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rule changes
Decisions taken at the Motor Sports Council meeting of 5 March 2013 that affect regulations in the MSA Yearbook Consultation and ratification The Motor Sports Council must consider all new regulations proposed by the Specialist Committees. The regulations are first published on the MSA website so that comments may be received before they are presented to the Motor Sports Council for approval, incorporating any modifications that result from the consultation process (which may have included review by another Specialist Committee or Advisory Panel). Approved rule changes will be published here and (G) Officials Date of implementation: 1 January 2014
19.4.3. National A to International: Applicants must have received signatures from an MSA Steward for acting satisfactorily as Deputy Clerk of the Course for the International element of six International race meetings, over a period of not less than 12 months and not more than 36 months immediately preceding the application to upgrade, and at a minimum of three venues. Applications for upgrading to International must be justified to the MSA by a race organising Club. Applicants must have National ‘A’ Clerk of the Course status with extensive experience and may be required to attend an Appointments Panel. 19.4.4. International B to International A: Applications for upgrading to International A must be justified to the MSA by a race organising Club. Applicants must have International B Clerk of the Course status with extensive experience and may be required to attend an Appointments Panel. Reason: Clarification.
29.2.2. Newly appointed Timekeepers will be required to commence at an Assistant or Trainee grade, but a higher grade appointment may be given to suitably qualified applicants at the discretion of the Appointments Timekeeper Training Panel. 29.2.3. The Appointments Panels for 2012 will be: • Race: M. S. R. Cook, E. Cowcill, W. A. Daff, D. G. Rees, D. B. Sharp, T. C. Stevens and J. Ward. • Speed: J. E. H. Davidson, J. Dunnett, F. Shortall, R. N. Hutton, S. Parker and W. A. Smith. • Rally: E. Cowcill, M. Gaskell, D. G. Rees, B. Snape, L. Walker. • Kart: S. Chapman, S. Game, P. Rankin.
will also be incorporated into the next available edition of the relevant MSA Yearbook(s).
Explanation of format Regulation changes are shown as red additions or struck through deletions. A dotted line (…) indicates that the regulation contains further wording that is unchanged and has been omitted for space reasons. The dates of implementation are stated immediately above the Regulations, while reasons for the changes are given below. Training 29.4. For persons with no previous experience or recommendation, their application should be forwarded to the MSA who will arrange with the Timekeeper Training Panel to organise a training programme with a suitable mentor in their chosen specialisation. Each trainee will be provided with a Timekeeper Training Log Book. will be passed to the Co-ordinator of Timekeeping Training for their chosen specialisation who will arrange a training programme. Co-ordinators of Timekeeping Training • Race: J. Ward • Speed: F. Shortall • Rally: E. Cowcill • Kart: S. Chapman, S. Game.
29.5.1. Specific upgrading requirements are available from the MSA. or from any member of the Appointments Panel for the appropriate discipline. 29.5.2. Applicants for upgrading should apply to a member of the relevant Appointments Panel. Their application should be accompanied by a recommendation from a Timekeeper for whom they have carried out timekeeping duties. Reason: Proposals to remove reference to the Appointments Panel and Training co-ordinators who are no longer active groups. (H) Competitors: Licences Date of implementation: immediate Exceptionally, for Karting, where both a Kart PG and the drivers licence, specific to a single entry, cannot be produced a single non-refundable fee will be payable. Reason: Clarification. Since the introduction of the Kart PG licence where a parent forgets their PG licence it would be usual that the drivers licence also would not be available.
cut out and keep Updated rule changes to your MSA Yearbook
(R) Rallying Date of implementation: 1 January 2014
48.2.9. Engine Oil Systems – Unless equipped with a closed loop system, a Catch tank of at least a one litre capacity to be incorporated in the oil breather system. Reason: Environmental. To prevent discharge to the environment of engine oil. 48.1.10. Side windows if of glass must be of laminated or toughened glass and if of toughened glass must be coated on the inside with a clear transparent safety film. The thickness of this film must not be greater than 100microns. Reason: To ensure that unsuitably thick films are not used which can cause problems during emergency extractions. Maximum thickness reflects FIA requirement. (U) Karting Date of implementation: immediate
14.1.7. Competitors who are unable to produce their Licences/Medical Certificates will be reported to the MSA Steward. They will be allowed to compete only if they can satisfy the Steward that the Licence is missing because of administrative problems. In particular they must satisfy the Steward that they have been medically examined and approved. They will be subject to a non-refundable fine as detailed in Part 3, Appendix 1.
Title for U14.1 Kart Licences – See also H22 Reason: Clarification. Since the introduction of the Kart PG licence where a parent forgets their PG licence it would be usual that the drivers licence also would not be available. (W) Championships Date of implementation: 1 January 2014 Car Racing Championships
1.3.1. Date by which a Notice of Intent to run or continue to run a racing Championship in the following year must be registered with the MSA. For existing Championships, a list of the number of starters at each round held in the year previous to the year of application must also be submitted. Any Notice of Intent received after 1st July will only be considered by the Motor Racing Championship Control Panel in exceptional circumstances, and may will be subject to a late submission fee of 100% of the Championship Permit fee. Any Notice of Intent received on or after 1st January will be refused. Any major changes in a Championship must be notified to the MSA with the Notice of Intent. The Motor Racing Championship Control Panel will discuss and may recommend outline consent for those Championships submitted and may delegate to a Working Group any unresolved queries. Reason: To encourage applications within the prescribed timescales.