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Decisions taken at the Motor Sports Council meeting of 12 June 2012 that affect regulations in the Competitors’ and Officials’ Yearbook Consultation and ratification The Motor Sports Council must consider all new regulations proposed by the Specialist Committees. The regulations are first published on the MSA website so that comments may be received before they are presented to the Motor Sports Council for approval, incorporating any modifications that result from the consultation process (which may have included review by another Specialist Committee or Advisory Panel). Approved rule changes will be published here and
will also be incorporated into the next available edition of the relevant MSA Yearbook(s).
Explanation of format Regulation changes are shown as red additions or struck through deletions. A dotted line (…) indicates that the regulation contains further wording that is unchanged and has been omitted for space reasons. The dates of implementation are stated immediately above the Regulations, while reasons for the changes are given below.
(B) Nomenclature and Definitions
(C) Judicial
Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 Commitment Deposit (Race). A deposit required by the MSA for any proposed Championship that has not previously run as a Series. This is additional to any Championship Permit fee and if the Championship runs as specified during the first three years this deposit will be refunded at the end of the third year.
Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 2.1.5. Penalty points will be imposed for the following offences:
(i) Driving – breach of 1.1.5, Q.14.2, Q.14.4, Q.14.4.2, Q.14.5 (with the exception of Q14.5.1.), Q.14.6 and/or If the Championship fails to take place, or ceases prematurely during its first three (ii) Failure to comply with flag or light signals years the Commitment Deposit will be forfeit. (iii) General Conduct – Abuse, physical assault or threats of physical assault. Refusal to obey the instructions of an Official. Any commercial liabilities arising from the Championship, during these first three years, are the responsibility of the Club/Championship organisers. However the Reason: Clarification. When Q14.5.1. was proposed it was with the intention that Championship Permit holding Club may make application to the MSA for a refund of penalty points did not apply however no change was proposed to (C)2.1.5. in order to the Commitment Deposit or part thereof in order to assist with payment of any claim address this. for liabilities resulting from the failure of the Championship. Any surplus deposit will be paid to a registered charity nominated by the MSA. (D) Organisers Historic Motorsport. Competitions under a set of rules that seek to preserve Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 the specification of their period and prevent modifications of performance and 25.1.13. Exceptionally, in Hill Climbs and Sprints, such permission may be given after behaviour which could arise through the application of modern technology. Historic the conclusion of practice, but before the start of competitive runs or in the case of competition is not simply another formula in which to acquire trophies, it is a discipline Circuit Racing, after qualifying but before the start of the Race. apart, in which one of the essential ingredients is a devotion to the cars and to their history. Historic Motor Sport enables the active celebration of the History of the Reason: To provide the opportunity, before the race, for an entered vehicle to Motor Car. be replaced. Reason: To provide a definition of Historic Motorsport that reinforces the ethos of historic motorsport.
CUT OUT AND KEEP Updated rule changes to your Competitors’ and Officials’ Yearbook
(F) Emergency and Medical Services Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 5.2. All Emergency Vehicle Crew members should attend at least two training sessions a year, at least one of which must be facilitated by an appropriate MSA registered Rescue or Recovery Trainer, as well as several MSA-permitted events to maintain their efficiency and status.
5.2.2. Training sessions provided by an appropriate MSA registered Rescue or Recovery Trainer may be used as licence signatures. Regional Rescue or Recovery Trainers can be contacted via the MSA. Reason: Clarification of existing requirements
Table 5 – Crew Requirements – Systems of acceptance and upgrading
Acceptance for Training
Trainee Period & Requirements
Licence Acceptance
Maintenance of Licence
2.1 – 2.5.4 Rescue
Attend and pass 3 yearly Assessments. Satisfy Crew Chief MSA registered assessor that training attendances and updates as per 5.2 have been completed between assessments
3.5 – 3.8 Rally/Cross Country Recovery
Attend and pass 3 yearly Assessments. Satisfy Crew Chief MSA registered assessor that training attendances and updates as per 5.2 have been completed between assessments
Reason: Clarification of existing requirements Date of implementation: Recommended 1 January 2013. Mandatory 1 January 2014
Rally Recovery
Stage Safety Unit
Rescue, Stage Safety and Rally Recovery Units and Equipment
Medical ...
1 Long Board c/w head immobilisation system and straps
1 Vacuum Mattress (recommended for 2013, mandatory from 01.01.2014)
Disposable surgical gloves
Reason: Addition of an item the use of which is becoming the norm in the industry.
(G) Officials
(M) Autotests
Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 5.1.4. To be eligible to be named a permanent Clerk of the Course for a Race Championship, registered with the MSA, the Clerk must be the holder of a current Clerk of the Course National ‘A’ licence, as a minimum. Reason: To recognise the experience achieved in obtaining the National 'A' grade and the responsibility of holding the position of a permanent Race Clerk. Also taking account of those instances where a permanent Clerk will be present for their race only which should not qualify for an upgrading signature.
Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 18.2.1. When an event is organised solely for open or sports cars, hoods need not be erected nor hard tops fitted, provided that all drivers hold a full RTA licence and all passengers are aged 16 or over. Reason: In the interest of fair competition, where the entire entry is of similar cars (open or sports) to permit competitors to run with hoods erected or not.
17.5.1. To be valid, an Official Licence must be signed in ink and must bear a passport type photograph of the holder, being a current likeness, which must be permanently fixed to the Licence in the space provided. Reason: To address the desire for up to date photos of licence holders.
Challenge Events 58.2.7. All vehicles must carry a small spill kit complying with J5.20.13.
18.5.3. National A: May act as Clerk of the Course up to and including National A status, as a permanent Clerk to a MSA registered Race Championship, or as Deputy/ Assistant to a higher grade Clerk of the Course at International events. 19.1.2. Where a Championship/Series permanent Clerk of the Course is appointed, they must be the holder of a current Clerk of the Course National ‘A’ licence, as a minimum and they shall not be included in the above numbers. 19.2.3. The Clerk of the Course must be on duty throughout the day, if they are present only as a permanent Clerk of a Championship they may only will not be granted a signature as a Deputy CoC. The Senior Clerk must provide a review to the Steward of the individual’s performance, throughout the day which should include … Reason: To recognise the experience achieved in obtaining the National 'A' grade and the responsibility of holding the position of a permanent Race Clerk. Also taking account of those instances where a permanent Clerk will be present for their race only which should not qualify for an upgrading signature. (H) Competitors: Licences Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 3.1.4. Competition Licence – Period and Validity • Unless otherwise rendered invalid, all licences, for the purposes of acquaintance and submission to these rules, run from the 1st January to the end of the calendar year shown on the licence. • To be valid, a Competition Licence must be signed in ink and, except for an Entrant’s Licence issued in the name of a firm or organisation, must bear a passport type photograph of the holder, being a current likeness. Reason: To address the desire for up to date photos of licence holders.
Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 56.7.4. For Competitive Safaris, and Hill Rallies and Point to Point events must specify tyre eligibility from Tyre List 5 in the SRs Reason: Point to Point events may wish to permit the use of tyre patterns not included in Tyre List 5
Trials and Orienteering 59.1.4. For Orienteering Events all vehicles must carry a small spill kit complying with J5.20.13. Reason: Challenge and Orienteering Events typically deploy competitors some considerable distance from officials and the start line. The addition of an onboard spill kit affords immediate containment of any spills.
63.10. A crash helmet to K.10 must be worn. Suitable head protection is strongly recommended. Reason: A Crash Helmet was originally specified to protect competitors from the ROPS during access and egress. The deletion of the BS6658 Type A. helmet and the considerable increase in cost for the Type AF/R necessities a different approach. Without a suitable alternative and appropriate standard this relaxation will permit the use of cycle, canoe or rock climbing type head wear. (Q) Circuit Racing Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 4.2.1. The Clerk of the Course, or his nominee, should specifically brief any driver who has not raced at that circuit in a car, on that current track configuration, prior to the driver going out to practice (8.1.11.). Reason: Clarification
(R) Rallying
Drawing 29 referred to in Regulations R29.1 and R29.1.2
Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 6.1.3. On Special Stage Rallies the organisers will specify in the SRs how competitors must display their allocated competition number as follows: a) In accordance with J.4 or, b) Front door panels must measure 67cm long by 17cm high including a 1cm white surround. This panel shall comprise of a 15cm x 15cm competition number box which shall always be at the front of the panel. When the number is greater than 99, the box width may be increased. Numerals will may be fluorescent reflective yellow (PMS 803) of height 14cm and stroke width 2cm on a matt black background. In addition to the above 2 x numbers for each rear side window which shall be 25cm high with a stroke width of at least 25mm, coloured fluorescent reflective orange (PMS 804) and which may be reflective. These numbers shall be in place at the top of the rear side windows. Reason: Due to environmental restrictions the original chemicals used in fluorescent dyes are no longer available.
25.6.4. Competitors who are shown a Red flag on a stage where they have been notified in advance that such a system is in operation must cease Competition and come to a standstill at the side of the road or track as soon as possible. On passing a Yellow Flag displayed by a marshal wearing a marshals’ tabard, the driver MUST immediately and significantly reduce speed. The driver will then maintain this reduced speed, whilst being prepared to stop, until the end of the special stage and follow the instructions of any marshals and/or stage safety personnel. as well as being prepared to stop at any time; at no time must they overtake any safety vehicle they encounter on the special stage route. The driver must then follow the instructions of any marshals and/or stage safety personnel and maintain this reduced speed until leaving the special stage. Failure to comply with this rule will incur a penalty at the discretion of the stewards Clerk of the Course. Reason: To clarify the procedure to be followed by crews who are shown a yellow flag and the fact that penalties on National events are imposed by the Clerk of the Course. Date of implementation: immediate 38.2.1. The only work permitted in these areas is the following (unassisted): a) Replacing a wheel with a flat tyre by a wheel and tyre carried in the competing car. b) Cleaning lamp glasses, windscreens, windows, identification markings and vehicle registration numbers. Reason: Clarification and to bring procedure in line with new Regulations R31.2.11 & R31.2.12
Reason: Updating of Box Junction set up requirements and layout. (U) Karting Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 5.1. Manual lap scoring must be carried out at all meetings.
5.1.1. Where there is no transponder timing the Chief Lap Scorer must be nominated as a Judge of Fact in relation to race finishing order. 5.1.2. If only transponders are used for lap scoring, the Chief Lap Scorer must hold a Certificate of Competence to operate the recording system. 5.1.3. Unless otherwise stated in SR’s the Startershall be deemed as a Judge of Fact in respect of Race Starts.
5.2. *Where timing takes place, there must be a Chief Timekeeper who must hold a licence valid for the grade of meeting detailed in G Table No.6. 5.2.1. The minimum grade is Timekeeper Kart.
5.3. If using a light beam, timing must be to an accuracy of not less than 0.01 seconds and the equipment must be certified in accordance with G.29.12.
5.3.1. Transponder timing at Short Circuit Kart events must not be to an accuracy of less than 0.01 seconds. 5.3.2. Transponders must be from the MSA-approved list and used in conjunction with decoders certified in accordance with G.29.12.
Reason: To impose a fee for newly proposed Championships to justify support and intent. In addition the provision is extended to Commercial and Club Championships which have not firstly run as a Series, subject to agreement from the Control Panel.
5.3.3. The fitment of the transponder must be in accordance with the manufacturer’s 1.5. There will be four types of Short Circuit Non Gearbox instructions at a predetermined position on the left hand side of the kart, as detailed Championships in the SRs. 1. British & National Championships (1.5.6) 7.1.5. Unless otherwise stated in SR’s the Starter shall be deemed as a Judge of Fact 2. Regional Championships (1.5.7) in respect of Race Starts. 3. Championships held within a standard Club meeting (1.5.8) 4. Closed to Club Championships (1.5.9.) Reason: Following consultation with the Timekeeping Advisory Panel the above provides the required clarification. It also clarifies the regulation to better General differentiate between Lap Scoring with no timing and Timing with Lap Scoring, and 1.5.1. All Kart Race Championship applications must be submitted by a recognised amends 5.3.3 which previously contradicted F.2 in the Kart Race Yearbook. lead Club, no related discussion between the MSA and any third party will be entered into without the agreement of the lead club. Only Clubs or Associations which have been recognised by the MSA for more than two years are permitted to apply for a Championship Permit. Once a Club or Association has registered a Championship, 17.17.1. Be fitted at a height providing a minimum gap to the lower tube of 50mm. or has been granted a Permit, it takes responsibility for controlling all Sporting, Technical, Financial and Calendar matters and must guarantee prize money as Reason: Clarification. This regulation has been left over from old regulations that published. have now been superseded and thus is now irrelevant. (W) Championships Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 In respect of all proposed new Grade ‘A’ and ‘B’ Race Championship applications a Notice of Intent must be submitted. Any new manufacturer backed Championship must have guaranteed manufacturer support for a minimum of three years. If the Motor Racing Championship Control Panel agrees, in principle, with the application then the Club must lodge with the MSA will require a cCommitment fee Deposit to be paid. or must issue MSA with formal confirmation that they themselves hold a commitment fee in this respect. In the event that the commitment fee is held by the MSA it will be forfeit if the Championship fails to take place, or ceases prematurely during its first three years. Providing that the Championship has run as specified during its first three years, the fee will then be returned, without interest, to the Club. In the event that the Club has lodged formal confirmation with the MSA that they hold the commitment fee and the Championship fails to take place, or ceases prematurely during its first three years the Club will take responsibility for any commercial liabilities of the Championship. In respect of all proposed Any new C or D Race Championship applications a Notice of Intent must be submitted. Where the Championship has not previously must have been run as a series of stand alone races during the previous year, the MSA will require a Commitment Deposit to be paid to demonstrate competitor support and justify Championship Status. Proposals to alter any of the Sporting or Technical Regulations for the Championship after registration or the issue of a Permit must be notified to the MSA for approval before publicity and must comply with D.11. A copy of the Championship registration or Permit and a copy of the Championship Regulations must be lodged with all Clubs organising a qualifying round. The Kart Championship Control Panel reserves the right to classify any Championship as ‘Commercial’, when a sliding scale of charges may apply. Failure by a club or association to comply with all Championship Regulations may result in the cancellation of the Championship. The deadlines for Kart Racing Championship Applications are as follows: 1st September Date by which Notice of Intent to run or continue to run a Kart Championship in the following year should be registered with the MSA. Any major changes in a Championship must be notified to the MSA with the Notice of Intent. For existing Championships, a list of the number of starters at each round held in the year previous to the year of application must also be submitted. The average number of starters during the previous year in a Grade A or B Championship should be at least 15 and for a Grade C or D Championship should be at least 10. A Yellow Card will be issued to a Championship, which has been unable to Unless the MSA has given prior written authorisation these championship meet the average number of starters, as set out in, during the previous year. events may only be held as part of a club meeting. If in the following year the average number of starters continues not to satisfy then the Championship may be refused. Kart Championships held within a standard Club Meeting 1.5.8. There are no restrictions to the number of rounds that may be held for these Any new manufacturer backed Championship must have guaranteed types of championships provided that they are part of a normal club meeting. manufacturer support to the satisfaction of the MSA for a minimum of three years. Any other new Championship will ideally have run as a series of stand alone races The number of additional classes represented may not exceed 40% of the during the previous year, to demonstrate competitor support and justify Championship number of classes present at the club meeting. Status. Kart Club Championship Any Notice of Intent received after 1st September will only be considered 1.5.9. Unless the MSA has given prior written authorisation rounds of a Kart Club by the Kart Racing Championship Control Panel in exceptional circumstances. Championship may not be held at more than one venue. Their decision as to whether to consider or not will be final. The Kart Racing Championship Control Panel will discuss and may recommend outline consent for There are no restrictions on the number of qualifying rounds for a Kart Club those Championships submitted and may delegate to a Working Group any unresolved Championship. queries. 2.2.6. To be eligible to be named a permanent Clerk of the Course for a Race 28th February or six weeks before the first round whichever Championship, registered with the MSA, the Clerk must be the holder of a current is the sooner Clerk of the Course National ‘A’ licence, as a minimum. Date by which formal application for a kart racing Championship previously Reason: To recognise the experience achieved in obtaining the National ‘A’ grade notified must be submitted. and the responsibility of holding the position of a permanent Race Clerk. Also taking account of those instances where a permanent Clerk will be present for their race British & National Kart Championships only which should not qualify for an upgrading signature. 1.5.6. To qualify as a British or National Kart Championship the Championship Class must be run in a minimum of three different Regions. Only the designated Core classes will be permitted to be included in a National Championship Competition Fees – Appendix 1 Only the MSA may designate the British and National Championship promoter(s) as in its sole discretion it considers appropriate. British and any National Championships will consist of a maximum of six meetings. The MSA reserves the right to request pre-qualifiers as appropriate. The current British or National Championship Class top 5 will automatically qualify but only for that specific class and subject to all other criteria being met. Unless the MSA has given prior written authorisation the following regulations apply to Regional Kart Championship, Kart Championships held within a standard Club Meeting and Kart Club Championship.
Date of implementation: 1 January 2013 7
Championship Permits ……
Commitment Deposit (Race): Grade A & B Championships Grade C & D Championships
£25,000 £5,000
Reason: To impose a fee for newly proposed Championships to justify support and intent. In addition the provision is extended to Commercial and Club Championships which have not firstly run as a Series, subject to agreement from the Control Panel.
Regional Kart Championship 1.5.7. To qualify as a Regional Kart Championship the Class must be run by a minimum of two Clubs and rounds must be held at a minimum of two and no more than five Clubs/venues within that Region. There must be no rounds outside the Region.