Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından geliştirilen modüller;
Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının 02.06.2006 tarih ve 269 sayılı Kararı ile onaylanan, Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitim Okul ve Kurumlarında kademeli olarak yaygınlaştırılan 42 alan ve 192 dala ait çerçeve öğretim programlarında amaçlanan mesleki yeterlikleri kazandırmaya yönelik geliştirilmiş öğretim materyalleridir (Ders Notlarıdır).
Modüller, bireylere mesleki yeterlik kazandırmak ve bireysel öğrenmeye rehberlik etmek amacıyla öğrenme materyali olarak hazırlanmış, denenmek ve geliştirilmek üzere Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitim Okul ve Kurumlarında uygulanmaya başlanmıştır.
Modüller teknolojik gelişmelere paralel olarak, amaçlanan yeterliği kazandırmak koşulu ile eğitim öğretim sırasında geliştirilebilir ve yapılması önerilen değişiklikler Bakanlıkta ilgili birime bildirilir.
Örgün ve yaygın eğitim kurumları, işletmeler ve kendi kendine mesleki yeterlik kazanmak isteyen bireyler modüllere internet üzerinden ulaşabilirler.
Basılmış modüller, eğitim kurumlarında öğrencilere ücretsiz olarak dağıtılır.
Modüller hiçbir şekilde ticari amaçla kullanılamaz ve ücret karşılığında satılamaz.
CONTENTS EXPLANATION...................................................................................................................... v GİRİŞ ....................................................................................................................................... 1 PREFACE ................................................................................................................................ 2 LEARNING ACTIVITY-1 ...................................................................................................... 3 1. MAIN CONCEPTS ABOUT METAL BRANCH............................................................... 3 1.1. Terms And Concepts About Cold Shaping................................................................... 3 1.1.1. Metal Works .......................................................................................................... 3 1.1.2. Cold Shaping ......................................................................................................... 4 1.1.3. Steel ....................................................................................................................... 4 1.1.4. Alloy ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.1.5. Element.................................................................................................................. 5 1.1.6. Soldering................................................................................................................ 5 1.1.7. Marking ................................................................................................................. 6 1.1.8. Filing...................................................................................................................... 6 1.1.9. Straightening.......................................................................................................... 7 1.1.10. Hammering .......................................................................................................... 7 1.1.11. Bending................................................................................................................ 7 1.1.12. Cutting ................................................................................................................. 8 1.1.13. Drilling................................................................................................................. 8 1.1.14. Elastic Deformation ............................................................................................. 8 1.1.15. Plastic Deformation ............................................................................................. 8 1.1.16. Shaping ................................................................................................................ 8 1.1.17. Breaking off......................................................................................................... 9 1.1.18. Tensing ................................................................................................................ 9 1.2. Terms and Concepts About Hot Shaping...................................................................... 9 1.2.1. Hot Deformation.................................................................................................... 9 1.2.2. Forging................................................................................................................. 10 1.2.3. Dies...................................................................................................................... 10 1.2.4. Hot Work Dies..................................................................................................... 10 1.2.6. Tempering............................................................................................................ 11 1.2.7. Heat...................................................................................................................... 11 1.2.8. Atom .................................................................................................................... 11 1.2.9. Crystal.................................................................................................................. 12 1.2.10. Lattices............................................................................................................... 12 1.2.11. Fire..................................................................................................................... 12 1.2.12. Spreading ........................................................................................................... 12 1.3. The Terms and Concepts About Welding................................................................... 13 1.3.1. Welding ............................................................................................................... 13 1.3.2. Oxy-Acetylene Welding ...................................................................................... 13 1.3.3. Electrical Arc Welding ........................................................................................ 14 1.3.4. Resistance welding .............................................................................................. 14 1.3.5. Melting................................................................................................................. 14 1.3.6. Direct Current (DC)............................................................................................. 14 1.3.7. Alternative Current (AC) ..................................................................................... 15 1.3.8. Ampere ................................................................................................................ 15 i
1.3.9. Seam Welding...................................................................................................... 15 1.3.10. Slag .................................................................................................................... 15 1.3.11. Welding Preparing............................................................................................. 16 1.3.12. Gaz Metal Arc Welding..................................................................................... 16 1.3.13. Welding Zone .................................................................................................... 17 1.3.14. Arc Light............................................................................................................ 17 1.3.15. Gasses Used in Oxy-gas Welding...................................................................... 17 1.3.16. Welding Flame .................................................................................................. 17 1.3.17. Horizontal Welding ........................................................................................... 17 1.3.18. Ways of Welding Positions ............................................................................... 18 EVALUATION.................................................................................................................. 20 LEARNING ACTIVITY-2 .................................................................................................... 21 2. THE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS USED IN METAL BRANCH ................................. 21 2.1. Measurement, Control And Marking Tools ................................................................ 21 2.1.1. Straightening Plate............................................................................................... 21 2.1.2. Marking Plate ...................................................................................................... 22 2.1.3. Punctuating Tool.................................................................................................. 22 2.1.4. Drawing Tool....................................................................................................... 22 2.1.5. Compasses ........................................................................................................... 22 2.1.6. Strip Meter........................................................................................................... 23 2.1.7. Steel Ruler ........................................................................................................... 23 2.1.8. Calipers................................................................................................................ 23 2.1.9. Micrometer .......................................................................................................... 23 2.1.10. Set-square .......................................................................................................... 24 2.1.11. Set-square With Angle....................................................................................... 24 2.1.12. Universal Set-square.......................................................................................... 24 2.2. The Tools And Machines About Cold Shaping .......................................................... 25 2.2.1. File ....................................................................................................................... 25 2.2.2. Hammer ............................................................................................................... 25 2.2.3. Chisel ................................................................................................................... 25 2.2.4. Punching Tools .................................................................................................... 26 2.2.6. Chamfer Vise....................................................................................................... 26 2.2.7. Pipe Vise.............................................................................................................. 27 2.2.8. Drill Bench Vise .................................................................................................. 27 2.2.9. Sawing Lama ....................................................................................................... 27 2.2.10. Saw Handle........................................................................................................ 27 2.2.11. Shears Used in Hands ........................................................................................ 28 2.2.12. Shears Used By Arms ........................................................................................ 28 2.2.13. Knops................................................................................................................. 28 2.2.14. Numbering Tips ................................................................................................. 29 2.2.15. Drills .................................................................................................................. 29 2.2.16. Drill Bit.............................................................................................................. 29 2.2.17. Drill Chuck ........................................................................................................ 30 2.2.18. Morse Sleeve ..................................................................................................... 30 2.2.19. Morse Key ......................................................................................................... 30 2.2.20. Spanner .............................................................................................................. 30 2.2.21. Ring Spanner ..................................................................................................... 31 ii
2.2.22. Allen Wrench..................................................................................................... 31 2.2.23. Socket Tools ...................................................................................................... 31 2.2.24. Adjustable Wrench ............................................................................................ 32 2.2.25. Screwdriver........................................................................................................ 32 2.2.26. Cross-Head Screwdriver.................................................................................... 32 2.2.27. Pliers .................................................................................................................. 32 2.2.28. Side Chisels ....................................................................................................... 33 2.2.29. Long Nosed Pliers.............................................................................................. 33 2.2.30. Spirit-Level ........................................................................................................ 33 2.2.31. Tap ..................................................................................................................... 34 2.2.32. Tap Handle ........................................................................................................ 34 2.2.33 Die ...................................................................................................................... 34 2.2.34. Die Handle......................................................................................................... 34 2.2.35. Puller.................................................................................................................. 35 2.2.36. Guillotine Shears ............................................................................................... 35 2.2.37. Pres Brakes ........................................................................................................ 35 2.2.38. Roller ................................................................................................................. 36 2.2.39. Combined Shears ............................................................................................... 36 2.2.40. Portable Emery .................................................................................................. 36 2.2.41. Hydraulic Sawing Machine ............................................................................... 37 2.2.42. Circular Sawing Machine .................................................................................. 37 2.2.43. Cutting Without Burr......................................................................................... 37 2.2.44. Abrasive Disk .................................................................................................... 38 2.2.45. Pipe Bending Machine....................................................................................... 38 2.2.46. Eccentric Press................................................................................................... 38 2.2.47. Hydraulic Pres ................................................................................................... 39 2.2.48. Cutting And Drilling Dies. ................................................................................ 39 2.2.49. Bending Dies ..................................................................................................... 39 2.3. Hot Shaping Tools And Machines .............................................................................. 40 2.3.1. Blacksmith’s Kiln ................................................................................................ 40 2.3.2. Furnace ................................................................................................................ 40 2.3.3. Aspirator .............................................................................................................. 41 2.3.4. Ventilator ............................................................................................................. 41 2.3.5. Anvil And Anvil Pedestal.................................................................................... 41 2.3.6. Sledgehammer ..................................................................................................... 42 2.3.7. Pincers ................................................................................................................. 42 2.3.8. Press..................................................................................................................... 42 2.3.9. Pneumatic Rammer.............................................................................................. 43 2.3.10. Falling Hammer ................................................................................................. 43 2.3.11. One Faced Die ................................................................................................... 43 2.3.12. Cotter Die .......................................................................................................... 43 2.3.13. Open Die............................................................................................................ 44 2.3.14. Semi Open Die................................................................................................... 44 2.3.15. Closed Die ......................................................................................................... 44 2.3.16. The Burr Cutting Dies ....................................................................................... 45 2.4. Electric Arc Welding Machine and Part ..................................................................... 45 2.4.1. Welding Masks .................................................................................................... 45 iii
2.4.2. Mask glass ........................................................................................................... 45 2.4.3. Welding Hammer................................................................................................. 46 2.4.4. Wire Brush........................................................................................................... 46 2.4.5. Welding Workbench............................................................................................ 46 2.4.6. Electrodes ............................................................................................................ 47 2.4.7. Chassis ................................................................................................................. 47 2.4.8. Wire ..................................................................................................................... 48 2.4.9. Electric Arc Welding Machine ............................................................................ 48 2.5. Oxy-Gas Welding Tools And Equipments ................................................................. 49 2.5.1. Oxygen Tubes...................................................................................................... 49 2.5.2. Acetylene Tube.................................................................................................... 49 2.5.3. Torch.................................................................................................................... 49 2.5.4. Blow Pipe ............................................................................................................ 50 2.5.5. Cutting Blow Pipe ............................................................................................... 50 2.5.6. Welding Glasses .................................................................................................. 50 2.5.7. Safety Devices ..................................................................................................... 51 2.5.8. Acetylene Hose.................................................................................................... 51 2.5.9. Oxygen Hose ....................................................................................................... 51 PRACTICE ACTIVITY .................................................................................................... 52 EVALUATION.................................................................................................................. 53 MODULE EVALUATION .................................................................................................... 54 ANSWER KEYS.................................................................................................................... 57 TECHNICAL DICTIONARY ........................................................................................... 58 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................... 78
222YDK017 Metal Teknolojisi
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Teknik Yabancı Dil 3 (İngilizce) Ait olduğu meslekle ilgili İngilizce kelime ve kavramların tanınmasını, okunmasını, ve yazılmasını hedefleyen öğrenme materyalidir. 40/32 Teknik Yabancı Dil 2 Modülünü başarmış olmak.
Metal Teknolojisi ile ilgili temel kavram ve araçgereçlerin İngilizcelerini okumak.
Genel Amaç Gerekli ortam sağlandığında, Metal Teknolojisi ile ilgili temel kavram ve araç-gereçlerin İngilizcelerini dilbilgisi kurallarına uygun olarak okuyup ifade edebileceksiniz. Amaçlar 1. Metal Teknolojisi ile ilgili temel kavramların İngilizcelerini doğru olarak okuyabileceksiniz. 2. Metal Teknolojisi alanında kullanılan araç ve gereçlerin İngilizcelerini doğru olarak okuyabileceksiniz.
Dil laboratuarı; Kulaklık, bilgisayar ve ekipmanları, kütüphane, projeksiyon vb. Bireysel öğrenme ortamları; İngilizce sözlük, yardımcı teknik kitaplar. İnternet ortamı, bilgi tekolojileri vb. İşletmeler ve üniversiteler Her faaliyet sonrasında o faliyetle ilgili değerlendirme soruları ile kendi kendinizi değerlendireceksiniz. Modülün sonunda kazandığınız yeterlikle ilgili kendinizi değerlendirebileceksiniz. Öğretmen modül sonunda size ölçme aracı (uygulama, soru-cevap)uygulayarak modül uygulamaları ile kazandığınız bilgi ve becerileri ölçerek değerlendirecektir.
GİRİŞ GİRİŞ Sevgili Öğrenci, İnsanlığın ileri gitmesinde en önemli unsurlardan birisi üretim ve buna bağlı olarak, araştırma ve geliştirmedir. Ar&Ge ye yıllık bütçelerinden fazla pay ayıran ülkeler her geçen gün daha iyi bir hayata başlıyorlar. Üretimin teknolojiyle paralel gelişmesi gerekir. Çünkü teknolojisini yenileyemeyen ülkeler ve bu ülkelerin insanları geri kalmaya mahkumdur. Yeni teknoloji dil ve dil bilen insanlar sayesinde olur. Çalışkan insanlar, dergi, kitap ve internet dökümanlarını okuyabilir böylece kendi branşlarındaki ve mesleklerindeki son teknolojiyi yabancı dil ve teknik yabancı dil öğrenerek takip edebilirler. Böylikle ülkelerine daha etkili ve yararlı bireyler olurlar. Tembel insanlar, yeterli yabancı dilleri olmadığı için son teknolojici takip edemezler. Bu yüzden kendi fabrikaları veya atölyeleri ile sınırlı kalırlar. Teknik İngilizce 3 modülüyle sizlerin mesleki İngilizce’nizi daha üst seviyeye çıkarmayı hedefledik. Bu sayede kendi mesleğiniz ile ilgili terimlerin ve sözcüklerin İngilizce karşılıklarını öğrenebilecek ve dünyadaki gelişmeleri yakından izleyebileceksiniz. Mesleğinizde ve hayatınızda başarı dileklerimizle.
PREFACE PREFACE Dear Student, One of the most considerable reasons why the humanity advance is production and so research and development. The countries which is paying more money from their incomes to RESEARCH&IMPROVEMENT is getting an easier and more comfortable life style. Because The countries which don’t renew their technology become underdeveloped day by day. New technology developes thanks to foreign language and the one who knows foreign language. Hardworking people can read the magazines, books and internet documents in English so can follow the recent technology on their own branches or jobs by learning foreign languages and technical foreign languages. They broad their mind. So they can be more effective and useful people for their counrty. Lazy people can’t follow the recent technology since they don’t have enough foreign language. So they are blocked in their factories or workshops. We have aimed to improve your occupational English into a higher level with the module “Technical English 3“. In this case, you can learn the technical words and terms in English and follow the recent technology in the world more closely.
LEARNING ACTIVITY-1 LEARNING ACTIVITY-1 AIM Metal Teknolojisi ile ilgili temel kavramların İngilizcelerini doğru olarak okuyabileceksiniz
Teknik kitaplardan, teknik İngilizce sözlüğünden ve internetten Metal Teknolojisi ile ilgili temel kavramların İngilizce karşılıklarını araştırıp bir kitapcık halinde hazırlayınız.
1. MAIN CONCEPTS ABOUT METAL BRANCH 1.1. Terms And Concepts About Cold Shaping 1.1.1. Metal Works The branch that gives shape to metals as cold or hot according to the measure in the drawing. It also includes welding and heat treatments. Metal work branches are chopping works, steel objects, steel construction, body working, metal decorating, hot shaping, oxy-gas welding, electric arc welding.
Picture 1.1:The usage of metals in some sectors
1.1.2. Cold Shaping The process of shaping at the room temperature is called cold shaping. Cold shaping includes bending, drilling, chopping, filing.
Picture 1.2: Cold shaped equipment
1.1.3. Steel It’s the alloy of iron and carbon. It has up to 1.7 % carbon. If we wish, we can add some other metals or elements. It’s the most used metal in industry.
Picture 1.3: Steel bridge
It’s Types Steels with poor carbon Steels with ordinary carbon Alloy steels Stainless steels Construction steels High speed steels Tool steels
1.1.4. Alloy The mixture that is consisted by adding some elements into a metal. If we mix copper and zinc, we get brass.
Picture 1.4: Alloy rim
1.1.5. Element It’s a pure material that cannot be decomposed into materials by chemical methods. Iron, nickel, chrome, carbon, aluminium, copper are elements.
Table 1.1: Element table
1.1.6. Soldering If we mix tin and lead, we get solder alloy. The soldering is the process of connecting without melting the materials themselves but by melting the solder alloy at lower temperature. It’s done in two ways; brazing and soldering.
Figure 1.1: Soldering process
1.1.7. Marking It’s the process of copying the technical drawing on a material. Marking is the first step in production. It’s very essential because the better marking the better production can be provided.
Picture 1.5: Marking process
1.1.8. Filing The process of shaping by files on the surface of the material and forming it in a size, shape that we wish and need. Filing can be done by hands on vises or by means of machines.
Figure 1.2: Filing process
1.1.9. Straightening The process of having the deformed metal equipments put in use.
Figure1.3: Straightening process
1.1.10. Hammering The process of striking the workpiece to make a hole or to shape the metal we wish.
Picture 1.6: Hammering process
1.1.11. Bending The process of producing new and permanent metal shapes by putting under force. We use this process to produce steel furniture, decorative hardware, machine and steel goods.
Picrure 1.7: Bending process on the machine
1.1.12. Cutting The process of separating the parts in definite size from the materials in various methods. We can cut a metal generally by metal removing, machining without chip and melting.
Picture 1.8: The cutting process by oxy-gas and laser
1.1.13. Drilling It is the process of making cylindrical holes on materials. Generally we drill with hand or braces, punches and drills.
Picture 1.9: Drilling process
1.1.14. Elastic Deformation It’s the temprorarly shape change of the material that is exposed to force. If we remove the force, the material takes its previous form. (Look up Figure 1.4)
1.1.15. Plastic Deformation It’s the permanent shape change of the material under force. Metals are suitable for plastic shaping. (Look up Figure 1.4)
1.1.16. Shaping The process of snapping after bending or pulling. (Look up Figure 1.4) 8
1.1.17. Breaking off It is the process on the material after the strike force. In the process of breaking off, we can find out the stretch and perish of the material.
1.1.18. Tensing It’s the force on a material. This process is done in one axis, in a definite speed and at fixed temperature untill the material will be snapped. In the process of pulling, cross-section constriction and stretching come into existence on the material.
Figure 1.4: The diagram of tensile test
1.2. Terms and Concepts About Hot Shaping 1.2.1. Hot Deformation It is the process of shaping metals at high temperatures by the help of tools and machines. Hot deformation is done by bending, drilling, piling, spreading, hammering and shaping in a form.
Picture 1.10: Hot shaped products
1.2.2. Forging It is a shaping process of the heated metals by applying force on them. It’s done by means of tools or machines.
Picture 1.11: Forging process
1.2.3. Dies They are used for shaping the materials by pressing or stroking. The dies are diversified into two; hot work and cold work dies
Picture 1.12: Die
1.2.4. Hot Work Dies These dies are used for shaping the workpieces at high temperatures.
Figure 1.5: Hot work die.
1.2.6. Tempering The process of heating the metals in the furnaces or fireplaces for heat treatment.
Picture 1.13: Tempering process
1.2.7. Heat The physical energy that makes a material stretched, expanded, melted and hotter.
1.2.8. Atom The minimum structure of elements. Atom consist of electrons and nucleuses.
Picture 1.14: Structure of atom
1.2.9. Crystal It’s a special geometric solid shape coming into existence with the union of atoms or molecules.
1.2.10. Lattices Even the minimum parts of a crystal are arranged in an order. This is called crystal lattice.
Picture 1.15: Crystal lattice shapes
1.2.11. Fire It is a rapid, persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied by flame, especially the exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance.
Picture 1.16: Fire
1.2.12. Spreading The metamorphosis of a material shape after the crystal displaces and moves to one side without breaking off. Spreading happens in two ways Free spreading Forced spreading
Figure 1.6: Types of spreading out in dies
1.3. The Terms and Concepts About Welding 1.3.1. Welding Joining the metals by heating, pressing or using both of them with or without a supplement. The supplement can be used if it is needed.
Picture 1.17: TIG welding machine and welding process
1.3.2. Oxy-Acetylene Welding It’s a way of welding by melting metal parts by the help of oxy-gas flame.
Picture 1.18: Welding of pipes by oxy-acetylene
1.3.3. Electrical Arc Welding Joining process by the help of the heat arising from electric arc between parts to be welded and electrodes.. The metal parts melt partly.
Picture 1.19: The process of electrical arc welding
Figure 1.7: Electrical arc welding
1.3.4. Resistance welding Joining process by the heat and pressure. Heat occurs by the electrical ressitance of metals to be welded .
Its ways Spot resistance welding Resistance welding with blister Seam resistance welding Resistance butt welding
1.3.5. Melting Making the workpiece and electrode fuse under the influence of welding current.
1.3.6. Direct Current (DC) The current that its direction and intensity don’t change according to time.
Figure 1.8: AC current and DC current diagram覺
1.3.7. Alternative Current (AC) The current whose direction and intensity change according to time. (look up figure 1.3.2)
1.3.8. Ampere The unit of current of intensity.
1.3.9. Seam Welding The physical shape which is narrow and high, arising after the electrode melts during the joining.
Figure 1.9: Seam welding
1.3.10. Slag The cover on the seam welding. Slag is the waste of electrode cover.
Figure 1.10: Welding and churn
1.3.11. Welding Preparing Cutting the edges of thick materials because the seam welding can penetrate perfectly. This process is applied for the materials that are thicker than five millimeters.
Figure 1.11: X and U welding preparing
1.3.12. Gaz Metal Arc Welding It is a welding type that is done by electrode under the flowing gas such as argon, helium, and carbondioxide.
It’s divided into two The way of welding with wolfram electrode (TIG). The way of welding with (MIG and MAG).
Picture 1.20: MIG and (MAG) Welding machine and (TIG) welding machine
1.3.13. Welding Zone The place where the heat affects while welding. A metamorphosis happens in its inside.
1.3.14. Arc Light The light that shines while the electrode is making arc on the workpiece and that goes on during the welding.
Picure 1.21: Welding arc light
1.3.15. Gasses Used in Oxy-gas Welding Oxygen and some other flammable gasses suc as acetylene, hydrogen, methane, propane, butane, the mixture of propane and butane town gas, gasoline and benzol vapour are used.
1.3.16. Welding Flame The flame coming out while the burning and caustic gases are burning in the process of oxy-gas welding. Types of welding flame Carburizing flame Oxidizing flame Normal flame
Figure 1.12: Welding flame.
1.3.17. Horizontal Welding The position of seam welding. It’s the safest and easiest welding position.
Figure 1.13: Horizontal welding
1.3.18. Ways of Welding Positions The welding positions except for horizontal welding.
Figure 1.14: Wertical welding
1.3.19. Electrode Movements Electrode goes forward drawing a bow, zigzagging or in a circular way. We move the electrode while welding the thick parts.
Figure 1.15: Electrode movements
İŞLEM BASAMAKLARI Eğeleme işlemini ingilizce ifadelerle anlatınız.
Lehimleme işlemini ingilizce olarak ifade ediniz.
Çekme deneyinde oluşan elastik-plastik şekil değişikliğini, kopmayı ingilizce olarak ifade edin.
Teknik ingilizce sözlüğünden yararlanabilirsiniz. İngilizce öğretmenlerinden yardım alabilirsiniz. Atelyede, kaynak işyerlerinde, işlem esnasında uygulamayı yapabilirsiniz. Anlatımı bir arkadaşınızla diyalog şeklinde yapabilirsiniz Öğrendiklerinizi yüksek sesle tekrar edebilirsiniz
EVALUATION EVALUATION Bu faaliyet kapsamında hangi bilgileri kazandığınızı aşağıdaki çoktan seçmeli soruları cevaplandırarak belirleyiniz. 1.
………………………………: It’s the alloy of iron and carbon. It includes carbon up to 1.7 %. If we wish, we can add some other metals or elements. It’s the most used metal in industry. A) Alloy B) Churn C) Steel D) Element
……………………………....: Joining the metals by heating or pressing or using both of them having a supplement with. The supplement can be used if it is needed. A) Solder B) Cold Shaping C) Marking D) Welding
…………………………………….: The current whose direction and intensity change according to time. A) Arc light B) Alternative current C) Filing D) Metal works
The minimum structure of elements. A) Heat B) Crystal C) Atom
D) Hardness
…………………………………………: The flame coming out while the a flammable and oxygen gases are burning in the process of oxy-gas welding. A) Welding Flame B) Cold shaping C) Softness D) Tempering
DEĞERLENDİRME Cevaplarınızı cevap anahtarı ile karşılaştırınız. Doğru cevap sayınızı belirleyerek kendinizi değerlendiriniz. Yanlış cevap verdiğiniz ya da cevap verirken tereddüt yaşadığınız sorularla ilgili konuları faaliyete geri dönerek tekrar inceleyiniz Tüm sorulara doğru cevap verdiyseniz diğer faaliyete geçiniz.
LEARNING ACTIVITY-2 LEARNING ACTIVITY-2 AIM Metal Teknolojisi alanında kullanılan araç ve gereçlerin İngilizcelerini doğru olarak okuyabileceksiniz
Teknik kitaplardan, teknik İngilizce sözlüğünden ve internetten Metal Teknolojisi alanında kullanılan araç ve gereçlerin İngilizce karşılıklarını araştırıp bir kitapcık halinde hazırlayınız.
2. THE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS USED IN METAL BRANCH 2.1. Measurement, Control And Marking Tools 2.1.1. Straightening Plate It’s made of cast iron. Its surface is machined and it looks like a table. The largest one is 5-6 meters long 1.2 – 2 meters wide. Its thickness can vary between 100 and 200 millimeters
Figure 2.1: A straightening plate
2.1.2. Marking Plate It’s made of granite or cast iron. It’s surface is machined quite sensitively. On this plate, we can do the marking only.
Picture 2.1: A check plate
2.1.3. Punctuating Tool It’s a kind of tool for marking. Before drilling, it’s used for marking a socket that prevents the bit to slide. The pen-nibs are honed as 30o, 60o, 75o, and 90o.
Figure 2.3: The tool for punctuating
2.1.4. Drawing Tool It’s a tool for marking lines on metals. It has about 15o point angle and is made of hard materials such as diamond and alloy steel.
Figure 2.4: Different types of marking tools
2.1.5. Compasses They’re the tools that are used for drawing a circle or a bow. They’re made of steel and their nips are harden. The compasses should have pointed for a good marking.
Picture 2.2: A compasses
2.1.6. Strip Meter It’s the tool that has been divided into millimeters and measures long materials roughly. Generally, it can 2,3,5,10,20,30,or 50 meters long and 12 or 13 millimeters wide. It’s made of spring stainless steel.
Picture 2.3. Types of strip meters
2.1.7. Steel Ruler It’s used for measurement and marking. It’s made of spring steel. Its wideness is 20 millimeters, its length can be 100 or 1000 meters and its thickness is 0,5 millimeters.
Picture2.4: A steel ruler
2.1.8. Calipers They are the measuring tools that can be adjusted. It’s used for measuring the spaces like inner diameters, outer diameters, depths or canals. It’s made of stainless steel.
Picture 2.5: Types of callipers
2.1.9. Micrometer It’s the tool that can do the measuring more sensitively than the calipers. It can measure the very thin sheets and circular parts.
Picture 2.6: A micrometer
2.1.10. Set-square The tool checking the angles between the plane surfaces.
Picture 2.7: A set-square
2.1.11. Set-square With Angle There is the chart showing the angle section on it. By means of this procractor, the angels between the plane surfaces can be checked by adjusting the angle we need.
Figure 2.5: Types of set-squares with angle
2.1.12. Universal Set-square It’s used for measuring and checking the very sensitive angles. We can do the angle transmitting and marking by means of this set-square.
Picure 2.8: A universal set-square
2.2. The Tools And Machines About Cold Shaping 2.2.1. File A tool that is made of hardened steel. It’s used to work on, make smooth and shape the metal parts by the help of its rough surface. Its types The files according to where they are used. The files according to their size. The files according to their rough density. The files according to their shapes.
Picture 2.9: Half circle file
2.2.2. Hammer It’s a tool for striking. It is made of steel and its two ends are hardened. It has a fitting handle to make the striking easy. Types of hammer Globe headed hammers o Hammers with swollen top o Hammers with flat top o Hammers with diagonal top
Square headed hammers
Picture 2.10: A hammer
2.2.3. Chisel The tool for cutting the small pieces from metallic materials. The edge shaped like a dagger has been hardened. Its types Nail chisel Chisel for snapping Chisel for duck and slot 25
Picture 2.11: Types of chisel
2.2.4. Punching Tools The tool that has a cylindrical knife at one side and is used for piercing. The piercing process is done by punches and the knives cutting inside.
Picture 2.12: Punching Tools
2.2.5. Vises It has two jaws. One of them is moving. The process of filing, cutting, curling and installation is done on it.
Picture 2.13: A machinist vise
2.2.6. Chamfer Vise It is the vise that has been produced to form a chamfer on the workpieces. Its jaws are curved.
Picture 2.14:A chamfer vise
2.2.7. Pipe Vise The vise whose jaws have been designed for grasping the pipes. By grasping the pipe in this kind of vise, we do the cutting or thread cutting on the pipes.
Picture 2.15: A pipe vise
2.2.8. Drill Bench Vise The tools that can be fixed on drill benches and enable to drill the small work pieces safely.
Picture 2.16: A drill bench vise
2.2.9. Sawing Lama The equipment that has teeth arranged in order and sharpened to cut metals. The teeth are directed towards the cutting direction.
Picture 2.17: A sawing lama
2.2.10. Saw Handle The equipment that can stretch the lama through the opposite directions.
Picture 2.18: A saw handle
2.2.11. Shears Used in Hands They have got knives whose blades have been sharpened. They are used for cutting sheet metals to 1 millimeter thick.
Picture 2.19: Shears used in hands
2.2.12. Shears Used By Arms The shears for cutting thicker sheet metals and lamas that cannot be cut by the shears used in hands. So they can cut the sheet metals that are approximately 5 millimeters thick.
Picture 2.20: Shears used by arms
2.2.13. Knops The tools that are used for repairing the completed works and for working on soft metals. Their heads can be plastic, brass or lead.
Picture 2.21: A knop
2.2.14. Numbering Tips There are numbers from 0 to 9 on them and we use them for marking the metals.
Picture 2.22: Numbering tips
2.2.15. Drills The machine that can do the drilling by having the bit spinned on its own axis. On every drill, there are a shaft that enables to spin the drill chuck, an engine that move the shaft and a panel on which the work piece is fixed
Picture 2.23: A drill benc
2.2.16. Drill Bit It is a tool that can make a hole on a material. To drill the steel and alloy steel, we use 118o of bit angle and to drill the soft and fragile materials, we use 130o of bit angel.
Picture 2.24: A drill bit
2.2.17. Drill Chuck The section that the drill bit is mounted firmly. Drill chucks are divided into two; tighten by hands and wrenches.
Picture 2.25: A drill chuck
2.2.18. Morse Sleeve It is the equipment that enables to mount the drill bit or drill chuck with the conical handle to the drill shaft.
Picture 2.26: A morse sleeve
2.2.19. Morse Key The equipments that are used to pull out the drill chucks and morse sleeves.
2.2.20. Spanner It’s used for fixing and pulling out of the nuts and screws in standard sizes.
Picture 2.27: A spanner
2.2.21. Ring Spanner They are close-ended wrenches so they enable to connect the bolds and nuts without sliding.
Picture 2.28: A ring spanner
2.2.22. Allen Wrench Some screws are allen screws. We use allen wrenches for connecting these kinds of screws.
Picture 2.29:Allen wrench tools
2.2.23. Socket Tools The wrench group that are used for connection of allen screws and nuts that are too difficult to reach. Socket tools consist of tommy bars, gear latches and socket pulleys.
Picture 2.30: Socket tools
2.2.24. Adjustable Wrench The wrench whose jaws can be adjusted according to the screw head size.
Picture 2.31: An adjustable wrench
2.2.25. Screwdriver It’s used for screwing and unscrewing bit made of steel and its handle is insulated against electricity.
Picture 2.32: A screwdriver
2.2.26. Cross-Head Screwdriver It’s used for cross-head screws. It has small and large bit types.
Picture 2.33: A cross-head screwdriver
2.2.27. Pliers They are tools for grasping, pulling, squeezing, bending and shaping the materials. Handles of the pliers are insulated.
Picture 2.34: Pliers
2.2.28. Side Chisels The tools that can cut the thin wires and narrow parts. Their handles are insulated.
Picture 2.35: Side chisels
2.2.29. Long Nosed Pliers The tools whose edges are thin and long unlike ordinary pliers. It’s used for grasping and shaping the parts that are too difficult for ordinary pliers to reach.
Picture 2.36: Long nosed pliers
2.2.30. Spirit-Level It’s used for controlling the horizontal or vertical balance of materials and machines. For this, we pay attention to the bubble in the water in the tube of tool.
Pictures 2.37: Types of spirit-level
2.2.31. Tap The tools produced for making screws in the holes. The bodies of the taps are made of high speed steel (HSS). It’s diversified into hand tab and machine tap.
Picture 2.38: Types of taps
2.2.32. Tap Handle The equipment for holding the taps in hands. It’s diversified into two; adjustable and measured tap handles.
Picture 2.39: A tap handle
2.2.33 Die The tool that makes a screw on the surface of the cylindrical parts. If the material is a pipe, we must use pipe die.
Picture 2.40: A die
2.2.34. Die Handle The apparatus that a die is mounted in the centre of and is made of alloy steel.
Picture 2.41: A die handle
2.2.35. Puller They are used for pulling out the materials that are tightened into or onto some thing firmly. They are produced with two or three jaws.
Picture 2.42: A puller
2.2.36. Guillotine Shears The machines used for cutting the sheet metals in various thickness. Lower knife is inactive but upper knife is active. The body of the machine is generally moulded.
Picture 2.43: Guillotine shears
2.2.37. Pres Brakes It’s used for bending thin sheet metals. The length of sheet metals can vary according to the size of the press.
Picture 2.44: A press brake
2.2.38. Roller It’s used for twisting thin cold sheet metals. It makes them cylindrical. There are three cylinders to twist sheet metals. Two of them are lower cylinders and one of them is upper cylinder.
Picture 2.45: A roller
2.2.39. Combined Shears The shears benches on which have got various knives and so enable to do the various cutting processes. On one side of the machine, we do the punching and on the other side, we do the cutting of the thick materials.
Picture 2.46: A combined shears
2.2.40. Portable Emery The emeries that are used for cleaning the surface of workpieces by putting on abrasive disk. It depends upon the electrical or pneumatic systems.
Picture 2.47: A portable emery
2.2.41. Hydraulic Sawing Machine The machine produced for cutting the materials roughly. It consists of a vise that is set on the panel and a lama that is put on a hydraulic bar. Swing lama does the cutting by moving forward and backward. While cutting, heat occurs. To prevent high heat a cooling media is used.
Picture 2.48: A hydraulic sawing machine
2.2.42. Circular Sawing Machine The machine that can do the cutting of any metal beam in a straight or angular way. It cuts by the help of high speed of the disc. Tour that is accelerated by an engine. There are sharp teeth around the disc.
Picture 2.49: A circular sawing machine
2.2.43. Cutting Without Burr It’s the process of cutting the materials without burr. While cutting by means of cutter stones, we don’t have any burr.
Picture 2.50: A cutting without burr machine
2.2.44. Abrasive Disk It works on the surface of a metal by abrasive machining. It’s also used for honing the tools. Abrasive disk is made of the materials like silicon calcium carbide and aluminum oxide. It’s mounted to the grinding machine.
Picture 2.51: An abrasive disk
2.2.45. Pipe Bending Machine It’s the tool that is used for bending the pipe in the angles as we wish.
Picture 2.52: The machine for bending pipes
2.2.46. Eccentric Press The pressing machine working by the help of the gear and eccentric fixed on a rod. It’s basicly used for cutting, bending, etc.
Şekil 1 Picture 2.53: Eccentric press machine
2.2.47. Hydraulic Pres It moves by the help of its hydraulic system and it has a striking head. It’s used for working on metal sheets.
Picture 2.54: Hydraulic press machine
2.2.48. Cutting And Drilling Dies. The forms which can both cut and drill on the marked materials.
Picture 2.55: Cutting die
2.2.49. Bending Dies They are produced to shape metal sheets. The dies are set on the machine and sheet metals are bent.
Picture 2.56: Bending die
2.3. Hot Shaping Tools And Machines 2.3.1. Blacksmith’s Kiln It’s built from heat-resistant bricks, made of cast iron or sheet steels.It works with different coals.
Main sections of a blacksmit’s kiln. Fire place Water tray Coal tray Aspirator Vantilator
Picture 2.57: A blacksmith's kiln
2.3.2. Furnace Its heat can be adjusted and it’s used for tempering metal materials. It works by electric or other various fuels.
Picture 2.58: A furnace
2.3.3. Aspirator While the coal burning, smoke arises. This mechanism absorbs and empties the smoke in the blacksmith’s workshop by means of a smoke hole.
Picture 2.59: Chimney hood an aspirator
2.3.4. Ventilator The mechanism that blows through the coal.
Picture 2.60: A ventilatör
2.3.5. Anvil And Anvil Pedestal The steel mass having two pointed ends. The shaping is done on it. It’s located on the anvil pedestal.
Picture 2.61: Anvil and pedestal
2.3.6. Sledgehammer It’s a kind of hammer. Its weight alters from 2 to 12 kilograms. It’s used for striking hot metals while shaping.
Picture 2.62: A sledgehammer
2.3.7. Pincers They are used for holding hot work pieces. Their mouths are produced to grasp the workpieces best.
Picture 2.63: A Pincers
2.3.8. Press The tool that transmits the strokes onto the workpieces.
Picture 2.64: Bead press
2.3.9. Pneumatic Rammer The mechanism that consists of a stable work table and a pneumatic hammer. It shapes hot workpieces by the hammer strokes.
Picture 2.65: A pneumatic rammer
2.3.10. Falling Hammer It’s the mechanism of a hammer that falls freely or by force onto the lower form. The workpiece is shaped on the lower form.
2.3.11. One Faced Die The dies that have been made a shape on one face and have got one part volume space.
Figure 2.6: One faced die
2.3.12. Cotter Die These dies are made wholly and have got two handles.
Figure 2.7: Cotter die
2.3.13. Open Die The dies having front and back spaces. The waste pieces of mould go out from here back spaces. It’s prefered to shape round bars.
Figure 2.8: Open die
2.3.14. Semi Open Die It’s a kind of die used for shaping small parts. The waste pieces go out from one side.
Figure 2.9: Semi open die
2.3.15. Closed Die They are the dies whose shaping sections and burr allowances are limited in the dies.
Figure 2.10: Closed die
2.3.16. The Burr Cutting Dies The dies that have been produced for cutting the waste pieces of shaped parts.
Figure 2.11: The burr cutting die
2.4. Electric Arc Welding Machine and Part 2.4.1. Welding Masks We need a mask to hold the welding glasses and to make them easy to use. Masks prevent the harm of the ray coming to the welder’s face skin. Masks can be used both like a cap or held in the hand.
Picture 2.66: Types of welding masks
2.4.2. Mask glass While the welder is working, the eyes cannot distinguish the ultraviolet and some other harmful rays. The welder looks at the arc of welding through a colorful and protective glass against these kinds of rays. The most ideal glass is the one that can be colored during welding but become transparent in the normal light after welding.
Picture 2.67: Mask glass types
2.4.3. Welding Hammer It’s a special hammer to clean the slag on the seam of welding.
Picture 2.68: Welding hammers
2.4.4. Wire Brush After cleaning the seam by the help of the hammer, we clean the ruins on the seam and metal pieces nearby.
Picture 2.69: A wire brush
2.4.5. Welding Workbench It’s called welding workbench that a welder puts on the materials to be welded and it enables the welder to work more comfortably.
Figure 2.12: Welding bench and rigging
2.4.6. Electrodes They are used to join the materials by welding. It is a main element that both starts arc and melts while welding and adds its inner metal into welding scene.
The covered electrode types Rutil electrodes Acidic electrodes Oxide electrodes Basic electrodes Cellulosic electrodes Electrodes with iron dust Electrodes in deep impact
Picture 2.70:Types of Electrode
2.4.7. Chassis It’s the part that is attached to work component to conduct electric current.
Picture 2.71: Types of chassis
2.4.8. Wire There are two types of wire in electric arc welding. The firs one connects the electricity between welding machine and electric circuit. The second one connects the inner parts of the welding machines.
Picture 2.72: Welding wire
2.4.9. Electric Arc Welding Machine The machines that make electric current coming from the circuit suitable by reducing the electric voltage but amplifying the electric current intensity. Welding machines are separated into two groups The welding machines producing direct current Generator arc welding machines Redressor arc welding machines The welding machines producing alternative current Transformer arc welding machines
Picture 2.73: Electric arc welding machine
2.5. Oxy-Gas Welding Tools And Equipments 2.5.1. Oxygen Tubes These are the tubes that are made of high strength steels and produced without seaming. It stores oxygen in the pressure of 150-200 atm. The color of the tubes is blue.
Picture 2.74: An Oxygen tube
2.5.2. Acetylene Tube These tubes are produced with or without seaming. Their capacities are generally 40 litres. While acetylene tupes are being filled, acetone is used. Its color is yellow.
Picture 2.75: An Acetylene tube
2.5.3. Torch The apparatus that is mixing the gases coming from the oxygen and acetylene hoses in a homogeneous way. It enables the welding flame to arise.
Picture 2.76: A torch
2.5.4. Blow Pipe It’s the part of a torch. It’s defined and mounted according to the thickness of the workpiece that is going to be welded. Burners are numbered according to their callibres.
Picture 2.77: Types of torches
2.5.5. Cutting Blow Pipe They’re different from welding torches. It differs because it has a mechanism sending compressed oxygen.Cutting torches divided into two; with injector and nipple.
Picture 2.78: A cutting torch
2.5.6. Welding Glasses They protects the eyes while welding. They are put on heads and they cover only eyes.
Picture 2.79: Welding glasses
2.5.7. Safety Devices They are used to prevent of going back of the welding flame into the tupe through nipple, torch or hose. They are separated to different types; dry and with water.
Picture 2.80: Securty with water
2.5.8. Acetylene Hose It’s specially produced without pores. Its color is red. It transmits acetylene from tube to torch.
Picture 2.81: Acetylene hose
2.5.9. Oxygen Hose It’s specially produced without pores. Its color is blue. It transmits oxygen from tube to torch.
Picture 2.82: Oxygen hose
Elektrik ark kaynak makine ve takımlarının isimlerini İngilizce karşılıklarını bir kağıda yazınız. Kaynak makine ve takımlarını ile yatay konumda kaynak tapmayı İngilizce cümlelerle anlatınız.
Teknik ingilizce sözlüğünden yararlanabilirsiniz. İngilizce öğretmenlerinden yardım alabilirsiniz. Atelyede, kaynak işyerlerinde, işlem esnasında uygulamayı yapabilirsiniz. Anlatımı bir arkadaşınızla diyalog şeklinde yapabilirsiniz Öğrendiklerinizi yüksek sesle tekrar edebilirsiniz.
EVALUATION EVALUATION Bu faaliyet kapsamında hangi bilgileri kazandığınızı aşağıdaki boşluk doldurma sorularını cevaplandırarak belirleyiniz.
……………………………….. 3)
……………………………… 4)
......................................................... 5)
.......................................... 6)
DEĞERLENDİRME Cevaplarınızı cevap anahtarı ile karşılaştırınız. Doğru cevap sayınızı belirleyerek kendinizi değerlendiriniz. Yanlış cevap verdiğiniz ya da cevap verirken tereddüt yaşadığınız sorularla ilgili konuları faaliyete geri dönerek tekrar inceleyiniz
…………………………………… branches are chapping works, steel objects, steel construction, body working, metal decorating, hot shaping, oxy-gas welding, electric arc welding.
…………………………………….: The process of shaping by abrasive machining on the surface of the material and forming in the size, shape and set square we wish and need.
……………………………………: It’s the tool that can do the measuring more sensitively than the calipers. It can measure the very thin sheets and circular parts.
B. UYGULAMALI TEST Teknik Yabancı Dil -3 faaliyetleri ve araştırma çalışmaları sonunda kazandığınız bilgi ve becerilerin ölçülmesi ve değerlendirilmesi için kendinizi kontrol listesine göre değerlendiriniz.
KONTROL LİSTESİ Değerlendirme Ölçütleri 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Kendinizin kullanacağı bir İngilizce sözlük temin ettiniz mi? Soğuk şekillendirme ile ilgili terimleri ve kavramları İngilizce olarak ifade ettiniz mi? Sıcak şekillendirme ile ilgili terimleri ve kavramları İngilizce olarak ifade ettiniz mi? Soğuk şekillendirme ile ilgili terimleri ve kavramları İngilizce olarak ifade ettiniz mi? Kaynakçılık ile ilgili terimleri ve kavramları İngilizce olarak ifade ettiniz mi? Ölçme kontrol ve markalama takımlarını ve yaptıkları işleri İngilizce olarak ifade ettiniz mi? Soğuk şekillendirme takım ve makinelerinin isimleri ile yaptıkları işleri İngilizce olarak ifade ettiniz mi? Sıcak şekillendirme takım ve makinelerinin isimleri ile yaptıkları işleri İngilizce olarak ifade ettiniz mi? Elektrik ark kaynak makine ve takımlarının isimleri ile yaptıkları işleri İngilizce olarak ifade ettiniz mi? Oksi-gaz kaynağında kullanılan takım ve avadanlıklarının isimleri ile yaptıkları işleri İngilizce olarak ifade ettiniz mi? Öğrenim faaliyetlerinde kullanılan kelime ve ifadeleri doğru telaffuz ettiniz mi? Kavram araç ve gereçlerin ingilizce olarak ifade ederken bilen bir arkadaşınıza dinlettiniz mi?
Yapılan değerlendirme sonunda hayır cevaplarınızı bir daha gözden geçiriniz. Kendinizi yeterli görmüyorsanız modülü tekrar ediniz. Bütün cevaplarınız evet ise modülü tamamladınız, tebrik ederiz. Öğretmeniniz size çeşitli ölçme araçları uygulayacaktır. Öğretmeninizle iletişime geçiniz.
Electric Arc WeldingMachine Closed Die Check Plate Tab Circular Sawing Machine Sledgehammer
Metal Works
Universal Set-square
Open-Ended Spanner
Machist Vise
SERFİÇELİ Y.Saip, Metalişleri Meslek Teknolojisi 1, Ankara, 2003.
SERFİÇELİ Y.Saip, Metalişleri Meslek Teknolojisi 2, Ankara, 2003.
SARI Mustafa, Yayımlanmamış Ders Notları.
Metalcilikle İlgili İnternet Siteleri.
10. Sınıf Metal Teknolojisi Modülleri.
10. Sınıf Makine Teknolojisi Modülleri.
10. Sınıf Elektrik Elektronik Teknolojisi Modülleri.
MoonStar Sözlük
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