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rule changes
Decisions taken at the Motor Sports Council meeting of 27 November 2012 that affect regulations in the MSA Yearbook Consultation and ratification
will also be incorporated into the next available edition of the relevant MSA Yearbook(s).
The Motor Sports Council must consider all new regulations proposed by the Specialist Committees. The regulations are first published on the MSA website so that comments may be received before they are presented to the Motor Sports Council for approval, incorporating any modifications that result from the consultation process (which may have included review by another Specialist Committee or Advisory Panel). Approved rule changes will be published here and
Regulation changes are shown as red additions or struck through deletions. A dotted line (…) indicates that the regulation contains further wording that is unchanged and has been omitted for space reasons. The dates of implementation are stated immediately above the Regulations, while reasons for the changes are given below.
(B) Nomenclature and Definitions
(K) Competitor Safety
Date of implementation: 1 January 2013
Date of implementation: 1 January 2013
Pace Notes Any information (in any recorded form) relating to a Special Stage, that has not been provided to all Competitors by the Organisers of that event. This excludes Subjective Route Notes and the use of commercially available maps.
9.1. Clean Flame-Resistant overalls, must be worn to cover from ankle to wrist to neck. Flame resistant overalls may be manufactured from Nomex III, Proban or equivalent materials. Reason: To prevent situations exampled by the rolling up of sleeves on overalls. Also acceptable standards are defined in following paragraphs and by default this dictates materials.
Subjective Route Notes. Information relating to a Special Stage, prepared by an MSA registered supplier, which is available to all competitors in an event.
Explanation of format
Date of implementation: immediate Clubmans Cars: Open Sports Racing Car constructed in accordance with the technical regulations published by The Clubmans Register. (H) Competitors: Licences Date of implementation: 1 January 2014
19.2.2. Obtain the MSA Steward’s signature on the Upgrade Card at six Clubman or National ‘B’ Kart Races. Three of these signatures may have been obtained at NatSKA or Kart Tyro meetings held under an MSA Permit (these can all be from one circuit). A competitor may only obtain one signature per meeting per class. Completion of the ARKS Course (8.3) will constitute one of the six signatures. Reason: To recognise the experience gained in Kart Tyro meetings and to encourage the move to mainstream MSA racing.
14.3. (e) Gloves. Materials tests to ISO 6940. Each glove to be labelled to that effect. Backs of gloves to be made from at least two layers of 180 gr/m2. Thread must be flame resistant and non-melting, seam stitching to be invisible from the outside. Gloves must be fitted at the wearer’s wrist and cover the cuff of the wearer’s overalls. Manufacturers must should register all glove models with the MSA and FIA. Reason: Clarification where words such as “should”, “may”, “must” etc. are used. And to remove the reference to stitching which no longer reflects available products.
cut out and keep Updated rule changes to your MSA Yearbook
(Q) Circuit Racing Date of implementation: 1 January 2013
9. See Section H8 and H14.1.1 9.1. Other than the provision of 3.4.4. a driver must have achieved his 16th birthday to participate in Car Racing. Reason: Clarification that other than the specific regulations for Junior Car Racing (Q3.4, new for 2013) the minimum age is 16 15.1. Officials’ Signals will be conveyed to drivers by the following flag signals (14.4). Signals (k), (l) and (m) may be displayed by an appropriately coloured panel to which the competitor number may be attached: .................. (i) Green flag: All clear, at the end of a danger area controlled by yellow flags. Also used to signal the start of a formation lap and shown at all posts during first lap of each practice session and during the each formation lap. Reason: Clarification, to ensure consistency with (Q)5.1.2. which states “each”. Date of implementation: Immediate
19.11.3. With the exception of Single Seater Racing Cars, Clubmans Cars, 750 Formula, Legends Cars and Period A to E, all vehicles must be equipped with brake lights which are directly operated by the braking system without any time delay. Clubmans Cars: Open Sports Racing Car constructed in accordance with the technical regulations published by The Clubmans Register. Reason: It was never the intention for Single Seater Racing Cars to be included in the requirement to have brake lights, in addition Clubmans Cars should be defined in Section (B). (R) Rallying Date of implementation: 1 January 2013
24.7.5. Unauthorised possession of recorded pace notes, radio equipment (25.1, 25.9)
41.4.3. (see R25.9.1). The use, provision or possession of pace notes, or any other means of giving advice relating to the traversing of a Special Stage that has not been provided by the Organisers in accordance with 29.1, is prohibited. This does not, however, preclude any crew from recording information during an event for use later on in the same event. Reason: To clarify the distinction between Pace Notes and information not permitted with Route Information supplied by the organisers or through an officially nominated supplier for the event. (U) Karting Date of implementation: 1 January 2014
17.28. The MSA reserves the right to nominate ‘special numbers’ approve nonstandard race numbers such as Grand Prix Winner – GP and 0 (zero), and also race numbers 1-10 (one to ten). No other non-standard numbers or numbers 1-10’ are permitted. 17.28.1. The first fifteen in all MSA British Championships Those awarded their respective “number” (one to ten) or non-standard plate may use their finishing position number it for the following year should they continue to race in the same Class and in the same type of event (Short Circuit Gearbox one to fifteen ten may not use their numbers for Long Circuit events or vice-versa). As soon as Championship results are declared final the previous season’s plates may no longer be used and the new Championship winners will be the only drivers allowed to use such numbers. Reason: To increase the prestige of the numbers and remove the current confusion which exists with the proliferation of “special plates”. Date of implementation: Immediate
17.29.7. Clubs may run classes to heavier weight limits (if MSA approval is given by the issue of a Kart Technical Exception (KTE) so specified in SRs), but may not reduce the weight limits. Reason: Clarification. This is common practice and is detailed within Kart Race Yearbook.
24.12. An organiser may permit the supply of subjective route notes. This must be stated in the SRs and the subjective route notes must be prepared by an MSA registered supplier. Only one such supplier is permitted to be nominated for an event (or part of an event).
Trial request approved by Motor Sports Council
Trial request approved by Motor Sports Council
(C) Judicial Duration: 1 January 2013 – 31 December 2013 The Council agreed to the following trial for Circuit Racing under Regulation A2.5. Selected Championships and Clubs are to run this trial and the Race Committee Executive is to monitor. > Grid Place Penalties
Duration: 1 January 2013 – 31 December 2013 As part of a further concerted campaign to address driving standards in karting, the Motor Sports Council agreed to an extended trial that includes the suspension of penalty points in Kart events. The proposals have been drawn up in conjunction with Kart Clerks. They are designed to address issues of poor driving by ensuring that Clerks of the Course take action and deal with incidents in a consistent and fair manner, while creating a level playing field for all competitors, clubs and officials.
2.1.1. The penalties that may be inflicted are, in order of increasing severity, as follows: (a) Reprimand (2.4). The details of the trial are as follows: (b) Fine (2.4). (c) Time Penalty (or Position Penalty – Karts or Grid Place Penalty – Circuit Race) (2.3). • The imposition of penalty points under MSA General Regulations (C) 2.1.5.(i) (d) Exclusion (2.5). Driving and (C) 2.1.5. (ii) Failure to comply with flag or light signals are (e) Suspension (2.6). suspended. (f) Disqualification (2.7).
• Clerks of the Course are required to: 2.1.7. The number of points will be determined not by reference to the type of offence but by reference to the type of penalty imposed. • Issue Penalties via the “Clerks Decision Notification” as (i) Verbal warning – 0 points (not recorded on licence) issued by MSA (ii) Formal written reprimand – 2 points • Apply the penalties in line with the mandatory penalty structure via the (iii) Fine, Time, Grid Place or Position penalty – 3 points Clerks Decision Notification and the guidance provided in the (iv) Exclusion from practice, heat, race or an event – 4 points “Clerks Decision Notification - Explanations” as issued by MSA (v) Exclusion from the meeting – 6 points.
2.3. Time Penalty (G.5.3). The Clerk of the Course, or the Stewards of the Meeting, may impose a penalty of up to 10 seconds (or up to one minute if a race of more than 30 miles) on any competitor considered to have obtained an unfair advantage (whether inadvertently or not) in a race. The penalty may be imposed after the race has finished. 2.3.2. At Race meetings, up to a 10 Grid Place Penalty may be applied at a driver’s future Race. Note: a specific agreement is required from the MSA Race Executive for inclusion in the trial.
• MSA will:
• •
Monitor the applied penalties and identify drivers who persistently offend and receive recordable endorsements so that they may be referred to the MSA Disciplinary Officer and considered for referral to the National Court under (C) 1.2. Call any Clerk and/or MSA Steward who fails to follow this trial to attend an MSA Clerks/Stewards Appointments Panel.
• Regulation (C) 2.3. is extended as follows:
C2.3.3. At kart races a competitor, who after a hearing convened by the Clerk of the Course, is deemed to have gained an unfair advantage or has disadvantaged another competitor by the manner of his driving will be penalised by a Position Penalty of 5 places in the results of that race or timed qualifying. This penalty may not be substituted by a time penalty nor does it preclude further action under C1.1.5. if deemed necessary after the hearing.