Five Focus Areas | Governance
Five Focus Areas: Governance
Support Strong National AMR Governance INTRODUCTION The Fleming Fund was founded to help tackle drug resistance to create a healthier world. By building partnerships with governments and equipping them to collect and use data, we encourage countries to use antibiotic drugs better and invest in appropriate strategies to tackle AMR. All programmes are developed in close alignment with countries’ own national priorities, strategies and plans. Our Approach The Fleming Fund aligns with global standards on developing surveillance systems and building AMR governance structures, such as those published by the World Health Organization’s Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS). The GLASS Manual for Early Implementation sets out a framework for establishing a National Coordinating Centre, national reference laboratories and surveillance sites. Through our grants we fund these surveillance systems and the necessary supporting governance architecture, ensuring that data collected throughout the laboratories is analysed and used by the national government. Because AMR is a One Health issue, meaning bacteria travel freely between humans, animals and the environment, the strategies we use to tackle AMR must incorporate multiple government ministries, not just national health ministries. As One Health is a core programme principle for the Fleming Fund, we attempt to bring together multiple sectors and government departments in all the work we do.
Uganda’s Director General of Health Services helps launch the Fleming Fund investment in Ugandan laboratories with Patrick Mubangizi, Regional Coordinator for East and Southern Africa. OUR ACTIVITIES National Action Plans National Action Plans provide a blueprint for national action to tackle AMR, yet some countries have not developed or formalised their plans and many existing plans are not yet fully costed. During the initial stages of the programme, the Fleming Fund has supported the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Organisation for Animal Health to help governments develop and start to implement AMR Action Plans. The objectives for Fleming Fund Country Grant have
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