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Overview Motivational leadership, raising morale and generating enthusiasm; these are some of the challenges faced by Hospitality Managers on a day-to-day basis. This is over and above all the other business decisions that need to be made. Guests nowadays have greater expectations of service, and a greater choice of who they will do business with and spend their money. Continuing research tell us that guests don’t make decisions based solely on the quality of the hotel, the services they offer, or the price. The quality of the hotel and the overall and the services offered are important to them. But more important is the overall relationship with the organization and the people in the hotel. Research by the Gallup Organization and others, shows that engaged employees are more productive. They are more profitable, more customer-focused, safer, and more likely to withstand temptations to leave. The best-performing organizations know that an employee engagement improvement strategy will help them win in the marketplace. Customer service training is a waste of time unless managers, supervisors and team leaders are trained to motivate and coach their staff when they return to the workplace They need to experience the training undergone by their staff and then support the training outcomes by daily on the job coaching. They need to spend quality time with their staff, walking the job, listening and observing interactions with guests, either face to face or on the telephone. When they see or hear something they do like, they need to tell the team member about it. When they see or hear something they don’t like, they need to tell the team member about it and coach them. This highly interactive workshop will develop the talents of Managers helping them to build a happy, highly motivated and engaged team.

This will make a positive contribution to customer service, and resultantly increase sales and profits.

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Learning Session Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

To define the role of a manager to include coaching and development To develop mutual trust through coaching To empower staff To develop skills in giving feedback To develop skills in describing performance Help staff get what they want, and build a happy and engaged team Learning Session Benefits

1. Reduced absence from work, reduced staff turnover and the time spent resolving staff issues 2. Less day to day problems with difficult staff members 3. A highly motivated team who make a positive contribution to the business Learning Session Action Points: 1. Understanding your job - Identifying the responsibilities of a manager and coach. Leading to an understanding of the benefits of coaching for the manager in achieving their objectives. 2. The Human/Business Plan – Identifying human needs that need to be satisfied when dealing with an employee. This ensures a smooth transition into the business objectives that need to be resolved. 3. Developing a feedback/coaching plan – How, when and where to deliver feedback. Developing the understanding that feedback and coaching takes place, as and when employee behaviour is seen, heard or has been reported. 4. The Pygmalion Effect in management – Becoming a positive Pygmalion Manager. The way managers treat their employees is subtly influenced by what they expect from them. 5. Some Words Are Better Than Others – Words to use and some to avoid. Certain words can ‘trigger’ a negative reaction in the employee and should be avoided. 6. Acknowledgement - How each of us gives, takes and processes acknowledgement. A human’s need for acknowledgement is so strong that they will sometimes behave badly to get that acknowledgement. 7. Describing effective and ineffective behaviour – How to describe performance be it good or not so good. The use of descriptive words being very important to ensure understanding and commitment from the employee. 8. Your impact on your team – How they see it, how you see it, and how it is. Since these differences can interfere with communication, it is important to consider them when giving feedback to employees. 9. How to give Confirming and Productive feedback – Ten steps you need to take to ensure that feedback and coaching is effective. 10. Principles of motivation in the workplace - Identifying what motivates people at work. How to build a self-motivating team.

Method The program is run in workshop fashion. It is highly interactive, with team exercises, group discussion and skill practise. Participants are encouraged to raise real life situations and discuss the challenges they face. The program is fun and inspirational! Participants will complete a personal action plan to be used, after the workshop, on a day to day basis. Your workshop leader Alan Fairweather, The Motivation Doctor, is an International Speaker and Successful Author. Alan did the job of a manager in four different organisations, over 15 successful years. He knows the real challenges that managers face every day, motivating their teams, satisfying customers and delivering business results. He formed his Speaking business in 1993 and runs seminars and workshops in the UK, US, Europe, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Books He is the author of three books including - ‘How to be a Motivational Manager’ – ‘How to Manage Difficult People’ – How to Make Sales When You Don’t Like Selling’

He is currently based in Manila, Philippines, and can be reached by email at: alan@themotivationdoctor.com Or by phone at: +63 (0) 917 5175191

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