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SWISSCOOL TRESOR PMC速 hunts down bacteria the natural way...


Ladybugs (the Coccinellidae family of beetles) eat up 50 greenfly a day. These useful beetles are also bred for use in biological pest control. TRESOR PMC® has taken its cue from this model provided by nature.


The Green Revolution MOTOREX TRESOR PMC® Water-miscible cooling lubricants are a crucially important element of demanding metal machining processes. In nature, life cannot exist without water – but the water, mineral oil and emulsifiers used in machine tools can turn them into ideal incubators for bacteria and fungi. Up to now, chemicals such as boron, amines, fungicides or bactericides have had to be regularly used to check this persistent growth. The need for such “chemical bludgeons” is now over! MOTOREX presents a world first: SWISSCOOL TRESOR PMC® (Precious Metal Catalyst) – the first cooling lubricant concentrate that impedes and sustainably limits bacterial growth using bioactive precious metals instead of biocides.

TRESOR PMC® IN PICTURES MO M OTO T RE REX X Ba B ccC Cra ack® preci re eci ciou iou ous us me meta t l ca c ta alyyst

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Many areas of science and technology, including human medicine, use the antibacterial effect of precious metals: with TRESOR PMC®, MOTOREX has succeeded in integrating this technology into an innovative cooling lubricant with long-term action.

MOTOREX TRESOR PMC® – the green drum and what it holds take metal machining to new dimensions!

Drilling, milling, turning and grinding – machining


operations that send swarf flying everywhere call for

When the coolant circuit of a machine tool is filled with

heavy-duty cooling and lubrication. Cooling lubricant is

MOTOREX TRESOR PMC®, a precious metal catalyst – the

flooded over the tool and workpiece. Water mixed with

patented BacCrack® from MOTOREX – hunts down and

finely dispersed droplets of oil forms an emulsion that

eradicates bacteria. Tiny particulates of precious metal

effectively cools and reduces friction. These emulsions

that are invisible to the naked eye float suspended in the

also contain additives that ensure optimum cutting

cooling lubricant flow. Bacteria that these particulates

performance and high-quality surface finishes.

encounter along the way are promptly destroyed by

Ingress of foulants carried by raw materials, leakage oil

catalytic action. Thanks to these ever-present, finely dis-

and other impurities promotes the growth of micro-

persed precious metal catalysts, undesirable bacteria

organisms in the emulsion circuit. This results in noxious

populations never have a chance. Machine operators

odors, corrosion, sediment and deposits, etc., that neces-

can breathe a deep of sigh of relief. And because precious

sitate changing the coolant fluid. Up until now, the only

metal always remains a precious metal, its catalytic

truly effective means of countering such coolant degra-

effect does not weaken over time, a feature that signi-

dation were stabilizers such as fungicides and bacteri-

ficantly lengthens coolant life.

cides which, however, pose hazards for humans and the substances has become the subject of broad debate


worldwide and faces growing, justifiable challenges

Chemists and engineers at MOTOREX, working in col-

from the workplace in particular.

laboration with external biologists and led by the expe-

environment. This is why the use of such problematic

rienced MOTOREX industrial specialist Dr. Stefan Maric, invested numerous man-years to achieve this exciting new development. Beginning with the initial idea and


With its innovative TRESOR PMC® (Precious Metal Catalyst) cooling lubricant concentrate, MOTOREX has achieved a world first in the metalworking industry. The emulsion underwent years of exhaustive testing, and has won over leading experts and shop-floor machinists alike.

The results of bacterial colonization tests conducted on cooling lubricants are clearly visible in the culture growth medium: the weak bacterial colonization on the right (TRESOR PMC®) contrasts starkly with the heavy colonization on the left (conventional cooling lubricant).

continuing through development and comprehensive

further enhanced by the generally low concentrations

field testing all the way to the finished product, every

required, the resultant beneficially low rate of concen-

aspect of this new development was examined and all

tration adjustment, and improved tool life. What is

relevant perspectives were closely scrutinized, from

more, cost-effectiveness is sustainably improved thanks

strict occupational health regulations and ecological

to significantly lower lubricant consumption, a reduced

sustainability to the demands for high-tech perfor-

maintenance requirement and the fact that supplemen-

mance in machine tools. The formula for MOTOREX

tary chemical additives are no longer needed.

TRESOR PMC® contains no substances that are hazarding lubricant entirely


• boron-free

Following successful field testing in 2007, entire manu-

• bactericide-free

facturing centers belonging to innovative customers in

• fungicide-free

Switzerland and abroad were filled with TRESOR PMC®.

• amine-free, and

It goes without saying that, by that point in time, TRESOR

• chlorine-free,

PMC® had already successfully passed all clinical tests

it has also been ranked in the product category least haz-

and met all the objectives specified by its developers.

ardous to water quality, Water Hazard Class 1. This in-

The number of systems using TRESOR PMC® grew quick-

novative formula already satisfies the even more strin-

ly, as even our most discerning customers were immedi-

gent EU biocide regulations scheduled to come into force

ately convinced by the innovative concept. Demand

as of 2014.

swiftly increased worldwide.



One of the specifications driving development work was

The sophisticated product formula of TRESOR PMC® re-

that absolutely no compromise could be made in manu-

quires specialized installations and carefully monitored

facturing performance. Field testing more than con-

processes. MOTOREX invested in new production facili-

firmed that this innovative product guarantees very

ties with online monitoring capabilities which are used

high cutting performance and very long tool life, and

exclusively to produce TRESOR PMC®. This serves to

thus stands entirely on a par with MOTOREX’s other,

ensure reliable, industrial-scale production of large

well-known SWISSCOOL products. Its performance is

quantities and reproducible process programming. •

ous to humans or the environment. Not only is this cool-










100% = base

55% TRESOR PMC® 6%




Predecessor product





Predecessor product Concentration 11%



Predecessor product

When machining this stainlesssteel component, Lars Schmäder, head of the machining workshop at Enz Technik AG in Giswil, noticed marked improvements on several machining parameters when working with TRESOR PMC®:


TRESOR PMC® IS A HIT WITH CUSTOMERS The MOTOREX Research and Development project team documented all day-to-day production parameters from real-life use by customers and industry specialists, including cooling, filtration, concentration adjustment rates, occupational exposure to germs and machine hygiene. The results were extremely gratifying. Here are just a few testimonials from the extensive positive feedback:

PERFORMANCE Excellent cutting performance. “After introducing TRESOR PMC®, the service life of the indexable inserts improved by an incredible 20% compared to the predecessor product. The cooling lubricant also came through a three-week shutdown over the holiday season problem-free. We were also able to sustainably reduce cooling lubricant concentration levels.“ Lars Schmäder, head of the machining workshop, Enz Technik AG, Giswil

SKIN COMPATIBILITY Free of boric acids, amines and microbiocides. “Ever since I started working with the innovative TRESOR PMC® cooling lubricant, my skin problems have disappeared – this is a fabulous improvement!” Anna Petrovic, employee, Wandfluh Hydraulics & Electronics, Frutigen

THE FUTURE IS NOW Technology harboring good future perspectives. (The full interview online at: “I see good future opportunities for a cooling lubricant such as TRESOR PMC®, which is free of problematic substances and inhibits germ growth by natural means. This has been proved in comprehensive tests at reference production sites. I have already amply alluded to the possible risks posed by biocides in use today, and the cost factor for such products that necessitate back-end monitoring and processing is the object of increasingly critical focus.” Michael Rocker, chemical engineer, Berufsgenossenschaft Metall Nord Süd (BGM), Mainz, Germany


TOOL LIFE High long-term stability and substantially extended tool life. “Precision drilling of camshaft bearing bores is an acid test by which we can measure the quality of a cooling lubricant. Many cooling lubricants fail the test owing to their lack of lubricating effect. TRESOR PMC® scored double points in this regard, because not only did it perform the task outstandingly, it succeeded in doing so at an extremely low concentration level of 6%.” Dirk Sellmer, head of testing and development, MAPAL Dr. Kress KG, Aalen, Germany HARD WATER STABILITY Suitable for use with water of any hardness. “We work with hard water from the municipal mains system and nevertheless achieve excellent emulsion stability with no calcium soap formation. What is more, we have been able to reduce cooling lubricant concentration from 15 to 7% with no loss of quality, even in very demanding machining processes!” Bernhard Münger, head of the machining department, Ernst Roser AG, Berne

COST-EFFECTIVENESS Very good flow characteristics. “We succeeded in lowering our concentration adjustment rate, and with it consumption by our 9,000-liter system, from 1.5 to 0.8%. The lubricant runs off the workpiece and swarf very well.” Jürg Haltiner, owner of Rätia Mechanik AG, Felsberg


NEW PERSPECTIVES What are the costs incurred by industry in Europe each year as a result of productivity losses due to skin disorders? Interview with Michael Rocker, chemist, Berufsgenossenschaft Metall Nord Süd (BGM), Mainz, Germany, in the MOTOREX magazine.

A wide variety of figures are bandied about, and I only have a rough overview for Germany from the standpoint of the accident insurance companies. Reliable figures are difficult to establish due to the mixture of direct costs (e.g. for treatment or retraining) and indirect costs (sick leave, production losses)

Berufsgenossenschaft Metall Nord Süd Prevention Division Health Protection Departement Wilhelm-Theodor-Römheld-Strasse 15 D-55130 Mainz


that is involved. A survey conducted for the years 2002 – 2004 has produced direct cost figures of between 600 million and 2 billion euros a year and estimated indirect costs some five times higher, giving an estimated cost figure of 3 to 10 billion euros a year for Germany. Extrapolating this estimate to Europe produces a sum well into the double-digit billions. That’s reason enough to replace

MOTOREX magazine: What confirmed triggers of skin

skin-damaging substances wherever technically feasible.

disorders are associated with the use of coolants? Michael Rocker: Skin disorders caused by coolants – contact

How do you view the future development of biocide-

eczemas, as they are known – are generally multifactorial in

containing coolants?

nature. Depending on the damaging factors in each case, we

This is a complex issue. The current standard practice is to

refer to allergic, toxic, irritant or degenerative changes in the

pre-preserve coolant lubricants or to subsequently add bio-

skin, and mixed forms are common. The period between first

cides. The possible risks have already been described. Coolant

contact with the coolant and the appearance of a skin disorder

lubricants that are naturally biocide-free and physical decon-

can range from a week to 30 years.

tamination systems are also known. Minimum-quantity lu-

Allergic contact eczemas are characterized by the fact that

brication and dry machining are other options that avoid bio-

the skin reaction persists throughout life, in many cases forc-

cides. My guess is that users will continue to give preference

ing the sufferer to give up their job if the allergen cannot be

to biocide-containing coolant lubricants for the foreseeable

avoided. Common allergens such as nickel, cobalt or chro-

future because of the need to suppress microbiological degra-

mium ions enter coolants from the workpiece. In such cases

dation. Innovation will always be needed when negative

substitution is generally not possible. Other relevant aller-

aspects such as skin or respiratory disorders get out of control.

gens are biocidal substances such as formaldehyde deposits or isothiazolinones. In this case, action can usually be taken

What will future regulations mean for industrial companies

by replacing the triggering allergen.

and operators?

Toxic irritant contact eczemas develop as a result of skin con-

I would feel happier if I could predict the expected positive

tact with substances with powerful effects, e.g. machine-

implications of REACH and GHS. Basically, manufacturers will

cleaning or system-cleaning agents, or coolant or biocide con-

be increasingly responsible for investigating the harmful ef-

centrates. This type of disorder can be avoided by wearing

fects of their chemicals on humans and the environment. This

suitable gloves (which must be specified in the safety data

will initially focus on raw materials, then spread to finished


products for industry, skilled trades and private users. Com-

Degenerative contact eczemas occur as a result of many

munication between the various manufacturers will also be

years of contact with cutting oils or cooling emulsions or so-


lutions. They develop through the slow but constant drying

The next step is to identify which particular application-spe-

and defatting of the skin and the disruption of the equilibrium

cific conditions, such as intensive skin contact, aerosol forma-

at the skin surface. This destruction can be avoided by opti-

tion during open use or risks associated with transport, lead

mized skin protection measures (skin protectant plus skincare

to which particular requirements in terms of protective

product). However, care must be taken to ensure that coolant

measures. The outcome of such an analysis might mean that

specifications such as working concentration and pH meet

certain applications need to be restricted or even banned al-

the manufacturers’ recommendations.

together in individual cases, for example if they are carcinogenic or environmentally hazardous.

This will be a protracted process, and REACH will not be

measured every week. However, the biocidal content,

fully implemented before 2018. But at least then there

after additions, is a parameter associated with a high

should no longer be any applications where we do not

degree of risk but is hardly documented at all.

know the extent of the risk to employees, and we will be

What do you think about this?

able to optimize protective measures. I am assuming that

The main problem is that the requirements arising from

the standard of occupational safety will be higher and that

the legal areas of “placing on the market” and “activities”,

there will be no unpleasant surprises because constitu-

i.e. use, differ widely. For the purposes of placing on the

ents that have been used for many years but have not

market, the properties of the traded product are consid-

been adequately investigated “suddenly” prove to be es-

ered, this is usually labeled and therefore subject to the

pecially dangerous.

requirements of the Preparations Directive (from 2015:

The aim of GHS is to set global standards, i.e. even those

GHS). Manufacturers implement these obligations, com-

manufacturers that have not primarily been affected by

pliance is (relatively) easy to monitor and violations are

REACH to date will be compelled to classify and label their

subject to substantial fines.


Differing levels of risk apply to the use of products, depending on each case on the working concentration, i.e. the

How do you view the future prospects for a product such

degree of dilution. So we have individual company-spe-

as MOTOREX TRESOR PMC 100, which is free of boron,

cific or production-specific scenarios. Certain individuals

amines and biocides and that limits microbial growth by

are responsible for establishing (i.e. estimating in many

other means?

cases) the level of risk during use, and that’s where the

Assuming that the technical performance and service

problem touched on in your question arises. Large fac-

lives have been confirmed in reference facilities, I think

tories have suitable individuals (e.g. safety engineers,


that its prospects are very good and that it will probably be used increasingly. I have already talked enough about

“Prospects are very good”

the possible risks associated with biocides, but the focus for future products will increasingly be on the cost factor.

works doctors, foremen) with the appropriate expertise to

Although the current discussions about boric acid are not

implement the requirements, yet the smaller a company

based on particularly firm ground, they influence buyers

is, the more difficult it is to identify problems and come up

– albeit unconsciously – nevertheless.

with a suitable solution. Monitoring compliance with the latest rules or regulations

What about the current position concerning coolants

also becomes more difficult with decreasing company

containing boric acid with regard to the Biocides

size. It is no secret that some companies have not been

Directive in 2014?

visited by accident insurance companies or regional au-

Looking ahead is always an uncertain business. Boric acid

thorities for a decade or more (and they are certainly not

is not currently listed as a biocidal substance in the Bio-

unhappy about this).

cides Directive, so while this situation continues (because

This problem can be resolved only by clarifying the risks,

its anticorrosive effect remains the prime consideration),

informing the relevant company personnel (line man-

the requirements of REACH will continue to apply. Discus-

agers and specialists) about their responsibility, developing

sions within the EU are currently focusing on whether

appropriate protective measures in the form of informa-

boric acid should undergo the authorization procedure,

tion sheets and seminars and, in particular, encouraging

which would again entail additional costs. There is also a

them to create a healthy working environment.

risk that certain applications will not pass the authoriza-

Finally, I should like to look specifically at biocides. As a

tion procedure, or to put it plainly, will be banned. That’s

result of the EU Biocides Directive, more products than

why the future for boric acid will be uncertain, even

ever before now have to be investigated and authorized

though not a single case of illness has been documented

and the fact that users sometimes handle biocides more

to date and the latest studies indicate that even highly

carelessly than they should has been taken into account.

exposed workers in the boric acid manufacturing industry

There is now a need to make users aware that biocides are

are not affected by disease.

dangerous or potentially dangerous products, depending

Why are all the relevant ingredients of coolant lubri-

the risks of corrosive burns, poisoning or chronic skin dis-

cants listed meticulously in the safety data sheets and

orders. The rules are strict enough, users just need to take

labeled, whereas in real-life, biocides are sometimes

them seriously and adopt them in practice. This they can

handled naively? For example, TRGS (Technical Rules

do with the aid not only of the manufacturers, but also of

for Hazardous Substances) 611 stipulates that pH,

accident insurance companies and the authorities. •

concentration, nitrite and temperature have to be

D 4/10 3 E

on the specific application, and to familiarize them with


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