the Issue 116 Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences Off The Beaten Path
In This Issue
The Best Time To Take A Hike
We Tell You Where To Go!
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
TAKE FLIGHT ON THE RIDGELINE CRAFT BEVERAGE TRAIL The Ridgeline Craft Beverage Trail features Gaston and Cleveland County’s breweries, distilleries and wineries. Altogether, these uniques venues create an amazing experience worthy of a weekend getaway.
Gaston County Travel and Tourism | 704-825-4044 | @GoGastonNC 704-706-2365
November 2020 Issue 116
e tell you where to go! Whether you are a long time resident or new to the area, you’ll find local & regional events, destinations and experiences in the Destination Magazine™ that will give you memories for a lifetime The Destination Magazine™ is about new destinations and experiences to discover on your own, or outings with friends and family. We hope you will find a new memorable experience every month in the Destination Magazine™ .
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Contents Relax, Recover, Recharge, On The Ridgeline Craft Beverage Trail
Fall Bridal Show Is One-Stop Shop For Blue Ridge Mountain Weddings 12 NC Wine Is The Subject Of Choice At The Wisdom Table In Elkin 14
We know we are on to something! Lisa & Andy Jay Publishers Published by: Magic Table Media Group LLC Business Development: Lisa Jay Creative: Andy Jay Contributing Writers: Lisa Jay, Craig Distl, Leah Hughes, Allison Andrews, Tory Mabe. Contributing Photographers: Andrew Zachary Digital Imagery, Paul Newton,, Lisa Jay, Ruby Peoples Photography Cover: South Mountain State Park, Burke County The list of events in this publication is compiled from various sources dates & times are tentative & subject to change. the Destination Magazine™ is published by Magic Table Media Group LLC 369 Dovefield Drive Summerfield, NC 27358 (704) 706-2365 ©2020 All rights reserved. Magic Table Media Group LLC, Agents & Advertisers do not necessarily condone any activities or advertisement listed in this magazine. The Publisher and its officers, employees, agents, volunteers, and sponsors are not responsible for any loss or damage which might be associated with patronage of any party named in this publication, and is not responsible for any Act of God such as inclement weather, fire, flood, natural or man-made disaster, etc., that are out of the control of the Publisher, which affect the publishing of this magazine.
Page 8
Winter Hikes And Excellent Views In Burke County
Take A Hike At Hanging Rock
Northstone Country Club Hosts Grin Kids Golf Tournament
Check Out Every Nook And Cranny
Ride Home A 1939 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead!
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
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The Cabin
RUSTIC - Craft Beer - Groups - Cigars
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Everyone is so caring, They care about me the same way they care about my mom. It’s like a family, my mom is happy, Elegant Casual Wine Roomand that makes a huge difference,
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Relax, Recover, Recharge, On The Ridgeline Craft Beverage Trail
hope you had a chance to read part one of our stor y on the Ridgeline Craft Beverage Trail. This is a two-day journey; and this month we highlight day two. If you missed day one, go to trailpost. to catch up. O n d ay t wo o f yo u r c r a f t b e ve r a g e j o u r n e y a l o n g t h e R idgeline Cr af t Bever a ge Tr ail, ple a s e ma ke a p oint to enjoy a g o o d he a r t y br e a k f a s t ! B y t he t ime you e at , pic k up t he c r e w, a n d l e av e t h e h o t e l , C avendi s h Br ew in g C omp a ny in G a s tonia should be opening for your ta sting plea sure. Located in an old car dealership, t he ta sting room ta ke s over t he e n t i r e s h ow r o o m f l o o r. T h e tap s and t he bar are tucked off to t he side, le av in g t he r e s t of t he s p ace a v a s t s o c ia l a r e a . C avendi s h Br ew in g C omp a ny i s a s o c ia l hub for G a s ton ia , a nd it’s v i sitor s . T he t apr o om encour a ge s s o cia li zin g. B oa rd game s card game s and the r o o m’s i n v i t i n g l a y o u t t o encour a ge p e ople to s t r ike up a conver sation with fellow craft bever a ge ent hu sia s t s .
The old ser vice facility from the dealership is now the main production facility for the Cavendish Brewing Company. The beers brewed at Cavendish are quite simply Old World beers. Brewing classic rare varieties of beers with modern technology. And apparently they are doing an out standing job of it. Each time we stop in, more metals are hanging on the wall above the taps. Awards from regional and national brewing competitions. Now old-world beer does not mean a bland beer. At the time of this writing, the hot new release is a Hot Chocolate Ra spberr y
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
Dragonbane Oatmeal Stout. Ok, so it’s not all old world beers. Cavendish is known for it s festivals and weekly events. and themed gatherings. I found that with Cavendish being so actively hosting events, the only way to keep up is to hit them up on their Facebook page. Now I know you just had breakfast, but you might want to consider checking out some of the delight s from the kitchen. From Gastonia, you’re going to take a little dr ive out in t he countr y, and you certainly don’t want to have any hunger pains or be “hangr y” when you arrive at your next stop.
The new spacious tasting room feature s live music and food trucks on the weekends and plenty of room indoors and out to spread out and just relax. Check on line or call ahead; regulations and r ule s for ta sting rooms ver y dynamic these days. Currently, The next section of trail sends Veronét Vineyards & Winer y are us to Kings Mountain, Nor th doing ta stings by re ser vation Carolina, to Veronét Vineyards only. & Winery. After a 20 minute drive, you will be surrounded by beautiful Next, you’re off to a family rolling hills with spectacular farm over 100 years old located views of Crowder’s Mountain. Six in Lawndale, NC. Nestled in the acres of these hills are dedicated foothills with spectacular views to growing the estate vines, in- all around, Baker Buffalo Creek cluding cabernet franc, viognier, Vineyard and Winer y is featured chambourcin, and traminette as the “Hillshire Farm” location varietals. in the commercials you see on Continued On Page 10
Through beer festivals, promotions and other events, we can make this happen. Visit our website to see a schedule of events. 704-706-2365
Ridgeline Continued From Page 9
T V. The only thing you’ll find more charming than the location of Baker Buffalo Creek Vineyards and winery will be the two owners Charles and Anne. The land has been in the family for over 100 ye a r s . It wa s a da ir y fa r m a nd now g r ow s s ome of t he f ine s t g r ap e s in Nor t h C a r olina. T he f ir s t v ine s wer e pla nte d bac k i n 2 0 0 3 . T he h a r ve s t w a s s o s ucce s s f u l s i n ce t h e n e i g h t different grape var ietals, including red muscadine, c h a r d o n n ay, s c u p p e r n o n g , c a b e r ne t s au v i g non, me r lo t , c ab er ne t f r a nc, r ie s l in g, a nd t r a minet te. have been pla nted. Charle s did not set out to ma ke a g r e at Nor t h C a r ol i na w i ne. He s et out to ma ke g re at w ine. I would s ay he wa s succe s sf ul ! T h e e v i d e n ce i s i n h i s b o l d red s, and hi s cr i sp, dr y white s. Charles even started a barrel-aging pr og r a m a few ye a r s a go, a nd t he re sult s have been fanta stic.
a n d t h e i r I PA s h a v e w o n several medals.
T he k itc hen fe at ur e s ma ny NC far m to fork item s. T he k itchen i s a l s o awa rd - w inning. You’ ll be a ma ze d at t he item s on t he menu i nc lud i n g lo c a l g r a s s - fe d b e e f, h o u s e m a d e pimento cheese, creamy cheeses f r om Guer n s ey Gir l Cr e a mer y, a nd Nor t h C a r olina s wordf i sh and local trout. From the mountains to t he coa st you can e a t s o m e o f t h e b e s t d i s he s N o r t h C a r o l i n a h a s to o f fe r, I ’m s u r e now a f te r s p e nd i n g r i g ht her e in Uptow n Shelby ! the af ter noon in the beautiful countr yside you are ready to Now you have f ina ll y com get back to t he cit y a nd do pleted t he Ridgeline craf t o n e l a s t t a s t i n g a n d e n j o y a bevera ge Trail. It took t wo days g r e at dinner. Newg r a s s Br ew in g but wa sn’t it wor t h it ? Now for C o m p a n y i n S h e l b y i s y o u r the final que stion, do you really f i n a l s t o p . N e w g r a s s i s i n t h e wa nt to go home ? h e a r t o f u p t o w n S h e l b y. T h e t a s t i n g r o o m a n d p r o d u c t i o n Gaston County offers visitors a f a c i l i t y w e r e i n i t i a l l y b u i l t variety of attractions to enhance i n 1 9 0 9 . T h e b u i l d i n g h a s your trip including museums, botanical gardens, extreme b e e n a d e p a r t m e n t s t o r e a n d sports, hiking, dining and a m i l l . N o w i t ’ s a b e a u t i f u l entertainment parks, art and t a s t i n g r o o m a n d r e s t a u r a n t . history and more. T he beer s are innovative and aw a r d - w i n n i n g . N e w g r a s s h a s a ver y hop for ward attitude
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
Ballantyne Rea Farms Mooresville Huntersville Uptown 704-706-2365
Ruby Peoples Photography
Fall Bridal Show Is One-Stop Shop For Blue Ridge Mountain Weddings
endersonv ille inv ite s brides-to-be to plan their Blue R idge Mounta in weddings at the Say I Do to Hendersonville Bridal Show on Saturday, Nov. 14. The show, which was rescheduled from t he spr i n g du e to COV I D restrictions, brings together wedding venues, vendors and planners at Blue Ridge Community College for a one-stop weddingplanning shop. “Hendersonville is becoming known as a really great wedding destination,” says Beth Carden, executive director of Henderson County Tourism, which is sponsoring the show. “We’ve seen an increase in people coming to our office for help with wedding planning,
so we want to highlight what we have in our county.” No matter what style of wedding a couple desires, Hendersonville can accommodate their preference. Venues var y from a large outdoor pavilion high atop a mountain to intimate bed-andbreakfast inns, elegant churches and rustic event barns. T he popula r it y of Hendersonville as a wedding destination me a n s t he a re a i s home to a variet y of vendor s including caterer s, photographer s, videog raphers, fashion retailers, florists, ba ker ie s, DJs, planner s, hairdre s s er s, ma keup a r t i s t s and more. Representatives from these busine s se s will be on hand at
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
the bridal show to present samples for couple s, a s well a s t heir of their work and answer questions. fr iends and family. “In Hender s onv ille, we of fer a v a r iet y of s er v ice s , s o br ide s can pick and choose from dif ferent pie ce s to put toget her their day,” Carden says. “Vendor s are listening to what br ide s a r e a s k i n g for a nd con ne c t i n g t h e d o t s .”
T h e S ay I D o t o H e n d e r s onv ille Br idal Show r un s f rom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Blue R id ge Communit y College’s conference hall. In keeping wit h social- dis tancing requirement s, attendee s must select an ent r y time when purcha sing ticket s. Attendance w i nd ow s a r e : 10 -11: 4 5 a .m . ; While being in Hendersonville 11: 45 a.m.-1 p.m. ; 1-2 : 45 p.m. ; feels like an escape, the mountain a nd 2 : 45 - 4 p.m. Ad m i s s ion i s town is one of the most accessible $ 5 p er p er s on. WNC destinations, located only For additional information two hours west of Charlotte and about the bridal show and within 20 minute s of A sheville destination weddings in Regiona l A ir p or t. T he a re a’s Hendersonville, call (800) 828-4244 or go to www. m a ny o utdo or ad ve nt u r e s , VisitHendersonvilleNC. charming Main Street and vibrant org/Weddings. ar t s scene make getting away for a wedding weekend appealing
Luxury & Performance at the Lake!
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220 W. Plaza Drive I-77, Exit 36, Hwy.150 Open 9 am - 8 pm Weekdays 9 am - 8 pm Saturday 704-706-2365
NC Wine Is The Subject Of Choice At The Wisdom Table In Elkin
or Jeremy and Krystle Stamps, The Wisdom Table is an education opportunity. Located on Main Street in downtown Elkin, the expansive bottle shop and bar serve as a classroom where North Carolina’s growing wine scene is the subject of choice. Opened in July 2020, The Wisdom Table came out of years of Yadkin Valley vacations. The Stamps are North Carolina natives who studied at UNC School of the Arts in Winston-Salem before taking jobs at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. In 2012, when searching for a wedding venue close to home, they discovered Elkin Creek Vineyard. After getting married, they would take 10-day trips from Florida to the Yadkin Valley and spend their vacations exploring different wineries. They saw a need for a place focused on NC wine where customers could come in
the evenings, after the winer y tasting rooms closed. In 2017, the couple purchased the 1937 Belk department store building at the corner of Main and Bridge streets. During an extensive renovation, they uncovered the original wood flooring, installed a custom bar that Jeremy built and selected Westinghouse lights, new fixtures reminiscent of styles from decades ago. Today customers choose from six different wine flights that change weekly. As a certified sommelier and cicerone, Jeremy enjoys introducing customers to unfamiliar styles or new vintages. “Wine knowledge is a bottomless pit,” he says. “What tastes right this year is going to taste different next year. It’s always fun and never ending.”
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
The Wisdom Table stocks more than 100 North Carolina wines, as well as West Coast and Old World bottles. Each week, the tasting menu includes at least one NC-only flight, while others might pair a North Carolina selection with wines of the same style from around the world. “What’s really fun with North Carolina’s wine scene is the constant “I enjoy changing people’s perexperimentation,” Jeremy says. ceptions and minds about wine,” Jeremy says. “I’ve had professional In addition to flights, wine is chefs come in and say, ‘I’ve never available by the glass and bottle. had an NC wine I really enjoyed.’ Craft beer is also available in cans By the time they leave, they buy and bottles. A small food menu five bottles. It’s great to see those includes cheese, charcuterie and epiphany moments and find the desserts. Future plans for The right wine for the right person.” Wisdom Table include multicourse wine dinners and in-depth tasting To learn more: or (336) 258-8077. classes.
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Winter Hikes And Excellent Views In Burke County
inter may be a great time to stay inside and cuddle under some blankets in the warmth, but what happens when that dreaded cabin fever starts to creep up on you? Hiking can be exactly what you need to get your blood pumping and your sense of adventure peaking. Come to Burke County, North Carolina, and experience hiking the way it should be. Less sweat, no bugs or snakes, and few leaves to get in the way of the amazing views. The crisp air and bright surroundings will be sure to wake you up from the haziness of the holidays. Fun awaits in nearby Morganton, where you can visit award-winning restaurants, breweries, and bottle shops while you relax after a day full of exploring our mountain winter wonderland. While
you are here, pick out a Christmas Tree up the mountain near Jonas Ridge and Pineola. BURKE’S SCENIC TRAILS INCLUDE: Fonta Flora State Trail near Lake James- This popular trail offers scenic vistas of Lake James and includes a covered bridge. Shortoff Mountain Trail/ Pisgah National Forest- A moderately rated trail that climbs up from WolfPit road to the summit of Shortoff Mountain. Spectacular views of the Linville Gorge and far
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
away peaks. The trail climbs 2,400 feet in 2.5 miles. H i g h S h o a l s Fa l l s Tr a i l / South Mountain State Park- This creekside trail has many wooden steps that cross the creek and ma ke s for some spectacula r long-exposure photography of the cascading water. 2 miles roundtrip. Moderate trail. The Burke County Tourism Development Authority is located in Morganton, North Carolina and serves the tourism interests of Burke County, NC. Morganton is hailed as, “The Trailhead of Western North Carolina”, centrally located in Burke County. Our Visitor’s Center is full of information about unique attractions and activities in the area. Stop by and visit us!or visit www.
The raffle takes place Saturday, Nov 14th, 2020 Purchase Your Tickets Online — you do not have to be present to win.
Wheels Through Time Museum
62 Vintage Lane, Maggie Valley North Carolina 28751 704-706-2365
Take A Hike At Hanging Rock
s we all know, at this time, getting outside is the number one thing to do! Personally, hiking is one of my favorites, so; I caught up with one of my girlfriends who was up for the challenge. Aly & I met up at Hanging Rock State Park by the lake. It’s so beautiful this time of year, with the leaves beginning to change from the lush greens to the vibrant golds, fiery reds, and blistering orange. We threw on our packs, grabbed our walking poles, and headed for Cooks Wall Trail. The brisk air is so refreshing. The acorns are like little fall bombs telling you the fall season is here, and the squirrels are out forging for the winter. Listening to the birds chirping away, makes for such a peaceful hike. As we made our way up by Wolf Rock, the views are just spectacular as we paused for a quick drink of water. We were passed by two other hikers who I must say had to be on a mission. Next was House Rock, where you
can go out onto the edge of the rocks and watch the birds sore. After a short break, we headed towards the top of Cook’s Wall. As you make your way up, there is this particular spot that looks like a meadow. It makes you want to go lie down in it but don’t be fooled. It’s ver y rocky. Once we made it to the top, enjoying the breathtaking view, we sat down to enjoy our snacks, water, and a little conversation on our hike up. Looking off in the distance, you can see Winston-Salem. After an enjoyable break, it was time to head back down. It seemed to go too fast, but it was only a little over five miles, and just beautiful. Once back to the cars, we had to stop off at The Arts Place of Stoke s in Histor ic Downtown Danbury for a little retail therapy. Also, you can’t forget to grab a latte or coffee at Rocky’s Coffee & Ice Cream.
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
As I’m here, I find out about an upcoming event, “Soup in A Bowl 2020” ! It helps to put food on the table for families in need this holiday season. This unique event sponsored by the Stokes County Arts Council takes place the Saturday before Thanksgiving and is the perfect way to warm up on a chilly fall day. The 2020 event will take place in Historic Downtown Danbur y at The Arts Place of Stokes. Sit out amongst the lingering fall colors in the back parking lot on a brisk Saturday sipping on tomato ba sil soup, Cousin Eddy’s Kickin’ Chilli, or banks in Stokes County. Find out Wild Bill’s Chicken Stew. Attendees more at select their locally handcrafted The perfect mountain getaway, potter y bowl of choice from a closer than you think. Experience wide selection crafted by local hiking trails, waterfalls, rock clay throwers. Proceeds from the climbing, mountain biking. event go to suppor t three food
18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Monday, November 16 | 11:00am Northstone Country Club, Huntersville For more info visit 704-706-2365
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Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
TOURISM – DESTINATION MARKETING If you were planning for a new website, now is the time to build it so it’s ready when travel returns. Stay active, but be mindful. Marketing is all about momentum, and you want to stay top of mind for when people are ready to get back out there.
Your Content Up in 30 Days.
Content Creation - Video - Photography
704 706 2365 704-706-2365
Countryside Cabins in Wine Country Explore a comprehensive listing of cabins & cottages at:
Request a Surry County Wine Trail guide 22
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
Northstone Country Club Hosts Grin Kids Golf Tournament
all weather is great for many things with the fresh, crisp air, a perfect time to grab your golf clubs and hit the green. Another great way to have fun and make a difference at the same time is to join in the fun for Ace & TJ’s Grin Kids 18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Monday, November 16th at 11 am at Northstone Country Club in Huntersville, NC. For the 18th consecutive year, Ace & TJ’s Gr in K ids will host t he annual Char it y Golf Tourna ment. T he tour na ment i s a yearly fundraiser cor ner stone where golfers, donors, sponsors, volunteer s, and the communit y come together to drive and putt their way towards making Willy, Emily, and hundred s of ot her children’s dreams come tr ue.
The Grin Kids charity was designed to enhance the lives of terminally ill and chronically disabled children between the ages of 5 through 12. Grin Kids is funded exclusively by Ace & TJ listener donations, fundraising events, and corporate donations. Every dollar helps make this magical vacation possible for children who have only dreamed of going to the Happiest Place On Earth!. For 2020, the tournament will also incorporate social distancing and safety measures, including masks, sanitization stations, virtual check-in, golf cart dividers, individually packaged food items, in addition to others.
Whether you’re a golf pro, enthusiastic amateur, or an organization wanting to join our fantastic The 18th Annual Charity Golf team of event sponsors, participate Tournament Presented by Pinnacle in the fun for a great cause! Financial Ser vices will feature food, hole -in- one challenge s, beer, cocktails, favorite activities For more information, please visit or email from year s pa st, and fun new tournament director Jason Sector ones. at 704-706-2365
The Cabin
RUSTIC - Craft Beer - Groups - Cigars
On The Rocks Waterfront Gift Shop Wine Room 200-A North Harbor Place Davidson, NC 28036 (next door to North Harbor Club Restaurant)
(704) 237-3629
The Barrel Elegant Casual Wine Room
On The Water 400-A North Harbor Place Davidson, NC 28036 (next door to the Lake Norman Cottage)
(704) 237-3629
1082 Brawley School Road Mooresville, NC 28117
(704) 663-0058
Historic Rural Hill 4431 Neck Rd, Huntersville, NC 28078 24
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
205 W. Plaza Dr. Mooresville NC 28117 • 704-235-6800 • M-F 8am-8pm Sat 8am-4pm RandyMarionRMX
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Check Out Every Nook And Cranny
here is something about a treehouse that brings out the child in everyone. Maybe it’s the sense of adventure it invokes. Maybe it’s the imperfect lines of the structure mixed with quirky wall hangings. Or maybe it’s the offer of a place to dream. Whatever the reason, the family treehouse at the Emberglow Outdoor Resort in Mill Spring, NC fills you with that childlike wonder. My 71 year old mom was just as excited to try out the deck to ground slide and the cargo net flooring in the sleeping loft as the kids were! A private fire pit and room for 9 makes it an ideal place for a large family or group. The campground also has vintage trailers, yurts, and glamping pods available for rent or you can bring your own camper. The campground is a short drive to Lake Lure and Chimney Rock. Lake Lure’s Flowering Bridge is a charming stop on the way to Chimney Rock. With an emphasis on native plants and local artwork, there is something cute to see in every nook and cranny.
Chimney Rock is operating on a limited capacity right now which might delay your entry but there are plenty of places to shop and eat while you wait. I recommend the patio at RiverWatch Waterfront Bar and Grill. For a more upscale experience, tr y the Burntshirt Winery. If you want a little more excitement… take a stroll along The Rocky Broad Riverwalk that parallels the idyllic main street. For more information: & You can see stories like this and follow all the adventures of Milemarker 50 on Instagram at @milemarker_50 - Allison Andrews
Local & Regional Destinations & Experiences
Historic Rural Hill 4431 Neck Rd, Huntersville, NC 28078 Visit Us At:
Andrew Zachary Digital Imagery
27 • (828) 433-6793 Visitor’s Center • 110 E. Meeting Street • Morganton, NC
Ride Home A 1939 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead!
ur 2020 Wheels Through Time Raffle Bike is this beautiful 1939 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead hand-built by the team in the Wheels Through Time restoration shop. This year’s masterpiece is powered by an all original 1939 61c.i. OHV Knucklehead engine mated to a genuine H-D 4-speed transmission, making it one of smoothest running motorcycles ever built by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Finished in classic black with ivory panels, the bike has been accurately restored to showroom condition and is ready for the road. Pre-war Harley-Davidsons are among the most desirable motorcycles in the world and have become nearly unobtainable in today’s collector market. Now is your
chance to take home an iconic piece of American motorcycle history! We collaborated with many of the industry’s top vendors and artists for the build of our 2020 raffle bike, and in November she’ll be given away to one lucky winner. The raffle takes place in front of a live audience on Saturday, Nov 14th, 2020 at the Wheels Through Time Museum in Maggie Valley, NC. Second prize is $10k, and 3rd prize is $5k — you do not have to be present to win. 62 Vintage Ln, Maggie Valley, NC 28751 The Museum That Runs! Wheels Through Time is a 501c3 Not-For-Profit institution
Historic Downtown Madison
Crafted Cocktails Wine By The Glass 3pm-7pm Wed. - Sat.
203 E Murphy St, Madison, NC 27025 704-706-2365
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