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rule changes
Decisions taken at the Motor Sports Council meeting of 10 September 2013 that affect regulations in the MSA Yearbook Consultation and ratification
Explanation of format
The Motor Sports Council must consider all new regulations proposed by the Specialist Committees. The regulations are first published on the MSA website so that comments may be received before they are presented to the Motor Sports Council for approval, incorporating any modifications that result from the consultation process (which may have included review by another Specialist Committee or Advisory Panel). Approved rule changes will be published here and will be incorporated into the next edition of the relevant MSA Yearbook(s).
Regulation changes are shown as red additions or struck through deletions. A dotted line (…) indicates that the regulation contains further wording that is unchanged and has been omitted for space reasons. The dates of implementation are stated immediately above the Regulations, while reasons for the changes are given below.
(B) Nomenclature and Definitions
competitor by the manner of his driving will be penalised by a Position Penalty of 5 places, or 1 lap, in the results of that race or timed qualifying. This penalty may not be substituted by a time penalty nor does it preclude further action under C1.1.5. if deemed necessary after the hearing. Reason: Following review of the Karting Penalty Trial
Date of implementation: 1 January 2014 Bulkhead. A partition separating one vehicle compartment from another. Reason: Standard definition for a term used in various disciplines. Clubsport Event. A Clubsport Event is a competition involving motor vehicles, but not necessarily exclusively and where the emphasis is on the social element rather than any outright performance of the vehicle, and are of an event type prescribed in D5. Reason: This Regulation had been proposed to assist Motor Club applications for Sports Council funding grants.
(D) Organisers Date of implementation: immediate
13.1. Every entrant. driver and passenger before taking part in any competition must sign an undertaking, declaration and indemnity as follows: ‘I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association and, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit and competent to take part in the event. I understand that motorsport is dangerous (C) Judicial and accidents causing death, injury, disability and property damage can and do happen. I understand that these risks may give rise to my suffering personal injury or Date of implementation: 1 January 2014 other loss and I acknowledge and accept these risks. ‘In consideration of the acceptance of this entry I agree that neither any one of For Karting only 2.1.5.(i), driving, and 2.1.5.(ii), failure to comply with flag or or any combination of the MSA and its associated clubs, the organisers, the track light signals does not apply. owners or other occupiers, the promoters and their respective officers, servants, representatives and agents (the “Parties”) shall have any liability for loss or damage For Karting a competitor who receives three recorded, non-technical, which may be sustained or incurred by me as a result of participation in the Event. penalties within twelve months will receive a formal warning issued by the MSA. Should the competitor, within three months of the formal warning receive any further, Nothing in this clause is intended to or shall be deemed to exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury. To the fullest extent permitted by law I agree to indemnify non-technical, penalty this will result in the immediate suspension of his licence for three months, in addition to any other penalty imposed. This does not however remove and hold harmless each of the Parties in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising from my participation in the Event. the provision of 2.1.8. being imposed for points accrued in accordance with 2.1.5.(iii) ‘I declare that to the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for an event of the type to which this entry relates and that 2.3.3. At kart races a competitor, who after a hearing convened by the Clerk of the the vehicle entered is suitable and roadworthy for the event having regard to the Course, is deemed to have gained an unfair advantage or has disadvantaged another course and the speeds which will be reached.’
cut out and keep Updated rule changes to your MSA Yearbook
Reason: The above amended wording is added at the specific request of underwriters. This wording forms part of the conditions of entry and appears on the Competitors Signing-On Form.
licence may renew it for a 2013 International “R” Rally licence or a 2013 International “H4” Historic Rally licence.. 15.1.4. A competitor who can provide proof of having ever held an International Historic Rally licence may renew it for a 2013 International “H4” Historic licence or a National ‘A’ Stage Rally licence.
13.1.4. Every entrant shall sign the following declaration; I have read and fully understood the Procedure for Control of Drugs and Alcohol as contained in the Competitors’ and Officials’ Yearbook Regulations H39, D35.1, G15.1.4 and have also fully familiarised myself with the information on the web sites referred to (www.ukad.org.uk and www.wada-ama.org) in particular the UK Anti Doping Rules which have been adopted by the MSA (as amended). Further, if I am counter-signing as the Parent or Guardian of a minor then in addition to the deemed consent to the testing of that minor (UKAD Code Art 5.6.2) I hereby confirm that I give such consent for the minor concerned to be so tested. Reason: This new regulation forms part of the MSA's commitment to our Anti-Doping Policy and forms part of the conditions of entry to an MSA Permitted event.
Rallying – How to Upgrade a Licence Rally National ‘B’ Stage to Rally International “H4” Historic 15.2.4. A competitor who is qualified to hold a 2013 National ‘B’ Stage Rally licence may upgrade it to an International “H4” Historic Rally licence either at renewal or during the year by obtaining Clerk of the Course signatures on the Upgrade Card certifying that four Special Stage Rally events have been completed. One of the Clerk of the Course signatures for having successfully completed a Stage Rally may be replaced with a signature for having successfully completed a BARS Advanced Course.
Date of implementation: 1 January 2014
25.1.13. Exceptionally, in Hill Climbs and Sprints, such permission may be given after the conclusion of practice, but before the start of competitive runs or in the case of Circuit Racing, after qualifying but before the start of the Race and are to be started from the back of grid, ahead of those with a 10 second delay, subject to the vehicle having completed 3 laps qualifying. Reason: Clarification (H) Competitors (Licences) Date of implementation: 1 January 2014 Competition Licence – Types 3.2. The types of licence available are Race, Kart, Speed, Off-Road, Drag, Stage Rally, Cross Country, Non-Race and Entrant.
Rally National ‘A’ Stage to Rally International “R” 15.2.5. A competitor who is qualified to hold a 2013 National ‘A’ Stage Rally licence may upgrade it to an International “R” Rally licence either at renewal or during the year by obtaining Clerk of the Course signatures on the Upgrade Card certifying that 1 National ‘A’ Special Stage Rally or 2 National ‘B’ Special Stage Rally events have been completed. Non-Race National ‘B’ or equivalent to Rally National ‘B’ Stage and above 15.2.6. Follow the procedure for applicants for a Stage Rally licence detailed in 8.4 and then proceed as in Rally National ‘B’ Stage to Rally National ‘A’ Stage and Rally National ‘A’ Stage to Rally International “R” above. Rally National ‘A’ Navigator to Rally International “R” 15.2.7. Follow the procedure for applicants for a Stage Rally licence detailed in 8.4 and then proceed as in Rally National ‘B’ Stage to Rally National ‘A’ Stage and Rally National ‘A’ Stage to Rally International “R” above. Adding a Rally National ‘A’ Navigator 15.2.8. Competitors may add a National ‘A’ Navigator licence to a Non-Race National ‘B’, Clubmans or Rally National ‘B’ Stage licence at time of renewal or during the year on payment of the fee as detailed in Appendix 1.
14.2.8 National ‘B’ to International “H1” Historic Race. A competitor who is qualified to hold a 2013 National ‘B’ Race licence may upgrade it to International “H1” Historic Race licence either at renewal or during the year as follows: Obtain Clerk of the Course’s signature on the Upgrade Card certifying that 5 races for Historic cars built before 1971, have been successfully completed. All International Race licences are valid for International Historic Races.
Non-Race National ‘B’ to International “R” Road Rally 15.2.9. A competitor who is qualified to hold a Non-Race National ‘B’ licence may upgrade it to an International “R” Road Rally licence either at renewal or during the year by obtaining Clerk of the Course signatures on the Upgrade Card certifying that 3 events of Clubman or higher status, two of which must be Road Rally or Navigation events which have been completed. A Clerk of the Course signature from Stage Rallies is valid in lieu of the equivalent grade of Road Rally.
Rallying – How to Retain a Licence 15.1.2. A competitor who can provide proof of having ever held a National or National ‘A’ Rally licence may renew it for a 2013 National ‘A’ Stage Rally licence or a 2013 International “H4” Historic Rally licence. 15.1.3. A competitor who can provide proof of having ever held an International Rally
Speed National ‘A’ to Speed National ‘A’ (OPEN) or Speed International “R” 16.2.2. A competitor who can provide proof of having held a National ‘A’ Speed licence prior to 31.12.02 may upgrade it to a Speed National ‘A’ (OPEN) or International “R” Speed licence on payment of the appropriate fee as detailed in Appendix 1,
OR obtain Clerk of the Course’s signatures on the Upgrade Card at four Clubman, National ‘B’ or National ‘A’ Race, Hillclimbs or Sprints OR obtain the Clerk of the Course’s signatures on the Upgrade Card at two Clubman, National ‘B’ or National ‘A’ Rallycross events.
Cross Country – How to Upgrade a Licence Cross Country National ‘A’ to Cross Country International 20.2.2. A competitor who is qualified to hold a 2013 National ‘A’ Cross Country licence may upgrade it to an International “R” Cross Country licence either at renewal or during the year by obtaining Clerk of the Course signatures on the Upgrade Card certifying two National ‘B’ Competitive Safaris or one National ‘A’ Competitive Safari have been completed.
Rallycross Licences Rallycross – How to Retain a licence 17.1.1. A competitor who can provide proof of ever having held a National or National ‘A’ Rallycross licence may renew it for the same or lower grade of Stage Rally or Speed Chart 26: Competitors Minimum Acceptable Licences licence in 2013. Clubman National National International 17.1.2. A competitor who can provide proof of having ever held an International ‘B’ ‘A’ Rallycross licence may renew it for the same or lower grade of Stage Rally licence, or RALLY- Any Nat ‘B’ Any Nat ‘B’ Stage Rally Nat ‘A’ Rally International Speed National ‘A’ licence or International “C” Off-Road licence in 2013. CROSS 17.1.3. All other applicants can apply for a Non-Race National ‘B’. Race Nat ‘A’ Speed International National ‘A’ (7) Race International Rallycross – How to Upgrade a licence Speed National ‘A’ Off-Road Non-Race National ‘B’ to Speed National ‘A’ International ‘C’ 17.2.1. Obtain the Clerk of the Course’s signatures on the Upgrade Card at six Clubman or National ‘B’ Rallycrosses or as detailed in 16.2 Non-Race National ‘B’ to (J) Competitors: Vehicles Speed National ‘A’.
National ‘A’ Rally, Stage Rally, Race or Speed to International Speed “C” Off-Road 17.2.2. A competitor who holds or has held a National ‘A’ Rallycross, National ‘A’ Rally, National ‘A’ Stage Rally or National ‘A’ Race licence prior to 31.12.2002 may upgrade it to an International Speed “C” Off-Road licence on payment of the appropriate fee as detailed in Appendix 1, OR obtain the Clerk of the Course’s signatures on the Upgrade Card at two Clubman, National ‘B’ or National ‘A’ Rallycross events or as detailed in 36 Speed National ‘A’ to Speed National ‘A’ (OPEN) or Speed International.
Date of implementation: 1 January 2014
5.13.4. Use Pump Fuel (see definition Nomenclature and Definitions) except, subject to prior written authority having been given by the MSA, where permitted otherwise under event SRs, and Championship Regulations. Where Authority for FIA specification fuel is given by the MSA the fuel must be in compliance with FIA Appendix J Article 252, Article 9. Reason: on advice from the Fuels advisory Group; To specify precisely what fuel specification is to be used when authority for FIA fuel is given.
Non-Race National ‘B’ to International “Junior-C” Off-Road This licence is valid for FIA Specified Categories only 17.2.3. Drivers between 14 and 17 years of age may be issued the “Junior-C” Off(K) Competitor Safety Road licence, subject to, having achieved their 14th birthday prior to 1st January in the year of participation and being under 17 years on the date of licence issue. The driver Date of implementation: 1 January 2014 must have obtained the Clerk of the Course’s signatures on the Upgrade Card at four Clubman or National ‘B’ Rallycross events and have participated in sanctioned MSA 2.1. All seat safety belts must be complete units sourced from a recognised sanctioned motor sport for 2 years prior to application. manufacturer and fitted in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions, MSA recommendations or FIA requirements. (See FIA Drawing Nos. 39, 40, 41, and 42 Truck Racing – How to Upgrade a Licence and 44.) 18.1.5. National Truck to International “C” Truck Obtain the Clerk of the Course’s signature on the Upgrade Card at four races of at least 8 laps duration. A maximum of Where the vehicle manufacturer’s standard safety belts and associated fitments are 2 signatures can be obtained at one meeting. If races are of less than 8 laps, 2 such not utilised, bolts must be of a minimum 7/16” UNF or M12 (grade 8.8). races will count for one signature. Reason: Aligns with FIA requirements, and clarifies bolt size which is currently only Stage Rally Licences mentioned in the relevant drawings. Cross Country Licences Cross Country – How to Retain a Licence 20.1.2. Any competitor who has ever held a Rally International licence may apply for the Cross Country International “R” licence in 2013.
(L) Permitted Tyres Date of implementation: 1 January 2015
3.3. With the exception of tyres specified in List 6, hHand cutting is permitted, but only for the purpose of introducing additional grooves no deeper than those moulded into a new tyre. Hand cutting in order to increase the depth of existing moulded grooves is prohibited. LIST 6i Tyres for unsealed surface Stage Rallies. Other than as specified below only the tyres listed here are permitted. Cars using wheels of 12” diameter or less are exempt but the tyres may not be hand cut in any form. Cross Country vehicles with a valid CCLB and for which a suitable fitting is not available may use tyres from Lists 5(a) or 5(b). Cars may use any remoulded tyre provided it is not hand cut in any form. Where conditions dictate the Clerk of the Course, with the agreement of the Stewards of the Meeting, may declare the event to be of “Winter Conditions” and suspend the requirement to comply with Tyre List 6. Reason: From 2015 it is proposed to limit the types of tyres permitted on unsealed surface stage rallies. This is to reduce damage to road surfaces and in the longer term costs. Tyre List 6 which is subject to approval by the Tyre Advisory Panel in September comprises all currently available “gravel” tyres with the exception of those described as “mud”. No hand cutting of tyres is permitted but remoulded tyres are permitted and special provisions are proposed for cars with wheels with a diameter of 12” or less where choice and availability are erratic. Similarly Stage Rally compliant Cross Country type vehicles for which there isn't a suitable tyre available in Tyre List 6 may use tyres from Tyre Lists 5(a) or (b). (Q) Circuit Racing Date of implementation: 1 January 2014
6.2. Endurance Race. A Race scheduled to have a minimum of 90 minutes duration, with mandatory refuelling permitted and/or Driver stops and/or Driver changes, as an integral part of the race. (i) *there must be a maximum pit lane speed limit of 80 60kph (ii) It is recommended that all personnel wear a high visibility jacket/vest approved by the organisers (iii) *there must be no more than 3 people on the pit wall, per car (iv) *there must be no more than 4 people working on the car at any one time (v) all equipment and personnel must be in the pit garage when the relevant car is not making a pit stop, with the exception of pit signallers. Where there are no garages arrangements must be approved in advance with MSA. (vi) no work may take place on the car during refuelling and the engine must be switched off.
(vii) it is the responsibility of the Entrant to release his car after a pit stop only when it is safe to do so. Cars in the fast lane have priority over those leaving the working area.
6.2.5. Two Endurance Races A second race, of the same status, may run concurrently but only from a single start up to the maximum number permitted by the Track Licence. The chequered flag will be shown at the end of the specified duration for each race. Upon issue of the chequered flag for the first race the Safety Car will be deployed, the remaining drivers will continue under the control of the Safety Car until its withdrawal. At the end of the specified duration of the shorter race all competitors will be signalled, by the display of a white board measuring at least 80cm x 60cm with a chequered border and bearing the legend ‘Race Part One End’. Upon display of this signal the shorter race competitors must safely enter the pit lane, ensuring that they do not impede those cars which are continuing to race for the longer period. The timing of cars in the shorter race will conclude when the final competitor, in this shorter race, passes the board on the finish line. There must be a minimum of 30 minutes between the end of each race. Those drivers who have taken the chequered flag must continue at competitive speed before leaving the circuit by the pit road, ensuring that they do not impede those cars which are continuing to race for the longer period. No vehicle is eligible to compete in both races, however a driver may do so. A drivers briefing for all competitors is mandatory and the board to be used (as specified in must be shown to all competitors during the briefing. Reason: Clarification. In addition to extending the ability to run two endurance races to run concurrently to permitting any two same status races to run together, enabling more efficient use of track time. (R) Rallies Date of implementation: 1 January 2014
2.1.7. The Route Liaison Officer must also be consulted as above in respect of Single Venue Stage Rallies, and all other rallies whether using the public highway or not. Reason: The existing regulation doesn't require Targa and other road rallies which do not use the highway to consult with the respective RLO. This amendment ensures parity for all types of rally to do so.
2.1.8. The RLO may: … • Require the Clerk of the Course to order additional technical restrictions on vehicles as appropriate in their area. Reason: To allow the RLO impose additional restrictions for PR purposes 6.1.3. On Special Stage Rallies the organisers will specify in the SRs how competitors must display their allocated competition number as follows: … Numerals may be reflective yellow (PMS 803) of height 14cm and stroke width 2cm on a matt black background. In addition to the above 2 x numbers for each rear side window which shall be 2520cm high with a stroke width of at least 25mm, coloured yellow or orange (PMS 804) and which may be reflective. These numbers shall be in place at the top of the rear side windows. Reason: To relax the requirements for Hi-Vis secondary numbers. 26.3.1. Be placed so as to be in visual contact throughout the length of a stage deleted. Reason: With modern communications this is no longer a necessary nor practical requirement. Date of implementation: 1 January 2015
48.5.14. For all unsealed surface stage rallies only those tyres specified in Tyre List 6 are permitted. Reason: From 2015 it is proposed to limit the types of tyres permitted on unsealed surface stage rallies. This is to reduce damage to road surfaces and in the longer term costs. Tyre List 6 which is subject to approval by the Tyre Advisory Panel in September comprises all currently available “gravel” tyres with the exception of those described as “mud”. No hand cutting of tyres is permitted but remoulded tyres are permitted and special provisions are proposed for cars with wheels with a diameter of 12" or less where choice and availability are erratic. Similarly Stage Rally compliant Cross Country type vehicles for which there isn't a suitable tyre available in Tyre List 6 may use tyres from Tyre Lists 5(a) or (b). Date of implementation: 1 January 2014 For any vehicle issued with an MSA Competition Car Log Book prior to 1st January 2009, the requirements of R48.10.6. are satisfied until 31st December 2013. This is provided that the seat(s) have previously been FIA Homologated and in addition the seats have the appropriate seat mountings in accordance with R48.10.6.
Reason: Following review of Lifing of Seats and Stage Rally Car Review. Date of implementation: 1 January 2015
49.10.5. For all unsealed surface stage rallies only those tyres specified in Tyre List 6 are permitted. Reason: As per R48.5.14. (S) Sprints, Hill Climbs and Drag Racing Date of implementation: 1 January 2014
11.5.1. For Road-Going Series Production Cars, the cylinder block and cylinder head must remain in the original position and be externally identifiable as that fitted to the original model or specified option. Induction is free, as are exhaust systems, but must remain in the same capacity class as the original car or the manufacturer’s specified option for the model and engine. Reason: MSA does not mandate capacity classes. 14.1.1. Vehicles eligible for Sports Libre in accordance with 14.1.(a) or (c) must also comply with the following:
Maximum width
Measurement between the outer tyre walls of the front or rear (whichever is the wider) +20cm
Maximum rear overhang
150cm behind rear wheel axis
Maximum height (open cars)
90cm from the ground
Maximum Ffront aerodynamic downforce
Not to exceed the top of the front wheel rim For Saloons and Sports Cars not to extend more than 20cm beyond the overall plan periphery of the existing bodywork, excluding bumpers.
Reason: The current maximum does not satisfactorily cater for certain saloon cars.
(U) Karting Date of implementation: 1 January 2014 Procedure for the Testing of Tyres (C4.3)
20.1. The following regulations must be read in conjunction with C4.3. 20.2. Tyre testing may be carried out at any time, before, during, or after a Competition on the instructions of the Clerk of the Course, Technical Commissioner, Chief Scrutineer, Eligibility Scrutineer or Steward. 20.2.1. The Clerk of the Course must always be notified of the intention to carry out tyre testing. 20.2.2. New unused MSA approved fuel sample containers, or other containers approved by the MSA, capable of being sealed by the authorised sampling official must always be used for the storage of tyre rubber samples. 20.2.3. Where there is the possibility that the tyre(s) may have “picked up” rubber from the track surface, the entrant shall be permitted (or may be required by the Eligibility or Chief Scrutineer) to remove the “pick up” from the tyre(s) with a mechanical device, such as a scraper. Rubber residue from the cleaning process must be collected and retained by the Chief Scrutineer for further testing as appropriate, and in a container as per 20.2.2. This residue sample must be differentiated from the tyre rubber sample by means of clear labelling and segregation. 20.2.4. Removal of rubber samples from the tyre must be done in a controlled and preferably clean environment within the Venue, such as in the scrutineering bay, and always under the supervision of the Chief Scrutineer or Eligibility Scrutineer. Removal onto a clean, uncontaminated surface is essential. The tyre rubber sample(s) will then be subjected to testing in the approved manner as detailed below. The competitor (or in the case of minors, the Competitor and PG) shall have the right to be present. 20.2.5. Three samples will be taken and must be sealed and labelled in separate MSA approved containers as per 20.2.2. Details of sealing must be notified to the Clerk of the Course. Prior to sealing, the samples should be wrapped in clean aluminium foil to prevent contact with any plastics. 20.2.6. Each sample must be a minimum of 1mm width, 25mm length and 0.3mm depth. 20.2.7. Each sample shall be placed and sealed in a tamper-proof evidence bag and each bag signed by: (i) the Chief Scrutineer or Eligibility Scrutineer and (ii) the Competitor. 20.3. Analysis Testing
relevant tyre manufacturer’s specification for that model retained by the MSA.
20.3.2. The Entrant is entitled to select one of the samples for their retention (the “Entrant’s Sample”) and to nominate a testing laboratory on the list of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for the independent testing of that sample, if required as per 20.3.6. 20.3.3. The remaining two samples must be delivered by the organisers to the MSA, normally within 10 days of the event. 20.3.4. The MSA will then select one of these two samples at random and arrange testing of the selected sample at a laboratory on the UKAS list, or a laboratory approved by another ASN. The breaking of the seal must be witnessed by a representative of the MSA. 20.3.5. The result of this MSA first test will be notified pursuant to 20.6. 20.3.6. If the result of this MSA first test confirms non-compliance (20.3.1), the Entrant may, within 14 days of being notified of this non-compliance (20.3.5), submit the Entrant’s Sample for testing at the laboratory nominated by them (20.3.2) and at their expense (20.7.2). The Entrant must be given the opportunity to be present at this test and the test, including the breaking of the seal(s), must be witnessed by a representative of the MSA. 20.3.7. If the Entrant does not submit the Entrant’s Sample for testing within the said 14 days (20.3.6), or if the result of their test confirms non-compliance (20.3.1), the tyre(s) will be deemed ineligible and notification will be given under 20.6. 20.3.8. If the result of the Entrant’s test confirms compliance (20.3.1), then the MSA will arrange for the remaining third sample to be tested by a laboratory on the UKAS list not previously used in this particular testing process. The Entrant must be given the opportunity to be present at this test and the test, including the breaking of the seal(s), must be witnessed by a representative of the MSA. 20.3.9. Where testing takes place under 20.3.8, the MSA and the Entrant agree that the result of this third test will conclusively determine the compliance or noncompliance of the tyre(s) (20.3.1). Notification will be given under 20.6. 20.4. Comparison Testing
20.4.1. The results of all comparison testing will be compared for compliance with the results obtained from a sample taken from the same manufacturer and model of tyre, from the same controlled source, at the beginning of the Event. 20.4.2. Comparison testing will only be implemented where tyres for the Event are provided by the organisers for all competitors in the class(es) from a single controlled source.
20.3.1. The results of all analysis testing will be compared for compliance with the
20.4.3. One sample, selected at random, will be tested on-site by an MSA approved official and in accordance with MSA approved procedures, subject to Championship Regulations.
20.5.2. If there is any evidence that any seal and/or container has been tampered with, then that sample will be deemed to have failed the relevant test.
20.4.4. If the result of this test confirms compliance (20.4.1), no further action will be taken.
20.6. Notification of Results The result of either Analysis or Comparison tyre testing will be reported to the MSA or its authorised official and must be communicated to the Clerk of the Course, Technical Commissioner(s), Chief Scrutineer and Eligibility Scrutineer prior to publication (C3.1.1).
20.4.5. If the result of this test confirms non-compliance (20.4.1), the Entrant will be informed and will be given the opportunity to select one of the two remaining sealed samples for testing in their presence.
20.7. Cost of Testing
20.4.6. If the Entrant chooses not to have a sample tested, or if the result of this second confirms non-compliance (20.4.1), the tyres will be deemed ineligible and notification given under 20.6.
20.7.1. Unless tyre testing is specifically authorised by the MSA, the cost of testing shall be initially borne by the Club, organisation or individual requesting the test. However, whenever the conclusion of the testing procedure confirms non-compliance, then the Entrant shall be ultimately responsible for all costs and fees arising from the testing procedure.
20.4.7. If the result of this second test confirms compliance (20.4.1), the remaining third sample will be tested; the Entrant must be given the opportunity to be present at this test. 20.4.8. Where testing takes place under 20.4.7, the MSA and the Entrant agree that the result of this third test alone will conclusively determine the eligibility of the tyre(s) (20.4.1). Notification will be given under 20.6. 20.5. Storage of Samples
20.5.1. Samples retained by the MSA or its authorised Officials must be stored in a secure location.
20.7.2. Where the Entrant chooses to submit a selected sample for testing at a laboratory of their own choice (20.3.6), they will be responsible for all charges relating to that testing. Reason: No current regulations for tyre testing