_ ikh]n\m _hk OblZ Bg\' Lbg\^ [b` \hkihkZm^ \hg_^k^g\^l \Zg
<Zkr% Z ob\^ ik^lb]^gm Zm :f^kb\Zg >qik^ll
`hh]l fZgn_Z\mnkbg` Zg] ]blmkb[nmbhg
@eh[Ze <hff^k\bZe <Zk]' ÊBg fZgr \Zl^l%
\hfiZgr bg Ghkma ;knglpb\d% G^p
^Zlber \hlm *))%))) hk fhk^% [^bg` Z[e^
ma^rÍk^ aZg]&pkbmbg` hk nlbg` Zg >q\^e
C^kl^r% SZ_bk lZb] maZm fZgZ`bg` ma^ mkZo^e
mh \hglheb]Zm^ Zee ma^ ^qi^gl^l hgmh Z
lik^Z]la^^m%Ë a^ lZb]'
^qi^gl^l h_ ma^ \hfiZgrÍl *) lZe^lf^g pZl
lbg`e^ Z\\hngm `bo^l \hfiZgb^l Z fhk^
mbf^ Zg] eZ[hnk bgm^glbo^' Ma^ k^ihkmbg`
\hfie^m^ ib\mnk^ h_ ma^ mhmZe \hlm' Bm Zelh
:F>KB<:G >QIK>LL phkd^] pbma
pZl Zee ]hg^ bg >q\^e% Zg] lZe^lf^g phne]
`bo^l f^^mbg` fZgZ`^kl bglb`am bgmh
ma^ mkZo^e ^qi^gl^ lh_mpZk^ _bkf <hg\nk
aZo^ mh ikbgm hnm Zg] fZbe aZk] \hib^l h_
Zk^Zl pa^k^ ma^r \Zg k^Zebl^ lZobg`l'
mh khee hnm <hg\nk ;k^^s^% Zg ^qi^gl^&
k^\^biml mh a^Z]jnZkm^kl' ÊMa^ \aZk`^l ma^r
:g] bm `bo^l ma^f fhk^ \ehnm pa^g ma^r
k^ihkmbg` mhhe Zbf^] Zm \hfiZgb^l pbma
inm bg ]b]gÍm ZepZrl \hbg\b]^% Zg] b_ ma^k^
g^`hmbZm^ pbma Z ahm^e hk hma^k eh\Zmbhg _hk
*)) hk _^p^k ^fiehr^^l' Ma^ \hfiZgr
pZl Z ]bl\k^iZg\r% bm [^\Zf^ Z ikh[e^f%Ë
_nmnk^ [nlbg^ll'
bgmkh]n\^] ma^ lh_mpZk^ bg Cng^' Ê>qi^gl^
a^ lZb]' Ghp% SZ_bk lZb] ma^ ahnk&ehg`
k^ihkmZ`^ ]^\hnie^] _khf ma^ \Zk] bl
k^ihkmbg` ikh\^ll aZl [^^g laZo^] mh Z _^p
^goblbhg^] Zg ZkkZr h_ l^kob\^l ikhob]^] [r
Z iZbg bg ma^ g^\d%Ë lZb] >e^gZ =hgbh%
fbgnm^l h_ phkd' LZe^lf^g ebd^ S^ob FZr^k
mabk]&iZkmr ]^o^ehi^kl bg Z]]bmbhg mh OblZ
^q^\nmbo^ ob\^ ik^lb]^gm Zg] `^g^kZe
Zk^ mZdbg` iahmhl h_ k^\^biml _hk \Zla
bml^e_% fn\a ma^ pZr ma^ :ii Lmhk^ _khf
fZgZ`^k _hk <hg\nk ;k^^s^' E^mmbg`
mkZglZ\mbhgl nlbg` ma^bk lfZkm iahg^l Zg]
:iie^ hi^kZm^l' ■
?hk ma^ _nmnk^% F\<Zkmar lZb]% a^
Observer The World
Top 10
Hyundai Recalls Sonata Sedans in U.S.
Height (metres)
Burj Khalifa
Gold Coast City
HHHR Tower
Eureka Tower
Emirates Crown
Arng]Zb Fhmhkl% Lhnma Dhk^ZÍl e^Z]bg` Znmh \hfiZgr% pbee k^\Zee g^Zker *,2%.)) LhgZmZ l^]Zgl lhe] bg ma^ Ngbm^] LmZm^l% ]n^ mh _eZpl pbma ma^ lm^^kbg` pa^^e maZm \hne] \Znl^ Z ehll hk
Millenium Tower
k^]n\mbhg h_ \hgmkhe' Ma^ Zgghng\^f^gm h_ ma^ k^\Zee \Zf^
21st Century Tower
Z_m^k ma^ NL GZmbhgZe Ab`apZr MkZ__b\ LZ_^mr :]fbgblmkZmbhg
Tower Palace Three, Tower
!GAML:" hi^g^] Z ikh[^ mh bgo^lmb`Zm^ lm^^kbg` ikh[e^fl bg :n`nlm% Z fho^ Zbf^] Zm \e^Zkbg` ZpZr \kbmb\blf Z[hnm bml lehp k^lihgl^% Z\\hk]bg` mh ZgZerlml' ÊArng]ZbÍl ik^&^fimbo^
Height (metres)
CN Tower
Z\mbhg bl _Zlm ^ghn`a mh Zohb] Zgr \kbmb\blf bg aZg]ebg` lZ_^mr City
blln^l%Ë lZb] Dbf ;rng`&dnd% Zg ZgZerlm Zm =Zblabg L^\nkbmb^l'
Gh Z\\b]^gml hk bgcnkb^l aZo^ h\\nkk^] Zl Z k^lnem h_ bfikhi^k
Ostankino Tower
Oriental Pearl Tower
Milad Tower
Menara Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur
Tianjin Radio & TV Tower
lZe^l laZk^l ]nkbg` ma^ i^kbh]' Ma^ o^ab\e^l p^k^ fZgn_Z\mnk^]
Central Radio & TV Tower
[^mp^^g =^\^f[^k Zg] L^im^f[^k' Arng]ZbÍl eZm^lm k^\Zee
Kiev TV Tower
Gerbrandy Tower
Tashkent Tower
Zll^f[er hk ehhl^ lm^^kbg`% Arng]Zb lZb] bg Zg ^fZbe lmZm^f^gm' Ma^ ZnmhfZd^k aZ] lhe] *+1%-1- LhgZmZ l^]Zgl bg ma^ i^kbh] _khf CZgnZkr mh :n`nlm% Z\\hngmbg` mh ,. i^k \^gm h_ bml NL
\hf^l Zl bm l^^dl mh bg\k^Zl^ ikh]n\mbhg h_ ma^ LhgZmZ% bml [^lm&l^eebg` fh]^e bg ma^ NL' R^m ma^ k^\Zee bl ngebd^er mh abm Arng]ZbÍl lZe^l% lZb] E^^ LZg`&arng% Zg ZgZerlm Zm AZgZ =Z^mhh L^\nkbmb^l bg L^hne' ÊAhp^o^k% lbg\^ ihm^gmbZe ]^_^\ml k^eZm^] mh Zll^f[ebg` Zk^ ghm Z lb`gb_b\Zgm ikh[e^f pbma bml jnZebmr% bm pbee
Willis Tower
Empire State Building
New York
o^ab\e^l bg Lhnma Dhk^Z Zg] ma^ NL ho^k Z ihllb[bebmr h_ _Zneml
Aon Centre
pbma ma^ _khgm ]hhk eh\d' Arng]Zb aZl [^^g hg^ h_ ma^ lmkhg`^k
The Centre
Hong Kong
The John Hancock Centre
Minsheng Bank Building
China World Trade Centre III
The Chrysler Building
New York
The New York Times Tower
New York
The US Bank Building
Los Angeles
[Zk^er bfiZ\m Arng]ZbÍl lZe^l%Ë E^^ Z]]^]' LhgZmZ ng]^kp^gm
bml _bklm k^\Zee bg ?^[knZkr mabl r^Zk% pbma]kZpbg` -0%)))
i^k_hkf^kl bg ma^ NL Znmh l^\mhk bg k^\^gm r^Zkl% `Zbgbg` fZkd^m laZk^ Zg] k^`blm^kbg` Zg 1', i^k \^gm lZe^l bg\k^Zl^ bg +))2% pabe^ ma^ bg]nlmkr _^ee +* i^k \^gm mh ma^ ehp^lm e^o^el lbg\^ ma^ ^Zker *21)l' Bg ^Zker L^im^f[^k% Arng]ZbÍl Z__bebZm^% DbZ Fhmhkl% lZb] bml \h&\ab^_ ^q^\nmbo^ k^lb`g^] mh mZd^ k^lihglb[bebmr _hk g^Zker 1/%))) k^\Zeel h_ lhf^ h_ bml fh]^el% bg\en]bg` ma^ Lhne \hfiZ\m l^]Zg' Portfolio
Observer China Allows Banks to Sell Loans on Interbank Market <hff^k\bZe ;Zgd h_ <abgZ Em]'% AL;< Ahe]bg`l Ie\ Zg] <abgZ
BlackBerry Unveils Playbook
<hglmkn\mbhg ;Zgd <hki' Ma^ `eh[Ze _bgZg\bZe \kblbl ikho^]
;eZ\d;^kkrÍl fZd^k K^l^Zk\a Bg Fhmbhg !KBF" aZl h__b\bZeer
ma^ bg^__b\b^g\r h_ kbld fZgZ`^f^gm% I^hie^Íl ;Zgd h_ <abgZ
eZng\a^] IeZr[hhd% Z ikh_^llbhgZe&`kZ]^ mZ[e^m \hfinm^k maZm pbee
@ho^kghk Sahn QbZh\anZg lZb] Zm Z \^k^fhgr bg LaZg`aZb'
kboZe :iie^Íl bIZ]'
Mp^gmr&hg^ [Zgdl bg LaZg`aZb aZo^ k^`blm^k^] mh l^ee ehZgl hg <abgZÍl bgm^k[Zgd fZkd^m% Zl ma^ `ho^kgf^gm Zeehp^] ma^ mkZglZ\mbhgl _hk ma^ _bklm mbf^' Ma^ [Zgdl bg\en]^] Bg]nlmkbZe
A^ Z]]^] maZm ma^ ÌehZg mkZgl_^kÍ l\a^f^ bl Z g^p ikh]n\m bg
F^Zlnkbg` e^ll maZg aZe_ Zg bg\a Zg] p^b`abg` e^ll maZg -.)
ma^ gZmbhgÍl bgm^k[Zgd fZkd^m maZm pbee bfikho^ [ZgdlÍ kbld&
`kZff^l% ma^ IeZr[hhd pbee _^Zmnk^ Zg *1 \^gmbf^mk^ ab`a&
fZgZ`^f^gm \hfi^m^g\^ Zl p^ee Zl a^ei pbma ma^ \^gmkZe [ZgdÍl
k^lhenmbhg mhn\a l\k^^g% pbma _khgm Zg] k^Zk \Zf^kZl mh ^gZ[e^
fZ\kh \hgmkhe' ÊBgm^k[Zgd ehZg mkZgl_^kl pbee Zeehp [Zgdl mh
ob]^h \hg_^k^g\bg`' :\\hk]bg` mh ZgZerlml% ma^ IeZr[hhd pbee
\hfie^f^gm ^Z\a hma^klÍ [nlbg^ll^l [^\Znl^ lhf^ e^g]^kl aZo^
`bo^ KBF Zg hiihkmngbmr mh ]hfbgZm^ bg ma^ [nlbg^ll fZkd^m'
Zfie^ ebjnb]bmr [nm Zk^ lahkm h_ \eb^gml%Ë lZb] SaZh Jbg`fbg`%
ÊKBFÍl ;eZ\d;^kkr IeZr[hhd mZ[e^m ehhdl mh [^ Z k^Ze \aZee^g`^k mh
Z l^gbhk ZgZerlm bg ;^bcbg`Íl <abgZ <hglmkn\mbhg ;Zgd% ma^
:iie^Íl bIZ]% ieZrbg` hg bml [nlbg^ll \k^]^gmbZel% kZma^k maZg [^bg`
\hngmkrÍl l^\hg]&eZk`^lm e^g]^k'
cnlm Zghma^k chr fZ\abg^%Ë \hff^gm^] LmnZkm Fbe^l% ^]bmhk h_
ÊMa^ mkZgl_^k Zelh ^gZ[e^l [Zgdl mh [^mm^k fZgZ`^ ebjnb]bmr%
fh[be^ m^\agheh`r p^[lbm^ Ih\d^m&Ebgm' Bglm^Z] h_ nlbg` ma^ HL /
^li^\bZeer ng]^k ma^ `ho^kgf^gmÍl ehZg mZk`^m \hgmkhe mabl r^Zk'Ë
hi^kZmbg` lrlm^f% ;eZ\d;^kkr aZl him^] _hk JGQ lh_mpZk^% pab\a
Lbg\^ +)).% <abg^l^ [Zgdl aZo^ bg\k^Zl^] ma^bk ehZgl [r Zg
pZl k^\^gmer Z\jnbk^] [r KBF Zg] aZl ^qi^kmbl^ bg ^f[^]]^]
Zo^kZ`^ h_ +) i^k \^gm ZggnZeer bg hk]^k mh lnlmZbg ^\hghfb\
Znmhfhmbo^ lrlm^fl' Ma^ JGQ G^nmkbgh Zk\abm^\mnk^ bl hg^ h_
`khpma' :\\hk]bg` mh ma^ \^gmkZe [Zgd% e^g]^kl aZ] -.'0 mkbeebhg
ma^ fhlm k^ebZ[e^ Zg] l^\nk^ hi^kZmbg` lrlm^fl bg ma^ phke]'
rnZg ! /'1 mkbeebhg" phkma h_ eh\Ze&\nkk^g\r ]^ghfbgZm^] ehZgl
Mabl li^\b_b\ ]^lb`g pbee ik^o^gm ma^ ]b__b\nemb^l maZm \hf^ _khf
i^g]bg` Zl h_ :n`nlm ,*'
Z]cnlmbg` Z lfZkmiahg^ HL mh ma^ mZ[e^m ieZm_hkf' Ma^ IeZr[hhd
<abgZÍl iheb\r fZd^kl
pbee Zelh aZo^ ;en^mhhma Zg] Pb?b' :emahn`a bm pbee ghm bg\en]^
Zbf mh \Zi g^p ehZgl
,@ \ZiZ[bebmb^l% bm pbee ^gZ[e^ Z ]ZmZ \hgg^\mbhg [r \hgg^\mbg` mh Z
Zm 0'. mkbeebhg rnZg ! *'*
;eZ\d;^kkr lfZkmiahg^' Ma^ ]^ob\^ pbee [^ ZoZbeZ[e^ mh \hkihkZm^
mkbeebhg" bg +)*)% ]hpg
\nlmhf^kl Zg] ]^o^ehi^kl bg H\mh[^k +)*)' Ahp^o^k% bm pbee [^
++ i^k \^gm _khf Z k^\hk]
\hff^k\bZeer k^e^Zl^] bg ^Zker +)**' KBF aZl r^m mh l^m Zg ^qZ\m
eZlm r^Zk% hg \hg\^kgl
ikb\^ [nm lZrl bm pbee [^ lbfbeZk mh ma^ ehp^k kZg`^ h_ ikb\^l h_
maZm \k^]bm ^qiZglbhg pbee
\hglnf^k mZ[e^ml Zek^Z]r ZoZbeZ[e^ bg ma^ fZkd^m' Ma^ eZng\a h_
e^Z] mh Zg Zll^m [n[[e^
IeZr[hhd \hf^l Zl ma^ mZ[e^m fZkd^m `^ml bg\k^Zlbg`er \hfi^mbmbo^
Zg] kblbg` Zfhngml
Zg] \khp]^]% ng]hn[m^]er lmbfneZm^] [r ma^ bIZ]' Lbg\^ eZng\abg`
h_ _Znemr ehZgl' Ma^
bg :ikbe% ma^ bIZ] aZl ]hfbgZm^] ma^ fZkd^m% pbma k^l^Zk\a _bkf
\^gmkZebl^] Zg] k^`neZm^]
bLniieb ik^]b\mbg` lZe^l h_ *+ fbeebhg [r ma^ ^g] h_ ma^ r^Zk' Hg^
ehZg mkZgl_^k fZkd^m pbee
\aZee^g`^k maZm fZr kbl^ Z`Zbglm bIZ] bl AI' Fhk^ho^k% LZflng`
^gaZg\^ ebjnb]bmr h_ ehZg
k^\^gmer bgmkh]n\^] bml @ZeZqr mZ[e^m% Zl ]b] =^ee pbma ma^ Lmk^Zd'
Zll^ml Zm [Zgdl Zg] ma^
E^ghoh% :lnl% AM< Zg] :\^k Zk^ Zelh ^qi^\m^] mh eZng\a ma^bk
ikb\bg` f^\aZgblf h_
o^klbhgl% ghm mh _hk`^m @hh`e^ Zg] Fb\khlh_m' :ghma^k \aZee^g`bg`
\k^]bml% B<;< <aZbkfZg
mZ[e^m ]^ob\^ \hne] ihllb[er ^f^k`^ _khf <bl\hÍl <bnl' >qi^kml Zm
CbZg` CbZgjbg` lZb]' A^ Z]]^] maZm ma^ g^p lrlm^f pbee Zelh Zllblm
ma^ M^\a<kng\a =blknim \hg_^k^g\^ ^lmbfZm^ maZm bg ma^ g^qm _^p
ma^ fZkd^m bg l^mmbg` ZiikhikbZm^ bgm^k^lm kZm^l'
r^Zkl% ma^ mZ[e^m fZkd^m \hne] [^ phkma -) [beebhg'
O N E 2 W AT C H
Dick Costolo
Floating Solar Islands to Generate Power in RAK
KZl :e DaZbfZa
The promotion of
bg ma^ Ngbm^]
chief operating
:kZ[ >fbkZm^l bl
officer Dick Costolo
m^lmbg` Z ikhmhmri^
to the new CEO
_hk Z l^kb^l h_
position at Twitter
khmZmbg` lheZk
came quite aptly in
bleZg]l maZm phne]
a short message
a^ei lheo^ ma^
posted on the
^fbkZm^Íl ikh[e^f
Twitter website
h_ bgln__b\b^gm
on a Monday
^g^k`r' Ma^ a^Zm
morning, October
`^g^kZm^] _khf ma^
4. This brief tweet
lheZk iZg^el pbee
came after careful
_hkf lm^Zf bg Zg
considerations and
ng]^kpZm^k mZgd
at a time when
maZm bl ibi^] mh Z
the company is
mnk[bg^ hg lahk^' KZg`bg` _khf .)) f^mk^l mh _bo^ dbehf^mk^l
experiencing a
bg ]bZf^m^k% ma^l^ _ehZmbg` bleZg]l pbee aZo^ ma^ \ZiZ\bmr mh
spate of hyper-
ikh]n\^ [^mp^^g Z m^gma h_ Z f^`ZpZmm mh l^o^kZe `b`ZpZmml h_
growth. The four-year old company has seen rapid expansion
ma^kfZe ihp^k'
since taking on board over 300 staff and servicing a massive
Ma^ b]^Z ]Zm^l [Z\d mh +)). pa^g ma^ K:D `ho^kgf^gm
160 million global subscribers. They company now wants to
iZkmg^k^] pbma ma^ Lpbll k^l^Zk\a \^gmk^% EZ <^gmk^ Lnbll^
capitalise on its success by trying out various revenue ventures.
]Í>e^\mkhgbjn^ ^m ]^ Fb\khm^\agbjn^ !<L>F"% mh \k^Zm^ Z
It is the job of the 46-year-old American, regarded as a champion
ikhmhmri^ maZm phne] f^k`^ Z\Z]^fb\ dghpe^]`^ pbma ikZ\mb\Ze
of the microblogging service, to navigate the company through
^qi^kmbl^' Bg ma^ _bklm lmZ`^% ma^ f^\aZgb\l p^k^ m^lm^]4 Z +.)&
the many new monetisation processes being initiated. For
mhgg^ ieZm_hkf pZl eb_m^] nlbg` ma^ lZf^ ihp^k k^jnbk^] mh
starters, the company aims to transform the tens of millions of
kng _hnk aZbk]kr^kl' Bg ma^ l^\hg] m^lm% ma^ ikhmhmri^Íl khmZmbhg
active users into profit by creating advertising revenue with new
pZl f^Zlnk^]% _heehp^] [r Z mph&p^^d m^lm maZm f^Zlnk^]
developments like Promoted Tweets, a form of Twitter ads on the
bml Z\\nkZ\r Zm mkZ\dbg` ma^ lng' K^lneml \hg_bkf^] maZm ma^
website. Twitter also has in place serious advertising ventures
ikhmhmri^ \Zg mkZ\d ma^ lng mh pbmabg )')+ ]^`k^^l h_ ik^\blbhg'
and new businesses hooked up with Google and Microsoft.
Ma^ g^qm lm^i bl mh himbfbl^ ma^ lmkn\mnk^ h_ ma^ lheZk kZ]bZmbhg
Costolo is well aware of the major challenges Twitter will face in
\hee^\mhkl hg ma^ ieZm_hkf% pabe^ m^lmbg` ma^bk k^lblmZg\^ Z`Zbglm
retaining a massive user base while figuring out how to monetise
]bkm Zg] pbg]' ?bgZeer% ma^ eZlm lmZ`^ pbee bgoheo^ ]^lb`gbg`
and service businesses on Twitter without affecting its basic
Z ikh_bmZ[e^ ma^kfZe lmkn\mnk^ pbma Zg ^__b\b^gm ma^kfZe mh
function of site, which is to deliver short, timely messages.
^e^\mkb\Ze \hgo^klbhg' Ma^ bleZg]l \Zg [^ [nbem hg lahk^ Zl
Whether the former Google executive and Feedburner CEO,
p^ee Zl Zm l^Z% Zg] Zemahn`a eZk`^ bleZg]l \hne] [^ \hgg^\m^]
hired by Twitter in September last year, will be able to provide
mh Z `kb]% lfZee^k hg^l Zk^ fhk^ lnbmZ[e^ _hk bg]bob]nZe
the leadership necessary to make this growth and change in
bg]nlmkbZe nmbeblZmbhg' :m ma^ fhf^gm% ma^ `ho^kgf^gm h_
Twitterland happen, will be food for much speculation and will
K:D bl _ng]bg` ma^ ikhc^\m hg Z lbq&fhgma [Zlbl Zg] ^qi^\ml
keep many eyes on the site.
mh l^^ k^lneml lhhg' Portfolio
A Boy and a Bicycle :;>E BL : F:EGHNKBLA>= *0&r^Zk&he] pah aZ] mh kbl^ Zm - hÍ\eh\d
phkd^kl bg ihhk \hngmkb^l' :m _bklm% abl ieZg pZl mh labi nl^]
f^\aZgb\ È ^jnbii^] pbma [Zlb\ liZk^ iZkml Zg] mhhel È _hk ^o^kr .) [b\r\e^l
^Z\a fhkgbg` Zg] l^m h__ [Zk^_hhm hg
[b\r\e^l _khf ma^ Ngbm^] LmZm^l% [nm Z_m^k
]blmkb[nm^]% manl gnkmnkbg` lfZee
Z mak^^&ahnk abd^ mh ab`a l\ahhe' :m
oblbml mh ma^ _b^e] a^ ]^\b]^] maZm ma^r
[nlbg^ll^l Zl p^ee' :[^e pZl hg^ h_ mahl^
gb`am_Zee% :[^e phne] k^mnkg mh _ng\mbhg
phne] [k^Zd ]hpg' ÊPa^g p^ `hm hnm
mkZbg^] Zl Z f^\aZgb\ mabl mbf^'
Zl lnkkh`Zm^ _Zma^k3 \Zchebg` ma^ rhng`^k
ma^k^% bm pZl \e^Zk maZm gh [bd^ fZ]^ bg ma^
hkiaZgl mh _bgbla ma^bk ahf^phkd [r
NL phne] lnkobo^ bg maZm ^gobkhgf^gm%Ë
Zl ieZgg^]% Zg] bmÍl _Zk mhh ^Zker mh dghp
_bk^eb`am Zg] \hf_hkmbg` ma^f pa^g ma^r
a^ lZb]' :_m^k \hglnembg` pbma eh\Ze i^hie^
pa^ma^k mabl ikh`kZf pbee ln\\^^]' Phke]
p^k^ lb\d' Pa^g Zld^] paZm a^ ]k^Zf^]
Zg] ehhdbg` Zm ma^ liZk^ iZkml ZoZbeZ[e^
;b\r\e^ K^eb^_ mkb^] mh `^m Zkhng] ihm^gmbZe
Bg ma^ phke] h_ Zb]% ghmabg` `h^l jnbm^
ikh[e^fl [r li^g]bg`
È lh maZm a^ \hne]
fhgmal k^\knbmbg`
\nm ma^ lbq ahnkl a^
obeeZ`^ ^e]^kl mh
li^gm pZedbg` mh Zg]
ho^kl^^ ma^ ikh`kZf
_khf l\ahhe Zg]% manl%
!bm a^eil maZm ma^
mZd^ [^mm^k \Zk^ h_
^e]^kl k^\^bo^ [b\r\e^l%
ma^ rhng`^k hkiaZgl'
pab\a ma^r `^m mh
K^\^gmer% :[^e `hm
d^^i Z_m^k mph r^Zkl
abl pbla' : <ab\Z`h&
b_ ma^r ikhob]^ lheb]
[Zl^] Zb] hk`ZgblZmbhg%
ho^klb`am"' >e]^kl pbee
Phke] ;b\r\e^ K^eb^_%
^glnk^ maZm _Zma^kl
]blmkb[nm^] +))
Zg] he]^k [khma^kl ]h
[b\r\e^l mh lmn]^gml
ghm \hg_bl\Zm^ [b\r\e^l
bg :[^eÍl Zk^Z pah
_khf `bkel hg ma^
g^^]^] ma^f mh `^m mh
`khng]l maZm _^fZe^l
l\ahhe' Hg^ p^gm mh
Zk^ mhh bglb`gb_b\Zgm mh
:[^e' Ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ bl
f^kbm lhf^mabg`
h_% :[^e lZb] ÊZ [b\r\e^Ë
Z ibehm' B_ bm ln\\^^]l Zg] _bg]l _bgZg\bg`% m^gl h_ mahnlZg]l h_
Bicycles are of great social benefit as they can drastically cut essential travel time.
IZk^gml lhf^mbf^l mkr mh lZo^ ]Zn`am^kl
hma^k \abe]k^g bg Sbf[Z[p^ \hne] Zelh `^m
bg k^fhm^ Zk^Zl% =ZrÍl ^g`bg^^kbg` lmZ__
ma^ kbld h_ pZedbg` l^o^kZe ahnkl ^Z\a pZr
[b\r\e^l mh a^ei ma^f Zmm^g] l\ahhe'
]^lb`g^] Z +-&dbeh`kZff^ hg^&li^^]
mh l\ahhe [r eh]`bg` ma^f bg mhpg' Pbma
[b\r\e^ maZm g^^]^] ebmme^ iZfi^kbg`' Hg^
[b\r\e^l% mahl^ `bkel pbee ghp [^ Z[e^ mh
h_ Z <ab\Z`h [nlbg^llfZg% ?k^]^kb\d
ghmhkbhnl ikh[e^f pbma Zb] `khnil bl maZm
lmZr Zm ahf^' Phke] ;b\r\e^ K^eb^_ aZl
D'P' =Zr' =Zr bl Z l^gbhk ^q^\nmbo^ h_ ma^
ma^r bgmkh]n\^ g^p m^\agheh`b^l maZm \ZgÍm
`bo^g hnm fhk^ maZg 0)%))) [b\r\e^l lh
LK:F <hki'% ma^ eZk`^lm [b\r\e^ iZkml
ZepZrl [^ lnlmZbg^]4 ma^ ]^o^ehibg` phke]
_Zk% g^Zker 0) i^k \^gm mh phf^g Zg] `bkel'
\hfiZgr bg ma^ Ngbm^] LmZm^l' A^ _hkf^]
bl _nee h_ ^qi^glbo^ p^eel maZm ]hgÍm phkd
Bm ^qi^\ml mh aZg] hnm +)%))) [b\r\e^l mabl
Phke] ;b\r\e^ K^eb^_ bg +)). bg ma^ [^eb^_
[^\Znl^ ma^ infil aZo^ [khd^g Zg] ma^k^
r^Zk' :g] b_ Zee `h^l p^ee% :[^e fZr [^ ma^
maZm [b\r\e^l \hne] a^ei ikhob]^ \a^Zi
bl gh hg^ mh k^iZbk ma^f'
_bklm h_ m^gl h_ mahnlZg]l h_ Sbf[Z[p^Zg
Ma^ [b\r\e^ ikhc^\m bl ma^ [kZbg\abe] © 2010 NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE
lh oZenZ[e^'
mkZglihkmZmbhg _hk lmn]^gml Zg] a^Zema
Lh Phke] ;b\r\e^ K^eb^_ mkZbgl hg^
lmn]^gml mh `^m Z [bd^' ■ Portfolio
Paris is Magnifique
Sofitel Paris Le Faubourg Just a short walk from the Faubourg Saint-Honoré, this haven of peace is the ultimate evocation of the French “Art de vivre” through its new collection of Couture Suites as well as the tasty and artfully presented cuisine of Chef Thierry Vaissière. Sofitel Paris Le Faubourg – 15 rue Boissy-d’Anglas – 75008 Paris – France Tel : (+33) 01 44 94 14 14 – Fax : (+33) 01 44 94 14 28 – H1295@sofitel.com
PAR EXCELLENCE Richard Mille created his own watch brand in 2001 and in less than a decade he has accomplished incredible feats in haute horology. He has challenged preconceptions, smashed convention, pushed boundaries and brought fresh vision into the 450-yearold Swiss watchmaking industry. Nick Rice meets a man passionately consumed by extreme achievement.
November 2010
Mille isn’t sure what came first, his love for cars or watches. He now combines both his passions in the watch industry.
Ghp bg abl eZm^ .)l Zg] ik^lb]bg` ho^k
pahe^ ZiikhZ\a' ÊBm bl Z `eh[Ze ZiikhZ\a
bgm^kob^p^] Kb\aZk] Fbee^ Zehg`lb]^
abl ^ihgrfhnl fnemb&fbeebhg ]heeZk pZm\a
mh ma^ fho^f^gm% \Zl^ Zg] ]bZe' Mabl
?^kkZkbÍl ?* lmZk kZ\bg` ]kbo^k% ?^ebi^
[kZg]% hg^ maZm bl Zm ma^ o^kr _hk^_khgm
f^Zgl ^o^krmabg` aZl [^^g ]^lb`g^] [r
FZllZ% Fbee^ mhe] f^ a^ \hne]gÍm
h_ ]^lb`g% bgghoZmbhg Zg] m^\agb\Ze
lmZkmbg` _khf Z \e^Zg la^^m% Z\\hk]bg`
k^f^f[^k pab\a \Zf^ _bklm% abl eho^ _hk
^q\^ee^g\^% a^ bl lmbee ieZrbg`' :e[^bm pbma
mh Zg ^qmk^f^er ik^\bl^ Zg] kb`hkhnl
mbf^ Zg] pZm\a^l% hk \Zkl Zg] li^^]'
ma^ mZ[e^l mnkg^] Zg] Zlmhng]bg` k^lneml'
li^\b_b\Zmbhg% pbma ma^ Zbf h_ \hfie^m^er
ÊB ]hgÍm dghp paZm bl fhlm bfihkmZgm
Bg Z l^k^g]bibmhnl mpblm% bm bl ghp ma^ \Zkl
bgm^`kZmbg` Zee ma^ ^e^f^gml% ebd^ Z
_hk f^ È pa^ma^k bm bl Z _Zl\bgZmbhg _hk
maZm bg_hkf ma^ \k^Zmbhg h_ ma^ pZm\a^l'
?hkfneZ * \Zk% pa^k^ ma^ \aZllbl Zg] ma^
i^k_hkfZg\^ Zg] kZ\bg`% hk Z _Zl\bgZmbhg
MZdbg` bglibkZmbhg _khf ma^ bgm^gl^er
^g`bg^ Zk^ [hma ]^o^ehi^] mh`^ma^k' H_
_hk mbf^ È bmÍl Z fbqmnk^' >qmk^f^
\hfie^q Znmhfhmbo^ phke] h_ ?hkfneZ Hg^%
\hnkl^% ma^ Z^lma^mb\l aZl bfihkmZg\^%
i^k_hkfZg\^% ^qmk^f^ m^\agbjn^ È
Fbee^ mZd^l ]^lb`g \n^l _khf ?* ^g`bg^
[nm _ng\mbhg aZl ZepZrl [^^g ikbobe^`^]%Ë
bmÍl Z \hffngb\Zmbhg%Ë a^ lZb]'
iZkml Zg] Ziieb^l ma^l^ bgmh ma^ pZm\a^l
a^ Zll^kml'
Fhlm ebd^er bm bl Zg bgm^kgZe ]bZeh`n^
a^ \k^Zm^l' Bgm^`kZe \hglmbmn^gm iZkml maZm
Zg] Z eb_^ehg`% ho^keZiibg` ^gmakZeef^gm
\hfikbl^ Z _bgbla^] Kb\aZk] Fbee^ pZm\a
\hfie^m^% paZm [^mm^k pZr mh m^lm ma^l^
pbma [hma maZm Fbee^ aZl a^e] lbg\^ a^ pZl
ehhd ebd^ iZkml h_ Zg ?* ^g`bg^' ?khf
kZ\bg` \Zkl _hk ma^ pkblm maZg bg Zg Z\mnZe
cnlm Z [hr' :m gbg^ a^ ]blfZgme^] abl _bklm
\^gmkZeer bfihkmZgm \hfihg^gml% ln\a Zl
?hkfneZ Hg^ @kZg] Ikbq8
pZm\a' Ghm lnkikblbg`er% a^ \hne]gÍm inm bm
Z mhnk[beebhg [kb]`^ \ehl^er k^l^f[ebg` Z
[Z\d mh`^ma^k Z`Zbg' ;nm ^o^g Zm maZm rhng`
lnli^glbhg mkbZg`e^% makhn`a mh ]^lb`g
Fbee^Íl kb`am aZg] lb]^% ?^ebi^ FZllZ' Bg
Z`^ Fbee^ pZl \k^Zmbo^er k^lhnk\^_ne Zg]
fhmb_l% ebd^ ma^ _ng\mbhg [nmmhgl hg ma^ lb]^
d^^ibg` pbma fhlm mabg`l Z[hnm Kb\aZk]
a^ nl^] mahl^ ]blZll^f[e^] pZm\a iZkml
h_ Z pZm\a fbkkhkbg` ?* Z\\^e^kZmbhg i^]Zel'
Fbee^ pZm\a^l% ma^k^ bl Z ghmZ[e^ [k^Zd
mh [nbe] fh]^e \Zkl% \abe]ahh] \k^Zmbhgl pab\a a^ lmbee aZl mh mabl ]Zr'
Ma^ \hkk^eZmbhgl eb^ ghm hger bg l^iZkZm^ iZkml% [nm Zelh bg Fbee^Íl
Lh hg\^ ma^l^ ahkheh`b\Ze fZko^el Zk^
<n^ ma^ bgoheo^f^gm pbma ma^ fZg hg
_khf \hgo^gmbhg Zg] ma^ i^hie^ Zllh\bZm^] pbma Kb\aZk] Fbee^ Zk^ ghm mrib\Ze [kZg] Portfolio
The Richard Mille Aerodyne Tourbillon watch is intricate in every detail. Exclusivity is the hallmark of this watch brand, and Mille is content to sell between three to four thousand watches annually.
Zf[ZllZ]hkl' Ma^r ]hgÍm cnlm aZo^ ma^bk
@kZg] Ikbq pa^g Z likbg` \Zf^ h__
ib\mnk^ mZd^g p^Zkbg` ma^ pZm\a^l hk inm
Kn[^gl ;Zkkb\a^ehÍl \Zk bg _khgm Zg] lmkn\d
ma^f hg pa^g hnm bg in[eb\' Ma^r Zk^
FZllZ hg ma^ a^Z] \Znlbg` Z +0- dbehf^mk^
bgoheo^] bg ma^ ]^o^ehif^gmZe lmZ`^l%
i^k ahnk \kZla% abl Kb\aZk] Fbee^ pZm\a
\hgmkb[nm^ mh ^ll^gmbZe ]^lb`g \aZg`^l% Zg]
pZl ngZ__^\m^]'
_bgZeer ma^r inm ma^ _bgbla^] ikh]n\ml mh ma^ nembfZm^ m^lm' Pa^g \hff^gmZmhkl Zg] ^qi^kml bg
FZllZ pZl ghm ngl\Zma^]% [nm _hkmngZm^ mh lnkobo^' ÊB Zf o^kr en\dr mh [^ a^k^% B f^Zg bm pZl Z an`^ \kZla' B aZ] +.) dbeh`kZff^l
ma^ pZm\a bg]nlmkr e^Zkg^] maZm Fbee^
abm fr a^Z]%Ë a^ lZrl pbma ^r^[khpl kZbl^]'
bgm^g]^] mh ln[c^\m abl pZm\a^l mh k^Ze
ÊPab\a k^ik^l^gml% Zm maZm li^^]% _hnk
eb_^ ^qmk^f^l% fZgr ik^]b\m^] Z \hfie^m^
mhgg^l' ?hnk mhgg^l ]bk^\mer hg ma^ a^ef^m%
f^\aZgb\Ze \heeZil^' Gh hg^ ^qi^\m^]
Zg] hg ma^ ldnee'Ë Fbee^ bgm^kc^\ml' ÊAbl [hg^
Z mhnk[beebhg% abma^kmh mahn`am h_ Zl ma^
^qieh]^]' Ngmbe k^\^gmer a^ aZ] Z mak^^
fhlm ]^eb\Zm^ h_ pZm\a fho^f^gml% mh
\^gmbf^mk^ ahe^ bg abl a^Z]'Ë Fbee^ \hgmbgn^l%
pbmalmZg] ma^ bg\k^]b[e^ lah\dl Zg]
k^o^Zebg` bg `kZiab\ ]^mZbe cnlm ahp en\dr
ob[kZmbhgl h_ [^bg` bg Zg Z\mnZe @kZg]
FZllZ pZl' Ma^ ln\\^ll_ne ]kbo^k fZ]^ Z
Ikbq kZ\^' R^m Z i^k_^\m ^qZfie^ h_
k^fZkdZ[er jnb\d _nee k^\ho^kr Zg] cnlm aZl
k^lbeb^gm i^k_hkfZg\^ \Zf^ pa^g FZllZ
Z eZk`^ ]^gm Zm ma^ lb]^ h_ abl _hk^a^Z] Zl
phk^ abl Kb\aZk] Fbee^ KF ))/ bg ma^
Z k^fbg]^k h_ abl hk]^Ze' FZllZ bl [Z\d hg
+))- <ZgZ]bZg @kZg] Ikbq Zg] k^lblm^]
ma^ mkZ\d Z`Zbg% Zg] Zl ZepZrl% p^Zkbg` abl
Z `&_hk\^ h_ **, makhn`a Zg ^qmk^f^
Kb\aZk] Fbee^ pZm\a'
]^\^e^kZmbhg% ma^ ab`a^lm ^o^k k^\hk]^] [r
Bm bl \e^Zk maZm Fbee^% Z \aZkblfZmb\
ma^ ?B: Zm ma^ mbf^' Ma^ pZm\a pZl mhmZeer
Zg] ^[neeb^gm `^gme^fZg% aZl Z li^\bZe
ngZ__^\m^] ma^g% Zg] aZl [^^g bg ^o^kr
k^eZmbhglabi pbma ma^ Zmae^m^l pah
hma^k @kZg] Ikbq FZllZ aZl ^gm^k^] lbg\^'
k^ik^l^gm abl [kZg]' :l FZllZ lZrl% ÊP^ f^m bg +))- Zg] p^ lmZkm^] Z `hh]
>O>G BG ma^ fhlm ng]^lbkZ[e^ m^lm
k^eZmbhglabi% Zg] ma^g p^ lmZkm^] phkdbg`
lbmnZmbhg bfZ`bgZ[e^% ma^ Zp_ne \kZla
mh`^ma^k Zg] ]^o^ehibg` ma^ ikh]n\m' B
FZllZ lnkobo^] bg Cner +))2 ]nkbg`
pZl bg ma^ [^`bggbg` h_ fr \Zk^^k Zl p^ee%
jnZeb_b\Zmbhg a^Zml _hk ma^ Ang`ZkbZg
lh p^ `k^p mh`^ma^k'Ë
November 2010
Mille with Felipe Massa. The two started collaborating when Massa had just started his F1 career and the relationship has grown from there.
Mille enjoys a close relationship with the stars that represent his brand, and ensures their involvement in the essential elements of the product’s design and function.
mh [^ Zl eb`am Zl ihllb[e^' A^ pZl _b`ambg`
ebfbm^] ikh]n\mbhg h_ .) bl bgo^kl^er
Z`Zbglm ma^ i^k\^bo^] b]^Z h_ fhk^ p^b`am
ikhihkmbhgZm^ mh ma^ p^b`am È .+.%)))'
Rafael Nadal is also a brand ambassador for Richard Mille. Nadal’s RM 027 weighs less than 20 grammes and has a price tag of $525,000.
^jnZeebg` fhk^ jnZebmr Zg] oZen^' Ma^
:l nlnZe% Fbee^ ehhd^] mh Znmhfhmbo^
a^Zob^k ma^ pZm\a% ma^ fhk^ bm fnlm [^
Zg] Z^khliZ\^ m^\agheh`r pa^g
phkma% pZl ma^ ik^oZbebg`% b_ _eZp^] eh`b\'
\k^Zmbg` mabl ahkheh`b\Ze fZko^e' Mabl
Bm bl Z [Zmme^ h_ i^k\^imbhg maZm Fbee^
mhnk[beebhg bl fZ]^ _khf mbmZgbnf
aZl mZd^g mh ^qmk^f^l pbma ma^ \k^Zmbhg
Zg] EBM:E Zeehr% Z ab`a ebmabnf
mabl r^Zk h_ ma^ mhnk[beebhg pZm\a KF
\hgm^gm Zeehr \hgmZbgbg` Zenfbgbnf%
)+0% ma^ eb`am^lm f^\aZgb\Ze pZm\a ^o^k
\hii^k% fZ`g^lbnf Zg] sbk\hgbnf'
ÊBm pZl _nggrË Fbee^ Z]]l% Ê[^\Znl^
]^lb`g^]' Mabl mbf^ ma^ Zf[ZllZ]hk m^lm
Ma^ Z]]bmbhg h_ ebmabnf% hg^ h_ ma^
pa^g p^ lmZkm^] mh`^ma^k i^hie^ phne]
]kbobg` Zg] ^g]hklbg` ma^ pZm\a bl m^ggbl
eb`am^lm ^e^f^gml% mh ma^ Zeehr fbqmnk^%
lZr mh f^ È Ì[nm rhnÍk^ bgo^lmbg` bg mabl
Z\^ KZ_Z^e GZ]Ze' Hg\^ fhk^% ma^ fnmnZe
ikhob]^l `k^Zm lmk^g`ma pbmahnm
g^p ]kbo^k ?^ebi^ FZllZ% a^Íl rhng`%
Z]fbkZmbhg Zg] k^li^\m [^mp^^g Fbee^
Z]]bg` ngg^\^llZkr p^b`am' ?hk ma^
a^Íl ghm dghpg4 Zk^ rhn lnk^ bmÍl Z `hh]
Zg] abl lmZk \heeZ[hkZmhkl bl ghm^phkmar'
lZf^ k^Zlhgl mabl Zeehr bl nl^] bg
Pa^g ma^r chbg^] _hk\^l GZ]Ze Zgghng\^]
ma^ \hglmkn\mbhg h_ ma^ :bk[nl :,1)%
ÌA^rÁ \e^o^k ÍË
in[eb\er% ÊBm bl Zg ahghnk _hk f^ maZm
a^eb\him^kl% kh\d^ml Zg] lZm^eebm^l% Zl
lhf^hg^ ebd^ Kb\aZk] aZl \ahl^g f^ Zl
p^ee Zl bg ?* kZ\bg` \Zkl'
Bg lbfbeZk _Zlabhg% bm bl lZ_^ mh lZr maZm Fbee^ mknlm^] abl bglmbg\ml Zg] \Zk^] ebmme^
hg^ h_ abl Zf[ZllZ]hkl' Lbg\^ ma^ fhf^gm
Mh `bo^ lhf^ i^kli^\mbo^ mh ma^ KF
_hk pZkgbg`l pa^g a^ eZng\a^] abl pZm\a
p^ f^m ma^k^ pZl Z li^\bZe _^^ebg`' B dghp
)+0% bmÍl ZiikhqbfZm^er ma^ lZf^ p^b`am
[kZg]' Kb`am _khf ma^ [^`bggbg` a^ pZgm^]
maZm a^ aZl phkd^] o^kr aZk] mh [^ Z[e^
Zl Z aZg]_ne h_ mhhmaib\dl' Mabl e^obmr
mh `h [^rhg] Zgrmabg` maZm Zek^Z]r ^qblm^] bg
mh \k^Zm^ mabl o^kr li^\bZe pZm\a' B Zf
pZl ^ll^gmbZe Zl fbghk p^b`am Zem^kZmbhgl
ma^ phke] h_ nemkZ ab`a&^g] enqnkr pZm\a^l'
ahghnk^] Zg] B Zf lnk^ bm pbee [^ Z li^\bZe
hg ma^ Zkf \hne] Z__^\m Z m^ggbl ieZr^kÍl
:g] a^ pZgm^] mh ^qieh]^ mkZ]bmbhg' MZdbg`
Zg] ln\\^ll_ne iZkmg^klabi'Ë
lmkhd^ Zg] ho^kZee `Zf^'
abl bglibkZmbhg _khf ma^ Znmhfhmbo^ Zg]
?heehpbg` FZllZÍl KF ))/ Zg] KF
Ma^ \heeZ[hkZmbhg pZl bff^]bZm^er
Z^khliZ\^ bg]nlmkb^l% a^ aZ] mh \hglb]^k
))2% pab\a p^b`a^] -+ `kZff^l Zg] +2
ln\\^ll_ne% Zg] GZ]Ze mhhd ob\mhkr Zm mabl
fZgr _Z\mhkl3 i^k_hkfZg\^% kb`b]bmr%
`kZff^l k^li^\mbo^er% pbmahnm ma^ lmkZi%
r^ZkÍl Pbf[e^]hg% ikhn]er p^Zkbg` abl
k^lblmZg\^% k^ebZ[bebmr% _ng\mbhg Zg] fZm^kbZe'
GZ]ZeÍl KF )+0 p^b`al e^ll maZg +)
Kb\aZk] Fbee^ pZm\a' Fbee^ l^gl^l ghm
:g] iZkZfhngm bg abl ]^lb`gl bl ZepZrl ma^
`kZff^l pbma ma^ lmkZi bg\en]^]'
hger ma^ pbgg^k bg abl iZkmg^kl% [nm Zelh
jn^lmbhg h_ p^b`am' Fbee^ pZgm^] abl \k^Zmbhgl
:g] ma^ ikb\^ mh [nr hg^ h_ ma^
_hk`^l Z `^gnbg^ [hg] pbma ma^f' Portfolio
“I SUFFERED FROM ‘ENZO FERRARI SYNDROME,’ WHO WAS, BEFORE LAUNCHING HIS OWN BRAND, MANAGER AT LANCIA.” ÊB eho^ KZ_Z^eÍl i^klhgZebmr% abl anfbebmr% abl eho^ Zg] k^li^\m _hk i^hie^% abl `^gme^fZg f^gmZebmr \hgmkZlmbg` abl
The Le Mans Classic is a 24-hour race that features some of the world’s most collectible cars.
pZkkbhk [^aZobhnk pa^g hg Z m^ggbl \hnkm' Bg m^kfl h_ ]^o^ehibg` ma^ pZm\a% a^ ]^fZg]^] ma^ [^lm% Zg] bm ^g\hnkZ`^] nl mh `h [^rhg] ma^ m^\agb\Ze ebfbml%Ë a^ lZrl' MA> :LMKHGHFB<:E ln\\^ll bg ma^ _bklm *) r^Zkl h_ ma^ Kb\aZk] Fbee^ [kZg] \hf^l Z_m^k Z eb_^mbf^ li^gm phkdbg` bg ma^ enqnkr pZm\a bg]nlmkr' Abl _bklm khe^ bg ma^ pZm\a [nlbg^ll pZl Zl Z \hff^k\bZe ]bk^\mhk bg *20-' ;r *22- Fbee^ aZ] [^\hf^ ik^lb]^gm h_ ma^ pZm\a ]boblbhg Zm ma^ k^ghpg^] Ahnl^ h_ FZn[hnllbg' R^m Fbee^ pZl _knlmkZm^]' A^ pZl ghm Z pZm\afZd^k i^k l^% [^bg` h\\nib^] kZma^k pbma ma^ _b`nk^l Zg] _bgZg\^' ;nm abl mkn^ ]^lbk^ pZl mh \k^Zm^ Zg] \hf[bg^ ]^lb`g pbma m^\agbjn^' Fbee^ lZrl% ÊB ln__^k^] _khf Ì>gsh ?^kkZkb lrg]khf^%Í pah pZl% [^_hk^ eZng\abg` abl
Mille’s son took part in the Little Big Le Mans children’s race.
hpg [kZg]% fZgZ`^k Zm EZg\bZ' ;nm ma^g a^ ]^\b]^] mh ^qik^ll abl hpg ob^pl h_ ma^ Znmhfh[be^ Zg] aZo^ abl hpg \hg\^iml Zg]
Z\\^im^]% [nm pbma Fbee^Íl \hgob\mbhg Zg]
B_ bgghoZmbhg bl mnkgbg` b]^Zl bgmh
\k^Zmbhgl fZ]^% Zemahn`a a^ pZl ghm Z \Zk
iZllbhg _hk mbf^ ma^ gnf[^k h_ \hgo^kml
fZgn_Z\mnkZ[e^% fZkd^mZ[e^ _hkf% ma^g
^g`bg^^k abfl^e_'Ë
d^^il `khpbg`'
Kb\aZk] Fbee^ aZl fZlm^k^] ma^ ikh\^ll Zg] \Zg [^ lZ_^er ]^l\kb[^] Zl Z `khng][k^Zdbg`
Fbee^ e^_m FZn[hnllbg Zg] bg *221
ibhg^^k bg ma^ phke] h_ ab`a ahkheh`r'
^lmZ[ebla^] abfl^e_ Zl Zg bg]^i^g]^gm
MA> G>QM mbf^ B f^^m Fbee^ a^ bl
]^o^ehif^gm \hglnemZgm' A^ phkd^] \ehl^er
eZng\abg` abl KF )*) E^ FZgl <eZllb\
pbma :n]^fZkl Ib`n^m% Z \hfiZgr a^ lmbee
ebfbm^] ^]bmbhg Zm ma^ +)*) E^ FZgl
mh \hgmbgn^ \k^Zmbg`' ÊFr mkn^ iZllbhg eb^l
\heeZ[hkZm^l \ehl^er pbma bg ma^ ikh]n\mbhg
<eZllb\% Zg ZfZsbg` +-&ahnk kZ\bg` ^o^gm
bg bgghoZmbhg% gho^emr Zg] \k^Zmbobmr' P^ Zk^
h_ abl hpg pZm\a^l' Bg *222 a^ lmZkm^] mh
Zg] hg^ h_ ma^ fhlm li^\mZ\neZk ]blieZrl
bg Z l^\mhk maZm m^eel ma^ mbf^ Zg] r^m bm bl
]^o^ehi abl hpg i^klhgZe [kZg] h_ pZm\a^l
h_ \hee^\mb[e^ Znmhfh[be^l bg ma^ phke]' :l
\hglmZgmer knggbg` [^abg]' ?khf fr ihbgm
Zg] Z_m^k mph r^Zkl h_ bgm^gl^ k^l^Zk\a Zg]
p^ee Zl eZng\abg` ma^ g^p fh]^e% Kb\aZk]
h_ ob^p% B mabgd BÍf hg ma^ kb`am mkZ\d È p^
Zg ng\hfikhfblbg` bglblm^g\^ hg Z[lhenm^
Fbee^ bl ma^ ikbfZkr lihglhk Zg] h__b\bZe
cnlm aZo^ mh d^^i mh hnk \ahl^g \hnkl^' Lbg\^
i^k_^\mbhg% ma^ _bklm Kb\aZk] Fbee^ fh]^e%
mbf^d^^i^k h_ ma^ ^o^gm' Pbma abl rhng`
ohenf^ bl Z[lhenm^er ghm fr Zbf% B aZo^
ma^ Mhnk[beebhg KF ))*% pZl eZng\a^]'
lhg mZdbg` iZkm bg ma^ ÌEbmme^ ;b` E^ FZgÍ
l^m frl^e_ ma^ ehg`&m^kf `hZe h_ ikh]n\bg`
\abe]k^gÍl kZ\^% Fbee^ bl bg abl ^e^f^gm'
mak^^ mh _hnk mahnlZg] pZm\a^l Z r^Zk%
fZdbg` phke] Zg] `h [^rhg] Zgrmabg`
A^Íl pbma abl _Zfber% lnkkhng]^] [r
pabe^ \hgmbgnbg` mh fZbgmZbg lbfnemZg^hnl
maZm Zek^Z]r ^qblm^]' :l pbma fZgr `k^Zm
ZfZsbg` \Zkl Zg] abl [kZg] bl ma^ fhlm
\hgmkhe ho^k `khpma% nemkZ&l^e^\mbo^
bgghoZmbhgl% ma^r Zk^ h_m^g ghm bgbmbZeer
bfihkmZgm hg^ ma^k^'
]blmkb[nmbhg Zg] ma^ [kZg] bfZ`^'Ë ■
Fbee^ pZgm^] mh knimnk^ ma^ pZm\a&
November 2010
:g] Zl _hk ma^ _nmnk^% Fbee^ bl cnlm aZiir
:HFB FBG>@BLAB% +*% Z CZiZg^l^ phfZg pah ebo^] bg <abgZ _hk *) r^Zkl% k^\^gmer mhhd Z ch[ pbma ma^
Ehg]hg ikhi^kmr [khd^k ?^eb\bmr C Ehk]' Fbg^`blab pZl abk^] ghm _hk a^k ^qi^kb^g\^ bg k^Ze ^lmZm^ lZe^l È la^ bl lmn]rbg` fZgZ`^f^gm Zm Z Ehg]hg ngbo^klbmr È [nm _hk a^k eZg`nZ`^ Z[bebmr' La^ bl _en^gm bg FZg]Zkbg% Zg bg\k^Zlbg`er oZenZ[e^ ldbee bg Ehg]hgÍl k^lb]^gmbZe k^Ze ^lmZm^ fZkd^m' Pbma a^k a^ei% ma^ Z`^g\r k^\^gmer lhe] _hnk mak^^&[^]khhf ZiZkmf^gml bg Z g^p ]^o^ehif^gm _hk ,+)%)))% Z[hnm .))%)))% ^Z\a mh Z ]b__^k^gm <abg^l^ [nr^k Zg] lhe^er hg ma^ [Zlbl h_ iahmhl Zg] _ehhk ieZgl' Ma^ g^p \hglmkn\mbhg bl \ehl^ mh ma^ Herfib\ lmZ]bnf% Zg] ma^ bgo^lmhkl Zk^ [^mmbg` maZm k^Ze ^lmZm^ ikb\^l pbee kbl^ [^_hk^ ma^ @Zf^l bg +)*+' <abg^l^ \eb^gml Zk^ Z ]k^Zf% Fbg^`blab lZb]' ÊMa^r Zk^ p^Zemar% ma^r iZr bg \Zla% Zg] ma^rÍk^ ehhdbg` _hk `hh] oZen^'Ë <abg^l^ \bmbs^gl k^jnbk^ ZiikhoZe _khf ma^bk eh\Ze Znmahkbmb^l mh bgo^lm fhk^ maZg ma^ ^jnboZe^gm h_ .)%))) Z r^Zk ho^kl^Zl' ;nm fZgr p^Zemar <abg^l^ ^en]^ ma^ k^lmkb\mbhgl pbma a^ei _khf mknlm _ng]l Zg] _hk^b`g [Zgd Z\\hngml% k^Ze ^lmZm^ [khd^kl lZr' Ma^ Ehg]hg ikhi^kmr fZkd^m fb`am aZo^ lahpg lb`gl h_ \hhebg` k^\^gmer% [nm bgo^lmhkl _khf fZbgeZg] <abgZ Zg] Ahg` Dhg` Zk^ [nlb^k maZg ^o^k È [b]]bg`% _hk ^qZfie^% hg enqnkr ZiZkmf^gml bg ma^ _ZlabhgZ[e^ Dgb`aml[kb]`^ ]blmkb\m ]hpg ma^ khZ] _khf AZkkh]l ]^iZkmf^gm lmhk^ Zg] hg g^p ahf^l g^Zk ma^ <ZgZkr PaZk_ _bgZg\bZe ]blmkb\m' Bg lhf^ iZkml h_ Ehg]hg% fZbgeZg] <abg^l^ bgo^lmhkl aZo^ Zek^Z]r k^ieZ\^] mahl^ _khf KnllbZ Zg]
ma^ Fb]]e^ >Zlm Zl ma^ [nlb^lm k^Ze ^lmZm^ [nr^kl pbma ]^^i ih\d^ml% ehhdbg` _hk mkhiar Zll^ml Zg] inlabg` ni ikb\^l% lhf^ [khd^kl lZr' ;nr^kl _khf fZbgeZg] <abgZ Zk^ Z mbgr ihkmbhg h_ ink\aZl^kl h_ ab`a& ^g] k^Ze ^lmZm^ bg Ehg]hg% Z\\hngmbg` _hk
Chinese Investors Flock to London For real estate agents in London, Chinese customers are ideal: cash rich and eager to buy. And also growing in number, reports Julia Werdigier and Bettina Wassener.
. i^k \^gm h_ Zee ink\aZl^l [r _hk^b`g^kl h_ Ehg]hg ikhi^kmb^l oZen^] _khf .))%))) Portfolio
“The property industry in Britain is adapting to meet the Chinese demand. Brokers are hiring Mandarin speakers, as well as Cantonese speakers to cater to people from Hong Kong.” ;r \hgmkZlm% ikb\^l ]khii^] fhk^ maZg *) i^k \^gm Z\khll ;kbmZbg Z_m^k E^afZg ;khma^kl \heeZil^] bg +))1% Zemahn`a ma^ ikb\^l h_ ^q\enlbo^ ikhi^kmb^l bg Ehg]hg a^e] ni [^mm^k maZg mahl^ bg ma^ k^lm h_ ma^ \hngmkr% [nhr^] [r _hk^b`g [nr^kl' Ikb\^l h_ ab`a&^g] Ehg]hg k^Ze ^lmZm^ khl^ 1'0. i^k \^gm bg +))2% \hfiZk^] pbma Z ]khi h_ +'+. i^k \^gm bg ma^ lhnmap^lm h_ ;kbmZbg% LZobeel lZb]' GHM LNKIKBLBG@ER% ma^ ikhi^kmr bg]nlmkr bg ;kbmZbg bl Z]Zimbg` mh f^^m ma^ <abg^l^ ]^fZg]' ;khd^kl Zk^ abkbg` FZg]Zkbg li^Zd^kl ebd^ Fbg^`blab% Zl p^ee Zl <Zgmhg^l^ li^Zd^kl mh \Zm^k mh i^hie^ _khf Ahg` Dhg`' LZobeel hk`Zgbl^] Z l^fbgZk bg LaZg`aZb bg Cner mh m^Z\a *)) mh * fbeebhg mabl r^Zk% [nm ma^r Zk^ Z
p^Zemar :lbZgl% _^Zkl maZm `ho^kgf^gml
\eb^gml ahp mh [nr k^Ze ^lmZm^ bg Ehg]hg'
`khpbg` ik^l^g\^' Ma^r Z\\hngm^] _hk e^ll
fZr bfihl^ fhk^ \hglmkZbgml hg k^]&ahm
: kboZe Z`^g\r% AZfimhgl Bgm^kgZmbhgZe%
maZg * i^k \^gm h_ ink\aZl^l bg maZm ikb\^
eh\Ze ikhi^kmr fZkd^ml [Z\d ahf^ aZo^
hi^g^] Zg h__b\^ bg Ahg` Dhg` pbma
kZg`^ eZlm r^Zk% Z\\hk]bg` mh LZobeel% Z k^Ze
fZ]^ bgo^lmf^gml Z[khZ] fhk^ ZmmkZ\mbo^'
_hnk ^fiehr^^l Z[hnm mph fhgmal Z`h'
^lmZm^ Z`^g\r' >nkhi^Zgl lmbee fZd^ ni ma^
KZib] ^\hghfb\ `khpma Zg] ^Zlr \k^]bm
Lhf^ Ehg]hg ]^o^ehi^kl% f^Zgpabe^% Zk^
eZk`^lm ihkmbhg% LZobeel lZrl% Zemahn`a bm
\Znl^] k^Ze ^lmZm^ ikb\^l bg fZgr iZkml
hfbmmbg` ma^ gnf[^k _hnk bg g^p [nbe]bg`l
]h^l ghm [k^Zd ]hpg [nr^kl [r \hngmkr'
h_ :lbZ mh kbl^ laZkier eZm^ eZlm r^Zk' Bg
[^\Znl^ bm bl \hglb]^k^] ngen\dr bg <abg^l^
Ahg` Dhg`% _hk ^qZfie^% ikb\^l _hk enqnkr
\nemnk^' ÊFhlm ]^o^ehi^kl bg Ehg]hg Zk^
Fb]]e^ >Zlm% ahp^o^k% _^p <abg^l^ [nr^kl
ahf^l aZo^ cnfi^] -. i^k \^gm lbg\^
bg\en]bg` <abgZ bg ma^bk fZkd^mbg` ^__hkml%Ë
Zk^ ehhdbg` _hk Ehg]hg ZiZkmf^gml mh
+))2% Z\\hk]bg` mh LZobeel' EZlm fhgma%
lZb] FZmma^p MZ\d% Z ]bk^\mhk Zm AZfimhgl
ebo^ bg ma^fl^eo^l' : fZchkbmr h_ ma^f
mh ik^o^gm ikb\^l _khf ho^ka^Zmbg`%
bg Ehg]hg' ÊMa^rÍ] [^ lbeer ghm mh'Ë
Zk^ l^^dbg` bgo^lmf^gml bg Z k^Ze ^lmZm^
Lbg`Zihk^ kZbl^] ma^ ]hpg iZrf^gm
Ma^ bg\k^Zl^ bg mkZglZ\mbhgl ab`aeb`aml
fZkd^m ma^r i^k\^bo^ Zl fhk^ lmZ[e^ maZg
k^jnbk^] _hk fZgr ahf^ ink\aZl^l'
Z `kZ]nZe lab_m bg p^Zema mh :lbZ% bg\en]bg`
ma^bk hpg Zg] Zk^ ieZggbg` mh k^\^bo^
Ma^ lm^i _heehp^] lbfbeZk f^Zlnk^l bg
fZbgeZg] <abgZ' ?k^^ h_ ma^ ]^[m e^o^el
lm^Z]r k^gmZe bg\hf^ _hk r^Zkl' ?hk
fZbgeZg] <abgZ Zg] Ahg` Dhg` mabl r^Zk'
maZm lmbee aZngm P^lm^kg ahnl^ahe]l Zg]
Ngebd^ \eb^gml _khf KnllbZ Zg] ma^
November 2010
Nick Vestey, a sales executive with Knight Frank, outside a five-bedroom house he sold to a Chinese investor for more than $26 million, in the Knightsbridge district of London. Investors from mainland China and Hong Kong are more active than ever in the London real estate market.
`ho^kgf^gml% fn\a h_ :lbZ [^`Zg mh
:emahn`a <abg^l^ Zk^ [^\hfbg` fhk^
[nr^kl bg Ehg]hg% <Zh lZb]% ma^ b]^Z bl
k^\ho^k kZib]er _khf ma^ `eh[Ze ^\hghfb\
Z\mbo^ bg fZgr ho^kl^Zl k^Ze ^lmZm^
mh _bg] ZiZkmf^gml [b` ^ghn`a mh ikhob]^
]hpgmnkg eZlm r^Zk' :g] Zemahn`a Z eZk`^
fZkd^ml% bg\en]bg` ma^ Ngbm^] LmZm^l Zg]
ma^ \abe]k^g pbma fhk^ \hf_hkmZ[e^
fZchkbmr h_ :lbZgl lmbee lmkn``e^ mh fZd^
<hgmbg^gmZe >nkhi^% Ehg]hg k^fZbgl
Z\\hffh]Zmbhgl maZg lmn]^gm ]hkfbmhkb^l
^g]l f^^m% ma^ [hhfbg` `khpma aZl
ab`aer ihineZk _hk Z oZkb^mr h_ k^Zlhgl%
Zg] maZm aZo^ liZk^ khhfl maZm \Zg [^
\ZmZinem^] fZgr bgmh ma^ kZgdl h_ ma^
[khd^kl lZr' ;kbmZbg aZl Zefhlm gh
k^gm^] hnm' Hg\^ ma^ \abe]k^g `kZ]nZm^%
p^Zemar Zg] lni^k p^Zemar' Bg fZbgeZg]
k^lmkb\mbhgl hg pa^ma^k _hk^b`g^kl \Zg
ma^bk iZk^gml Zbf mh k^gm hnm ma^ pahe^
<abgZ Zehg^% ma^ gnf[^k h_ i^hie^
hpg k^Ze ^lmZm^% Zg] Z _Zbker _enb] k^gmZe
ZiZkmf^gm' Hg^ fZbgeZg] <abg^l^
pbma Zll^ml phkma fhk^ maZg *) fbeebhg
fZkd^m% pab\a bl ZmmkZ\mbo^ mh [nr^kl
bgo^lmhk pah hpgl k^Ze ^lmZm^ bg
k^gfbg[b% hk *'. fbeebhg% khl^ /'* i^k
l^^dbg` bg\hf^ _khf ma^bk ikhi^kmb^l'
Ehg]hg Zg] ^el^pa^k^ lZb] abl Ehg]hg
\^gm% mh 10.%)))% bg Z r^Zk% Z\\hk]bg` mh
<nemnkZe blln^l% ^li^\bZeer ma^ <abg^l^
bgo^lmf^gml p^k^ abl fhlm en\kZmbo^' ÊB
^fiaZlbl hg ^]n\Zmbhg% Zelh _Zohnk
[hn`am Z _eZm _hk fr ]Zn`am^kÍl nl^ pa^g
ma^ Z\jnblbmbhg h_ Ehg]hg Z]]k^ll^l'
la^ pZl lmn]rbg` bg Ehg]hg Zg] hma^k
ebd^ Chl^ia EZn% Z Ahg` Dhg` k^Ze ^lmZm^
>]n\Zmbhg bl `^g^kZeer ma^ eZk`^lm [n]`^m
_eZml B aZo^ k^gm^] hnm hk lhe]%Ë EZb% ma^
[beebhgZbk^ pah k^\^gmer li^gm ,, fbeebhg
bm^f bg Z <abg^l^ ahnl^ahe]% Zg] fZgr
hpg^k% pah ]^\ebg^] mh `bo^ abl _bklm gZf^
hg Z lbq&_ehhk fZglbhg bg >Zmhg LjnZk^
_Zfbeb^l ahi^ mh l^g] ma^bk \abe]k^g mh ^ebm^
mh ikhm^\m abl ikboZ\r% pkhm^ [r ^fZbe'
bg Ehg]hg% Zg Z]]k^ll a^ laZk^l pbma ma^
ngbo^klbmb^l bg ;kbmZbg% pab\a m^g] mh Z]fbm
ÊMa^ ND mkZ]bmbhgZeer aZl Z o^kr `hh]
KnllbZg heb`Zk\a KhfZg :' :[kZfhob\a'
fhk^ _hk^b`g lmn]^gml maZg mhi ngbo^klbmb^l
e^`Ze lmkn\mnk^ pbma `hh] eZp Zg] hk]^k%Ë
EZnÍl lhg% EZn Fbg`&pZb% lmn]b^] Zm ma^
bg ma^ Ngbm^] LmZm^l% lZb] C^__ <Zh% a^Z]
EZb pkhm^' ÊMaZm% mh`^ma^k pbma ma^ \bmrÍl
Ehg]hg L\ahhe h_ >\hghfb\l Zg] ma^g
h_ ma^ <abgZ l^\mhk _hk Mabgd Ehg]hg% Z
_bgZg\bZe bglmbmnmbhgl Zg] ma^ ;kbmbla
phkd^] _hk @he]fZg LZ\al bg Ehg]hg'
`ho^kgf^gm&lniihkm^] Z`^g\r maZm a^eil
i^hie^Íl eho^ _hk hpgbg` ma^bk hpg ahf^l%
ZmmkZ\m _hk^b`g bgo^lmf^gm mh ma^ \bmr'
fZd^l ma^ ikhi^kmr fZkd^m ^qmk^f^er
ma^ Ankng K^l^Zk\a Bglmbmnm^ bg LaZg`aZb' Ma^g ma^k^ Zk^ ma^ _Z[nehnler p^Zemar%
FHK> MRIB<:E% mahn`a% Zk^ :lbZg
Ma^ gnf[^k h_ <abg^l^ lmn]^gml Zm
ZmmkZ\mbo^'Ë K^Ze ^lmZm^ [khd^kl pah \Zm^k
[nr^kl li^g]bg` * fbeebhg hk e^ll'
Ehg]hg ngbo^klbmb^l khl^ 2 i^k \^gm% mh
mh <abg^l^ \nlmhf^kl lZr bm bl ng\e^Zk
;^\Znl^ h_ <abgZÍl k^lmkb\mbhgl hg ho^kl^Zl
2-1% eZlm r^Zk _khf 1/0 Z r^Zk ^Zkeb^k%
pa^ma^k Zg] pa^g ma^ Zii^mbm^ _khf
bgo^lmf^gml% fhlm h_ ma^ <abg^l^ [nr^kl
Z\\hk]bg` mh ma^ Ngbo^klbmb^l Zg] <hee^`^l
<abgZ pbee lmZkm mh ^[[' ;nm ma^k^ bl gh
iZr \Zla mh fbgbfbl^ ma^ iZi^k mkZbe'
:]fbllbhgl L^kob\^' ?hk lhf^ <abg^l^
bg]b\Zmbhg h_ Z inee[Z\d r^m' ■ Portfolio
The Sotheby’s auction room before an auction of vegetables, and vegetable-themed items, at “The Art of Farming” event in New York.
Eat Your Vegetables: Old Battle, New Tactics
The baby-carrot industry has recently tried to reposition its product as junk food, starting a $25 million advertising campaign whose defining characteristics include heavy metal music, a phone app and a young man in a grocery cart dodging babycarrot bullets fired by a woman in tight jeans, reports Kim Severson.
:L P>EE :L MA> := <:FI:B@G%
bml o^`^mZ[e^l' @hh] en\d' =^libm^ mph
lmn]r h_ _knbm Zg] o^`^mZ[e^ \hglnfimbhg'
bg FZgaZmmZg% \kZm^l h_ a^bkehhf
]^\Z]^l h_ in[eb\ a^Zema bgbmbZmbo^l% lmkb\m^k
Hger +/ i^k \^gm h_ NL Z]neml ^Zm
o^`^mZ[e^l pbma gZf^l ebd^ EZ]r @h]boZ
`ho^kgf^gm ]b^mZkr `nb]^ebg^l% k^\hk]
o^`^mZ[e^l mak^^ hk fhk^ mbf^l Z ]Zr% bm
ljnZla p^k^ Zn\mbhg^] _hk *%))) ^Z\a Zm
`khpma h_ _Zkf^kl fZkd^ml Zg] ma^ ^Zl^ h_
\hg\en]^]' !:g] gh% maZm ]h^l ghm bg\en]^
Lhma^[rÍl% pa^k^ ma^ p^Zemab^k Zk^ fhk^
ikh]n\ml ebd^ lZeZ] bg Z [Z`% :f^kb\Zgl lmbee
_k^g\a _kb^l'" Ma^l^ k^lneml _^ee _Zk lahkm
Z\\nlmhf^] mh [b]]bg` hg PZkahel Zg]
Zk^gÍm ^Zmbg` ^ghn`a o^`^mZ[e^l'
h_ a^Zema h[c^\mbo^l l^m [r ma^ _^]^kZe
Ib\Zllhl maZg mnkgbil Zg] mhfZmh^l' ;hma ^__hkml% ab`a Zg] ehp% Zk^ Zbf^] Zm ma^ lZf^ mabg`3 `^mmbg` :f^kb\Z mh ^Zm
Bg L^im^f[^k% ma^ <^gm^kl _hk =bl^Zl^
`ho^kgf^gm Z ]^\Z]^ Z`h' Ma^ Zfhngm h_
<hgmkhe Zg] Ik^o^gmbhg blln^] Z
o^`^mZ[e^l :f^kb\Zgl ^Zm bl e^ll maZg aZe_
\hfik^a^glbo^ gZmbhgpb]^ [^aZobhnkZe
h_ paZm in[eb\ a^Zema h__b\bZel aZ] ahi^]' Portfolio
Phkl^% bm aZl [Zk^er [n]`^] lbg\^ +)))' ÊBm bl ]blZiihbgmbg`%Ë lZb] =k' C^ggb_^k
Zkhng] nlbg` bm%Ë ;Zes^k lZb]' Bg ma^ pkhg`
Zk^ Z ebmme^ bgmbfb]Zmbg`' BÍf ghm Z_kZb] h_
aZg]l% o^`^mZ[e^l \Zg mZlm^ m^kkb[e^'
sn\\abgbl% [nm B cnlm ]hgÍm dghp ahp mh
?hems% Z iZ^]bZmkb\bZg pah a^ei^] \hfibe^
:g] \hfiZk^] pbma Z ehm h_ _hh] Zm ma^
\hhd ma^f'Ë
ma^ k^ihkm' La^% ebd^ hma^k in[eb\ a^Zema
lni^kfZkd^m% ma^rÍk^ Z k^eZmbo^er ^qi^glbo^
h__b\bZel ]^]b\Zm^] mh bfikhobg` ma^ NL
pZr mh _bee Z [^eer' Ê;^_hk^ p^ pZgm a^Zema%
fZd^ ^Zmbg` o^`^mZ[e^l ^Zlb^k' LZe^l h_
]b^m% \hg\^]^l maZm i^kaZil lbfier m^eebg`
p^ pZgm mZlm^% p^ pZgm \hgo^gb^g\^ Zg]
\hgo^gb^g\^ o^`^mZ[e^l% ebd^ iZ\dZ`^l h_
i^hie^ mh ^Zm fhk^ o^`^mZ[e^l blgÍm phkdbg`'
p^ pZgm ehp \hlm%Ë ;Zes^k lZb]'
\nm [kh\\heb ]^lb`g^] mh `h kb`am bgmh ma^
ÊMa^k^ bl ghmabg` rhn \Zg lZr maZm pbee `^m
F^ebllZ FZ\;kb]^% pah phkdl _hk Z
Ma^ _hh] bg]nlmkr aZl mkb^] mh
fb\khpZo^% Zk^ `khpbg`' PZla^]% k^Z]r&
i^hie^ mh ^Zm fhk^ o^``b^l%Ë lZb] AZkkr
iaZkfZ\^nmb\Zel \hfiZgr% phne] ^Zm fhk^
mh&^Zm [Z``^] lZeZ]l Zk^ Z ,&[beebhg&Z&
;Zes^k% ma^ \ab^_ bg]nlmkr ZgZerlm _hk ma^
o^`^mZ[e^l b_ ma^r p^k^gÍm% bg a^k phk]l%
r^Zk [nlbg^ll' ;nm maZm ]h^lgÍm g^\^llZkber
GI= @khni% Z fZkd^m k^l^Zk\a \hfiZgr'
ÊZ iZbg'Ë
f^Zg i^hie^ Zk^ ^Zmbg` fhk^ o^`^mZ[e^l'
K^\^gmer% ma^ \hfiZgr k^e^Zl^] ma^
Ê:g Ziie^ rhn \Zg cnlm `kZ[%Ë la^ lZb]'
Bm cnlm f^Zgl ma^r Zk^ lab_mbg` ma^bk
+.ma ^]bmbhg h_ bml ZggnZe k^ihkm% >Zmbg`
Ê;nm paZm Zf B `hbg` mh ]h% inm Z ib^\^ h_
o^`^mZ[e^ [n]`^m _khf hg^ ieZ\^ mh
IZmm^kgl bg :f^kb\Z' Ma^ g^pl ma^k^ pZlgÍm
dZe^ bg fr inkl^8Ë
Zghma^k% ;Zes^k lZb]' :g hk`Zgb\ \n\nf[^k
`hh]% ^bma^k' ?hk ^qZfie^% hger +, i^k \^gm
fb`am k^ieZ\^ Z \hgo^gmbhgZeer `khpg
h_ f^Zel bg\en]^ Z o^`^mZ[e^% ;Zes^k lZb]'
GH HG> k^Zeer pZgml mh Z]fbm maZm ma^r
hg^' : [Z` h_ e^mmn\^ k^ieZ\^l Z a^Z]' Mh
!:`Zbg% _kb^l ]hgÍm \hngm% [nm e^mmn\^ hg Z
]hgÍm ^Zm o^`^mZ[e^l' : gnkl^ pah phkdl
[^ lnk^% o^`^mZ[e^l Zk^ fZdbg` lmkb]^l bg
aZf[nk`^k ]h^l'" Ma^ gnf[^k h_ ]bgg^kl
Zm ma^ AhlibmZe _hk Li^\bZe Lnk`^kr bg
\^kmZbg \bk\e^l' Phf^g% Zl p^ee Zl i^hie^
ik^iZk^] Zm ahf^ maZm bg\en]^] Z lZeZ] pZl
FZgaZmmZg hi^ger Z\dghpe^]`^l maZm
pah Zk^ he]^k Zg] fhk^ ^]n\Zm^] Zg]
*0 i^k \^gm4 bg *22-% bm pZl ++ i^k \^gm'
o^`^mZ[e^l fZd^ a^k `Z`' Lmbee% la^ [^``^]
aZo^ ab`a^k bg\hf^l% m^g] mh ^Zm fhk^
mh ghm [^ in[eb\er b]^gmb_b^] [^\Znl^ la^
o^`^mZ[e^l% lZb] ?hems% ma^ iZ^]bZmkb\bZg
fZbg \hnkl^ Zm ^bma^k eng\a hk ]bgg^k
bl bg ma^ a^Zema \Zk^ _b^e] Zg] dghpl
pah phkd^] hg ma^ <=< k^ihkm'
]khii^] [r aZe_ lbg\^ *212% mh Z f^k^ . i^k
maZm la^ lahne] l^m Z [^mm^k ^qZfie^'
\^gm% a^ lZb]' Ma^ gZmbhg aZl ehg` aZ] Z
=Zob] ;^kglm^bg% pah ebo^l bg ;khhderg%
_khf a^bkehhf l^^]l hg lfZee _Zkfl% bl
\hfieb\Zm^] k^eZmbhglabi pbma o^`^mZ[e^l'
G^p Rhkd% bl la^^ibla Z[hnm ma^ eZ\d h_
a^e] bg ln\a ab`a ^lm^^f maZm dghpbg`
I^hie^ dghp maZm o^`^mZ[e^l \Zg bfikho^
o^`^mZ[e^l bg abl ]b^m' A^ pZbml mZ[e^l Zm
ma^ _Zkf^k pah `khpl ma^ _hh] bl Z _hkf
a^Zema' ;nm ma^rÍk^ Z ehm h_ phkd' Bg
ma^ abi F' P^eel k^lmZnkZgm bg Jn^^gl Zg]
h_ oZenZ[e^ lh\bZe \nkk^g\r' O^`^mZ[e^l Zk^
k^_kb`^kZmhkl Zee ho^k ma^ \hngmkr% ikh]n\^
dghpl abl pZr Zkhng] ma^ Ngbhg LjnZk^
[^\hfbg` ab`a Zkm' :m Lhma^[rÍl k^\^gmer%
h_m^g ]b^l Z lehp% ebfi ]^Zma [^\Znl^ eb_^
@k^^gfZkd^m' ;nm abl ]b^m \hglblml eZk`^er
ma^ o^`^mZ[e^ Zn\mbhg pZl iZkm h_ Z
[^\hf^l mhh [nlr'
h_ [Z\hg% rh`nkm Zg] _khs^g lmn__^] \ab\d^g
]Zrehg` ^o^gm \Zee^] ÌMa^ :km h_ ?Zkfbg`%Í
[k^Zlml' ÊBmÍl cnlm ebd^ Zgr hma^k [Z] aZ[bm%Ë
kZblbg` g^Zker +.)%))) mh a^ei ang`^k
a^ lZb]' ÊIZkm h_ bm bl cnlm maZm o^`^mZ[e^l
hk`ZgblZmbhgl% bffb`kZgm _Zkf^kl Zg]
:m k^lmZnkZgml% lZeZ]l hk]^k^] Zl Z
ÊMa^ fhf^gm rhn aZo^ lhf^mabg` _k^la rhn aZo^ mh l\a^]ne^ rhnk eb_^
Reclining Eggplant, a painting by P. Allen Smith, on the block during ‘The Art of Farming’ event at Sotheby’s, where vegetables and vegetable-themed items were auctioned, in New York. November 2010
Ma^ o^`^mZ[e^% ^li^\bZeer pa^g `khpg
Students eat a bag of baby carrots during their lunch period at Fayetteville-Manlius High School in Manlius, N.Y.
“Health officials now concede that convincing a nation that shuns vegetables means making vegetables more affordable and more available.” \abe]k^g pbmahnm Z\\^ll mh o^`^mZ[e^l' ;nm o^`^mZ[e^l Zk^ Zelh [^\hfbg`
hk`Zgb\ `Zk]^g hg ma^ Pabm^ Ahnl^ eZpg
[^mp^^g \abe]k^g pah iZkmb\biZm^] bg ma^
Zg] mZedl ni o^`^mZ[e^l Zl iZkm h_ a^k ÌE^mÍl
;^kd^e^r Ngb_b^] L\ahhe =blmkb\mÍl Ì^]b[e^
Fho^Í \ZfiZb`g Z`Zbglm \abe]ahh] h[^lbmr'
l\ahherZk]Í ikh`kZf% bg pab\a `Zk]^gbg`
Ma^ `ho^kgf^gm d^^il mkrbg`% mhh% mh `^m
Zg] \hhdbg` Zk^ pho^g bgmh ma^ l\ahhe ]Zr%
bml f^llZ`^ Z\khll' Bm ghp k^\hff^g]l
Zg] \abe]k^g pah ]b]gÍm'
- \nil h_ _knbml Zg] o^`^mZ[e^l !maZmÍl
Ma^ lmn]^gml pah `Zk]^g^] Zm^ *
gbg^ l^kobg`l" _hk i^hie^ pah ^Zm +%)))
l^kobg`l fhk^ h_ o^`^mZ[e^l Z ]Zr maZg
\Zehkb^l Z ]Zr' Lhf^ in[eb\ a^Zema Z]oh\Zm^l
mahl^ pah p^k^gÍm bg ma^ ikh`kZf' ?hk
aZo^ Zk`n^] maZm pa^g ma^ `nb]^ebg^l Zk^
lmn]^gml pah ]hgÍm aZo^ Z\\^ll mh Z l\ahhe
ni]Zm^] eZm^k mabl r^Zk% ma^r lahne] [^
`Zk]^g% i^kaZil ma^ ik^ll [r ma^ [Z[r&
fZ]^ ^o^g \e^Zk^k' Hg^ ikhihlZe bl mh fZd^
\Zkkhm ikh]n\^kl pbee aZo^ lhf^ ^__^\m'
:f^kb\Zgl mabgd Z[hnm bm oblnZeer% _beebg` aZe_
Ma^ bIahg^ Ziieb\Zmbhg% _hk ^qZfie^%
ma^ ieZm^ hk [hpe pbma o^`^mZ[e^l'
bl Z ob]^h `Zf^ \Zee^] Qmk^f^ Qkng\a DZkm maZm lmZkml pa^g Z ieZr^k \kng\a^l Z
bfihkmZgm hg ma^ hma^k ^g] h_ ma^ ^\hghfb\ ^jnZmbhg' :g bg\k^Zlbg` gnf[^k
;NM <E>:K `nb]Zg\^ ikh[Z[er blgÍm
\Zkkhm !hk fZd^l Z \kng\a&ebd^ lhng]" bgmh
h_ ma^ gZmbhgÍl /%))) _Zkf^kl fZkd^ml
^ghn`a' A^Zema h__b\bZel ghp \hg\^]^ maZm
ma^ iahg^Íl fb\khiahg^' ;nm Zl bg iZlm
Zeehp lahii^kl mh [nr ikh]n\^ pbma _hh]
\hgobg\bg` Z gZmbhg maZm langl o^`^mZ[e^l
Zmm^fiml mh k^obo^ ma^ o^`^mZ[e^% ghg^ h_
lmZfil' Nk[Zg `Zk]^gl Zk^ likbg`bg` ni bg
f^Zgl fZdbg` o^`^mZ[e^l fhk^ Z__hk]Z[e^
mabl pbee g^\^llZkber [^ ^ghn`a mh \aZg`^ Z
oZ\Zgm ehml Zg] hg khh_mhil' G^Zker ^o^kr
Zg] fhk^ ZoZbeZ[e^' ÊP^ aZo^ mh fZd^
\e^Zk Zo^klbhg mh ^Zmbg` o^`^mZ[e^l'
lmZm^ ghp aZl ikh`kZff^l maZm l^g] _k^la
ma^ a^Zemar \ahb\^ ma^ ^Zlr \ahb\^%Ë ?hems
o^`^mZ[e^l bgmh ihhk^k g^b`a[hnkahh]l Zg]
lZb]' ?hk Zghma^k lmn]r pahl^ k^lneml
^Zmbg` _eZohnk&[eZlm^] =hkbmhl%Ë lZb] FZk\bZ
l\ahhe \Z_^m^kbZl'
p^k^ Zgghng\^] k^\^gmer% k^l^Zk\a^kl
Fh`^ehgler% Z l^gbhk ZgZerlm _hk Fbgm^e% Z
Zm ma^ Ngbo^klbmr h_ <Zeb_hkgbZ% ;^kd^e^r%
`eh[Ze fZkd^mbg` _bkf'
Ma^ o^`^mZ[e^ ^o^g aZl ma^ _bklm eZ]r% Fb\a^ee^ H[ZfZ% hg bml lb]^' La^ ieZgm^] Zg
li^gm mak^^ r^Zkl ^qZfbgbg` ma^ ]b__^k^g\^
Ê>Zmbg` o^`^mZ[e^l bl Z ehm e^ll _ng maZg
ÊRhn pbee ZepZrl aZo^ mh _b`am maZm'Ë ■ Portfolio
Mohammad Ehsai Love Privacy, 1989 ESTIMATE $70,000 –100,000
Hurouf: The Art of the Word AUCTION IN DOHA 16 DECEMBER 2010
ENQUIRIES +44 ( 0 ) 20 7293 5154
A Quirky Car Company, Serving Quirky Customers For a certain kind of company, recessions may be beside the point. Unlike many of its luxury-car rivals, Bristol is also not the kind of company to have been much affected by the financial crisis, reports Julia Werdigier. ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±
Lbeo^kmhg% .+% ma^ hpg^k h_ ma^ ;kbmbla
\hg\^im' ;kblmhe ^qi^\ml mh l^ee i^kaZil
enqnkr \ZkfZd^k ;kblmhe% aZg`l Z
*.) h_ bml aZg]&Zll^f[e^] \Zkl mabl r^Zk'
iahmh`kZia h_ Z lfbebg` _^fZe^ \nlmhf^k
Ma^ \hfiZgr% hg^ h_ ma^ phke]Íl eZlm
lmZg]bg` g^qm mh a^k ,)&r^Zk&he] ;kblmhe
bg]^i^g]^gm \ZkfZd^kl% aZl Z phkd _hk\^
/), \Zk' Lbeo^kmhg k^\hngml ahp la^ [hn`am
h_ Z[hnm *)) i^hie^' Ma^k^ bl cnlm hg^ lZe^l
ma^ \Zk _khf abf l^\hg] aZg] Z[hnm
hnme^m% bg Ehg]hgÍl D^glbg`mhg ]blmkb\m'
_hnk r^Zkl Z`h pbmahnm dghpbg` maZm bml
Lbeo^kmhg% pah aZl _Zfber p^Zema Zg]
ik^obhnl hpg^k pZl ;hgh% ma^ e^Z] lbg`^k
ik^obhnler kZg abl hpg \hfiZgr l^eebg`
h_ ma^ kh\d [Zg] N+' Pa^g la^ ]bl\ho^k^]
Zbk\kZ_m iZkml% lZb] ;kblmhe pZl ikh_bmZ[e^%
ma^ \ZkÍl \^e^[kbmr iZlm% la^ \Zee^] Lbeo^kmhg
[nm phne] ghm ]bl\nll li^\b_b\l' Ma^ [nr^kl%
mh Zld par la^ pZl ghm mhe] [^\Znl^ la^
ebd^ ma^ \Zkl% Zk^ h_m^g ^\\^gmkb\ pbma Z
phne] aZo^ pbeebg`er iZb] fhk^' !Lbeo^kmhg
p^Zdg^ll _hk ma^ jnbkdr Zg] ngbjn^ È Zehg`
]^\ebg^] mh lmZm^ ma^ ikb\^% [nm ma^
pbma Z [bm h_ fhg^r% mhh' ;kblmheÍl mhi&h_&ma^
\hfiZgr lZb] Z lbfbeZk \Zk phne] aZo^ \hlm
ebg^ fh]^el% ebd^ ma^ ?b`am^k M% l^eel g^p _hk
G MA> H??B<> H? MH;R
Z[hnm ,.%)))% hk .-%1)) mh]Zr'" ÊB mhe] a^k maZmÍl ghm ma^ dbg] h_ \hfiZgr p^ Zk^%Ë lZb] Lbeo^kmhg'
:l fZgr ZnmhfZd^kl lmkn``e^] pbma
H_ \hnkl^% +. i^k \^gm bl Z k^eZmbo^
From left: Bristol’s Syd Lovesy, longtime employee, Toby Silverton, owner of the British luxury carmaker and Sir George White IV, of Bristol’s founding family, next to the company’s latest model ‘The Fighter’ at the 64th birthday celebration show of several hundred cars at Bristol Filton Airport, in Bristol, England, 2010.
,/)%)))% hk ./-%)))' MaZm \hfiZk^l
È ebd^ ma^ _n^e _bee^k \Zil hg [hma lb]^l
pbma Z[hnm ++)%)))% hk ,-.%)))%
h_ ^Z\a \Zk% fZdbg` bm \hgo^gb^gm mh inee
_hk ma^ fhlm ^qi^glbo^ ;^gme^r% Zghma^k
ni mh ^bma^k lb]^ h_ Z `Zlhebg^ infi' ?hk
;kbmbla enqnkr [kZg]% pab\a bl hpg^] [r
fZgr hpg^kl% ;kblmhel Zk^ ebd^ Z mZbehk^]
_Zeebg` hk]^kl ho^k ma^ eZlm mph r^Zkl%
OhedlpZ`^g' ;^gme^r lZrl bml lZe^l _^ee [r -1
lnbm È \nlmhf^kl \Zg \ahhl^ ma^ \hehnk h_
ikboZm^er a^e] ;kblmhe k^ihkm^] Zg nimnkg
i^k \^gm% mh -%)). \Zkl% eZlm r^Zk'
ma^ \Zki^m Zg] ma^ laZi^ h_ ma^ l^Zml' Ma^
È ^o^g mahn`a bml mhi fh]^el% g^p% `h _hk
=^libm^ ma^bk ikb\^l% ;kblmhe \Zkl Zk^
;kbmbla _Zlabhg ]^lb`g^k IZne Lfbma ]kbo^l
fhk^ maZg aZe_ Z fbeebhg ]heeZkl' Ê>o^krhg^
ghm hlm^gmZmbhnl% pab\a l^^fl mh [^ iZkm
Z ..&r^Zk he] ;kblmhe -). LZehhg mh phkd
B lihd^ mh bg ma^ bg]nlmkr lZb] ma^rÍk^ +)
h_ ma^bk Zii^Ze' FZgr fh]^el ehhd ieZbg%
^o^kr ]Zr' Kb\aZk] ;kZglhg hpgl Z ;kblmhe%
mh ,) i^k \^gm ]hpg%Ë Lbeo^kmhg lZb]' ÊHnk
_knfir Zg] ^o^g he]&_Zlabhg^]% [nm \eb^gml
Zg] lh ]b] Dbg` Anll^bg h_ Chk]Zg' Mnkiebg
lZe^l Zk^ ni +. i^k \^gm lbg\^ ma^ [^`bggbg`
Zk^ ZmmkZ\m^] [r ma^ ng]^klmZm^] ]^lb`g% ma^
=bqhg% Z kZbepZr ^g`bg^^k bg Ehg]hg% pZl
h_ +))1'Ë
\kZ_mlfZglabi Zg] ma^ Zmm^gmbhg mh ]^mZbe
Z[e^ mh [nr Z *.&r^Zk&he] ;kblmhe /), _khf Portfolio
ma^ ikh\^^]l h_ l^eebg` Zghma^k ;kblmhe a^
\hfiZgr ikhli^k^] makhn`a ma^ ^\hghfb\
;kbmbla _eZ`l Zg] *2/)l _nkgbmnk^ Zl pa^g
aZ] bga^kbm^] _khf abl ng\e^'
]hpgmnkg' ÊFZgr h_ ma^ i^hie^ pah [nr
bm hi^g^] .) r^Zkl Z`h' Ma^k^ Zk^ gh
;kblmhel Zk^ he] fhg^r% Zg] maZmÍl ghm k^Zeer
\hfinm^kl' K^\hk]l h_ ^o^kr \nlmhf^k Zk^
ik^mmr n`er \Zkl%Ë lZb] =bqhg% .1' Ê;nm ghp
[^^g Z__^\m^]%Ë G^pmhg lZb]' Lbeo^kmhg lZrl
d^im bg Z _bebg` \Z[bg^m bg ma^ [Zl^f^gm'
B ebd^ ma^f _hk [^bg` lh ngbjn^% li^\bZe Zg]
ma^ lm^Z]r ]^fZg] _hk ;kblmhe \Zkl ]nkbg`
:g] ma^k^ bl ebmme^ mnkgho^k Zfhg`
hg^ h_ Z dbg]'Ë
ma^ k^\^llbhg mhhd abf [r lnkikbl^' Ma^
^fiehr^^l' Lr] Eho^lr% pah kngl ma^
hk]^k [Z\deh` ^qm^g]^] [r mak^^ fhgmal%
_Z\mhkr bg ;kblmhe% pbee [^ 2* bg Gho^f[^k'
ÊPa^g B pZl *, B nl^] mh mabgd ma^r p^k^
ÊI^hie^ eZlm _hk^o^k a^k^%Ë Lbeo^kmhg
I:NE G>PMHG% Zg ZgZerlm Zm BAL
mh Zl ehg` Zl *1 fhgmal' A^ Zmmkb[nm^l
@eh[Ze Bglb`am bg Ehg]hg% lZb]% Ê;kblmhe
ma^ \hfiZgrÍl [nhrZg\r mh Z gnf[^k h_
chd^]' ÊMa^rÍk^ [nbem ma^ lZf^ pZr Zl ma^
bl Z [bm h_ Zg ZghfZer bg ma^ bg]nlmkr
_Z\mhkl% bg\en]bg` ehp hi^kZmbg` \hlml'
\Zkl ma^r fZd^'Ë Hg^ fblmZd^ h_ eZk`^k
[^\Znl^ h_ ma^ \ZklÍ ^qmk^f^er jnbkdr
Bml lhe^ Ehg]hg lahpkhhf lmbee aZl ma^
fZgn_Z\mnk^kl% Lbeo^kmhg lZb]% pZl mh lmZ__
gZmnk^'Ë MaZm fZr [^ par% a^ lZb]% ma^
lZf^ phh]&iZg^ee^] h__b\^l% lng&[e^Z\a^]
ni mh f^^m kblbg` ]^fZg] [Z\d pa^g ma^
November 2010
Sir George White IV, whose grandfather founded the British luxury carmaker Bristol, sits in a Bristol 404 at the 64th birthday celebration show in Bristol, England.
Visitors look at cars on display at the 64th birthday celebration show.
Bristol, one of the world’s last independent car makers, builds hand-assembled cars in England, and despite the global downturn its sales are up.
Lbeo^kmhg Z\jnbk^] .) i^k \^gm h_
\Zkl' Ê@^g^kZeer% i^hie^ pZgm mh [nr
pbma [ehZm^] ho^ka^Z] pa^g ma^ ]hpgmnkg
;kblmhe bg *220% [nrbg` ma^ hma^k aZe_
nl _hk ik^lmb`^ Zg] ma^g fZd^ lhf^
\Zf^' ÊP^ pbee hger ^o^k fZd^ Zl fZgr
_hnk r^Zkl eZm^k' Ma^ \hfiZgr bl lmbee
hma^k \Zkl%Ë Lbeo^kmhg lZb]' ÊBÍf ghm
\Zkl Zl p^ \Zg l^ee bg Z [Z] r^Zk%Ë a^ lZb]'
ikhn] h_ bml ZbkieZg^ ^g`bg^^kbg` khhml%
bgm^k^lm^] bg maZm'Ë Pabe^ ;kblmhe fZr
;kblmhe% gZf^] Z_m^k ma^ ;kbmbla mhpg pa^k^
Zl ^ob]^gm bg ma^ fh]^e ebg^ gZf^] Z_m^k
[^ ehg` iZlm bml a^r]Zr h_ ma^ *2.)l%
ma^ \Zkl Zk^ lmbee [^bg` fZgn_Z\mnk^]%
ma^ ;^Zn_b`am^k% Zl p^ee Zl ma^ ;e^ga^bf%
pa^g bm k^i^Zm^]er phg ik^lmb`bhnl
aZl bml khhml bg ma^ ;kbmbla Zg] <hehgbZe
Z Phke] PZk BB [hf[^k' Ho^k ma^ r^Zkl%
kZ\bg` \hfi^mbmbhgl% Lbeo^kmhg lZrl a^ bl
:^khieZg^ <hfiZgr% _hng]^] bg *2*)' ;r
Lbeo^kmhg lZrl ;kblmhe aZl k^c^\m^] mZd^ho^k
\hg_b]^gm maZm ]^fZg] _hk ;kblmhe \Zkl
ma^ ^g] h_ Phke] PZk BB% ]nkbg` pab\a bml
h__^kl% ^o^g Zl hma^k ;kbmbla enqnkr [kZg]l
pbee k^fZbg lm^Z]r' Lbmmbg` Zm abl ]^ld bg
fZbg Zbk\kZ_m pZl ma^ ;^Zn_b`am^k nl^]
ebd^ ;^gme^r% :lmhg FZkmbg% Kheel&Khr\^
_khgm h_ Z iahmh`kZia lahpbg` ;kblmheÍl
[r ma^ KhrZe :bk ?hk\^% ma^ \hfiZgr aZ]
Zg] CZ`nZk p^k^ lpZeehp^] [r _hk^b`g
mkbie^ pbg bg bml \eZll Zm ma^ E^ FZgl
-)%))) ^fiehr^^l'
fnembgZmbhgZel' ;nm h__^kl \hgmbgn^ mh
kZ\bg` \hfi^mbmbhg bg *2..% a^ lZb]%
mkb\de^ bg% Lbeo^kmhg lZrl% ikhfimbg` ma^
ÊMa^ hger mabg` B pZgm bg +) r^Zkl mbf^
mh ]bo^klb_r% Zg] ma^ ;kblmhe \Zk \hfiZgr
lmZ__ mh chd^ maZm ma^k^ Zk^ fhk^ i^hie^
bl _hk ma^ \hfiZgr mh [^ Zm e^Zlm bg ma^
pZl _hkf^] bg *2-/'
Zldbg` mh [nr ma^ \hfiZgr maZg bml
lZf^ lmkhg` a^Zema Zl bm bl ghp'Ë ■
^\hghfr pZl `khpbg`% hger mh [^ \Zn`am
Ma^ ^g] h_ ma^ pZk _hk\^] ma^ \hfiZgr
A Healthy Lead Attitudes towards healthcare and environmental issues are shifting and Louis Hakim, chairman of Philips Middle East, wants to make sure he is leading this wave of change, reports Ruth Clegg. Portfolio
>;:G>L> >Q><NMBO>%
[^eb^_ bg lbfieb\bmr Zg] abl lmkZb`am&mZedbg`
Ehnbl AZdbf% bl ]^m^kfbg^]
fZgg^k% AZdbf aZl ^Zkg^] abl ihlbmbhg
a^ p^gm hg mh ma^ :f^kb\Zg Ngbo^klbmr bg
mh l^^ \aZg`^l bg ahp p^
Zfhg` abl i^^kl bgm^kgZeer pbmabg Iabebil
=n[Zb Zg] Z\ab^o^] Zg F;: bg +)))' Ahp
ZiikhZ\a ma^ a^Zema Zg] p^ee&
Zg] ^qm^kgZeer bg ma^ _b^e]'
\Zg lhf^hg^ k^eZmbo^er _k^la hnm h_ lmn]^gm&
[^bg` \aZee^g`^l bg ma^ Fb]]e^ >Zlm' :g] fZd^ gh fblmZd^% ma^l^ \aZee^g`^l
KhrZe Iabebil >e^\mkhgb\l _bg]l bml^e_ _bkfer bg ?hkmng^Íl @eh[Ze .)) Zg]
@kZ]nZmbg` pbma Z ;L\ bg fZkd^mbg`%
ahh] \hf^ mh ln\\^^] lh jnb\der bg ma^ m^fi^lmnhnl phke] h_ [b` [nlbg^ll ieZr^kl8
Zk^ _hkfb]Z[e^' Fbgblmkr h_ A^Zema
hg^ h_ ma^ _^p `eh[Ze \hfiZgb^l pah
lmZmblmb\l lahp maZm ]bZ[^m^l&k^eZm^] a^Zkm
k^fZbg^] bg `hh] laZi^ makhn`ahnm ma^
hg^ mkZbm maZm l^^fl mh aZo^ \ZmZinem^]
ikh[e^fl Z\\hngm _hk ,*'/ i^k \^gm h_
^\hghfb\ mnkfhbe% [hma eh\Zeer Zl p^ee Zl
abf bgmh abl \nkk^gm khe^% lbg\^ chbgbg`
]^Zmal bg ma^ Ngbm^] :kZ[ >fbkZm^l !N:>"
`eh[Zeer' AZdbf Z\dghpe^]`^l maZm ma^
Iabebil [Z\d bg *221' Bfikhobg`
Zehg^' Ma^ lmZmblmb\l _hk ma^ k^lm h_ ma^ @<<
lmk^g`ma h_ Iabebil eb^l bg bml bgghoZmbhgl
a^Zema\Zk^ Z\khll ma^ Fb]]e^ >Zlm bl
Zk^ gh e^ll ^g\hnkZ`bg` Zg] ma^ gnf[^k h_
Zg] bml ]bo^klb_b^] h__^kbg`l bg ma^ Zk^Zl
hger hg^ h_ abl fZgr Zf[bmbhgl'
mk^Zmf^gml bl ^qi^\m^] mh kbl^ ]kZfZmb\Zeer
h_ a^Zema\Zk^% eb`ambg` Zg] \hglnf^k
ho^k ma^ g^qm ]^\Z]^' Ma^ a^Zema\Zk^
eb_^lmre^' Eh\Zeer% a^ bl aZiir pbma ma^ +)
lrlm^f bl lmkn``ebg` mh \hi^ pbma mh]ZrÍl
i^k \^gm r^Zk hg r^Zk
blln^l% e^m Zehg^ mahl^ h_ ma^ _nmnk^'
`khpma ma^ \hfiZgr
<ebfZm^ \aZg`^ Zg] ma^ jn^lm mh [^\hf^
aZl Z\ab^o^] bg ma^
fhk^ ^g^k`r ^__b\b^gm bl ^jnZeer ]Zngmbg`'
Fb]]e^ >Zlm lbg\^
M^\agheh`b^l ^qblm mh ]kZfZmb\Zeer k^]n\^
+))/ Zg] [^eb^o^l
^g^k`r \hglnfimbhg% iZkmb\neZker bg eb`ambg`%
maZm Iabebil bl p^ee
pab\a bl Zg bg]nlmkr Iabebil ]hfbgZm^l%
ihlbmbhg^] _hk
ahp^o^k ma^ Z]himbhg kZm^ h_ ln\a
_nkma^k `khpma'
m^\agheh`b^l bl e^ll maZg mak^^ mh _bo^ i^k
Bg ma^ a^Zema\Zk^
\^gm i^k Zggnf% pab\a mkZgleZm^l bgmh +) mh
bg]nlmkr% ma^ `khpma
,) r^Zkl [^_hk^ Z mhmZe \hgo^klbhg bl fZ]^'
ikhli^\ml Zk^
ÊMa^ lh\bh&^\hghfb\ Zg] ^gobkhgf^gmZe
^q\^imbhgZeer `hh]'
Abl bgghoZmbo^ pZr h_ mabgdbg` bl cnlm
:ghma^k ZlibkZmbhg bl mh mZ\de^ hg^ h_ ma^ fZchk ikh[e^fl maZm mak^Zm^gl ma^
“When it comes to Healthcare, Hakim realises the best and least expensive way to take on the challenges of the future is by simply changing the way people think.”
\kbl^l p^ Zk^ \nkk^gmer _Z\bg` Zk^ ebgd^]
Ma^ ab`a^lm i^k \ZibmZ
bg [hma ma^bk \Znl^l% Zg] fhk^
li^g] bg ma^ Fb]]e^ >Zlm bl
bfihkmZgmer% bg ma^ ihm^gmbZe \nk^l%Ë lZrl
\nkk^gmer bg JZmZk% Zm Z[hnm
AZdbf' ÊP^ Zk^ mkrbg` mh ]h hnk iZkm mh
2)) i^k i^klhg \hfiZk^]
_bg] lhenmbhgl maZm Zk^ ^Zlr mh Z]him% [nbem
mh Zg Zo^kZ`^ h_ -%.)) bg ma^
Zkhng] nl^k k^jnbk^f^gml% Zg] maZm \Zg
NL Zg] >nkhi^ È ma^k^ bl Z an`^ `Zi
phke] mh]Zr È ^gobkhgf^gmZe \kblbl' :m Z
aZo^ Zg bff^]bZm^ bfiZ\m hg i^hie^Íl
mh _bee mh ^glnk^ ma^ a^Zema\Zk^ ]^ebo^kr
k^\^gm @ne_ >gobkhgf^gm ?hknf% a^ lZb]3
a^Zema Zg] p^ee&[^bg`Ë'
lrlm^f d^^il iZ\^ pbma ma^ ^\hghfb\
ÊMa^ bgm^k\hgg^\m^] `eh[Ze ^\hghfb\
Pa^g bm \hf^l mh A^Zema\Zk^% AZdbf
`khpma ikhc^\m^] _hk ma^ \hfbg` ]^\Z]^'
Zg] ^g^k`r Zg] \ebfZm^ \kbl^l Zk^ k^eZm^]
k^Zebl^l ma^ [^lm Zg] e^Zlm ^qi^glbo^ pZr mh
<hgl^jn^gmer% ikhc^\m^] fZkd^m `khpma
bg ma^bk ng]^kerbg` \Znl^l Zg]% fhk^
mZd^ hg ma^ \aZee^g`^l h_ ma^ _nmnk^ bl [r
_hk ma^ a^Zema\Zk^ bg]nlmkr Zk^ _khf *+
bfihkmZgmer% bg ma^bk lhenmbhgl'Ë
lbfier \aZg`bg` ma^ pZr i^hie^ mabgd'
[beebhg bg +))/ mh _bo^ mbf^l maZm lbs^
ÊP^ pZgm mh [hma ^]n\Zm^ Zg] ikhfhm^
Zm /) [beebhg [r +)+.' E^] [r AZdbf%
A^ Zelh lmk^ll^] maZm in[eb\ ikboZm^ iZkmg^klabi !III" bl obmZe'
ma^ \hg\^im h_ Ìik^o^gmbhg [^_hk^ \nk^Í%
Iabebil A^Zema\Zk^% Z k^`bhgZe e^Z]^k
ÊP^ li^\b_b\Zeer g^^] mph mri^l h_
pab\a bl hg^ h_ ma^ d^rl mh aZobg` Z fhk^
bg ]bZ`ghlmb\ bfZ`bg` Zg] a^Zema\Zk^
III _hk ]^o^ehif^gm È hg^ k^eZmbg` mh
a^Zemar lh\b^mr%Ë a^ lZb] Zm Z k^\^gm eZng\a
bg_hkfZmb\l m^\agheh`r% bl p^ee ihlbmbhg^]
\hffngb\Zmbhg Zg] ZpZk^g^ll [nbe]bg`
h_ hg^ h_ ma^ Iabebil a^Zema \a^\d [hhmal'
mh mZd^ Z]oZgmZ`^ h_ mabl `khpma'
Zg] ma^ l^\hg] bl mh Z\\^e^kZm^ ma^
ÊKZblbg` ZpZk^g^ll Zfhg`lm ma^ `^g^kZe
;hkg bg E^[Zghg bg *2/1% AZdbf
bfie^f^gmZmbhg h_ ^qblmbg` m^\agheh`b^l
in[eb\ bl ma^ _bklm ]^_^g\^ Z`Zbglm ma^
^q\^ee^] Zm l\ahhe Zg] fZgZ`^] mh ^Zkg
maZm pbee ^gZ[e^ nl mh k^Zi ma^ ^\hghfb\
lik^Z] h_ \akhgb\% \nkZ[e^ ]bl^Zl^l'Ë
Z ieZ\^ bg ma^ ^lm^^f^] E^[Zg^l^
[^g^_bml ma^r aZo^ mh h__^k%Ë a^ ^qieZbg^]'
:l ma^ \aZbkfZg h_ Iabebil Fb]]e^ >Zlm
:f^kb\Zg Ngbo^klbmr' Ma^k^ ma^ f^e^^
ÊP^ ghm hger g^^] ma^ ^\hghfb\ Zg]
Zg] ma^ ob\^ ik^lb]^gm h_ KhrZe Iabebil
h_ ]b__^k^gm \nemnk^l% [^eb^_l Zg] ho^kZee
^\heh`b\Ze [^g^_bml h_ Zg Z\mbhg ieZg%
>e^\mkhgb\l% a^ aZl Z eZk`^ lia^k^ h_
Z\\^imZg\^ a^ei^] laZi^ AZdbf bgmh ma^
[nm Zelh hp^ bm mh i^hie^ `bo^g ma^
bg_en^g\^ bg ma^ Zk^Z' P^ee&k^li^\m^] _hk abl
fZg a^ bl mh]Zr'
k^lihglb[bebmr Zg] Z\\hngmZ[bebmr maZm \hf^
November 2010
Hakim believes that Philips has an important role to play in Middle East healthcare. At exhibitions they give free health checks.
Hakim stresses that public private partnership is essential to deal with global issues such as global warming, healthcare, and economic success.
“If all the lighting in the world was switched to energy efficient lighting (EEL) solutions, then over $180 billion and a massive 630 million tonnes of CO2 could be saved.” \nmmbg`&^]`^ f^]b\Ze ^jnbif^gm Zm Z k^\^gm f^]b\Ze _hknf bg ma^ N:>% a^ `^ml o^kr ^gmanlbZlmb\ Z[hnm paZm ma^ \hf[bgZmbhg h_ mph m^\agheh`b^l \Zg ]^ebo^k' :l Z \hfiZgr% Iabebil pZgml mh fZd^ mk^Zmf^gm Z\\^llb[e^ Zg] lmk^ll&_k^^ _hk Zee' AZdbf ihbgml mh Z lfZee ^e^\mkhgb\ iZ]% [r
pbma ma^ in[eb\ Zg] ikboZm^ e^Z]^klabi ihlbmbhgl p^ Zee h\\nir'Ë
lmZkmbg` pbma fh]^kg eb`ambg` lhenmbhgl' ÊB_ Zee ma^ eb`ambg` bg ma^ phke] pZl
lbfier ik^llbg` `^gmer hg ma^ l\k^^g% ma^ ^gmbk^ fhh] h_ ma^ khhf \aZg`^l'
lpbm\a^] mh ^g^k`r ^__b\b^gm eb`ambg` !>>E"
ÊBmÍl \Zee^] Ì:f[b^gm >qi^kb^g\^ÍË a^
IABEBIL A:L Z lmkhg` bg_en^g\^ bg ma^
lhenmbhgl% ma^g ho^k *1) [beebhg Zg] Z
^qieZbgl% ÊBmÍl Z[hnm ^fihp^kbg` iZmb^gml%
eb`ambg` fZkd^m È Z m^\agheh`r fZgr h_
bg mabl ^qZfie^% bg Zg FKB ^qZfbgZmbhg
nl mZd^ _hk `kZgm^] È Zl \bmb^l Z\khll ma^
fZllbo^ /,) fbeebhg mhgg^l h_ <H+ \hne] [^ lZo^] È ma^ ^jnboZe^gm hnminm h_ /))
phke] eb`am ni ma^ ldr ^o^kr gb`am' Ma^l^
ihp^k ieZgml hk *%1)) fbeebhg [Zkk^el h_
a^Zor' FZgr `h bg ma^k^ _^^ebg` g^`Zmbo^%
mpbgdebg` eb`aml% pab\a Zk^ ^ll^gmbZe _hk
hbe bg Z r^Zk%Ë a^ ^qieZbg^]'
ma^rÍk^ g^kohnl maZm ma^ l\Zg pbee _bg]
^o^krmabg` p^ ]h% Zelh nl^ Z ehm h_ ^g^k`r'
Eb`ambg` mh AZdbf bl ghm cnlm _ng\mbhgZe4
khhf% pa^k^ ma^ fZ\abg^kr bl ehn] Zg]
lhf^mabg` pkhg` È bg _Z\m fZgr Zk^ lh
AZdbf bl \e^Zker ZpZk^ h_ mabl Zg] bl
a^ [^eb^o^l bm \Zg \aZg`^ i^hie^Íl
l\Zk^]% ^li^\bZeer \abe]k^g% maZm ma^r
phkdbg` aZk] mh ikhfhm^ ^g^k`r ^__b\b^g\r%
i^k\^imbhgl' Lnkkhng]^] [r ma^ fhlm
aZo^ mh [^ l^]Zm^] [^_hk^ [^bg` m^lm^]' Portfolio
?^]^kZmbhg h_ :]o^kmbl^kl' AZdbf bl Zelh Z [hZk] f^f[^k bg ma^ Rhng` :kZ[ E^Z]^kl !R:E"' Ma^ [nlbg^llfZg lZrl a^ pZgml mh Êikhfhm^ e^Z]^klabi Zg] ^gmk^ik^g^nklabi Z\khll ma^ :kZ[ phke]Ë' A^ [^eb^o^l ma^ hger pZr _hk ma^ Fb]]e^ >Zlm mh \hgmbgn^ bml ikhfbg^gm khe^ hg ma^ `eh[Ze lmZ`^ bl [r laZibg` [kb`am Zg] ^gmanlbZlmb\ g^p e^Z]^kl' <hff^gmbg` hg IabebilÍ BgghoZmbhg Ikh`kZff^ pab\a pZl Zgghng\^] bg +))2% a^ lZb] ÊMa^k^ bl mk^f^g]hnl ngmZii^] ihm^gmbZe pbmabg Philips has combined MRI scanning with a lighting system called Ambient Experience that empowers the patient and reduces stress.
ma^ k^`bhg% Zg] B pZl bgm^k^lm^] bg _bg]bg` pZrl mh nge^Zla mabl ihm^gmbZe Zg] [^ Z[e^ mh `bo^ [Z\d mh ma^ \hffngbmr'Ë
;r Zeehpbg` ma^f mh \hgmkhe ma^bk ^gobkhgf^gm È \aZg`bg` ma^ \hehnk h_ ma^ khhf Zg] \ahhlbg` ma^bk hpg fnlb\% bm a^eil k^eZq ma^f'Ë Bm aZl phkd^] lh _Zk È mrib\Zeer bg :f[b^gm >qi^kb^g\^ ^qZfbgZmbhgl khhfl l^]Zmbhgl aZo^ ]^\k^Zl^] _khf ,) i^k \^gm mh cnlm *) i^k \^gm'
“Hakim insists green solutions are a triple win for the user, the owner and the environment.”
Ma^ G@H aZl a^ei^] fhk^ maZg *.%))) Zlibkbg` rhng`lm^kl ^f[Zkd hg e^Z]^klabi ikh`kZff^l Zg] bm bl hg mkZ\d mh eZng\a g^p o^gmnk^l \k^Zm^] [r rhng` ^gmk^ik^g^nkl bg ma^ :kZ[ phke]' Fn\a ebd^ ma^ ikh]n\ml a^ l^eel% AZdbf l^^fl mh ^ibmhfbl^ ma^ leh`Zg ÌL^gl^ Zg] Lbfieb\bmrÍ' ■
AZdbfÍl kZ]b\Ze ob^pl l^^f mh [^ fZdbg` Zg bfiZ\m È a^ bl hg^ h_ -) li^Zd^kl _khf Zkhng] ma^ phke] bgobm^] mh laZk^ abl dghpe^]`^ Zm Phke] @k^^g Mhnkblf :[n =aZ[b bg Gho^f[^k% pa^k^ a^ pbee ^fiaZlbl^ ma^ [^g^_bml h_ ^g^k`r ^__b\b^gm lhenmbhgl hg mhnkblf Zg] li^\b_b\Zeer ahlibmZebmr' AZdbf bglblml `k^^g lhenmbhgl Zk^ Z mkbie^ pbg _hk ma^ nl^k% ma^ hpg^k Zg] ma^ ^gobkhgf^gm' Phke] @k^^g Mhnkblf :[n =aZ[b bl [^bg` aZbe^] Zl ma^ _bklm `eh[Ze ^o^gm bg ma^ k^`bhg ]^]b\Zm^] mh lnlmZbgZ[e^ mhnkblf' AZdbfÍl bgm^k^lml l^^f mh [^ Zl ]bo^kl^ Zg] kb\a Zl ma^ \hngmkr h_ abl [bkma' :l p^ee Zl abl Zf[bmbhgl mh bfikho^ a^Zema\Zk^% k^]n\^ \Zk[hg \hglnfimbhg Zg] lZbe Z lm^Z]r labi makhn`a ma^ ^\hghfb\ \kblbl% a^ bl ma^ <aZbkfZg h_ ma^ :]o^kmbl^kl ;nlbg^ll @khni Z]oh\Zmbg` mkZgliZk^g\r bg \nkk^gm Z]o^kmblbg` ikZ\mb\^l Zg] Zg >q^\nmbo^ <hffbmm^^ f^f[^k h_ ma^ Phe]
Her Royal Highness Princess Haya visited Hakim and other executives at the Philips stand. Portfolio
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HIGH AMBITIONS Most travel websites offer enough information to leisure travellers to make their trip a good one. But business travellers often have different needs. So some are now tapping into alumni and expatriate associations to make personal connections based on shared language, culture and experiences, reports Michael T. Luongo.
November 2010
:MAR FHHK>% -2%
: f^f[^k h_ ma^ [nlbg^ll `khni
pbma <ZgZ]bZg ^qiZmkbZm^l% Zg] a^ f^m
Z \hglnemZgm _khf
>gmk^ik^g^nklÍ Hk`ZgbsZmbhg% la^ Zld^]
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KnllbZgl% `Zma^k^] mh`^ma^k mh ibm\a
\k^Zm^l p^[&[Zl^]
ho^kl^Zl f^f[^kl hg Êahm^el maZm Zk^ ghm
mh eh\Ze bgo^lmhkl'Ë A^ ]^l\kb[^] abl
mkZbgbg` ikh`kZfl _hk
mhnkblmr Zg] pbee _ne_be fr g^^]l'Ë Ma^
oblbm Zl ÊZg Zp^lhf^ ln\\^ll%Ë e^Z]bg`
\hfiZgb^l' La^ lZb] la^ pZl Êma^ dbg]
k^\hff^g]Zmbhgl% la^ lZb]% Êe^] ghm hger mh
mh Z \hgmkZ\m pbma ma^ p^[ Ziieb\Zmbhg
h_ i^klhg pah \Zg phkd Zgrpa^k^ bg ma^
lhf^mabg` fhk^ Z__hk]Z[e^ Zg] `Zo^ f^ Zee
\hfiZgr :iihqr Zg] ma^ hi^gbg` h_ Z
phke]%Ë ikhob]^] la^ aZ] Z lmkhg` bgm^kg^m
ma^ Zf^gbmb^l B g^^]^]% [nm inm f^ bg ma^
Lbeb\hg OZee^r h__b\^'
ebgd mh li^Zd pbma \eb^gml [r Ldri^'
\^gmk^ h_ mabg`l% Zg] B fZ]^ g^p \hgmZ\ml'Ë
ÊB nl^ ^qiZm lbm^l mh _bg] hnm Z[hnm
>qiZmkbZm^ `khnil Zelh phkd _hk mkZo^ee^kl
K^n[^g F^m\Ze_^% Z +,&r^Zk&he] G^p S^ZeZg]^k% lmZkm^] ma^ \hfiZgr ?k^^
bgm^kg^m Z\\^ll% g^b`a[hnkahh]l mh lmZr
mh ma^ Ngbm^] LmZm^l' Mk^ohk =h^kdl^g%
Ikh\nk^f^gm eZlm r^Zk Zg] pZl abl
bg% oblZ k^jnbk^f^gml Zg] ^qiZm lh\bZe
-)% bl ma^ \ab^_ ^q^\nmbo^ h_ Fh[hOboh%
\hngmkrÍl pbgg^k _hk ma^ +)*) @eh[Ze
^o^gml%Ë la^ lZb]' :_m^k \aZmmbg` pbma
Z \hfiZgr [Zl^] bg :e[^kmZ maZm a^eil
Rhng` >gmk^ik^g^nkl h_ ma^ R^Zk
f^f[^kl h_ Rheblmh'\hf% Z p^[lbm^ _hk
[khZ]\Zlm^kl inm lahpl hg fnembie^
ZpZk]% kng [r ma^ G^mphkd _hk M^Z\abg`
^qiZmkbZm^l bg F^qb\h% la^ \ahl^ F^kb]Z
^e^\mkhgb\ ieZm_hkfl' Ehhdbg` mh ^qiZg]
>gmk^ik^g^nklabi Zg] lihglhk^] [r
ho^k @nZ]ZeZcZkZ Zl Z m^fihkZkr [Zl^ h_
bgmh ma^ Ngbm^] LmZm^l% a^ \hgmZ\m^] <*))%
@he]fZg LZ\al' Bg CZgnZkr% a^ oblbm^]
hi^kZmbhgl bg EZmbg :f^kb\Z _hk eZm^ _Zee'
Z <ZgZ]bZg ^qiZmkbZm^ `khni bg Lbeb\hg
G^p Rhkd mh k^\^bo^ ma^ ikbs^% Zg] a^
La^ aZ] kne^] hnm ;hebobZ Z_m^k \aZmmbg`
OZee^r _hkf^] pbma \hhi^kZmbhg _khf ma^
lZrl a^ mahn`am% ÊAhp ]h B e^o^kZ`^ mabl
pbma Zg ^qiZmkbZm^ bg Nkn`nZr la^ f^m
<ZgZ]bZg \hglneZm^ bg IZeh :emh% <Zeb_hkgbZ'
hiihkmngbmr ma^ Z[lhenm^ fhlm8Ë
makhn`a ma^ lbm^ Lh\b^]Z] Lhnmakhg'
A^ lZb] ma^ `khniÍl f^gmhk g^mphkd ebgd^]
ÊAhm^e k^ob^pl bg Mkbi:]oblhk Zg] lbfbeZk
Ê<ZgZ]bZgl phkdbg` bg ma^ oZee^r pah
<hff^k\^ bg G^p S^ZeZg] Zg] abl hpg
mhnkblf lbm^l Zk^ hger leb`amer a^ei_ne%Ë la^
\hne] a^ei <ZgZ]bZg ^gmk^ik^g^nkl pah
\hngmkrÍl mkZ]^ h__b\^' Ma^r inm abf bg
lZb]% Ê[^\Znl^ fhlm k^ob^p^kl ]hgÍm aZo^
pZgm^] mh phkd bg ma^ oZee^r Zg] [nbe]
mhn\a pbma @^h__ :g]k^pl% Ghkma :f^kb\Z
ma^ h[l^llbhg pbma \hgg^\mbobmr maZm B ]h'
lmkZm^`b\ k^eZmbhglabil'Ë
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>qiZm lbm^l m^ee f^ fhk^'Ë :fZg]Z O^`Z% ,.% pah kngl ma^
Ma^ `khniÍl ^o^gml Zeehp^] abf% a^ lZb]% mh ]bl\nll hi^kZmbhgZe \aZee^g`^l
A^ \hgmZ\m^] ma^ :f^kb\Zg <aZf[^k h_
^qiZmkbZm^ ZeebZg\^' :g]k^pl% /.% pah bl [Zl^] bg G^p Rhkd% lZb] G^p S^ZeZg] aZ]
lh\bZe f^]bZ Zg] in[eb\ k^eZmbhgl _bkf :fZg]Z O^`Z <hglnembg`% lZb] Z]ob\^ _khf ^qiZmkbZm^l a^ei^] a^k ^qiZg] a^k Ê\hf_hkm shg^Ë kZma^k maZg ÊmZd^ ma^ lZ_^ [^m Zg] lmZr Zm Z ?hnk L^Zlhgl hk Z Kbms'Ë
“The recommendations, led not only to something more affordable and gave me all the amenities I needed, but put me in the centre of things, and I made new contacts.”
Trevor Doerksen, chief of MoboVivo, left, and Ron Piovesan, a mentor with a Canadian expatriate group, in Sunnyvale, California. Rather than relying on travel websites, business travellers are making personal connections based on shared language, culture and experiences. Portfolio
Z ngbjn^er ab`a ^qiZmkbZm^ ihineZmbhg%
a^ei_ne%Ë a^ lZb]% Êmh li^Zd pbma i^hie^
\Zl^l' Ihghl% -+% bl Z ob\^ ik^lb]^gm
pbma 0.)%))) \bmbs^gl ebobg` Z[khZ] hnm h_
pah Zk^ _khf pa^k^ rhn Zk^ _khf% Zg]
h_ <ZkZgZ% Zg ^\hghfb\ ]^o^ehif^gm
Z ihineZmbhg h_ ho^k - fbeebhg' F^m\Ze_^
e^Zkg _khf ma^bk fblmZd^l'Ë
\hkihkZmbhg% Zg] bl [Zl^] bg C^knlZe^f'
lZb] maZm Ê@^h__ ]b]gÍm dghp f^ _khf
:enfgb g^mphkdl \Zg ikhob]^ Z lbfbeZk
A^ aZl oblbm^] fhk^ maZg +) \hngmkb^l
:]Zf% [nm a^ pZl k^Zeer a^ei_ne'Ë A^ lZb]
mh^ahe]% [nm ma^r l^^f ng]^knl^]% ^o^g
hg [nlbg^ll bg k^\^gm r^Zkl% Zg] a^ lZb]
maZm a^ f^m pbma G^p S^ZeZg]^kl phkdbg`
Zfhg` fZchk [nlbg^ll l\ahhel' Lm^iaZgb^
abl l\ahhe ZmmkZ\m^] Êi^hie^ pah pZgm^]
_hk fZchk \hkihkZmbhgl bg G^p Rhkd' ÊBmÍl
LaZp% ma^ ^q^\nmbo^ Z]fbgblmkZmbo^
bgm^kgZmbhgZe \Zk^^kl'Ë Ma^r Zk^ k^jnbk^]
fZgZ`^k _hk ma^
mh aZo^ ebo^] ho^kl^Zl [^_hk^ Ziierbg`' A^
PaZkmhg ;nlbg^ll
lZb] maZm pa^g a^ mkZo^ee^] a^ ehhd^] Zm
L\ahhe <en[ h_ G^p
ma^ l\ahheÍl Zenfgb p^[lbm^ mh Êl^^ pah
Many websites, LinkedIn being a popular example, are used as networking tools to find and use contacts.
“Alumni networks can provide a similar toehold, but they seem underused, even among major business schools.”
Rhkd% lZb] la^ aZ]
pZl [hkg ma^k^ hk pah aZl phkd^] ma^k^%
g^o^k l^^g Zgr [nlbg^ll
Zg] ]n^ mh ma^ gZmnk^ h_ ma^ l\ahhe% B
mkbi Z]ob\^ hg ma^
ZepZrl _bg] lhf^hg^'Ë
Zenfgb p^[ [hZk]l' LbfbeZk k^lihgl^l \Zf^
:e^q ?h`^e% .-% [Zl^] bg :meZgmZ% lZb] bm pZl abl ab`a l\ahhe% P^lm^kg Ab`a
_khf `khnil Zm M^fie^ Ngbo^klbmr Zg]
L\ahhe% bg :gZa^bf% <Zeb_hkgbZ% pa^k^ a^
ma^ Ngbo^klbmr h_ <Zeb_hkgbZ% Ehl :g`^e^l'
bl Zenfgb Zllh\bZmbhg ik^lb]^gm% maZm aZ]
FZk`Zk^m C' Rhng`% .-% \ab^_ ^q^\nmbo^ h_
[^^g fhlm a^ei_ne hg abl mkZo^el' A^ lZb]
ma^ fZkd^mbg` _bkf Fbee LjnZk^ @khni Zg]
a^ hg\^ p^gm mh Z Êebmme^ mhpg B ]b] ghm
Z AZkoZk] ;nlbg^ll L\ahhe ZenfgZ^% lZb]
k^\h`gbl^%Ë g^Zk L^Zmme^' Nlbg` ?Z\^[hhd
maZm Zm fhlm ngbo^klbmb^l% Êma^ _kZm^kgbmr
Zg] Ebgd^]Bg% a^ lZb] a^ _hng] Z eh\Ze
Zg] lhkhkbmr `khnil lmZr bg mhn\a [^mm^k
ZenfgZ^ Zg] Zld^] a^k _hk Z]ob\^ Êhg
maZg ma^ `^g^kZe Zenfgb `khnil Zg] k^er
ieZ\^l mh lmZr Zg] ma^ `^h`kZiar Zg] la^
hg ^Z\a hma^k _hk Z]ob\^'Ë A^k \hfiZgr bl
Z]obl^] mh mkZo^e Z ]b__^k^gm pZr% mh Zohb]
]^o^ehibg` p^[&[Zl^] ieZm_hkfl _hk \hee^`^
l\ahhe [nl mkZ__b\'Ë Ma^ mph Zelh f^m _hk
`khnil mh bfikho^ [nlbg^ll g^mphkdbg`%
]bgg^k Zg] \Zn`am ni'
fhlm h_ pab\a la^ lZb] pZl nlnZeer ghp Êhg^&hg&hg^ Zg] bg_hkfZe'Ë
=h^kdl^g% ma^ Fh[hOboh \ab^_ ^q^\nmbo^% lZb] fhk^ i^hie^ lahne] \hglb]^k k^Z\abg` hnm mh Zenfgb Zg]
November 2010
;NM MA>K> Zk^ ^q\^imbhgl' KhfZg L'
^qiZmkbZm^ `khnil' ÊBm bl _ZgmZlmb\
Ihghl% pah k^\^bo^] Z fZlm^kÍl ]^`k^^
g^mphkdbg`%Ë a^ lZb]% Z]]bg`% ÊBm \hlml
_khf ma^ Mang]^k[bk] L\ahhe h_ @eh[Ze
rhn ghmabg`% Zg] ma^ k^eZmbhglabil Zg]
FZgZ`^f^gm bg @e^g]Ze^% :kbshgZ% lZb] a^
hiihkmngbmb^l Zk^ [^mm^k maZg paZm
aZ] k^eb^] hg Zenfgb Z]ob\^ bg gnf^khnl
rhn iZr _hk'Ë ■
SME ADVICE Consider it done
elcome to our latest advice column for small and medium sized businesses, brought to you by Steve Williams, CEO at Gulf Finance. Throughout his columns, Steve talks about the challenges faced by many SMEs and shares his thoughts and advice on how to deal with these challenges and come out stronger on the other side. Gulf Finance is an ambitious, progressive finance company operating in the commercial and consumer markets. Gulf Finance offers a variety of straightforward lending and deposit based products and believe in providing their clients with exceptional execution service delivered through a team of highly experienced, deeply motivated financial professionals.
f all of your suppliers gave you 30 days to pay, would you use every single one of those days, essentially using up all of the time allotted to make your payment? How about 60 days? 90? You can be absolutely certain that the vast majority of your debtors would. Unfortunately, this liberty can have a detrimental impact on your cash flow. Worst case scenario, your business could get into a situation where the time between paying your creditors and being paid by your debtors simply does not tally meaning that your ability to trade is dramatically impeded. Dealing with cash flow is a major factor for any business, large or small, and by taking control of it you will not only avoid putting your business in a very precarious situation but you will empower your business’ ability to trade efficiently and effectively by making sure time and money are both on your side. Many businesses cower at the mention of cash flow; however quite on the contrary, controlling your cash flow can be more manageable than you may think. As you would expect, it involves a combination of discipline, endeavour and resilience to make sure every aspect is delivered and controlled consistently. Managing this task can begin with the age-old art of conversation. Simply talking to your customers and suppliers, with the appropriate levels of friendliness or force, to explain that their time to pay has arrived, or that you yourself require a larger credit account limit or more time to pay will prove invaluable to any business. This basic level of communication with debtors and creditors will improve a business’ cash flow almost instantly. In those cases where this approach is not an option, or when every approach of this nature has been explored, Invoice Financing provides an attractive and immediate resolution to your cash flow problems by freeing up capital from your debtors that would typically be unavailable to you. By working with Invoice Financing specialists, like our experts at Gulf
CEO, Gulf Finance Finance, you are given the option to borrow money against your outstanding invoices. This approach to improving cash flow is a very real and reliable option that allows businesses to enhance their liquidity. At Gulf Finance, we have seen a tremendous shift in the demand for Invoice Financing. One of our more recent clients, a facilities management company, came to us seeking a working capital solution when his clients began to request more time to pay. By implementing an effective Invoice Finance facility, this company has been able to ensure they have remained supplied with the tools they need to enable them to service their clients with continuity – a picture that could have been painted entirely differently if the client had not acted as he did to correct his cash flow problems, before they snowballed out of control. When it comes to managing your business’ cash flow issues, time is of the essence; it is fundamental that you have a suitable contingency plan in place ready to combat any potential cash flow problems that will inevitably arise in the future. If your business is one of the many that are experiencing cash flow problems then you need to act immediately and give your business the best chance possible to trade efficiently. If you are one of the lucky few businesses that do not have these issues then it is equally as vital that you consider what the future may hold. Make sure you are prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves and have strong control over your cash flow to ensure you avoid the potential threats. Look at prioritising your payments and be sure to have a suitable credit control system in place to guarantee your debtors pay on time. If your customers aren’t paying on time then stricter terms may be needed and if you think your suppliers could offer you a better deal then why not ask them for one? Taking control of both your debtors and your creditors, is a proven way of staying in control of your cash, so that your cash isn’t in control of you.
www.gulf-finance.ae | +971 4 405 0000 | info@gulf-finance.ae
CEO, Gulf Finance
Steve joined Gulf Finance in 2008 with a mandate to transform the 10-year-old firm into a boutique finance company focused on small and medium sized enterprises.
With more than two decades’ of leadership and hands-on experience in business banking, branch banking, customer segmentation, product development and customer treatment strategies, Steve knows his industry and his clients. Active in the Dubai based British Business Group, Steve is a former Director of Business Development for the association. He also is a Director for a Dubaibased venture capital firm and recently studied finance and accounting at the Executive Education department of the Stanford Graduate School of Business in California.
Consider it done.
Essentials Spas
Germanyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hidden Jewels Burg has turned into a spa attraction thanks to the underground hot spring that has high levels of salts and minerals.
November 2010
Underneath the beautiful Spreewald in eastern Germany lies a hot spring with salt and minerals levels that rival the Dead Sea. This treasure has transformed the small town of Burg into a word of mouth spa getaway, reports Kimberley Bradley.
The Spree Forest is famous for its meandering waterways that are part of a UNESCO biosphere reserve. A tranquil boat ride is just one of the soothing things on offer in the small town of Burg.
likbg` ]bl\ho^k^] fhk^ maZg Z ]^\Z]^ Z`h
_heehpl fhlm h_ ma^ pZr _hk mahl^ oblbmhkl
lhnma^Zlm h_ ;^kebg% ma^ `^gme^ eZg]l\Zi^
lbml Z[hnm *%,.) f^mk^l [^ehp `khng]%
pah [ZeZg\^ hnm ma^bk liZ mk^Zmf^gml
h_ ;kZg]^g[nk` ng_he]l3 Z iZm\aphkd h_
pbma fbg^kZel Zg] lZeml Zm e^o^el lbfbeZk mh
pbma iarlb\Ze Z\mbobmr4 Zg] ;nk`Íl in[eb\
_hk^lml Zg] _eZq _b^e]l' Ebd^ hma^k iZkml h_
mahl^ bg ma^ =^Z] L^Z' Pa^g ma^ likbg`
aZk[hnk _hk ingml% hk dZagl% aZl ^o^g
knkZe @^kfZgr% obeeZ`^l bg mabl ^Zlm^kg lmZm^
[^\Zf^ Z\\^llb[e^ mh ma^ in[eb\ bg +)).%
[^^g ni]Zm^] Zg] [^Znmb_b^]'
ihi ni ^o^kr _^p dbehf^mk^l' ;nm a^k^%
;kZg]^g[nk` gZf^] ;nk`% Z likZpebg`
:m ma^ a^Zkm h_ ;nk`Íl k^]^o^ehif^gm Zl
]blmbg\mbo^ _eZm [hZml _ehZm bg kbo^k aZk[hnkl'
knkZe \hffngbmr h_ -%.)) bg pab\a ma^
Z liZ ]^lmbgZmbhg bl ma^ Lik^^pZe]ma^kf^%
<hngmkr khZ]l% ebg^] pbma mZee mk^^l% \nm
pZm^kl p^k^ ]bl\ho^k^]% Z ÌdnkhkmÍ% hk Z
pahl^ ihhel ]kZp _khf ma^ ahm likbg`' Bm
makhn`a \n\nf[^k _Zkfl Zg] fZkla^l'
\^kmb_b^] liZ ]^lmbgZmbhg'
hi^g^] bml ]hhkl _bo^ r^Zkl Z`h% l^Zebg`
Mabl bl ma^ Lik^^pZe] !Lik^^ ?hk^lm
Lbg\^ ma^g% ho^kgb`am lmZrl bg ;nk` aZo^
;nk`Íl ]^lb`gZmbhg Zl Z dnkhkm' Bg Z fh]^kg
bg @^kfZg"% Z k^`bhg g^Zk ma^ @^kfZg&
bg\k^Zl^] [r Z[hnm -) i^k \^gm% Z\\hk]bg`
[nbe]bg` mn\d^] bgmh ma^ _hk^lm% gbg^ ihhel
Ihebla [hk]^k pa^k^ ma^ Kbo^k Lik^^ mnkgl
mh fngb\biZe Znmahkbmb^l% Zg] ma^ mhpg
_khf *0 mh ,0 ]^`k^^l <^e\bnl \ho^k 00.
bgmh Zg bgeZg] ]^emZ% pbma dbehf^mk^l
ZmmkZ\ml fhk^ oblbmhkl maZg Zgrpa^k^ bg
ljnZk^ f^mk^l% h__^kbg` oZkrbg` ]^`k^^l
h_ laZeehp kbone^ml _ehpbg` makhn`a ma^
;kZg]^g[nk` ^q\^im Ihml]Zf' Ma^r Zk^
h_ fbg^kZe Zg] lZem \hgm^gm' @n^lml iZ]
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Zkhng] ma^ ^qm^glbo^ lZngZ shg^ bg lebii^kl
ma^ -+%.)) a^\mZk^l h_ ma^ Lik^^pZe] Z
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Zg] [Zmakh[^l [^mp^^g lZngZ l^llbhgl maZm
NG>L<H [bhlia^k^ k^l^ko^% Zllnkbg` ma^
È bg Z]]bmbhg mh ahlm^el maZm ghp lmZr hi^g
bg\en]^ ahnker lm^Zf bg_nlbhgl fZ]^ pbma
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Zee r^Zk bglm^Z] h_ hger bg ma^ pZkf^k
eh\Ze a^k[l' Mk^Zmf^gml bg\en]^ fZllZ`^l
\ZgZel maZm aZo^ ehg` fZ]^ bm Z ihineZk
fhgmal' : khZ] maZm aZl [^^g k^gZf^]
pbma gZmbo^&`khpg _eZq l^^] hbe Zg]
ZmmkZ\mbhg _hk ]hf^lmb\ mkZo^ee^kl'
ma^ Dnkhkmkhnm^ !LiZ Khnm^" pbg]l
Lik^^pZe] Ze`Z^ iZ\dl'
;nm bm mnkgl hnm maZm hg^ h_ Lik^^pZe]Íl `k^Zm^lm mk^Zlnk^l eb^l ng]^k_hhm3 : ahm
makhn`a ma^ \hffngbmr iZlm _Zkflm^Z]l Zg] hg [kb]`^l ho^k \ZgZel4 Z [bd^ iZma
Lm^_Zg DZgg^pbl\a^k% ma^ Lik^^pZe]& ma^kf^Íl Lpbms^keZg]&[Zl^] bgo^lmhk Portfolio
Essentials Spas
Guests swim in an outdoor pool at the Zur Bleiche Resort & Spa. The buildings date from 1750 when King Frederick the Great had his soldiers’ uniform shirts produced and bleached here.
Zg] hi^kZmhk% oZen^l ma^ l^mmbg` [^rhg] ma^ pZm^kl maZm abl liZ ]kZpl hg' DZgg^pbl\a^k% pahl^ _Zfber [nlbg^ll aZl hnm_bmm^] [Zmal bg ;Z]^g&;Z]^g Zg] ;Z] Dbllbg`^g% k^\Zee^] abl _bklm mbf^ a^k^' ÊB mahn`am% ÌPar Zf B `hbg` mh mabl mhpg g^Zk ma^ Ihebla [hk]^k8Í ;nm Zl lhhg Zl B Zkkbo^]% B k^Zebl^] maZm mabl ieZ\^ bl fZ`b\%Ë a^ lZb]' :m ma^ mbf^% DZgg^pbl\a^k mhhd Z \ZgZe mhnk bg Z dZag' Ê:l lhhg Zl B `hm bg% B pZl bg Zghma^k phke] _hk mph hk mak^^ ahnkl'Ë ;NK@ K>M:BGL ma^ mkZgjnbeebmr maZm
In summer the fields in the Spree Forest are covered in wildflowers. Besides tourism, the region’s main income is from agriculture.
^qblml makhn`ahnm ma^ Lik^^pZe]' Ma^
ablmhkb\Ze ]^mZbel% `nb]^ ma^ dZagl È hg\^
A^bgkb\a Fb\aZ^e <eZnlbg`% pZl Zelh mZd^g
k^`bhg% ahf^ mh Z LeZob\ ^magb\ fbghkbmr
ma^ ikbfZkr f^Zgl h_ mkZglihkmZmbhg bg ma^
pbma ;nk`Íl \aZkf pa^g la^ Zkkbo^]' ÊMa^
maZm \Zeel bml^e_ !Zg] bml eZg`nZ`^" Lhk[bZg%
Zk^Z È makhn`a laZeehp \aZgg^el m^^fbg`
Lik^^pZe] bl Z ieZ\^ pa^k^ rhn \Zg k^eZq
k^eb^l bg iZkm hg Z`kb\nemnk^ Zg] ^qihkml
pbma kbo^k eb_^' =kZ`hg_eb^l eZg] hg pZm^k
o^kr jnb\der%Ë la^ lZb]' Ê>o^kr mbf^ p^
h_ bml mkZ]^fZkd mab\d lib\r `a^kdbgl
ebeb^l% p^^ibg` pbeehpl [knla ma^ pZm^kÍl
e^Zo^ Zg] k^mnkg% p^ ghmb\^ ahp bmÍl Z
_eZohnk^] pbma fnlmZk]% ]bee hk `Zkeb\% bg
fbkkhk^] `k^^g lnk_Z\^% Zg] ^o^krmabg`
ebmme^ nmhibZ'Ë
Z]]bmbhg mh mhnkblf% pab\a _bklm [ehllhf^]
ln]]^ger [^\hf^l o^kr% o^kr lmbee'
bg ma^ eZm^ *11)l' Eh\Ze hZklf^g pah k^`Ze^ oblbmhkl pbma November 2010
<akblmbg^ <eZnlbg`% pah hpgl Snk ;e^b\a^ K^lhkm Zg] LiZ pbma a^k anl[Zg]%
Lh bl Snk ;e^b\a^' Ma^ 2)&khhf k^lhkm% pbma Z -%)))&ljnZk^&f^mk^ liZ Zg] Fb\a^ebg&lmZkk^] k^lmZnkZgm% *0_n__sb`% bl
The Spreewaldtherme is the huge central spa of Burg. It has nine pools plus saunas and offers numerous treatments.
“Outdoor and indoor pools beckon everywhere. Even in summer, a fireplace crackles invitingly in a room whose soaring ceiling reveals its origin as a barn.”
Z khhf pahl^ lhZkbg` \^bebg` k^o^Zel bml POLAND
;n]]aZl È h__^kl l^^fbg`er ^g]e^ll ghhdl mh \nke ni bg' >o^g ma^ lfZee^lm `n^lm
khhf aZl bml hpg lnbm^&ebd^ l^Zmbg` Zk^Z' Ma^ gbg^ k^lmZnkZgml h__^k Lik^^pZe]
li^\bZemb^l ebd^ Z _k^lapZm^k ibd^ _bee^m
Spree R.
mhii^] pbma Z eb`am o^kfhnma lZn\^' Ma^ k^lhkm aZl bml hpg dZag% fhhk^] [^abg] ma^ `eZll^]&bg [k^Zd_Zlm khhf hg ma^ \ZgZe
Miles 100
[^abg] ma^ ahm^e'
a^k^' !;e^b\a^ f^Zgl [e^Z\a'" Hma^k [nbe]bg`l p^k^ \hglmkn\m^] ]nkbg` ma^
Area of detail
\hffngblm ^kZ Zl aheb]Zr eh]`bg` _hk ma^ Zllh\bZmbhg maZm ho^klZp Zkhng] *. eZ[hnk ngbhgl bg ma^ @^kfZg =^fh\kZmb\ K^in[eb\' Ma^ <eZnlbg`l% pah \Zf^ bg ma^ ^Zker *22)l _khf lhnma^kg @^kfZgr% aZo^ fZgZ`^] mh mkZgl_hkf ma^ ieZ\^ bgmh Zg
PBMA K><HFF>G=:MBHGL pabli^k^] ebd^ Z l^\k^m iZllphk] Zfhg`
Bad Kissingen
aZkkb^] ;^kebg^kl !Zg]% bg\k^Zlbg`er% CZECH REP.
hine^gm r^m \ZlnZe iZkZ]bl^' Hnm]hhk Zg] bg]hhk ihhel [^\dhg ^o^krpa^k^' >o^g bg
È Zg ^gmbk^ _ehhk ]^ohm^] mh mk^Zmf^gml% Z _bee^] pbma ibeehpl% aZffZfl% [hhdl hk
?k^]^kb\d ma^ @k^Zm aZ] abl lhe]b^klÍ ngb_hkf labkml ikh]n\^] Zg] eb`am^g^]
hkb`bg Zl Z [Zkg' Ma^ ^qm^glbo^ lZngZ Zk^Z phf^gÍl liZ shg^ Zg] Z pZkk^g h_ khhfl
Z p^eeg^ll phke] ngmh bml^e_' Ma^ \hfie^q h_ [nbe]bg`l ]Zm^l _khf *0.)% pa^g Dbg`
lnff^k% Z _bk^ieZ\^ \kZ\de^l bgobmbg`er bg
=k^l]^g^kl Zg] E^bisb`^kl"% ma^ k^lhkm% pab\a hi^g^] bg *220% aZl lm^Z]ber `Zbg^] bg ihineZkbmr% ^o^g [^rhg] @^kfZgrÍl [hk]^kl' Ê?khf ma^ [^`bggbg`% p^ p^k^
`^Zk^] mhpZk] ZmmkZ\mbg` [hma @^kfZg Zg] bgm^kgZmbhgZe `n^lml%Ë <eZnlbg` lZb]'
The New York Times
N.Y. Times News Service
Essentials Spas
Women in a relaxation room at the Zur Bleiche Resort and Spa. The fireplace is always burning at Zur Bleiche. The resort also offers a Michelin-starred restaurant.
ÊGhp% bgm^k^lm bg ma^ Zk^Z cnlm d^^il `khpbg`'Ë ;nk` lmbee aZl lhf^ ZmmkZ\mbhgl mh \hf^' Bg ma^ phkdl bl Zg 1,&khhf ahm^e% l\a^]ne^] mh hi^g bg lnff^k +)*+% maZm pbee \hgg^\m obZ mngg^e mh ma^ Lik^^pZe]ma^kf^ _Z\bebmb^l' Ê:m _bklm% i^hie^ p^k^ l\^imb\Ze Z[hnm ;nk`% [nm ghp ma^r fZd^ li^\bZe mkbil a^k^ mh \hf^ mh ma^ [Zmal Zg] l^^ ma^ Zk^Z%Ë DZgg^pbl\a^k lZb]' Ma^k^ fb`am [^ fhf^gml pa^g l^kob\^ l^^fl lehp% [nm ma^g rhn k^Zebl^ maZm ma^ pahe^ ihbgm h_ oblbmbg` bl mh lehp ]hpg Zg] ^gchr ma^ eZb]&[Z\d iZ\^% _kb^g]ebg^ll Zg] gZmnkZe [^Znmr' Lmhi Zm Z _Zkf mh ib\d lhf^ lmkZp[^kkb^l% hk aZo^ Z an`^ ib\de^ lmkZb`am _khf ma^ [Zkk^e4 ebg`^k bg ma^ Lik^^pZe]ma^kf^Íl bgaZeZmbhg \aZf[^k hk `^m Z lZem l\kn[ Zm Snk ;e^b\a^Íl ]Zr liZ' ÊBg hma^k k^lhkm mhpgl% rhn fb`am aZo^ mh [^ [^Znmb_ne' ;nm rhn ]hgÍm aZo^ mh [^ Zgrmabg` a^k^%Ë <eZnlbg` lZb]' ÊRhn \Zg cnlm k^eZq' BmÍl ebd^ mZdbg` Z kb]^ bg Z dZag' Rhn ]hgÍm ^o^g aZo^ mh iZ]]e^'Ë ■
November 2010
Teaching children the value of money is an important part of parental responsibility. But for the very wealthy this is a daunting task.
Heir Conditioning An increasing number of financial companies are starting courses to teach children how to protect their inheritance. Andy Round looks at the 21st-century dilemma facing billionaires who want to keep it in the family. Portfolio
MÍL :EE O>KR P>EE :G= `hh] Z\\nfneZmbg` Z fZllbo^ _hkmng^% [nm phne] rhn mknlm rhnk
db]l mh ehhd Z_m^k bm pa^g rhnÍk^ `hg^8 Ablmhkr bl ebmm^k^] pbma ma^ i^ggbe^ll
‘Billionaire boot camps’ aim at educating the heirs of the wealthy on how to manage their inheritance wisely. Many of these courses are being offered by banks.
]^l\^g]Zgml h_ ma^ [^k p^Zemar' BmÍl Z lmhkr Zl he] Zl mbf^% [nm hg^ maZmÍl hg \hglmZgm k^i^Zm' ?Zfber fZd^l Z ibe^ h_ fhg^r maZmÍl bga^kbm^] [r h__likbg`' Ma^g bg Z `^g^kZmbhg hk mph ma^ \Zla aZl ]blZii^Zk^] bgmh [Z] [nlbg^ll ]^\blbhgl% _Zfber _^n]l% _Zlm phf^g Zg] lehp ahkl^l' :ee maZmÍl e^_m Zk^ lhf^ kb\a _Zfber e^`^g]l Zg] Z [ng\a h_ [^pbe]^k^] `k^Zm&`k^Zm `kZg]\abe]k^g phg]^kbg` pa^k^ Zee ma^ fhg^r p^gm' Mh Zohb] mabl ]blZ`k^^Z[e^ lmZm^ h_ Z__Zbkl% Ì[beebhgZbk^ [hhm \ZfilÍ Zk^ likbg`bg` ni mh a^ei ^]n\Zm^ ma^ rhng` a^bkl h_ ma^ p^Zemar Z[hnm ahp mh li^g]% Zg] fhk^ bfihkmZgmer% ahe] hg mh ma^bk bga^kbmZg\^' Pbma <k^]bm Lnbll^ ^lmbfZmbg` NL -* mkbeebhg pbee [^ iZll^] mh lhgl Zg] ]Zn`am^kl [r +).,% bmÍl ^Zlr mh ng]^klmZg] par ma^r aZo^ [^\hf^ lh ihineZk' Bg ma^ ND% <hnmml ;Zgd ^lmZ[ebla^]
“While parents want their children to focus on savings and investments, the students are normally more interested in learning about philanthropy and entrepreneurship.”
Zg Ì:ll^ml Zg] K^lihglb[bebmrÍ \hnkl^ _hk \abe]k^g Z`^] [^mp^^g *0 Zg] +,'
mh Z]]k^ll [hma blln^l%Ë lZrl \hnkl^ \k^Zmhk
ebd^er mh [^ [khd^g ]hpg bgmh fh]ne^l maZm
ÊIZllbg` ]hpg p^Zema \Zg [kbg` Z oZkb^mr
?bhgZ ?^gg Lfbma'
\ho^k li^g]bg`% [n]`^mbg`% bgo^lmbg` Zg]
h_ \aZee^g`^l mh _Zfbeb^l ghm hger _khf Z
<hnmml% Zm ma^ mbf^ h_ `hbg` mh ik^ll%
l^mmbg` ni Z [nlbg^ll' ?^gg Lfbma% pah
p^Zema fZgZ`^f^gm i^kli^\mbo^ [nm Zelh
pZl _bgZeblbg` ]^mZbel h_ ma^ g^qm l^kb^l
ghp Z\ml Zl Zg bg]^i^g]^gm \hglnemZgm mh
_khf Z i^klhgZe i^kli^\mbo^ Zg] p^ Zbf^]
h_ \hnkl^l% [nm Zl bg ik^obhnl r^Zkl bm bl
enqnkr [kZg]l% lZrl maZm ng^qi^\m^]er ma^ bgo^lmf^gm fh]ne^ È nlbg` Z lbfneZm^] laZk^ ihkm_hebh mh fZgZ`^ È nlnZeer ikho^l mh [^ ma^ fhlm ihineZk Zfhg` lmn]^gml' Ma^k^ Zk^ Zelh ]b__^k^g\^l h_ hibgbhg h_ paZm mh ]h pbma eZk`^ lnfl h_ fhg^r' Pabe^ iZk^gml pZgm ma^bk \abe]k^g mh _h\nl hg lZobg`l Zg] bgo^lmf^gml% ma^ lmn]^gml Zk^ ghkfZeer fhk^ bgm^k^lm^] bg e^Zkgbg` Z[hnm iabeZgmakhir Zg] ^gmk^ik^g^nklabi' Ik^&\hnkl^ lnko^rl [r <hnmml lahp^] maZm fhlm lmn]^gml p^k^ d^^g mh ln\\^^] bg ma^bk hpg [nlbg^ll^l cnlm Zl ma^bk iZk^gml aZ] ]hg^' Ê;nbe]bg` hg^ ln\\^ll_ne [nlbg^ll hk chbgbg` ma^ _Zfber _bkf ]h^lgÍm l^^f mh [^ ^ghn`a ma^l^ ]Zrl%Ë lZrl ?^gg Lfbma' ÊPaZm ma^l^ \abe]k^g pZgm bl mh [nbe] Z gnf[^k h_ [nlbg^ll^l mh l^ee hg Zg]
Credit Suisse estimates that $41 trillion will be passed to sons and daughters by 2053. November 2010
\k^Zm^ ma^bk hpg p^Zema'Ë
“Wealthbridge Partners in Washington offers children as young as seven the opportunity to spend a couple of days at the local zoo to learn how everything works from a business perspective.” Mh a^ei ]^o^ehi bfikho^] ]^\blbhg fZdbg` ma^ [Zgd nl^l ^q^k\bl^l bg iabeZgmakhir Zl Z ehp&kbld f^mah] h_ ÌZ\\ebfZmblbg`Í \abe]k^g mh ikZ\mb\Ze Zli^\ml h_ _bgZg\^' <aZkkbg`mhg lZrl maZm hg^ h_ abl \eb^gml bglblml maZm abl \abe]k^g lbm hg ma^ [hZk]l h_ ^o^kr _Zfber \aZkbmr Zg] `^m nl^] mh fZdbg` ]^\blbhgl [^_hk^ [^bg` Zeehp^] mh `^m bgoheo^] bg Zgr bga^kbm^] fhg^r' ÊBg ma^ \Zl^ h_ ik^l^kobg` p^Zema% ^]n\Zmbhg bl k^Zeer d^r%Ë a^ lZrl' :m <bmb IkboZm^ ;Zgd fn\a h_ mabl ^]n\Zmbhg _h\nl^l hg pZrl h_ ]^o^ehibg` REUTERS
Harry Potter actress Emma Watson was given access to her $20 million fortune when she turned 18, but first she had to attend a Coutts wealth management course.
: d^r _Z\mhk ]kbobg` ma^ p^Zema ^]n\Zmbhg
ihkm_hebhl Zg] g^`hmbZmbg` lmh\d fZkd^ml pbma Z oblbm mh Z <bmr mkZ]bg` _ehhk makhpg bg _hk `hh] en\d' :m hg^ l^fbgZk ma^k^ pZl ^o^g Z mZed _khf ma^ ^]bmhk
_hk iZk^gml mh ahe] l^fbgZkl bg ma^bk
h_ Z enqnkr fZ`Zsbg^ maZm pZl \Zee^]
bg]nlmkr bl ma^ ]b__^k^g\^ [^mp^^g he] Zg]
h__b\^l pbma ma^bk \abe]k^g' Bg hg^ \Zl^ Zg
Ì>gchrbg` Rhnk P^ZemaÍ'
g^p fhg^r' FZgr l^e_&fZ]^ ^gmk^ik^g^nkl
**&r^Zk&he] lhg Zg] *,&r^Zk&he] ]Zn`am^k
lZr ma^r ]hgÍm pZgm mh \hir ma^ fblmZd^l
p^k^ bgobm^] [r ma^bk _bgZg\b^k _Zma^k mh
AHP>O>K% BM bl ma^ i^klhgZe ik^llnk^l
fZ]^ [r paZm ma^r k^`Zk] Zl ma^ Ìbg]he^gm
fZd^ ]^\blbhgl hg ma^ Zeeh\Zmbhg h_ Z
Zllh\bZm^] pbma bga^kbmbg` an`^ lnfl
bga^kbm^] \eZll^lÍ% ma^r pZgm mh bglmbe Z phkd
NL +)%))) ZggnZe \aZkbmZ[e^ ]hgZmbhg'
h_ fhg^r maZm Zk^ Z d^r _h\nl h_ Zee
^mab\ bg ma^bk \abe]k^g'
Ma^ _Zma^kÍl Zbf% lZrl GI<% pZl mh \k^Zm^
Ì[beebhgZbk^ [hhm \ZfilÍ' Bg^obmZ[er ma^k^
Z `k^Zm^k l^gl^ h_ lmkn\mnk^ Zg] ^]n\Zmbhg
bl Z ]Zg`^k maZm ma^l^ \abe]k^g ehl^ Z
IZkmg^kl bg PZlabg`mhg h__^kl \abe]k^g Zl
Z[hnm `bobg`% ghm lbfier Zg Z[lmkZ\m
l^gl^ h_ fhmboZmbhg Zg] mnkg mh fhk^ l^e_&
rhng` Zl l^o^g ma^ hiihkmngbmr mh li^g]
ghmbhg h_ Ì]hbg` `hh]Í'
]^lmkn\mbo^ pZrl h_ ebobg` ma^bk ebo^l'
Bg :f^kb\Z% _hk ^qZfie^% P^Zema[kb]`^
Z \hnie^ h_ ]Zrl Zm ma^ eh\Ze shh mh e^Zkg
<bmb IkboZm^ ;Zgd Zelh ahe]l \hnkl^l _hk
?^gg Lfbma lZrl la^ pZl bglibk^]
ahp ^o^krmabg` phkdl _khf Z [nlbg^ll
ma^ \abe]k^g h_ bml lni^k p^Zemar \eb^gml
i^kli^\mbo^' <abe]k^g Zk^ Zelh bgobm^] mh
Zg] l^^l iabeZgmakhir Zl Zg bfihkmZgm
Z_m^k k^Z]bg` MaZr^k <a^ZaZf PbeeblÍ
l^m ni ma^bk hpg fbgb&^gm^kikbl^l kZg`bg`
pZr h_ m^Z\abg` \abe]k^g Z[hnm ma^
_khf knggbg` Z e^fhgZ]^ lmZg] mh
f^\aZgb\l h_ fZgZ`bg` fhg^r' I^m^k
\k^Zmbg` Z `k^^mbg` \Zk]l [nlbg^ll'
<aZkkbg`mhg _khf ma^ \hfiZgr lZrl maZm
GZob`Zmbg` Ma^ =Zkd Lb]^ h_ P^Zema' Ma^ [hhd \aZkml ahp Z oZlm bga^kbmZg\^ Ìkh[[^]Í ma^ Znmahk h_ ch[ lZmbl_Z\mbhg Zg] \hglblm^gmer laZmm^k^] i^klhgZe k^eZmbhglabil' Pa^g Z \ehl^ _kb^g] \hffbmm^] lnb\b]^ Z_m^k _Zbebg` mh Z]]k^ll lbfbeZk blln^l% Pbeebl ]^\b]^] mh a^ei i^hie^ bg ma^ lZf^ lbmnZmbhg' La^ pkbm^l3
Zemahn`a fZgr h_ ma^ [ZgdÍl \eb^gml fZr BG MA> ND% Z \hfiZgr dghpg Zl G^p
[^ _bgZg\bZeer lhiablmb\Zm^] Z_m^k fZdbg`
IabeZgmakhir <ZibmZe Z]obl^l \abe]k^g ahp
fhg^r _khf Z\mbobmb^l ln\a Zl ikboZm^
mh ]^o^ehi Zg bgm^k^lm bg \aZkbmZ[e^ phkd'
^jnbmr% a^]`^ _ng]l hk mkZ]bg`% ma^bk
Ma^ \hfiZgr lZrl maZm bm bl ghm ngnlnZe
\abe]k^g Zk^ ghm'
mh lmZkm ma^ \abe]k^gÍl \hnkl^ Zm <hnmml
“Helping the children of wealthy people cope with their good fortune is undeniably a rapidly growing trend for parents, their offspring and, inevitably, the banks that are selling their expertise” ÊB_ rhn aZo^ Z\\^ll mh Z _hkmng^ bm \Zg [^ aZk] mh _h\nl'Ë
Warren Buffet, who is one of the world’s richest men, is leaving most of his money to philanthropic organisations. He has stated numerous times that he’s leaving his children enough money for them to do anything, but not enough for them to do nothing.
:m ?bgZg\bZe Eb_^ Ldbeel K^mk^Zml hk`Zgbl^] [r B?? :]oblhkl Bg\ bg :f^kb\Z% khe^&ieZrbg`
bg^obmZ[er% ma^ [Zgdl maZm Zk^ l^eebg`
k^lihg]^gml ]bl\ho^k^] ma^bk Zg\^lmhkl
^q^k\bl^l Zk^ \^gmkZe mh phkdlahil mh a^ei
ma^bk ^qi^kmbl^' Ahp^o^k% bm \hne] [^
aZ] [^^g fn\a p^Zemab^k maZg ma^r p^k^'
mZ\de^ ihm^gmbZe i^klhgZe ikh[e^fl' Ma^l^
Zk`n^] maZm \abe]k^gÍl [Z] aZ[bml hk lh\bZe
:]heia lZb] ma^ fZchkbmr h_ ma^ Ìkb\a^l mh
\Zg oZkr _khf ]^Zebg` pbma ma^ ^gor h_
\hg]bmbhgbg` Zk^ ngebd^er mh [^ \aZg`^]
kZ`lÍ lmhkb^l p^k^ ]^ik^llbg`er hk]bgZkr%
hma^kl Zg] blln^l h_ _kb^g]labil mh _Zfber
bg cnlm Z \hnie^ h_ ]Zrl' <rgb\Ze8 I^kaZil'
Z \hf[bgZmbhg h_ _Zfber Zk`nf^gml% [Z]
mknlm Zg] k^eZmbhglabil'
;nm \hglb]^k mabl \ZnmbhgZkr mZe^ _khf
[nlbg^ll ]^\blbhgl% ^q\^llbo^ li^g]bg` hk
ma^ p^[lbm^ @^g^l K^ngbm^]'
cnlm eZsbg^ll'
:fhg` ma^ Zk^Zl \ho^k^] Zk^ blln^l
@^g^l K^ngbm^] a^eil ln[l\kb[^kl mkZ\^
Ma^k^ Zk^ e^llhgl mh [^ e^Zkg^] a^k^%
bfihkmZg\^ h_ [kbg`bg` ma^ ln[c^\m ni
ma^bk _Zfber mk^^l Zg] mkZ\d ]hpg ehg`&ehlm
^o^g b_ rhn ]hgÍm `h mh p^Zema l\ahhe' >o^g
^Zker bg Z ihm^gmbZe ehg`&m^kf k^eZmbhglabi'
Zg\^lmhkl' Pa^g ma^ \hfiZgrÍl `^g^Zeh`blm
Z _kZ\mbhg h_ ^]n\Zmbhg aZl `hm mh [^ phkma
GZmnkZeer% bmÍl Z mahkgr Zg] ^fhmbhgZe
:gmahgr :]heia \Zkkb^] hnm Z lnko^r h_
fhk^ maZg Z eb_^mbf^ h_ b`ghkZg\^ Zg]
ln[c^\m lh B?? lmk^ll^l maZm ma^ ÌfZkbmZe
ma^ p^[lbm^Íl f^f[^kl% +) i^k \^gm h_
nembfZm^er Z _Zfber e^`Z\r h_ iho^kmr' ■
h_ ik^&gnimbZe Z`k^^f^gml Zg] ma^
Z`k^^f^gmÍ lahne] [^ ik^l^gm^] Zl Z _Zfber mkZ]bmbhg mh Z _nmnk^ lihnl^ pbma ma^ _h\nl hg ma^ fhg^r Zl Z `b_m mh ^gchr ]nkbg` fZkkbZ`^ Zg] ma^g iZll^] ]hpg ma^ `^g^kZmbhgl' LN<A =BL<NLLBHGL h__^k ma^ hiihkmngbmr _hk iZkmb\biZgml mh laZk^ ^qi^kb^g\^l Zg] ]^o^ehi lhenmbhgl mh ihm^gmbZe ikh[e^fl' Ma^g ma^k^ Zk^ ma^ g^mphkdbg` hiihkmngbmb^l' ?hk ma^ iZkmb\biZgml% \k^Zmbg` lheb] _kb^g]labil pbma i^hie^ _khf hma^k \hngmkb^l pbma laZk^] [Z\d`khng] ^qi^kb^g\^l bl bgoZenZ[e^' ?Z\^[hhd `khnil [ehllhf Zl p^ee Zl fhk^ l^kbhnl i^klhgZe k^eZmbhglabil' >gmk^ik^g^nkbZeer ma^k^ Zk^ mahl^ pah f^^m hg \hnkl^l Zg] ^g] ni ]hbg` [nlbg^ll mh`^ma^k' A^eibg` ma^ \abe]k^g h_ p^Zemar i^hie^ \hi^ pbma ma^bk `hh] _hkmng^ bl ng]^gbZ[er Z kZib]er `khpbg` mk^g] _hk iZk^gml% ma^bk h__likbg` Zg]%
Although the wealthy may be financially sophisticated, their children are not. Philanthropy is seen as a low-risk method of acclimatising children to practical aspects of finance. Portfolio
White Elephant to Urban Utopia In 2010 Brasilia celebrates 50 years of being the capital of Brazil. The young city was once a white elephant that was the brainchild of former president Juscelino Kubitschek. Designed by Lucio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer and built by Roberto Burle Marx, today it remains a bizarre Utopia able to surprise, confuse and fascinate in equal measure. With the beauty of its futuristic buildings, the harmony of its urban spaces and the creativity of its artists, Brasilia is still evolving constantly. Andrea Forlani investigates the past, present and future of a unique metropolis.
kZlbebZ% LZmnk]Zr fhkgbg`' Mabg kb[[hgl h_ \ehn] \aZl^ ^Z\a hma^k Z\khll ma^ ldr Z[ho^ ma^ ngnlnZeer jnb^m >lieZgZ]Zl ]hl Fbgblm^kbhl'
Ma^k^ Zk^ gh \Zkl% gh l\k^Zfbg` lbk^gl Zg] gh lb`g h_ ma^ mahnlZg]l h_ ^fiehr^^l% l^\k^mZkb^l% eh[[rblml Zg] ihebmb\bZgl% pah Zk^ Zee mh]Zr ^gchrbg` ma^ p^^d^g]' Ma^ hger i^hie^ Zkhng] Zk^ Z `khni h_ lmn]^gml e^Zobg` ma^ GZmbhgZe Eb[kZkr Zg] Z _^p mhnkblml hnmlb]^ ma^ pabm^ a^fblia^k^ h_ ma^ GZ\bhgZe ]Z K^in[eb\Z :km Fnl^nf' : ebmme^ _nkma^k hg bl ma^ ari^k[heb\ <Zma^]kZe% Z lbe^gm h[l^ko^k h_ Zee ma^ fbgblm^kbZe [nbe]bg`l% lmZg]bg` ebd^ Z khp h_ ]hfbgh^l maZm e^Z]l mh ma^ fhlm _Zfhnl iZbk h_ ldrl\kZi^kl bg ma^ \bmr% ma^ GZmbhgZe <hg`k^ll' ?b_mr r^Zkl Z`h mabl pZl Zg ^fimr liZ\^ bg ma^ fb]]e^ h_ ghpa^k^' Bm pZl Z [eZgd la^^m h_ iZi^k% pa^k^ ma^ nmhibZ h_ ma^ eZk`^lm \hngmkr bg Lhnma :f^kb\Z aZl mZd^g laZi^ ng]^k ma^ `Zs^ h_ Hl\Zk Gb^f^r^k% En\bh <hlmZ Zg] Cnl\^ebgh
The inside of the Museu Nacional Honestino Guimarães consists of a 14,500 square metre exhibit area, two 780-seat auditoriums and a laboratory.
Dn[bml\a^d !dghpg mh Zee Zl CD"' Mh]Zr mahl^ gZf^l lmbee ^\ah makhn`a ma^ lmk^^ml% ljnZk^l Zg] eZk`^ iZkdl hg mabl ieZm^Zn% *%+)) f^mk^l Z[ho^ l^Z e^o^e' :\\hk]bg` mh lhf^ `^heh`blml mabl bl ma^ _hkf^k lbm^ h_ Z F^`Zebmab\ eZd^' BmÍl Z ieZ\^ maZmÍl Z ebmme^ fZ`b\ Zg] Z [bm pbe]% bg^obmZ[er ]^lmbg^] mh bgm^kik^m ma^ Ìhk]^kÍ Zg] Ìikh`k^llÍ bgl\kb[^] hg ma^ pZobg` ;kZsbebZg _eZ`' ;nm pabe^ ;kZlbebZ aZl mZd^g .) r^Zkl% ma^ b]^Z h_ Z g^p \ZibmZe bl khhm^] bg Z ]blmZgm iZlm maZm ]Zm^l [Z\d mh *1+,' Bg *12+% Z \hffbmm^^ pZl Ziihbgm^] mh ^qiehk^ ma^ IeZgZemh <^gmkZe Zg] _bg] Z lnbmZ[e^ lihm mh mkZglieZgm ma^ a^Zkm h_ ma^
\hngmkr' ;nm bm pZl hger bg *2..% ]nkbg` Z
The Juscelino Kubitschek Bridge, also known as the JK Bridge, was opened in 2002 and immediately became a Brazilian landmark.
kZeer% maZm CD eZng\a^] abl i^klhgZe oblbhg
mkn^ maZm pabe^ ikh`k^ll bl ]^lbkZ[e^% bm
h_ ;kZlbebZ' En\bh <hlmZ Z[lhk[^] ma^
aZl i^kaZil lmkZr^] Z [bm mhh _Zk _khf ma^
\hgm^gml Zg] `Zo^ bm laZi^'
bgbmbZe ieZgl% Zg] mh]Zr ma^ [hne^oZk]l Zk^
Zg] Zg b\hg h_ fh]^kg Zkm%Ë lZr Cn\Z
Ma^ ]boblbhg bgmh l^\mhkl !k^lb]^gmbZe%
makhg`bg` pbma mhh fZgr \Zkl Zg] Z _^p mhh
?^kk^bkZ% lh\bheh`blm Zg] ;kZsbebZg
\hff^k\bZe% ahm^el" fZ]^ [r <hlmZ% ma^
fZgr mkZ__b\ eb`aml% Zg] mhh fZgr [nbe]bg`l
Fbgblm^k h_ <nemnk^' Bg cZ\d^m Zg] mb^%
oblbhgZkr Zk\abm^\mnk^ h_ Gb^f^r^k% Zg]
\khp] ma^ ahkbshg' ;nm ma^ \aZkf h_ mabl
pbma Zg ^Zkkbg`% Zg] lnkkhng]^] [r Z
eZg]l\Zi^ Zkmblm Kh[^kmh ;nke^ FZkqÍl
nk[Zg nmhibZ bl lmbee ma^k^% bgmZ\m Zg] e^`Zeer
m^Zf h_ rhng` \heeZ[hkZmhkl pah kng bg
_ZgmZlb^l% aZo^ mh`^ma^k \k^Zm^] Z fh]^e
k^\h`gbl^]' >o^g [r NG>L<H% pab\a aZl
Zg] hnm abl h__b\^% a^ fZd^l gh l^\k^m h_
h_ ebo^Z[bebmr Zg] lnlmZbgZ[bebmr' Bm bl Zelh
mZd^g ;kZlbebZ ng]^k bml pbg` [r ]^\eZkbg`
ma^ _Z\m ma^ fh]^kgblm nmhibZ aZl ghm [^^g
November 2010
bm Z Phke] A^kbmZ`^ Lbm^' Ê;kZlbebZ bl Z eZ[hkZmhkr h_ \h^qblm^g\^
The National Congress building was also designed by Niemeyer. The building is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Museu Nacional Honestino Guimarães was designed by the Pritzker Prize winning Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, and inaugurated at the opening of Brasília in 1960.
The Three Powers Square is named after the three governmental powers of Brazil: the Executive, represented by the presidential office; the Legislative, represented by the National Congress; and the Judiciary.
Z\ab^o^] bg _nee' ÊMa^ b]^Z h_ \k^Zmbg` Z
k^`blm^k^]%Ë lZrl @e^gh EbfZ% ]bk^\mhk
ln\\^ll_ne Zkmblm pah% bglm^Z] h_ ebobg` bg
ieZ\^ pa^k^ ^o^krhg^% kb\a Zg] ihhk% \Zg
h_ ma^ Fnl^nf h_ Fh]^kg :km !F:K"%
Zg ^e^`Zgm ]hpgmhpg k^lb]^g\^% ik^_^kl
ebo^ hg ma^ lZf^ ieZg^% lZgd _hk Z o^kr
Zg] abfl^e_ Z k^ghpg^] Zkmblm' A^
ma^ lbfieb\bmr Zg] iho^kmr h_ Lh[kZ]bgah% Z
lbfie^ k^Zlhg' ;kZlbebZ k^_e^\ml ma^ \hngmkr
iZbgml Zg] l\neiml% nlbg` eh\Ze fZm^kbZel
lZm^eebm^ mhpg pa^k^ a^ iZbgml abl \ZgoZl^l
h_ pab\a bm bl ma^ \ZibmZe% pa^k^ bg^jnZebmr
!Êlh ma^r \Zg k^mZbg bml f^fhkrË"% ln\a
Zg] mZd^l \Zk^ h_ fZgr \abe]k^g bg ma^
bl lmbee Z lhnk\^ h_ bgcnlmb\^' ;nm e^m f^ m^ee
Zl \eZr _khf ma^ IeZgZemh <^gmkZe% hk
lnkkhng]bg` lenfl' Abl Zkmphkdl Zk^ Zg
rhn maZm b_ ma^k^ bl ahi^ h_ Z [^mm^k ;kZsbe%
mabg`l \hee^\m^] _khf ma^ lmk^^ml hk
h]^ mh \hehnk% lbfieb\bmr% Zg] abl \hngmkr'
bm \^kmZbger k^lb]^l a^k^'Ë
_hng] bg ]^fhebla^] [nbe]bg`l'
<hg_bkfbg` ma^ ihlbmbo^ ^g^k`r maZm
PZm^kf^ehgl% mhn\Zgl Zg] iZkkhml%
;K:LBEB:% L:MNK=:R fhkgbg`' Ma^
lnkkhng]l ma^ \bmr% ma^k^ bl Z ]^gl^
]^ib\m^] bg Zee ihllb[e^ oZkbZmbhgl% Zk^ ma^
\Zkl fZr [^ lbe^gm% [nm ma^ ]knfl Zk^
ihineZmbhg h_ Zkmblml a^k^' ÊHo^k ,)) Zk^
h[l^llbhg h_ Mhgbgah =^ LhnsZ% Z o^kr
[^Zmbg` ehn]er bg ma^ IZkjn^ ]^ <b]Z]^' Portfolio
Essentials Architecture
The striking lobby of the Brasilia Alvorada Hotel, which is part of a tourist complex.
Nemm Soares is one of Brazil’s most famous artists who lives in Brasilia.
There’s art on the streets as well. Onio is one of Brasilia’s best known street artists.
Brasilia was originally divided into separate sectors, ranging from accommodation through to government buildings. Most high-rises are on the edge of the city.
Street dancers show off their skills for the camera.
Mabl pb]^ `k^^g Zk^Z pbmabg ma^ \bmr
Zg] lniihkm ^Z\a hma^k' Lhf^ _kZ`f^gml
i^kbf^m^k _beel Zm ma^ p^^d^g] pbma ghblr
h_ nmhibZ aZo^ [^\hf^ k^Zebmr'
\hfie^q fho^l bg _khgm h_ ma^ \Zf^kZ' :g ahnk eZm^k B ^g\hngm^k ma^ lZf^
\abe]k^g Zg] \hffbmm^] ch``^kl% Zg]
: _^p fbgnm^l ZpZr% [^mp^^g ma^
bl Zelh ma^ ahf^ _hk ma^ k^a^ZklZel h_
]hpgmhpg [nbe]bg`l% bmÍl Z ]b__^k^gm
laZi^l h_ Gb^f^r^kÍl Zk\abm^\mnk^% pabe^
;ZmZeb% Zg Zee&_^fZe^ i^k\nllbhg ^gl^f[e^'
dbg] h_ fnlb\' =hs^gl h_ db]l pbma
B pZm\a `khnil h_ rhng` ldZm^kl mZd^ h__
Ma^r aZo^ i^k_hkf^] ma^bk bgmhqb\Zmbg`
]hs^gl h_ ]b__^k^gm ldbg \hehnkl `Zma^k
hg ma^bk [hZk]l' A^Z]bg` mhpZk]l Z ldr
karmafl Z\khll Lhnma :f^kb\Z Zg] ^o^g
bg _khgm h_ \kZ\debg` ehn]li^Zd^kl Zg]
maZm È Z\\hk]bg` mh Ob\mhk :ihgm^% Zg
bg _khgm h_ >nkhi^Zg Zn]b^g\^l' Ma^r Zk^
ibkhn^mm^ hg ^o^kr iZkm h_ ma^bk [h]b^l
:g`heZg Ì[bh&Zk\abm^\mÍ pah aZl hi^g^]
fhma^kl% lmn]^gml% fZgZ`^kl Zg] phkd^kl'
mh ikho^ ma^bk [k^Zd&]Zg\bg` ldbeel bg
mph hk`Zgb\ k^lmZnkZgml a^k^ bg mhpg È
>o^krhg^ aZl Z ]b__^k^gm lmhkr% Z ]b__^k^gm
_khgm h_ ma^bk _kb^g]l' Fr ng^qi^\m^]
Êbl _enb] Zg] ]rgZfb\ Z[ho^ ;kZlbebZ'
[Z\d`khng]% Zg] Z ]b__^k^gm lh\bZe \eZll'
Zii^ZkZg\^ fZd^l ma^f ^o^g fhk^
:g] ^o^kr mbf^ B ehhd Zm bm% B \Zg mZlm^
;nm ma^r Zee ieZr mh`^ma^k% eZn`a mh`^ma^k%
^q\bm^] Zg] ^Z`^k mh lahp h__ ma^bk fhlm
ma^ _k^^]hf'Ë ■
November 2010
fnemb\nemnkZe l\^gZkbh% Zfb] ma^ lh_m
A Taste of the Country in Urban Beirut Lauded for it’s delicious cuisine, Beirut’s culinary culture is steadily gaining the worldwide attention it deserves, reports Indrani Sen.
knkZe _hh] ikh]n\^kl ikhn]er lahp^] h__ ma^bk pZk^l' :eb ?Zal% _Zfhnl _hk ma^ E^[Zg^l^ ib\de^l Zg] ik^l^ko^l dghpg Zl fhng^a% ZkkZg`^] abl cZkl h_ mnkgbil lmZbg^] [kb`am ibgd pbma [^^m cnb\^' FZnkb\^ AZ[b[ h__^k^] mZlm^l h_ abl fhgh_ehkZe ahg^rl È \^]Zk% hkZg`^ [ehllhf% ^n\Zerimnl Zg] hZd' LnsZgg^ =hn^bar iZk\^e^] hnm p^]`^l h_ a^k f^Zme^ll d^[[^a'
:m ma^ \^gmk^ h_ bm Zee% k^lie^g]^gm bg abl G^Zk ma^ ^gmkZg\^ h_ Lhnd ^e MZr^[% ma^
]^lb`g^k c^Zgl% [eZ\d [eZs^k% Zg] lihme^ll
fhkgbg` Zm ;^bknmÍl
ÌMZlmr FZkd^mÍ% Z fh]^lmer ]k^ll^] phfZg
pabm^ lg^Zd^kl% ma^ fZkd^mÍl _hng]^k%
]hpgmhpg _Zkf^klÍ fZkd^m%
bg Z iZble^r a^Z]l\Zk_ lmk^m\a^]% _ebii^]
DZfZe FhnsZpZd% `k^^m^] \ab\ nk[Zg
iZk^gml bg ma^bk p^^d^g]
Zg] [Zd^] iZi^k&mabg fZkdhnd _eZm[k^Z]
lahii^kl Zg] knkZe _hh] ikh]n\^kl Zebd^%
hg ma^ ahm bkhg ]hf^ h_ Z lZc lmho^'
pbma dbll^l hg ma^ \a^^d% `kbgl Zg] an`l'
FhgZ CZZ_Zk ^e =hkkÍl obeeZ`^ bg
Bg Z \hngmkr mhkg [r ]^\Z]^l h_ obhe^g\^
\ZlnZel [khpl^] [Zld^ml h_ lfhhma Zoh\Z]hl% [ng]e^l h_ ]^eb\Zm^ inkleZg^ Zg] mZg`e^l h_ ehg`% le^g]^k ZliZkZ`nl% Zl ma^bk
E^[ZghgÍl knkZe lhnma bl phke]l ZpZr _khf
mabl fZkd^m bl iZkm h_ FhnsZpZdÍl hpg
\abe]k^g \aZl^] ^Z\a hma^k `b]]ber Zkhng]
;^bknmÍl nk[Zg^ _hh]b^l% pah [Zgm^k^]
ebmme^ k^ohenmbhg È Z ieZ\^ pa^k^ Zee i^hie^
ma^ lmZeel' Rhng` abilm^kl% ehhdbg` leb`amer
\a^^kber pbma a^k Zl ma^r lmhh] bg ebg^ _hk
_khf Zee [Z\d`khng]l \hf^ mh`^ma^k ho^k
_kZ`be^ Z_m^k ;^bknmÍl ?kb]Zr gb`ameb_^%
a^k pZkf pahe^pa^Zm [k^Z]% lf^Zk^]
]^eb\bhnl _hh]'
k^obo^] ma^fl^eo^l pbma \nil h_ _k^la&
pbma eZ[g^a% Z \k^Zfr lmkZbg^] rh`nkm%
ljn^^s^] [ehh] hkZg`^ cnb\^ Zg] \kbli%
Zg] khee^] pbma _k^la a^k[l% `k^^g mhfZmh
a^Íee Zk`n^' ÊPa^g rhn Zld Z E^[Zg^l^%
\a^pr fZgÍhnla [k^Z] leZma^k^] pbma
k^ebla% likhnml% hebo^l Zg] l\Zeebhgl'
a^ ]h^lgÍm dghp ahp [b` abl \hngmkr bl%
hebo^ hbe Zg] pbe] marf^ sZÍmZk'
:ee Zkhng] ma^ fZkd^m% _Zkf^kl Zg]
Mabl bl paZm E^[Zghg bl k^Zeer Z[hnm%
a^ ]h^lgÍm dghp ma^ gZf^ h_ ma^ obeeZ`^l%Ë Portfolio
Souk el Tayeb is a non-profit organisation that runs markets specialising in fresh, rural produce across Lebanon.
FhnsZpZd lZb]' Ê;nm a^ dghpl eZ[g^a% a^
bl FhnsZpZd% pah aZl _b`nk^] hnm Z pZr
fZkd^mbg`% _h\nlbg` hg paZm bl [^Znmb_ne
dghpl mZ[[hne^a% a^ dghpl fZgÍhnla 'Ë
mh [kbg` mahl^ k^`bhgZe ]^eb\Z\b^l% Zg] ma^
Zg] ]^eb\bhnl Z[hnm E^[ZghgÍl Z`kb\nemnkZe
i^hie^ pah \hhd ma^f% mh ma^ \bmr'
Zg] \nebgZkr a^kbmZ`^ È Zg] lahp\Zlbg` bm
;^bknm% Z \bmr pahl^ gZf^ pZl hg\^
Zm Lhnd ^e MZr^[ Zg] abl eZm^lm o^gmnk^% Z
lrghgrfhnl pbma [knmZe \bobe pZk% aZl l^^g Z k^fZkdZ[e^ \nebgZkr k^gZbllZg\^
: LM:K h_ ma^ bgm^kgZmbhgZe Lehp ?hh]
g^p dbg] h_ k^lmZnkZgm a^ cnlm hi^g^] bg
bg k^\^gm r^Zkl% mh [^\hf^ hg\^ Z`Zbg
fho^f^gm% FhnsZpZd pZl k^\^gmer
;^bknm% MZpe^m Lhnd ^e MZr^['
Z ]bgbg` ]^lmbgZmbhg _hk bgm^kgZmbhgZe
gZf^] Zg Ì:kZ[ Phke] Lh\bZe BgghoZmhkÍ
`Zlmkhghf^l' Ma^ G^p Rhkd Mbf^l
[r ma^ Lrg^k`hl Bglmbmnm^% pab\a ahghnk^]
[kbg`l ^e =hkk Zg] hma^k knkZe _hh]
k^\^gmer ikh\eZbf^] E^[Zg^l^ Êma^
abf _hk abl phkd Z]oh\Zmbg` _hk _Zkf^kl
ikh]n\^kl _khf Zee ho^k ma^ \hngmkr mh
Fb]]e^ >ZlmÍl fhlm bg`^gbhnl% _eZohnk_ne
Zg] _hh] ikh]n\^kl bg E^[Zghg' :g
m^Zf ni pbma mkZbg^] k^lmZnkZgm \a^_l
\nblbg^%Ë Zg] ihbgm^] hnm maZm Ê:khng]
Z]oh\Zm^ a^ \^kmZbger bl% [nm FhnsZpZd%
Zg] ik^iZk^ mkZ]bmbhgZe ]bla^l bg Zg
ma^ phke]% bg \bmb^l _khf IZkbl mh =n[Zb
Z ]^lb`g^k% _hkf^k MO i^klhgZebmr Zg]
Zbkr _hkf^k bg]nlmkbZe liZ\^' Ma^ khhfÍl
mh F^e[hnkg^% ma^ [^lm Fb]]e^ >Zlm^kg
`^g^kZe [hg oboZgm% bl Z [nlbg^llfZg mhh'
\^gm^kib^\^ bl Zg hi^g dbm\a^g% pab\a
k^lmZnkZgml Zk^ mnkgbg` hnm _hh] _khf ma^
Pa^g fZdbg` ma^ \Zl^ _hk _Zkf^kl% a^
Zeehpl ]bg^kl Z `ebfil^ h_ ma^ ikh\^ll
EZg] h_ ma^ <^]Zkl'Ë
]h^lgÍm ik^l^gm ma^ mkZ`b\ Zg] ibmbZ[e^
[^abg] ma^bk f^Ze'
;nm ]^libm^ ma^ k^ghpg maZm ;^bknmÍl
bfZ`^l h_ [hf[^] _b^e]l hk lmZkobg` \hpl'
Mabl Ìikh]n\^kÍl dbm\a^gÍ Zg] k^lmZnkZgm
Ma^ f^gn \aZg`^l ]Zber% ]^i^g]bg`
_Z[nehnl f^ss^ k^lmZnkZgml Zg] `eZfhkhnl
Bglm^Z]% a^Íee h__^k ni Z _bg^ [hmme^ h_ pbg^
hg pah bl \hhdbg` Zg] paZm k^`bhgZe
\^e^[kbmr \a^_l aZo^ k^\^bo^]% Z `khpbg`
_khf ma^ ;^dZZ OZee^r% hk Z [hpe h_ \k^Zfr
bg`k^]b^gml Zk^ ZoZbeZ[e^' Hg^ gb`am% Z
fho^f^gm h_ E^[Zg^l^ _hh]b^l bglblm maZm
_Zkf^kÍl \a^^l^' A^ nl^l \hff^k\^ Zg]
`b`hm h_ pbe] [hZk _khf S`aZkmZ fb`am
ma^ [^lm ]bla^l \Zg hger [^ _hng] bg ahf^ dbm\a^gl% \hhd^] pbma eho^ [r phf^g ebd^ ^e =hkk% pah p^k^ [hkg Zg] kZbl^] bg ma^ mbf^&ahghnk^] \nebgZkr mkZ]bmbhgl h_ ma^bk k^`bhgl' :m ma^ \^gmk^ h_ mabl fho^f^gm November 2010
“The New York Times recently proclaimed Lebanese “the Middle East’s most ingenious, flavourful cuisine.”
[^ l^ko^] Zehg`lb]^ Z fhnllZdZ^m h_
\^e^[kbmr \a^_l% \aZmmbg` pbma `n^lml
maZm FhnsZpZd _hng]^] bg +))-% pab\a
^``ieZgm% \ab\d i^Zl Zg] mhfZmh^l' Hg
Z[hnm ma^bk m^\agbjn^l'ÊMa^ ikh]n\^kl
ghp kngl mph fZkd^ml bg ;^bknm Zg]
Zghma^k% lebbÍ [Zkkb% Z l^e^\mbhg h_ pbe]
Z]hk^ bm% [^\Znl^ bmÍl ebd^ Z ma^Zmk^% pa^k^
l^o^kZe hma^kl bg hma^k E^[Zg^l^ mhpgl%
a^k[l _khf Bc[^[ bg Ghkma E^[Zghg% fZr
ma^ ikh]n\^k aZl fhk^ k^\h`gbmbhg%Ë
FhnsZpZd lZb]'
ikhob]^ Z _k^la \hngm^kihbgm mh Z lZfie^k
FhnsZpZd lZb]' Ê;nrbg` ma^ ikh]n\^ bl
ÊLhnd ^e MZr^[ pZl Z[hnm lniihkmbg`
h_ eh\Ze d^[[^al'
hg^ mabg`% [nm gh[h]r phne] dghp ahp
lfZee&l\Ze^ _Zkf^kl Zg] ikh]n\^kl Zg]
mh ik^iZk^ mabl ikh]n\m bg ma^ mkZ]bmbhgZe
i^ki^mnZmbg` hnk mkZ]bmbhgl%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊBm
h_ IZkbl hk G^p Rhkd <bmr% MZpe^m h__^kl
pZr% hma^k maZg ma^ ikh]n\^k a^kl^e_Á BmÍl
pZl Z[hnm a^eibg` ma^ ikh]n\^kl mh \hf^
Zg ^qi^kb^g\^ maZmÍl fhk^ ebd^ Z ]bgg^k
bgm^kik^mbg` ma^ _hh] Zg] ma^ k^\bi^l bg
mh ma^ \bmr% _khf knkZe mh nk[Zg% pa^k^ ma^k^
iZkmr maZg Z k^lmZnkZgm' Pbma Z ebfbm^]
ma^ fhlm mkZ]bmbhgZe pZr ihllb[e^'Ë
pZl ]^fZg] _hk ma^ mkZ]bmbhgZe ikh]n\ml'Ë
K^fbgbl\^gm h_ ma^ l^\k^m Ì]bgbg` \en[lÍ
]Zber f^gn% ma^ ]bg^k fnlm `bo^ bg mh ma^
Ma^ *. mh +) khmZmbg` ikh]n\^kl Zk^ iZb]
Ma^ b]^Z _hk MZpe^m \Zf^ _khf ma^
^qi^kb^g\^% lbm [Z\d% Zg] Zeehp ma^ f^Ze mh
Z _^^ _hk Z gb`am h_ \hhdbg`% Zg] Zelh l^ee
hg^&]Zr _hh] _^lmboZel maZm Lhnd ^e MZr^[
mZd^ bml hpg laZi^'
ma^bk ikh]n\ml mh ma^ k^lmZnkZgm' MZpe^m
lmZkm^] hk`Zgblbg` bg obeeZ`^l Zkhng] ma^
hger l^ko^l eng\a% mh Z\\hffh]Zm^ knkZe
\hngmkr% \^e^[kZmbg` ma^ \a^kkr aZko^lm%
k^]bl\ho^kbg` Zg] ^f[kZ\bg` ma^ \hngmkrÍl
_hh] ikh]n\^klÍ l\a^]ne^l Zg] mkZo^e mbf^'
eh\Ze _blabg`% hk k^`bhgZe d^[[^al'
_hh] mkZ]bmbhgl% MZpe^m bl Zg ^]n\Zmbhg Zl
: \a^_ Zg] lhnl \a^_ Zk^ hg aZg] mh a^ei
p^ee Zl Z f^Ze' ÊBmÍl ebd^ Z _hh] fnl^nf
mkZgleZm^ ahf^ ik^iZkZmbhgl mh Z k^lmZnkZgm
k^fhm^ k^`bhgl ^o^kr ]Zr8Ë FhnsZpZd
^o^kr ]Zr%Ë FhnsZpZd lZb]' Ê;^\Znl^
dbm\a^gÍl l\Ze^' ÊP^ \Zgghm cnlm m^ee ma^
lZb]' ÊPar ghm% bglm^Z] h_ nl mkrbg` mh `h
p^ Zee mabgd E^[Zg^l^ bl cnlm d^[[^a%
ikh]n\^k mh \hf^ Zg] \hhd _hk /) mh 0)
Zee Zkhng]% p^ cnlm bgobm^ hg^ ikh]n\^k
mZ[[hne^a% ma^l^ [Zlb\ _hh]l% Zg] p^ g^o^k
i^klhgl Zehg^%Ë FhnsZpZd ^qieZbg^]'
mh \hf^ ^o^kr ]Zr Zg] aZo^ Z dbm\a^g bg
mabgd maZm bmÍl lh ]bo^kl^ Zg] kb\a'Ë
ÊMa^k^ Zk^ ar`b^g^ ghkfl% jnZgmbmb^l% rhn
;^bknm8 Bm phne] [^ lh fn\a ^Zlb^k' Lh
dghp' P^ Zk^ a^k^ mh lniihkm ma^f'Ë
mabl bl ma^ b]^Z [^abg] MZpe^m'Ë
?hk E^[ZghgÍl g^p _hh]b^l% pah Zk^
:g] _hk ma^ knkZe \hhdl% fhlm h_ pahf
ÊLh p^ lZb]% par ]h p^ aZo^ mh `h mh
Zk^ phf^g% MZpe^m h__^kl Z fhf^gm
M:PE>M P:L Z gZmnkZe ^ohenmbhg _khf
Ma^ k^lmZnkZgm Zelh h__^kl \hhdbg`
bg ma^ lihmeb`am' ?hk Z ]Zr% ma^rÍk^ ma^
Lhnd ^e MZr^[% ma^ ghg&ikh_bm hk`ZgblZmbhg
\eZll^l% db]lÍ Z\mbobmb^l Zg] Z p^^d^g]
Tawlet is a restaurant that invites a number of rural producers to cook their wares. Diners accept the menu of the day and can learn about specific types of food and their preparation.
Essentials Cuisine [kng\a ik^iZk^] [r ma^ k^lb]^gm MZpe^m m^Zf h_ \a^_l [Zl^] hg ]bla^l Zg] m^\agbjn^l ma^r aZo^ e^Zkg^] _khf ma^ ikh]n\^kl' H\\ZlbhgZeer% \a^_l _khf E^[Zghg hk Z[khZ]% eh\Ze _hh]b^l% Zg] ^o^g _hh] pkbm^kl pbee mZd^ hg \hhdbg` ]nmb^l _hk Z ]Zr' Mabl ahi^_ne% _e^]`ebg` _hh] fho^f^gm \Zg _^^e kZma^k _kZ`be^ bg Z lhf^mbf^l nglmZ[e^ \hngmkr' FhnsZpZd ]h^lgÍm ]^gr mabl Zli^\m h_ abl \hngmkr' ;nm% a^ lZrl% ma^k^Íl fn\a fhk^ mh ma^ EZg] h_ ma^ <^]Zkl maZg pZk' ÊB_ rhn mabgd Z[hnm pZk% ma^g rhn mabgd Z[hnm ]bo^klbmr% kb`am8Ë a^ lZb]' Ê>o^g bg Z o^kr% o^kr lfZee \hngmkr% p^ lmbee aZo^ Z an`^ ]bo^klbmr% pab\a lhf^mbf^l e^Z]l mh ikh[e^fl Zg] \hg_eb\ml% Zg] lhf^mbf^l bl ma^ k^Zlhg _hk ma^ phg]^k_ne mkZ]bmbhg% \nemnk^ Zg] \nblbg^''' Mabl bl ma^ hma^k lb]^
h_ ma^ \hbg% bg Z pZr'Ë ■
Tawlet only serves lunch but has been incredibly popular since it was launched. November 2010
Kamal Mouzawak is an entrepreneur, TV presenter and designer who has been lauded for his recent farmers advocacy work.
A range of traditional dishes greets hungry diners in Tawlet.
Climate Gauge: Greenland As it struggles to gain economic independence, Greenlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vulnerable geographical position puts it under global pressure, reports Heba Hashem.
Greenlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ice sheet covers 80 per cent of the country. The debate is ongoing what effect global warming is having and will have on the ice mass. Portfolio
Essentials Environment
Greenland’s ice sheet is the subject of intense scientific study as it contains climate data going back 100,000 years.
Fishing is a major source of income for Greenland.
Ten per cent of the world’s fresh water is in Greenland. The government is busy issuing export licenses for this commodity.
@k^^geZg]Íl b\^ la^^m% pab\a \ho^kl 1)
]nkbg` ma^ *21)l' Mabl f^Zgl maZm ma^k^ bl
phke]Íl \ebfZm^ aZl [^^g \aZg`bg`
i^k \^gm h_ ma^ \hngmkr% aZl [^^g ma^ ln[c^\m
ghg^ h_ ma^ he]^k b\^ !Zm e^Zlm _bo^ r^Zkl he]"
ho^k ma^ iZlm _^p ]^\Z]^l% lhf^
h_ fZgr lmn]b^l maZm \hgmbgn^ mh k^o^Ze \en^l
k^fZbgbg` bg ma^ :k\mb\ k^`bhg'
Zk^Zl `^mmbg` pZkf^k Zg] hma^kl
Z[hnm `eh[Ze Zmfhlia^kb\ m^fi^kZmnk^l% l^Z
Fhk^ho^k% [Zl^] hg ma^bk _bg]bg`l
\he]^k% [nm ma^ ^__^\ml h_ mabl mkZglbmbhg
e^o^el% Zg] ^o^g ma^ ^qmbg\mbhg h_ ma^ Ghkl^
makhn`a lZm^eebm^l Zg] ehg`&m^kf
Zk^ fhlm ^ob]^gm bg ma^ :meZgmb\ Zg]
\hehgr bg P^lm @k^^geZg]' Mabl b\^ la^^m bl
fhgbmhkbg` lmZmbhgl% l\b^gmblml _khf
:k\mb\ k^`bhgl'
h_ ^ghkfhnl bgm^k^lm mh \ebfZmheh`blml' ;r
=^gfZkd Zg] ma^ Ngbo^klbmr h_ <hehkZ]h
Lbg\^ ma^ ^ZkmaÍl \ebfZm^ Zg] `eh[Ze l^Z
]kbeebg` Ìb\^ \hk^lÍ Z[hnm Z dbehf^mk^ Zg]
lZb] maZm ma^ kZm^ h_ b\^ ehll bg @k^^geZg]
e^o^e Zk^ \ehl^er ebgd^]% ma^ k^\^gm bg\k^Zl^ bg
Z aZe_ ]hpg bgmh ma^ b\^% ma^r Zk^ Z[e^ mh
bl Z\\^e^kZmbg` Zg] \Znlbg` bm mh fho^ ni
m^fi^kZmnk^ ^g`^g]^kl fZgr \hgl^jn^g\^l'
k^mkb^o^ \ebfZm^ ]ZmZ `hbg` [Z\d *))%)))
mhpZk]l ma^ ghkmap^lm \hZlm h_ ma^ bleZg]'
Ma^ NL @^h`kZiab\Ze Lnko^r !NL@L"
r^Zkl' Ma^ Z`^ h_ Zg b\^[^k` \Zg Zelh ikhob]^
:g ^Zkeb^k lmn]r aZ] Zelh lahp^] maZm
_hng] maZm ma^ ^ZkmaÍl \ebfZm^ aZl pZkf^]
k^l^Zk\a^kl pbma Z oZenZ[e^ pZr mh ^lmbfZm^
pbmabg cnlm l^o^g r^Zkl% [^mp^^g +))+ Zg]
Z[hnm * < ]nkbg` ma^ eZlm *)) r^Zkl'
b\^ mab\dg^ll% pab\a bg mnkg k^o^Zel ma^ iZ\^
+))2% @k^^geZg]Íl b\^ la^^m la^] khn`aer
<hgl^jn^gmer% l^Z e^o^el aZo^ [^^g kblbg`
h_ b\^ f^embg`'
*%/). \n[b\ dbehf^mk^l h_ b\^% Z fZll ehll
_khf hg^ mh mph fbeebf^mk^l i^k r^Zk ]n^
:l mabl r^ZkÍl lnff^k ^g]^]% ma^ NL@L
^jnboZe^gm mh g^Zker )'. fbeebf^mk^l h_ `eh[Ze l^Z&e^o^e kbl^ i^k r^Zk'
mh ma^ k^]n\mbhg bg ohenf^ h_ b\^ \Zil% b\^
\hg_bkf^] maZm ng]^k *. i^k \^gm h_ ma^
_b^e]l Zg] fhngmZbg `eZ\b^kl% Zl p^ee Zl ma^
b\^ k^fZbgbg` bg ma^ :k\mb\ pZl fhk^ maZg
Lhf^ l\b^gmblml Zk^ ^o^g ik^]b\mbg`
ma^kfZe ^qiZglbhg h_ h\^Zg pZm^k'
mph r^Zkl he]% \hfiZk^] mh .)&/) i^k \^gm
obkmnZeer b\^&_k^^ lnff^kl mh h\\nk bg ma^
“As this year’s summer ended, the USGS confirmed that under 15 per cent of the ice remaining in the Arctic was more than two years old, compared to 50-60 per cent during the 1980s.” November 2010
“Results of a new study were also revealed at last year’s conference, suggesting that it would take an average global temperature rise of 6°C to push Greenland into ‘irreversible melting.’”
ma^ >^fbZg i^kbh]% Z[hnm *+.%))) r^Zkl
@k^^geZg]Íl b\^ la^^m aZl [^^g ho^klmZm^]%
maZm ma^ mak^lahe] bl Z[hnm ]hn[e^ paZm
G:MNK:EER% MA> :k\mb\ Zg] :gmZk\mb\
pab\a `bo^l g^p ahi^ maZm ma^ phklm
pZl ik^obhnler in[ebla^]'Ë
k^`bhgl ihl^ ma^ [b``^lm mak^Zml Zl ma^r
:k\mb\ bg ma^ \hfbg` ]^\Z]^l È pbma lhf^ _hk^\Zlmbg` \e^Zk labiibg` eZg^l pbmabg Z _^p r^Zkl' Ma^ k^Zlhgl [^abg] ma^ k^\^gm iZmm^kgl h_ b\^ ehll Zk^ lmbee [^bg` bgo^lmb`Zm^]% ^li^\bZeer bg k^`Zk]l mh ma^ bff^]bZm^ bfieb\Zmbhgl h_ Z k^]n\^] b\^ la^^m' Lbg\^ @k^^geZg]Íl b\^ la^^m ahe]l *) i^k \^gm h_ ma^ ^ZkmaÍl _k^la pZm^k% b_ f^em^] \hfie^m^er% bm phne] kZbl^ ma^ `eh[Ze l^Z e^o^e [r lbq mh l^o^g f^mk^l' Hg ma^ hma^k aZg]% lhf^ ^gobkhgf^gmZe ^qi^kml [^eb^o^ maZm ma^ oneg^kZ[bebmr h_
bfiZ\ml h_ `eh[Ze pZkfbg`% ln\a Zl
K^lneml h_ Z g^p lmn]r p^k^ Zelh k^o^Ze^]
Z`h% pa^g m^fi^kZmnk^l p^k^ g^Zker . < ab`a^k maZg mh]Zr' R^m ma^ g^p lmn]b^l p^k^ hger \hg\^kg^] pbma ma^ mbiibg` ihbgm Zm pab\a f^embg` [^\hf^l nglmhiiZ[e^' :l ;Zf[^k ihbgm^] hnm% bm ]h^l ghm f^Zg maZm @k^^geZg] pbee ghm \hgmkb[nm^ mh ab`a^k l^Z e^o^el b_ m^fi^kZmnk^l bg\k^Zl^ [r Z _^p ]^`k^^l' B_ ma^ ieZg^m pZkfl ni% ma^ b\^ pbee f^em% a^ lZb]'
\hgmZbg fhlm h_ ma^ phke]Íl b\^ fZll'
]^oZlmZmbg` _ehh]l% \hne] lmbee [^ Zohb]^]'
Zm eZlm r^ZkÍl \hg_^k^g\^% ln``^lmbg` maZm bm
Bg +))1% l\b^gmblml Zelh ]bl\ho^k^] maZm
ChgZmaZg ;Zf[^k% Zg b\^ la^^m ^qi^km
phne] mZd^ Zg Zo^kZ`^ `eh[Ze m^fi^kZmnk^
`eZ\b^kl lnkobo^] _hk ang]k^]l h_ mahnlZg]l
Zm ma^ Ngbo^klbmr h_ ;kblmhe% mhe] ma^
kbl^ h_ / < mh inla @k^^geZg] bgmh
h_ r^Zkl ]nkbg` Z pZkf ^kZ pa^g \kh\h]be^l
<hi^gaZ`^g <ebfZm^ <hg`k^ll bg +))2
Ìbkk^o^klb[e^ f^embg`'Í
khZf^] ma^ :k\mb\% bg]b\Zmbg` hg\^ Z`Zbg
maZm ik^obhnl lmn]b^l aZ] fblcn]`^] ma^
Ahp^o^k% ma^ fhlm ikh_hng] ^ob]^g\^
maZm ma^ i^llbfblmb\ ik^]b\mbhgl h_ l^Z e^o^e
lh&\Zee^] @k^^geZg] mbiibg` ihbgm% Zm pab\a
Z`Zbglm ^Zkeb^k ik^]b\mbhgl pZl ma^
kbl^l ]n^ mh ma^ f^embg` h_ b\^ la^^ml [r
ma^ b\^ la^^m bl \^kmZbg mh f^em \hfie^m^er'
]bl\ho^kr h_ @k^^geZg]Íl lnkoboZe bg iZlm
`eh[Ze pZkfbg` fZr aZo^ mh [^ k^Zll^ll^]'
ÊP^Ík^ mZedbg` Z[hnm Z ihbgm Zm pab\a bm
Ik^obhnler% bm pZl mahn`am maZm ma^ ^Zkma
\ebfZm^l h_ m^fi^kZmnk^ kbl^l ab`a^k
bl *)) i^k \^gm ]hhf^]' Bm l^^fl jnbm^ Zg
maZg , <' :g b\^ la^^m Z[hnm aZe_ ma^
pZl b\^&_k^^ ]nkbg` ma^ MnkhgbZa i^kbh]%
bfihkmZgm gnf[^k mh `^m kb`amÁ p^ _hng]
lbs^ bl dghpg mh aZo^ i^klblm^] makhn`a
[^mp^^g 12', fbeebhg Zg] 2,'. fbeebhg
Greenland has a population of around 57,000 people. Nearly all Greenlanders live along the fjords in the south-west of the main island, which has a relatively mild climate.
Essentials Environment
Tourism, although small, has been growing steadily. Here a group of tourists walk on an ice cap in Kangerlussuaq.
r^Zkl Z`h' >ob]^g\^ ikho^] mabl pkhg`%
L^m Zfb]lm enla% fhngmZbghnl
eb\^gl^ Zk^ @k^^geZg] Likbg` PZm^k :iL%
Zl _bg]bg`l h_ ahmahnl^ `eZ\b^kl _khf mabl
phh]eZg]% ma^ b\^ _b^e]l h_ mh]ZrÍl `eZ\b^kl
@k^^geZg] B\^ PZm^k :(L% Zg] @k^^geZg]
i^kbh] p^k^ ng\ho^k^]% fZbger [r lmn]rbg`
\hf^ _khf _k^la pZm^k% pab\a aZl _Zee^g Zl
B\^ <Zi Ikh]n\mbhg :(L'
mbgr fZkbg^ hk`Zgblfl _hng] bg hk`Zgb\
lghp ho^k ma^ iZlm *))%))) r^Zkl% fZdbg`
\Zk[hg&kb\a l^]bf^gml'
@k^^geZg] Z lhnk\^ h_ ink^ pZm^k maZm bl
Zgmb\biZm^] [r <ZgZ]Z Zg] @k^^geZg]% Zl
ab`aer lhn`am Z_m^k'
p^ee Zl hma^k ghkma^kg gZmbhgl% Zl ma^r knla
Ma^ bgm^kgZmbhgZe m^Zf h_ l\b^gmblml [^abg] mabl lmn]r \hg\en]^] maZm eZk`^ b\^
BeeneblZm @eZ\b^k% _hk ^qZfie^% bl hg^ h_
:g b\^&_k^^ k^`bhg bl [^bg` ab`aer
mh bfie^f^gm g^p mkZglihkm k^`neZmbhgl
la^^ml ]b] ^qblm Z[hnm 2* fbeebhg r^Zkl Z`h%
ma^ _Zlm^lm Zg] fhlm Z\mbo^ `eZ\b^kl hg
Zg] lmk^g`ma^g bgm^kgZmbhgZe ikhmh\hel bg
]nkbg` hg^ h_ ma^ pZkf^lm i^kbh]l h_ ma^
ma^ ieZg^m% ikh]n\bg` *) i^k \^gm h_ Zee
ik^iZkZmbhg _hk bg\k^Zl^] :k\mb\ hbe Zg] `Zl
iZlm .)) fbeebhg r^Zkl'
@k^^geZg]Íl b\^ _b^e]l% Zg ^jnboZe^gm mh ,.
ÊLi^\neZmbhg Z[hnm pa^ma^k eZk`^ b\^
[beebhg mhgg^l h_ b\^ Z r^Zk' :emahn`a ma^
K^erbg` hg _bla ikh\^llbg` Zg] fbgbg`
\Zil \hne] aZo^ _hkf^] ]nkbg` lahkm
^qihkm h_ b\^ Zg] _k^la pZm^k [^`Zg Z _^p
k^lhnk\^l ln\a Zl bkhg% ]bZfhg] Zg]
i^kbh]l h_ ma^ >ZkmaÍl pZkf^lm bgm^koZe
r^Zkl Z`h% bm lmbee k^fZbgl ng]^k^lmbfZm^]'
nkZgbnf% @k^^geZg] bl ma^ ^ZkmaÍl eZk`^lm bleZg]% Zl :nlmkZebZ bl Z \hgmbg^gm'
aZl Z ehg` ablmhkr bg `^heh`r Zg] \ebfZm^
Ma^ \hngmkr chbg^] ma^ >N pbma =^gfZkd
k^l^Zk\a% [nm ma^k^ aZl g^o^k [^^g _bgZe
MA> @HO>KGF>GM h_ @k^^geZg]
\hg\enlbo^ ^ob]^g\^%Ë lZb] Ikh_^llhk
[^eb^o^l ma^ ^qiehbmZmbhg Zg] ^qihkm h_ b\^
bg *20, [nm e^_m bg *21. ]n^ mh ma^ ho^ker
MahfZl PZ`g^k h_ G^p\Zlme^ Ngbo^klbmr'
Zg] pZm^k pbee [^\hf^ Z fZchk bg]nlmkr
lmkb\m _blabg` jnhmZl bfihl^]' @k^^geZg]
ÊHnk k^l^Zk\a _khf mkhib\Ze fZkbg^
_hk ma^bk \hngmkr bg ma^ ]^\Z]^l mh \hf^%
`Zbg^] l^e_&`ho^kgf^gm bg *202 Zg] Z\ab^o^]
l^]bf^gml ikhob]^l lmkhg` ^ob]^g\^ maZm
Zg] manl bm aZl [^^g bgo^lmbg` k^lhnk\^l bg
l^e_&kne^ bg +))1% pab\a f^Zgl maZm ma^
eZk`^ b\^ la^^ml bg]^^] ]b] ^qblm _hk lahkm
]^o^ehibg` mabl g^p bg]nlmkr lbg\^ +)).'
\hngmkr aZl Zllnf^] ma^ ihebmb\Ze ]^\blbhgl
i^kbh]l h_ ma^ <k^mZ\^hnl% ]^libm^ ma^ _Z\m
Ik^ebfbgZkr bgo^lmb`Zmbhgl aZo^ [^^g
maZm ma^ phke] pZl Z fn\a ahmm^k ieZ\^ maZg
\Zkkb^] hnm [r @k^^geZg] Ahf^ Kne^
bm bl mh]Zr% hk ebd^er mh [^ bg ma^ _nmnk^'Ë
Zg] lZfie^l aZo^ [^^g mZd^g _khf
Zg] \hfi^m^g\b^l maZm p^k^ ik^obhnler blln^] _khf =^gfZkd' :l h_ Cng^ +))2% =^gfZkd mhhd \hgmkhe h_
`eZ\b^kl% likbg`l% eZd^l Zg] kbo^kl'
@k^^geZg]Íl _hk^b`g Z__Zbkl% l^\nkbmr iheb\b^l%
\ebfZm^ Zl bg ma^ MnkhgbZa i^kbh]% p^
Ma^ k^lneml h_ ma^l^ bgo^lmb`Zmbhgl Zk^
\nkk^g\r Zg] _bgZg\^l bg \hgcng\mbhg pbma
\Zg ihlmneZm^ _khf mabl ^ob]^g\^ maZm ma^
in[ebla^] hg @k^^geZg]Íl h__b\bZe ÌB\^
ma^ l^e_&kne^ ^gmbmr% Zl p^ee Zl ikhob]bg`
phke]Íl `eZ\b^kl pbee g^bma^k f^em ZpZr ghk
Zg] PZm^kÍ p^[lbm^'
]^_^g\^ Zg] fbebmZkr _hk\^l% Zl @k^^geZg]
Nge^ll hnk ieZg^m bl _Z\^] pbma Z lbfbeZk
]blZii^Zk Zm ma^ kZib] li^^] maZm oZkbhnl
Eb\^gl^l _hk ma^ ^qiehbmZmbhg h_ b\^
aZl ghg^ h_ bml hpg'
Zg] pZm^k _hk ^qihkmZmbhg Zk^ Zelh [^bg`
:emahn`a =Zgbla bl pb]^er lihd^g bg
blln^] [r ma^ @ho^kgf^gm h_ @k^^geZg]%
@k^^geZg]% ma^ gZmbhgÍl h__b\bZe eZg`nZ`^ bl
mph&fbeebhg&r^Zk&he] b\^ \Zi aZl fZ]^
mh Z fZqbfnf i^kbh] h_ +) r^Zkl%
@k^^geZg]b\% Zg] bm ahe]l ma^ e^`Ze kb`aml
bm ma^ ahe]^k h_ ma^ phke]Íl eZk`^lm _k^la
pab\a fZr [^ ikhehg`^]' <nkk^gmer%
Zg] [^g^_bml mh \hgmkhe bml hpg fbg^kZel Zg]
pZm^k k^l^kohbk'
ma^ \hfiZgb^l pah aZo^ h[mZbg^] mabl
ihm^gmbZe hbe _b^e]l bg ma^ _nmnk^' ■
k^ihkml aZo^ ln``^lm^]' F^Zgpabe^% @k^^geZg]Íl `b`Zgmb\
November 2010
3D Dance Takes a Great Leap Forward
The 3D revolution is coming to dance. Pioneering filmmakers, among them Wim Wenders, tell us why the two were made for each other, reports Judith Mackrell. P:RG> >:@EBG@ BL GHM LNK>
aZo^ mh Z`k^^3 ma^ ]Zg\^klÍ [h]b^l cnfi
lahhm bl aZii^gbg` bg Z lfZee ma^Zmk^
paZm mh ^qi^\m' Ma^ \ahk^h`kZia^k bl
bgmh `be]^] ab`a ]^_bgbmbhg% ma^ _e^la hg
Zm Ehg]hgÍl Mhrg[^^ Lmn]bhl% Zg] ma^
lbmmbg` bg _khgm h_ Z eZk`^ fhgbmhk% \engdr
ma^bk [Zk^ \a^lml Zg] Zkfl ehhdbg` lheb]
m^\agheh`r k^jnbk^] mh ikh]n\^ ma^l^
`eZll^l [ZeZg\^] hg abl ghl^' A^Íl Z[hnm
Zg] [kb`am' Ma^bk fho^f^gml Z\jnbk^
ebo^er bfZ`^l bl mZdbg` ni Zefhlm ma^
mh ob^p ma^ _bklm _hhmZ`^ h_ abl [Zee^m
l\neimnkZe ohenf^4 ibkhn^mm^l gh ehg`^k
^gmbk^ o^gn^' Mabl bl ma^ _bklm mbf^ maZm
F^g R F^g% Z \^e^[kZmbhg h_ ma^ ih^mkr
Zii^Zk ebd^ _eZm ibgpa^^el% [nm k^oheo^
FZkd CZf^l% pah bl ]bk^\mbg` ma^ _bef%
Zg] obkmnhlbmr h_ fZe^ ]Zg\bg`% pab\a
pbma Z ]^^i% libkZeebg` ^qiZglbo^g^ll' ;^lm
aZl ^o^k phkd^] bg ,=' ÊLh _Zk%Ë a^ lZrl%
bl [^bg` _bef^] bg ,= _hk MO' ÊPa^g B
h_ Zee% ma^k^ bl Zg beenlbhg h_ Zbk Zkhng]
ÊBÍo^ e^Zkg^] ^o^krmabg` _khf k^Z]bg` Z
mabgd h_ ,=%Ë a^ lZrl% ÊbmÍl ZepZrl maZm
^Z\a [h]r% k^lmhkbg` ma^ ]Zg\^kl mh ma^bk
an`^ [hhd'Ë B_ mabl Ldr ikhc^\m bl h__^kbg`
fhf^gm bg ma^ :g]r PZkahe fhob^
ikhi^k ^e^f^gm3 liZ\^'
Z mZlm^k h_ paZm ,= \Zg ]h _hk ]Zg\^%
?kZgd^glm^bg% pa^k^ ma^ lmZd^ `h^l makhn`a ma^ [h]r% Zg] ma^ ebo^k l^^fl mh [^ ]Zg`ebg` kb`am hnm h_ ma^ l\k^^g'Ë A^ chd^l g^kohnler3 ÊMaZmÍl ghm ma^ dbg] h_ ^__^\m BÍf ahibg` _hk a^k^'Ë Pa^g ma^ fhgbmhk _eb\d^kl hg% >Z`ebg` k^eZq^l' ÊBml `hh]% o^kr eb_^ebd^% Zefhlm Zl b_ rhnÍk^ pZm\abg` _khf ma^ _khgm h_ lmZ`^'Ë Ma^ ]Zg\^kl Èf^f[^kl h_ ma^ >g`ebla GZmbhgZe ;Zee^m% ma^ \hfiZgr >Z`ebg` ]bk^\ml È Zii^Zk ^o^g fhk^ ^gmanlbZlmb\' Hg^% OZg E^ G`h\% \khpl3 ÊBmÍl lh bgm^gl^% bm ehhdl ebd^ p^ ]h bg k^Ze eb_^ È hger [^mm^k'Ë Pa^g B inm hg fr hpg `eZll^l% B
BmÍl ma^l^ jnZebmb^l È liZ\^% ohenf^%
g^qm r^Zk Z _Zk fhk^ lhiablmb\Zm^] Zg]
^g^k`r% ^q\bm^f^gm È maZm >Z`ebg` pZl
^qiZglbo^ ob^p pbee [^ \hfbg` mh \bg^fZl
ahibg` mh \Zimnk^ pa^g a^ Z`k^^] mh
pbma Pbf P^g]^klÍ =Zg\^ hk P^ :k^ Ehlm !ZdZ IbgZ"% Z[hnm ma^ eZm^ @^kfZg \ahk^h`kZia^k IbgZ ;Znl\a' P^g]^kl% \nkk^gmer bg ma^ ihlm& ikh]n\mbhg iaZl^ h_ ma^ ikhc^\m% bl Z \hfie^m^ \hgo^km mh ma^ ih^mb\l Zg] ihllb[bebmb^l h_ ,=% aZobg` li^gm ma^ eZlm *1 fhgmal bff^kl^] bg _befbg` Zg] ^]bmbg`' ÊB \Zg lZ_^er lZr%Ë P^g]^kl lmZm^l% ÊmaZm ,= Zg] ]Zg\^ Zk^ fZ]^ _hk ^Z\a hma^k'Ë ?Zfhnl _hk ma^ bgo^gmbhg Zg] bgmbfZ\r h_ ]h\nf^gmZkb^l ln\a Zl ;n^gZ OblmZ Lh\bZe <en[% Zl p^ee Zl _hk fhob^l ln\a Zl
iZkmb\biZm^ bg =Zg\^ =Zg\^ =Zg\^% Z ikh`kZff^ [^bg` lahm [r Ldr :kml _hk ma^ eZng\a h_ bml g^p ,= \aZgg^e' MZdbg` bg ^o^krmabg` _khf ;heerphh] mh \eZllb\Ze [Zee^m mh lpbg`% lbq ]Zg\^l pbee _^Zmnk^ bg ma^ ikh`kZff^% hg^ h_ ma^f !Lah[ZgZ C^rZlbg`aÍl <hngm^kihbgm" _bef^] bg ma^ _hngmZbgl h_ Ehg]hgÍl Lhf^kl^m Ahnl^' Ê;Zee^m aZl g^o^k phkd^] hg l\k^^g _hk f^%Ë lZrl >Z`ebg`' ÊBmÍl ZepZrl ehhd^] lh _eZm' B pZgm^] mh l^^ b_ bm \hne] phkd Zgr [^mm^k% Zg] mabl bl ikhfblbg`'Ë Ma^
November 2010
German choreographer Pina Bausch gestures after being awarded the Goethe prize in Frankfurt am Main in 2008. Wenders always wanted to work with her but he felt he couldn’t do justice to the dancing in 2D.
]kZp ma^ ob^p^k bgmh ;Znl\aÍl phke]' Bglm^Z]% P^g]^kl aZl aZ] mh k^obl^ abl oblbhg% fZdbg` Z _bef k^\hk] h_ ma^ \ahk^h`kZia^kÍl phkd pbmahnm ma^ \ahk^h`kZia^k a^kl^e_' LMBEE% ?HK ;Znl\a _Zgl phke]pb]^% ln\a Z k^\hk] bl ik^\bhnl' =Zg\^ bl ma^ fhlm ^ia^f^kZe h_ Zkm _hkfl% ^qblmbg` hger Zm ma^ fhf^gm h_ i^k_hkfZg\^% Zg] bmÍl ZepZrl ln__^k^] _khf bgZ]^jnZm^ _hkfl h_ k^ikh]n\mbhg' Ahp^o^k Zkm_neer _bef^]% ma^ ]Zg\^kl ZepZrl ehhd ]bfbgbla^] bg mph ]bf^glbhgl% ebd^ li^\bf^gl mkZii^] [^abg] `eZll% Zg] bmÍl Zee [nm bfihllb[e^ mh \Zimnk^ ma^ ^fhmbhgZe Zg] iarlb\Ze bfiZ\m
Pbg`l h_ =^lbk^% P^g]^kl aZl pZgm^] mh fZd^ Z _bef Z[hnm ;Znl\a _hk Z jnZkm^k h_ Z \^gmnkr% [nm \hne] g^o^k _b`nk^ hnm ahp mh fZd^ bm phkd bg +=' ÊPa^g B Z\mnZeer lZm ]hpg Zg] mkb^] mh bfZ`bg^ mabl _bef% B \Zf^ mh ma^ iZbg_ne \hg\enlbhg maZm B lbfier ]b] ghm aZo^ ma^ `kZffZk Zg] oh\Z[neZkr Zl Z _bef&fZd^k'Ë ;Znl\aÍl phkdl \^kmZbger ik^l^gm Z ngbjn^ \aZee^g`^ mh Zgrhg^ l^^dbg` mh mkZgleZm^ ma^f mh ma^ l\k^^g' Ma^r Zk^ an`^% pbma \Zlml h_ ni mh ,) ]Zg\^kl Zg] l^m ]^lb`gl hg Z fhgnf^gmZe l\Ze^4 paZmÍl fhk^% ma^bk ^fhmbhgZe ihp^k bl ]^kbo^] ghm cnlm makhn`a ;Znl\aÍl \ahk^h`kZiar% [nm Zelh makhn`a ma^ iarlb\Ze i^klhgZebmb^l h_ ma^ ]Zg\^kl Zg] ma^ \nkk^gml h_ _^Zk% Zgqb^mr Zg] ]^lbk^ maZm iZll bgoblb[er [^mp^^g ma^f' MaZmÍl Zee aZk] lmn__ mh \Zimnk^ hg _bef' ;nm _hk P^g]^kl% bm pZl ma^ bgZ[bebmr mh k^\k^Zm^ ma^ ^e^f^gm h_ liZ\^% makhn`a pab\a ma^ ]Zg\^kl fho^% maZm pZl ma^ fZbg lmnf[ebg` [eh\d' ÊLiZ\^ bl ma^ ]Zg\^klÍ o^kr hpg f^]bnf' Pbma ^o^kr `^lmnk^% pbma ^o^kr lm^i% ma^r \hgjn^k liZ\^ È Zg] \bg^fZ aZl g^o^k [^^g Z[e^ mh `bo^ nl Z\\^ll mh maZm'Ë P^g]^kl ]b]gÍm mabgd abl ikhc^\m phne] ^o^k [^ ihllb[e^4 ma^g% bg +))0% a^ lZp abl _bklm fh]^kg ,= _bef' =^libm^ bml m^\agb\Ze _eZpl% a^ ln]]^ger dg^p abl ;Znl\a _bef \hne] [^ fZ]^' ÊPbma ,=% B pZl \hgobg\^] p^ \hne] _bgZeer ^gm^k ma^ ]Zg\^klÍ o^kr hpg k^Zef'Ë Pa^g P^g]^kl [^`Zg _befbg` bg +))2% ahp^o^k% ma^ fZ\abg^kr Zg] ma^ ^qi^kmbl^ ZoZbeZ[e^ mh abf \hne]gÍm ]^ebo^k abl oblbhg' ÊBm pZl aZk] mh `^m Z gZmnkZe hk`Zgb\ _^^e bg ma^ ]Zg\^klÍ fho^f^gml' P^ p^k^ ahkkb_b^]% Z_m^k hnk _bklm m^lml% Zm ahp ^]`r Zg] khn`a ma^r ehhd^]' Bm mhhd nl Z fbeebhg mkb\dl% Zg] Zee ma^ ^qi^kb^g\^ Zg] dghpe^]`^ h_ fr lm^k^h`kZia^k% :eZbg =^kh[^% mh _bgZeer ^ebfbgZm^ ma^l^ ikh[e^fl'Ë ;nm% lm^^i Zl ma^ e^Zkgbg` \nko^ aZl [^^g% P^g]^kl aZl li^gm ma^ eZlm r^Zk aZiiber ehlm bg ma^ [kZo^ g^p ,= phke]4 ma^ ^qi^kb^g\^ aZl e^_m abf \hgobg\^]
Essentials Art
h_ ebo^ i^k_hkfZg\^' Pbma ,=% ahp^o^k% Dancers perform a scene of the play Wiesenland (Terre verte) by Bausch’s Tanztheater Wuppertal. 3D gives a sense of space, which is crucial for filming choreography.
bmÍl ma^ b]^Ze f^]bnf _hk ]Zg\^' Ê:l Z
_bef bl \hfbg` fn\a \ehl^k mh fbfb\dbg` maZm bfiZ\m' ?hk Zee h_ mahl^ pah _^Zk^] maZm ;Znl\aÍl phkd fb`am ]b^ pbma a^k% P^g]^klÍ ^qi^kbf^gml bg ,= h__^k Z g^p dbg] h_ bffhkmZebmr' :g] Zl ma^ m^\agheh`r [^\hf^l \a^Zi^k
li^\mZmhk% rhnÍk^ bgoheo^] ebd^ g^o^k
Zg] fhk^ ZoZbeZ[e^% hma^k ihllb[bebmb^l
[^_hk^3 rhn _^^e ma^ ^ll^g\^ h_ fho^f^gm
fZr hi^g ni' >Z`ebg` bl Zek^Z]r
È fhmbhg Zg] ^fhmbhg'Ë
phg]^kbg` paZm bm phne] [^ ebd^ mh
MkZ`b\Zeer _hk P^g]^kl% ;Znl\a a^kl^e_
\ahk^h`kZia Z ]Zg\^ li^\b_b\Zeer _hk ,=%
pbee ghm l^^ ma^ _bef% ghk pZl la^ Z[e^
Zg] paZm dbg] h_ ^__^\ml a^ \hne] ^qiehk^'
mh \heeZ[hkZm^ hg bm' A^k ln]]^g ]^Zma
ÊI^hie^ aZo^ \k^Zm^] lhf^ `hh] ]Zg\^l
eZlm lnff^k inm Zg ^g] mh ma^bk ahi^l
_hk m^e^oblbhg bg ma^ iZlm%Ë a^ fnl^l' Ê;nm
h_ phkdbg` mh`^ma^k hg Z khZ] fhob^%
mabl phne] [^ lhf^mabg` ]b__^k^gm' BmÍl Z
bgm^g]^] Zl Z f^mZiahk maZm phne]
pahe^ g^p ]bf^glbhg'Ë ■
Test Drive
Attaining Perfection The Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé was built to celebrate 100 years of arguably the most famous automotive brand in the world. Nick Rice experiences the compelling combination of exceptional engineering, outstanding technology and quintessential design.
:OBG@ G>O>K >O>G
B Zefhlm Zld^]% [nm _^Zkbg` mabl abma^kmh
^o^krmabg` _^^el \ehl^ mh aZg]' LZmbl_rbg`er
[^^g bg Z Kheel&Khr\^% e^m
^enlbo^ hiihkmngbmr fZr ]blZii^Zk% B d^im
eZk`^ \akhf^ e^o^kl hi^g Zg] \ehl^ ma^
Zehg^ ]kbo^g hg^% B pZl cnlm Z
jnb^m Zg] mknlm^] bg fr ahlmÍl `hh] l^gl^'
:< o^gml% Z \^gmkZe e^Zma^k \hfiZkmf^gm
mhn\a Ziik^a^glbo^ Z[hnm `^mmbg` [^abg] ma^ an`^ le^g]^k pa^^e h_ Z [kZg] g^p --0%.)) IaZgmhf =khia^Z] <hni Zg] a^Z]bg` hnm bgmh lbq eZg^l h_ knla ahnk mkZ__b\' ÊB Zf bglnk^] Zk^gÍm B8Ë
?khf ma^ o^kr _bklm fhf^gm% ma^
^g\Zl^l fhk^ lheb] f^mZe [nmmhgl mh
^qi^kb^g\^ h_ ]kbobg` Z Kheel&Khr\^ ^gmZbel
Z]cnlm ma^ l^Zml% Zg] hg^ ikhfbg^gm
ng^qi^\m^] r^m ie^Zlbg` ]bo^k`^g\^l _khf
\^gmkZe [nmmhg hi^kZm^l ma^ khh_ È Z leb\d
ma^ ghkf' ?bklmer% ma^ ngbjn^ \hZ\a ]hhkl
fho^f^gm maZm e^Zo^l ma^ \Zk hi^g mh ma^
hi^g _khf ma^ e^_m% k^o^Zebg` Zg bgobmbg`
^e^f^gml bg e^ll maZg ,) l^\hg]l'
^qiZgl^ h_ _bg^ e^Zma^k% ihebla^] m^Zd Zg]
?bgZeer% Zlb]^ _khf ma^ bff^]bZm^
[knla^] lm^^e' G^qm% \hf_hkmZ[e^ bg ma^
bfik^llbhg fZ]^ [r ma^ lnfimnhnl
]kbo^kÍl l^Zm% ma^ ikhibgjnbmr Zg] mZ\mbebmr
k^_bg^kr Zg] _eZpe^ll \eZllb\Ze ]^lb`g% ma^
h_ Zee ma^ [nmmhgl% e^o^kl Zg] aZg]e^l
la^^k lbs^ h_ ma^ \Zk bl paZm ho^kpa^efl'
bl lmkbdbg`' =^libm^ ma^ ]blmbg\m _^^ebg` h_ bgm^kgZe liZ\^%
Bm _^^el Zl mahn`a B Zf lm^^kbg` Z [hZm ZpZr _khf ma^ ;nkc :e :kZ[ ahm^e' R^m
The two-door, four-seat convertible Phantom Drophead Coupé, with raked front end, sweeping rear and the signature dynamic line descending along its flanks.
The Spirit of Ecstasy mascot has been recently remodelled using advanced computer software. She now has a more lifelike appearance, with clear definition of her features.
Handcrafted from the finest materials, the interiors can be personally tailored through the renowned Rolls-Royce bespoke service.
mabl bl pa^k^ ma^ k^Ze lnkikbl^ h\\nkl È
ma^ ]^l^km khZ] Za^Z]% bmÍl mbf^ mh _^^e
]heeZkl Zgr mbf^ lhhg% B \ZgÍm a^ei [nm
ma^ eb`amg^ll h_ lm^^kbg` bl ^qmkZhk]bgZkr'
paZm eb^l [^g^Zma ma^ [hgg^m' A^Z]bg`
Zeehp frl^e_ mh ihg]^k ho^k ma^ frkbZ]
=^libm^ ma^ bfihlbg` lbs^ Zg] oZlm
lmkZb`am mhpZk]l ma^ ahkbshg hg ma^
[^lihd^ himbhgl pab\a Zeehp Z ]bl\^kgbg`
p^b`am% bmÍl ihllb[e^ mh `nb]^ ma^ pa^^e
hi^g khZ] ma^ lnk`^ h_ ma^ O*+ ^g`bg^
\nlmhf^k mh i^klhgZebl^ lh fZgr Zli^\ml
Zkhng] bml _nee mnkgbg` \bk\e^ pbma cnlm ma^
l^ml ma^ a^Zkm kZ\bg`' Pbmabg l^\hg]l
h_ ma^ \Zk' Ma^ ÌLibkbm h_ >\lmZlrÍ `nb]bg`
ik^llnk^ h_ hg^ _bg`^k' Mabl bg\k^]b[e^
ma^ li^^]hf^m^k bl ho^k +))dia Zg] Z
f^ Zehg`% phne] maZm [^ _Zlabhg^] bg `he]%
fZgh^nokZ[bebmr [hhlml \hg_b]^g\^ Zl ma^
kZib]er ZiikhZ\abg` li^^] \Zf^kZ f^Zgl
lbeo^k hk lmZbge^ll lm^^e8 Phne] B \ahhl^ Z
le^^d `bZgm \hZlml ^__hkme^ller Zg] lbe^gmer
ma^ ,0- fbeebf^mk^ o^gmbeZm^] ]bl\ [kZd^l
]n\d ^`` [en^ hk ]bZfhg] [eZ\d ^qm^kbhk8
]hpg ma^ khZ]'
Zk^ inm bgmh ^__^\mbo^ nl^' ?hk fhk^
:g] _hk ma^ e^Zma^k bgm^kbhk% \k f^ eb`am
l^kbhnl ^f^k`^g\b^l ma^ [kZdbg` lrlm^f
hk ]Zkd lib\^8 P^ee% ghmabg` pkhg` pbma
_ehpbg` Zkhng] ma^ \Zk ma^ l^glZmbhg h_
bg\hkihkZm^l ma^ eZm^lm _hnk&\aZgg^e Zgmb&
]k^Zfbg` fhf^gmZkber% hg^ g^o^k dghpl'
\knblbg` bg Z enqnkr [hZm mnkgl hnm mh [^
eh\d lrlm^f' >f^k`^g\r ;kZd^ :llblm Zelh
gh fblmZd^' Ma^ \ab^_ bgm^kbhk ]^lb`g^k%
lm^il bg ng]^k a^Zor [kZdbg`% bff^]bZm^er
]^lbk^ mh hpg Z Kheel&Khr\^ \hf^ mh
:eZg La^ia^k]% mhhd bglibkZmbhg _khf ma^
Ziierbg` _nee _hk\^% Zg] _hk fZqbfnf
_knbmbhg% pbma lZe^l kblbg` laZkier Zg] Z
rZ\ambg` phke] Zg] oblbm^] [hZmrZk]l bg
Z\mbo^ lZ_^mr Zg Z]oZg\^] ]rgZfb\
]kZfZmb\ bg\k^Zl^ bg _bklm&mbf^ hpg^kl'
LhnmaZfimhg bg ma^ ND pa^k^ a^ pZl
lmZ[bebmr \hgmkhe lrlm^f `bo^l lni^k[
Bg +)*)% *-/0 \Zkl p^k^ k^mZbe^]
lmkn\d [r ma^ _Zfhnl *2,)l :f^kb\ZÍl <ni
\Zk \hgmkhe bg Zg ^f^k`^g\r lbmnZmbhg'
phke]pb]^ ni mh ma^ ^g] h_ :n`nlm% Z
Pbma ma^ mhi ]hpg Zg] Z pZkf [k^^s^
Fhk^ Zg] fhk^ i^hie^ Zk^ l^^bg` ma^bk
`khpma h_ +.0 i^k \^gm \hfiZk^] mh ma^
C&\eZll rZ\aml ng]^k k^lmhkZmbhg ma^k^' A^
-** lhe] bg ma^ lZf^ i^kbh] eZlm r^Zk'
Zbf^] mh bg\hkihkZm^ ma^ oZkb^mr Zg] nl^l
:EMAHN@A MA> IaZgmhf =khia^Z]
h_ ]b__^k^gm fZm^kbZel Zg] ma^ mk^f^g]hnl
<hni \Zg lpZeehp ni ma^ khZ] pbma
l^gl^ h_ inkihl^_ne ^e^`Zg\^ l^^g bg ma^
[Zk^er Z `khpe Zg] Zefhlm gh ob[kZmbhg
ibggZ\e^ h_ ]^lb`g Zg] ^g`bg^^kbg`% ma^r
rZ\aml' Bm pZl Zg h[c^\mbo^ [^Znmb_neer
]^libm^ ma^ ab`a li^^] È ma^ ^e^\mkhgb\Zeer
pZgm lhf^mabg` h_ ma^ libkbm h_ ma^ Kheel&
Z\\hfiebla^]% Zl ma^ pahe^ ]kbobg`
`ho^kg^] fZqbfnf [^bg` +-)dia È bm
Khr\^% li^^] pbma lbe^g\^% ma^ aZkg^llbg`
\hfiZkmf^gm _^^el enqnkbhnler k^`Ze' Mabl
cnlm ]h^lgÍm [^_bm ma^ gZmnk^ h_ ma^ \Zk mh
h_ `k^Zm ^g^k`r Zg] lnik^f^ `kZ\^'
e^o^e h_ \kZ_mlfZglabi k^jnbk^l \hfie^m^
kZ\^ bm Zkhng]' BmÍl _Zk mhh lhiablmb\Zm^] mh
]^]b\Zmbhg4 pbma fhk^ maZg ,.) fZg&ahnkl
[nkg ]hpg ma^ khZ]' : Kheel&Khr\^ pZ_ml
lhf^mabg` bg^__Z[e^ È gh \abe] ^o^k `k^p
bgo^lm^] bg ^Z\a \Zk% ghm bg\en]bg` ma^ mbf^
Zehg` pbma bfi^\\Z[e^ lmre^ Zg] `kZ\^'
ni ]k^Zfbg` h_ hpgbg` Z ;FP hg^ ]Zr'
mZd^g mh [nbe] ma^ ^g`bg^% bmÍl \e^Zk maZm
Pbma ma^ ebg^ Zm ma^ lb]^ h_ ma^ eZg^
Ghm hger ]h \nlmhf^kl pZgm mh hpg Z
Ma^ Kheel&Khr\^ [kZg] ^f[h]b^l
MaZm ngfblmZdZ[e^ fZgme^% ma^ lnk^ lb`g h_
ma^ fhmmh h_ \hfiZgr _hng]^k Lbk A^gkr
\^gmk^] [^mp^^g ma^ pbg`l h_ ma^ ÌLibkbm
aZobg` l^\nk^] Z[ng]Zgm fZm^kbZe p^Zema
Khr\^% ÊLmkbo^ _hk i^k_^\mbhg bg ^o^krmabg`
h_ >\lmZlrÍ Zg`^e fZl\hm Zm ma^ ^g] h_ ma^
Zg] ma^ lmZmnl maZm Z\\hfiZgb^l bm% [^ehg`l
rhn ]h%Ë aZl ehlm ghg^ h_ bmÍl bfi^eebg`
ehg` [hgg^m !Z `nb]Zg\^ mbi _hk bgbmbZeer
mh Kheel&Khr\^' >o^g b_ ghp hpg^] [r ma^
\hgob\mbhg pbma ma^ iZllZ`^ h_ mbf^'
fZgZ`bg` ma^ \ZkÍl ]bf^glbhgl" B \hZlm
;FP `khni% Kheel&Khr\^ k^fZbgl hg^
[Z\d bgmh ma^ \bmr' :emahn`a B \ZgÍm
h_ _^p [kZg]l bg ma^ phke] bf[n^] pbma
^goblZ`^ aZobg` g^Zker aZe_ Z fbeebhg
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:l ma^ \bmr _Zeel mpbgdebg` [^abg] bgmh ma^ k^Zk ob^p fbkkhk Zg] ]nld ^go^ehil November 2010
Other Business
Lehman Bros Art Makes $12 Million :g Zn\mbhg h_ _bg^ Zkm _khf ma^ G^p Rhkd h__b\^l h_ \heeZil^] bgo^lmf^gm [Zgd E^afZg ;khma^kl aZl kZbl^] fhk^ maZg *+ fbeebhg Zm Lhma^[rÍl Zkm Zn\mbhg ahnl^' Ma^ ikh\^^]l pbee `h mhpZk]l k^iZrbg` E^afZgÍl \k^]bmhkl% hp^] /)) [beebhg lbg\^ ma^ _bkf l \heeZil^ bg +))1% ma^ [b``^lm [Zgdknim\r bg NL \hkihkZm^ ablmhkr' Mhi l^ee^kl bg\en]^] phkd [r >mabhibZg Zkmblm Cneb^ F^ak^mn Zg] Zg hbe iZbgmbg`
One Million Dollars from Gates to Clean Cairo Ma^ ;bee F^ebg]Z @Zm^l ?hng]Zmbhg aZl `kZgm^] <ZbkhÍl Libkbm h_ Rhnma hk`ZgblZmbhg * fbeebhg ]heeZkl Z_m^k h[l^kobg` bml mk^f^g]hnl ^__hkml bg
[r Ebn R^ h_ <abgZ' F^ak^mn l bgd Zg] Z\kreb\ phkd% gZf^] Ngmbme^] *% lhe] _hk fhk^ maZg * fbeebhg' EbnÍl hbe iZbgmbg`% Ma^ Ehg` PZr Ahf^% p^gm _hk 2/+%.))' ;hma phkdl l^m k^\hk]l _hk ma^ Zkmblml' F^Zgpabe^% Zkmphkd% _nkgbmnk^ Zg] hma^k +)ma \^gmnkr f^fhkZ[bebZ _khf ma^ E^afZgÍl ^qm^glbo^ >nkhi^Zg \hee^\mbhg pZl Zn\mbhg^] Zm <akblmb^Íl bg Ehg]hg' : \hfiZgr ieZjn^ fZkdbg` ma^ +))- hi^gbg` h_ bml <ZgZkr PaZk_ h__b\^l [r ma^g <aZg\^eehk @hk]hg ;khpg pZl lhe] Zm <akblmb^Íl _hk -.%/))% [^Zmbg` Zg ^lmbfZm^ h_ +-))% pabe^ Z mak^^&f^mk^ lb`g pbma ma^ [ZgdÍl eh`h hg bm lhe] _hk //%0))' Ma^ Zn\mbhg% mph r^Zkl Z_m^k ma^ [ZgdÍl _Zbenk^% pZl ^qi^\m^] mh kZbl^ , fbeebhg'
k^lmkn\mnkbg` ma^ gZmbhgÍl `Zk[Z`^ ikh[e^f' ;Zl^] bg ma^ SZ[Ze^^g ]blmkb\m h_ <Zbkh% pab\a ebm^kZeer mkZgleZm^] f^Zgl Ì`Zk[Z`^ f^gÍ% ma^ ghg `ho^kgf^gmZe hk`ZgblZmbhg k^ik^l^gml mabl \hffngbmrÍl ]p^ee^kl Zg] bl ghp hg Z _bo^&r^Zk fbllbhg mh lmZ[bebl^ ma^ ebo^l h_ `Zk[Z`^ \hee^\mhkl Zg] ma^bk _Zfbeb^l' Bglm^Z] h_ mZk`^mbg` ma^ in[eb\ Zg] kZblbg` ZpZk^g^ll% Libkbm h_ Rhnma aZl mZd^g Z ]b__^k^gm ZiikhZ\a bg pab\a bm Zbfl mh ^]n\Zm^ ma^ \bmrÍl `Zk[Z`^ \hee^\mhkl Zg] a^ei ikhob]^ g^\^llbmb^l maZm \Zg mkZgl_hkf ma^bk ebo^l' ?hk ]^\Z]^l% k^lb]^gml h_ mabl g^b`a[hnkahh] aZo^ [^^g ebobg` Zfb]lm ibe^l h_ `Zk[Z`^ Zg] lmkZr ZgbfZel' PHOTOS: GETTY IMAGES
SZ[Ze^^g bl mahn`am mh [^ ma^ phke]Íl eZk`^lm k^\r\ebg` \hffngbmr' Mh]Zr% Libkbm h_ Rhnma bl mZdbg` f^Zlnk^l mh a^ei ma^ \hffngbmr [r phkdbg` pbma l\ahhel Zg]
Sleep Less and You Will Eat More A study by the University of Chicago has shown that sleep-deprived people tend to feel hungrier than those who sleep for longer periods. The research, which randomly assigned dieters to different sleeping patterns, found that participants who were allowed only five and a half hours of sleep at night lost less fat than those who slept for eight and a half hours or more. Although the total amount of weight loss did not differ – both groups lost about three kilogrammes over two weeks. The study also found that participants who slept less felt hungrier than the others, and had higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite. “The bottom line is that if people are trying to diet and lose weight for health reasons, it makes sense to get a sufficient amount of sleep,” said Dr. Plamen D. Penev, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago and the senior author of the study. “If they’re not getting enough sleep as they diet, they may have higher levels of hunger and be struggling to adhere to the regimen.” The small-scale study included 10 adults, who lived in a clinical research centre for weeks at a time so that their exercise, food consumption and sleeping schedules could be closely monitored.
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